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Hotspots for generalized recombination in the Escherichia coli chromosome.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A naturally occurring hotspot for Rec recombination of Escherichia coli was located in the biotin operon. The phenotypes of the bio hotspot as observed in λbio transducing phage were identical to those of Chi mutations in phage λ. In addition to recA+ function, the site-specific stimulation of recombination required recB+ function. The stimulation took place when the hotspot was present in only one parent of the cross and even when present opposite a region of heterology.The demonstration of a Chi element in E. coli provoked us to measure the density of Chi elements on the chromosome. E. coli DNA sampled in λ transducing phage (either obtained by induction of secondary site lysogens or made in vitro from EcoRI cleavage fragments) showed one hotspot per 5 to 15 × 103 bases. The high density and the fact that Chi stimulation of recombination can span the inter-Chi distance suggest that Chi might be important in Rec recombination in the absence of λ.  相似文献   

Herman, Robert K. (Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis.). Reciprocal recombination of chromosome and F-merogenote in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 90:1664-1668. 1965.-Mitotic recombination of an F-merogenote with the bacterial chromosome was observed under conditions where both recombinant episome and reciprocally recombinant chromosome, if formed and if passed on to the same progeny, could be detected. Recombinant strains selected on the basis of having a recombinant F-merogenote were found frequently to contain a recombinant chromosome of the reciprocal type.  相似文献   

The Cin recombinase is known to mediate DNA inversion between two wild-type cix sites flanking genetic determinants for the host range of bacteriophage P1. Cin can also act with low frequency at secondary (or quasi) sites (designated cixQ) that have lower homology to either wild-type site. An inversion tester sequence able to reveal novel operon fusions was integrated into the Escherichia coli chromosome, and the Cin recombinase was provided in trans. Among a total of 13 Cin-mediated inversions studied, three different cixQ sites had been used. In two rearranged chromosomes, the breakpoints of the inversions were mapped to cixQ sites in supB and ompA, representing inversions of 109 and 210 kb, respectively. In the third case, a 2.1-kb inversion was identified at a cixQ site within the integrated sequences. This derivative itself was a substrate for a second inversion of 1.5 kb between the remaining wild-type cix and still another cixQ site, thus resembling a reversion. In analogy to that which is known from DNA inversion on plasmids, homology of secondary cix sites to wild-type recombination sites is not a strict requirement for inversion to occur on the chromosome. The chromosomal rearrangements which resulted from these Cin-mediated inversions were quite stable and suffered no growth disadvantage compared with the noninverted parental strain. The mechanistic implications and evolutionary relevance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Incorporation patterns of donor DNA into recipient chromosomes following transduction or conjugation have been studied in the progeny of a variety of Escherichia coli crosses in which donor and recipient nucleotide sequences differ by 1-3%. Series of contiguous or variously spaced PCR fragments have been amplified from each recombinant chromosome and digested with a commercial restriction endonuclease previously shown to distinguish the respective parents in a given fragment. We conclude that entering donor DNA fragments are frequently abridged (cut and shortened) before incorporation, the cutting being due to restriction systems, and the shortening presumably due to exonuclease activity. Analysis of several backcrosses confirms, and extends to conjugation, the importance of restriction in E. coli recombination in nature. The transmission patterns in conjugation are similar to those of transduction, but (as expected) on a much larger scale. Asymmetric results of reciprocal crosses imply that mismatch frequency is not a major factor. Marked differences among the results of simple crosses according to parental strain combinations are consistent with observations that E. coli strains in nature vary dramatically in their restriction-modification systems.  相似文献   

Duplications of the Escherichia coli chromosomal region carrying the glyS and xylloci can be selected by deoxyadenosine treatment of trpA36 glySLglyTsuAGA or (glyUsuAGA) cultures. The deoxyadenosine lowers the suppression efficiency of these missense suppressors, and growth is severely limited by the resulting tryptophan starvation. Prolonged growth in the presence of 250 μg deoxyadenosine/ml leads to the accumulation of mutants with two (or more) copies of the allele for glycyl-transfer RNA synthetase, glySL. The same duplication is obtained each time the selective pressure is applied. This was shown by physically isolating the duplicated region in the form of circular DNA excised from the duplication by recombination. In repeated experiments, a circular species 140,000 base-pairs in size was isolated. These results are interpreted as showing that there are two loci, one on each side of the glyS locus, and spaced 140,000 base-pairs apart, which are prone to recombining with each other in a manner leading to a genetic duplication.  相似文献   

Evolutionary engineering typically involves asexual propagation of a strain to improve a desired phenotype. However, asexual populations suffer from extensive clonal interference, a phenomenon where distinct lineages of beneficial clones compete and are often lost from the population given sufficient time. Improved adaptive mutants can likely be generated by genetic exchange between lineages, thereby reducing clonal interference. We present a system that allows continuous in situ recombination by using an Esherichia coli F-based conjugation system lacking surface exclusion. Evolution experiments revealed that Hfr-mediated recombination significantly speeds adaptation in certain circumstances. These results show that our system is stable, effective, and suitable for use in evolutionary engineering applications.  相似文献   

dif (deletion induced filamentation) is a newly identified locus that lies within the terminus region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The Dif phenotype was characterized by a subpopulation of filamentous cells with abnormal nucleoids and induction of the SOS repair system. Interactions between dif-carrying plasmids as well as between such plasmids and the bacterial chromosome demonstrated that dif is a cis-acting, recA-independent recombination site. Filamentation continued in dif mutants in which SOS-associated division inhibitors were inoperative, which showed that induction of these inhibitors was not the primary cause of filamentation. Filamentation was not observed in dif recA or dif recBC mutants, which were unable to carry out homologous recombination. The dif site shows homology with the cer site of plasmid ColE1, which resolves plasmid multimers to monomers. It is proposed that dif functions to resolve dimeric chromosomes produced by sister chromatid exchange, and that the Dif phenotype is due to the inability of these mutants to resolve multimers prior to cell division.  相似文献   

It was found that DNA associated with the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K-12 is enriched for two different regions of the chromosome, which are both on the 5.9-megadalton EcoRI fragment containing the replication origin, oriC. One region overlaps oriC, whereas the other region was found to be associated with a 1-megadalton EcoRI-BamHI fragment located within the atp operon.  相似文献   

Adaptive (or stationary-phase) mutation is a group of phenomena in which mutations appear to occur more often when selected than when not. They may represent cellular responses to the environment in which the genome is altered to allow survival. The best-characterized assay system and mechanism is reversion of a lac allele on an F' sex plasmid in Escherichia coli, in which the stationary-phase mutability requires homologous recombination functions. A key issue has concerned whether the recombination-dependent mutation mechanism is F' specific or is general. Hypermutation of chromosomal genes occurs in association with adaptive Lac(+) mutation. Here we present evidence that the chromosomal hypermutation is promoted by recombination. Hyperrecombinagenic recD cells show elevated chromosomal hypermutation. Further, recG mutation, which promotes accumulation of recombination intermediates proposed to prime replication and mutation, also stimulates chromosomal hypermutation. The coincident mutations at lac (on the F') and chromosomal genes behave as independent events, whereas coincident mutations at lac and other F-linked sites do not. This implies that transient covalent linkage of F' and chromosomal DNA (Hfr formation) does not underlie chromosomal mutation. The data suggest that recombinational stationary-phase mutation occurs in the bacterial chromosome and thus can be a general strategy for programmed genetic change.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in Escherichia coli is enhanced by a cis-acting octamer sequence named Chi (5''-GCTGGTGG-3'') that interacts with RecBCD. To gain insight into the mechanism of Chi-enhanced recombination, we recruited an experimental system that permits physical monitoring of intramolecular recombination by linear substrates released by in vivo restriction from infecting chimera phage. Recombination of the released substrates depended on recA, recBCD and cis-acting Chi octamers. Recombination proficiency was lowered by a xonA mutation and by mutations that inactivated the RuvABC and RecG resolution enzymes. Activity of Chi sites was influenced by their locations and by the number of Chi octamers at each site. A single Chi site stimulated recombination, but a combination of Chi sites on the two homologs was synergistic. These data suggest a role for Chi at both ends of the linear substrate. Chi was lost in all recombinational exchanges stimulated by a single Chi site. Exchanges in substrates with Chi sites on both homologs occurred in the interval between the sites as well as in the flanking interval. These observations suggest that the generation of circular products by intramolecular recombination involves Chi-dependent processing of one end by RecBCD and pairing of the processed end with its duplex homolog.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli is an important species of bacteria that can live as a harmless inhabitantof the guts of many animals, as a pathogen causing life-threatening conditions or freely inthe non-host environment. This diversity of lifestyles has made it a particular focus ofinterest for studies of genetic variation, mainly with the aim to understand how acommensal can become a deadly pathogen. Many whole genomes of E. coli have beenfully sequenced in the past few years, which offer helpful data to help understand how thisimportant species evolved. RESULTS: We compared 27 whole genomes encompassing four phylogroups of Escherichia coli (A,B1, B2 and E). From the core-genome we established the clonal relationships between theisolates as well as the role played by homologous recombination during their evolutionfrom a common ancestor. We found strong evidence for sexual isolation between three lineages (A+B1, B2, E), which could be explained by the ecological structuring of E. coliand may represent on-going speciation. We identified three hotspots of homologousrecombination, one of which had not been previously described and contains the aroCgene, involved in the essential shikimate metabolic pathway. We also described the roleplayed by non-homologous recombination in the pan-genome, and showed that thisprocess was highly heterogeneous. Our analyses revealed in particular that the genomes ofthree enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) strains within phylogroup B1 have converged fromoriginally separate backgrounds as a result of both homologous and non-homologousrecombination. CONCLUSIONS: Recombination is an important force shaping the genomic evolution and diversification ofE. coli, both by replacing fragments of genes with an homologous sequence and also byintroducing new genes. In this study, several non-random patterns of these events wereidentified which correlated with important changes in the lifestyle of the bacteria, andtherefore provide additional evidence to explain the relationship between genomicvariation and ecological adaptation.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of recombination on the molecular evolution of noncoding regions in pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) and recombination hotspots in hominoids. The PAR-linked regions analyzed had on average longer branch lengths than those of the recombination hotspots. Moreover, contrary to previous observations, we found no correlation between recombination rate and silent site divergence in our data set and little change in the GC content during recent hominoid evolution. This suggests that the current rate of recombination is not a good indicator of the past rates of recombination for these highly recombining regions. Furthermore, human recombination hotspots show increased AT to GC substitutions in the human lineage, while no such pattern is detected for PAR-linked regions. Together, these observations suggest that recombination hotspots in hominoids are transient in the evolutionary time-scale. Interestingly, the 16p13.3 recombination hotspot locus violates a local molecular clock, though the locus appears to be noncoding and should evolve neutrally. We hypothesize that sudden changes in recombination rate have caused the changes in substitution rate at this locus.  相似文献   

This study builds upon an earlier experiment that examined the dynamics of mean fitness in evolving populations of Escherichia coli in which mutations were the sole source of genetic variation. During thousands of generations in a constant environment, the rate of improvement in mean fitness of these asexual populations slowed considerably from an initially rapid pace. In this study, we sought to determine whether sexual recombination with novel genotypes would reaccelerate the rate of adaption in these populations. To that end, treatment populations were propagated for an additional 1000 generations in the same environment as their ancestors, but they were periodically allowed to mate with an immigrant pool of genetically distinct Hfr (high frequency recombination) donors. These donors could transfer genes to the resident populations by conjugation, but the donors themselves could not grow in the experimental environment. Control populations were propagated under identical conditions, but in the absence of sexual recombination with the donors. All twelve control populations retained the ancestral alleles at every locus that was scored. In contrast, the sexual recombination treatment yielded dramatic increases in genetic variation. Thus, there was a profound effect of recombination on the rate of genetic change. However, the increased genetic variation in the treatment populations had no significant effect on the rate of adaptive evolution, as measured by changes in mean fitness relative to a common competitor. We then considered three hypotheses that might reconcile these two outcomes: recombination pressure, hitchhiking of recombinant genotypes in association with beneficial mutations, and complex selection dynamics whereby certain genotypes may have a selective advantage only within a particular milieu of competitors. The estimated recombination rate was too low to explain the observed rate of genetic change, either alone or in combination with hitchhiking effects. However, we documented comple x ecological interactions among some recombinant genotypes, suggesting that our method for estimating fitness relative to a common competitor might have underestimated the rate of adaptive evolution in the treatment populations.  相似文献   

Biochemistry of homologous recombination in Escherichia coli.   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51       下载免费PDF全文
Homologous recombination is a fundamental biological process. Biochemical understanding of this process is most advanced for Escherichia coli. At least 25 gene products are involved in promoting genetic exchange. At present, this includes the RecA, RecBCD (exonuclease V), RecE (exonuclease VIII), RecF, RecG, RecJ, RecN, RecOR, RecQ, RecT, RuvAB, RuvC, SbcCD, and SSB proteins, as well as DNA polymerase I, DNA gyrase, DNA topoisomerase I, DNA ligase, and DNA helicases. The activities displayed by these enzymes include homologous DNA pairing and strand exchange, helicase, branch migration, Holliday junction binding and cleavage, nuclease, ATPase, topoisomerase, DNA binding, ATP binding, polymerase, and ligase, and, collectively, they define biochemical events that are essential for efficient recombination. In addition to these needed proteins, a cis-acting recombination hot spot known as Chi (chi: 5'-GCTGGTGG-3') plays a crucial regulatory function. The biochemical steps that comprise homologous recombination can be formally divided into four parts: (i) processing of DNA molecules into suitable recombination substrates, (ii) homologous pairing of the DNA partners and the exchange of DNA strands, (iii) extension of the nascent DNA heteroduplex; and (iv) resolution of the resulting crossover structure. This review focuses on the biochemical mechanisms underlying these steps, with particular emphases on the activities of the proteins involved and on the integration of these activities into likely biochemical pathways for recombination.  相似文献   

Chromosome dimers form in bacteria by recombination between circular chromosomes. Resolution of dimers is a highly integrated process involving recombination between dif sites catalysed by the XerCD recombinase, cell division and the integrity of the division septum-associated FtsK protein and the presence of dif inside a restricted region of the chromosome terminus, the dif activity zone (DAZ). We analyse here how these phenomena collaborate. We show that (i) both inter- and intrachromosomal recombination between dif sites are activated by their presence inside the DAZ; (ii) the DAZ-specific activation only occurs in conditions supporting the formation of chromosome dimers; (iii) overexpression of FtsK leads to a general increase in dif recombination irrespective of dif location; (iv) overexpression of FtsK does not improve the ability of dif sites inserted outside the DAZ to resolve chromosome dimers. Our results suggest that the formation of an active XerCD-FtsK-dif complex is restricted to when a dimer is present, the features of chromosome organization that determine the DAZ playing a central role in this control.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated that exonuclease I-deficient strains of Escherichia coli accumulate high-molecular-weight linear plasmid concatemers when transformed with plasmids carrying the chi sequence (5'- GCTGGTGG-3') (M. M. Zaman and T. C. Boles, J. Bacteriol. 176:5093-5100, 1994). Since high-molecular weight linear DNA is believed to be the natural substrate for RecBCD-mediated recombination during conjugation (A. J. Clark and K. B. Low, p. 155-215, in K. B. Low, ed., The Recombination of Genetic Material, 1988), we analyzed the recombination frequencies of chi+ and chi0 plasmids in sbcB strains. Here, we report that chi sites stimulate plasmid recombination frequency by 16-fold in sbcB strains. Chi-stimulated plasmid recombination is dependent on RecBCD but is independent of RecF pathway genes. The distribution of recombination products suggests that high-molecular-weight linear plasmid DNA is a substrate for RecBCD-mediated recombination. Surprisingly, our data also suggest that chi+ plasmids also recombine by the RecBCD pathway in rec+ sbcB+ cells.  相似文献   

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