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为了解氮浓度对生物操纵和草-藻竞争的影响, 选取铜绿微囊藻、大型溞和金鱼藻分别作为浮游植物、浮游动物和沉水植物的代表, 在温度25℃, 光强2600 lx, 光暗比14h﹕10h, 磷浓度1.5 mg/L时, 研究5种氮浓度(0.5、2、4、8和16 mg/L, 用KNO3溶液配制)下, 溞-藻, 草-藻和溞-草-藻共培养时各自的增长率和培养液中氮磷削减率的变化。结果表明: 在单独培养铜绿微囊藻时, 氮浓度控制在1.97 mg/L以下, 可有效降低培养液中藻的增长率。在溞-藻共培养时, 大型溞有效控藻的氮浓度范围为0.5—4 mg/L; 在草-藻共培养时, 有效控藻的氮浓度范围为0.5—2 mg/L, 对应氮浓度下(0.5和2 mg/L), 实验末期铜绿微囊藻细胞密度分别是溞-藻共培养的23.89%和21.51%, 控藻效果更好; 在溞-草-藻三者共培养时, 有效控藻的氮浓度范围为0.5—16 mg/L, 且氮浓度为0.5—4 mg/L时, 大型溞和金鱼藻的增长率均显著大于铜绿微囊藻, 铜绿微囊藻的增长率均为负值, 控藻效果最好。大型沉水植物的加入, 可以有效提高生物操纵的控藻效果, 减少水中氮磷含量, 长期有效地改善水质。 相似文献
为了解磷浓度对水生植被恢复和生物操纵效果的影响, 分别用小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)、大型溞(Daphnia magna)和金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)代表浮游植物、浮游动物和大型沉水植物建立水生微宇宙模型, 在25℃、2600 lx光强和11 mg/L氮浓度条件下, 分别研究小环藻与大型溞、小环藻与金鱼藻、小环藻-大型溞-金鱼藻共培养时4种磷浓度(0.05、0.1、0.5和2 mg/L)下小环藻、大型溞、金鱼藻的增长率以及培养液中氮磷去除率的变化。结果表明: 小环藻与大型溞、小环藻与金鱼藻两两共培养时, 磷浓度为0.05-2 mg/L时, 金鱼藻和大型溞均生长良好, 小环藻受到明显抑制, 其密度保持较小幅度的正增长。在小环藻-大型溞-金鱼藻三者共培养时, 在0.05-2 mg/L的磷浓度范围内大型溞和金鱼藻生长良好, 与两两共培养相比, 小环藻则受到了更大程度的抑制, 在磷浓度为0.05-0.1 mg/L时藻密度呈现负增长. 这说明在水生态系统中, 大型浮游动物和沉水植物对浮游藻类的联合控制效果远好于各自单独的控制效果, 该控制效果随磷浓度的提高而减弱, 以0.1 mg/L的磷浓度为最佳。在实验结束后测定氮磷去除率发现, 在最低磷浓度(0.05 mg/L),即磷限制时, 水中磷去除率最高, 在最高磷浓度(2 mg/L), 即氮限制时, 水中氮去除率最高。 相似文献
氮磷浓度对藻-溞-草间相互作用的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了解氮磷浓度对生物操纵效果的影响, 以小球藻、大型溞和金鱼藻分别作为浮游植物、浮游动物和大型沉水植物的代表, 建立了它们之间相互作用的水生微宇宙模型。研究了在25℃、2000—3000 lx 的温度和光照下, 不同氮磷浓度对三者生长的影响。结果表明: 两者共培养时, 在高氮(10.5 mg/L)条件下, 磷浓度小于0.1 mg/L 对大型溞繁殖和金鱼藻的生长有利; 磷浓度介于0.1—2 mg/L 时小球藻呈大暴发趋势, 而金鱼藻的生长则明显受抑制。在低氮(0.5 mg/L)条件下, 磷浓度不大于0.5 mg/L, 大型溞对小球藻有较好的抑制作用, 金鱼藻与小球藻无显著互抑现象; 磷浓度增大为2 mg/L 时, 小球藻对金鱼藻生长产生明显抑制。在0.05—2 mg/L 的磷浓度范围及高氮和低氮条件下三者共培养时, 大型溞数量及金鱼藻生物量均不同程度的升高,且小球藻数量得到了有效抑制, 以磷浓度为0.1—0.5 mg/L 时效果最佳; N/P 比值对藻、溞、草间的相互作用有重要影响, 在藻-溞系统中, 大型沉水植物的加入可以大大提高控藻效果, 减小N/P 比值波动带来的不利影响。与低氮情况相比, 高氮条件对金鱼藻、大型溞及小球藻的增长均存在一定抑制作用。磷浓度为0.5 mg/L时的水体氮磷去除效果好于其他磷浓度梯度。
金鱼藻对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
研究了金鱼藻对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制效应。结果表明:高浓度的金鱼藻种植水抽滤液和植株研磨水提液对铜绿微囊藻的生长有极明显的抑制作用;低浓度则几乎没有抑制作用。同一浓度下,金鱼藻植株研磨液的抑制效应比种植水更为明显,抑制效应持续时间也更长。20℃培养下的金鱼藻,其植株研磨液的抑制效应最明显。高浓度的嫩枝嫩叶部位的金鱼藻植株研磨液对铜绿微囊藻的生长有更明显的抑制作用,低浓度的老茎老叶部位的金鱼藻植株研磨液对其生长则表现出一定的促进作用。 相似文献
为探究铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)浓度变化对浮游动物竞争关系的影响,通过控制实验法,评估了在3个铜绿微囊藻浓度梯度下,萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)和大型溞(Daphnia magna)之间的种间竞争关系。结果表明不同浓度铜绿微囊藻对萼花臂尾轮虫、大型溞的增长及二者种间竞争影响具有差异,并且在3种铜绿微囊藻浓度下均以大型溞为主要优势类群。低浓度(5×104 cells/m L)铜绿微囊藻仅促进大型溞种群增长(P<0.01),大型溞占据主要优势地位;中浓度(1×105 cells/m L)铜绿微囊藻对萼花臂尾轮虫和大型溞增长均有显著影响(P<0.01),在此浓度下大型溞在种群竞争中依旧占优势地位,使得萼花臂尾轮虫种群衰亡;在高浓度铜绿微囊藻(5×105 cells/m L)环境中种群生长均受到抑制(P<0.01),在共培养体系中仅大型溞种群存活。在无其他外在影响因素存在时,实验结果显示在不同浓度的铜绿微囊藻下,大型溞均占优势,说明铜绿微囊藻的浓... 相似文献
为了探讨铜绿微囊藻对浮游甲壳动物溞类的毒害效应,试验选取了两种不同株系(产毒和非产毒)的藻种,采取利用其培养液的方法,以研究铜绿微囊藻在生长过程中向水体中释放的毒素或类毒素物质对溞类的效应以及比较不同株系间效应的差异性。研究结果表明:(1)试验所选铜绿微囊藻产毒和非产毒株系的培养液均能对大型溞(Daphnia magna)的生长繁殖构成影响,表现为低剂量起促进效应,高剂量起抑制效应;(2)铜绿微囊藻产毒株较非产毒株更能影响大型溞的存活;(3)铜绿微囊藻产毒和非产毒株对大型溞的生长影响差异不大,但对其繁殖却存在明显不同,表现为株系942的抑制效应更强。可以初步推断,在以产毒株铜绿微囊藻为优势种形成“水华”的环境下,大型浮游甲壳动物溞类数量和生物量减少的主要原因可能是由于毒素对溞类较高的致死效应;而以非产毒株形成优势群体的水体里,其主要原因可能并非毒素的效应,而是由于其他原因,如藻类群体的形成阻碍摄食,缺乏必需脂肪酸等。 相似文献
不同藻类对大型溞存活和生殖的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过生命表技术观察了大型溞(Daphnia magna)在实验室恒定温度(25 ℃)下分别以梅尼小环藻、铜绿微囊藻905、铜绿微囊藻469和斜生栅藻为饵料时的存活率和生殖量变化,并据此探讨了不同藻类对大型溞生活史特征的影响。结果表明:大型溞食用梅尼小环藻和铜绿微囊藻469后生长良好,大型溞在斜生栅藻中也能较好生长,而铜绿微囊藻905对大型溞的生长和繁殖均有不良影响;大型溞对不同藻类的净生殖率(R0)、世代历期(T)和内禀增长率(rm)及存活率有不同的影响,梅尼小环藻分别为44.35、11.86、0.32、5%;铜绿微囊藻469分别为48.20、14.25、0.27、30%;斜生栅藻分别为8.10、12.47、0.17、15%;铜绿微囊藻905分别为0、0、0、0。 相似文献
不同氮、磷浓度对铜绿微囊藻生长、光合及产毒的影响 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
通过混合培养和添加过滤液两种方式观察铜绿微囊藻和惠氏微囊藻的生长曲线,探讨两种微囊藻之间的化感作用。结果表明:在混合培养条件下,两者能够形成相互抑制作用;当两者起始藻密度高于0.5×106cells.mL-1、混合比为1:1时,惠氏微囊藻的生长因化感作用而受到显著抑制(P<0.05),同时惠氏微囊藻也会对铜绿微囊藻产生一定的胁迫作用;处于对数生长期的铜绿微囊藻过滤液能抑制惠氏微囊藻的生长,且惠氏微囊藻起始藻密度低于0.5×106cells.mL-1,连续滴加该过滤液后,其生长受到极显著抑制(P<0.01)。 相似文献
Allelopathic inhibitory effect of Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc. on Microcystis aeruginosa and its physiological mechanism 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5 下载免费PDF全文
Eutrophication and algal blooms are the most serious environmental problems in the world, and biological tools, especially the allelopathic inhibitory effects of aquatic macrophytes on phytoplankton growth have been receiving world-wide attention. In our experiments, the allelopathic inhibitory effect of Myriophyllum aquaticum culture water on Microcystis aeruginosa and its eco-physiological mechanism were investigated by initial addition assays and continuous addition assays. The results showed that the growth of M. aeruginosa was markedly inhibited by M. aquaticum culture water. Compared with initial addition assays, M. aquaticum exhibited stronger inhibitory potential on M. aeruginosa by continuous addition assays, indicating that allelopathic compounds might be excreted continuously by M. aquaticum, and the inhibitory effects would be cumulative. We also found that the relative content of chlorophyll a (Chl a), phycocyanin (PC) and allophycocyanin (APC) of M. aeruginosa decreased to 52.7%, 15.3% and 7.6% respectively after being treated by M. aquaticum culture water for 5 days, and phycobiliprotein (especially APC) decreased more than Chl a. These results suggest that the phycobiliprotein would be the target of allelopathic inhibition of M. aquaticum on M. aeruginosa, and a new macrophyte to control cyanobacterial blooms would be found. 相似文献
采用“脉冲”添加方法进行了非稳态条件下铜绿微囊藻(M.)和斜生栅藻(S.)分别在氮磷单营养盐和双营养盐限制时的共培养试验。试验结果显示:当添加频率为1d时,无论何种营养盐限制,M.均成为优势藻种。氮限制条件下,氮时均浓度范围在0.3—2.4 mg/L时,M.始终具有竞争优势。磷限制条件下,磷浓度范围在0.018—0.035 mg/L时,S.只在生长初期阶段占优。氮磷双营养盐限制条件下,添加液的氮磷质量比为35:1(设定为最优比),添加频率为8 d时,两种藻表现出共生特征;而偏离最优比时(N:P=70:1,17:1),在不同的添加频率下均未出现共生现象,且氮的时均浓度为0.6—4.8 mg/L时(70:1),M.具有竞争优势,而降低为0.15—0.3 mg/L时(17:1),S.占优。随着添加频率的变化,两种藻的细胞大小也会随之改变,S.随着营养盐浓度的降低而增大,且在双营养盐限制条件下变化更显著。上述试验结果分析表明:两种藻竞争能力与添加频率相关,在藻种浓度的变化上,按照‘拾遗-机会’交替竞争理论,M.表现出机会主义者特征,而S.则表现出拾遗者的特征,两者的共生特征也符合‘中度干扰’假说。藻细胞大小变化表明,两种藻均可以改变大小实现最大限度争夺受限营养盐。在低浓度时,S.细胞大小的变化同样也变现出了“拾遗者”的特征。 相似文献
光、温限制后铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻的超补偿生长与竞争效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)低温和低光照限制后的超补偿效应,以及共培养条件下的竞争效应。结果表明,低温和低光照均显著抑制微藻的生长发育,但低温对铜绿微囊藻的抑制效应更强,而斜生栅藻则对低光胁迫更敏感。经过低光和低温培养后,铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻在恢复正常培养时藻细胞密度短期内都表现出超补偿增长效应,但不同藻类超补偿模式不同,斜生栅藻补偿生长时间不超过1周,而铜绿微囊藻的补偿效应可以持续10天;此外,统计结果表明铜绿微囊藻细胞密度对低温限制解除表现出更显著的补偿生长,斜生栅藻则在低光解除后表现出更强的超补偿效应。微藻叶绿素a指标在光恢复条件下都表现出显著的补偿效应,但温度恢复过程中叶绿素a含量与藻密度增长不同步,低温胁迫对恢复正常培养后微藻叶绿素a的形成产生了一定的负效应;铜绿微囊藻产毒株(912)在两种恢复模式下脱氢酶活性显著高于对照,产毒株(912)脱氢酶活性的补偿响应明显高于其它两种材料。共培养实验结果表明斜生栅藻同铜绿微囊藻产毒株(912)相比处于竞争劣势,而在同无毒株(469)的共培实验中,尽管连续正常培养情况下两者竞争能力差异不显著,但在恢复培养条件下斜生栅藻竞争能力显著高于后者。因此产毒型铜绿微囊藻低温和低光后的补偿生长效应以及对斜生栅藻的竞争优势可能是蓝藻爆发的内源性机制之一。 相似文献
1. The influences of dietary phosphorus (P) and food concentration on the calcium (Ca) balance in Daphnia magna were examined in this study at two different ambient Ca concentrations (0.5 and 10 mg Ca L?1). Daphnia were grown by feeding the young adults differentially under contrasting dietary P conditions [molar C : P ratio = c. 900 and c. 90 as low P (LP) and high P (HP), respectively], ambient Ca concentrations [0.5 mg and 10 mg Ca L?1 as low Ca (LCa) or high Ca (HCa), respectively] and food levels [0.15 or 1.5 mg C L?1 as low food (LF) or high food (HF), respectively] for 5 days. 2. The specific Ca contents of daphniids (1.9–6.5% of dry weight?1) increased with increasing Ca concentration, food level and dietary P content, although the food level did not affect the Ca content in the HPHCa treatment. A radioactive tracer method showed that the food level did not affect the influx of Ca from the water under LP conditions, but the Ca influx under HP conditions doubled with a HF level. A LP condition also led to a decrease in Ca influx with a HF level. 3. During the 3 days of efflux, generally only a small proportion of Ca (2.6–3.3%) was retained by the daphniids, but this retention increased (14–23%) under low ambient Ca concentrations and under P‐limitation. Excretion was the most important pathway for Ca loss (accounting for 50–60% of body Ca), followed by moulting (20–47%), but the relative contribution of these two pathways (excretion and moulting) did not vary among all the different treatments. The absolute loss of Ca through excretion and moulting, on the contrary, differed with different ambient Ca concentrations and dietary P conditions. A HF level led to an increase in the loss rates in most cases. 4. Our study strongly suggested that there is an interaction between an essential metal (Ca) and macronutrients (C and P) in freshwater crustaceans with HCa and P contents. The results imply that variation in environmental nutrient conditions may change the Ca budget in crustaceans and may affect the dynamics of Ca in the epilimnion of freshwaters. 相似文献
Jian-Zhong Chen Xian-Cong Tao Jun Xu Tao Zhang Zhi-Li Liu 《Process Biochemistry》2005,40(12):3675-3679
Immobilized Microcystis aeruginosa in a flow-through sorption column was evaluated for the potential to remove Pb2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ from aqueous solutions. M. aeruginosa showed high affinity for the three heavy metals with removal efficiency of 90% for Cd2+ and Hg2+, and 80% for Pb2+ at saturation conditions. Competitive sorption experiments conducted in paired and ternary systems indicated that Pb2+ was sequestered preferentially over Cd2+ and Hg2+. The presence of Cd2+ interfered only slightly with the uptake of Hg2+, as Pb2+ and Hg2+ did with Cd2+. In contrast, Hg2+ sorption was affected by Pb2+ to a great extent. Desorption with 1 M HCl was completed within 25 min with high efficiency and effectiveness for the three metals. The results of this study indicate that M. aeruginosa is to be a potential biosorbent material except when Hg2+ and Pb2+ are in the same contaminated solution. 相似文献
Elena Bañares-España Victoria López-Rodas Concepción Salgado Eduardo Costas Antonio Flores-Moya 《Aquatic Botany》2006
Inter-strain variability in pH compensation point (pHc) in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa has been investigated. The pHc allows one to discriminate whether the organism is able to take up HCO3− as inorganic carbon (Ci) source in photosynthesis. Eight subgroups were found according to the pHc value, ranging from 10.44 ± 0.22 to 11.67 ± 0.05. The high variability in pHc (and consequently, in the capacity to use HCO3− as Ci source) suggested that different HCO3− use mechanisms could occur in M. aeruginosa and, from an evolutionary point of view, this trait is not under high natural selective pressure. 相似文献
Michiel B. Vandegehuchte Filip Lemière Lynn Vanhaecke Wim Vanden Berghe Colin R. Janssen 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP》2010,151(3):278-285
The purpose of this study is to investigate (1) the induction of epigenetic effects in the crustacean Daphnia magna using DNA methylation as an epigenetic mark and (2) the potential stable transfer of such an epigenetic effect to non-exposed subsequent generations. Daphnids were exposed to chemical substances known to affect DNA methylation in mammals: vinclozolin, 5-azacytidine, 2′-deoxy-5-azacytidine, genistein and biochanin A. Effects on overall DNA cytosine methylation, body length and reproduction were evaluated in 21 day experiments. Using a multi-generational experimental design these endpoints were also evaluated in the F1 and F2 generation of both exposed and non-exposed offspring from F0 daphnids exposed to 5-azacytidine, genistein or vinclozolin. A reduction in DNA methylation was consistently observed in daphnids exposed to vinclozolin and 5-azacytidine. Only in organisms exposed to 5-azacytidine was this effect transferred to the two subsequent non-exposed generations. A concurrent reduction in body length at day 7 was observed in these treatments. For the first time, exposure to environmental chemicals was shown to affect DNA methylation in the parental generation of D. magna. We also demonstrated a transgenerational alteration in an epigenetic system in D. magna, which indicates the possibility of transgenerational inheritance of environment-induced epigenetic changes in non-exposed subsequent generations. 相似文献
Effects of food quality and starvation on the optimal foraging behavior of Daphnia magna (Cladocera) 下载免费PDF全文
In the present work, we evaluated the feeding selectivity of starved Daphnia magna on two freshwater green algae Chlamydomonas sajao and Chlorellapyrenoidosa. Compared to C. pyrenoidosa, food quality of C. sajao are better in food palatability (cell size and digestibility), but poor in nutritional content (total carbon content). D. magna was starved for 0 and 8 d, and then was allowed to graze on a mixture of C. sajao and C. pyrenoidosa with following proportion: 5 × 104: 35 × 104 cells ml?1, 20 × 104: 20 × 104 cells ml?1 and 35 × 104: 5 × 104 cells ml?1. The results indicated that the ingestion rate and filtration rate of starved D. magna, comparing with satiated groups, on C. pyrenoidosa increased significantly, while, inverse trends was observed in C. sajao. Base on selectivity coefficient of D. magna, we observed that when D. magna was in satiation C. sajao will be preferred, while, C. pyrenoidosa will be selected when D. magna was in starvation, and moreover, these foraging behaviors were not influenced by the relative food abundance of each green alga. Therefore, a tradeoff between food palatability (physical makeup) and food nutritional content (chemical composition) can be hypothesized in the foraging behavior of D. magna, which is modified by the starvation of feeder. High valuable food is always selected by D. magna as predicted by optimal foraging theory. However, when D. magna is in satiation food diets with adequate size and easy digestibility will be preferred, while, those foods with relatively higher lipid or total carbon content will be selected when D. magna is in starvation. 相似文献
Dick B. Janssen Chris van der Drift 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects》1982,718(2):212-219
The catabolic enzyme allantoinase is rapidly inactivated in cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa when the stationary phase of growth is reached. This process is irreversible since the protein synthesis inhibitor chloramphenicol completely blocked the reappearance of allantoinase activity that is observed when allantoin is added to stationary cells. Purified allantoinase appeared to be a protein composed of four identical subunits with a molecular weight of 38 000. With antibodies raised against purified allantoinase it was found that allantoinase inactivation is accompanied by a parallel decrease in immunologically reactive material. This suggest that allantoinase inactivation is caused or followed by rapid proteolysis. 相似文献