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The otic region in the skull of archeocetes and odontocetes is compared and interpreted with special emphasis on the morphology and suspension of the ear bones. In archeocetes, the periotic was obviously separate from the mastoid but still integrated within the skull via a long anterior and posterior process. The rotation of the cochlear part of the periotic was already obvious. The tympanic bone was attached to a decreasing number of neighboring elements, with the periotic becoming more and more important in the later archeocetes. The accessory air sacs of the tympanic cavity had invaded some of the adjacent skeletal elements and attained a moderate-to-remarkable extension. In the evolution of the odontocetes, the periotic and tympanic were successively uncoupled from the skull and combined to a new morphological and functional unit (tympanoperiotic complex). This uncoupling was mainly achieved by shortening the periotical processes and simultaneously extending the tympanic air sacs. For functional reasons, however, the periotic (posterior process) stayed in immediate contact with the mastoid, the latter remaining in the lateral wall of skull. In advanced marine dolphins, the bony sheaths of the accessory air sacs are largely reduced, presumably because of volume fluctuations in the tympanic cavity during diving. The perfect uncoupling of the ear bones from the skull obviously was an essential prerequisite for directional hearing, for effective ultrasound orientation and communication, and finally, for the striking development of the dolphin brain.  相似文献   

The transition from terrestrial ancestry to a fully pelagic life profoundly altered the body systems of cetaceans, with extreme morphological changes in the skull and feeding apparatus. The Oligocene Epoch was a crucial time in the evolution of cetaceans when the ancestors of modern whales and dolphins (Neoceti) underwent major diversification, but details of dental structure and evolution are poorly known for the archaeocete-neocete transition. We report the morphology of teeth and ultrastructure of enamel in archaeocetes, and fossil platanistoids and delphinoids, ranging from late Oligocene (Waitaki Valley, New Zealand) to Pliocene (Caldera, Chile). Teeth were embedded in epoxy resin, sectioned in cross and longitudinal planes, polished, etched, and coated with gold palladium for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation. SEM images showed that in archaeocetes, squalodontids and Prosqualodon (taxa with heterodont and nonpolydont/limited polydont teeth), the inner enamel was organized in Hunter-Schreger bands (HSB) with an outer layer of radial enamel. This is a common pattern in most large-bodied mammals and it is regarded as a biomechanical adaptation related to food processing and crack resistance. Fossil Otekaikea sp. and delphinoids, which were polydont and homodont, showed a simpler structure, with inner radial and outer prismless enamel. Radial enamel is regarded as more wear-resistant and has been retained in several mammalian taxa in which opposing tooth surfaces slide over each other. These observations suggest that the transition from a heterodont and nonpolydont/limited polydont dentition in archaeocetes and early odontocetes, to homodont and polydont teeth in crownward odontocetes, was also linked to a marked simplification in the enamel Schmelzmuster. These patterns probably reflect functional shifts in food processing from shear-and-mastication in archaeocetes and early odontocetes, to pierce-and-grasp occlusion in crownward odontocetes, with the implication of less demanding feeding biomechanics as seen in most extant odontocetes.  相似文献   

Echolocation has evolved independently in several vertebrate groups, and hypotheses about the origin of echolocation in these groups often invoke abiotic mechanisms driving morphological evolution. In bats, for example, the ecological setting associated with the origin of echolocation has been linked to global warming during the Palaeocene–Eocene; similarly, the origin of toothed whales (odontocetes) has been broadly correlated with the establishment of the circum-Antarctic current. These scenarios, and the adaptational hypotheses for the evolution of echolocation with which they are associated, neglect a consideration of possible biotic mechanisms. Here we propose that the origin of echolocation in odontocetes was initially an adaptation for nocturnal epipelagic feeding – primarily on diel migrating cephalopods. We test this hypothesis using data on the temporal, geographical, and water column distributions of odontocetes and cephalopods, and other global events from their respective tertiary histories. From this analysis, we suggest that echolocation in early odontocetes aided nocturnal feeding on cephalopods and other prey items, and that this early system was exapted for deep diving and hunting at depths below the photic zone where abundant cephalopod resources were available 24 h a day. This scenario extends to the evolution of other cephalopod feeding (teuthophagous) marine vertebrates such as pinnipeds and Mesozoic marine reptiles.  相似文献   

Werth AJ 《Journal of morphology》2006,267(12):1415-1428
The role of cranial morphology in the generation of intraoral and oropharyngeal suction pressures in odontocetes was investigated by manipulating the jaw and hyolingual apparatus of submerged heads of three species presenting varied shapes. Hyoid and gular muscles were manually employed to depress and retract the tongue. Pressures were recorded at three locations in the oral cavity, as gape and site, speed, and force of pull were varied. A biomechanical model was also developed to evaluate pressure data. The species with the shortest, bluntest head and smallest mouth opening generated greater negative pressures. Suction generation diminished sharply as gape increased. Greatest negative pressures attained were around -45 mmHg (-6,000 Pa), a magnitude deemed suitable for capture of small live prey. Odontocetes utilizing this bidirectional flow system should profit by evolution of a rounder mouth opening through progressive shortening and widening of the rostrum and jaws, a trend evident in cranial measurements from fossil and recent odontocetes. Blunt heads correlate with anatomical, ecological, and behavioral traits associated with suction feeding. Small-gape suction (with minimally opened jaws) could be used by odontocetes of all head and oral shapes to draw prey sufficiently close to the mouth for suction ingestion or grasping via dentition. Principal limitations of the experimental and mathematical simulations include assumption of a stationary odontocete with static (open or closed) jaws and potential scaling issues with differently sized heads and gapes.  相似文献   


A fragment of mandible of an indeterminate squalodontid dolphin (Upper Oligocene or lowermost Miocene, New Zealand) has 2 anomalous single-rooted teeth intercalated between typically squalodontid anterior cheek-teeth. The anomalous teeth are considered to be truly supernumerary, and not homologous with any erupted teeth in phylogenetically earlier Cetacea. This type of anomaly appears not to have been reported previously for any fossil cetacean. Polydonty, a characteristic of extant odontocetes, was probably attained initially in primitive odontocetes by intercalation of permanent and deciduous teeth, and later was elaborated by the addition of supernumerary teeth. The present specimen represents a morphological (but not phylogenetic) stage between odontocetes with limited and advanced polydonty. Some fossil mysticetes and embryonic extant mysticetes are also polydont, but mysticete polydonty and that of odontocetes have probably evolved convergently.  相似文献   

Living mysticetes (baleen whales) and odontocetes (toothed whales) differ significantly in auditory function in that toothed whales are sensitive to high‐frequency and ultrasonic sound vibrations and mysticetes to low‐frequency and infrasonic noises. Our knowledge of the evolution and phylogeny of cetaceans, and mysticetes in particular, is at a point at which we can explore morphological and physiological changes within the baleen whale inner ear. Traditional comparative anatomy and landmark‐based 3D‐geometric morphometric analyses were performed to investigate the anatomical diversity of the inner ears of extinct and extant mysticetes in comparison with other cetaceans. Principal component analyses (PCAs) show that the cochlear morphospace of odontocetes is tangential to that of mysticetes, but odontocetes are completely separated from mysticetes when semicircular canal landmarks are combined with the cochlear data. The cochlea of the archaeocete Zygorhiza kochii and early diverging extinct mysticetes plot within the morphospace of crown mysticetes, suggesting that mysticetes possess ancestral cochlear morphology and physiology. The PCA results indicate variation among mysticete species, although no major patterns are recovered to suggest separate hearing or locomotor regimes. Phylogenetic signal was detected for several clades, including crown Cetacea and crown Mysticeti, with the most clades expressing phylogenetic signal in the semicircular canal dataset. Brownian motion could not be excluded as an explanation for the signal, except for analyses combining cochlea and semicircular canal datasets for Balaenopteridae. J. Morphol. 277:1599–1615, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Unlike other mammals, odontocetes and mysticetes have highly derived craniofacial bones. A growth process referred to as “telescoping” is partly responsible for this morphology. Here, we explore how changes in facial morphology during fetal growth relate to differences in telescoping between the adult odontocete Stenella attenuata and the mysticete Balaena mysticetus. We conclude that in both Stenella and Balaena head size increases allometrically. Similarly, odontocete nasal length and mysticete mouth size have strong positive allometry compared to total body length. However, the differences between odontocetes and mysticetes in telescoping are not directly associated with their fetal growth patterns. Our results suggest that cranial changes related to echolocation and feeding between odontocetes and mysticetes, respectively, begin during ontogeny before telescoping is initiated.  相似文献   

In the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) two different repeat types (A and B) of the common cetacean DNA satellite were identified. The evolution of each group of repeats appears to be independent from that of the other. The sequence similarity between the two groups is less than the similarity between group A and repeats of the satellite in related whale species. The systematic relationship within and between the families Physeteridae (sperm whales) and Ziphiidae (beaked whales) was addressed by both sequence analysis of the satellite and comparisons with the families Delphinidae and Phocoenidae. The mysticete blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) was used as an outgroup in the comparisons. The molecular phylogeny, when maximum-parsimony analysis and the neighbor-joining method were used, grouped together species of each family. At the family level the ziphiids grouped closet to the families Phocoenidae and Delphinidae. The similarities between the common cetacean satellite of the blue whale and the sperm whale were greater than those between the blue whale and the other odontocetes included, suggesting that the evolution of the satellite is slower in the sperm whale than in the other odontocetes.   相似文献   

In this paper on the ontogenesis and evolutionary biology of odontocete cetaceans (toothed whales), we investigate the head morphology of three perinatal pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) with the following methods: computer-assisted tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, conventional X-ray imaging, cryo-sectioning as well as gross dissection. Comparison of these anatomical methods reveals that for a complete structural analysis, a combination of modern imaging techniques and conventional morphological methods is needed. In addition to the perinatal dolphins, we include series of microslides of fetal odontocetes (S. attenuata, common dolphin Delphinus delphis, narwhal Monodon monoceros). In contrast to other mammals, newborn cetaceans represent an extremely precocial state of development correlated to the fact that they have to swim and surface immediately after birth. Accordingly, the morphology of the perinatal dolphin head is very similar to that of the adult. Comparison with early fetal stages of dolphins shows that the ontogenetic change from the general mammalian bauplan to cetacean organization was characterized by profound morphological transformations of the relevant organ systems and roughly seems to parallel the phylogenetic transition from terrestrial ancestors to modern odontocetes.  相似文献   

Odontocete (echolocating whale) skulls exhibit extreme posterior displacement and overlapping of facial bones, here referred to as retrograde cranial telescoping. To examine retrograde cranial telescoping across 40 million years of whale evolution, we collected 3D scans of whale skulls spanning odontocete evolution. We used a sliding semilandmark morphometric approach with Procrustes superimposition and PCA to capture and describe the morphological variation present in the facial region, followed by Ancestral Character State Reconstruction (ACSR) and evolutionary model fitting on significant components to determine how retrograde cranial telescoping evolved. The first PC score explains the majority of variation associated with telescoping and reflects the posterior migration of the external nares and premaxilla alongside expansion of the maxilla and frontal. The earliest diverging fossil odontocetes were found to exhibit a lesser degree of cranial telescoping than later diverging but contemporary whale taxa. Major shifts in PC scores and centroid size are identified at the base of Odontoceti, and early burst and punctuated equilibrium models best fit the evolution of retrograde telescoping. This indicates that the Oligocene was a period of unusually high diversity and evolution in whale skull morphology, with little subsequent evolution in telescoping.  相似文献   

作者对采自长江的三头白鱀豚(Lipotes vexillifer Miller)的脑进行了解剖研究。白鱀豚的脑表现出典型的鲸脑特征。与海洋齿鲸类比较,淡水鲸科的种类普遍呈现出视觉系统的退化,这是一种生态适应的结果。从神经解剖学的观点看来,白鱀豚与亚马逊河海豚(Inia)、拉普拉塔河海豚(Pontoporia)的脑的结构是近似的,而与恒河海豚(Platanista)显著不同,这与骨骼形态上表现出的系统发育关系是一致的。    相似文献   

Previous studies of the odontocete forelimb have not considered flipper anatomy in an evolutionary context. This study of 39 cetacean species (1 extinct archaeocete, 31 extant and 3 extinct odontocetes, and 4 mysticetes), provides a detailed comparative analysis of the major bones and muscles of the odontocete flipper. Differences across families in the anatomy of the deltoid, supraspinatus, coracobrachialis, and subscapularis muscles correspond directly to size and shape of forelimb elements. Specialization of the different shoulder girdle muscles allows for more maneuverability of the flipper by independent control of muscular columns. Maximum likelihood analyses helped determine the correlation of characters studied by ancestral state reconstruction, and revealed independent evolution of osteological and external characters among various lineages. Comparative Analyses by Independent Contrast (CAIC), found several contrasts between flipper area and body length for several extant odontocetes and a linear relationship was inferred. Degree of hyperphalangy and the soft tissue encasing the flipper helped determine three flipper morphologies based on aspect ratio (AR) and qualitative data. These results suggest that differences in flipper shape have an evolutionary component and are likely largely in response to ecological requirements.  相似文献   

The enlargement of cetacean brain size represents an enigmatic event in mammalian evolution, yet its genetic basis remains poorly explored. One candidate gene associated with brain size evolution is the abnormal spindle-like microcephaly associated (ASPM), as mutations in this gene cause severe reductions in the cortical size of humans. Here, we investigated the ASPM gene in representative cetacean lineages and previously published sequences from other mammals to test whether the expansion of the cetacean brain matched adaptive ASPM evolution patterns. Our analyses yielded significant evidence of positive selection on the ASPM gene during cetacean evolution, especially for the Odontoceti and Delphinoidea lineages. These molecular patterns were associated with two major events of relative brain size enlargement in odontocetes and delphinoids. It is of particular interest to find that positive selection was restricted to cetaceans and primates, two distant lineages both characterized by a massive expansion of brain size. This result is suggestive of convergent molecular evolution, although no site-specific convergence at the amino acid level was found.  相似文献   

Two contrasting results emerge from comparisons of the social systems of several odontocetes with terrestrial mammals. Researchers have identified remarkable convergence in prominent features of the social systems of odontocetes such as the sperm whale and bottlenose dolphin with a few well-known terrestrial mammals such as the elephant and chimpanzee. In contrast, studies on killer whales and Baird's beaked whale reveal novel social solutions to aquatic living. The combination of convergent and novel features in odontocete social systems promise a more general understanding of the ecological determinants of social systems in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, as well as the relationship between relative brain size and social evolution.  相似文献   

The genomes of all extant cetaceans are characterized by the presence of the so-called common cetacean DNA satellite. In the mysticetes (whalebone whales) the repeat length of the satellite is 1,760 bp. In the odontocetes (toothed whales), other than the family Delphinidae, the repeat length is usually approximately 1,740 bp. The Delphinidae are characterized by a repeat length of approximately 1,580 bp. It has been shown in odontocetes that the satellite evolves in concert and that differences between species, with respect to the sequence of the satellite, correspond reasonably well to their evolutionary distances. In the present study the sequence of the satellite was determined in three repeats in each of seven mysticete species, and a consensus for each species established. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses based upon sequences of all repeats showed that the primary evolutionary distinction among the mysticetes is between the Balaenidae sensu stricto (i.e., the bowhead whale and the right whale) and all remaining species, including the pygmy right whale, a species that usually has been included in the Balaenidae. The comparisons also showed that the humpback whale and the gray whale were approximately equidistant from the blue whale and the fin whale (genus Balaenoptera). Concerted evolution of the satellite was also demonstrated among the mysticetes, but it appeared to evolve more slowly in the mysticetes than in the odontocetes.  相似文献   

Adequate temporal resolution is required across taxa to properly utilize amplitude modulated acoustic signals. Among mammals, odontocete marine mammals are considered to have relatively high temporal resolution, which is a selective advantage when processing fast traveling underwater sound. However, multiple methods used to estimate auditory temporal resolution have left comparisons among odontocetes and other mammals somewhat vague. Here we present the estimated auditory temporal resolution of an adult male white-beaked dolphin, (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), using auditory evoked potentials and click stimuli. Ours is the first of such studies performed on a wild dolphin in a capture-and-release scenario. The white-beaked dolphin followed rhythmic clicks up to a rate of approximately 1,125–1,250 Hz, after which the modulation rate transfer function (MRTF) cut-off steeply. However, 10% of the maximum response was still found at 1,450 Hz indicating high temporal resolution. The MRTF was similar in shape and bandwidth to that of other odontocetes. The estimated maximal temporal resolution of white-beaked dolphins and other odontocetes was approximately twice that of pinnipeds and manatees, and more than ten-times faster than humans and gerbils. The exceptionally high temporal resolution abilities of odontocetes are likely due primarily to echolocation capabilities that require rapid processing of acoustic cues.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The extinct mysticete fauna of the North East Atlantic is primarily known from the abundant but fragmented Belgian specimens. Compared to the well-preserved contemporary mysticete fauna from deposits in North America, there are only few near complete European Miocene mysticete fossils. Presented here is a new, almost complete fossil baleen whale Uranocetus gramensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Miocene Gram Formation in South West Denmark. It is the first stem-balaenopterid that has an initial stage of reduction in the mandibular cavity and a rostral configuration that is intermediate between that of other stem-balaenopterids and true balaenopterids. It is likely that Uranocetus used a gulp feeding technique that approaches that of balaenopterids. Details of the periotic and mandibular morphology place Uranocetus in the family Diorocetidae Steeman 2007. The large mandibular cavity in Uranocetus and most other extinct mysticetes, when compared to the reduced condition in recent mysticetes, is not an indication that early mysticetes used odontocete-like echolocation. In Uranocetus and a distantly related mysticete, high frequency sounds in the range odontocetes use for echolocation would suffer a significant volume loss across the lateral mandibular wall on the passage towards the inner ear. A reduction in the mandibular cavity in separate evolutionary lineages of mysticetes may be the result of a shift towards the use of low frequency sounds.  相似文献   

The sonar of odontocetes processes echo-signals within a wide range of echo levels. The level of echoes varies widely by tens of decibels depending on the level of the emitted sonar pulse, the target strength, the distance to the target, and the sound absorption by the water media. The auditory system of odontocetes must be capable of effective perception, analysis, and discrimination of echo-signals within all this variability. The sonar of odontocetes has several mechanisms to compensate for the echo-level variation (gain control). To date, several mechanisms of the biosonar gain control have been revealed in odontocetes: (1) adjustment of emitted sonar pulse levels (the longer the distance to the target, the higher the level of the emitted pulse), (2) short-term variation of hearing sensitivity based on forward masking of the echo by the preceding self-heard emitted pulse and subsequent release from the masking, and (3) active long-term control of hearing sensitivity. Recent investigations with the use of the auditory evoked-potential technique have demonstrated that these mechanisms effectively minimize the variation of the response to the echo when either the emitted sonar pulse level, or the target distance, or both vary within a wide range. A short review of these data is presented herein.  相似文献   

防风为多年生草本植物,直根系。主根和侧根结构相同,初生木质部为二原型。主根中油室数目随着年龄的增长不断增加,第1-2年内,数目增加明显。防风进入生殖生长后,主根的韧皮部与木质部的比例明显减少,根的木质化严重,果期以后根部逐渐腐烂。首次研究了防风根的发育形态学,对防风的栽培管理和评价防风质量具有指导意义 。  相似文献   

Cetaceans rival primates in brain size relative to body size and include species with the largest brains and biggest bodies to have ever evolved. Cetaceans are remarkably diverse, varying in both phenotypes by several orders of magnitude, with notable differences between the two extant suborders, Mysticeti and Odontoceti. We analyzed the evolutionary history of brain and body mass, and relative brain size measured by the encephalization quotient (EQ), using a data set of extinct and extant taxa to capture temporal variation in the mode and direction of evolution. Our results suggest that cetacean brain and body mass evolved under strong directional trends to increase through time, but decreases in EQ were widespread. Mysticetes have significantly lower EQs than odontocetes due to a shift in brain:body allometry following the divergence of the suborders, caused by rapid increases in body mass in Mysticeti and a period of body mass reduction in Odontoceti. The pattern in Cetacea contrasts with that in primates, which experienced strong trends to increase brain mass and relative brain size, but not body mass. We discuss what these analyses reveal about the convergent evolution of large brains, and highlight that until recently the most encephalized mammals were odontocetes, not primates.  相似文献   

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