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Summary Disomic and trisomic cells of a patient with Down syndrome mosaic were used to study the effect of the additional chromosome 21 against an identical genetic background. The frequency of Ag staining and the participation in satellite associations were determined for each pair of acrocentric chromosomes. The additional chromosome 21 of the trisomic cells and its homologues proved to be regularly Ag positive. Therefore the trisomic cells showed more Ag positive chromosomes and more satellite associations per cell than the diploid cells. Thus, no compensation for the additional rRNA-gene dose could be found in the cells of the trisomic line.  相似文献   

The profile of helicase gene mutations was studied in 89 Japanese Werner’s syndrome (WRN) patients by examining the previously described mutations 1– 4 as well as a new mutation found during this study, designated mutation 5. Of 178 chromosomes (89 patients), 89 chromosomes (50%) had mutation 4, 11 (6.2%) chromosomes had mutation 1, and two chromosomes (1.1%) contained mutation 5. Mutations 2 and 3 were not observed in this patient population. The remaining 76 (42.7%) chromosomes had none of these mutations. A significant fraction of all patients (22 total patients, 24.7%) appear to be compound heterozygotes, including those carrying mutations of both types 1 and 4. The genotype analysis of the markers surrounding the WRN helicase gene strongly suggests that most of the chromosomes carrying either mutation 1 or 4 were derived from two single founders. Received: 25 July 1996 / Revised: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

We investigated the androgen receptor(AR) gene mutation profiles of Chinese patients exhibiting severe androgen insensitivity syndrome(AIS) phenotypes. The present study enrolled 28 patients with genetically diagnosed AIS, who presented with severe phenotypes(Prader grade 0–3). Patients and some family members were screened via amplification and sequencing of their AR exons 1–8, including the corresponding intronic flanking regions. Luteinizing(LH), follicle-stimulating(FSH), and testosterone(T) hormone levels were found to be slightly, but not significantly, higher in patients with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome(CAIS) than in patients with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome(PAIS)(P0.05). We identified 24 different AR mutations, including 12 that were novel. Ten patients(cases 2, 3, 10, 28, 11, 12, 19, 20, 24, and 25) were found to carry five recurrent mutations(p.Y572 S, p.P914 S, p.S176 R, p.Y782 N, and p.R841H); of these, p.Y572 S, p.S176 R, and p.Y782 N were novel. Among the mutations identified in patients with CAIS, six(66.7%) were characterized as single-nucleotide missense mutations, and six(66.7%) were found to be located in the AR ligand-binding domain(LBD). Among the mutations identified in patients with PAIS, 15(93.8%) were found to be missense, and 11(68.8%) were found to be located in the LBD. Patients 10 and 28 were determined to harbor the same missense mutation(p.P914S), but were diagnosed with CAIS and PAIS, respectively.Sex hormone levels were slightly, but not significantly, elevated in patients with CAIS compared to those with PAIS. Missense mutations spanning AR exons 1–8 were the predominant form of identified mutations, and these were mostly located in the AR LBD. Approximately 50% of the identified mutations were novel, and have enriched the AR gene-mutation database. Patients harboring identical mutations were in some instances found to exhibit divergent phenotypes.  相似文献   

We have analyzed two unrelated Japanese patients with carbonic anhydrase II deficiency born to consanguineous parents. We have identified the same mutation as that reported to be homozygous in a Belgian family and compound heterozygous in an American family. It comprises to C-to-T transition that results in the amino acid substitution of Tyr (TAT) for His (CAT) at position 107. This point mutation creates an AccI site that can be conveniently screened by the polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism method using a restriction enzyme for gene tracking. Our patients exhibit severe mental retardation, not seen in the Belgian and American patients. Received: 23 November 1994 / Revised: 22 May 1995  相似文献   

Intercellular channels in skin are a complex and functionally diverse system formed by at least eight connexins (Cx). Our recent molecular studies implicating Cx defects in inherited skin disorders emphasize the critical role of this signaling pathway in epidermal differentiation. Erythrokeratodermia variabilis (EKV) is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis with a striking phenotype characterized by the independent occurrence of transient localized erythema and hyperkeratosis. The disease maps to 1p34-p35, and recently we identified the causative gene GJB3 encoding Cx31. We have now investigated GJB3 in two families and three sporadic cases with EKV, and report three new heterozygous mutations. In a sporadic case, we detected a mutation leading to substitution of a conserved phenylalanine (F137L) in the third transmembrane domain, which likely interferes with the proper assembly or gating properties of connexons. In another family, all three affected individuals carried two distinct mutations on the same GJB3 allele. However, only a de novo heterozygous missense mutation replacing arginine 42 with proline (R42P) co-segregated with the disease, while a 12 bp deletion predicted to eliminate four amino acid residues in the variable carboxy terminal domain of Cx31 was also found in clinically unaffected relatives but not in 90 unaffected controls. Including the previously published mutations, in toto, five different missense mutations have now been detected in 6 out of 17 families investigated by our laboratory, all of which presumably affect the cytoplasmic amino terminal and transmembrane domains of Cx31. In contrast, two mutations linked to progressive high-tone hearing impairment were located in the second extracellular domain, suggesting that the character and position of Cx mutations determine their phenotypic expression in different tissues. However, the phenotypic spectrum of GJB3 mutations seems not to include progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia, another dominant genodermatosis with overlapping features, since no mutations were found in six unrelated families tested.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is the predominant cause of antecedent infection in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) or Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS). C. jejuni probably triggers GBS or MFS through molecular mimicry between bacterial sialylated lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS) and gangliosides in peripheral nerve tissue. We investigated whether co-infections with multiple C. jejuni strains occur in GBS or MFS patients and we further characterized these strains. PFGE analysis of 83 C. jejuni isolates from single primary colonies from stool cultures of 13 patients with GBS or MFS revealed co-infection with two different strains in one patient (8%). We showed that only strain GB5.1 contained an LOS biosynthesis gene locus that is associated with neuropathy. The patient serum strongly reacted with the LOS of strain GB5.1 and not with the LOS of strain GB5.2. Mass spectrometry revealed that both strains expressed a non-sialylated outer core structure in their LOS. The patient serum contained anti-asialo-GM2 antibodies that cross-reacted with the LOS of strain GB5.1. This study demonstrates that co-infection with multiple C. jejuni strains occurs in GBS patients. Consequently, not all C. jejuni strains isolated from the faeces of a GBS patient are involved in the pathogenesis of GBS per se. Furthermore, this is the first report in which cross-reactivity of antibodies to asialo-GM2 and to the LOS of a C. jejuni strain from a GBS patient has been demonstrated. This finding suggests that molecular mimicry with non-sialylated structures may also be involved in the pathogenesis of GBS.  相似文献   

Alström syndrome (AS, OMIM ID 203800) is a rare childhood multiorgan disorder, which is widely studied in non-Arab ethnic patients. The clinical and molecular basis of AS and the mode of disease inheritance in consanguineous Arab populations is not well investigated. Therefore, to identify the molecular basis of AS in familial forms, the present study performed whole exome sequencing of 5 AS patients belonging to 2 different Bedouin families from Saudi Arabia. The present study identified the AS causative rare biallelic mutations in ALMS gene:T376S in exon 5 and S909* in exon 8 for family A and an R2721* in exon 10 (R2721*) for family B. ALMS1 targeted genetic sequencing of healthy population controls and family members has confirmed its extremely rare frequency and autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The truncating mutations S909* and R2721* could cause the loss of CC domains and ALMS motif on C-terminal end of the protein and creates unstable protein, which eventually undergoes intracellular degradation. The premature protein truncating mutations described in our study may eventually provide further insight into the functional domains of the ALMS1 protein and contribute to the understanding of the phenotypic spectrum of AS. Whole exome sequencing based molecular diagnosis is expected to rule out ambiguity surrounding clinical diagnosis of suspected AS cases.  相似文献   


The RAS and RHO family comprise two major branches of the RAS superfamily of small GTPases. These proteins function as regulated molecular switches and control cytoplasmic signaling networks that regulate a diversity of cellular processes, including cell proliferation and cell migration. In the early 1980s, mutationally activated RAS genes encoding KRAS, HRAS and NRAS were discovered in human cancer and now comprise the most frequently mutated oncogene family in cancer. Only recently, exome sequencing studies identified cancer-associated alterations in two RHO family GTPases, RAC1 and RHOA. RAS and RHO proteins share significant identity in their amino acid sequences, protein structure and biochemistry. Cancer-associated RAS mutant proteins harbor missense mutations that are found primarily at one of three mutational hotspots (G12, G13 and Q61) and have been identified as gain-of-function oncogenic alterations. Although these residues are conserved in RHO family proteins, the gain-of-function mutations found in RAC1 are found primarily at a distinct hotspot. Unexpectedly, the cancer-associated mutations found with RHOA are located at different hotspots than those found with RAS. Furthermore, since the RHOA mutations suggested a loss-of-function phenotype, it has been unclear whether RHOA functions as an oncogene or tumor suppressor in cancer development. Finally, whereas RAS mutations are found in a broad spectrum of cancer types, RHOA and RAC1 mutations occur in a highly restricted range of cancer types. In this review, we focus on RHOA missense mutations found in cancer and their role in driving tumorigenesis, with comparisons to cancer-associated mutations in RAC1 and RAS GTPases.  相似文献   

p53 alterations are considered the most common genetic events in many types of neoplasms, including colorectal carcinoma (CRC). These alterations include mutations of the gene and/or overexpression of the protein. The aim of our study was to assess whether in 160 patients undergoing resective surgery for primary operable CRC there was an association between p53 mutations and protein overexpression and between these and other biological variables, such as cell DNA content (DNA-ploidy) and S-phase fraction (SPF), and the traditional clinicopathological variables. p53 mutations, identified by PCR-SSCP-sequencing analysis, were found in 68/160 patients (43%) and positive staining for p53 protein, detected with the monoclonal antibody DO-7, was present in 48% (77/160) of the cases, with agreement of 57% (91/160). In particular, a significant association was found between increased p53 expression and genetic alterations localized in the conserved regions of the gene or in the L3 DNA-binding domain and the specific type of mutation. Furthermore, both overexpression of p53 and mutations in the conserved areas of the gene were found more frequently in distal than in proximal CRCs, suggesting that they might be "biologically different diseases." Although p53 mutations in conserved areas were associated with flow cytometric variables, overexpression of p53 and mutations in its L3 domain were only related respectively to DNA-aneuploidy and high SPF. These data may reflect the complex involvement of p53 in the different pathways regulating cell-cycle progression. In conclusion, the combination of the mutational status and immunohistochemistry of p53, and flow cytometric data may provide an important insight into the biological features of CRCs.  相似文献   

Stroma properties affect carcinoma physiology and direct malignant cell development. Here we present data showing that α(V)β(3) expressed by stromal cells is involved in the control of interstitial fluid pressure (IFP), extracellular volume (ECV) and collagen scaffold architecture in experimental murine carcinoma. IFP was elevated and ECV lowered in syngeneic CT26 colon and LM3 mammary carcinomas grown in integrin β(3)-deficient compared to wild-type BALB/c mice. Integrin β(3)-deficiency had no effect on carcinoma growth rate or on vascular morphology and function. Analyses by electron microscopy of carcinomas from integrin β(3)-deficient mice revealed a coarser and denser collagen network compared to carcinomas in wild-type littermates. Collagen fibers were built from heterogeneous and thicker collagen fibrils in carcinomas from integrin β(3)-deficient mice. The fibrotic extracellular matrix (ECM) did not correlate with increased macrophage infiltration in integrin β(3)-deficient mice bearing CT26 tumors, indicating that the fibrotic phenotype was not mediated by increased inflammation. In conclusion, we report that integrin β(3)-deficiency in tumor stroma led to an elevated IFP and lowered ECV that correlated with a more fibrotic ECM, underlining the role of the collagen network for carcinoma physiology.  相似文献   

Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome (RSTS) is a distinct dominant disorder characterized by short stature, typical face, broad angulated thumbs and halluces, and mental retardation. The RSTS can be caused by chromosomal microdeletions and molecular mutations in the CREBBP gene; however, relatively few mutations have been reported to date. Here, we aimed to determine the rate of point mutations and other small molecular lesions in true RSTS and possible mild variants, by using genomic DNA sequencing. A consecutive series of patients including 17 patients from our previous study was investigated. We identified 19 causative mutations of CREBBP in a total of 45 patients representing three different diagnostic groups: (a) 17 mutations in 30 patients with unequivocal RSTS (detection rate 56.6%), (b) two mutations in eight patients with features suggestive of RSTS (moderate or incomplete RSTS, detection rate 25%), and (c) no mutation in seven patients with undiagnosed syndromes and isolated features of RSTS. In general, the mutations were distributed without hot spots and most were unique; however, three recurrent mutations (R370X, R1664H, and N1978S) were identified. Furthermore, we detected 15 different intragenic polymorphisms, including two non-synonymous coding polymorphisms, L551I and Q2208H. We report not only the highest detection rate (56.6%) of CREBBP mutations in patients with RSTS to date, but also the second missense mutation (N1978S) in a patient with moderate or incomplete RSTS. Previous studies have identified cytogenetic deletions in the CREBBP gene in eight to 12% of patients and very recently, Roelfsema et al. reported EP300 gene mutations in three of 92 (3.3%) patients with either true RSTS or different syndromes resembling RSTS. Our 56.6% detection rate of molecular mutations in CREBBP in patients with unequivocal RSTS supports the new concept that RSTS is a genetically heterogeneous disorder and furthermore, indicates that RSTS may be caused by gene/s other than CREBBP in up to 30% of cases.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of previous C. jejuni infections in GBS patients are mostly based on serological findings. However, there are not consensus what kind of antigen should be used in the serological assays. In our study we used ELISA with four different antigen preparations for investigation of specific antibodies to C. jejuni in serum samples obtained from 6 children with GBS. In all patients the high level of IgA and IgG antibodies to LPS were diagnosed. The antibodies in particular classes of immunoglobulins to recombinant proteins (Mikrogen), termostabile antigen and whole-cell antigen (Virion/Serion) of C. jejuni were diagnosed only in some of the children with GBS. However, in comparison to the control groups, the ELISA with recombinant proteins was most specific. Moreover, in two of the patients a characteristic decline of the level of antibodies to recombinant proteins in sera obtained in acute and chronic phase of disease have been observed. The results of this study showed that serodiagnosis, specially based on recombinant antigens, may be a reliable marker of recent or previous infection caused by C. jejuni in patients with GBS.  相似文献   

Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are inborn disorders due to presynaptic, synaptic, or postsynaptic defects of neuromuscular transmission. Some previously described kinships with typical signs of CMS showed a marked deficiency of acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and utrophin at the neuromuscular junctions. Additionally, the end-plate ultrastructure was immature, with reduced enfolding of the postsynaptic membrane. In two such families, we found truncating mutations of the epsilon-AChR subunit. In family 1, both affected siblings were heteroallelic for a epsilon911delT and a epsilonIVS4+1G-->A mutation within the AChR epsilon-subunit gene (CHRNE). In the affected member of family 2, a epsilon1030delC mutation and a previously described epsilonR64X mutation were found. These deleterious epsilonAChR mutations not only result in AChR deficiency, but also affect end-plate maturation, including the formation of secondary synaptic clefts during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Brachydactyly type E in two sibs with increased bone density and mental retardation. A new autosomal recessive syndrome?: We report on two sibs, a boy and a girl, with syndromic brachydactyly type E. Parents were first cousins. Facial dysmorphia was characterized by a flat occiput, a large forehead, hypertelorism, a long triangular nose, an everted lower lip, downslanting palpebral fissures and strabismus. They had marked shortening of the third, fourth and fifth fingers and of the third, fourth, and fifth toes. IQ was 16 in the boy, 63 in the girl. In both sibs ophtalmologic examination showed strabismus, absence of cataract and normal fundus and radiological findings disclosed increased bone density involving the skull, the vertebrae and the corticalis of the long bones. Neither ectopic calcifications, nor exostosic, nor osteomalacia, and nor osteotis fibrosa cystica were present. Investigations revealed that plasma calcium, phosphate, vitamine D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), response to exogenous PTH, and Gs activity were normal as well as renal and thyroid function. Molecular genetic studies failed to identify mutations in the GNAS 1 gene, in the PTH receptor gene and in the HOX D13 gene. Analysis of 2q showed that there was no deletion 2q37. Other known syndromes with brachydactyly type E and mental retardation were excluded. In conclusion we suggest that these two sibs with a combination of brachydactyly, mental retardation and increased bone density have a specific autosomal recessive syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary It has been proposed that antineural antibodies were present in patients with Tourette’s syndrome (TS) and other neuropsychiatric disorders. The purpose of our study was to investigate the presence of antineural antibodies in the individuals with Tourette’s syndrome and the family members of TS patients. The sera of four TS patients with no current streptococcal infection, their tic-free family members including father, mother and sibling, and a age-matched control group who were tic free were assayed for antineural antibodies directed against rat tissue and neurons in primary cell culture. There were prominent antineural antibodies present in TS patients and their first-degree family members, but not in the control group. Western blotting showed proteins of about 120 kDa in their sera that were not present in the sera of controls. The preliminary results of our study suggest the importance of genetic vulnerability in the immunological pathophysiology of tic disorders. Future studies should investigate the interactions of genetics, environment, infectious agents, and immunity on symptom expression in families with tic disorders. This study was supported in part by the C.Y. Foundation for the Advancement of Education, Science and Medicine, and National Health Research Institutes (NHRI-EX94-9008SC), Taipei, Taiwan.  相似文献   

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