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Assays of beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthases III (KASIII; FabH), a key enzyme initiating bacterial type II fatty acid biosynthesis, usually involve incubation of radiolabeled acetyl-coenzyme A and malonyl-acyl carrier protein (MACP). The radiolabeled acetoacetyl-ACP product is precipitated and separated from the substrate before quantitation. We have developed a scintillation proximity assay (SPA) where use of biotinylated MACP (BMACP) allows the generation of a biotinylated acetoacetyl-ACP. This product, when captured by the streptavidin-coated scintillant-impregnated microspheres, generates an SPA signal. A BMACP K(m) of 7.1 microM was determined using this SPA with the Streptomyces glaucescens FabH. A similar MACP K(m) (6 microM) was determined in a precipitation assay, demonstrating that BMACP is an effective substrate for FabH. IC(50) values of 15.2 microM (SPA) and 24.8 microM were obtained with iodoacetamide and the S. glaucescens FabH. Comparable IC(50) values of 160 microM (SPA) and 125 microM were also obtained with the antibiotic thiolactomycin and the Escherichia coli FabH. These observations demonstrate that FabH inhibitors can be readily detected using a SPA with BMACP and that the effectiveness of inhibitors in the SPA is comparable to that obtained using MACP and a standard TCA precipitation assay. A FabH SPA adaptable to high-throughput screening should facilitate the discovery of potential novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

Inositol monophosphatase is a potential drug target for developing lithium-mimetic agents for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Enzyme-based assays have been traditionally used in compound screening to identify inositol monophosphatase inhibitors. A cell-based screening assay in which the compound needs to cross the cell membrane before reaching the target enzyme offers a new approach for discovering novel structure leads of the inositol monophosphatase inhibitor. The authors have recently reported a high-throughput measurement of G-protein-coupled receptor activation by determining inositol phosphates in cell extracts using scintillation proximity assay. This cell-based assay has been modified to allow the determination of inositol monophosphatase activity instead of G-protein-coupled receptors. The enzyme is also assayed in its native form and physiological environment. The authors have applied this cell-based assay to the high-throughput screening of a large compound collection and identified several novel inositol monophosphatase inhibitors.  相似文献   

MraY is an established target for the discovery of antibacterial agents. The conventional assay for MraY uses radioactive substrate and analysis of products after paper chromatography or butanol extraction. Synthesis of radiolabeled substrate has been done in vitro using purified enzymes or by growing cells on radiolabeled precursors. The authors report a simple and rapid method to chemically radiolabel MraY substrate, UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide. Specific activity obtained by this method was more than 100 times higher than the conventionally labeled substrate, and yields are high enough to support the requirements of high-throughput screening (HTS). The authors have developed a microplate-based homogeneous assay for MraY in which the product is captured on wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) scintillation proximity assay (SPA) beads. The assay was validated by showing inhibition by specific inhibitors of MraY but not by inhibitors of other enzymes of peptidoglycan synthesis. The assay uses wild-type membranes of Escherichia coli, giving it an advantage over recently described assays that need the protein to be overexpressed. In addition, it has an advantage over the high-throughput MraY-MurG coupled assay reported in the literature because it is MraY specific, and therefore hits obtained in this assay do not need further deconvolution. It has potential for use in HTS approaches to find novel inhibitors of MraY.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is an abundant nuclear protein in most of the eukaryotic tissues. When activated by DNA damage, PARP synthesizes poly(ADP-ribose) from NAD. Conventional radioactive PARP enzyme assay requires the separation of the polymer product from the NAD substrate, a rate-limiting step that hampers large-scale chemical library screening to identify novel small-molecule PARP inhibitors. By using biotinylated NAD, we have developed a scintillation proximity assay (SPA) for PARP. We demonstrated that PARP can incorporate the biotinylated ADP-ribose units into the radioactive poly(ADP-ribose) polymer, which can directly bind and excite the streptavidin-conjugated scintillation beads. PARP-SPA can be readily adapted to a 96-well format for automatic high-throughput screening for PARP inhibitors.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP 1B) inhibitors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Binding modes of a series of aryloxymethylphosphonates and monoanionic biosteres of phosphate group from a series of benzylic alpha,alpha-diflluoro phosphate and its biosteres as protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP 1B) inhibitors have been identified by molecular modeling techniques. We have performed docking and molecular dynamics simulations of these inhibitors with PTP 1B enzyme. The initial conformation of the inhibitors for docking was obtained from simulated annealing technique. Solvent accessible surface area calculations suggested that active site of PTP 1B is highly hydrophobic. The results indicate that for aryloxymethylphosphonates, in addition to hydrogen bonding interactions, Tyr46, Arg47, Asp48, Val49, Glu115, Lys116, Lys120 amino acid residues of PTP 1B are responsible for governing inhibitor potency of the compounds. The sulfonate and tetrazole functional groups have been identified as effective monoanionic biosteres of phosphate group and biphenyl ring system due to its favorable interactions with Glu115, Lys116, Lys120 residues of PTP 1B found to be more suitable aromatic functionality than naphthalene ring system for benzylic alpha,alpha-diflluoro phosphate and its biosteres. The information generated from the present study should be useful in the design of more potent PTP 1B inhibitors as anti diabetic agents.  相似文献   

Protein-tyrosine phosphatases catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters via a two-step mechanism involving a covalent phospho-enzyme intermediate. Biochemical and site-directed mutagenesis experiments show that the invariant Cys residue present in the PTPase signature motif (H/V)CX(5)R(S/T) (i.e., C215 in PTP1B) is absolutely required for activity. Mutation of the invariant Cys to Ser results in a catalytically inactive enzyme, which still is capable of binding substrates and inhibitors. Although it often is assumed that substrate-trapping mutants such as the C215S retain, in solution, the structural and binding properties of wild-type PTPases, significant differences have been found in the few studies that have addressed this issue, suggesting that the mutation may lead to structural/conformational alterations in or near the PTP1B binding site. Several crystal structures of apo-WT PTP1B, and of WT- and C215S-mutant PTP1B in complex with different ligands are available, but no structure of the apo-PTP1B C215S has ever been reported. In all previously reported structures, residues of the PTPase signature motif have an identical conformation, while residues of the WPD loop (a surface loop which includes the catalytic Asp) assume a different conformation in the presence or absence of ligand. These observations led to the hypothesis that the different spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of the mutant protein may be the result of a different conformation for the WPD loop. We report here the structure of the apo-PTP1B C215S mutant, which reveals that, while the WPD loop is in the open conformation observed in the apo WT enzyme crystal structure, the residues of the PTPases signature motif are in a dramatically different conformation. These results provide a structural basis for the differences in spectroscopic properties and thermodynamic parameters in inhibitor binding observed for the wild-type and mutant enzymes.  相似文献   

Guided by X-ray crystallography, we have extended the structure-activity relationship (SAR) study on an isoxazole carboxylic acid-based PTP1B inhibitor (1) and more potent and equally selective (>20-fold selectivity over the highly homologous T-cell PTPase, TCPTP) PTP1B inhibitors were identified. Inhibitor 7 demonstrated good cellular activity against PTP1B in COS 7 cells.  相似文献   

N-type calcium channels located on presynaptic nerve terminals regulate neurotransmitter release, including that from the spinal terminations of primary afferent nociceptors. Accordingly, N-type calcium channel blockers may have clinical utility as analgesic drugs. A selective N-type calcium channel inhibitor, ziconotide (Prialt), is a neuroactive peptide recently marketed as a novel nonopioid treatment for severe chronic pain. To develop a small-molecule N-type calcium channel blocker, the authors developed a 96-well plate high-throughput screening scintillation proximity assay (SPA) for N-type calcium channel blockers using [125I]-labeled omega-conotoxin GVIA as a channel-specific ligand. Assay reagents were handled using Caliper's Allegro automation system, and bound ligands were detected using a PerkinElmer TopCount. Using this assay, more than 150,000 compounds were screened at 10 microM and approximately 340 compounds were identified as hits, exhibiting at least 40% inhibition of [125I]GVIA binding. This is the 1st demonstration of the use of [125I]-labeled peptides with SPA beads to provide a binding assay for the evaluation of ligand binding to calcium channels. This assay could be a useful tool for drug discovery.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a key regulator of the insulin-receptor and leptin-receptor signaling pathways, and it has therefore emerged as a critical antitype-II-diabetes and antiobesity drug target. Toward the goal of generating a covalent modulator of PTP1B activity that can be used for investigating its roles in cell signaling and disease progression, we report that the biarsenical probe FlAsH-EDT(2) can be used to inhibit PTP1B variants that contain cysteine point mutations in a key catalytic loop of the enzyme. The site-specific cysteine mutations have little effect on the catalytic activity of the enzyme in the absence of FlAsH-EDT(2). Upon addition of FlAsH-EDT(2), however, the activity of the engineered PTP1B is strongly inhibited, as assayed with either small-molecule or phosphorylated-peptide PTP substrates. We show that the cysteine-rich PTP1B variants can be targeted with the biarsenical probe in either whole-cell lysates or intact cells. Together, our data provide an example of a biarsenical probe controlling the activity of a protein that does not contain the canonical tetra-cysteine biarsenical-labeling sequence CCXXCC. The targeting of "incomplete" cysteine-rich motifs could provide a general means for controlling protein activity by targeting biarsenical compounds to catalytically important loops in conserved protein domains.  相似文献   

Measurement of histone deacetylase activity is usually accomplished by incubation of the enzyme(s) with acetate-radiolabeled histones or synthetic peptides based on histone sequences, followed by extraction and quantification of released radiolabeled acetic acid. Consequently, this assay is both time consuming and extremely limiting when large numbers of samples are involved. We have now developed a simple, two-step histone deacetylase assay that is based on the scintillation proximity assay (SPA) principle. A biotinylated [3H]acetyl histone H4 peptide substrate was synthesized and shown to generate a radioactive signal upon binding to streptavidin-coated SPA beads. Incubation of biotinylated [3H]acetyl peptide with HeLa nuclear extract (source of histone deacetylase) resulted in a time- and protein-dependent decrease in the SPA signal, providing a measure of enzyme activity. The histone deacetylase-mediated decrease in SPA counts was accompanied by a proportional appearance in free 3H-labeled acetate in the assay mixture. Histone deacetylase activity measured by SPA was concordant with that determined via the traditional ethyl acetate extraction procedure. Furthermore, a broad range of histone deacetylase inhibitors was demonstrated to have comparable effects on the catalytic activity of the HeLa nuclei enzyme using both assays. The histone deacetylase SPA system described here should be readily applicable for automated high-throughput screening and therefore facilitate the discovery of new inhibitors of histone deacetylases.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) functions as major negative regulator of insulin and leptin signaling pathways. In view of this, PTP1B is an significant target for drug development against cancer, diabetes and obesity. The aim of the current study is to identify PTP1B inhibitors by means of virtual screening with docking. 523,366 molecules from ZINC database have been screened and based on DOCK grid scores and hydrogen bonding interactions five new potential inhibitors were identified. ZINC12502589, ZINC13213457, ZINC25721858, ZINC31392733 and ZINC04096400 were identified as potential lead molecules for inhibition of PTP1B. The identified molecules were subjected to Lipinski''s rule of five parameters and found that they did not violate any rule. More specific analysis of pharmacological parameters may be scrutinized through a complete ADME/Tox evaluation. Pharma algorithm was used to Calculate ADME–Tox profiles for such molecules. In general, all the molecules presented advantages and as well as disadvantages when compared to each other. No marked difference in health effects and toxicity profiles were observed among these molecules.  相似文献   

PTP1B is a protein tyrosine-phosphatase located on the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum that plays an important role in the regulation of the insulin receptor (IR). Replacement of the conserved Asp-181 by alanine is known to convert PTP1B into a substrate-trapping protein that binds to but cannot dephosphorylate its substrates. In this work, we have studied the effect of an additional mutation (Y46F) on the substrate-trapping efficiency of PTP1B-D181A. We observed that this mutation converts PTP1B-D181A into a highly efficient substrate-trapping mutant, resulting in much higher recovery of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins coimmunoprecipitated with PTP1B. Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) experiments were also performed to compare the dynamics of interaction of the IR with these mutants. Basal BRET, which mainly reflects the interaction of PTP1B with the IR precursor during its biosynthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum, was markedly increased with the PTP1B-D181A-Y46F mutant. In contrast, insulin-induced BRET was markedly reduced with PTP1B-D181A-Y46F. I(125) insulin binding experiments indicated that PTP1B-D181-Y46F reduced the expression of IR at the plasma membrane. Reduced expression at the cell surface was associated with higher amounts of the uncleaved IR precursor in the cell. Moreover, we observed that substantial amounts of the uncleaved IR precursor reached the Tris-phosphorylated, fully activated form in an insulin independent fashion. These results support the notion that PTP1B plays a crucial role in the control of the activity of the IR precursor during its biosynthesis. In addition, this new substrate-trapping mutant may be a valuable tool for the identification of new PTP1B substrates.  相似文献   

We describe the first validated scintillation proximity assay (SPA) binding method for quantitation of 3H-labeled d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) binding to recombinant human 5-hydroxytryptamine 6 (5-HT6) receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-Dukx and HeLa cells. The assay was developed using intact cells as a receptor source because membrane fractions derived from these cells failed to discern specific binding from a high level of nonspecific binding. The pharmacological binding profile of seven 5-HT6 agonists and antagonists using intact CHO-Dukx/5-HT6 cells in the SPA format was similar to data obtained from a filtration binding assay using HeLa/5-HT6 membranes. Ki values and rank order of potencies obtained in the SPA format were consistent with published filtration data as follows: SB-271046 (Ki = 1.9 nM) > methiothepin (Ki = 6.2 nM) > mianserin (Ki = 74.3 nM) > 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MeOT, Ki = 111 nM) > 5-HT (Ki = 150 nM) > ritanserin (Ki = 207 nM) > 5-carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT, Ki = 704 nM). Additional evaluation with four antipsychotics demonstrated strong agreement with previous literature reports. A high specific binding signal and low assay variability, as determined by Z′ = 0.81 ± 0.017, make the SPA format amenable to automation and higher throughput; hence, this assay can be a viable alternative to the more labor-intensive filtration and centrifugation methods.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect on PTP1B caused by the addition of pyridazine analogues has been investigated. Biophysical techniques, that is, mass spectrometry (MS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) were used for the characterization. Pyridazine analogues cause catalytic oxidation of the reducing agent, generating hydrogen peroxide that oxidizes the active site cysteine on the enzyme, leading to enzyme inactivation. Two additional compound classes show the same effect. We found one common structural feature in these molecules that allows the reaction with triplet molecular oxygen to be less endothermic. A proposed mechanism for the catalytic redox cycle is described.  相似文献   

A continuous activity assay for protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), employing phosphotyrosine (P-Tyr) as a substrate, has been developed and applied to measure the activities of two purified enzymes, namely, the full length T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC PTP) and its truncated form (TC delta C11 PTP). The reaction was followed by changes in ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence resulting from the dephosphorylation of P-Tyr. Both enzymes obey Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with Km = 304 microM, Vmax = 62,000 units/mg for TC PTP and Km = 194 microM, Vmax = 73,000 units/mg for TC delta C11 PTP. The D- and L-forms of P-Tyr are equally effective as substrates. The optimum pH for both enzymes is 4.75. The known effectors of PTPs have the predicted effects on catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Allosteric inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Obesity and type II diabetes are closely linked metabolic syndromes that afflict >100 million people worldwide. Although protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) has emerged as a promising target for the treatment of both syndromes, the discovery of pharmaceutically acceptable inhibitors that bind at the active site remains a substantial challenge. Here we describe the discovery of an allosteric site in PTP1B. Crystal structures of PTP1B in complex with allosteric inhibitors reveal a novel site located approximately 20 A from the catalytic site. We show that allosteric inhibitors prevent formation of the active form of the enzyme by blocking mobility of the catalytic loop, thereby exploiting a general mechanism used by tyrosine phosphatases. Notably, these inhibitors exhibit selectivity for PTP1B and enhance insulin signaling in cells. Allosteric inhibition is a promising strategy for targeting PTP1B and constitutes a mechanism that may be applicable to other tyrosine phosphatases.  相似文献   

Vanadate has been recognized as a specific and potent phosphatase inhibitor since its structure is similar to that of phosphate. In this study, we measured the inhibition of glutathione S-transferase-tagged protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (GST-PTP1B) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) by the insulin enhancing compounds, bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV). The results showed that the activity of GST-PTP1B was reversibly inhibited by solutions of BMOV with an IC50 value of 0.86 ± 0.02 μM. Steady state kinetic studies showed that inhibition of GST-PTP1B by BMOV was of a mixed competitive and noncompetitive type. In addition, incubation of GST-PTP1B with BMOV showed a time-dependent biphasic inactivation of the protein. On the other hand, the inhibitory behavior of BMOV on ALP activity was reversible and competitive with an IC50 value of 32.1 ± 0.6 μM. Incubation with BMOV did not show biphasic inactivation of ALP. The reversible inhibition of GST-PTP1B by BMOV is more potent than that of ALP, but solutions of BMOV inhibited both enzymes. This data support the suggestion that mechanisms for the inhibitory effects of BMOV on GST-PTP1B and ALP are very different.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 4 (IGFBP-4), which exists in many different tissues and biological fluids, modulates insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) bioavailability in part by competitive sequestration and prevention of interaction with cell membrane IGF-1 receptors. Accordingly, small molecules that inhibit the ability of IGF-1 to associate with IGFBP-4 may have clinical utility as regulators of cellular proliferation, survival, and differentiation. Currently, a polyethylene glycol-based precipitation of [(125)I]IGF-1 bound to IGFBP-4 is used to quantify selective IGFBP-4 ligand interactions. We have developed a novel 96-well plate scintillation proximity assay (SPA) for measuring small molecule interactions at IGFBP-4 using a biotinylated form of IGFBP-4 coupled to streptavidin-coated polyvinyltoluene (PVT) SPA microbeads and using [(125)I]IGF-1 as the endogenous ligand. Dose-displacement curves with unlabeled IGF-1 exhibited a mean K(d) value of 0.46 nM. Parallel studies using the nonselective IGFBP inhibitor, NBI-31772, generated a K(i) value of 47 nM. Under optimized conditions, the IGFBP-4 SPA was stable for up to 24h at room temperature and was unaffected by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO,<0.5%). This homogeneous binding assay is simple, stable, sensitive, and amenable to automation. The good signal/noise ratio (10:1) and Z' factor (0.7-0.8) make it compatible with high-throughput screening platforms for the identification of IGFBP-4 inhibitors. The IGFBP-4 binding assay may be expanded to other IGFBP members, in biotinylated form, to provide a powerful tool amenable to drug screening and the design of therapeutics to treat a variety of IGF-responsive diseases.  相似文献   

Four new caged xanthones (14) and two known compounds (5, 6) were isolated from the roots of Cratoxylum cochinchinense, a polyphenol rich plant, collected in China. The structures of the isolated compounds (16) were characterized by obtaining their detailed spectroscopic data. In particular, compounds 1 and 6 were fully identified by X-ray crystallographic data. The isolated compounds (16) were evaluated against protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), which plays an important role in diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Among these compounds, 3, 4, and 6 displayed significant inhibition with IC50 values of 76.3, 43.2, and 6.6 µM, respectively. A detailed kinetic study was conducted by determining Km, Vmax, and the ratio of Kik and Kiv, which revealed that all the compounds behaved as competitive inhibitors.  相似文献   

The survival motor neuron (SMN) complex fulfils essential functions in the assembly of snRNPs, which are key components in the splicing of pre-mRNAs. Little is known about the regulation of SMN complex activity by posttranslational modification despite its complicated phosphorylation pattern. Several phosphatases had been implicated in the regulation of SMN, including the nuclear phosphatases PPM1G and PP1γ. Here we systematically screened all human phosphatase gene products for a regulatory role in the SMN complex. We used the accumulation of SMN in Cajal bodies of intact proliferating cells, which actively assemble snRNPs, as a readout for unperturbed SMN complex function. Knockdown of 29 protein phosphatases interfered with SMN accumulation in Cajal bodies, suggesting impaired SMN complex function, among those the catalytically inactive, non–receptor-type tyrosine phosphatase PTPN23/HD-PTP. Knockdown of PTPN23 also led to changes in the phosphorylation pattern of SMN without affecting the assembly of the SMN complex. We further show interaction between SMN and PTPN23 and document that PTPN23, like SMN, shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm. Our data provide the first comprehensive screen for SMN complex regulators and establish a novel regulatory function of PTPN23 in maintaining a highly phosphorylated state of SMN, which is important for its proper function in snRNP assembly.  相似文献   

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