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Sperm-chromatin maturation in the mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Cytochemical techniques were used to study chromatin during spermiogenesis and sperm maturation in the mouse, starting from the stages at which the substitution of somatic histones by testis-specific proteins occurs. It was possible to distinguish and analyze the different temporal incidence of two processes involved in sperm maturation, i.e. chromatin condensation (a tridimensional highly compacted arrangement) and chromatin stabilization (a tough structure, which protects the genome DNA). The first process, involving a reduction in the nuclear size and a decrease in the amount of sperm DNA accessible to specific cytochemical reactions and stainings, was found to reach its maximum in caput-epididymidis spermatozoa, in which electron microscopy revealed that the sheared chromatin was mainly organized into 120--thick knobby fibers. No further changes were found in sperm up to their appearance in the fallopian tubes. On the contrary, chromatin stabilization, the onset of which occurs in the testis (at the late spermatid stage) via the formation of -S–S- cross-links, is completed in the vas deferens, where chromatin has a superstructure consisting of thicker fibers, with diameters of 210 and 350 . The reductive cleavage of disulfides in vas-deferens spermatozoa does not completely destroy the superstructure of sperm chromatin, which could indicate coiling of the basic knobby fiber. In fact, when the ion concentration was increased, the chromatin of vas-deferens spermatozoa appeared to be organized into fibers with diameters similar to those of the caput epididymidis. This unique organization of mature sperm chromatin should have an essential role in the fast swelling of spermatozoa during fertilization.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

Phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear leukocytes triggers a burst of oxidative metabolism resulting in hydrogen peroxide and superoxide production, and these active oxygen species function in the killing of microorganisms. A new cytochemical technique, based on a manganese dependent diaminobenzidine oxidation, has been developed to detect superoxide in these cells. It has been shown that superoxide generation is associated with the plasma membrane in cells activated by particulate (zymosan) and non-particulate (phorbol myristate acetate) stimuli. This membrane activity is maintained during invagination such that reduced oxygen is generated within the endocytic vacuoles. Reaction product is absent from unstimulated cells; additionally, formation of precipitate is blocked by omission of Mn++, low temperature, glutaraldehyde prefixation, and the presence of superoxide dismutase in the incubation medium.  相似文献   

Rat kidneys were perfused with fixative solutions containing either a) a polycationic dye (Alcian blue 8 GX, Astra blue 6 GLL, cuprolinic blue, ruthenium red), b) a monocationic dye (safranine 0), or c) Alcian blue in the presence of a 0.3 M MgCl2 concentration. Whereas solutions of a revealed the glomerular basement membrane proteoglycans as particles or threads 60 nm apart and arranged in a reticular pattern, solutions of b and c demonstrated new morphological aspects of these molecules. They appeared as tiny filamentous structures, about 100 to 160 nm long, ordered in a network-like pattern with a mesh of about 60-nm width. The filaments displayed lateral branches about 20 nm apart and about 25 nm long, projecting within the meshes. We suggest that the filamentous structures are the protein core, and the branches are the glycosaminoglycans of proteoglycan molecules. Because of this arrangement the negatively charged sites of the glomerular basement membrane would lie closer to each other than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The coating of mouse myocardial cells has been investigated with a variety of cytochemical methods. The coating of the surface membrane gives a positive reaction with ruthenium red, colloidal thorium, phosphotungstic acid (PTA) at low pH, silver methenamine after periodic oxidation (PA-silver technique) and with silver proteinate after periodic oxidation and thiocarbohydrazide treatment (PA-TCH-silver technique). The coating of the T system gives almost similar results. The nexuses do not react with PTA nor with the PA-silver and PA-TCH-silver techniques, but they are strongly stained with ruthenium red which reveals periodic structures in their gaps. The specificities of the colloidal thorium technique and PAT staining have been tested by chemical treatments (methylation, acetylation, saponification), enzymatic digestions (pronase, trypsin, hyaluronidase, neuraminidase) and carbohydrate extractions (with 0.1 N NaOH and 0.05 M H2SO4). These cytochemical data indicate, considering the specificity of the reactions, that the coating of the membrane surface and the T system contains polyanionic groups. A part of them, at least, would belong to a carbohydrate-containing material (glycoproteins), whereas at the level of nexuses the sugar residues would probably be absent.  相似文献   

The first mandibular molars of the Swiss albino mice, 1 through 4 days of age, were fixed in glutaraldehyde or Karnovsky's fixative. The tissues were postfixed in OSO4, dehydrated and embedded in Epon. The prepolarizing, polarizing and secretory odontoblasts were described. The prepolarizing cells, located in the vicinity of the cervical loop, were mesenchymal-like in morphology. The cells of the polarizing stage possessed organelles indicative of protein synthesis. The nucleus was located proximally. Aperiodic fibers were evident in the wide basement membrane. The secretory odontoblasts were long, slender, polarized cells closely adjoining one another. Each odontoblast possessed six morphologically discernible regions: (1) an infranuclear region, limited in size and containing few cellular organelles; (2) a nuclear region, housing the oval nucleus and a few associated lamellae of rough endoplasmic reticulum as well as a limited number of mitochondria; (3) a supranuclear rough endoplasmic reticulum region, possessing an abundance of these organelles as well as some mitochondria and secretory vesicles; (4) a Golgi region, occupying the middle third of the cell, housing the elements of an extensive Golgi apparatus which was surrounded by peripherally located profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum; additionally, this region contained smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, numerous secretory granules and vesicles and occasional intracellular collagen fibers; (5) an apical rough endoplasmic reticulum region, containing a rough endoplasmic reticulum component that was less extensive than its supranuclear counterpart; in addition, this region was the one richest in mitochondria and contained a plethora of secretory vesicles and granules; (6) the odontoblastic process, a region mostly void of organelles, containing various secretory products, some of which appeared to be in the process of being released extracellularly into the surrounding dentin matrix.  相似文献   

The origin and the structure of the limiting membranes of autophagic vacuoles (AV) in mouse hepatocytes was studied using cytochemical techniques. Autophagocytosis was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of vinblastine (50 mg/kg). Imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide impregnation was used as a marker for unsaturated fatty acids, and uranyl-lead-copper impregnation for the determination of possible connections of AV membranes with the other cellular membranes. AV membranes stained strongly with both techniques. The staining pattern of AV membranes differed from that of the other cellular membranes. AV's were frequently seen to fuse with vesicles containing very low density lipoprotein particles. No other connections of AV membranes with other cellular membranes were observed. The results suggest that if pre-existing cellular membranes are used in AV formation some kind of transformation must occur in these membranes during AV formation. The content of unsaturated fatty acids appears to be high in AV membranes.  相似文献   

The activities of 6 enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism were determined quantitatively in preovulatory oocytes by cytochemical means per individual cell as well as biochemically in cell homogenates. Oocytes were incorporated in a polyacrylamide matrix for appropriate enzyme cytochemical staining. This incorporation preserves the morphology of the cells very well, and the enzymes keep their activity for a considerable period of time. This method could also be used to demonstrate more than one enzyme activity in the same cell. The results obtained by cytochemical means appeared to correlate very well with the biochemical data (P less than 0.005). Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the key-enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway, had very high activity in these preovulatory oocytes, but 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity was only about 2% of that of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The activities of lactate dehydrogenase and to a lesser extent glucose phosphate isomerase and D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase also appeared to be very high, while hexokinase showed a very low activity.  相似文献   

Regenerating mouse bone marrow cells were cultured i.p. in diffusion chambers (DC) to study factors affecting the maturation rate of granulocyte precursors. One day after exposing 3-day-old DC cultures to 3H-thymidine the cultures were harvested, and labelled proliferative and non-proliferative granulocytes were counted in radioautographs. The relative maturation rate--defined as the fraction of proliferative precursors maturing into the non-proliferative compartment per unit time--could be increased by different experimental procedures that inhibit cell production. Inhibition was obtained (a) by increasing culture cellularity; (b) by implanting DC into normal rats or rats with huge s.c. chloroma tumours rather than into mice; and (c) by treating the cells with leucocyte extracts (granulocyte chalone) during the last day of culture. Furthermore, a sudden inhibition of rapidly proliferating granulocytes by leucocyte extracts resulted in an increase (apparently transient) in the absolute number of labelled non-proliferative granulocytes. Such an increae was not detected in experiments involving a stronger or sustained inhibition of granulopoiesis, evidently because the size of the precursor population had been markedly reduced.  相似文献   

Summary When injured, the thalli of the coenocytic algaUdotea petiolata undergo a rapid sealing process mainly due to the extrusion of two successive plugs. In the first, external and transitory plug, sulphated polysaccharides are the predominant components. In the second, permanent and internal plug, roundish bodies having a complex polysaccharidic composition are embedded in a fibrillar matrix of still unknown nature. The sulphated sugars were identified and located by means of Alcian Blue staining and X-ray microanalysis. A periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate technique proved useful especially in the study of the roundish bodies and in the compositional and structural comparison of the siphon wall with the wound wall. Phosphotungstic acid at low pH was used to evidentiate an extensive plasma membrane activity in the repairing cytoplasm.Supported by a grant of C.N.R.  相似文献   

There was no difference in frequency of maturation of oocytes obtained from mice hypophysectomized for 2 weeks compared to those from sham-operated or untreated (control) animals of the same age. By 7 weeks, and also at 12 and 17 weeks, the incidence of polar body formation in vitro was significantly reduced. The number of oocytes which remained meiotically inactive in culture was increased at 7, 12 and 17 weeks after hypophysectomy. This decrease in spontaneous oocyte maturation in vitro could be partly overcome by administering exogenous PMSG, oestradiol-17beta or PMSG + oestradiol-17beta, but not progesteron or hCG, to hypophysectomized mice.  相似文献   

The final steps of oogenesis occur during oocyte maturation that generates fertilization-competent haploid eggs capable of supporting embryonic development. Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) drives oocyte maturation and its activity and actions on substrates are tightly regulated. CDC14 is a dual-specificity phosphatase that reduces CDK1 activity and reverses the actions of CDK1 during mitosis. In budding yeast, Cdc14 is essential for meiosis, but it is not known whether its mammalian homolog CDC14A is required for meiosis in females. Here, we report that CDC14A is concentrated in the nucleus of meiotically incompetent mouse oocytes but is dispersed throughout meiotically competent oocytes. During meiotic progression CDC14A has no specific sub-cellular localization except between metaphase of meiosis I (Met I) and metaphase of meiosis II (Met II) when it co-localizes with the central portion of the meiotic spindle. Over-expression of CDC14A generally delays meiotic progression after resumption of meiosis whereas microinjection of oocytes with an antibody against CDC14A specifically delays exit from Met I. Each of these perturbations generates eggs with chromosome alignment abnormalities and eggs that were injected with the CDC14A antibody had an elevated incidence of aneuploidy. Collectively, these data suggest that CDC14A regulates oocyte maturation and functions to promote the meiosis I-to-meiosis II transition as its homolog does in budding yeast.  相似文献   

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