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The Xenopus tadpole is able to regenerate its tail, including skin, muscle, notochord, spinal cord and neurons and blood vessels. This process requires rapid tissue growth and morphogenesis. Here we show that a focus of apoptotic cells appears in the regeneration bud within 12 h of amputation. Surprisingly, when caspase-3 activity is specifically inhibited, regeneration is abolished. This is true of tails both before and after the refractory period. Programmed cell death is only required during the first 24 h after amputation, as later inhibition has no effect on regeneration. Inhibition of caspase-dependent apoptosis results in a failure to induce proliferation in the growth zone, a mispatterning of axons in the regenerate, and the appearance of ectopic otoliths in the neural tube, in the context of otherwise normal continued development of the larva. Larvae amputated during the refractory stage exhibit a much broader domain of caspase-3-positive cells, suggesting a window for the amount of apoptosis that is compatible with normal regeneration. These data reveal novel roles for apoptosis in development and indicate that a degree of apoptosis is an early and obligate component of normal tail regeneration, suggesting the possibility of the existence of endogenous inhibitory cells that must be destroyed by programmed cell death for regeneration to occur.  相似文献   

Summary We have compared the chemical properties and biological activities of the mesoderm-inducing factor that is secreted by the Xenopus XTC cell line with the vegetalizing factor from chicken embryos. The inducing activity of the factors was tested in different concentrations on totipotent ectoderm either by implantation into early gastrulae of Triturm alpestris or by application of solutions to isolated ectoderm of early gastrulae of Xenopus laevis. Both factors have similar properties. They are not irreversibly inactivated after treatment with 6 M urea or with phenol at 60° C. Reduction with thioglycolic acid inactivates the factors completely. The inducing activity of XTC-conditioned medium decreases only slightly after treatment with 50% formic acid. The apparent molecular mass and the isoelectric point of the factors are similar. The XTC factor was partially purified by size-exclusion and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and by isoelectric focusing. The possible relationship of these factors to transforming growth factor is discussed.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Sulo Toivonen on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

An analysis of carp blastoderm development was carried out in culture after isolation from the yolk cell and its yolk syncytial layer (YSL). The blastoderms were separated from the YSL at four different stages of embryogenesis: the blastula, early epiboly, early gastrula and late gastrula stages. Absence of the YSL in explants was checked by scanning electron microscopy. From observations of living embryos and histological examination of tissues which were formed in explants from all stages studied it was observed that they contained notochordal, muscle and neural tissue as signs of dorsal types of differentiation. Only in explants from the early and late gastrula stages were histotypical tissues organized in an embryonic-like body pattern. The data indicate that mesoderm differentiation in fish embryos is independent from the YSL, contrary to normal pattern formation which needs the presence of the YSL before the onset of gastrulation.  相似文献   

The Polycomb group (PcG) genes encode repressors of many developmental regulatory genes including homeotic genes and are known to act by modifying chromatin structure through complex formation. We describe how Ultrabithorax (Ubx) expression is affected by the PcG mutants in the visceral mesoderm. Mutant embryos of the genes extra sex combs (esc), Polycomb (Pc), additional sex combs (Asx) and pleiohomeotic (pho) were examined. In each mutation, Ubx was ectopically expressed outside of their normal domains along the anterior-posterior axis in the visceral mesoderm, which is consistent with the effect of PcG proteins repressing the homeotic genes in other tissues. All of these four PcG mutations exhibit complete or partial lack of midgut constriction. However, two thirds of esc mutant embryos did not show Ubx expression in parasegment 7 (PS7). Even in the embryos showing ectopic Ubx expression, the level of Ubx expression in the PcG mutations was weaker than that in normal embryos. We suggest that in PcG mutations the ectopic Ubx expression is caused by lack of PcG repressor proteins, while the weaker or lack of Ubx expression is due to the repression of Ubx by Abd-B protein which is ectopically expressed in PcG mutations as well.  相似文献   

Summary The segmental organisation of the tail region in the embryo of Drosophila melanogaster, which is defined here as the epidermal region posterior to the boundary between abdominal segments A7 and A8, has been investigated by means of ultraviolet (UV) laser fate-mapping and phenotypic analysis of embryonic mutants that alter the segmental pattern of the larval cuticle. Wild-type embryos were irradiated in the presumptive tail region with a UV- laser microbeam of 20 m diameter at the blastoderm stage. The ensuing defects were scored in the cuticle pattern of the tail region of the first-instar larva, which is described in detail in this paper. The spatial distribution of defect frequencies was used to construct a blastoderm fate-map of the cuticle structures of the larval tail region. The segmental origin of the larval tail structures was inferred from the phenotypic analysis of segmentation and homoeotic mutants, which revealed pattern repetition throughout the embryonic tail region corresponding to four segment anlagen, A8 to A11, and a non-segmental telson. These data enabled the transformation of the blastoderm fate-map of cuticle structures into a map of tail segment anlagen. The tail anlage occupies about 10% of the egg length (EL), bounded by segment A7 anteriorly at 20% EL and by the proctodaeum posteriorly at 10% EL, as measured from the posterior pole. The anlagen of segments A8 and A9 appear to be narrow dorso-ventral strips of blastoderm cells similar to the anlagen of the trunk segments, whereas the anlagen of A10 and A11 are smaller and produce fewer pattern elements. The telson is represented in the cuticle by the tuft which derives from a very dorsal posterior position. The antero-posterior axis of the entire tail anlage appears curved upward posteriorly. Differences in the mode of development between tail and trunk segments are discussed, as are similarities of larval and imaginal tail development in Drosophila. Comparison with tail development in other insects suggests that, during evolution, the transition from semi-long-germ to long-germ development modified the organisation of the tail region without affecting its primary subdivision into metameric units.  相似文献   

Requirement for Wnt and FGF signaling in Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have investigated the requirement for the FGF and Wnt/beta-catenin pathways for Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration. Pathways were modified either by treatment with small molecules or by induction of transgene expression with heat shocks. Regeneration is inhibited by treatment with the FGF inhibitor SU5402, or by activation of a dominant negative FGF receptor, or by activation of expression of the Wnt inhibitor Dkk1. Agents promoting Wnt activity: the small molecule BIO, or a constitutively active form of beta-catenin, led to an increased growth rate. Combination of a Wnt activator with FGF inhibitor suppressed regeneration, while combination of a Wnt inhibitor with a FGF activator allowed regeneration. This suggests that the Wnt activity lies upstream of the FGF activity.Expression of both Wnt and FGF components was inhibited by activation of noggin, suggesting that BMP signalling lies upstream of both Wnt and FGF.The results show that the molecular mechanism of Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration is surprisingly similar to that of the Xenopus limb bud and the zebrafish caudal fin, despite the difference of anatomy.  相似文献   

Mesoderm induction by the mesoderm of Xenopus neurulae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Combinations were made between explants of mesoderm from the archenteron roof of early Xenopus neurulae and explants of ectoderm from mid-blastulae. In each combination one component was labeled with the fluorescent lineage label RDA (rhodamine-dextran-amine). Frequent and large mesoderm inductions, consisting mainly of muscle, were found where the presomite plate was used as the inducer. Less frequent and smaller mesoderm inductions were found when notochord was used as the inducer. We conclude that induced mesoderm can itself be active as a mesoderm inducing tissue. If this capability is acquired in the blastula then it follows that mesoderm induction must propagate from cell to cell and its spread be antagonized by some other factor.  相似文献   

Summary All cells in the optic vesicle of Xenopus embryos from stages 27 to 31 have the same ultrastructure. They are elongated and appear to extend from the internal to the external surfaces of the optic vesicle. They are bound together by terminal bars at the internal (lumen) margin, have microvilli and a cilium on the internal margin, and are covered with a basement membrane on the external margin. Their cytoplasm contains abundant free ribosomes, polysomes, mitochondria, yolk and lipid inclusions, and sparse endoplasmic reticulum.Although other studies have shown that retinal ganglion cells originate at stages 29–30 and have their central connections determined before stage 31, these events could not be correlated with any ultrastructural changes. The first sign of differentiation in retinal cells was an increase in endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus at stage 32. Microtubules and microfilaments appeared at stage 33 in association with the first axonal outgrowth from retinal ganglion cells. Cytodifferentiation proceeded gradually until large areas of Nissl substance had developed by stage 35. At larval stage 48 the ganglion cells resembled those in the adult.The authors wish to thank Marija Duda for her excellent technical assistance during this investigation.Supported by Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellowship No. 5 FO 1 GM37746-02 and Postdoctoral Fellowship 1 F2 NB37,746-01.Supported by Grant GB8315 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Sequential electron microscopic observations of thymic histogenesis in the toad, Xenopus laevis, reveal that the thymus arises as epithelial buddings of the visceral pouches at Nieuwkoop-Faber stage 40, and acquires its basic histological features at stages 48–49. In the rudiments and the surrounding mesenchyme at stages 43–45, there are non-epithelial cells with pseudopodia, abundant ribosomes, and marginated heterochromatin. These cells, possible precursor cells of thymic lymphocytes, are frequently observed to attach and pass through the basal lamina which coats the thymic rudiment. The proliferation and differentiation of large lymphocytes are evident at stage 47. During stages 48–49 the small lymphocytes, lymphoid cortex and epithelial medulla including the thymic cysts, differentiate, and vascularization occurs.The results provide an ultrastructural basis for recent experimental evidence that the thymus exerts its essential function at stages 47–48. The possibility of non-epithelial derivation of thymic lymphocytes is discussed.The author wishes to express his thanks to Asst. Prof. Ch. Katagiri for his helpful advice during the course of this study  相似文献   

Summary Dissociated prospective ectoderm cells from Xenopus laevis embryos divide autonomously up to the 17th division cycle of the embryo. To examine the requirements for the further proliferation of these cells, the continuation of cell division in compact ectodermal explants beyond the 17th division cycle has been studied. Such explants develop into aggregates of epidermal cells, as can be shown immunohistochemically with an anti-serum against Xenopus epidermal cytokeratin. Cell division in these explants is comparable to the in vivo proliferation rate at least during the first 24 h of cultivation, that is, well beyond the 17th division cycle. Thus, epidermal cells are provided with all the factors necessary for continued proliferation, but these can be effective only when the cells form tight aggregates. The long-term changes in cell number are complex. Mitotic figures are present until the explants disintegrate after 3–4 days. However, the total cell number per explant does not increase during later development. The production of cells by mitotic divisions is likely to be countered by the loss of cells due to cell death, which is indicated by the presence of pyknotic nuclei.  相似文献   

In early vertebrate development, mesoderm induction is a crucial event regulated by several factors including the activin, BMP and FGF signaling pathways. While the requirement of FGF in Nodal/activin-induced mesoderm formation has been reported, the fate of the tissue modulated by these signals is not fully understood. Here, we examined the fate of tissues when exogenous activin was added and FGF signaling was inhibited in animal cap explants of Xenopus embryos. Activin-induced dorsal mesoderm was converted to ventral mesoderm by inhibition of FGF signaling. We also found that inhibiting FGF signaling in the dorsal marginal zone, in vegetal-animal cap conjugates or in the presence of the activin signaling component Smad2, converted dorsal mesoderm to ventral mesoderm. The expression and promoter activities of a BMP responsive molecule, PV.1 and a Spemann organizer, noggin, were investigated while FGF signaling was inhibited. PV.1 expression increased, while noggin decreased. In addition, inhibiting BMP-4 signaling abolished ventral mesoderm formation induced by exogenous activin and FGF inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest that the formation of dorso-ventral mesoderm in early Xenopus embryos is regulated by a combination of FGF, activin and BMP signaling.  相似文献   

ARID domain proteins are members of a highly conserved family involved in chromatin remodeling and cell-fate determination. Dril1 is the founding member of the ARID family and is involved in developmental processes in both Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. We describe the first embryological characterization of this gene in chordates. Dril1 mRNA expression is spatiotemporally regulated and is detected in the involuting mesoderm during gastrulation. Inhibition of dril1 by either a morpholino or an engrailed repressor-dril1 DNA binding domain fusion construct inhibits gastrulation and perturbs induction of the zygotic mesodermal marker Xbra and the organizer markers chordin, noggin, and Xlim1. Xenopus tropicalis dril1 morphants also exhibit impaired gastrulation and axial deficiencies, which can be rescued by coinjection of Xenopus laevis dril1 mRNA. Loss of dril1 inhibits the response of animal caps to activin and secondary axis induction by smad2. Dril1 depletion in animal caps prevents both the smad2-mediated induction of dorsal mesodermal and endodermal markers and the induction of ventral mesoderm by smad1. Mesoderm induction by eFGF is uninhibited in dril1 morphant caps, reflecting pathway specificity for dril1. These experiments identify dril1 as a novel regulator of TGF(beta) signaling and a vital component of mesodermal patterning and embryonic morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the male germ line in Xenopus laevis has been examined by electron microscopy. Findings have been compared to the parallel process in the female. Three structures unique to the germ line were found in both male and female cells: a fibrillar nuclear region free of DNA; largely proteinaceous masses of nuage material; and a chromatoid body. Germ plasm bodies of the egg and early embryo appear to represent a form of nuage material. The finding of a structure which can be identified as a chromatoid body in the female germ line is unique, as is its presence in sexually undifferentiated primordial germ cells. The chromatoid body in Xenopus, unlike that in mammals, does not persist in the spermatozoon. Instead, it dissociates into a series of coated vesicles during spermatogenesis. The chromosomal ultrastructure of meiotic prophase stages in Xenopus is similar in both sexes until diplotene, when male bivalents condense and enter meiotic metaphase instead of entering the extended lampbrush stage characteristic of the female. The multiple nucleoli present in gonia are lost at the onset of meiotic prophase, but no obvious mechanism for this process was observed.The author would like to thank Drs. Joseph Gall and Bernard Tandler for their helpful suggestions during the course of this investigation. The author is a postdoctoral fellow of the National Institutes of Health, U.S.A. This research was supported by N.I.H. Grants 51823 and 12427.  相似文献   

Sets of adult male and female Xenopus laevis were administered a boron-deficient (−B) diet under low-boron culture conditions, a boron-supplemented (+B) diet under ambient boron culture conditions, a copper-deficient (−Cu) diet under low-copper culture conditions, or a copper-supplemented (+Cu) diet under ambient copper culture conditions, for 120 d. Adults from each group were subsequently bred, and the progeny were cultured and bred. Results from these studies indicated that although pronounced effects on adult reproduction and early embryo-larval development were noted in the −B F1 generation, no effects on limb development were observed. No significant effects on reproduction, early embryogenesis, or limb development were noted in the +B group, irrespective of generation. Highly specific forelimb and hindlimb defects, including axial flexures resulting in crossed limbs and reduction deficits, were observed in −B F2 larvae, but not in the +B F2 larvae. As was noted in the boron-deficiency studies, significant effects on reproduction and early embryo development were observed in the −Cu F1 generation, but not in the +Cu F1 generation. Unlike the effects associated with boron deficiency, maldevelopment of the hindlimbs (32 responders, n=40) was found in the F1 generation.  相似文献   

Anesthetized clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) were stimulated with underwater sound and the tympanic disk vibrations were studied using laser vibrometry. The tympanic disk velocities ranged from 0.01 to 0.5 mm/s (at a sound pressure of 2 Pa) in the frequency range of 0.4–4 kHz and were 20–40 dB higher than those of the surrounding tissue. The frequency response of the disk had two peaks, in the range of 0.6–1.1 kHz and 1.6–2.2 kHz, respectively. The first peak corresponded to the peak vibrations of the body wall overlying the lung. The second peak matched model predictions of the pulsations of the air bubble in the middle ear cavity. Filling the middle ear cavity with water lowered the disk vibrations by 10–30 dB in the frequency range of 0.5–3 kHz.Inflating the lungs shifted the low-frequency peak downwards, but did not change the high-frequency peak. Thus, the disk vibrations in the frequency range of the mating call (main energy at 1.7–1.9 kHz) were mainly caused by pulsations of the air in the middle ear cavity; sound transmission via the lungs was more important at low frequencies (below 1 kHz). Furthermore, the low-frequency peak could be reversibly reduced in amplitude by loading the larynx with metal or tissue glue. This shows that the sound-induced vibrations of the lungs are probably coupled to the middle ear cavities via the larynx. Also, anatomical observations show that the two middle ear cavities and the larynx are connected in an air-filled recess in submerged animals.This arrangement is unique to pipid frogs and may be a structural adaptation to connect all the air spaces of the frog and improve low-frequency underwater hearing. Another function of the recess may be to allow cross-talk between the two middle ear cavities. Thus, the ear might be directional. Our pilot experiments show up to 10 dB difference between ipsi- and contralateral stimulus directions in a narrow frequency range around 2 kHz.  相似文献   

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