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The cold oligo-eurytherm diatomsCoscinodiscus concinnus W. Smith andRhizosolenia setigera Brightwell were cultured to determine their best competitive position by growth. Comparison of their generation times with those of other diatoms indicate that they reach this position between 6°C and 12°C. Both species grew between –1.5°C and about 20°C. The experiments indicate thatC. concinnus flowerings are possible in a deep water column, during periods of high light intensities. The simultaneous death of species in the upper layer is also caused by high light intensities.C. concinnus appeared in two morphological forms; the normal voluminous form, and a flatter form with a few intercalary bands only, filled with large oil-droplets. The latter appeared at 0°C and below, and at the upper temperature limit for growth of about 19°C–20°C. The separation of nov. spec. fromC. concinnus based on the absence or presence of a hyaline area and intercalary bands as identification characteristics should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Comparison of generation times ofBiddulphia aurita (Lyngb.) Brebisson and Godey with other diatoms indicated that the species can reach its best competitive position by growth from –1.5°C to about 6°C. The diatom demonstrates its optimum temperature at about 12°C. Yet, flowerings will occur at the lower temperatures only. Its presence in the early spring plankton is facilitated by its non-adhrence behaviour, that proved to be temperature dependent. At 0°C almost no adherence occurred, whereas at high temperaturesB. aurita adhered completely to the bottom of the glas vessels or pipettes. The importance ofB. aurita in the benthic community is discussed. The mutual differences in growth ofB. aurita, Chaetoceros debilis andThalassiosira nordenskioeldii resulted in a succession comparable with that found in nature.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is demonstrated between morphologically distinct, sympatric demes of four epipelic diatom species inhabiting a small pond. The six demes ofSellaphora pupula, four of them allogamous, one probably autogamous, and one apparently asexual, differ morphologically with respect to size, shape, stria density and pattern. In the pond,Caloneis silicula, Cymatopleura solea, andNeidium ampliatum each contain two allogamous demes, differing principally in size. There are intrinsic barriers to hybridization between the demes, which operate at the earliest stages of sexual reproduction. Such gamodemes are perhaps best treated taxonomically as separate species.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday. I gratefully acknowledge the debt I owe Prof.Geitler for the insights and inspiration I have gained from his papers. I account myself fortunate to have visited him briefly in 1983, at Lunz, and to have seen the rivers where his work on diatom species began in 1922.  相似文献   

Chaetoceros convolutus and C. concavicornis have been implicated in the death of salmon in netpens in the Pacific Northwest by damaging the salmon's gills. To better understand how environmental factors affect the distribution of these two species, the interacting effects of light, temperature and salinity on growth rate were examined by growing these species under a range of temperatures (4–18 °C), light (10–175 μmol photon m−2 s−1) and salinities (10–30‰). For C. convolutus, the growth rate showed a hyperbolic relationship with irradiance at 8, 14 and 18 °C and light saturation occurred at 9, 14 and 20 μmol photon mt s−1 respectively. At 4 °C for C. convolutus and 8 °C for C. concavicornis, cells grew at μmax, even at the lowest irradiances tested (10 μmol photon m−2 s−1). For C. convolutus, the amount of light required to saturate growth rate increased with temperature in an approximately linear fashion. The Q10 was 1.88, calculated by averaging over both species. C. concavicornis was the more euryhaline species growing at salinities as low as 17.5‰, while C. convolutus grew only at 25‰ and above.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of three pleurostomatid ciliates, Litonotus bergeri nov. spec., L. blattereri nov. spec. and L. petzi nov. spec., collected from mariculture ponds near Qingdao (Tsingtao), China, were investigated using live observations and the protargol impregnation method. These new species are distinguished from their congeners by a combination of characters including the typical distribution of extrusomes, i.e., along entire ventral margin, the number of macronuclear nodules, features and number of somatic kineties, living morphology, number and position of contractile vacuoles and their marine biotopes. Considering the distribution of extrusomes and general morphology, five new combinations are suggested, Litonotus vermiforme (Sauerbrey, 1928) nov. comb. [basionym: Loxophyllum vermiforme Sauerbrey, 1928], Litonotus levigatum (Sauerbrey, 1928) nov. comb. [basionym: Loxophyllum levigatum Sauerbrey, 1928], Litonotus undulatum (Sauerbrey, 1928) nov. comb. [basionym: Loxophyllum undulatum Sauerbrey, 1928], Loxophyllum pictus (Gruber, 1884) nov. comb. [basionym: Litonotus pictus Gruber, 1884] and Loxophyllum trichocystiferus (Foissner, 1984) nov. comb. [basionym: Litonotus trichocystiferus Foissner, 1984].  相似文献   

A new halacarid species, Halacarellus fontinalis n. sp., from a spring in the Gesäuse National Park, Austria is described. The species is characterized by three pairs of large, equal-sized acetabula and slender claws and is expected to have evolved in the Tertiary from a Tethyan-Paratethyan Halacarellus species. CaspihalacarusViets, 1928, with a single species, C. hyrcanusViets, 1928, has large and external acetabula similar to those in H. fontinalis. Caspihalacarus is synonymized with Halacarellus.  相似文献   

The genus Drosophila has played an essential role in many biological studies during the last 100 years but much controversy and many incompletely addressed issues still remain to be elucidated regarding the phylogeny of this genus. Because information on the Neotropical species contained in the subgenus Drosophila is particularly incomplete, with this taxonomic group being underrepresented in many studies, we designed a study to answer some evolutionary questions related to these species. We subjected at least 41 Drosophilidae taxa to a phylogenetic analysis using a 516-base pair (bp) fragment of the alpha-methyldopa (Amd) nuclear gene and a 672 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) gene both individually and in combination. We found that the subgenus Drosophila is paraphyletic and subdivided into two main clusters: the first containing species traditionally placed in the virilis-repleta radiation and the second assembling species of the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila radiation. Inside the first of these clusters we could detect the monophyly of both the flavopilosa (the sister-clade of the annulimana group) and the mesophragmatica (closely related to the repleta group) species groups. Concerning the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila lineage, Zaprionus, Liodrosophila, Samoaia, and Hirtodrosophila were the early offshoots, followed by the immigrans, quinaria, testacea, and funebris species groups. The tripunctata radiation appears to be a derived clade, composed of a paraphyletic tripunctata group, intimately interposed with members of the cardini, guarani, and guaramunu species groups. Overall, the COII gene yielded a poor phylogenetic performance when compared to the Amd gene, the evolutionary hypothesis of which agreed with the total evidence tree. This phenomenon can be explained by the fast saturation of transitional substitutions in COII, due to strong biases in both base composition and substitution patterns, as also by its great among-site rate variation heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The nature reserve Botshol (Utrecht, The Netherlands), consisting of two shallow lakes, ditches and reedland, originated from excavation of peat by man in the 17th century. Up to 1960 Botshol was a clear-water Charophyte lake system. Since the sixties water quality deteriorated and phytoplankton concentrations increased, while the number and dispersion of Chara species decreased. Several restoration measures were attempted to restablish a Charophyte-dominated ecosystem. This paper reports the promising results of this restoration experiment and mentions some complications that arose in restoring the reserve to a less fertile state. The restoration measures have resulted in a sixfold reduction of the external phosphorus load, from 0.6 to 0.1 g m–2.y–1, and in a significant reduction of phosphorus levels at all locations. Moreover, the light climate improved and the phyto- and zooplankton compositions changed considerably Unexpectedly, a bloom ofPrymnesium parvum and a fish kill were observed during the last three months of 1990. Despite this fish kill the restoration of the lake is successful so far.  相似文献   

CvL, a lectin from the marine sponge Cliona varians was purified by acetone fractionation followed by Sepharose CL 4B affinity chromatography. CvL agglutinated papainized treated human erythrocytes with preference for type A erythrocytes. The lectin was strongly inhibited by monosaccharide d-galactose and disaccharide sucrose. CvL is a tetrameric glycoprotein of 28 kDa subunits linked by disulphide bridges with a molecular mass of 106 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 114 kDa by Sephacryl S300 gel filtration. The lectin was Ca2+ dependent, stable up to 60 degrees C for 60 min, with optimum pH of 7.5. CvL displays a cytotoxic effect on gram positive bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. However, CvL did not affect gram negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Leishmania chagasi promastigotes were agglutinated by CvL up to 2(8) titer. These findings are indicative of the physiological defense roles of CvL and its possible use in the antibiosis of bacteria and protozoa pathogenic.  相似文献   

A new gobiid fish, Vanderhorstia papilio, is described based on a single specimen (40.9mm SL) captured from a sandy-mud bottom at a depth of 45m in a protected bay of Iriomote-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It is distinguished from congeners in having the following combination of characters: 11 segmented dorsal-fin rays; 11 segmented anal-fin rays; 27 longitudinal scales; 11 predorsal scales; third spine of first dorsal fin elongate, filamentous, and longer than preceding spine; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays elongate, filamentous, and forming bifurcated caudal fin; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays with a single branch in each; cephalic sensory-papillae row a comprises three widely-spaced papillae; when live or fresh, numerous small yellow spots scattered on head, body, and dorsal fins; dusky yellowish-brown vertical bar below eye; four dark gray-brown saddles on body, in addition to a similarly colored large blotch at midlateral caudal-fin base. The limits and diagnosis of the genus Vanderhorstia are discussed.  相似文献   

Two prominent diatoms encountered in oyster-ponds,Haslea ostrearia and Skeletonema costatum,were grown in batch and in a semi-continuous modeunder light of different spectral quality, white, blueor blue-green. The last corresponded to white lightmodified by a water-soluble pigment, marennine,produced by H. ostrearia. After acclimation tothe different light treatments, the growth rates ofboth species showed little variation with respect tolight quality. The parameters for photosynthesisvs irradiance curves were very similar in H. ostrearia grown under the three light conditions,whereas S. costatum the maximum photosyntheticcapacity (on a chlorophyll a basis) wassignificantly reduced under blue-green light. Fluorescence analyses confirmed the data forphotosynthesis, with the operational fluorescenceyield decreasing faster with increasing irradiance inS. costatum grown under blue-green light. InH. ostrearia, fluorescence yields undersaturating irradiance were closely similar in thethree light conditions. The results are discussed inrelation with the prominent development of H.ostrearia that can outcompete other diatoms inoyster-ponds.  相似文献   

The commercially available strains of Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, the biological control agent of Tetranychus urticae Koch, perform poorly in the Western Mediterranean, probably because they are not well adapted to local climatic conditions. For that reason, efforts are being focused on the development of a biological control programme using native phytoseiid mites. Four species of red spider mites can be found in vegetable crops in eastern Spain: T. urticae, Tetranychus turkestani Ugarov and Nikolski, Tetranychus ludeni Zacher and the recently introduced Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard. To evaluate their potential role as biological control agents, the present study evaluates the life-history of local populations of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and P. persimilis when fed on T. urticae, T. turkestani, T. evansi, and T. ludeni in the laboratory. Results indicate that N. californicus and P. persimilis are able to feed and complete their development on the four tested red spider mite species. The predators may exhibit a particularly high capacity for population increase when fed on T. urticae, T. turkestani, and T. ludeni, thus may be able to provide effective control of these species in the field. When fed T. evansi, however, predator performance was poor; significant increase in development and preoviposition times, and a reduction in oviposition period and fecundity were recorded. The resultant low capacity for population growth suggests poor ability of the two tested predators to suppress T. evansi populations on commercial crops. It is unlikely therefore that P. persimilis and N. californicus, now being widely used to control T. urticae in greenhouse crops in Central Europe, will be able to halt any spread of T. evansi to greenhouse crops in temperate areas.  相似文献   

The effects of tree species, shoot age, and sex of larvae on food consumption and utilization were investigated in a factorial experiment. Diets prepared from lyophilized and powdered current-year shoots, from two age classes (sample dates) of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, Picea rubra, Sarg., and Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P., were evaluated for eight performance criteria. All factors had significant effects on all criteria except for tree species on assimilation efficiency, shoot age on development time, and sex on net growth efficiency. Eight of the possible 24 two-factor interactions and one of the possible eight three-factor interactions were significant. Food utilization efficiencies and relative growth rate were in the low and moderate characterization limits for immature arthropods; relative consumption rates were high. The higher performance values on Picea glauca were related to this species greater vulnerability to spruce budworm. Performance criteria of similar larvae on an artificial diet were compared with those on the foliage-diets.
Résumé L'auteur a déterminé la quantité d'aliments utilisées, à 22±0,5 °C, par des larves de Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette parvenues à leur sixième stade de développement qui s'étaient nourries d'un régime artificiel et d'aiguilles de l'année en cours lyophilisées et réduites en poudre, prélevées à deux dates différentes, à 10 jours d'intervalle, et provenant d'épinettes blanchés (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), d'épinettes rouges (Picea rubra Sarg.) et d'épinettes noires (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.). Les femelles ont invariablement ingéré une quantité significativement plus importante de tous les régimes que les mâles, consommant 24% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette noire et 73% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette blanche.Les femelles prenaient en général plus de temps pour parvenir au stade de chrysalide et avaient un taux d'utilisation des aliments significativement plus élevé. L'efficacité nette de la croissance chez les deux sexes ne présentait toutefois aucune différence significative. La performance des larves ayant ingéré des aiguilles provenant de deux classes d'âge différait de façon significative mais non pas uniforme d'un régime à l'autre: les aiguilles d'épinette blanche plus récentes donnaient une performance généralement plus élevée contrairement aux aiguilles plus jeunes d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire. Les larves ingéraient une quantité significativement plus élevée, avaient un taux de consommation et de croissance supérieur et augmentaient davantage leur biomasse avec des aiguilles d'épinette blanche. L'efficacité d'utilisation des aliments et le taux de croissance relatif étaient de faibles à modérément faibles pour un lépidoptère arboricole phyllophage; la vitesse d'ingestion relative était élevée. La qualité des aiguilles des trois essences d'épinettes était faible. Les aiguilles d'épinette blanche permettaient aux larves d'avoir une performance significativement plus élevée, performance mesurée à partir de plusieurs critères, alors que les aiguilles d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire donnaient une performance égale. La supériorité des performances obtenues avec l'épinette blanche explique la plus grande vulnérabilité de cette essence à la Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette.

Ten species of Lepadella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826, including one new species and one new form, are documented from North-Eastern India. Two of these species are new records from this country and six are new reports from N.E. region. Comments are also made on the status and distribution of various Indian taxa.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of the marine hypotrichous ciliate Nothoholosticha fasciola (Kahl, 1932) nov. gen., nov. comb., isolated from mariculture waters near Qingdao, China, are redescribed based on live and protargol-impregnated specimens. Features reported for the first time include the possession of more than 50 macronuclear nodules and details of the infraciliature, i.e. 50–60 adoral membranelles, shortened paroral and endoral membranes, six frontal, one buccal and two to seven transverse cirri, ca. 40 pairs of midventral cirri, ca. 60–120 left and 70–120 right marginal cirri, three dorsal kineties, caudal and frontoterminal cirri absent. In addition, brief details of two stages of cellular reorganization in N. fasciola are supplied and comparisons with some related urostylids based on SS rRNA gene sequence data are reported. The new genus Nothoholosticha is established based primarily on the absence of frontoterminal cirri, which distinctly separates it from similar urostylid genera. Anteholosticha longissima is transferred to Nothoholosticha as N. longissima (Dragesco and Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) nov. comb. and Holosticha antarctica is transferred to Pseudokeronopsis as P. antarctica (Wilbert and Song, 2008) nov. comb.  相似文献   

Hale CM  Frelich LE  Reich PB  Pastor J 《Oecologia》2008,155(3):509-518
A greenhouse mesocosm experiment, representing earthworm-free North American Acer-dominated forest floor and soil conditions, was used to examine the individual and combined effects of initial invasion by three European earthworm species (Dendrobaena octaedra, Lumbricus rubellus and Lumbricus terrestris) on the forest floor and upper soil horizons, N and P availability, and the mortality and biomass of four native understory plant species (Acer saccharum, Aquilegia canadensis, Aralia racemosa, and Carex pensylvanica). All the three earthworm species combined caused larger impacts on most variables measured than any single earthworm species. These included loss of O horizon mass, decreased thickness of the O horizon and increased thickness of the A horizon, and higher availability of N and P. The latter finding differs from field reports where nutrients were less available after invasion, and probably represents an initial transient increase in nutrient supply as earthworms consume and incorporate the O horizon into the A horizon. Earthworms also increased mortality of plants and decreased total mesocosm plant biomass, but here the impact of all the three earthworm species was no greater than that of L. terrestris and/or L. rubellus alone. This study corroborates field studies that European earthworm invasions alter North American forest ecosystem processes by initiating a cascade of impacts on plant community composition and soil properties.  相似文献   

Plastids from roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings were isolated by discontinuous Percoll-gradient centrifugation. Coinciding with the peak of nitrite reductase (NiR; EC, a marker enzyme for plastids) in the gradients was a peak of a glucose-6-phosphate (Glc6P) and NADP+-linked nitrite-reductase system. High activities of phosphohexose isomerase (EC and phosphoglucomutase (EC as well as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Glc6PDH; EC and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH; EC were also present in the isolated plastids. Thus, the plastids contained an overall electron-transport system from NADPH coupled with Glc6PDH and 6PGDH to nitrite, from which ammonium is formed stoichiometrically. However, NADPH alone did not serve as an electron donor for nitrite reduction, although NADPH with Glc6P added was effective. Benzyl and methyl viologens were enzymatically reduced by plastid extract in the presence of Glc6P+ NADP+. When the plastids were incubated with dithionite, nitrite reduction took place, and ammonium was formed stoichiometrically. The results indicate that both an electron carrier and a diaphorase having ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase activity are involved in the electron-transport system of root plastids from NADPH, coupled with Glc6PDH and 6PGDH, to nitrite.Abbreviations Cyt cytochrome - Glc6P glucose-6-phosphate - Glc6PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - MVH reduced methyl viologen - NiR nitrite reductase - 6PG 6-phosphogluconate - 6PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Hanamura  Yukio  Kase  Tomoki 《Hydrobiologia》2003,497(1-3):145-152
A new species of Palaumysis, P. pilifera, the fourth species of the genus, is reported from two submarine caves of Okinawa, southwestern Japan. The new species closely resemble the two species previously reported from the Pacific by possessing a multi-segmented inner flagellum in the antennule, but it differs from them in having the terminal spine of the male fourth pleopod bearing rows of fine setules (or hairs) near midlength, as opposed to a naked spine in the latter two species. The present discovery extends the geographical limit of the genus further north to 26° N in the western North Pacific. Additional information on the colour pattern and ecological feature of P. simonae Bcescu & Iliffe, 1986, are provided on the basis of newly collected material from a submarine cave on Palau.  相似文献   

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