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Conjugation of chondroitin sulfates with pharmacologically important amines in a water medium in the presence of 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide was studied. Conjugates with amide and isoureidocarbonyl groups were synthesized. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2008, vol. 34, no. 5; see also http://www.maik.ru  相似文献   

Solvolytic depolymerization of chondroitin and dermatan sulfates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is essential to establish a library of glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides from the chondroitin and dermatan sulfates to investigate their biological functions and structure-activity relationships (SARs). There are several approaches to obtain oligosaccharides using chemical and enzymatic degradation procedures; however, purification of each resulting oligosaccharide is complicated because of the diversity of sulfonation patterns present in these oligosaccharides. We have developed a new method for the solvolytic degradation for chondroitin and dermatan sulfates to obtain an oligosaccharide mixture that can be easily purified into chondro/dermato oligosaccharides for characterization by both 1H NMR and MALDI-TOFMS. These oligosaccharides have a methyl-esterified uronate residue and a methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-galactofuranoside at the nonreducing and reducing ends, respectively. All other internal repeating disaccharide units were desulfonated, but maintained their core carbohydrate structures.  相似文献   

Selective hydrolysis of chondroitin sulfates by hyaluronidase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chondroitin 4-sulfate and chondroitin 6-sulfate were incubated with testicular hyaluronidase in the presence of excess beta-glucuronidase. The beta-glucuronidase caused rapid removal of the nonreducing terminal beta-D-glucuronosyl residues from the oligosaccharides formed by the action of the hyaluronidase, destroying the oligosaccharide acceptors required for the transglycosylation activity of hyaluronidase and releasing free D-glucuronic acid at a rate that was equal to the rate of the hyaluronidase-catalyzed hydrolysis. When hyaluronidase was assayed at 37 degrees C in the presence of 0.05 M NaCl, 0.05 M Na2SO4, and 0.1 M sodium acetate at pH 5, chondroitin 4-sulfate was hydrolyzed at 1.5 times the rate found for chondroitin 6-sulfate. When hyaluronidase was assayed at 45 degrees C in 0.06 M sodium acetate at pH 6, chondroitin 4-sulfate was hydrolyzed at 8 times the rate observed for chondroitin 6-sulfate. Under the pH5 conditions, the chondroitin 4-sulfate was converted to a mixture of tri- and pentasaccharides, while the chondroitin 6-sulfate was converted primarily to a mixture of penta- and heptasaccharides, with only a small amount of trisaccharide. Under the pH 6 conditions, the chondroitin 4-sulfate was converted to a mixture of penta- and heptasaccharides, with only a small amount of trisaccharide, but the products from chondroitin 6-sulfate were a mixture of oligosaccharides ranging in degree of polymerization from 7 to 25 monosaccharides per oligosaccharide. End-group analyses of the products formed at pH 6 showed that both substrates were cleaved preferentially at the glycosidic bonds of the 4-sulfated disaccharides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nitric oxide products degrade chondroitin sulfates.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent endogenous vasodilator that is elevated in response to inflammation. Inflammation also produces high levels of superoxide, which combines with NO to produce peroxynitrite (PN). We have previously reported that NO degrades heparin and heparan sulfate under acidic conditions and that PN degrades hyaluronan (HA) at neutral pH. Heparin and HA are glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) widely distributed in the extracellular matrix of tissues. Disruption of intestinal GAGs, particularly the chondroitin sulfates, were linked to inflammatory bowel diseases. Chondroitin sulfate A (CSA), chondroitin sulfate B (CSB), and chondroitin sulfate C (CSC) are constituents of the basement membranes of many tissues, including the intestine. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) and PN can degrade chondroitin sulfates in vitro. The NO donor SNAP (2 mM, pH 4.0) or PN (5 mM, pH 7.4) was incubated for at least 1 week at 37 degrees C with CSA, CSB, or CSC. Breakdown of CSA, CSB, and CSC was assessed by gel filtration chromatography and compared with untreated controls. Percentage degradation was calculated based on the change in peak height compared to the control. SNAP treatment partially degraded CSB and CSC, whereas PN partially degraded all three chondroitin sulfates. Nitric oxide mediated degradation of GAGs, and particularly chondroitin sulfates, may be an important pathway of inflammatory tissue damage.  相似文献   

Complexation of cisplatin (CDDP) and chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) or C (CSC) has been reported to reduce the nephrotoxicity of CDDP. However the mechanism of interaction between CDDP and CSA or CSC was not known. In this study, spectroscopic analyses including NMR were carried out to examine the complexation interactions of CSA and CSC with CDDP. The time-dependent changes in the UV spectra indicate that CSA and CSC effectively complexes with CDDP in aqueous solution and that the reaction occurs subsequent to the hydrolysis of CDDP. The time-dependent change results measured by capillary electrophoresis showed that complexation of chondroitin sulfate (CS) followed first-order reaction kinetics and that the rate of CDDP hydrolysis in the complexation for both CSA and CSC was the same. These results suggested that the mechanism of complexation was a two-step process with monoaqua formation proved to be the first step, which was also the reaction rate controlling step. Moreover, NMR data suggested that the carboxylic and sulfate groups of CS played an important role in its interaction with CDDP.  相似文献   

By heating the pyridinium salts of chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfates in dimethyl sulfoxide containing 10% of water or methanol at 80 degrees C for 1--5 h, several chondroitin preparations with sulfur contents of 0.02--1.05% were prepared in 83--96% yields, respectively. Chemical properties of the preparations, such as degrees of desulfation and of depolymerization, were compared with those of the products obtained by the previously described methods.  相似文献   

The isolation and some structural features of heparan sulfates and chondroitin sulfates from three species of molluscs (Pomacea sp., Tagelus gibbus, and Anomalocardia brasiliana) are reported. It is shown that heparan sulfates with structural similarities to the ones found in mammals are present in the three molluscs analyzed. All the heparan sulfates were degraded by heparitinases I and II to four distinct unsaturated disaccharides with the same properties as the ones present in heparan sulfates of mammalian origin. This suggests that these four disaccharide units are maintained through the evolution. Furthermore, the proportion of these units varied in the heparan sulfates according to the species of origin. The chondroitin sulfates, on the other hand, exhibit different structural features according to the species of origin. For instance, by the action of chondroitinase AC, 4- and nonsulfated disaccharides are produced from Pomacea chondroitin, whereas 4- and 6-sulfated disaccharides are formed from Tagelus and Anomalocardia. The possible role of these compounds in cell recognition and/or adhesiveness is discussed in view of the present findings.  相似文献   

《Biochemical medicine》1976,15(2):169-177
In addition to the well-known 4-sulfated, 6-sulfated, and non-sulfated disaccharide subunits, chondroitinase AC-digests of urinary glycosaminoglycans from normal individuals contained two kinds of oversulfated disaccharides as minor structural subunits. The results of the digestion with chondrosulfatases indicated that one of these oversulfated disaccharides might be Δ4-glucuronido - acetylgalactosamine - 4,6-disulfate, while the other seemed to be Δ4-sulfoglucuronido - acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate. Chondroitinase ABC-digests of urinary dermatan sulfate also contained an oversulfated disaccharide as a minor structural subunit which appeared to be a derivative of 4-sulfated disaccharide bearing an extrasulfate residue on the uronic acid moiety, Δ4-sulfoglucuronido-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate.One hybrid oligosaccharide was identified in the chondroitinase AC-digests of urinary glycosaminoglycans. It was degraded by chondroitinase ABC to yield 4-sulfated and 6-sulfated disaccharides at a molar ratio of 3 to 1. These results suggested that hybrid structure might be present in urinary dermatan sulfate chains.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize the GAGs from the wild type nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in preparation for the characterization of the transgenic form constructed by Link [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 9368] which expresses various forms of beta-peptide (or A4 peptide). This peptide forms deposits very similar to the ones found in the neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer disease (AD). Characterization has been accomplished by degradation with specific enzymes and analysis of the products by TLC and HPLC. The results were compared with earlier works and shown to differ in disaccharide content.  相似文献   

The synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans has been studied in a wide variety of embryonic chick tissues. All tissues studied have the capability to manufacture, but not necessarily accumulate, the chondroitin sulfates as well as other glycosaminoglycans. The relative distribution of glycosaminoglycans differs between tissues and changes with age.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate (CS) containing GlcA-GalNAc(4,6-SO4) (E unit) and CS containing GlcA(2SO4)-GalNAc(6SO4) (D unit) have been implicated in various physiological functions. However, it has been poorly understood how the structure and contents of disulfated disaccharide units in CS contribute to these functions. We prepared CS libraries containing E unit or D unit in various proportions by in vitro enzymatic reactions using recombinant GalNAc 4-sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase and uronosyl 2-O-sulfotransferase, and examined their inhibitory activity toward thrombin. The in vitro sulfated CSs containing disulfated disaccharide units showed concentration-dependent direct inhibition of thrombin when the proportion of E unit or D unit in the CSs was above 15–17%. The CSs containing both E unit and D unit exhibited higher inhibitory activity toward thrombin than the CSs containing either E unit or D unit alone, if the proportion of the total disulfated disaccharide units of these CSs was comparable. The thrombin-catalyzed degradation of fibrinogen, a physiological substrate for thrombin, was also inhibited by the CS containing both E unit and D unit. These observations indicate that the enzymatically prepared CS libraries containing various amounts of disulfated disaccharide units appear to be useful for elucidating the physiological function of disulfated disaccharide units in CS.  相似文献   

The chondroitin 4-sulfate-peptide from whale cartilage contains serine, xylose, and galactose in ~1:1:2 molar ratio. Deamination with nitrous acid showed that about 50% of the serine is at the amino terminus. Various conditions of β-elimination-reduction were employed with the preparation to provide quantitative data on the linkage region between protein and carbohydrate. The optimal conditions used, 0.4m sodium hydroxide in the presence of 0.3m sodium borohydride and 0.01m PdCl2·2H2O for 24 h at 25°, resulted in an increase of alanine content and concomitant decrease of serine and conversion of xylose into xylitol, all in equimolar amounts. Furthermore, substitution of both the terminal amino and carboxyl groups, and elimination-reduction, brought about cleavage of most of the linkages; over 90% of the amino acids originally present were lost after re-isolation of the polymer fraction. These results indicate that β-elimination-reduction alone, under the optimal conditions, allows the mode of linkage to be quantitatively determined as an O-xylosylserine linkage. Under these optimal conditions, the linkage region between protein and a chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate hybrid (1:1) from bovine tracheal cartilage was determined to be Gal-Gal-Xyl-O-Ser, thus being similar to that found in chondroitin 4-sulfate-peptide.  相似文献   

The use of high-performance liquid chromatography for the quantification of glycosaminoglycan disaccharides has been hampered by the inability to isocratically resolve the chondroitinase digestion products 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(beta-D-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-D-glucose (delta Di-HA) and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(beta-D-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-D-galactose (delta Di-OS). To overcome this limitation, we have developed a solvent system capable of resolving delta Di-HA, delta Di-OS, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(beta-D-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-6-O-sulfo-D-galactose (delta Di-6S), and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(beta-D-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-4-O-sulfo-D-galactose (delta Di-4S). Integrator responses were linear from 1 microgram down to 25 ng for delta Di-HA, delta Di-OS, and delta Di-4S and down to 100 ng for delta Di-6S. This method was used to examine changes in the content of urinary hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfates isolated from normal individuals and from patients with Lowe Syndrome, Werner Syndrome, and Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome. We confirmed that the HPLC method gave results comparable to colorimetric methods.  相似文献   

Li Z  Hou WS  Brömme D 《Biochemistry》2000,39(3):529-536
Cathepsin K is the predominant cysteine protease in osteoclast-mediated bone remodeling, and the protease is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of diseases with excessive bone and cartilage resorption. Osteoclastic matrix degradation occurs in the extracellular resorption lacuna and upon phagocytosis within the cell's lysosomal-endosomal compartment. Since glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are abundant in extracellular matrixes of cartilage and growing bone, we have analyzed the effect of GAGs on the activity of bone and cartilage-resident cathepsins K and L and MMP-1. GAGs, in particular chondroitin sulfates, specifically and selectively increased the stability of cathepsin K but had no effect on cathepsin L and MMP-1. GAGs strongly enhanced the stability and, to a lesser extent, the catalytic activity of cathepsin K. To combine the activity and stability parameters, we defined a novel kinetic term, named cumulative activity (CA), which reflects the total substrate turnover during the life span of the enzyme. In the presence of chondroitin-4-sulfate (C-4S), the CA value increased 200-fold for cathepsin K but only 25-fold with chondroitin-6-sulfate (C-6S). C-4S dramatically increased the hydrolysis of soluble as well insoluble type I and II collagens, whereas the effects of C-6S and hyaluronic acid were less pronounced. C-4S acts in a concentration-dependent manner but reaches saturation at approximately 0.1%, a concentration similar to that found in the synovial fluid of arthritis patients. C-4S increased the cathepsin K-mediated release of hydroxyproline from insoluble type I collagen 10-fold but had only a less than 2-fold enhancing effect on the hydrolysis of intact cartilage. The relatively small increase in the hydrolysis of cartilage by C-4S was attributed to the endogenous chondroitin sulfate content present in the cartilage. Although C-4S increased the pH stability at neutral pH, a significant increase in the collagenolytic activity of cathepsin K at this pH was not observed, thus suggesting that the unique collagenolytic activity of cathepsin K at acidic pH is mechanistically determined and not by the enzyme's instability at neutral pH. The selective and significant stabilization and activation of cathepsin K activity by C-4S may provide a rationale for a novel mechanism to regulate the enzyme's activity during bone growth and aging, two processes known for significant changes in the GAG content.  相似文献   

The structures of chondroitin sulfate A from whale cartilage and chondroitin sulfate C from shark cartilage have been examined with the aid of the chondroitinases AC and C from Flavobacterium heparinum. The analyses of the products formed from the chondroitin sulfates by the action of the chondroitinases have shown that three types of oligosaccharides compose the structure of chondroitin sulfate A, namely, a dodeca-, hexa- and a tetra-saccharide, containing five, two and one 4-sulfated disaccharides per 6-sulfated disaccharide residue, respectively. The polymer contains an average of 3 mol of each oligosaccharide per mol of chondroitin sulfate A. Each mol of chondroitin sulfate C contains an average of 5 mol of 4-sulfated disaccharide units. A tetra-saccharide containing one 4-sulfated disaccharide and one 6-sulfated disaccharide was isolated from this mucopolysaccharide by the action of the chondroitinase C, indicating that the 4-sulfated disaccharides are not linked together in one specific region but spaced in the molecule.  相似文献   

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