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This report demonstrates that oxygen concentration within the physiologic range of 2.5 to 20% controls the pattern of proliferation of human diploid fibroblasts by modulating their response to serum and purified growth factors. Reducing oxygen concentration from 20 to 2.5% increased the division rate and final density of fibroblasts cultured in serum-containing medium. DNA synthesis in response to serum, as well as to EGF and PDGF, was enhanced significantly. Exposing quiescent cells to reduced oxygen enhanced serum-induced DNA synthesis in a time-dependent manner. The stimulatory effect persisted when the oxygen concentration was raised to ambient levels before the addition of serum. These results suggest that oxygen concentration within the physiologic range may control proliferation indirectly by altering the activity of a stable intermediate that regulates the cellular response to growth factors.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of more than 60 novel cDNA clones that constitute part of the immediate genetic response to resting human peripheral blood T cells after mitogen activation. This primary response was highly complex, both in the absolute number of inducible genes and in the diversity of regulation. Although most of the genes expressed in activated T cells were shared with the activation response of normal human fibroblasts, a significant number were more restricted in tissue specificity and thus likely encode or effect the differentiated functions of activated T cells. The activatable genes could be further differentiated on the basis of kinetics of induction, response to cycloheximide, and sensitivity to the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A. It is of note that cyclosporin A inhibited the expression of more than 10 inducible genes, which suggests that this drug has a broad genetic mechanism of action.  相似文献   

We report a completely serum-free system for primary culture of fibroblasts from explants of adult mouse lung tissue which permits bioassays for cytokine activity to be performed using unselected populations of cells at low passage number, without interference by serum binding proteins or interacting growth factors. Cultures were established on collagen-coated surfaces in medium MCDB 201 containing albumin, transferrin, epidermal growth factor, lipids, prostaglandin E1, vitamin E, and reducing agents. The cells were morphologically and ultrastructurally typical of fibroblasts in culture and demonstrated expression of vimentin and induction of expression of desmin in culture. Proliferation of the cells was reproducible between different primary cultures and was growth factor dependent. Both cycling and growth-arrested cells exhibited increased DNA synthesis when stimulated with epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, or basic fibroblast growth factor, which functioned as complete mitogens, but did not respond to insulin, tumor necrosis factor or interleukin-1 beta. Maximal induction of DNA synthesis by epidermal growth factor required the continued presence of the mitogen in the culture medium. These results cannot be satisfactorily explained by the competence-progression model of responses to mitogenic stimuli but support and extend the findings of other studies using diploid fibroblasts.  相似文献   

New genetic tools that have been developed in the mouse for the study of genetic variation and molecular biology can be applied to the study of craniofacial growth and malformation. D.W. Bailey (Journal of Heredity, 76:107-114, 1985, 77:17-25, 1986) has used congenic and recombinant inbred strains to identify a large number of genes that result in growth variation in local regions of the mandible. The function of "morphogenes" have not been characterized, but they may act as switches that regulate already recognized structural genes. We have studied the cartilage matrix deficiency (cmd/cmd) mutant mouse and found that their chondrocytes fail to synthesize the cartilage-specific proteoglycan at both protein and mRNA levels. In vitro experiments demonstrate biochemical feedback control in the formation of the cartilage extracellular matrix. Abnormalities of cartilage matrix result in facial clefts and in dental malocclusion in mice. A recombinant plasmid containing the type II collagen promoter and enhancer fused to a reporter gene, chloramphenicol acetyl transferase, has been used to produce transgenic mice. These mice reveal that the type II collagen enhancer controls the high level of tissue-specific expression of the gene. The transgenic mice provide a potential test system for study of development and teratogenesis at the gene level.  相似文献   

The possibility that the stimulation of hexose transport in human fibroblasts by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), insulin, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) is associated with phosphorylation of the glucose transporter has been investigated. The time and concentration dependencies of the stimulation of transport by these agents under conditions identical to those used for phosphorylation were determined. Each agent, when used at the concentration that resulted in the maximal increase in transport rate, elicited this effect within 30 min of exposure. The extent of stimulation ranged from 15 to 70%. For determination of phosphorylation of the glucose transporter, fibroblasts were incubated for 16 h with [32P]Pi and exposed to the agonist for 30 min; the transporter was then isolated from a detergent lysate of the cells by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody. Under these conditions, there was no phosphorylation of transporter in basal cells and only PMA caused detectable incorporation of phosphate into the transporter. Thus, it is unlikely that the stimulation of glucose transport by insulin, PDGF and EGF involve transporter phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Gene expression in quiescent mouse embryo fibroblasts was studied by labelling the cells with [14C] amino acids and analysing the proteins by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gradient gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. Cycloheximide (CH) pretreatment of the cells was found to induce the synthesis of four proteins of molecular weights 72,000, 68,000, 42,000, and 29,000. These proteins were induced by CH both in serum-arrested and serum-stimulated cells. Addition of platelet-derived growth factor to serum-arrested quiescent cells also induced the synthesis of these proteins. Addition of CH and fetal calf serum (20%) to quiescent cells resulted in a dramatic increase in the synthesis of actin and another protein of molecular weight 29,000. The 29,000-dalton protein was present in higher quantities in the nuclei of induced cells. This protein appeared to be an early protein whose synthesis was transiently induced in quiescent cells within 3 hours of addition of 20% fetal calf serum (FCS). The synthesis of this protein was virtually turned off at 5-6 hours after the addition of serum. However, if CH or a combination of CH and FCS was present, a continuous synthesis of the 29 K protein was observed.  相似文献   

Our studies show that in connective tissue cells, induction of PGE2 synthesis in response to IL-1 requires costimulation with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF). In cells incubated in medium containing fresh serum, IL-1 induced a dose-dependent synthesis of PGE2. However, when the cells were incubated in medium containing low serum or platelet poor plasma (lacking PDGF), IL-1 alone failed to induce PGE2 synthesis. PGE2 synthesis was restored when platelet poor plasma was supplemented with PDGF. Addition of PDGF or FGF together with IL-1 resulted in a 14- and 66-fold stimulation of PGE2 synthesis, respectively. Stimulation was dependent on the concentration of both IL-1 and the growth factor. PGE2 synthesis was also dependent on the synthesis of new proteins. In cells simultaneously treated with IL-1 and PDGF, PGE2 synthesis was initiated after a lag of 2 to 3 h, proceeded first with a rapid rate for 6 h, and then with a slower rate through 24 h. PGE2 synthesis during the latter, slower phase was greatly enhanced by pretreatment with PDGF, but not by pretreatment with IL-1. PDGF pretreatment also resulted in maintenance of 10- to 12-fold higher cell surface IL-1-binding during this phase. These data provide evidence for potentially novel interactions between PDGF and IL-1 activities, one of which is the modulation of IL-1 receptors by PDGF. Furthermore, these studies suggest that by virtue of their effect on IL-1 activities, PDGF and FGF may play additional roles in connective tissues, including an indirect role in inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

As human fibroblasts in culture senesce their response to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) becomes attenuated. To clarify at which level such cells are blocked in the pre-replicative part of the cell cycle, we have analysed PDGF-induced pre-replicative events in senescent (phase III) cultures. We found that phase III cells retain a normal number of PDGF receptors and that these are functional with regard to PDGF-induced receptor autophosphorylation. Phase III cells also respond to PDGF by rapid actin reorganization and increased levels of c-fos and c-myc mRNA, similar to growth-arrested phase II fibroblasts. However, the expression of the nuclear antigen K-67, which in phase II cell is induced in S-phase and continues to be expressed throughout the cell cycle, is not induced in phase III cells in response to PDGF. We conclude that phase III human fibroblasts, although blocked with regard to proliferation, still retain a functional growth factor receptor system, and display early responses when exposed to growth factors, such as changes in the cytoskeleton and the expression of proto-oncogenes.  相似文献   

Only some of the diverse factors that can affect drug disposition and response in laboratory animals have been identified at the present time. These numerous factors contribute to large day-to-day variations that have become a major problem impeding investigation of drug disposition and response in laboratory animals. Although these variations render many experiments difficult to interpret and produce large discrepancies in the literature, few published investigations using laboratory animals provide sufficient details to permit replication of the studies under similar conditions with respect to these variables. Thus, the importance of these variables in affecting results is apparently insufficiently recognized at present. Two commonly overlooked variables affecting the activity of hepatic microsomal enzymes (HME) in rodents and hence the rate at which rodents eliminate from their bodies many foreign compounds are the bedding under the wire mesh cage and the relative cleanliness of the environment. Numerous chemicals present in relatively low concentrations in the environment of the animal room can significantly alter HME activity. Representative of these chemicals are aromatic hydrocarbons in cedarwood bedding, eucalyptol from aerosol sprays, and chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, each of which induces HME activity, whereas ammonia generated from feces and urine accumulated in unchanged pans under cages may inhibit HME activity. Chloroform, identified as an environmental contaminant of the water and air of certain cities, exhibits sex and strain differences with respect to toxicity (LD50) in mice. After intraperitoneal injection, twice as much chloroform accumulated in the kidneys of males from the sensitive strain (DBA/2J) as from the resistant (C57BL/6J) strain. First generation offspring were midway between parental strains both with respect to LD50 and renal accumulation of chloroform.  相似文献   

R W Tucker  C D Scher  C D Stiles 《Cell》1979,18(4):1065-1072
BALB/c-3T3 cells which are growth-arrested by high cell density or low serum have ciliated, unduplicated centrioles. Stimulation of these quiescent cells by serum is associated with a rapid (within 1–2 hr) deciliation of the centriole, followed by reciliation within 6–10 hr. This transient deciliation of the centriole is induced by the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) component of serum. The cells treated with PDGF became competent to replicate their DNA; most PDGF treated cells, however, did not progress from Go toward S phase unless they were incubated with the platelet-poor plasma component of serum. Addition of CaCl2 or Fibroblast Growth Factor to the media mimicked PDGF by producing both centriole deciliation and competence to replicate DNA. In fact, over a range of concentrations of each of these factors, only doses which produced centriole deciliation were capable of producing competence for DNA synthesis. Plasma alone or factors such as Multiplication Stimulating Activity produced neither centriole deciliation nor competence; these agents were, however, required for the optimum progression of competent cells into DNA synthesis. In contrast, infection with SV40 induced host cell DNA synthesis without an initial transient deciliation of the centriole. Thus while growth factors may have to induce centriole deciliation for 3T3 cells to synthesize DNA, abortive transformation by SV40 overrides this requirement.  相似文献   

RNA excess hybridization experiments were used to measure the complexity of nuclear RNA, poly(A+) mRNA, poly(A-) mRNA, and EDTA-released polysomal RNA sedimenting at less than 80 S in mouse liver and in cultured mouse cells. With both cell types, poly(A-) RNA was found to contain 30-40% of the sequence diversity of total mRNA. In the case of liver this represents 5,700 poly(A-) molecules and 8,600 poly(A+) molecules for a total of approximately 14,300 different mRNAs. Comparison of the complexity of mRNA with that of nuclear RNA revealed that in liver and in cultured cells, mRNA has only 10-20% of the sequence diversity present in nuclear RNA. This latter observation is consistent with existing data on mammalian cells from this and other laboratories.  相似文献   

Microprecipitates of calcium phosphate (CaPO4) can substitute for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) to stimulate the growth of cultured 3T3 cells. In two-part complementation assays, CaPO4 behaves as a PDGF-like "competence factor"--that is, the mitogenic response to CaPO4 is enhanced synergistically by "progression factors" contained in platelet-poor plasma. In studies described here, we show that early cytoplasmic and intranuclear events in the mitogenic response to CaPO4 are equivalent to those induced by PDGF. However, no net increase in tyrosine kinase activity of either the PDGF-alpha or PDGF-beta receptor is seen following exposure to CaPO4. Our data suggest that calcium acts within the cell, regulating events which normally proceed from activation of PDGF receptors. Alternatively, microprecipitates of CaPO4 could act externally by activating a growth factor receptor which escapes detection with available reagents.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for both the F 1 and F 2a-1 calf thymus histone fractions were prepared by use of highly purified histone fractions. With these antibodies, immunofluorescent studies were performed in cultured cells from a Syrian hamster, from human cancer and from rat embryonal cells. Specific staining of nuclei by both of the antibodies was seen in all the cell lines used. In the staining pattern of the cell nucleus, there was a distinct difference between the results obtained from anti-F 1 antibody and from anti-F2a-1 antibody. In the case of the anti-F 1, the nuclei were stained to be coarse-grained or clumped in appearance. However, the result from anti-F 2a-1 showed strong fluorescence in the peripheral part of the nucleus and a faint shaggy appearance in the central part of the nucleus. These differences in the nuclear fluorescent pattern between the results obtained from anti-F 1 antibody and from anti-F 2a-1 antibody were seen in all the cell lines used.  相似文献   

The new system for the transfer and expression of foreign genes based on retroviral vectors pPS-neo, conferring neomycin resistance was constructed. The BALB/c mouse cell lines producing highly active human growth hormone (more than 7 micrograms/ml into culture medium) were constructed using these vectors. An antibody column was used to purify the growth hormone from cell culture medium. Possibilities of producers to be applied for gene therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

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