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Burkin  A. A.  Kononenko  G. P. 《Biology Bulletin》2022,49(3):133-141
Biology Bulletin - Indirect competitive enzyme immunoassay was used to detect the occurrence of 16 mycotoxins in wild herbaceous plants of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family typical for...  相似文献   

Zinc tolerance was investigated in five populations of Arabidopsis halleri (syn.: Cardaminopsis halleri ) raised from seeds collected from contaminated and uncontaminated sites. Tolerance was measured by determining the concentration which inhibited root growth (EC100). A. halleri populations from contaminated and uncontaminated sites were found to be Zn-tolerant compared with the Zn-nontolerant species Arabidopsis thaliana and A. lyrata subsp. petraea . At very high Zn concentrations, populations of A. halleri from uncontaminated sites were slightly less Zn-tolerant than those from contaminated sites. These observations support the hypothesis that in A. halleri , Zn tolerance is largely a constitutive property. One population from an uncontaminated site and one population from a contaminated site were studied for Zn uptake. Zinc content was measured in shoots and roots using a colorimetric test under laboratory conditions. The results showed that whatever their origin, individuals from both populations are Zn accumulators compared with the nonaccumulator species A. thaliana . Moreover, the population from the uncontaminated area accumulated Zn in its shoots and roots more quickly than the population from the contaminated site. These results suggest that, in A. halleri , Zn accumulation to very high concentration is a constitutive property.  相似文献   

细胞壁在植物重金属耐性中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物细胞壁主要是由多糖、蛋白质和木质素等组成的一个复合体,广泛参与植物生长发育及对各种逆境胁迫的响应,是重金属离子进入细胞质的第一道屏障。本文主要综述了植物细胞壁主要成分,包括细胞壁多糖、细胞壁蛋白质和木质素,在响应重金属胁迫反应中的作用及其参与重金属耐性的机制,以期能对植物细胞壁在重金属耐性中的作用有更深入的了解。  相似文献   

Thermal treatment is one of the most promising disposal techniques for heavy metal- (HM)-enriched hyperaccumulators. However, the thermal characteristics and fate of HMs during thermal treatment of hyperaccumulator biomass need to be known in detail. A horizontal tube furnace was used to analyze the disposal process of hyperaccumulator biomass derived from a phyto-extracted field in which the soil was moderately contaminated with heavy metals. Different operational conditions regarding temperature and gas composition were tested. A thermo-dynamic analysis by advanced system for process engineering was performed to predict HM speciation during thermal disposal and SEM-EDS, XRD and sequential chemical extraction were used to characterize the heavy metals. The recovery of Zn, Pb and Cd in bottom ash decreased with increasing temperature but recovery increased in the fly ash. Recovery of Zn, Pb and Cd fluctuated with increasing air flow rate and the metal recovery rates were higher in the fly ash than the bottom ash. Most Cl, S, Fe, Al and SiO2 were found as alkali oxides, SO2, Fe2(SO4)3, iron oxide, Ca3Al2O6, K2SiO3 and SiO2 instead of reacting with HMs. Thus, the HMs were found to occur as the pure metals and their oxides during the combustion process and as the sulfides during the reducing process.  相似文献   

The present study deals with external morphology, chromosome number, pollen morphology and seed anatomy of three species of Brassica in China. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Brassica xinjiangensis is described as a new species based on the chromosome number n=9, and 3-4-colpate and reticulate pollen grains. In the transverse section of seed, epidermal cells are triangular, semiterete or irregular, subepidermal cells consist of one series, palisade cells terete and equal in length. Leaves are petiolate or not; stems, sepals, pistils and siliquae are usually covered with retrorse-pilose hairs; rostrum stout, 12 mm long. By the above characters this species differs from others in this genus. 2. Relationship between B. nigra and B. xinjiangensis. In the former all leaves are petiolate, and the lower part of stems and leaves usually bristly; sepals, pistils and siliquae are glabrous; pedicels are erect and appressed to the axis of infructescence; rostrum is gracile, 2.5 mm long. The chromosome number is n=8. Pollen grains are 3-colpate; the exine is cerebroid-reticulate under SEM. In the transverse section of seeds, epidermal cells are undulate, subepidermal cells in 1-2 series, palisade cells terete, short and unequal in length. These characteristics are the same as reported by Koch (1833), Darlington and Wylie (1955), Goldblatt (1981), Vaughan et al. (1971), Lan (1986). 3. Taxonomical position of B. celerifolia. It was treated as B. juncea var. celerifolia by Tsen et Lee (1942). According to the chromosome number n=10, 3-4-colporate pollen grains, it deserves specific rank. This species differs from B. juncea, which has the chromo-some number n=18 and 3-4-colpate pollen grains.  相似文献   

A facultative halophite Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. (the common ice plant) was shown to grow successively at the high concentrations of Cu and Zn. Although 25 μM CuSO4 or 800 μM ZnSO4 retarded markedly plant growth, they did not interfere with the completion of plant development and the formation of viable seeds. In such plants, leaves accumulated more than 200 μg of Cu and 1700 μg of Zn per 1 g of dry weight. A damaging effect of heavy metals (HMs) was manifested in a reduced content of water in leaves and proline accumulation in them. As copper is a metal with transient valence, copper salts are more toxic than zinc salts, which was manifested in a stronger inhibition of the chlorophyll synthesis. Both HMs induced oxidative stress, as evident from increased activities of guaiacol peroxidase and lipoxygenase. Moderate Cu and Zn concentrations did not damage cell membranes in leaves, as evident from the absence of their action on electrolyte leakage either under optimum conditions or after heat treatment. A capability of a substantial HM accumulation by the common ice plant and their considerable transport to shoots (up to 50 μg of Cu and 560 μg of Zn per plant) make it possible to consider the common ice plant as a promising phytoremediator. __________ Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2005, pp. 848–858. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2005 by Kholodova, Volkov, Kuznetsov.  相似文献   


Soil contamination with heavy metals has become a worldwide concern. A sustainable technology to mitigate heavy metal contamination is extremely important. Phytoremediation is a cost-effective method, environmentally friendly, and esthetically pleasing. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of Vetiver phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. This research was conducted as a factorial design with four different heavy metals (lead, cadmium, manganese, and nickel) with three varying levels and also three replications for each treatment. Statistical analysis of data was performed using SPSS19 software and analysis of variance, Duncan and Pearson correlation tests. The results showed that, the highest uptake rate was related to lead metal with 282.45 mg/kg of dry soil and 83.4% uptake percentage. Then, the mean and percentage of adsorption for cadmium, nickel and manganese were 248.3 mg/kg (53.2%), 69.4 mg/kg (65.5%), and 63.29 mg/kg (61%), respectively. Lead was found to be the main component of uptake by Vetiver plant. It was found that the roots of the plant have absorbed more heavy metals than the shoots. And at the roots in total 1089.05 and on average 363.01 mg/kg and at the shoots 901.19 and on average 300.39 mg/kg, the metals used were adsorbed on three levels and four treatments. The results of analysis of variance, Duncan test and Pearson correlation showed that the effect of applied treatments on lead uptake in roots and shoots increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing levels of treatments. The biological concentration factor was more than one, and the transfer factor was close to one. Therefore, it can be used as a phytostablization plant. The results showed that Vetiver can be considered as a refining plant due to its vegetative characteristics, cost-effectiveness and high adaptation to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

观察了拟南芥属、盐芥属以及相关属的叶表皮微形态特征, 并测定了叶绿体DNA 的trnL 内含子和trnL-F 基因间隔区序列, 对这两个属的亲缘关系进行了比较研究。研究结果初步表明: 盐芥属与拟南芥属之间的亲缘关系较远, 前者应置于大蒜芥族, 与该族中的山嵛菜属关系最近; 后者则应放在南芥族而不是大蒜芥族。  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are chromosome numbers of 41 species and varieties of Brassiceae in China, belonging to 5 genera. The chromosome numbers of 15 Species and varieties are first reported and some problems concerning chromosome numbers of Brassiceae are also discussed.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation in Wetland Ecosystems: Progress,Problems, and Potential   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assessing the phytoremediation potential of wetlands is complex due to variable conditions of hydrology, soil/sediment types, plant species diversity, growing season, and water chemistry. Conclusions about long-term phytoremediation potential are further complicated by the process of ecological succession in wetlands. This review of wetlands phytoremediation addresses the role of wetland plants in reducing contaminant loads in water and sediments, including metals; volatile organic compounds (VOC), pesticides, and other organohalogens; TNT and other explosives; and petroleum hydrocarbons and additives. The review focuses on natural wetland conditions and does not attempt to review constructed wetland technologies. Physico-chemical properties of wetlands provide many positive attributes for remediating contaminants. The expansive rhizosphere of wetland herbaceous shrub and tree species provides an enriched culture zone for microbes involved in degradation. Redox conditions in most wetland soil/sediment zones enhance degradation pathways requiring reducing conditions. However, heterogeneity complicates generalizations within and between systems. Wetland phytoremediation studies have mainly involved laboratory microcosm and mesocosm technologies, with the exception of planted poplar communities. Fewer large-scale field studies have addressed remediation actions by natural wetland communities. Laboratory findings are encouraging with regards to phytoextraction and degradation by rhizosphere and plant tissue enzymes. However, the next phase in advancing the acceptance of phytoremediation as a regulatory alternative must demonstrate sustained contaminant removal by intact natural wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs grow longer and denser in response to low-phosphorus availability. We tested the hypothesis that wild-type Arabidopsis would acquire more phosphorus under phosphorus-limiting conditions than mutants that do not have the root hair response. The growth and phosphorus acquisition of wild-type Arabidopsis (WS) were compared to two root hair mutants (rhd6 and rhd2) under eight phosphorus treatments ranging from 0.4 mmol/m to 54 mmol/m phosphorus. At the lowest phosphorus treatment, all plants were small and showed severe phosphorus stress symptoms. At 1.5 mmol/m phosphorus, WS plants had greater shoot biomass, absolute growth rate, total phosphorus, and specific phosphorus absorption than the two root hair mutants. At the highest phosphorus treatment, there was no difference between genotypes in any of the parameters measured. We conclude that the response of increased root hair growth under low phosphorus availability in Arabidopsis is important in increasing phosphorus acquisition under phosphorus-limiting conditions.  相似文献   

Suitable plant species are able to accumulate heavy metals and to produce biomass useful for non-food purposes. In this study, three endemic Mediterranean plant species, Atriplex halimus, Portulaca oleracea and Medicago lupulina were grown hydroponically to assess their potential use in phytoremediation and biomass production. The experiment was carried out in a growth chamber using half strength Hoagland's solutions separately spiked with 5 concentrations of Pb and Zn (5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg L?1), and 3 concentrations of Ni (1, 2 and 5 mg L?1). Shoot and root biomass were determined and analyzed for their metals contents. A. halimus and M. lupulina gave high shoot biomass with relatively low metal translocation to the above ground parts. Metals uptake was a function of both metals and plant species. It is worth noting that M. lupulina was the only tested plant able to grow in treatment Pb50 and to accumulate significant amount of metal in roots. Plant metal uptake efficiency ranked as follows: A. halimus > M. lupulina > P. oleracea . Due to its high biomass production and the relatively high roots metal contents, A. halimus and M. lupulina could be successfully used in phytoremediation, and in phytostabilization, in particular.  相似文献   

采用PCR及RT-PCR法分别克隆了拟南芥SDIR1基因的DNA和cDNA序列。根据序列比对分析结果,发现了3种不同的转录本,提示SDIR1基因的转录中存在选择性剪接。3种转录本的长度分别为822bp、691bp和666bp,依次命名为:SDIR1-822、SDIR1-691、SDIR1-666。与SDIR1基因的DNA序列及已报道的SDIR1cDNA序列比较,除转录本SDIR1-822包含了完整的编码序列外,其余2种转录本的编码序列都存在不同长度的缺失。其中,SDIR1-691缺失了131bp的片段:第2外显子3′端缺失33bp,第3外显子53bp全部缺失,第4外显子5′端缺失45bp;转录本SDIR1-666缺失了156bp的片段:第3外显子3′端缺失18bp,第4外显子5′端缺失138bp。进而随机挑取101个克隆子对三种转录本的表达比例进行初步分析,结果表明3种分子的比值为SDIR1-822:SDIR1-691:SDIR1-666=26.00:1.33:1.00,反映出SDIR1基因不同转录本在拟南芥中的相对表达量。  相似文献   

The flavonoids of nine selected species belonging to different tribes of family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) native to Egypt were surveyed, viz. Rorippa palustris, Coronopus squamatus, Eremobium aegyptiacum, Moricandia nitens, Brassica tournefortii, Farsetia aegyptia, Matthiola livida, Anastatica hierochuntica and Sisymbrium irio. Thirty-eight compounds were isolated and identified, which included six flavonol aglycones, 24 flavonol glycosides including 14 flavonol 3,7-diglycosides, one flavone aglycone, three flavone O–glycosides, two glycoflavones and two dihydroflavonoids. A numerical analysis based on a combination of 97 morphological, anatomical and chemical characters revealed two series, two subseries, two clusters and two groups. The interrelationships between the studied species are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the pollen morphology of 36 species and varieties of Brassica L. in China mostly for the first time. They were examined both under LM and SEM. Pollen grains of Brassica L. in China are long-spheroidal, subspheroidal, spheriodal, oblate, rarely reniformis or subsquare. According to the aperture characters pollen grains may be divided into four types: 2,3,4-colpate, 3-colpate, 3,4-colpate, 3,4-colporate. The exine sculpture may also be divided into three types: 1, reticulate, 2, cerebroid-reticulate, 3, foveolatereticulate. Detailed characters of pollen grains for each taxon are presented in Table 1. The 2,3,4-colpate type of pollen grains may be considered as primitive one and the 3,4-colpate or 3,4-colporate type of pollen grains is the most advanced in Brassica. The tricolpate aperture and reticulate exine have been reported by the previous authors, whereas, 3,4-colporate and cerebroid-reticulate or foveolate-reticulate pollen grains are newly reported.  相似文献   

Among the suffruticose cabbages of Brassica sect. Brassica, a new species from Sicily, named B. raimondoi, is described and illustrated. It is a chasmophyte restricted to some steep limestone cliffs near Taormina (NE Sicily) and is morphologically related to B. incana, with which it shares densely hairy, broad, amplexicaul leaves and winged petioles, but differs principally in its white corolla, larger floral pieces, more developed stigmatic papillae, shorter siliquae with keeled valves and a smaller, seedless beak, smaller seeds differing in testa microsculpture. A key for the identification of the currently known Sicilian taxa of the section is provided.  相似文献   

Plants of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were exposed to different concentrations (15, 30, 60, 120 microM) of (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb) for 28 and 56 d for accumulation and detoxification studies. Metal accumulation in roots and shoots were analyzed and it was observed that roots accumulated a significant amount of Cd (1980 microg g(-1) dry weight), Cr (1540 microg g(-1) dry weight), Cu (1995 microg g(-1) dry weight), and Pb (2040 microg g(-1) dry weight) after 56 d of exposure, though in shoot this was 1110, 618, 795, and 409 microg g(-1) dry weight of Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb, respectively. In order to assess detoxification mechanisms, non-protein thiols (NP-SH), glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs) were analyzed in plants. An increase in the quantity of NP-SH (9.55), GSH (8.30), and PCs (1.25) micromol g(-1) FW were found at 15 microM of Cd, however, a gradual decline in quantity was observed from 15 microM of Cd onwards, after 56 d of exposure. For genotoxicity in plants, cytogenetic end-points such as mitotic index (MI), micronucleus formation (MN), mitotic aberrations (MA) and chromosome aberrations (CA) were examined in root meristem cells of B. juncea. Exposure of Cd revealed a significant (P < 0.05) inhibition of MI, induction of MA, CA, and MN in the root tips for 24 h. However, cells examined at 24 h post-exposure showed concentration-wise recovery in all the endpoints. The data revealed that Indian mustard could be used as a potential accumulator of Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb due to a good tolerance mechanisms provided by combined/concerted action of NP-SH, GSH, and PCs. Also, exposure of Cd can cause genotoxic effects in B. juncea L. through chromosomal mutations, MA, and MN formation.  相似文献   

Although current knowledge about the overall distribution of zinc (Zn) tolerance in Arabidopsis halleri populations is scarce, the species is an emerging model for the study of heavy metal tolerance in plants. We attempted to improve this knowledge by testing the Zn tolerance of scattered European metallicolous (M) and nonmetallicolous (NM) populations of A. h. subsp. halleri and A. h. subsp. ovirensis in hydroponic culture. The occurrence of constitutive tolerance was unconditionally established in A. h. halleri and tolerance was extended to the subspecies ovirensis. M populations were the most tolerant but there was a continuous range of variation in tolerance from NM to M populations. Finally, relatively high levels of tolerance were detected in some NM populations, suggesting that enhanced tolerance could be present at high frequency in populations that have not experienced metal exposure. We used our results to argue the evolutionary dynamics and origin of Zn tolerance in A. halleri.  相似文献   

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