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Cervical screening has been shown to be effective in several countries, although not by means of randomised controlled trials. A screening programme has been in operation in the United Kingdom since 1964, but it has, in the past, been beset with problems of organisation, accountability, and commitment. The introduction in 1988 of a systematic call and recall introduction in 1988 of a systematic call and recall system and the setting up of an NHS cervical screening programme national coordinating network has brought a greater sense of coherence. Coverage of the target population in England between 1989-90 and 1992-3 increased from 61% to 83%, and there is a strong indication that cervical screening is now beginning to reach those most at risk--namely, older women from lower social classes. Primary care is central to the overall success of the cervical screening programme. General practitioners are in a unique position to invite women for a smear test, to take smears, to ensure that abnormal smear test results are followed up, and to check on reasons for non-attendance. Numerous studies have looked at the involvement of general practice in cervical screening, identifying many ways in which the programme can be improved. Many practices are now running well organised and effective programmes.  相似文献   

Background It has been argued that primary care practitioners have an important part to play in the prevention of suicide. However, levels of assessment of risk of suicide among patients treated in this setting are generally low.Methods Cross-sectional survey of general practitioners (GPs) and people being treated in primary care who had signs of depression. The study combined open and closed questions on attitudes to screening or being screened for suicidal ideation.Results One hundred and one of 132 patients took part in the survey and 103 of 300 GPs completed a questionnaire. A majority of both GPs and patients stated that people should be screened for suicidal ideation. However, an important minority of patients and GPs stated that asking or being asked such questions made them feel uncomfortable. Less than half of GPs had received formal training on the assessment of suicide risk. GPs told the researchers that barriers to screening included time pressures, culture and language, and concerns about the impact that screening could have on people's mental health. One-quarter of GPs and one-fifth of patients supported the notion that screening for suicidal ideation could induce a person to have thoughts of self-harm.Conclusions GPs and family doctors should screen for suicidal risk among depressed patients and should receive training on how to do this as part of their general training in the assessment and management of mental disorders. Research should be conducted to examine what, if any, effect screening for suicidal ideation has on mental health.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the diagnostic accuracy of two verbally asked questions for screening for depression.Design Cross sectional criterion standard validation study.Setting 15 general practices in New Zealand.Participants 421 consecutive patients not taking psychotropic drugs.Main outcome measures Sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios of the two questions compared with the computerised composite international diagnostic interview.Results The two screening questions showed a sensitivity and specificity of 97% (95% confidence interval, 83% to 99%) and 67% (62% to 72%), respectively. The likelihood ratio for a positive test was 2.9 (2.5 to 3.4) and the likelihood ratio for a negative test was 0.05 (0.01 to 0.35). Overall, 37% (157/421) of the patients screened positive for depression.Conclusion Two verbally asked questions for screening for depression would detect most cases of depression in general practice. The questions have the advantage of brevity. As treatment is more likely when doctors make the diagnosis, these questions may have even greater utility.  相似文献   



A hip fracture causes bleeding, pain and immobility, and initiates inflammatory, hypercoagulable, catabolic and stress states. Accelerated surgery may improve outcomes by reducing the duration of these states and immobility. We undertook a pilot trial to determine the feasibility of a trial comparing accelerated care (i.e., rapid medical clearance and surgery) and standard care among patients with a hip fracture.


Patients aged 45 years or older who, during weekday, daytime working hours, received a diagnosis of a hip fracture requiring surgery were randomly assigned to receive accelerated or standard care. Our feasibility outcomes included the proportion of eligible patients randomly assigned, completeness of follow-up and timelines of accelerated surgery. The main clinical outcome, assessed by data collectors and adjudicators who were unaware of study group allocations, was a major perioperative complication (i.e., a composite of death, preoperative myocardial infarction, myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, stroke, and life-threatening or major bleeding) within 30 days of randomization.


Of patients eligible for inclusion, 80% consented and were randomly assigned to groups (30 to accelerated care and 30 to standard care) at 2 centres in Canada and 1 centre in India. All patients completed 30-day follow-up. The median time from diagnosis to surgery was 6.0 hours in the accelerated care group and 24.2 hours in the standard care group (p < 0.001). A major perioperative complication occurred in 9 (30%) of the patients in the accelerated care group and 14 (47%) of the patients in the standard care group (hazard ratio 0.60, 95% confidence interval 0.26–1.39).


These results show the feasibility of a trial comparing accelerated and standard care among patients with hip fracture and support a definitive trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, no. NCT01344343.Annually in North America, 0.8% of women and 0.4% of men aged 65 years or older experience a hip fracture.1 Patients who sustain a hip fracture face a high risk of serious complications (i.e., cardiovascular, venous thrombotic, infectious and hemorrhagic)2,3 that can result in a prolonged hospital stay and death: 30-day mortality is 9% among men and 5% among women.1 Among surviving patients who were community-dwelling before their fracture, 11% become bed-ridden and 16% are admitted to a long-term care facility.4A hip fracture results in pain, bleeding and immobility. These factors initiate inflammatory, hypercoagulable, catabolic and stress states that can precipitate medical complications.511 Early surgery shortens the exposure to these harmful states and, therefore, may reduce morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, earlier surgery may shorten the period of immobility, which may improve functional outcomes and reduce costs.A meta-analysis of observational studies evaluating the timing of surgery for a hip fracture included 5 studies (involving 4208 patients and 721 deaths) that reported the adjusted risk of mortality.12 Earlier surgery, irrespective of the cut-off for delay (24, 48 or 72 h), was associated with significantly lower mortality (adjusted relative risk 0.81, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.68–0.96, p = 0.01). Although these data are encouraging, the apparent benefit may be a result of residual confounding (e.g., sicker patients may have had surgery delayed for medical optimization, which may not have been adequately adjusted for in the analyses). Conversely, the real potential of early surgery may be underestimated because the greatest impact may occur when a hip fracture is treated much more quickly than the timelines assessed in the observational studies (24, 48 or 72 h), similar to how treatment of an acute myocardial infarction or stroke within hours has the most dramatic impact.13,14In many countries, including Canada, most patients with a hip fracture wait longer than 24 hours to undergo surgery. The 2 main reasons for delay are preoperative medical clearance and operating room access,1521 both of which are potentially modifiable. We undertook a pilot trial to determine the feasibility (as assessed by the proportion of eligible patients randomly assigned, completeness of follow-up and timeliness of accelerated surgery) of a large randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing accelerated care and standard care among adults with a hip fracture.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This project was undertaken as a feasibility study to determine the possibility of screening for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in early school-age children for epidemiological and interventional purposes. METHODS: All elementary schools in two counties in Washington State were asked to screen first graders for possible FAS. A child was screen positive if found to be growth deficient, to have certain specific facial abnormalities, or have a known history of substantial alcohol exposure in gestation. All screen-positive children were invited to "special diagnostic clinics" for final diagnosis and treatment planning. RESULTS: In County A, virtually all students were screened. In County B only about 25% of children were screened. This difference was related to the number of schools that agreed to participate in the project and the methods employed by each county to obtain parental permission. In each county, only about one-half of the screen-positive children were seen in the special clinics for diagnostic considerations. Only one of the seven children found to have FAS had been diagnosed previously. The minimal prevalence of FAS in County A was 3.1 in 1,000 students. The minimal prevalence of FAS in County B could not be calculated. The most efficient component in the screening process leading to a diagnosis of FAS was finding the specific facial features of the disorder. The diagnosis of FAS was generally helpful in improving educational planning. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that population-based FAS screening within a school system may be possible, but participation is dependent on local trust and understanding of the project before its inception within the schools and the community at large.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation is extremely common in the intensive care unit (ICU), and this lack of sleep is associated with low melatonin secretion. The objective of the current study was to explore the effect of exogenous melatonin administration on sleep quality in patients hospitalized in the pulmonary intensive care unit (ICU). We performed a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the pulmonary ICU of a tertiary care hospital. Eight adult patients hospitalized in the pulmonary ICU with respiratory failure caused by exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or with pneumonia were studied. Patients received either 3 mg of controlled-release melatonin or a placebo at 22:00, and sleep quality was evaluated by wrist actigraphy. Treatment with controlled-release melatonin dramatically improved both the duration and quality of sleep in this group of patients. Our results suggest that melatonin administration to patients in intensive care units may be indicated as a treatment for sleep induction and resynchronization of the “biologic clock.” This treatment may also help in the prevention of the “ICU syndrome” and accelerate the healing process. (Chronobiology International, 17(1), 71-76, 2000)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the uptake of cystic fibrosis carrier testing offered through primary health care services. DESIGN--Carrier testing for cystic fibrosis was offered to patients of reproductive age through primary health care services. SETTING--Three general practice surgeries and four family planning clinics in South West Hertfordshire District Health Authority. SUBJECTS--Over 1000 patients aged 16-44 attending two general practices and four family planning clinics and a stratified random sample of patients aged 16-44 from one general practice''s age-sex register. RESULTS--When screening was offered opportunistically the uptake was 66% in general practice and 87% in family planning clinics. Ten per cent of those offered a screening appointment by letter took up the invitation. Of the screened population, 76% had previously heard of cystic fibrosis, 35% realised it is inherited, and 18% realised that carriers need not have any family history. If they found themselves in an "at risk" partnership 39% would consider not having children and 26% would consider terminating an affected pregnancy, but in each case most people were unsure how they would react. CONCLUSIONS--Most people offered a cystic fibrosis test opportunistically wish to be tested, and the responses of those tested indicate that knowledge of carrier state would be considered in future reproductive decisions.  相似文献   

In collaboration with the German Sickness Fund (Kaufm?nnische Krankenkasse-KKH), we conducted a pilot study on DNA-based population screening of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) in Germany. The health insurance organization KKH briefly informed their members about the possibility to participate voluntarily in this pilot project. A total of 5882 KKH members contacted us and received detailed information on the aim of the project and clinical and genetic aspects of HH. Of these individuals, 3961 requested HFE genotyping. After genotype results had been communicated to the participants' general practitioner, we sent a self-administered questionnaire to all homozygous (n = 67) and heterozygous (n = 485) as well as 448 wild-type study participants (sigma = 1000) to assess the psychosocial impact of HFE genotyping. In addition, questionnaires were sent to 8000 randomly selected members of the KKH to investigate their attitude toward genetic testing. Six hundred thirty-one (63.1%) of the test participants and 2141 (26.8%) of the randomly chosen KKH members responded. A total of 59.1% of the members would generally accept predictive genetic testing and 3.7% objected to such tests in principle. Individuals with higher educational status accepted predictive testing significantly more often than individuals with less education. Of the tested individuals, 69.9% thought that participation in the pilot study was probably beneficial for them and 1% (5 heterozygotes and 1 wild-type) thought that it was probably harmful. Of the participants, 94.6% judged their decision to have participated in the pilot study as right and 0.3% (2 heterozygotes) as probably wrong. Only very few of the tested individuals underwent pretest (1 case) or posttest (11 cases) genetic counseling. We conclude that genotype- based screening for HH is generally accepted and was perceived as beneficial. Negative psychosocial consequences are rare and could presumably have been prevented by delivering appropriate pretest and posttest information.  相似文献   

The autoimmune liver disease primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is associated with life-altering fatigue in ~50% of patients. Previous work suggests that fatigued PBC subjects have evidence of autonomic dysfunction and may be at a higher risk of sudden cardiac death. The manifestation of this risk is not clear. This pilot study investigated whether alterations in cardiac torsion and strain could be detected in fatigued or nonfatigued early-stage PBC patients. We performed cardiac tissue tagging and anatomical cine-imaging in 13 early-stage PBC patients (including 7 with significant fatigue) and 10 control subjects to calculate cardiac torsion and strain throughout systole and diastole. From the cardiac tagging, we calculated the torsion-to-shortening ratio (TSR), a measure of subepicardial torsion exerting mechanical advantage over subendocardial shortening. Autonomic function testing was performed to evaluate baroreceptor effective index on standing. TSR was markedly increased in the fatigued PBC patients (0.70 ± 0.13) compared with both controls (0.46 ± 0.11, P = 0.002) and nonfatigued PBC patients (0.44 ± 0.12, P = 0.003). Decreased baroreceptor effective index on standing strongly correlated with increased TSR within the whole PBC group (r = -0.71, P = 0.007). Fatigued PBC patients demonstrate a redistribution of myocardial strain characteristic of a reduced relative contribution to contraction from the subendocardium. This is analogous to the changes found in healthy aging for subjects ~16 yr older than the fatigued PBC patients. Hence the hearts of fatigued PBC patients may be subject to processes of accelerated aging.  相似文献   



The diagnostic approach to dizzy, older patients is not straightforward as many organ systems can be involved and evidence for diagnostic strategies is lacking. A first differentiation in diagnostic subtypes or profiles may guide the diagnostic process of dizziness and can serve as a classification system in future research. In the literature this has been done, but based on pathophysiological reasoning only.


To establish a classification of diagnostic profiles of dizziness based on empirical data.


Cross-sectional study.

Participants and Setting

417 consecutive patients of 65 years and older presenting with dizziness to 45 primary care physicians in the Netherlands from July 2006 to January 2008.


We performed tests, including patient history, and physical and additional examination, previously selected by an international expert panel and based on an earlier systematic review. We used the results of these tests in a principal component analysis for exploration, data-reduction and finally differentiation into diagnostic dizziness profiles.


Demographic data and the results of the tests yielded 221 variables, of which 49 contributed to the classification of dizziness into six diagnostic profiles, that may be named as follows: “frailty”, “psychological”, “cardiovascular”, “presyncope”, “non-specific dizziness” and “ENT”. These explained 32% of the variance.


Empirically identified components classify dizziness into six profiles. This classification takes into account the heterogeneity and multicausality of dizziness and may serve as starting point for research on diagnostic strategies and can be a first step in an evidence based diagnostic approach of dizzy older patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate whether adding retinal photography improved community screening for diabetic retinopathy. SETTING--Mobile screening unit at rural and urban general practices in south west England. SUBJECTS--1010 diabetic patients from primary care. DESIGN--Prospective study; patients were examined by ophthalmoscopy by general practitioners or opticians without fundal photographs and again with photographs, and assessments were compared to those of an ophthalmologist. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Whether fundal photography improved the sensitivity of detection of retinopathy and referrable diabetic retinopathy, and whether this sensitivity could be improved by including a review of the films by the specialist. RESULTS--Diabetic retinopathy was detected by the ophthalmologist in 205 patients (20.5%) and referrable retinopathy in 49 (4.9%). The sensitivity of the general practitioners and opticians for referrable retinopathy with ophthalmoscopy was 65%, and improved to 84% with retinal photographs. General practitioners'' sensitivity in detecting background retinopathy improved with photographs from 22% to 65%; opticians'' sensitivity in detecting background retinopathy improved from 43% to 71%. The sensitivity of detecting referrable retinopathy by general practitioners improved from 56% to 80% with photographs; for opticians it improved from 75% to 88%. CONCLUSIONS--Combining modalities of screening by providing photography with specialist review of all films in addition to direct ophthalmoscopy through dilated pupils improves assessment and referral for diabetic retinopathy by general practitioners and opticians. With further training and experience, primary care screeners should be able to achieve a sensitivity that will achieve an effective, acceptable, and economical community based screening programme for this condition.  相似文献   

As many as 20% of patients seeing their primary physicians may suffer from alcohol abuse and dependence. Often the problem goes unrecognized. In this article I summarize what is known regarding the natural history, risk factors, and available screening techniques for alcoholism. Ultimately, a diagnosis of alcoholism is based on a patient''s history, and there are various approaches to obtaining a thorough alcohol history and overcoming patient denial regarding an alcohol problem. Primary physicians have an important role in educating patients about alcoholism.  相似文献   

M Alary  J Castel 《CMAJ》1990,143(1):25-31
The surveillance of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) through case reporting only reflects the epidemiologic features of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) transmission a few years earlier and not the prevalence of HIV seropositivity. HIV infection is not a notifiable condition in Quebec. We were asked by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec to perform a pilot project for the surveillance of HIV seropositivity using a network of sentinel physicians. From May 15, 1988, to Sept. 30, 1989, physicians from four collaborating centres collected data on the serologic status, demographic characteristics and risk factors for 4209 patients who underwent HIV antibody testing. Of the 3899 subjects included in the study 7.9% were HIV positive. Through logistic regression analysis the following variables were found to be significantly associated with HIV seropositivity: presence of HIV-related symptoms (prevalence odds ratio [POR] 36.5), origin from an endemic area (POR 9.1), homosexuality or bisexuality (POR 8.4), intravenous drug use (POR 4.2), male sex (POR 2.8), previous HIV antibody testing (POR 2.5) and previous sexually transmitted disease (POR 1.8). Over the study period we found a large increase in HIV seroprevalence among intravenous drug users (4.2% in 1988 to 19.0% in 1989) (p = 0.02). This increase might reflect a recent change in the epidemiologic pattern of HIV transmission in Quebec. Surveillance of HIV seropositivity through a network of sentinel physicians may be a reasonable alternative to mandatory reporting.  相似文献   

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