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Gut contents of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon from the lower and middle Mississippi River were obtained by colonic flushing, a safe and easily implemented alternative to gastric lavage. Diets of both species were dominated numerically by immature Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Diptera. Primary prey, based on volume, for shovelnose sturgeon were Trichoptera, and for pallid sturgeon were various fishes. Geographic and seasonal nuances in diet were observed for both species, but the general dichotomy of shovelnose sturgeon as browser on invertebrates and pallid sturgeon as predator on fishes did not change. Data indicate that both species require hard substrates for feeding. Data demonstrate that colonic flushing is an effective technique for describing diet and inferring ecological and behavioral information about sturgeon.  相似文献   

Harvest of the shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus for caviar has increased. To determine whether populations can withstand increased harvest, detailed information regarding sexual demographics is needed. We describe gender and reproductive development of 306 shovelnose sturgeon from the Middle Mississippi River (River km 0–322) during September 2001 through December 2003. Using dissection and histology, we identified three of the four gonadal stages described previously for male lake sturgeon and all seven stages for females. Males reached maturity at a smaller size than did females. Gonads can be rapidly inspected for sex and stage of development for the shovelnose sturgeon. The sex ratio was not different from 1 : 1. Seven intersexual fish occurred. Female fecundity was positively related to body weight (number of eggs = 30.24 × body weight − 8392; P = 0.013; r2 = 0.45) and weakly related to fork length (number of eggs = 146.37 × fork length − 66 176, P = 0.053, r2 = 0.23).  相似文献   

Ultrasonic telemetry was used to assess habitat features utilized by 36 endangered juvenile white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in the lower 120 km of the Kootenai River of Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada during the summer and early fall of 1999 and 2000. All 36 fish were initially captured in pools using gillnets and released there, but most of the subsequent telemetry contacts were in glides, indicating these fish moved freely between the two macro-habitats. The low electivity indices indicated little preference between glides and pools. Most contacts were in glides, in the outside bend of the river channel (50), and in or near a visually defined thalweg. Contacts were most often associated with sand substrates and no cover. Physical habitat characteristics (nose [bottom] water velocity, depth, substrate, and cover) were recorded at 168 contact locations. The combination of significantly greater velocities and depths at contact sites vs. non-contact sites (p < 0.01) indicated these fish actively found and used areas of higher velocity and greater depth within the Kootenai River. There was little cover found for fish in the river other than large sand dunes and depth. The combination of depth and nose velocity data supported the idea that large sand dunes are providing refugia in the form of velocity breaks.  相似文献   

A multiyear study of pallid sturgeon distribution and relative abundance was conducted in the lower and middle Mississippi river (LMR and MMR, respectively). The LMR and MMR comprise the free‐flowing Mississippi River extending 1857 river kilometers (rkm) from its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico upstream to the mouth of the Missouri River. A total of 219 pallid sturgeon and 6018 shovelnose sturgeon was collected during the periods 1996–1997 and 2000–2006. Trotlines baited with worms were the primary collecting gear. The smallest pallid sturgeon captured on trotlines was 405 mm FL and the largest was 995 mm FL. Mean size of pallid sturgeon was statistically smaller in the Mississippi River below the Atchafalaya River near Baton Rouge, LA (621 mm FL). Mean abundance (catch per trotline night) of pallid sturgeon was highest at water temperatures around 10°C. There was a latitudinal trend in mean abundance of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon, but the pattern differed between species. Pallid sturgeon abundance was statistically (P < 0.05) higher (0.3 fish per trotline night) in the lower reach between the Atchafalaya River and New Orleans (rkm 154–507), and at the Chain of Rocks (COR), a low water dam near the mouth of the Missouri River. Pallid sturgeon abundance between these two locations was statistically the same (0.12–0.23). Shovelnose sturgeon abundance increased going upstream, but was disproportionally higher at the COR (22 fish per line compared with <6 fish per line in other reaches). Overall, the ratio between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon varied from a high of 1 : 6 at the lower reach, and gradually decreased upstream to a low of 1 : 77 at the COR. Based on differences in sturgeon abundance, size and habitat characteristics, the free‐flowing Mississippi River can be divided into two reaches in the MMR (i.e. COR is a separate location), and four reaches (i.e., including the Atchafalaya River) in the LMR where management goals may differ.  相似文献   

Shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus are one of the few sturgeon species that currently support sustainable commercial harvest. However, harvest closures for many Eurasian sturgeons have resulted in increased exploitation of this fishery, thereby raising concerns about the sustainability of shovelnose sturgeon resources. As a result, the maintenance of self‐sustaining shovelnose sturgeon populations will require the estimation of appropriate harvest levels. This study used an age‐structured population model to examine the effects of harvest (u = 0.15–0.75) and length restrictions on population abundance, mean length‐at‐harvest, biomass, yield, and reproductive potential of female shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Wabash River, Indiana. Model simulations for four hypothetical length‐restriction scenarios (610‐ to 813‐mm reverse slot limit, and a 610‐, 635‐, and 660‐mm minimum length limit) were compared to outputs with no restriction. All population parameters within each length‐restriction scenario declined with increases in harvest level. For each harvest level, all population parameters increased as length limits became more restrictive. The reverse slot limit and 610‐mm minimum length limit provided adequate protection to allow population parameters to increase through an annual harvest level of 0.55. However, these length restrictions were not sufficiently conservative to warrant implementation due to their similarity to length‐at‐maturity of female shovelnose sturgeon. The implementation of a 635‐mm minimum length limit would protect female shovelnose sturgeon from harvest rates >0.75, allow 92% of the females to remain available for harvest, and minimize short‐term (<30 years) declines in yield. Further, sensitivity and robustness analyses suggested that the 635‐mm minimum length limit would allow population parameters to increase even at the worst‐case scenario. As a result, the 635‐mm minimum length limit was recommended as the most appropriate regulation to promote conservation and sustainable harvest of shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Wabash River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The migratory population of the king rail (Rallus elegans) has declined dramatically during the past 40 years, emphasizing the need to identify habitat requirements of this species to help guide conservation efforts. To assess distribution and habitat use of king rails along the Illinois and Upper Mississippi valleys, USA, we conducted repeated call-broadcast surveys at 83 locations in 2006 and 114 locations in 2007 distributed among 21 study sites. We detected king rails at 12 survey locations in 2006 and 14 locations in 2007, illustrating the limited distribution of king rails in this region. We found king rails concentrated at Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge, an adjacent private Wetlands Reserve program site, and B. K. Leach Conservation Area, which were located in the Mississippi River floodplain in northeast Missouri. Using Program PRESENCE, we estimated detection probabilities and built models to identify habitat covariates that were important in king rail site occupancy. Habitat covariates included percentage of cover by tall (>1 m) and short (>1 m) emergent vegetation, percentage of cover of woody vegetation, and interspersion of water and vegetation (2007 only) within 50 m of the survey location. Detection probability was 0.43 (SE = 0.12) in 2006 and 0.35 (SE = 0.03) in 2007 and was influenced by observer identity and percentage of cover by tall herbaceous vegetation. Site occupancy was 0.11 (SE = 0.04) in 2006 and 0.14 (SE = 0.04) in 2007 and was negatively influenced most by percentage of cover by woody vegetation. In addition, we found that interspersion of vegetation and water was positively related to occupancy in 2007. Thus, nesting king rails used wetlands that were characterized by high water-vegetation interspersion and little or no cover by woody vegetation. Our results suggest that biologists can improve king rail habitat by implementing management techniques that reduce woody cover and increase vegetation-water interspersion in wetlands.  相似文献   

1. Many aspects of the flow regime influence the structure of stream communities, among which the minimum discharge left in rivers has received particular attention. However, instream habitat models predicting the ecological impacts of discharge management often lack biological validation and spatial generality, particularly for large rivers with many fish species. 2. The minimum flow at Pierre‐Bénite, a reach of the Rhône river bypassed by artificial channels, was increased from 10 to 100 m3 s?1 in August 2000 (natural mean discharge 1030 m3 s?1), resulting in a fivefold increase in average velocity at minimum flow. Fish were electrofished in several habitat units on 12 surveys between 1995 and 2004. 3. Principal components analysis revealed a significant change in the relative abundance of fish species. The relative abundance of species preferring fast‐flowing and/or deep microhabitats increased from two‐ to fourfold after minimum flow increase. A change in community structure confirmed independent quantitative predictions of an instream habitat model. This change was significantly linked to minimum flow increase, but not to any other environmental variables describing high flows or temperature at key periods of fish life cycle. The rapidity of the fish response compared with the lifespan of individual species can be explained by a differential response of specific size classes. 4. The fish community at Pierre‐Bénite is in a transitional stage and only continued monitoring will indicate if the observed shift in community structure is perennial. We expect that our case study will be compared with other predictive tests of the impacts of flow restoration in large rivers, in the Rhône catchment and elsewhere.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of thermal and hydrologic conditions on the growth of shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) in the lower Mississippi River, USA. Duration of water temperatures 12–24°C had a positive influence and temperatures below 11°C had a negative influence on annual growth increment, but these two variables accounted for less than 15% of the variation in growth. Duration of water temperatures above 28°C, duration of floodplain inundation, duration of low water, and minimum and maximum river stage did not influence annual growth increment. Growth of shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Mississippi River appears to be positively influenced by duration of moderate water temperatures but minimally influenced by hydrologic conditions. The low variation accounted for by thermal and hydrologic variables suggests annual growth increment may be largely influenced by additional abiotic or biotic factors.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the Yellowstone River is hypothesized to preclude recruitment of endangered Scaphirhynchus albus (pallid sturgeon) by impeding upstream spawning migrations and access to upstream spawning areas, thereby limiting the length of free‐flowing river required for survival of early life stages. Building on this hypothesis, the reach of the Yellowstone River affected by Intake Diversion Dam (IDD) is targeted for modification. Structures including a rock ramp and by‐pass channel have been proposed as restoration alternatives to facilitate passage. Limited information on migrations and swimming capabilities of pallid sturgeon is available to guide engineering design specifications for the proposed structures. Migration behavior, pathways (channel routes used during migrations), and swimming capabilities of free‐ranging wild adult pallid sturgeon were examined using radiotelemetry, and complemented with hydraulic data obtained along the migration pathways. Migrations of 12–26% of the telemetered pallid sturgeon population persisted to IDD, but upstream passage over the dam was not detected. Observed migration pathways occurred primarily through main channel habitats; however, migrations through side channels up to 3.9 km in length were documented. The majority of pallid sturgeon used depths of 2.2–3.4 m and mean water velocities of 0.89–1.83 m/s while migrating. Results provide inferences on depths, velocities, and habitat heterogeneity of reaches successfully negotiated by pallid sturgeon that may be used to guide designs for structures facilitating passage at IDD. Passage will provide connectivity to potential upstream spawning areas on the Yellowstone River, thereby increasing the likelihood of recruitment for this endangered species.  相似文献   

We conducted the first continuous shipboard tracking of southern Distinct Population Segment green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the Sacramento River. Tracking of adult green sturgeon occurred between river kilometer (rkm) 434.8 and 511.6, a section of the putative spawning grounds located near Red Bluff, California. The recorded positions of acoustically tagged green sturgeon were analyzed using First Passage Time analysis to determine differences in habitat use between suitable and non-suitable habitats. Classification and Regression Tree modeling was used to determine explanatory inputs attributable to above average habitat use. Green sturgeon exhibited above average habitat use at five sites, identified as potential spawning aggregate sites. Three types of movements (holding, milling, and directed) could be categorized from tracks. Lastly, we show that green sturgeon while on the spawning grounds exhibit a high degree of mobility throughout the spawning grounds, often making large movements between specific habitat units. Our study illustrates how the application of shipboard tracking can be useful for describing movement, behavior and habitat utilization at a spatial scale not achieved by stationary acoustic monitors.  相似文献   

Prey species must adapt their behavior to avoid predation. Asa key prey item for lions (Panthera leo), plains zebras (Equusburchelli) were expected to respond to immediate threats posedby lions in their area. In addition, zebras were predicted toexhibit behavior tuned to reduce the potential for encounterswith lions, by modifying their movement patterns in the timesof day and habitats of greatest lion danger. We studied a populationof approximately 600 plains zebra living in Ol Pejeta Conservancy,Kenya. We found that zebra abundance on or near a grasslandpatch was lower if lions had also been observed on that patchduring the same day. Predation danger was highest in grasslandhabitat during the night, when lions were more active. Zebrasightings and global positioning system radio collar data indicatedthat zebras also reduced their use of grassland at night, insteadusing more woodland habitat. Zebras moved faster and took sharperturns in grassland at night. It is hypothesized that these moreerratic movements assist zebras in avoiding detection or captureby lions.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was used to monitor the movements and landscape scale habitat use of age 2–3 year juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in Newman Sound, a coastal fjord of Newfoundland, during late autumn and early winter (24 October 1999 to 22 January 2000). Substratum, bathymetric relief and depth use were studied to determine if it differed from the pattern expected given an absence of selectivity (habitat use proportional to habitat availability). Prior to winter migrations, most Atlantic cod maintained small home ranges (0·5–33·4 ha, median = 2·1 ha) although a few individuals moved more widely. No relationship between total length (LT) and home range size was detected. In Inner Newman Sound, Atlantic cod occupied depths of 10–29 m more than expected given availability, while depths of 0–9 and 40–59 m were underutilized. No significant relationship between depth and LT was detected. Areas of medium (5–10%) or high (>10%) bathymetric relief and boulder or kelp habitats were used significantly more than expected given the availability of these habitats. Sand and eelgrass substrata were underutilized given availability, although many Atlantic cod used sandy‐bottomed areas to some degree. Flexibility in habitat use by the individuals that were studied suggested reduced predation risk relative to younger conspecifics. Winter migrations to deeper water beyond Newman Sound began in mid‐November, coinciding with the disappearance of the thermocline, and continued until 27 December. Approximately 30% of monitored individuals did not migrate and maintained their home ranges into the winter season. No significant differences in LT between migrating and resident groups were detected, however, the condition of migrating fish was significantly higher than in resident fish. This finding supports the theory that feeding history plays a role in the decision to undertake migration.  相似文献   

Ephemeroptera showed the greatest diversity and Diptera (due mainly to Chaoboridae) the greatest absolute abundance among the macroinvertebrate taxa collected in and near three backwater areas of the Upper Mississippi River from 24 April to 24 August 1983. Of the 32 taxa identified, all were insect larvae, pupae, or adults except for one amphipod and one copepod. Three peaks in total abundance were observed — a major one in late July and August and smaller ones in May and June. These peaks corresponded to periods of high temperatures and low flows. When the macroinvertebrates were divided into groups, depending on whether they were found predominantly in the backwater areas, in the main channel, or in a combination of the two, total densities were greater in the backwater areas than in either of the main-channel habitats. In the two main-channel habitats, densities were slightly greater downstream than upstream from the confluences of the backwaters with the main channel, possibly indicating that macroinvertebrates were drifting out of the backwater areas or that nutrients and zooplankton were drifting out of the backwater areas, increasing productivity in downstream areas.  相似文献   

极端降水条件下延河水沙特征对比分析及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探究延河流域在开展水土保持工程前后极端降水条件下水沙特征变化情况,采用统计学方法对比分析了延河流域1977年和2013年7月两次极端降水条件下的水沙特征变化情况。结果表明:1977年7月极端暴雨具有降雨强度大和降雨量峰值大、降雨强度空间分布极不均匀的特征;2013年7月极端暴雨具有降雨总量和时段降雨量大、暴雨频率高、降雨强度空间分布较均匀的特征。2013年7月洪水洪峰流量、洪水总径流量、洪峰含沙量等特征值较1977年7月显著减小,输沙量随径流量的减小而显著减小。1977年7月洪水表现为陡涨陡落,洪水历时较短;2013年7月洪水表现为缓涨缓落,洪水历时明显延长。与1977年相比,2013年泥沙颗粒明显细化。该研究表明1990年代以来水土保持高水平的规模化治理改变了流域产、汇流的下垫面条件,是导致1977年和2013年7月极端降水条件下的水沙特征表现迥异的主要原因。该研究为应对极端降水引发的洪灾和防治水土流失提供可靠的科学理论依据。  相似文献   

The upper Tennessee River drainage, which includes portions of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, supports an exceptionally diverse fish fauna. Recent reductions in abundance and geographic ranges of several freshwater fishes have promulgated the imposition of protective measures for about 115 species among the three states, with nearly half of those species occurring in the upper Tennessee River. Most protected species are darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae) or minnows (Cyprinidae), and are typically small, benthic invertivores. Major impacts on the fish fauna have resulted from dams, introduced species, toxic spills, mining and agriculture. An important cumulative effect of these impacts is fragmentation of the watershed; nearly 40% of the riverine habitat in major tributaries is either impounded or altered by tailwater discharges. The isolation and stress imposed on tributaries of the river have caused and will continue to cause extirpations of fishes, mussels and other aquatic fauna. Numerous federal, state, and private organizations are co-operating in efforts to protect rare species and habitats, improve agricultural and coal-producing practices, and enforce regulations for industrial and municipal effluents.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Despite being endangered, little is known about the natural history and habitat use of Wattled Curassows (Crax globulosa). From September 2008 to March 2009, we examined habitat associations of this species on three islands in the lower Caquetá River, Colombia. Observations of curassows were made during line‐transect walks, and habitat variables were measured at points where curassows were and were not observed along those transects to assess potential habitat preferences. A total of 182 sightings yielded encounter rates ranging from 0.1 to 0.89 observations/km across transects. Curassows were more likely to be observed close to the river and to lakes on the islands. Additionally, the importance of the river increased as the distance to internal water sources increased. Other habitat characteristics, including tree density, tree diameter, understory density, and canopy cover, did not differ between areas where Wattled Curassows were and were not observed. Flock size ranged from 1 to 9 individuals; most solitary individuals were males and flocks (>2 individuals) generally consisted of more females than males. The association of Wattled Curassows with water sources during the low‐water season may have conservation implications because it could increase their vulnerability to anthropogenic activities such as agricultural activities, fishing, and hunting. As a result, conservation of these curassows on islands in the lower Caquetá River will likely depend on local support.  相似文献   

This study presents an experimental analysis of the effects of midwinter flow reduction (50-75%, reduction in discharge in 4 h daily pulses) on the physical habitat and on behaviour and physiology of overwintering brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in a small mountain stream. Flow reduction did not result in significant lowering of temperature or formation of surface or subsurface ice. The main findings were (1) daily movement by S. fontinalis increased (c. 2·5-fold) during flow reduction, but was limited to small-scale relocations (<10 m). (2) Undercut banks were the preferred habitat and availability of these habitats was reduced during flow reduction. (3) Although both experimental and reference fish did lose mass and condition during the experiment, no effects of flow reduction on stress indicators (blood cortisol or glucose) or bioenergetics (total body fat, water content or mass loss) were detected, probably because access to the preferred type of cover remained available. Like other salmonids, S. fontinalis moves little and seeks physical cover during winter. Unlike many of the more studied salmonids, however, this species overwinters successfully in small groundwater-rich streams that often remain ice-free, and this study identifies undercut banks as the critical winter habitat rather than substratum cover.  相似文献   

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