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Matricellular proteins: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Metastasis is the major cause of death in cancer patients, and a frequent site of metastasis for many cancers is the bone marrow. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms underlying the metastatic process is necessary for future prevention and treatment. The tumor microenvironment is now known to play a role in the metastatic cascade, both at the primary tumor and in metastatic sites, and includes both cellular and non-cellular components. The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides structural support and signaling cues to cells. One particular group of molecules associated with the ECM, known as matricellular proteins, modulate multiple aspects of tumor biology, including growth, migration, invasion, angiogenesis and metastasis. These proteins are also important for normal function in the bone by regulating bone formation and bone resorption. Recent studies have described a link between some of these proteins and metastasis of various tumors to the bone. The aim of this review is to summarize what is currently known about matricellular protein influence on bone metastasis. Particular attention to the contribution of both tumor cells and non-malignant cells in the bone has been given.  相似文献   

Gradient formation and signaling ranges of secreted proteins are crucial problems to understand how morphogens work for positional information and patterning in animal development. Yet, extracellular behaviors of secreted signaling molecules remain unexplored compared to their downstream pathways inside the cell. Recent advances in bioimaging make it possible to directly visualize morphogen molecules, and this simple strategy has, at least partly, succeeded in uncovering molecular behaviors of morphogens, such as Wnt (wingless-type MMTV integration site family member) and BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) as well as secreted Wnt binding proteins, sFRPs (secreted Frizzled-related proteins), in embryonic tissues. Here, we review the regulation of Wnt signaling by sFRPs, focusing on extracellular regulation of Wnt ligands in comparison with other morphogens. We also discuss evolutionary aspects with comprehensive syntenic and phylogenetic information about vertebrate sfrp genes. We newly annotated several sfrp genes including sfrp2-like 1 (sfrp2l1) in frogs and fishes and crescent in mammals.  相似文献   

Matricellular proteins: extracellular modulators of cell function   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
The term 'matricellular' has been applied to a group of extracellular proteins that do not contribute directly to the formation of structural elements in vertebrates but serve to modulate cell-matrix interactions and cell function. Our understanding of the mode of action of matricellular proteins has been advanced considerably by the recent elucidation of the phenotypes of mice that are deficient in these proteins. In many cases, aspects of these phenotypes have illuminated previously unsuspected consequences of the lack of appropriate interactions of cells with their environment.  相似文献   

Secreted Frizzled-related proteins: searching for relationships and patterns   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Secreted Frizzled-related proteins (SFRPs) are modulators of the intermeshing pathways in which signals are transduced by Wnt ligands through Frizzled (Fz) membrane receptors. The Wnt networks influence biological processes ranging from developmental cell fate, cell polarity and adhesion to tumorigenesis and apoptosis. In the five or six years since their discovery, the SFRPs have emerged as dynamically expressed proteins able to bind both Wnts and Fz, with distinctive structural properties in which cysteine-rich domains from Fz- and from netrin-like proteins are juxtaposed. The abundant expression of SFRP genes in the early embryo, altered expression patterns in disease states, and potential significance in the evolution of the vertebrate body plan, make these intriguing molecules relevant to investigations in diverse fields of biology and biomedical sciences.  相似文献   

The Drosophila model represents an attractive system in which to study the functional contribution of specific genes to organ development. Within the embryo, the heart tube serves as an informative developmental paradigm to analyze functional aspects of matricellular proteins. Here, we describe two essential extracellular matricellular proteins, Multiplexin (Mp) and Lonely heart (Loh). Each of these proteins contributes to the development and morphogenesis of the heart tube by regulating the activity/localization of essential extracellular proteins. Mp, which is secreted by heart cardioblasts and is specifically distributed in the lumen of the heart tube, binds to the signaling protein Slit, and facilitates its local signaling at the heart's luminal domain. Loh is an ADAMTS-like protein, which serves as an adapter protein to Pericardin (a collagen-like protein), promoting its specific localization at the abluminal domain of the heart tube. We also introduce the Drosophila orthologues of matricellular proteins present in mammals, including Thrombospondin, and SPARC, and discuss a possible role for Teneurins (Ten-A and Ten-M) in the heart. Understanding the role of these proteins provides a novel developmental perspective into the functional contribution of matricellular proteins to organ development.  相似文献   

In the last years it became clear that the tumor microenvironment plays a major role in neoplastic growth. Proteins secreted either by the malignant cells or by the tumor-associated stromal cells act as extracellular signal transductors, orchestrating tumor progression. Sentinel cells of the innate immune system patrol the different organs and have proven either to promote tumor growth or induce tumor suppression. In recent years, members of the matricellular family of extracellular proteins were shown to be involved in different aspects of the inflammatory response during tumor development, although in contradictory ways. In this review we discuss the evidence available up to date that relates matricellular proteins with the regulation of the inflammatory response and tumor progression.  相似文献   

The prevailing model of dorsal ventral patterning of the amphibian embryo predicts that the prospective mesoderm is regionalized at gastrulation in response to a gradient of signals. This gradient is established by diffusible BMP and Wnt inhibitors secreted dorsally in the Spemann organizer. An interesting question is whether ventrolateral tissue passively reads graded levels of ventralizing signals, or whether local self-organizing regulatory circuits may exist on the ventral side to control cell behavior and differentiation at a distance from the Organizer. We provide evidence that sizzled, a secreted Frizzled-related protein expressed ventrally during and after gastrulation, functions in a negative feedback loop that limits allocation of mesodermal cells to the extreme ventral fate, with direct consequences for morphogenesis and formation of the blood islands. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of Sizzled protein results in expansion of ventral posterior mesoderm and the ventral blood islands, indicating that this negative regulation is required for proper patterning of the ventral mesoderm. The biochemical activity of sizzled is apparently very different from that of other secreted Frizzled-related proteins, and does not involve inhibition of Wnt8. Our data are consistent with the existence of some limited self-organizing properties of the extreme ventral mesoderm.  相似文献   

Abnormal regulation of apoptosis and cell proliferation is thought to be involved in tumor formation. The secreted Frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP2) was detected in primary culture of canine mammary gland tumors but not in normal mammary tissues. Thus, to elucidate the role of SFRP2 in mammary tumorigenesis, we overexpressed SFRP2 in mammary gland tumor and MCF7 cells. The results indicated that SFRP2 is secreted and incorporated into the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the tumor and normal cells. In an attempt to understand the molecular basis underlying the interaction between SFRP2 and ECM, co-immunoprecipitation and cell adhesion assays were carried out. SFRP2 was found to be associated with the fibronectin-integrin protein complex and could promote cell adhesion. DNA fragmentation and caspase 3 activity analyses showed that the susceptibility of the cells to UV-induced apoptosis decreased in the context of SFRP2 overexpression. Upon disruption of the fibronectin-integrin connection, the antiapoptosis activity of SFRP2 was decreased. Moreover, SFRP2 was found to induce tumorous transformation in normal mammary epithelial cells and to inhibit apoptosis in a modified paracrine model. Collectively, our results emphasize the relevance of SFRP2 and ECM in mammary tumorigenesis and provide further insight into the mechanism of SFRP2 action.  相似文献   

The BMP signaling pathway plays a key role during dorsoventral pattern formation of vertebrate embryos. In zebrafish, all cloned mutants affecting this process are deficient in members of the BMP pathway. In a search for factors differentially expressed in swirl/bmp2b mutants compared with wild type, we isolated zebrafish Sizzled, a member of the secreted Frizzled-related protein family and putative Wnt inhibitor. The knockdown of sizzled using antisense morpholino phenocopied the ventralized mutant ogon (formerly also known as mercedes and short tail). By sequencing and rescue experiments, we demonstrate that ogon encodes sizzled. Overexpression of sizzled, resulting in strongly dorsalized phenotypes, and the expression domains of sizzled in wild type embryos, localized in the ventral side during gastrulation and restricted to the posterior end during segmentation stages, correlate with its role in dorsoventral patterning. The expanded expression domain of sizzled in ogon and chordino together with its downregulation in swirl suggests a BMP2b-dependent negative autoregulation of sizzled. Indicating a novel role for a secreted Frizzled-related protein, we show that, in addition to the BMP pathway, a component of the Wnt signaling pathway is required for dorsoventral pattern formation in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Specific interactions between lipids and membrane proteins have been observed in recent high-resolution crystal structures of membrane proteins. A number of cytochrome oxidase structures were analyzed, along with many amino acid sequences of membrane-spanning regions aligned according to their location in the membrane. The results reveal conservation of lipid-binding sites and of the residues that form them. These studies imply that bound lipids have important roles that are crucial to the assembly, structure, or activity of the protein. Evidence for some of these roles in subunit interactions, membrane insertion, and protein-protein complex formation is reviewed.  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone that regulates energy expenditure and food intake. A significant role for leptin in breast cancer has also been indicated by the resistance of leptin knockout mice in development of mammary tumors. In vitro, leptin induces proliferation of MCF-7 cells by activating cellular signaling pathways (1, 11, 12, 16, 17, 56). As leptin is emerging as an important factor for tumor growth, and hormones can exert their actions via autocrine/paracrine mechanisms, we hypothesized leptin may act by regulating epithelial-derived proteins. To test this hypothesis, leptin-regulated proteins secreted from MCF-7 mammary tumor cells were identified using proteomics techniques. Treatment of MCF-7 cells with 500 ng/ml leptin for 24 hours resulted in a 40% increase in cell number and a 5-fold increase in protein secretion as compared to controls. Establishing the significance of leptin-induced secreted factors, the addition of conditioned media from leptin-treated MCF-7 cells to synchronized MCF-7 cells resulted in 40% increase in cell number. Identification of leptin-regulated secreted proteins was done by 2D gel electrophoresis coupled with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Proteins identified using Pro Found software and NCBI database included KF10 Collagen Precursor, Serologically Defined Breast Cancer Antigen NY-BR-62 and Cortactin Isoform a. A Human Cytokine Antibody Array system was used to identify low abundant proteins in the media of control and 500 ng/ml leptin-stimulated MCF-7 cells. In leptin treated cells, levels of FGF-9 were increased while IGFBP-3 and TGF-beta3 levels were decreased. Many previous studies have focused on the regulation of distinct cellular proteins by leptin during mammary tumor cell proliferation. However, ours is the first study to identify leptin-regulated secreted proteins, many of which are known to play important roles in cancer. Our data support that leptin can influence mammary tumor growth and progression through regulation of autocrine/paracrine factors and by modulating the extracellular matrix composition.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient procedure for the construction of secreted fusion proteins inEscherichia coli is described that uses a new minitransposon, termed TnhlyAs, carrying the secretion signal (HlyAs) ofE. coli hemolysin (HlyA). This transposon permits the generation of random gene fusions encoding proteins that carry the HlyAs at their C-termini. For the construction of model gene fusions we usedlacZ, encoding the cytoplasmicβ-galactosidase (β-Gal), andphoA, encoding the periplasmic alkaline phosphatase, as target genes. Our data suggest that allβ-Gal-HlyAs fusion proteins generated are secreted, albeit with varying efficiencies, by the HlyB/HlyD/TolC hemolysin secretion machinery under Sec-proficient conditions. In contrast, the PhoA-HlyAs fusion proteins are efficiently secreted in asecA mutant strain only under SecA-deficient conditions.  相似文献   

The capacity of proteins to function relies on a balance between molecular stability to maintain their folded state and structural flexibility allowing conformational changes related to biological function. Among many others, four different examples can be chosen. The giant protein titin is stretched and can unfold during muscle contraction providing passive elasticity to muscle tissue; myoglobin adsorbs and releases oxygen molecules thank to conformational changes in its structure; the outer membrane protein G (OmpG) is a bacterial porin with a long and flexible loop that modulates gating; and the proton pump bacteriorhodopsin adapts its cytosolic half to allow proton pumping. All these conformational changes triggered either by chemical or by physical cues, require mechanical flexibility or elasticity of certain protein domains. While the methods to determine protein structure, X-ray crystallography above all, have been dramatically improved over the last decades, the number of tools that directly measure the mechanical flexibility of proteins and protein domains is still limited. In this tutorial, after a brief introduction to protein structure, we present some of the available techniques to estimate protein flexibility, then focusing on atomic force microscopy (AFM). We describe the principles of the technique and its various imaging and force spectroscopy modes of operation that allow probing the elasticity of proteins, protein domains and their surrounding environment.  相似文献   

【目的】以枯草芽孢杆菌脂肪酶A(Lipase A)为报告蛋白,尝试利用4种非经典分泌蛋白质及其前50个氨基酸作为分泌信号以实现其分泌表达。【方法】我们扩增了脂肪酶A的编码基因和非经典分泌蛋白质的编码序列,构建了8种针对脂肪酶A的分泌表达载体,并转化至枯草芽孢杆菌WB800菌株,通过测定重组菌株的酶活、利用蛋白质电泳和免疫印迹等技术检测脂肪酶A的分泌情况【结果】以Pdh A的氨基酸序列和Sod A、Eno的前50氨基酸序列作为分泌信号的重组菌株较好的实现了脂肪酶A的分泌表达。【结论】部分非经分泌蛋白质的编码基因或其前50个氨基酸序列能够引导脂肪酶A分泌至细胞外。  相似文献   

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