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Intensive farming imposes harsh conditions impeding the persistence of most arthropod species within crop fields. Hence, arthropods surviving the unfavourable conditions prevailing within crop fields may disperse towards nearby uncropped margins, such as fencerows. Here, we evaluate the influence of landscape heterogeneity on the abundance of different guilds, particularly herbivores and their natural enemies. Said heterogeneity mostly derives from fencerow network density. Hence, we developed an approach based on fitting linear‐mixed models to elucidate the effects of landscape heterogeneity and field position (fencerows and crop interiors) on arthropod diversity. Mixed models were fitted to arthropod data obtained by pitfall trap samplings in 36 crop fields. Arthropod communities were structurally and functionally more complex along fencerows than within nearby crop interiors. Arthropods abundance was modulated by landscape heterogeneity, increasing the abundance of natural enemies as the landscape heterogeneity increased. On the contrary, herbivores abundance decreased as landscape heterogeneity increased. Consequently, the ratio between herbivores and natural enemies also decreased as landscapes became more heterogeneous. Natural enemies with larger body sizes, mostly carabid beetles, were more sensitive to landscape homogenisation. Our study reveals that, despite the coarse‐grained landscapes in the Rolling Pampa, fencerow density appears as a key factor for structuring complex arthropod guilds in intensively farmed agricultural mosaics. In landscapes with higher density of fencerows, arthropods tend to concentrate along them, thus increasing the community structural complexity as well as the predation pressure over herbivores. This structural complexity of upper trophic levels enhances the ‘top‐down’ regulation of herbivore populations, consequently decreasing the probability of pest outbreaks within crop fields.  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性与害虫生态控制   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
郑云开  尤民生 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1508-1518
现代农业的一个重要特征就是人类对农田生态系统的干扰强度及频率不断增加,严重影响农业景观的结构及其生物多样性.农业景观结构的变化及其生物多样性的丧失,必然引起生态系统服务功能的弱化,不利于实施以保护自然天敌为主的害虫生态控制.农业的集约化经营导致自然生境破碎化,减少了农业景观的复杂性,使得作物和非作物变成一种相对离散化的生境类型和镶嵌的景观格局;破碎化的生境不仅会减少某些物种的丰度,还会影响物种之间的相互关系及生物群落的多样性和稳定性.非作物生境类型如林地、灌木篱墙、田块边缘区、休耕地和草地等,是一种比较稳定的异质化环境.非作物生境较少受到干扰,可以为寄生性和捕食性节肢动物提供适宜的越冬或避难场所以及替代猎物、花粉和花蜜等资源,因此,非作物生境有利于自然天敌的栖息和繁衍,也有利于它们迁入邻近的作物生境中对害虫起到调节和控制作用.景观的格局-过程-尺度影响农田生物群落物种丰富度、多度、多样性以及害虫与天敌之间的相互作用.从区域农业景观系统的角度出发,运用景观生态学的理论和方法来研究作物、害虫、天敌等组分在不同斑块之间的转移过程和变化规律,揭示害虫在较大尺度和具有异质性的空间范围内的灾变机理,可为利用农业景观生物多样性来保护农田自然天敌,实施害虫的区域性生态控制提供新的研究思路和手段.  相似文献   

Agriculture is a primary factor underlying world-wide declines in biodiversity. However, different agricultural systems vary in their effects depending on their resemblance to the natural ecosystem, coverage across the landscape, and operational intensity. We combined data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey with remotely sensed measures of crop type and linear woody feature (LWF) density to study how agricultural type, woody structure and crop heterogeneity influenced the avian community at landscape scales across a broad agricultural region of eastern Canada. Specifically, we examined whether 1) avian diversity and abundance differed between arable crop agriculture (e.g., corn, soy) and forage (e.g., hay) and pastoral agriculture, 2) whether increasing the density of LWF enhances avian diversity and abundance, and 3) whether increasing the heterogeneity of arable crop types can reduce negative effects of arable crop amount. Avian diversity was lower in landscapes dominated by arable crop compared to forage agriculture likely due to a stronger negative correlation between arable cropping and the amount of natural land cover. In contrast, total avian abundance did not decline with either agricultural type, suggesting that species tolerant to agriculture are compensating numerically for the loss of non-tolerant species. This indicates that bird diversity may be a more sensitive response than bird abundance to crop cover type in agricultural landscapes. Higher LWF densities had positive effects on the diversity of forest and shrub bird communities as predicted. Higher crop heterogeneity did not reduce the negative effects of high crop amount as expected except for wetland bird abundance. In contrast, greater crop heterogeneity actually strengthened the negative effects of high crop amount on forest bird abundance, shrub-forest edge bird diversity and total bird diversity. We speculate that this was due to negative correlations between crop heterogeneity and the amount of shrub and forest habitat patches in crop-dominated landscapes in our study region. The variable response to crop heterogeneity across guilds suggests that policies aimed at crop diversification may not enhance avian diversity on their own and that management efforts aimed at the retention of natural forest and shrub patches, riparian corridors, and hedge-rows would be more directly beneficial.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of crop type heterogeneity on carabid beetles in intensively managed agricultural landscapes. We compared different crops and habitat type configurations and compositions. In addition we assessed the effect of artificial fragmentation by paved roads and water channels in an agricultural landscape. Crop type heterogeneity negatively affected carabid assemblages. Spatial dissection by artificial structures had an even more negative effect on carabid diversity. The nested structure of the carabid assemblages among crop types was caused by a negative response to heterogeneity in the agricultural landscape. Even though crop types in an intensive agricultural landscape increased, the landscape may tend to fragment habitat. Although artificially fragmented habitats had more unstable carabid assemblages, heterogeneity from different crop types has also been shown to be a characteristic of fragmented landscapes. To produce a positive relationship between biodiversity and heterogeneity in an agricultural landscape, farming intensity should be reduced to allow for the conversion of highly productive lands into more natural habitats.  相似文献   

Wildlife-friendly management practices promote pollinators and pollination services in agricultural landscapes. Wild bee densities are driven by landscape composition, as they benefit from an increased availability of nesting and foraging resources at landscape scale. However, effects of landscape composition on bee foraging decisions and consequences for crop pollination have rarely been studied. We investigated, how landscape composition affects bee densities and foraging behavior in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) fields and how this impacts faba bean yield. We recorded densities and nectar robbing behavior of honeybees, long- tongued and short-tongued bumblebees in faba bean fields in eleven landscapes with varying landscape composition (e.g. land cover of oilseed rape, faba bean and semi-natural habitats). Moreover, we assessed yield components of faba beans via pollinator exclusion experiments. Increasing covers of faba bean and semi-natural habitats positively influenced bumblebee densities, while high oilseed rape covers negatively affected short-tongued bumblebee densities in bean fields. Increased faba bean covers enhanced the proportion of nectar-robbing short-tongued bumblebees. The number of beans per pod was increased by insect pollination, while the number of pods was decreased; these effects however depended on variety. Landscape composition interacted with bee densities in shaping yield components in V. faba. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering landscape management to maximize crop yields, as shown for the case of faba beans. The composition of agricultural landscape can modulate bee densities in crop fields, bees foraging behavior and pollination services.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that organic farming may benefit farmland biodiversity more in landscapes that have lost a significant part of its former landscape heterogeneity. We tested this hypothesis by comparing bird species richness and abundance during the breeding season in organic and conventional farms, matched to eliminate all differences not directly linked to the farming practice, situated in either homogeneous plains with only a little semi-natural habitat or in heterogeneous farmland landscapes with abundant field borders and semi-natural grasslands. The effect of farm management on species richness interacted with landscape structure, such that there was a positive relationship between organic farming and diversity only in homogeneous landscapes. This pattern was mainly dependent on the species richness of passerine birds, in particular those that were invertebrate feeders. Species richness of non-passerines was positively related to organic farming independent of the landscape context. Bird abundance was positively related to landscape heterogeneity but not to farm management. This was mainly because the abundance of passerines, particularly invertebrate feeders, was positively related to landscape heterogeneity. We suggest that invertebrate feeders particularly benefit from organic farming because of improved foraging conditions through increased invertebrate abundances in otherwise depauperate homogeneous landscapes. Although many seed-eaters also benefit from increased insect abundance, they may also utilize crop seed resources in homogeneous landscapes and conventional farms. The occurrence of an interactive effect of organic farming and landscape heterogeneity on bird diversity will have consequences for the optimal allocation of resources to restore the diversity of farmland birds.  相似文献   

Farmland birds are of conservation concerns around the world. In China, conservation management has focused primarily on natural habitats, whereas little attention has been given to agricultural landscapes. Although agricultural land use is intensive in China, environmental heterogeneity can be highly variable in some regions due to variations in crop and noncrop elements within a landscape. We examined how noncrop heterogeneity, crop heterogeneity, and noncrop features (noncrop vegetation and water body such as open water) influenced species richness and abundance of all birds as well as three functional groups (woodland species, agricultural land species, and agricultural wetland species) in the paddy‐dominated landscapes of Erhai water basin situated in northwest Yunnan, China. Birds, crop, and noncrop vegetation surveys in twenty 1 km × 1 km landscape plots were conducted during the winter season (from 2014 to 2015). The results revealed that bird community compositions were best explained by amounts of noncrop vegetation and compositional heterogeneity of noncrop habitat (Shannon–Wiener index). Both variables also had a positive effect on richness and abundance of woodland species. Richness of agricultural wetland species increased with increasing areas of water bodies within the landscape plot. Richness of total species was also greater in the landscapes characterized by larger areas of water bodies, high proportion of noncrop vegetation, high compositional heterogeneity of noncrop habitat, or small field patches (high crop configurational heterogeneity). Crop compositional heterogeneity did not show significant effects neither on the whole community (all birds) nor on any of the three functional groups considered. These findings suggest that total bird diversity and some functional groups, especially woodland species, would benefit from increases in the proportion of noncrop features such as woody vegetation and water bodies as well as compositional heterogeneity of noncrop features within landscape.  相似文献   

关晓庆  刘军和  赵紫华 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4468-4477
农业景观格局与过程能够强烈影响寄生蜂对寄主的寻找及寄生作用,寄主密度亦是影响寄生蜂分布的重要因素,然而农业景观的格局和寄主密度对寄生蜂寄生率的相互影响是一项值得研究的工作.在简单与复杂2种麦田农业景观结构下,调查了麦蚜的分布格局与2种寄主密度下麦蚜的初寄生率与重寄生率,分析了景观结构对麦蚜密度的影响、景观格局与麦蚜密度对寄生蜂寄生率与重寄生率的影响及交互作用.结果表明:景观结构的复杂性对麦蚜分布和寄生蜂初寄生率与重寄生率的影响均不明显,但寄主密度与景观结构的复杂性对寄生蜂的影响存在着明显的交互作用,寄主密度与寄生率呈正相关,寄主密度较低时烟蚜茧蜂为优势种,寄主密度较高时燕麦蚜茧蜂为优势种.麦蚜初寄生蜂与重寄生蜂对寄主密度的反应与其形态学、体型大小以及生活史特征相关,初寄生蜂与重寄生蜂的群落组成显著影响其对麦蚜的寄生率,而与景观结构的复杂性关系不大.  相似文献   

In agricultural landscapes, the amount and organization of crops and semi-natural habitats (SNH) have the potential to promote a bundle of ecosystem services due to their influence on ecological community at multiple spatio-temporal scales. SNH are relatively undisturbed and are often source of complementary resources and refuges, therefore supporting more diverse and abundant natural pest enemies. However, the nexus of SNH proportion and organization with pest suppression is not trivial. It is thus crucial to understand how the behavior of pest and natural enemy species, the underlying landscape structure, and their interaction, may influence conservation biological control (CBC). Here, we develop a generative stochastic landscape model to simulate realistic agricultural landscape compositions and configurations of fields and linear elements. Generated landscapes are used as spatial support over which we simulate a spatially explicit predator-prey dynamic model. We find that increased SNH presence boosts predator populations by sustaining high predator density that regulates and keeps pest density below the pesticide application threshold. However, predator presence over all the landscape helps to stabilize the pest population by keeping it under this threshold, which tends to increase pest density at the landscape scale. In addition, the joint effect of SNH presence and predator dispersal ability among hedge and field interface results in a stronger pest regulation, which also limits pest growth. Considering properties of both fields and linear elements, such as local structure and geometric features, provides deeper insights for pest regulation; for example, hedge presence at crop field boundaries clearly strengthens CBC. Our results highlight that the integration of species behaviors and traits with landscape structure at multiple scales is necessary to provide useful insights for CBC.  相似文献   

大量研究表明多样性的农业景观格局能够影响蚜虫及寄生蜂的分布。本文利用并设计了两种尺度的麦田农业景观格局,依据麦蚜种群发生特点,分为迁入期、增长期与高峰期三个时期,论述了不同尺度下农业景观元素对麦蚜及寄生蜂系统的影响,通过逐步回归筛选了不同时期麦蚜及寄生蜂分布的关键景观元素,最后通过CANOCO软件模拟了麦蚜及寄生蜂的分布排序格局。结果表明不同景观因子对麦蚜及寄生蜂种群影响不同,迁入期两种尺度下裸地最有利于两种有翅蚜的迁飞入田,塑料大棚对有翅蚜种群的入田有抑制作用。增长期草地与林地生境对麦蚜种群增长率促进最大,塑料大棚同样抑制了麦蚜的种群增长率;但塑料大棚、草地与林地对蚜茧蜂的种群增长率有促进作用,非麦类作物生境对蚜茧蜂种群增长率抑制作用最大;草地与林地有利于重寄生蜂的种群增长率;高峰期裸地比例大的农业景观下麦蚜的最大种群密度较大,草地与林地对蚜茧蜂与重寄生蜂的最大种群密度均有促进作用。两种尺度下的研究结果一致。不同麦物种的对不同景观元素反应与形态学与生活史特征有关,而且景观结构中特定的植物种类、非作物植物的密度与物候期都可能影响寄生蜂群落的多样性与功能。  相似文献   

农田非作物生境调控与害虫综合治理   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
就害虫综合治理的研究而言,农田生态系统可以区分出作物生境和邻近作物的非作物生境。昆虫从作物生境迁移到非作物生境,与作物生境缺乏食物或受人类栽培活动干扰而引起的自然迁移、转换寄主和寻求庇护场所有关。许多研究表明,与特定作物田块相联系的植被类型和结构可影响害虫及其天敌迁居的种类、数量和时间。因此,我们可以通过改变大田周围非作物生境的植被组成及特征来调控农业生态系统中害虫与天敌的相互关系,提高天敌对害虫的控制效能。由于景观的空间格局对节肢动物的生物学特性有直接或间接的影响,所以,以景观为单元要比以同类作物的田块为单元更加适于害虫综合治理的研究和实施。在现代农业景观区域内重新引入和相嵌一些非栽培植物或廊道,可为众多有益节肢动物的繁殖、取食和避害提供多种类型的非作物栖境。  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity has been shown to be a major factor in the maintenance of biodiversity and associated services in agricultural landscapes. Farmlands are mosaics of fields with various crop types and farming practices. Crop phenology creates asynchrony between fields sown and harvested in different periods (winter vs. spring crops). The present study was conducted to examine the influence of such spatio-temporal heterogeneity on biodiversity, with the hypothesis that it would lead to spatio-temporal redistribution (shifting) of species. Species richness and activity-density of carabid beetles in winter cereal (winter) and maize (spring) crops were compared across 20 landscapes distributed along a double gradient of relative area and spatial configuration of winter and spring crops. Maize fields were sampled in spring and late summer for comparison over time. The response of carabid species richness to landscape heterogeneity was weak in spring, but maize field richness benefited from adjacencies with woody habitat, in late summer. In spring, increased length of interfaces between winter and spring crops lowered carabid activity-density in winter cereal fields, suggesting that maize fields acted as sinks. Interfaces between woody habitats and crops increased activity-density in both crop types. We found no evidence of spatio-temporal complementation, but different species benefited from winter cereals and maize in spring and late summer, increasing overall diversity. These findings confirm the role of adjacencies between woody and cultivated habitats in the conservation of abundant carabid assemblage in winter cereals and maize. We conclude that between-field population movement occurs, and advocate for better consideration of farmland heterogeneity in future research.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles are common predators of pest insects and weed seeds in agricultural systems. Understanding their dispersal across farmland is important for designing farms and landscapes that support pest and weed biological control. Little is known, however, about the effect of farmland habitat discontinuities on dispersal behaviour and the resulting redistribution of these beetles. We released 1,985 well‐fed and 1,680 food‐deprived individuals of the predatory carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on a farm in Wageningen, The Netherlands. We recaptured 23.6% of those beetles over a period of 23 days in 2010. The farmland comprised agricultural fields with various crop species and tillage, separated by strips of perennial vegetation. We developed discrete Fokker‐Planck diffusion models to describe dispersal based on motility (m2 day?1) and preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces. We used model selection and Akaike’s information criterion to determine whether movement patterns were driven by variation in motility between habitats, preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces, or both. Model selection revealed differences in motility among habitats and gave strong support for preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces. Behaviour at interfaces between crop and perennial vegetation was asymmetric, with beetles preferentially moving towards the crop. Furthermore, beetles had lower motility in perennial strips than in arable fields. Also between arable habitats movement was asymmetric, with beetles preferentially moving towards the habitat in which motility was lowest. Neither crop type nor tillage explained differences in motility between crop habitats. Recapture data representing dispersal patterns of beetles were best described by a model that accounted for differences in motility between farmland habitats and preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces. Motility in farmland and behaviour at interfaces can also be estimated for other organisms and farmland habitats to support design of farmland conducive to natural pest suppression. Landscape design for early recruitment of carabids into arable fields should take into account the quantity and quality of resource habitats in the landscape, their proximity to crop fields, movement rates, and the possibility of movement responses at interfaces between landscape elements.  相似文献   

  1. Increasing landscape heterogeneity, both in terms of composition and configuration, can promote natural enemies and biological control in agricultural landscapes. However, relatively poor information exists about the effects of landscape heterogeneity on lacewings, which are a major group of predators. Furthermore, temporal changes of landscape effects on natural enemy dynamics remain largely unexplored.
  2. Here, we investigated how landscape composition and configuration affect lacewings and their biological control potential on leafhoppers. Lacewings and leafhoppers were sampled from April to July in 10 vineyards located in southwestern France. The vineyards were selected along a gradient of a proportion of semi‐natural habitats in the landscape.
  3. The proportion of semi‐natural habitats positively affected the abundance of adults and eggs, as well as species richness, of lacewings, alone or in interaction with the sampling month. Landscape configuration was never found to enhance abundance or species richness of lacewings. Finally, the predator–prey ratio increased through time but did not respond to landscape composition or configuration.
  4. Our study highlights that the proportion of semi‐natural habitats increases both abundance and diversity of lacewings in vineyard landscapes but that this effect varies over time. This result indicates the need to assess the variability of landscape effects over time to maximize biological pest control services in agricultural landscapes.

1. Surveys have shown that there has been a dramatic decrease in the weed flora of fields under rotational cultivation during the last 30 years. This trend has been particularly noticeable in winter cereals, a crop of increasing importance in the landscape.
2. The weed flora of spring and winter cereals was compared in 19 unsprayed fields during a 5-year study to test the hypothesis that cereal type exerts no effect on the flora or on the absolute and relative abundance of single species.
3. Plant and species densities, and accumulated species richness, were lower in winter than in spring cereals.
4. Floristic similarity was greater among spring cereal fields and between spring and winter cereals within the same fields than among winter cereal fields.
5. Species that occurred with unequal density in spring and winter cereals occurred at higher densities in the spring cereals; these species germinated mainly in the spring. However, for a few species the relative plant abundance was highest in winter cereals; these species were able to germinate both in the spring and autumn.
6. Some species – on the relative scale – occurred indifferently of season of sowing; all but one of these species were able to germinate both in the spring and autumn.
7. Plant species and taxa that are important food resources for arthropod herbivores occurred at greater densities in spring than in winter cereals and, in addition, occurred with the highest relative abundance in spring cereals.
8. Change in land use from spring to winter cereals involves not only an immediate reduction of more than 25% in the density of plants and species, but also a change and increased uncertainty in the composition of the weed flora. These findings may have serious implications for the ecology of wildlife in the agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification has resulted in a simplification of agricultural landscapes by the expansion of agricultural land, enlargement of field size and removal of non-crop habitat. These changes are considered to be an important cause of the rapid decline in farmland biodiversity, with the remaining biodiversity concentrated in field edges and non-crop habitats. The simplification of landscape composition and the decline of biodiversity may affect the functioning of natural pest control because non-crop habitats provide requisites for a broad spectrum of natural enemies, and the exchange of natural enemies between crop and non-crop habitats is likely to be diminished in landscapes dominated by arable cropland. In this review, we test the hypothesis that natural pest control is enhanced in complex patchy landscapes with a high proportion of non-crop habitats as compared to simple large-scale landscapes with little associated non-crop habitat. In 74% and 45% of the studies reviewed, respectively, natural enemy populations were higher and pest pressure lower in complex landscapes versus simple landscapes. Landscape-driven pest suppression may result in lower crop injury, although this has rarely been documented. Enhanced natural enemy activity was associated with herbaceous habitats in 80% of the cases (e.g. fallows, field margins), and somewhat less often with wooded habitats (71%) and landscape patchiness (70%). The similar contributions of these landscape factors suggest that all are equally important in enhancing natural enemy populations. We conclude that diversified landscapes hold most potential for the conservation of biodiversity and sustaining the pest control function.  相似文献   

  1. Crop production sequences influence arthropod populations in temporally unstable row crop systems. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) represents one of the earliest abundant crops in south-eastern United States. This study aims to understand primary source habitats driving brown stink bug, Euschistus servus (Say), and tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), population abundance in wheat.
  2. To better understand these relationships, adult and nymphal densities were in wheat fields weekly from flowering through harvest in 2019 and 2020. Geospatial data were used to measure landscape composition surrounding sampled fields. We investigated the influence of landscape predictors on E. servus and L. lineolaris abundance using generalized linear mixed modelling.
  3. Field size, proportion of agriculture, proportion of wheat area, and proportion of soybean Glycine max L.) area from the previous year in the surrounding landscape were associated with E. servus abundance in wheat. Similarly, L. lineolaris abundance was associated with proportion of wheat area and soybean area from the previous year.
  4. These results reveal the influence of soybean area planted the previous year on insect pest densities the following spring in wheat. Further, results suggest agricultural landscapes dominated by wheat are associated with decreased pest abundance across the sampled region.

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