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In this paper we analyze a variation of a standard predator-prey model with type II functional response which represents predator-prey dynamics in the presence of some additional food to the predator. The aim is to study the consequences of providing additional food on the system dynamics. We conclude that handling times for the available foods play a key role in determining the eventual state of the ecosystem. It is interesting to observe that by varying the quality and quantity of additional food we can not only control and limit the prey, but also limit and eradicate the predators. In the context of biological pest control, the results caution the manager on the choice of quality and quantity of the additional food used for this purpose. An arbitrary choice may have opposite effects leading to increase in pest concentration and eradication of the predator. This study offers insight into the possible management strategies that involve manipulation of quality and supply level of additional food to predators, for the benefit of biological control. The theoretical conclusions agree with results of some practical biological control experiments.  相似文献   

Use of additional food has been widely recognized by experimental scientists as one of the important tools for biological control such as species conservation and pest management. The quality and quantity of additional food supplied to the predators is known to play a vital role in the controllability of the system. The present study is continuation of a previous work that highlights the importance of quality and quantity of the additional food in the dynamics of a predator–prey system in the context of biological control. In this article the controllability of the predator–prey system is analyzed by considering inverse of quality of the additional food as the control variable. Control strategies are offered to steer the system from a given initial state to a required terminal state in a minimum time by formulating Mayer problem of optimal control. It is observed that an optimal strategy is a combination of bang-bang controls and could involve multiple switches. Properties of optimal paths are derived using necessary conditions for Mayer problem. In the light of the results evolved in this work it is possible to eradicate the prey from the eco-system in the minimum time by providing the predator with high quality additional food, which is relevant in the pest management. In the perspective of biological conservation this study highlights the possibilities to drive the state to an admissible interior equilibrium (irrespective of its stability nature) of the system in a minimum time.  相似文献   

China has the highest greenhouse-based production in the world. In 2010, the area of greenhouses devoted to vegetable production was estimated at 4.7 million ha. With the increasing costs of pest control, expanding pesticide resistance and the growing consumer concern regarding pesticide residues in fresh vegetables, a strong demand for applying non-chemical control methods is emerging in China. Biological control in the greenhouse environment is a viable alternative to pesticide use from both environmental and economic perspectives. Although we have only 17 cases of fully documented, successful biological control operations from China, involving 8 crops, 8 pest species and 14 species of natural enemies, the use of the biological control agents is much more widespread. There are 7 commercial companies and facilities producing 21 species of natural enemies, and most of them are available country-wide. Several of these employ a rearing system using artificial diets, and many now move to an integrated production system, including the mass production of the biocontrol agents, quality control, methods of long-distance transportation, release recommendations, and user feedback. While initially these systems relied on introduced natural enemies, they increasingly develop modified systems using native natural enemies. The increasing demand for pesticide-free, high quality vegetable produce year-round and the existing certification schemes make it very likely that the use of biocontrol agents will continue to increase in China.  相似文献   

Two age-structured population dynamic models are analyzed in which pheromone-baited trapping and food-baited trapping are used simultaneously to eradicate an insect pest. The pest species is assumed to be under partial control by a host-specific parasitoid species. The two models assume that density-dependent population regulation is accomplished either by host larval competition or by means of oviposition interference among the parasitoids. The two trap types interact in a positive synergistic manner and this combination appears to be very promising as a useful combination of pest control methods. Several features of the system are examined; the feature which appears to cause the greatest problem is the possibility of the parasitoids being attracted to the pheromone or the food traps. In either case, the degree of attraction does not have to be very great to undermine the control effort. It is seen that food trapping becomes indispensible if host pheromone is used by the parasitoids as a host-locating kairomone. If odor in the food traps is used by the parasitoids as kairomone, then the situation appears more optimistic, as the reduction in efficiency of the food traps appears much less than with the pheromone traps when pheromone acts as kairomone.  相似文献   

Biological control and sustainable food production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of biological control for the management of pest insects pre-dates the modern pesticide era. The first major successes in biological control occurred with exotic pests controlled by natural enemy species collected from the country or area of origin of the pest (classical control). Augmentative control has been successfully applied against a range of open-field and greenhouse pests, and conservation biological control schemes have been developed with indigenous predators and parasitoids. The cost-benefit ratio for classical biological control is highly favourable (1:250) and for augmentative control is similar to that of insecticides (1:2-1:5), with much lower development costs. Over the past 120 years, more than 5000 introductions of approximately 2000 non-native control agents have been made against arthropod pests in 196 countries or islands with remarkably few environmental problems. Biological control is a key component of a 'systems approach' to integrated pest management, to counteract insecticide-resistant pests, withdrawal of chemicals and minimize the usage of pesticides. Current studies indicate that genetically modified insect-resistant Bt crops may have no adverse effects on the activity or function of predators or parasitoids used in biological control. The introduction of rational approaches for the environmental risk assessment of non-native control agents is an essential step in the wider application of biological control, but future success is strongly dependent on a greater level of investment in research and development by governments and related organizations that are committed to a reduced reliance on chemical control.  相似文献   

A food chain model with two predators feeding on a single prey in a chemostat is studied. Using a multiparameter bifurcation analysis, we find parameters values for which there is stable oscillatory coexistence of the predators. It is also shown how these coexistent states provide a transition between two possible states of competitive exclusion. It is shown that the competitive exclusion principle need not hold if one or more of the predators has oscillatory behavior in the absence of other predators.This work was partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant MCS 83-01881  相似文献   

1. Abundant mid-trophic pelagic fish often play a central role in marine ecosystems, both as links between zooplankton and top predators and as important fishery targets. In the North Sea, the lesser sandeel occupies this position, being the main prey of many bird, mammal and fish predators and the target of a major industrial fishery. However, since 2003, sandeel landings have decreased by > 50%, and many sandeel-dependent seabirds experienced breeding failures in 2004. 2. Despite the major economic implications, current understanding of the regulation of key constituents of this ecosystem is poor. Sandeel abundance may be regulated 'bottom-up' by food abundance, often thought to be under climatic control, or 'top-down' by natural or fishery predation. We tested predictions from these two hypotheses by combining unique long-term data sets (1973-2003) on seabird breeding productivity from the Isle of May, SE Scotland, and plankton and fish larvae from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. We also tested whether seabird breeding productivity was more tightly linked to sandeel biomass or quality (size) of individual fish. 3. The biomass of larval sandeels increased two- to threefold over the study period and was positively associated with proxies of the abundance of their plankton prey. Breeding productivity of four seabirds bringing multiple prey items to their offspring was positively related to sandeel larval biomass with a 1-year lag, indicating dependence on 1-year-old fish, but in one species bringing individual fish it was strongly associated with the size of adult sandeels. 4. These links are consistent with bottom-up ecosystem regulation and, with evidence from previous studies, indicate how climate-driven changes in plankton communities can affect top predators and potentially human fisheries through the dynamics of key mid-trophic fish. However, the failing recruitment to adult sandeel stocks and the exceptionally low seabird breeding productivity in 2004 were not associated with low sandeel larval biomass in 2003, so other mechanisms (e.g. predation, lack of suitable food after metamorphosis) must have been important in this case. Understanding ecosystem regulation is extremely important for predicting the fate of keystone species, such as sandeels, and their predators.  相似文献   

Concern over declining biodiversity and the implications for continued provision of ecosystem services has led, recently, to intense research effort to describe relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Here we extend this effort to the relationship between natural enemy species diversity and natural pest control. From simple modelled food‐webs and simulations of natural enemy species loss we derive specific predictions concerning the effect of herbivore life‐history traits, such as life‐cycle type and concealment, on the shape (reflecting diversity effects) and variance (reflecting species composition effects) of the relationship between natural enemy diversity and pest‐control. We show that these predictions are consistent with the emergence of different pest types following intensification of rice production in Asia. We suggest that basic biological insights can help define the structure of ecological processes and allow more accurate predictions of the effect of species loss on the delivery of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Wen  Jian  Ueno  Takatoshi 《BioControl》2021,66(6):813-824

Predator non-consumptive effects (NCEs) have been well studied in many ecosystems and NCEs can alter the behavior, morphology and life history of prey, producing strong trait-mediated indirect effects (TMIEs) on host plants. However, studies involving the application of NCEs to control pests in the field, and instances of combined laboratory bioassay and field practice are rare. Here, we examine the development, reproduction and behavior of small brown planthoppers, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén), when exposed to predator cues from caged predators (Paederus fuscipes Curtis), or predator body extracts (in solvents with different polarities) in the laboratory. Field foliage sprays of these extracts were also used to test their effects on the L. striatellus population and rice plant biomass. Nymph development and egg hatch rate in L. striatellus were not influenced, but adult longevity was shorter, and fecundity and weight gain were lower, when nymphs were exposed to the predator cues. Adults exposed to predator cues also gained less weight and laid fewer eggs. The poorer developmental and reproductive performances might result from lower activity levels observed in threatened L. striatellus. The field foliage sprays of predator cues decreased L. striatellus abundance and increased rice plant biomass, suggesting their possible application for pest control. Predator cues extracted using chloroform increased stronger NCEs and TMIEs, indicating their non-polar characteristics. Our studies advance the understanding of how NCEs shape the life history and behavior of L. striatellus and improve rice growth, laying new foundations for future research on novel pest control materials and methods.


The ice nucleation (IN) gene inaA of epiphytic Erwinia (Pantoea) ananas IN10 was transformed into Enterobacter cloacae WBMH-3-CMr originated from the faeces of silkworms. The transformant designated as Ent. cloacae WBMH-3-CMr(pICE6S13) exhibited IN activity, unlike the parent strain. The transgenic strain was ingested by mulberry pyralid larvae, fed on detached mulberry leaves, and the supercooling capacity and cold hardiness of these larvae were examined. The mean supercooling point (SCP) of the larvae ingesting the transgenic strain was - 3.3 degrees C, 8 degrees C higher than that of larvae treated with distilled water (control) and 1.5 C higher than an ice nucleation active (INA) strain of Erw. ananas. The SCPs of the larvae were stably maintained over the 9 d after ingestion. The maintenance of these high SCPs was due to transgenic Ent. cloacae having a more stable and efficient gut colonization than Erw. ananas, which is identified by the distribution of a narrower range of SCPs (-2 to -5 degrees C) in larvae treated with the transgenic stain. Furthermore, most of the larvae ingesting the transgenic strain froze and died when they were exposed to cold conditions of -5 degrees C for 18 h, 3 or 7 d after ingestion. In contrast, most of the larvae ingesting no bacterium did not die under similar conditions. On the other hand, the growth ability of Ent. cloacae WBMH-3-CMr on mulberry leaves tended to be lower than that of epiphytic Erw. ananas, as assayed by pot tests. These findings would expand the possibility of biological control using INA bacteria since Ent. cloacae would harbour a broader host (insect) range for gut colonization and a smaller affinity to plants to benefit from prevention of plant frost injury.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(4):737-743
An autonomous robot (Cabbot) was built to control insect pests in a plastic greenhouse and utilized to sample adult whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) on paprika plants (Capsicum annum var. angulosum). To accomplish this, a sampling device consisting of an air compressor for pest agitation, a sticky trap (100 mm × 150 mm) and an image processing system for pest identification were installed on the Cabbot. The sampling precision of the Cabbot (D = 0.16) was higher than that of the sticky trap (D = 0.19) when sampling of adult white flies was conducted in caged pots. The Cabbot could also collect a substantial number of individuals within a short duration (3 minutes). The collection efficiency (i.e., percent of samples collected at least n (1 in this case) individuals to the total sample number) of insects by the Cabbot was markedly high at low population size, showing approximately 30% when the population size was ≤ 16 individuals per plant. The sampling precision and collection efficiency suggested that the Cabbot is effective in local, short-term sampling and could be used for early warning of pest occurrences.  相似文献   

1. The consumption of microcrustacea by two polyphagous predators, larvae of the caddisfly Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) and the alderfly Sialis fuliginosa Pictet, was investigated in an English stream with a well-known macro- and microinvertebrate fauna. Benthic samples were collected in August, November, December and April, and the gut contents of all individuals of both predators were examined. 2. All the microcrustacean groups (Cyclopoida, Harpacticoida, Chydoridae and Ostracoda) were identified in gut contents. Of the ten taxa present in the benthos, all occurred in the diet of P. conspersa; nine were found in S. fuliginosa. 3. Ontogenetic shifts in the diets of both predators were found, and microcrustacea were consumed more frequently by small than large instars. 4. There was little evidence of selective feeding by P. conspersa, whereas ostracods were over-represented in the diet of S. fuliginosa, compared with benthic relative densities. The Chydoridae were under-represented in the diet of both predators. 5. The food web of Broadstone Stream is perhaps the most detailed web available for any running water habitat. Increased taxonomic resolution produced marked changes in values of connectance and predator-prey ratios. Linkage density remained fairly constant at different levels of resolution and were high, indicative of a web of generalist species. Omnivory was pronounced and may be characteristic of donor-controlled systems where organic detritus is the primary energy base.  相似文献   

A 20-year study of suppression of California red scale, a world-wide pest of citrus, by the parasitoid Aphytis melinus has established that the interaction is dynamically stable and that the mechanisms leading to control and stability operate at a local scale: spatial processes are not important. Key features appear to be an invulnerable class in the pest and rapid development of the parasitoid compared with the pest, as well as the fact that the parasitoid is an in situ specialist on the pest. Although another parasitoid species and two predator species are also present, they play at most a negligible role in pest control. These features—long-term persistence, suppression by a single natural enemy, an invulnerable stage in the pest and rapid development in the natural enemy—appear to be common in other coccid pest systems. By contrast, in temporary crops where the pest and enemy populations are open (i.e., sustained over the long run mainly by immigration) and non-persistent locally, as is frequently found in aphid pests, we expect that multiple generalist enemies are required for control and, of course, that spatial processes are important. There are very few well-studied examples of such systems, but these support our expectations. In these cases, it also appears that neither rapid enemy development nor an invulnerable pest stage is important for successful control.  相似文献   

China is the world's second-largest maize producer and consumer. In recent years, the invasive fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) has adversely affected maize productivity and compromised food security. To mitigate pest-inflicted food shortages, China's Government issued biosafety certificates for two genetically modified (GM) Bt maize hybrids, Bt-Cry1Ab DBN9936 and Bt-Cry1Ab/Cry2Aj Ruifeng 125, in 2019. Here, we quantitatively assess the impact of both Bt maize hybrids on pest feeding damage, crop yield and food safety throughout China's maize belt. Without a need to resort to synthetic insecticides, Bt maize could mitigate lepidopteran pest pressure by 61.9–97.3%, avoid yield loss by 16.4–21.3% (range −11.9–99.2%) and lower mycotoxin contamination by 85.5–95.5% as compared to the prevailing non-Bt hybrids. Yield loss avoidance varied considerably between experimental sites and years, as mediated by on-site infestation pressure and pest identity. For either seed mixtures or block refuge arrangements, pest pressure was kept below established thresholds at 90% Bt maize coverage in Yunnan (where S. frugiperda was the dominant species) and 70% Bt maize coverage in other sites dominated by Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée). Drawing on experiences from other crop/pest systems, Bt maize in se can provide area-wide pest management and thus, contribute to a progressive phase-down of chemical pesticide use. Hence, when consciously paired with agroecological and biodiversity-based measures, GM insecticidal crops can ensure food and nutrition security, contribute to the sustainable intensification of China's agriculture and reduce food systems' environmental footprint.  相似文献   

生物防治利用生物多样性保护生物多样性   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
本文论述了生物防治与保护生物多样性的关系,提出生物多样性是生防作用物的必要来源,生物防治是保护生物多样性的重要措施。文中分析了自然界和农田生态系统中天敌的多样性和寄主专一性,并从外来种的治理、濒危物种和栖境的保护等几个方面探讨了生物防治对于保护生物多样性的作用。作者还强调应加强国际间天敌资源的交换,建立严格的天敌引种释放法规,以便开展更多的安全有效的生物防治项目。  相似文献   

正确理解和应用经济阈值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
盛承发  宣维健 《昆虫知识》2003,40(1):90-92,74
分析了害虫经济阈值制定与应用中的若干常见问题。制定问题主要来自试验和计算两方面。试验方面涉及虫量设置的梯度和范围、模拟为害、考察时间和供试虫龄以及样本大小等 ,计算方面涉及虫量计算、理论产量和防治效果等。阈值应用的问题涉及防治行动时间、多项投资选择、害虫自然存活率以及作物产量水平等。为避免这些陷阱 ,作者提出个人见解。  相似文献   

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