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This study examined the ability of well-trained eumenorrheic women to increase muscle glycogen content and endurance performance in response to a high-carbohydrate diet (HCD; approximately 78% carbohydrate) compared with a moderate-carbohydrate diet (MD; approximately 48% carbohydrate) when tested during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Six women cycled to exhaustion at approximately 80% maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2 max)) after each of the randomly assigned diet and exercise-tapering regimens. A biopsy was taken from the vastus lateralis before and after exercise in each trial. Preexercise muscle glycogen content was high after the MD (625.2 +/- 50.1 mmol/kg dry muscle) and 13% greater after the HCD (709.0 +/- 44.8 mmol/kg dry muscle). Postexercise muscle glycogen was low after both trials (MD, 91.4 +/- 34.5; HCD, 80.3 +/- 19.5 mmol/kg dry muscle), and net glycogen utilization during exercise was greater after the HCD. The subjects also cycled longer at approximately 80% VO(2 max) after the HCD vs. MD (115:31 +/- 10:47 vs. 106:35 +/- 8:36 min:s, respectively). In conclusion, aerobically trained women increased muscle glycogen content in response to a high-dietary carbohydrate intake during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, but the magnitude was smaller than previously observed in men. The increase in muscle glycogen, and possibly liver glycogen, after the HCD was associated with increased cycling performance to volitional exhaustion at approximately 80% VO(2 max).  相似文献   

Since strength and muscular strength endurance are linked, it is possible that the inhibitory influence that prior stretching has on strength can also extend to the reduction of muscle strength endurance. To date, however, studies measuring muscle strength endurance poststretching have been criticized because of problems with their reliability. The purpose of this study was twofold: both the muscle strength endurance performance after acute static stretching exercises and the repeatability of those differences were measured. Two separate experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, the knee-flexion muscle strength endurance exercise was measured by exercise performed at 60 and 40% of body weight following either a no-stretching or stretching regimen. In experiment 2, using a test-retest protocol, a knee-flexion muscle strength endurance exercise was performed at 50% body weight on 4 different days, with 2 tests following a no-stretching regimen (RNS) and 2 tests following a stretching regimen (RST). For experiment 1, when exercise was performed at 60% of body weight, stretching significantly (p < 0.05) reduced muscle strength endurance by 24%, and at 40% of body weight, it was reduced by 9%. For experiment 2, reliability was high (RNS, intraclass correlation = 0.94; RST, intraclass correlation = 0.97). Stretching also significantly (p < 0.05) reduced muscle strength endurance by 28%. Therefore, it is recommended that heavy static stretching exercises of a muscle group be avoided prior to any performances requiring maximal muscle strength endurance.  相似文献   

The restorative capacities of a high carbohydrate-protein (CHO-PRO) beverage containing electrolytes and a traditional 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte sports beverage (SB) were assessed after glycogen-depleting exercise. Postexercise ingestion of the CHO-PRO beverage, in comparison with the SB, resulted in a 55% greater time to exhaustion during a subsequent exercise bout at 85% maximum oxygen consumption (VO(2)max). The greater recovery after the intake of the CHO-PRO beverage could be because of a greater rate of muscle glycogen storage. Therefore, a second study was designed to investigate the effects of after exercise CHO-PRO and SB supplements on muscle glycogen restoration. Eight endurance-trained cyclists (VO(2)max = 62.1 +/- 2.2 ml.kg(-1) body wt.min(-1)) performed 2 trials consisting of a 2-hour glycogen-depletion ride at 65-75% VO(2)max. Carbohydrate-protein (355 ml; approximately 0.8 g carbohydrate (CHO).kg(-1) body wt and approximately 0.2 g protein.kg(-1) body wt) or SB (355 ml; approximately 0.3 g CHO.kg(-1) body wt) was provided immediately and 2 hours after exercise. Trials were randomized and separated by 7-15 days. Ingestion of the CHO-PRO beverage resulted in a 17% greater plasma glucose response, a 92% greater insulin response, and a 128% greater storage of muscle glycogen (159 +/- 18 and 69 +/- 32 micromol.g(-1) dry weight for CHO-PRO and SB, respectively) compared with the SB (p < 0.05). These findings indicate that the rate of recovery is coupled with the rate of muscle glycogen replenishment and suggest that recovery supplements should be consumed to optimize muscle glycogen synthesis as well as fluid replacement.  相似文献   

Nakatani, Akira, Dong-Ho Han, Polly A. Hansen, Lorraine A. Nolte, Helen H. Host, Robert C. Hickner, and John O. Holloszy. Effect of endurance exercise training on muscle glycogensupercompensation in rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(2): 711-715, 1997.The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the rate and extent ofglycogen supercompensation in skeletal muscle are increased byendurance exercise training. Rats were trained by using a 5-wk-long swimming program in which the duration of swimming was gradually increased to 6 h/day over 3 wk and then maintained at 6 h/day for anadditional 2 wk. Glycogen repletion was measured in trained anduntrained rats after a glycogen-depleting bout of exercise. The ratswere given a rodent chow diet plus 5% sucrose in their drinking waterad libitum during the recovery period. There were remarkabledifferences in both the rates of glycogen accumulation and the glycogenconcentrations attained in the two groups. The concentration ofglycogen in epitrochlearis muscle averaged 13.1 ± 0.9 mg/g wet wtin the untrained group and 31.7 ± 2.7 mg/g in the trained group(P < 0.001) 24 h after the exercise.This difference could not be explained by a training effect on glycogensynthase. The training induced ~50% increases in muscle GLUT-4glucose transporter protein and in hexokinase activity inepitrochlearis muscles. We conclude that endurance exercise trainingresults in increases in both the rate and magnitude of muscle glycogensupercompensation in rats.


Effects of diet on muscle triglyceride and endurance performance   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Starling, Raymond D., Todd A. Trappe, Allen C. Parcell, ChadG. Kerr, William J. Fink, and David L. Costill. Effects of diet onmuscle triglyceride and endurance performance. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4): 1185-1189, 1997.Thepurpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of diet onmuscle triglyceride and endurance performance. Seven endurance-trainedmen completed a 120-min cycling bout at 65% of maximal oxygen uptake.Each subject then ingested an isocaloric high-carbohydrate (Hi-CHO;83% of energy) or a high-fat (Hi-Fat; 68% of energy) diet for theensuing 12 h. After a 12-h overnight fast, a 1,600-kJ self-pacedcycling bout was completed. Muscle triglyceride measured before (33.0 ± 2.3 vs. 37.0 ± 2.1 mmol/kg dry wt) and after (30.9 ± 2.4 vs. 32.8 ± 1.6 mmol/kg dry wt) the 120-min cycling bout was notdifferent between the Hi-CHO and Hi-Fat trials, respectively. After the 24-h dietary-fasting period, muscle triglyceride was significantly higher for the Hi-Fat (44.7 ± 2.4 mmol/kg dry wt) vs. the Hi-CHO (27.5 ± 2.1 mmol/kg dry wt) trial. Furthermore,self-paced cycling time was significantly greater for the Hi-Fat (139.3 ± 7.1 min) compared with the Hi-CHO (117.1 ± 3.2 min) trial.These data demonstrate that there was not a significant difference inmuscle triglyceride concentration before and after a prolongedmoderate-intensity cycling bout. Nevertheless, a high-fat dietincreased muscle triglyceride concentration and reduced self-pacedcycling performance 24 h after the exercise compared with ahigh-carbohydrate diet.


The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether endurance exercise training increases the ability of human skeletal muscle to accumulate glycogen after exercise. Subjects (4 women and 2 men, 31 +/- 8 yr old) performed high-intensity stationary cycling 3 days/wk and continuous running 3 days/wk for 10 wk. Muscle glycogen concentration was measured after a glycogen-depleting exercise bout before and after endurance training. Muscle glycogen accumulation rate from 15 min to 6 h after exercise was twofold higher (P < 0.05) in the trained than in the untrained state: 10.5 +/- 0.2 and 4.5 +/- 1.3 mmol. kg wet wt(-1). h(-1), respectively. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher (P < 0.05) in the trained than in the untrained state at 15 min, 6 h, and 48 h after exercise. Muscle GLUT-4 content after exercise was twofold higher (P < 0.05) in the trained than in the untrained state (10.7 +/- 1.2 and 4.7 +/- 0.7 optical density units, respectively) and was correlated with muscle glycogen concentration 6 h after exercise (r = 0.64, P < 0.05). Total glycogen synthase activity and the percentage of glycogen synthase I were not significantly different before and after training at 15 min, 6 h, and 48 h after exercise. We conclude that endurance exercise training enhances the capacity of human skeletal muscle to accumulate glycogen after glycogen-depleting exercise.  相似文献   

Endurance capacity of human vastus lateralis muscles was observed 24 h after hard exercise followed by either a carbohydrate-restricted or a carbohydrate-loaded diet (depletion and repletion conditions). In a control condition the subjects did no previous exercise and ate their normal diet. Each of these conditions was followed by an experimental protocol in which the five male subjects made a series of alternating 25-s static contractions of each leg at 50% maximal voluntary contraction until one leg failed to achieve the required force (Tlim). Glycogen concentration before the experimental protocol in both legs was significantly lower in the depletion than in the repletion condition. Muscle lactate and creatine phosphate concentrations were within normal limits before the static contractions. The number of contractions the repleted (12.7 +/- 2.2) and depleted (10.3 +/- 1.5) legs could sustain before Tlim were not different from each other, but both were 35% (P less than 0.05) fewer than the control (17.6 +/- 3.0). Surface electromyogram (EMG) amplitude was higher in depleted than in repleted or control muscles. At Tlim, EMG amplitude was maximal, creatine phosphate was 50-70% depleted, and lactate increased fourfold. Average glycogen utilization per contraction in both the repletion and depletion conditions was 5.8 mmol/kg dry wt, but postexercise lactate concentrations were lower in depleted (14.4 +/- 3.6 mmol/kg dry wt) than in repleted (43.2 +/- 7.4) muscles. The EMG frequency distribution shifted downward in all conditions during the experimental protocol and was independent of muscle lactate concentration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Numerous studies from our and other laboratories have shown that women have a lower respiratory exchange ratio (RER) during exercise than equally trained men, indicating a greater reliance on fat oxidation. Differences in estrogen concentration between men and women likely play a role in this sex difference. Differing estrogen and progesterone concentrations during the follicular (FP) and luteal (LP) phases of the female menstrual cycle suggest that fuel use may also vary between phases. The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of menstrual cycle phase and sex upon glucose turnover and muscle glycogen utilization during endurance exercise. Healthy, recreationally active young women (n = 13) and men (n = 11) underwent a primed constant infusion of [6,6-2H]glucose with muscle biopsies taken before and after a 90-min cycling bout at 65% peak O2 consumption. LP women had lower glucose rate of appearance (Ra, P = 0.03), rate of disappearance (Rd, P = 0.03), and metabolic clearance rate (MCR, P = 0.04) at 90 min of exercise and lower proglycogen (P = 0.04), macroglycogen (P = 0.04), and total glycogen (P = 0.02) utilization during exercise compared with FP women. Men had a higher RER (P = 0.02), glucose Ra (P = 0.03), Rd (P = 0.03), and MCR (P = 0.01) during exercise compared with FP women, and men had a higher RER at 75 and 90 min of exercise (P = 0.04), glucose Ra (P = 0.01), Rd (P = 0.01), and MCR (P = 0.001) and a greater PG utilization (P = 0.05) compared with LP women. We conclude that sex, and to a lesser extent menstrual cycle, influence glucose turnover and glycogen utilization during moderate-intensity endurance exercise.  相似文献   

[Purpose]Skeletal muscle glycogen is a determinant of endurance capacity for some athletes. Ginger is well known to possess nutritional effects, such as anti-diabetic effects. We hypothesized that ginger extract (GE) ingestion increases skeletal muscle glycogen by enhancing fat oxidation. Thus, we investigated the effect of GE ingestion on exercise capacity, skeletal muscle glycogen, and certain blood metabolites in exercised rats. [Methods]First, we evaluated the influence of GE ingestion on body weight and elevation of exercise performance in rats fed with different volumes of GE. Next, we measured the skeletal muscle glycogen content and free fatty acid (FFA) levels in GE-fed rats. Finally, we demonstrated that GE ingestion contributes to endurance capacity during intermittent exercise to exhaustion. [Results]We confirmed that GE ingestion increased exercise performance (p<0.05) and elevated the skeletal muscle glycogen content compared to the non-GE-fed (CE, control exercise) group before exercise (Soleus: p<0.01, Plantaris: p<0.01, Gastrocnemius: p<0.05). Blood FFA levels in the GE group were significantly higher than those in the CE group after exercise (p<0.05). Moreover, we demonstrated that exercise capacity was maintained in the CE group during intermittent exercise (p<0.05). [Conclusion]These findings indicate that GE ingestion increases skeletal muscle glycogen content and exercise performance through the upregulation of fat oxidation.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effects of increased substrate availability (glycogen + plasma fatty acids) by glucocorticoids on energy metabolism during exercise to exhaustion. Female rats received a single subcutaneous injection of cortisol acetate (CA) (100 mg.kg body wt-1) 21 h before treadmill running (30.8 m/min). At the start of exercise in the CA-treated rats, plasma fatty acids and liver glycogen were increased by 40%. Glycogen levels were also increased by CA treatment in slow-twitch soleus (61%), fast-twitch white vastus (38%), and fast-twitch red vastus lateralis (85%) muscles. Exercise time to exhaustion was increased by CA treatment (114 +/- 5 vs. 95 +/- 6 min, P less than 0.05). During the exercise, total glycogen depletion was greater in the CA-treated than in the control animals, whereas estimated relative rates of carbohydrate utilization (R = 0.90) were similar. However, while running the CA-treated group consumed 11% more O2 than the controls (P less than 0.05). These results show that a single injection of glucocorticoids is capable of improving endurance. Yet the increased O2 uptake during exercise may have minimized the impact of the initial increased availability of carbohydrates and fatty acids in prolonging exercise capacity. This decreased running economy by the CA-treated runners may be secondary to alterations in energy production or utilization.  相似文献   

Ventilatory muscle strength and endurance training   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The impact of adding heavy-resistance training to increase leg-muscle strength was studied in eight cycling- and running-trained subjects who were already at a steady-state level of performance. Strength training was performed 3 days/wk for 10 wk, whereas endurance training remained constant during this phase. After 10 wk, leg strength was increased by an average of 30%, but thigh girth and biopsied vastus lateralis muscle fiber areas (fast and slow twitch) and citrate synthase activities were unchanged. Maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) was also unchanged by heavy-resistance training during cycling (55 ml.kg-1.min-1) and treadmill running (60 ml.kg-1.min-1); however, short-term endurance (4-8 min) was increased by 11 and 13% (P less than 0.05) during cycling and running, respectively. Long-term cycling to exhaustion at 80% VO2max increased from 71 to 85 min (P less than 0.05) after the addition of strength training, whereas long-term running (10 km times) results were inconclusive. These data do not demonstrate any negative performance effects of adding heavy-resistance training to ongoing endurance-training regimens. They indicate that certain types of endurance performance, particularly those requiring fast-twitch fiber recruitment, can be improved by strength-training supplementation.  相似文献   

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