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The circadian rhythms of excretion of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid (17-ohcs) were determined in five normal subjects, in six patients with hyperthyroidism and five with hypothyroidism. Constant diets with identical 3-hourly feedings were employed, and urine collections were made every 3 hrs during a 3-day study period. The circadian patterns of urinary excretion of sodium, potassium and 17-OHCS were similar in all three groups with distinct daytime peaks and nighttime nadirs. The total quantities of the ions and 17-OHCS excreted were greater in hyperthyroid than in hypothyroid patients with the greatest difference noted with the 17-OHCS. The rhythms for calcium, magnesium and phosphorus excretion were accentuated in hyperthyroid patients but similar to those in normal subjects with early morning calcium and magnesium peaks and a phosphorus peak approximately 12 hrs later. While a similar although blunted circadian pattern for calcium and perhaps magnesium excretion was noted in hypothyroid patients, their phosphorus rhythms were distorted and rather flat. These latter results confirm the observation of MINTZ et al. and are compatible with their interpretation that thyroid hormone is permissibly necessary for the expression of a normal phosphaturic rhythm and that the circulating level of thyroid hormone influences the amplitude of the phosphaturic rhythm.  相似文献   

While circadian rhythms of locomotion have been reported in the American lobster, Homarus americanus, it is unclear whether heart rate is also modulated on a circadian basis. To address this issue, both heart rate and locomotor activity were continuously monitored in light-dark (LD) cycles and constant darkness (DD). Lobsters in running wheels exhibited significant nocturnal increases in locomotor activity and heart rates during LD, and these measures were significantly correlated. In DD, most lobsters exhibited persistent circadian rhythms of both locomotion and heart rate. When heart rate was monitored in restrained lobsters in LD and DD, most animals also demonstrated clear daily and circadian rhythms in heart rate. Overall, this is the first demonstration of circadian rhythms of heart rate in H. americanus, the expression of which does not appear to be dependent on the expression of locomotor activity.  相似文献   

While circadian rhythms of locomotion have been reported in the American lobster, Homarus americanus, it is unclear whether heart rate is also modulated on a circadian basis. To address this issue, both heart rate and locomotor activity were continuously monitored in light-dark (LD) cycles and constant darkness (DD). Lobsters in running wheels exhibited significant nocturnal increases in locomotor activity and heart rates during LD, and these measures were significantly correlated. In DD, most lobsters exhibited persistent circadian rhythms of both locomotion and heart rate. When heart rate was monitored in restrained lobsters in LD and DD, most animals also demonstrated clear daily and circadian rhythms in heart rate. Overall, this is the first demonstration of circadian rhythms of heart rate in H. americanus, the expression of which does not appear to be dependent on the expression of locomotor activity.  相似文献   

Whole-cell recordings in freely moving rats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lee AK  Manns ID  Sakmann B  Brecht M 《Neuron》2006,51(4):399-407
Intracellular recording, which allows direct measurement of the membrane potential and currents of individual neurons, requires a very mechanically stable preparation and has thus been limited to in vitro and head-immobilized in vivo experiments. This restriction constitutes a major obstacle for linking cellular and synaptic physiology with animal behavior. To overcome this limitation we have developed a method for performing whole-cell recordings in freely moving rats. We constructed a miniature head-mountable recording device, with mechanical stabilization achieved by anchoring the recording pipette rigidly in place after the whole-cell configuration is established. We obtain long-duration recordings (mean of approximately 20 min, maximum 60 min) in freely moving animals that are remarkably insensitive to mechanical disturbances, then reconstruct the anatomy of the recorded cells. This head-anchored whole-cell recording technique will enable a wide range of new studies involving detailed measurement and manipulation of the physiological properties of identified cells during natural behaviors.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE) kinetics were investigated in freely moving (FM) and minimally stressed (MS) rats with the isotope dilution technique. 1) The mean NE spillover rate (NE-SOR) was 79 +/- 6 ng. kg(-1). min(-1), and the mean NE metabolic clearance rate (NE-MCR) 179 +/- 9 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) (n = 31). Thus the NE kinetics in FM and MS rats are much faster than in human beings, probably related to a higher sympathetic drive. 2) Whether the magnitude of NE-MCR is related to the level of plasma NE concentration was investigated. No significant correlation was calculated between plasma NE concentration and NE-MCR in 31 control rats. When plasma NE concentration was varied during either acute or chronic infusion of exogenous NE, NE-MCR remained unchanged as long as animal hemodynamics were not altered. When plasma NE concentration was high enough to increase mean arterial pressure (MAP), NE-MCR was decreased. However, when MAP was increased within comparable magnitude, NE-MCR was decreased during NE and increased during epinephrine (Epi) infusion. Thus the existence of an alpha-/beta-adrenergic mechanism involved in the regulation of NE-MCR independent of known hemodynamic mechanisms is suggested. 3) The "epinephrine hypothesis" was revisited in FM and MS rats. At variance with humans, very high plasma Epi concentrations have to be induced to increase NE-SOR in resting rats. Furthermore, NE-MCR was also increased, accounting for the nonsignificant increase of plasma NE concentration. Within the range of Epi concentrations with no effect on NE-SOR, an increase of NE release was revealed when the presynaptic alpha(2)-adrenoreceptors were partially inhibited by yohimbine. This suggests the existence of a second epinephrine hypothesis.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in urinary water, sodium, potassium and proteins excretion are studied in 45 rats living alone in metabolism cages. Urines are collected during 4 consecutive 6 hours long periods during 2 consecutive days. Large circadian variations of these parameters (especially water and proteins excretion and urinary protein concentration) are described. The influence of feeding rhythms on the circadian urinary excretion rhythms is discussed. It is proposed that nightly renal hemodynamic changes (during meal digestion or with high renin plasma levels) can induce modifications in glomerular filtration rate and electrolytes and macromolecules transglomerular flow.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythms of food and 1% NaCl intake, and urine, Na+, Cl- and K+ excretion were followed up in male Wistar rats before and one week after bilateral adrenalectomy at 4-hour intervals during two consecutive days. The circadian rhythms of plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma immunoreactive insulin (IRI) were evaluated after decapitation of both intact and adrenalectomized rats at 08, 16 and 24 h. To all rats 1% NaCl was offered instead of drinking water. Adrenalectomy did not cause any significant phase shift in the cosine curves approximating the data collected at 4-hour intervals. The circadian rhythms showed the same relationships before and after the operation: the rhythms of food intake, K+ excretion and saline intake preceded significantly the rhythms of urine, Na+ and Cl- excretion. Adrenalectomy induced an increase in mean PRA and shifted its minimal value from 08 to 24 h. After the operation mean IRI decreased and the minimal value shifted from 16 to 24 h. It was concluded that adrenal glands do not play an important role in the synchronization of the circadian rhythms of food and 1% NaCl intake, urine and synchronization of the circadian rhythms of food and 1% NaCl intake, urine and electrolyte excretion with the illumination cycle, but play a relevant role in the synchronization of the circadian rhythms of PRA and IRI in the rat.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats housed under the conditions of 12L : 12D, 24 +/- 1 degree C and free access to food and water received isotonic sodium chloride solution or cortisol in doses of 2 and 4 mg/kg, respectively. Daily stress or cortisol injections in the morning or evening are the synchronizers of 11-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion rhythm. Morning stress leads to the increase of the 12-hour rhythm. On the contrary, evening stress or cortisol administration during maximal endogenous secretion of corticosteroids are associated with the elevation of circadian periodicity. Exogenic changes in the rhythmic organization of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system are followed by activation of adaptive processes involved in the normalization of the initially modified glucocorticoid rhythm.  相似文献   

Oscillatory entrainment of striatal neurons in freely moving rats   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Oscillations and synchrony in basal ganglia circuits may play a key role in the organization of voluntary actions and habits. We recorded single units and local field potentials from multiple striatal and cortical locations simultaneously, over a range of behavioral states. We observed opposite gradients of oscillatory entrainment, with dorsal/lateral striatal neurons entrained to high-voltage spindle oscillations ("spike wave discharges") and ventral/medial striatal neurons entrained to the hippocampal theta rhythm. While the majority of units were likely medium-spiny projection neurons, a second neuronal population showed characteristic features of fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons, including tonic activity, brief waveforms, and high-frequency bursts. These fired at an earlier spindle phase than the main neuronal population, and their density within striatum corresponded closely to the intensity of spindle oscillations. The orchestration of oscillatory activity by networks of striatal interneurons may be an important mechanism in the pathophysiology of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Diurnal cycles of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), and of excretion rates of sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate were measured in a 22 year old man with moderately severe heart failure under standardized conditions. Cycles of GFR, ERPF and excretion of potassium, chloride, and phosphate were indistinguishable from those of normals. The phases of the sodium and probably the magnesium excretory cycles were reversed from normal. The significance of some of the observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the mammalian retina contains a circadian clock system that controls several retinal functions. In mammals the location of the retinal circadian clock is unknown whereas, in non-mammalian vertebrates, earlier work has demonstrated that photoreceptor cells contain the circadian clock. New experimental evidence has suggested that in mammals the retinal circadian clock may be located outside the photoreceptor cells. In this study we report that circadian rhythms in Aa-nat mRNA (in vivo) and melatonin synthesis (in vitro) are still present in the retina of rats lacking photoreceptors. The circadian pacemaker(s) controlling such rhythms is probably located in kainic acid sensitive neurons in the inner retina since kainic acid injections abolished the rhythmicity. These data are the first direct demonstration that circadian rhythmicity in the mammalian retina can be generated independently from the photoreceptors and the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

A simple method for determination of nociceptive thresholds in free-moving rats is put forward. The method is based on the registration of vocalization reaction caused by the feed through the lungs connected with the stimulator by thin wires electrodes of gradually increasing impulses of constant electric current. The examples of effect of morphin and naloxone on the nociceptive thresholds as well the alteration of thresholds during predatory aggression are given.  相似文献   

Summary The driving oscillator, which mediates circadian locomotor rhythms in cockroaches, appears to reside in the protocerebrum of the brain. The evidence indicates that the optic lobes are crucial elements in this circadian system, and that control of rhythmicity is mediated through electrical, rather than hormonal, channels. Lesions were placed at various sites within the optic lobes in order to localize the areas controlling rhythmicity. It appears that the two innermost synaptic areas (the lobula and the medulla) constitute the crucial optic lobe elements. The outer synaptic area of the optic lobe (the lamina) is not necessary for the expression of rhythmicity, but does function as a coupling through which light cycles, transduced by the compound eyes, entrain the circadian clock.I would like to thank both Dr. Sue Binkley for her helpful comments in the preparation of this report, and Mr. Eli Levine for his assistance in photography. Support for this research was provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NS GB-30497).  相似文献   

Heart rate increases during inspiration and slows during postinspiration; this respiratory sinus arrhythmia helps match pulmonary blood flow to lung inflation and maintain an appropriate diffusion gradient of oxygen in the lungs. This cardiorespiratory pattern is found in neonatal and adult humans, baboons, dogs, rabbits, and seals. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia occurs mainly due to inhibition of cardioinhibitory parasympathetic cardiac vagal neurons during inspiration. Surprisingly, however, a recent study in anesthetized rats paradoxically found an enhancement of cardiac vagal activity during inspiration, suggesting that rats have an inverted respiratory sinus arrhythmia (Rentero N, Cividjian A, Trevaks D, Pequignot JM, Quintin L, and McAllen RM. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 283: R1327-R1334, 2002). To address this controversy, this study examined respiratory sinus arrhythmia in conscious freely moving rats and tested whether the commonly used experimental anesthetics urethane, pentobarbital sodium, or ketamine-xylazine alter respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Heart rate significantly increased 21 beats/min during inspiration in conscious rats, a pattern similar to the respiratory sinus arrhythmia that occurs in other species. However, anesthetics altered normal respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Ketamine-xylazine (87 mg/kg and 13 mg/kg) depressed and pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg) abolished normal respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Urethane (1 g/kg) inverted the cardiorespiratory pattern so that heart rate significantly decreased during inspiration. Our study demonstrates that heart rate normally increases during inspiration in conscious, freely moving rats, similar to the respiratory sinus arrhythmia pattern that occurs in other species but that this pattern is disrupted in the presence of general anesthetics, including inversion in the case of urethane. The presence and consequences of anesthetics need to be considered in studying the parasympathetic control of heart rate.  相似文献   

From experiments in albino mongrel rats it is shown that the radiosensitivity of gamma-irradiated (60Co) animals follows a daily rhythm. A synchronization of the daily rhythms in radiosensitivity was noted in winter and during the first spring month which was impaired in April. Established were the rhythms of radiosensitivity for three seasons, i. e. winter, spring and summer, with the extremes in the dependence upon mean annual values varying significantly.  相似文献   

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