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In derepressed yeast cells the cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase activity disappears after addition of glucose to the culture medium. Using specific antisera, it seemed possible to isolate an inactive enzyme protein if the inactivation resulted from an allosteric inhibition or from a chemical modification. The present studies show that after the inactivation an inactive enzyme protein is immunologically not detectable. Together with the irreversibility of the inactivation in vivo and in vitro this result supports a proteolytic mechanism of enzyme inactivation.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase and phosphoprotein phosphatase activities have been found in isolated beta islets of Langerhans. A natural protein substrate for these enzymes has also been found.  相似文献   

Frank Porreca  Andre Dray 《Life sciences》1984,34(26):2577-2581
Although peripheral actions have been shown for the brain-gut peptide, motilin, its localization in the CNS of mammals suggests some physiological role at this site. In the present experiments intracerebroventricular or intrathecal, but not peripheral, administrations of motilin produced a dose-related and naloxone reversible inhibition of the micturition reflex. Cross-tolerance was demonstrated between motilin and morphine in this respect. These data suggest a physiological role for motilin within CNS to alter urinary bladder motility, possibly through an enkephalinergic or naloxone-sensitive link.  相似文献   

A model is described in which expression of IgG secondary antihapten responses of large magnitude can be initiated in vitro without resorting to in vivo boosting prior to culture. The number of IgG plaque-forming cells (PFC) is frequently as much as 100-fold greater than that of IgM PFC. Spleen cells from mice primed with trinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (TNP-KLH) several months earlier are stimulated in vitro to produce an anti-TNP plaque-forming cell response 7–10 days later. The in vitro IgG response can be elicited with either a thymus-dependent antigen (TNP-KLH) or thymus-independent antigens (TNP-T4 bacteriophage or DNP-dextran). The kinetics of the responses to these two forms of antigen differ in that the thymus-independent response peaks two days earlier. The IgG response to both forms of antigen requires the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) even though macrophages are not depleted prior to culture. In the absence of the reducing agent both thymus-dependent and thymus-independent IgG responses were diminished ≥90%. The magnitude of the response to thymus-independent antigens emphasizes the ability of these materials to elicit IgG expression in memory B cells provided optimal conditions for memory development and in vitro expression exist.  相似文献   

HeLa cells, incubated with camptothecin during the G 1 phase of the cell cycle, show nuclear fluorescence with fluorescein-labeled antinucleoside antibodies. If the G 1 cells are washed free of the drug, the cells no longer demonstrate nuclear fluorescence. Since these antibodies react only with single-stranded DNA, the positive staining in camptothecin-treated G 1 cells suggests that the drug induces denatured regions in DNA. Fluorescent antinucleoside antibodies may be a useful technique for the observation of drug-induced changes in DNA during the G1 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Urotensin I (UI) elicits dose-dependent relaxation responses in isolated helical strips of rat tail and mesenteric arteries contracted by 10−5M norepinephrine (NE). The rat mesenteric artery demonstrated a 40 fold lower threshold sensitivity to UI (0.25 mU/M1 versus maximal relaxation at 0.25 mU/m1). Complete relaxation of the rat tail artery with UI could not be achieved, even at doses exceeding 10 mU/m1. Pretreatment of the arterial strips with cyclooxygenase inhibitors had no effect on the contractile response to NE in the tail artery, but reduced NE responsiveness in the mesenteric artery. Significant enhancement of UI relaxation responses in both types of arterial strips was achieved by pre-treatment with the cyclooxygenase inhibiters, suggesting a modulatory role for prostaglandins (PGs) in the expression of the UI relaxation response in NE contracted arterial strips. The major enzymatically formed PG (as assessed by [1-14C] PGH2 metabolism in broken cell preparations) in both the rat tail and mesenteric arteries was 6-keto PGF, the stable hydrolysis product of PGI2. Using a specific RIA to quantify 6-keto PGF release, it was found that UI elicited nearly a two-fold increase in the release of this PG compared to the NE control in both rat tail and mesenteric arteries. These data suggest that PGI2 may modulate the relaxation response to UI either by direct physiological opposition (PGI2 elicited contractile response in NE contracted tail and mesenteric arteries at doses exceeding 10−8M) and/or by some as yet undefined mechanism (eg. effects on Ca2+, cAMP).  相似文献   

Changes in the pattern of protein synthesis during terminal differentiation of a mouse, myogenic cell line have been examined by two-dimensional gel analysis. In addition the the increase in messenger RNAs coding for the major contractile proteins, several other new proteins are expressed after cell fusion, together with the diminution or loss of proteins expressed in mononucleate cells. In the accompanying paper (Affara et al., 1980), analysis of rnRNA changes using fractionated complementary DNA probes showed that a new group of mRNAs enters the polysomes after cell fusion. To identify which proteins are coded by mRNAs represented in this myotube-specific complementary DNA, we have vised a combination of in vitro translation and sulphydryl chromatography. The results indicate a correspondence between many of the new proteins appearing after cell fusion and the mRNAs encoded by myotube-specific complementary DNA sequences. Included amongst these proteins are some of the contractile polypeptides.  相似文献   

Qualitative patterns of protein synthesis in preimplantation mouse embryos were examined by SDS-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography. The results demonstrate that the qualitative pattern of protein synthesis in newly fertilized eggs (day 1) is very similar to the protein pattern obtained from ovulated, unfertilized eggs. By late day 1 or early day 2, most of these “maternal” proteins are no longer being synthesized by the embryo, and many new autoradiographic bands are apparent. The most intriguing aspect of this study is the observation that all major changes in the qualitative pattern of protein synthesis take place between fertilization and the four- to eight-cell stage (day 3). From early day 3 onward, the qualitative pattern of protein synthesis remains essentially unchanged.Many of the major autoradiographic bands observed in mouse embryos from the four- to eight-cell stage and onward are also observed in protein patterns obtained from blastocyst-stage rabbit embryos. The changing patterns of protein synthesis revealed in this study occur before any gross differentiation of the embryos is evident (delineation of the inner cell mass and trophoblast) and before a marked increase in the relative rate of incorporation of l-[35S]methionine takes place. However, the qualitative changes in the pattern of protein synthesis do coincide with a period of extensive fine structural differentiation.  相似文献   

1. The type 2 copper in Rhus vernicifera laccase was completely removed without loss of other types of copper. The properties of this protein derivative and the role of type 2 copper in the catalytic action of laccase was investigated. 2. The molar extinction coefficient at 614 nm of the blue chromophore decreases from 5700 to 4700 cm-1 on removal of type 2 copper. There are no apparent absorption changes at other wavelengths in the visible or near ultraviolet region when this copper is taken away. The electron-paramagnetic-resonance (epr) parameter A parallel and the linewidth of type 1 Cu2+ decreases on removal of type 2 copper. 3. The rate of reduction of type 1 Cu2+ is not affected by removal of type 2 copper but the reduction of the two-electron acceptor is greatly impaired. These results strongly support the idea that type 1 Cu2+ is the primary site for electron transfer between substrate and enzyme and that the two-electron acceptor in the native enzyme is reduced by simultaneous electron transfer from reduced types 1 and 2 copper. 4. Reoxidation of types 1 and 3 copper and the formation of the oxygen intermediate are the same processes in native and type-2-depleted enzyme. These observations suggests that type 2 copper is not involved in the formation and rapid decay of the oxygen intermediate and that it is not necessary for the stabilization of this intermediate. 5. Two new epr signals are observed on reoxidation of reduced type-2-depleted laccase. One is temporarily formed on re-reduction of reoxidized enzyme and it is suggested that it might arise from copper, possibly type 3 copper. The other one is stable for hours and it is proposed that it might come from a modified oxygen intermediate.  相似文献   

Multiple opiate receptor agonists and antagonists have been found to produce different patterns of anterior pituitary hormone release. The present studies examined the pattern of anterior pituitary hormone release produced by buprenorphine. The effects of the kappa agonist ethylketocyclazocine on thyroid stimulating hormone release were also examined. Following buprenorphine, serum levels of corticosterone and luteinizing hormone were not changed while growth hormone release was stimulated in a dose-dependent manner. Prolactin release was stimulated after the lowest dose of buprenorphine while the highest dose induced a fall in serum prolactin. Similar biphasic effects on thyroid stimulating hormone were seen after either buprenorphine or ethylketocyclazocine. The results provide support for the role of multiple opiate receptors in opiate-induced changes in anterior pituitary hormone release.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes were prepared from a strain of rats deficient in hepatic phosphorylase b kinase and were used to assess the role of this enzyme in the adrenergic regulation of pyruvate kinase and gluconeogenesis. Epinephrine (10 μM) stimulated glucose output and gluconeogenesis from 1.8 mM lactate but did not significantly affect the concentration of hepatocyte glycogen. In addition epinephrine treatment led to an inhibition of pyruvate kinase. The stimulation of gluconeogenesis and the inhibition of pyruvate kinase by epinephrine were blocked by both α- and β-antagonists: similar effects with epinephrine were observed in cells from control animals. It is concluded that mechanisms for the adrenergic regulation of pyruvate kinase and gluconeogenesis are similar in hepatocytes from both phosphorylase kinase-deficient and normal rats.  相似文献   

The minimal requirements and characteristics of epididymal sperm binding to the zona pellucida of the mouse egg were investigated using a new stop-fix centrifugation technique. This assay provided a precise physical definition of the association between the spermatozoon and the zona and permitted quantitation of the binding reaction at short time intervals. The results demonstrated that Ca2+ is an essential physiological component required for binding to occur. Sperm preincubated for 60 min in a simplified medium lacking Ca2+ did not acquire the ability to bind to eggs. In contrast, if sperm preincubation occurred in this medium supplemented with 1.7 mM Ca2+, binding was identical to that observed following sperm preincubation in the complete culture medium which supports both capacitation and fertilization in vitro. The Ca2+-dependent binding reaction was rapid, reversed by EGTA, specific for Ca2+, and did not require the transport of Ca2+ into the cell. Sperm bound to the zona surface following preincubation with Ca2+ were capable of fertilization in vitro when the eggs were subsequently transferred to the culture medium. It is proposed that this binding reaction represents a part of capacitation and not the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Preplating human adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for up to 24 hr results in a progressive decrease in their basal PGE release, and in the loss of their ability to increase PGE release during a subsequent 72-hr coculture period with allogeneic human thyroid cells. Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) present during a 24-hr adherent-cell preplating period prevents, in part, the loss of this PGE response to thyroid cells. These data indicate that adherent cells require continual stimulation by the thyroid cells or by PHA in order to maintain their ability to increase PGE secretion in response to thyroid cells.  相似文献   

The age-dependent alteration in the proliferative response of C57B1/6J lymph node cells to stimulation by H-2- and M-locus alloantigens was examined in one-way mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Balb/c (H-2d, Mlsb) and DBA (H-2d, Mlsa) spleen cells served as stimulating cells differing from C57B1/6J (H-2b, Mlsb) at the H-2 and H-2 plus Mls loci, respectively. The day of peak response and the ratio of responder to stimulator cells required for optimal stimulation were the same for all the age groups (3 to 29 months) tested, irrespective of the stimulator strain used. Results obtained in MLC under optimal conditions showed a maximal response to both Balb/c and DBA/2 stimulation at the age of 6 months, followed by a gradual decline in the response with age. In order to determine whether the decline with age in mixed lymphocyte reactivity can be attributed to a reduction in the proliferative capacity of the responding lymphocytes of aged mice, cell cycle analyses were performed. Auto-radiographic studies of MLC containing lymphocytes from CS7B1/6J mice aged 6 and 24 months showed no difference in generation time, S, G2, G1, and M phases of the cell cycle. In addition, lymphocytes of both age groups underwent two identical mitotic waves within the period of examination. Our results determine that the functional decline with age in proliferative activity in mixed lymphocyte cultures is attributable to a neither decrease in sensitivity to alloantigen nor to a decrease in generation time or the ability to undergo several mitotic divisions, and suggest that such a decline is caused by fewer cells capable of response in old mice.  相似文献   

The adoptive transfer system has been used extensively to study the ability of antigen triggered memory cells to become antibody forming cells and/or to proliferate and expand the memory cell population. Selective antigen triggering of the memory cells for low and high affinity antibody formation has also been studied in this way. One of the main counter-arguments to the interpretation of these data is that the presence of antigen in the adoptive host may lead to recruitment of new memory cells from either a host or donor precursor population. In this paper we examined the contribution of both host and donor precursor cells to the total antibody response in adoptive secondary recipients. The following donor-host combinations were used in which the recipients were given 1 mg fluid antigen intravenously: (A) normal (non-immune) donors to normal irradiated recipients; (B) normal donors to carrier primed irradiated recipients; (C) carrier primed donors to normal irradiated recipients; (D) normal donors to carrier primed recipients with challenge and subsequent transfer to additional carrier primed recipients; (E) carrier primed donor to normal recipients to carrier primed recipients; (F) repeat of B and C above with multiple antigen administration; (G) purified immune (DNP-BGG) donor T cells mixed with normal B cells transferred to normal irradiated recipients. In most cases recruitment was seen but this represented less than 4% of the responses seen with immune cells. Thus we conclude that this level of recruitment does not compromise the use of the adoptive transfer system for studying selective antigen triggering of memory cells.  相似文献   

The results of neutron distance measurement involving ribosomal protein S1 from Escherichia coli are reported. These data provide a position for S1 on the small ribosomal subunit. They also indicate that S1, bound to the ribosome, has a radius of gyration of 60 to 65 Å, suggesting that its axial ratio in the bound state is similar to that it has as a free molecule in solution; namely, 10: 1. The implications of these results for our understanding of the mode of action of S1 are discussed.  相似文献   

The B lymphocytes serving as antibody-forming-cell (AFC) progenitors have been investigated using two different types of separation methods. Sedimentation velocity fractionation was used to separate subsets of B lymphocytes differing primarily in size. Fractionation on a 4-hydroxy-3-iodo-5-nitrophenylacetic acid (NIP)-gelatin matrix was used to separate NIP-binding cells, a population highly enriched for cells with surface Ig receptors specific for the NIP hapten. Assessment of the functional capacity of the separated B cells was by culture at limiting dilution in the presence of thymus “filler” cells, using the T-independent antigen NIP-POL (polymerized bacterial flagellin) to induce antibody formation. Splenic AFC-progenitors from both adult conventional and neonatal germ-free mice were a physically heterogeneous population, with activity in small, medium, and large lymphocytes. The cells enriched by NIP-gelatin binding, whether isolated and counted directly or isolated and assayed as AFC-progenitors, were no less heterogeneous. These NIP-binding cells resembled in sedimentation characteristics the overall B-cell and overall NIP-specific AFC-progenitor populations, except for some relative enrichment of medium-sized cells (S value, 5.5 mm/hr). The small (S value, 3.4 mm/hr) B-cell region of adult mouse spleen contained both NIP-binding cells and cells responsive as AFC-progenitors in the microculture assay. This contrasts with the results of the in vivo adoptive immune assay, where the smaller B-cell region is unresponsive in unprimed adult animals.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of a stable Flac plasmid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FlacS is a thermostable extrachromosomal element isolated in Salmonella typhimurium which is altered in its replication as compared to its precursor Fts114lac. Sedimentation of both these plasmids in alkaline sucrose gradients has indicated a difference in their sizes. Contour length measurements of open circular plasmid DNA molecules photographed in the electron microscope have revealed the estimated molecular weight of Fts114lac to be 81 × 106 daltons while that of FlacS is 109 × 106 daltons. FlacS may carry a segment of S. typhimurium chromosomal or cryptic plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

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