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3H-Labeled leukotriene C3 was efficiently taken up by the isolated, perfused rat liver and excreted into the bile. The isolated, perfused kidney eliminated leukotriene C3 from the perfusate slower and excreted only a fraction of the radioactivity into the urine. Isolated hepatic, intestinal and renal cells also took up leukotriene C3, the renal cells being the most effective in accumulating the label. Anthglutin, an inhibitor of γ-glutamyl transferase, decreased the uptake by kidney cells but had no effect on the uptake by the other cell types. In liver cells, the uptake rate was sensitive to temperature and to cellular ATP content. Chromatographic analyses indicated that renal cells metabolized leukotriene C3 more rapidly than hepatic and intestinal cells. Leukotriene D3 and E3 were formed during the incubations with kidney cells, whereas intestinal cells produced mainly more polar metabolites.  相似文献   

Bombesin and the C-terminal portion of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP14-27) each increase clonal growth rate and colony-forming efficiency of normal human bronchial epithelial cells. These effects occur in the presence or absence of an optimal concentration (5 ng/ml) of epidermal growth factor (EGF). In contrast to EGF bombesin and GRP14-27 do not stimulate cell migration. Thus, bombesin and the C-terminal fragment of gastrin-releasing peptide represent a new class of peptides mitogenic for normal human epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Sympathetic neurons, dissociated from superior cervical ganglia of newborn rats, and skeletal muscle cells were grown together in mass cultures containing many neurons (ca. 1000–3000) and myotubes, and in microcultures containing only one to three neurons and one or a few myotubes. When these neurons grow under the influence of certain nonneuronal cells many of them acquire cholinergic functions; in the absence of this influence they remain adrenergic. In the present study, the influence of the skeletal muscle cells was so effective that under certain conditions more than 75% of the neurons expressed cholinergic function as judged by their ability to form excitatory cholinergic synapses with myotubes (from rat and chick) and with each other. Stimulation of single neurons often gave rise in the myotubes to simple (direct) postsynaptic potentials (ejp's) and/or complex responses comprising a burst of ejp's that evoked one or more spikes; it appeared that these complex responses involved the activation of interneuronal pathways. In microcultures, a single neuron often made cholinergic synapses with itself (“autapse”) and/or with another neuron as well as with one or more myotubes. The nicotinic blocking agents, tubocurare (dTC), α-bungarotoxin (α-BuTx), and hexamethonium (C6), attenuated or abolished the ejp's at moderate concentrations; the muscarinic blocker, atropine, was effective only at high concentrations. At several neuron-myotube junctions, the acetylcholine (ACh) receptors had dTC sensitivity similar to adult extrajunctional receptors; however, when different junctions were pooled the average dTC sensitivity was intermediate between that of adult end plate and extrajunctional receptors. The junctional C6 sensitivity was much higher than expected from the action of the drug at the adult mammalian end plate. As in other studies, chemical transmission from neuron to neuron was also nicotinic cholinergic, but the nicotinic receptors on the myotubes were pharmacologically distinct from those on the neurons.  相似文献   

Studies are presented which demonstrate that the smooth and rough endoplasmic membranes of normal and neoplastic rat liver possess binding sites for cyclic nucleotides exhibiting a high degree of specificity. In contrast to normal liver, which has only a single binding site for cyclic AMP on membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, cyclic AMP binding to the intracellular membranes of hepatoma 5123C and 7777 exhibits two apparent binding sites. The binding constant for cyclic AMP of one site on the tumor membranes is comparable to that of the normal liver, whereas the value of the second intrinsic association constant is 4- to 40-fold greater than liver. The possibility that the presence of the second cyclic AMP binding site might be a function of the rapid growth of the tumors was unlikely since membrane preparations from neonatal rats showed a single affinity association constant which was similar to that of normal liver. In addition, membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum of the Morris hepatomas 5123C and 7777 exhibit a binding site for cyclic GMP which is absent from the intracellular membranes of liver.  相似文献   

The ability of cells to transfer tritium-labelled nucleotides to other cells is a measure of gap-junction-mediated communication based on metabolic cooperation. Here we report that human epidermal keratinocytes (HuK) transfer radiolabel to a variety of cell types including human skin fibroblasts (HuDF), human mammary fibroblasts (HuMF) and calf lens epithelial cells (CaLE). The metabolic cooperation pattern of HuK shows them to be non-selective communicators and in this respect they differ from another human epithelial cell type mammary epithelial cells (HuME), which communicates with CaLE but not HuDF or HuMF. SV40 transformation is known to modulate metabolic cooperation between some human cells in vitro. Here we further report that SV40 transformation of HuK has no obvious effect on their non-selective communication phenotype. Possible mechanisms involved in selective and non-selective junctional communication and their relevance to epithelial/stromal interactions in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The (Na+---K+)-stimulated Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities of 3T3 and SV40 transformed 3T3 cells were compared as a function of cell population density. For normal cells the enzyme activity remained relatively constant during exponential growth, but decreased sharply coincident with contact inhibition of growth at confluence. This decrease in activity could be reversed by stimulating contact-inhibited cultures to undertake renewed short-term growth either by adding fetal calf serum or changing the medium completely. Transformed cells did not experience a decrease in (Na+---K+)-ATPase activity upon reaching confluence, but this is consistent with the fact that they were still growing exponentially at this stage. However, non-confluent cultures of both normal and transformed cells incurred a marked decrease in levels of the enzyme when growth was inhibited by serum depletion. The results have been interpreted as indicating that levels of (Na+---K+)-ATPase in both normal and transformed cells are correlated with growth. Hence the different patterns of ATPase activity displayed by malignant cells and their normal counterparts with increase in cell number appear to be a reflection of their dissimilar growth behaviours rather than of any innate difference between them.  相似文献   

In contrast to the simplified keratin content of bovine, rabbit, and rat esophageal epithelium (composed mainly of a 57 and 46 or 51 kD keratin, depending on the animal species), human esophageal epithelium contained a quantitatively different array of keratin proteins, ranging in molecular weight from 37 to 61 kD. The pattern of keratin proteins from human esophageal epithelium differed qualitatively and quantitatively from that of human epidermis. Human esophageal epithelium lacked the 63, 65, and 67 kD keratins characteristic of human epidermis, consistent with the absence of a granular layer and an anucleate stratum corneum. Moreover, human esophageal epithelium contained a distinctive 61 kD keratin protein which was either not present or present in only small amounts in human epidermis and variable amounts of a 37 kD keratin. Whereas the 56, 59, and 67 kD keratins were the most abundant keratins in human epidermis, the 52, 57, and 61 kD keratins predominated in human esophageal epithelium. During in vitro cultivation, both human epidermal and esophageal keratinocytes produce colonies which are stratified, but the morphologic appearance of these cultured epithelia differs. Only cultured human epidermal keratinocytes contain keratohyalin granules in the outermost layers and a prominent 67 kD keratin on immunoprecipitation. Otherwise the keratin contents appear similar. In conclusion, human esophageal epithelium exhibited intertissue and interspecies differences in the pattern of keratin proteins. During in vitro cultivation, human esophageal keratinocytes retained some aspects of their distinctive program of differentiation.  相似文献   

The dominance or recessiveness of the senescent phenotype in cells from patients with Werner's syndrome (WS cells) was investigated using cell fusion. The [3H]thymidine labeling index of normal human diploid fibroblast cell X WS cell heterodikaryons was considerably lower than that of normal homodikaryons, but was significantly higher than that of WS homodikaryons. The labeling index of WS cell X HeLa cell heterodikaryons was the same as that of HeLa homodikaryons. The labeling indices of heterodikaryons obtained by fusion between various strains of premature aging cells were as low as those of parental homodikaryons. These results indicate: (1) the senescent phenotype of WS cells appears to be partially recessive to the phenotype of normal cells and completely recessive to that of HeLa cells; (2) the marked inhibition of DNA synthesis in normal nuclei in heterodikaryons with WS cells could be due to ‘senescent factor(s)’ in WS cells; and (3) no complementation phenomenon was observed among genetically different premature aging cells, probably due to ‘senescent factor(s)’.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate at a concentration of 5mM causes significant hyperacetylation of the core histones in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Histone hyperacetylation was achieved in rapidly-growing cells at 40% confluency after 24 hours in 5mM sodium butyrate. More nearly confluent cells did not reach as high a level of histone hyperacetylation. Upon assaying the estrogen receptors, both cytosolic and KCl-extractable nuclear, we found that butyrate treatment had lowered the estrogen receptor levels in both compartments. To our knowledge this is the first report of an effect of sodium butyrate on estrogen receptor levels.  相似文献   

Composition, metabolism and extractability of histone fractions from WI38 human diploid fibroblasts and SV40 transformed WI38 fibroblasts are compared. Two alternate procedures were used for isolation of nuclei which allow for either optimal recovery of arginine-rich histones F3 (III) and F2a1 (IV) or for optimal retention of lysine-rich F1 (I) and slightly lysine rich F2b (II b2). While the relative amount of each histone fraction was found to be similar in normal and SV40 transformed cells, substantial increases in the levels of F 3 acetylation and F1 and F2a2 phosphorylation are reported for the histones of SV40 transformed cells. Differences in extractability of arginine-rich histones with 0.25 M HCl are also reported. While F 3 is extracted more rapidly than F 2a1 from nuclei of normal WI38 fibroblasts, the reverse is true in SV40 transformed WI38 cells. These differences are discussed in relation to modification reactions, binding of histones to DNA and SV40-induced alterations in gene readout.  相似文献   

The composition and metabolism of nonhistone chromosomal proteins associated with the genome of normal and SV40 transformed WI38 human diploid fibroblasts were examined. Evidence is presented which indicates variations in the relative protein content, specific activity and phosphorylation of several defined molecular weight classes of these chromosomal polypeptides. In addition, it is shown that blocking DNA replication with cytosine arabinoside does not inhibit the incorporation of 3H-leucine into nonhistone chromosomal proteins of SV40 transformed cells. The possibility that the nonhistone chromosomal proteins of human diploid fibroblasts transformed by SV40 virus may be involved in the regulation of viral induced alterations in gene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of 5 human squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) lines derived from tumors of the epidermis and tongue to 2,3,7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) was assessed by measuring the induction of the cytochrome P1-450-mediated monooxygenase activity, 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD). In 4 of the SCC lines the EC50 for this response was approximately 10(-9)M, whereas in one line the EC50 was 10(-10)M. In each of the less sensitive lines a concentration of 10(-10)M TCDD elicited less than 5% of the maximal enzyme activity. Specific binding of radiolabeled TCDD was detected in the cytosol fraction from all the SCC lines. The relative amount of receptor measured in each line correlated with maximally-induced ECOD activity. The data indicate that human cell lines derived from a target tissue for TCDD toxicity contain the TCDD receptor and show differential sensitivity to TCDD analogous to the murine strain differences in sensitivity regulated by the Ah locus.  相似文献   

Sterols with biosynthetically unusually short side chains (fewer than eight carbon atoms expected for primary squalene cyclization products) have been identified in the extracts of numerous marine invertebrates. The structures of the short side chain and conventional side chain sterols have been determined for various species of Porifera and Coelenterata. Sterol structures were determined by comparison of their mass spectra and gas chromatographic retention times with those of authentic or synthetic samples. Evidence is presented supporting the natural occurrence of these compounds in the tissues of the marine invertebrates as opposed to formation by degradative processes during sample handling or laboratory work-up. The short side chain sterols were found to possess predominantly the androst-5-en-3β-ol nucleus with C-17 alkyl side chains ranging from zero to six carbon atoms. Concentrations of short side chain sterols range from trace levels to over 5% of the sterol mixture in various species. The possible origins of these short side chain sterols are evaluated in the light of current knowledge of sterol function, biosynthesis, dealkylation, microbial degradation, and autoxidation. Known sterol autoxidations are reviewed, and possible singlet oxygen and free radical mechanisms of sterol side chain autoxidation (at physiological temperatures) which may lead to sterols with shortened hydrocarbon side chain are suggested. The possible autoxidative generation of short side chain sterols from known marine sterols by the suggested mechanisms is evaluated through application of the REACT computer program. Predicted short side chains are tabulated for each parent marine sterol side chain and then compared with the compositions of the actual sterols found in the marine extracts examined. The possible natural environmental or in vivo autoxidative formation of the short side chain marine sterols is supported by these evaluations.  相似文献   

Long-term lymphoblastoid cell lines, obtained by E-B virus transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes, retain many of the features of hypersensitivity to environmental agents found in primary cultures and fibroblast strains from patients with genetic diseases. Primary lymphocyte cultures from patients with ataxia telangiectasia, a cancer-prone genetic disease, have increased sensitivity to chromosomal damage induced by the radio-mimetic drug, bleomycin. In order to study the expression of ataxia telangiectasia gene dosage in lymphoblastoid cell lines, we examined chromosomal aberrations in lines containing two, one, or no alleles for ataxia telangiectasia. These were derived from ataxia telangiectasia homozygotes, from ataxia telangiectasia obligate heterozygotes, and from presumably normal donors, respectively. Chromosome preparations were made 46 h after a 2 h exposure to bleomycin and scored for chromosome breakage, for the relative rate of cell replication as assessed by sister chromatid differentiation patterns, and for the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges. Baseline frequencies of chromosome breakage and sister chromatid exchanges, and baseline rates of cell replication were similar in all nine lymphoblastoid cell lines. Following treatment with 25 or 250 mU/ml bleomycin, all the lymphoblastoid cell lines showed increased chromosome breakage and decreased cell replication. The lymphoblastoid cell lines from the ataxia telangiectasia homozygotes had significantly increased chromosome breakage and decreased rate of cell replication after either bleomycin dose in comparison with the normal or with the ataxia telangiectasia heterozygous lines. Sister chromatid exchange frequencies were not altered by bleomycin exposure.  相似文献   

We have examined frozen liver tissue for N-acetylglucosamine-l-phosphotransferase, an enzyme required for the formation of the mannose 6-phosphate recognition marker of lysosomal enzymes. Using [β32P]-UDPGlcNAc and placental β-hexosaminidase B as N-acetylglucosamine l-phosphate donor and acceptor, respectively, we were unable to find activity of the transferase in 100,000 × g membranes prepared from livers of patients with I-cell disease, whereas activity was readily observed in membranes from control livers stored under the same conditions. Yet the activity of several lysosomal enzymes (β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, β-glucuronidase, α-mannosidase and α-L-iduronidase) was comparable in liver tissue of I-cell patients and controls, and only β-galactosidase activity showed a marked reduction. These results suggest that in contrast to cultured skin fibroblasts, liver may be able to introduce into lysosomes acid hydrolases that lack the mannose 6-phosphate recognition marker.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has been used to analyse protein synthesis in the livers of Xenopus laevis larvae during metamorphosis. The patterns found at different developmental stages have been characterised and compared to those found in developmentally static tadpoles and estrogen-treated tadpoles. The results suggest that the majority of proteins synthesized by the larval liver during metamorphosis can be divided equally into three main categories: those which are synthesized continuously, those whose synthesis is lost, and those whose synthesis is gained during development. The synthesis of proteins tends to be lost earlier in metamorphosis than it is gained. The pattern of liver protein synthesis in thyrostatic animals is not characteristic of any single stage of normal development, and displays features characteristic of many different stages. About half the changes in protein synthesis which occur during normal metamorphosis are dependent upon it. All the stages examined are responsive to estrogen, and each has a characteristic response. Half of the estrogen-induced changes in protein synthesis are independent of metamorphosis, while the other half require metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The determination of purine levels in human and mouse plasma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Variable levels of acetic anhydride have been recommended for addition to one of two reagents used in the glyoxylic acid method for the determination of tryptophan. For use of this reagent immediately after preparation it was shown that a minimum of 16% (v/v) of acetic anhydride should be included in the formulation to obtain near-maximum sensitivity. It was further demonstrated that reagent formulations with and without acetic anhydride changed with exposure to light. The observed changes are manifest as changes in the relative sensitivities of the assay. Several modifications are recommended to improve the sensitivity and stability of the acetic anhydride-containing reagent in this assay.  相似文献   

Changes in ultrastructures and in enzyme activities were investigated electron microscopically, cytochemically and biochemically when mouse myeloid leukemia cells, Ml cell line, successfully differentiated to normal macrophages after incubation with a conditioned medium harvested from secondary embryo fibroblasts, or a lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella typhosa. The number of mitochondria increased significantly accompanied by the enhanced activity of cytochrome oxidase per cell, although the activity in each mitochondrion remained unchanged. The rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum elongated and often exhibited a concentrically multilayered lamellae. Glucose-6-phosphatase activity, a marker enzyme for the endoplasmic reticulum, also increased. Primary lysosomes were newly formed where acid phosphatase activity was positively demonstrated. Ten-nm cytoplasmic microfilaments, mainly forming bundles, and other microfilaments less than 6 nm wide were formed newly and abundant. Budding of type C viruses from the plasma membranes was reduced strikingly. Another established cell line, Mm-1, which spontaneously differentiated from the Ml cell line, was characterized completely by a macrophage, in which azurophilic granules (primary lysosomes), secondary lysosomes possessing strong activity of acid phosphatase and 10-nm microfilaments were most remarkable. These non-transplantable Mm-1 cells sometimes exhibited budding of viruses.  相似文献   

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