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A safe and effective vaccine is the best way to prevent large-scale highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) H5N1 outbreaks in the human population. The current FDA-approved H5N1 vaccine has serious limitations. A more efficacious H5N1 vaccine is urgently needed. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), a paramyxovirus, is not known to cause any illness in humans. PIV5 is an attractive vaccine vector. In our studies, a single dose of a live recombinant PIV5 expressing a hemagglutinin (HA) gene of H5N1 (rPIV5-H5) from the H5N1 subtype provided sterilizing immunity against lethal doses of HPAI H5N1 infection in mice. Furthermore, we have examined the effect of insertion of H5N1 HA at different locations within the PIV5 genome on the efficacy of a PIV5-based vaccine. Interestingly, insertion of H5N1 HA between the leader sequence, the de facto promoter of PIV5, and the first viral gene, nucleoprotein (NP), did not lead to a viable virus. Insertion of H5N1 HA between NP and the next gene, V/phosphorprotein (V/P), led to a virus that was defective in growth. We have found that insertion of H5N1 HA at the junction between the small hydrophobic (SH) gene and the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) gene gave the best immunity against HPAI H5N1 challenge: a dose as low as 1,000 PFU was sufficient to protect against lethal HPAI H5N1 challenge in mice. The work suggests that recombinant PIV5 expressing H5N1 HA has great potential as an HPAI H5N1 vaccine.  相似文献   

Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Migratory Birds   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
H5N1avianinfluenza virus(AIV)has emerged as a pathogenic entityfor a variety of species,including humans,inre-cent years.Here we report an outbreak among migratory birds on Lake Qinghaihu,China,in May and June2005,inwhich more than a thousand birds were affected.Pancreatic necrosis and abnormal neurological symptoms were the majorclinical features.Sequencing of the complete genomes of four H5N1AIVstrains revealedthemto be reassortants relatedto a peregrine falconisolate from Hong Kong an…  相似文献   

In spring 2006, highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) of subtype H5N1 was detected in Austria in 119 dead wild birds. The hemagglutinin cleavage site showed that the amino acid sequence motif was identical to that of the Qinghai lineage. For detailed analysis, the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of 27 selected Austrian H5N1 viruses originating from different regions and wild bird species were analyzed phylogenetically, which revealed two clearly separated Austrian subclusters, both belonging to European cluster EMA-1. Subcluster South (SCS) contains virus isolates from the south of Austria as well as from Slovenia, Turkey, Egypt, and Nigeria. The second subcluster, Northwest (SCN), covered a larger group of viruses originating from different locations and wild bird species in the northern and very western parts of Austria, as well as from Bavaria and Switzerland. Surprisingly, virus isolates originating from two mute swans and one wild duck found on the north side of the Alps did not cluster with SCN but with SCS. Together with isolates from Bavarian, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Slovakia, they form a genuine subgroup, named subgroup Bavaria (SGB). This subgroup forms a link to SCN, indicating a spread of the virus from south to north. There has been a general assumption that the generic HPAI introduction route into Europe was from Russia to north Germany, introducing cluster EMA-2 into Europe. Interestingly, our findings support the assumption of an alternative introduction of the HPAI H5N1 virus from Turkey to central Europe, where it spread as cluster EMA-1 during the outbreak of 2006.Highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses have been recognized in Asia since 1996, when the first Asian H5N1 virus (A/Goose/Guandgdong/1/96) was isolated from sick geese in southern China (25). Since then, this virus has caused endemic infections in poultry in many southeast Asian countries (13, 18). Although influenza viruses in wild aquatic birds occasionally are transmitted to chickens and turkeys, where they may produce outbreaks of severe disease, they do not appear to have entered the wild bird populations to a substantial extent until late April to June 2005, when a large outbreak of H5N1 infection occurred at Qinghai Lake in western China, a major breeding site of migratory birds (2). Subsequently to the outbreak at Qinghai Lake from April to June 2005, H5N1 viruses have continued to cause outbreaks in Asia and Europe (http://www.who.int).A major molecular determinant for the pathogenicity of H5 and H7 viruses is the amino acid sequence specifying the proteolytic cleavage site of hemagglutinin (HA). In lowly pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV), single basic residues at the cleavage site restrict the proteolytic activation of HA to the respiratory and intestinal tracts. In contrast, insertional mutations at the genomic locus encoding the endoproteolytic cleavage site resulting in the presence of a polybasic site render it accessible for ubiquitous protease, resulting in severe, systemic infections (17). All analyzed viruses originating from Qinghai Lake showed the series of basic amino acids at the HA cleavage site PQGERRRKKRGLF, which is characteristic of high pathogenicity in chickens. They also exhibited a 20-amino-acid deletion of the neuraminidase (NA) stalk (residues 49 to 68) that is characteristic of the NA of the A/Goose/Guandgdong/1/96 virus (2).Salzberg et al. analyzed 36 isolates of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses collected from Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and described the genetic relationships among these isolates, which affect birds and humans (16). He grouped the isolates into three distinct lineages, one encompassing all known non-Asian isolates, and hypothesized that this Europe-African lineage has been introduced into the European-African region at least three times and has split into three distinct, independently evolving sublineages: EMA-1, EMA-2, and EMA-3. These three clades possibly represent either separate introductions or a single introduction from Asia via Russia into Europe or any other western site, which then has subsequently evolved into three sublineages, EMA-1, EMA-2, and EMA-3 (16). EMA-2 contains the first German H5N1-positive swan found at the beginning of February 2006 on the Baltic island Ruegen (A/Cygnus cygnus/Germany/R65/06). This suggests a single introduction route for this cluster, because a phylogenetic analysis of the HA and the NA nucleotide sequences revealed that the closest genetic relative was an isolate from Astrakhan (A/Cygnus olor/Astrakhan/Ast05-2-3/2005). From Astrakhan, located in southern Russia, a westward movement of wild birds to central Europe in late January/early February 2006 is suggested (24).The aim of this study was to perform a phylogenetic analysis of Austrian HPAI H5N1 isolates from the outbreak of 2006 to determine their linkage to the European clusters EMA-1, EMA-2, and EMA-3 and to identify possible implications for H5N1 introduction routes into Austria.  相似文献   

The highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus emerged from China in 1996 and has spread across Eurasia and Africa, with a continuous stream of new cases of human infection appearing since the first large-scale outbreak among migratory birds at Qinghai Lake. The role of wild birds, which are the natural reservoirs for the virus, in the epidemiology of the H5N1 virus has raised great public health concern, but their role in the spread of the virus within the natural ecosystem of free-ranging terrestrial wild mammals remains unclear. In this study, we investigated H5N1 virus infection in wild pikas in an attempt to trace the circulation of the virus. Seroepidemiological surveys confirmed a natural H5N1 virus infection of wild pikas in their native environment. The hemagglutination gene of the H5N1 virus isolated from pikas reveals two distinct evolutionary clades, a mixed/Vietnam H5N1 virus sublineage (MV-like pika virus) and a wild bird Qinghai (QH)-like H5N1 virus sublineage (QH-like pika virus). The amino acid residue (glutamic acid) at position 627 encoded by the PB2 gene of the MV-like pika virus was different from that of the QH-like pika virus; the residue of the MV-like pika virus was the same as that of the goose H5N1 virus (A/GS/Guangdong [GD]/1/96). Further, we discovered that in contrast to the MV-like pika virus, which is nonpathogenic to mice, the QH-like pika virus is highly pathogenic. To mimic the virus infection of pikas, we intranasally inoculated rabbits, a species closely related to pikas, with the H5N1 virus of pika origin. Our findings first demonstrate that wild pikas are mammalian hosts exposed to H5N1 subtype avian influenza viruses in the natural ecosystem and also imply a potential transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus from wild mammals into domestic mammalian hosts and humans.Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is an extremely infectious, systemic viral disease that causes a high rate of mortality in birds. HPAI H5N1 viruses are now endemic in avian populations in Southeast Asia and have repeatedly been transmitted to humans (9, 14, 27). Since 2003, the H5N1 subtype has been reported in 391 human cases of influenza and has caused 247 human deaths in 15 countries, leading to greater than 60% mortality among infected individuals (38). Although currently incapable of sustained human-to-human transmission, H5N1 viruses undoubtedly pose a serious threat to public health, as well as to the global economy. Hence, preparedness for such a threat is a global priority (36).Wild birds are considered to be natural reservoirs for influenza A viruses (6, 18, 21, 35, 37). Of the 144 type A influenza virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HA-NA) combinations, 103 have been found in wild birds (5, 7, 17, 37). Since the first HPAI outbreak among migratory wild birds appeared at Qinghai Lake in western China in May 2005 (3, 16, 25, 34, 41), HPAI viruses of the H5N1 subtype have been isolated from poultry throughout Eurasia and Africa. The continued occurrence of human cases has created a situation that could facilitate a pandemic emergence. There is heightened concern that wild birds are a reservoir for influenza A viruses that switch hosts and stably adapt to mammals, including horses, swine, and humans (11, 19, 22, 37).Despite the recent expansion of avian influenza virus (AIV) surveillance and genomic data (5, 17, 20, 21, 33, 40), fundamental questions remain concerning the ecology and evolution of these viruses. Little is known about how terrestrial wild mammals within their natural ecological systems affect HPAI H5N1 epidemiology or about the virus''s effects on public health, though there are many reports of natural and experimental H5N1 virus infection in animals belonging to the taxonomic orders Carnivora (12, 13, 15, 28, 29) and Artiodactyla (15). Herein, we provide the results of our investigation into H5N1 virus infection in wild pikas (Ochotona curzoniae of the order Lagomorpha) within their natural ecological setting. We describe our attempt to trace the circulation of H5N1 viruses and to characterize pika H5N1 influenza virus (PK virus).  相似文献   

针对H5N1高致病性禽流感病毒PB-1基因,通过RNA干扰技术,设计siRNA,研究其抑制病毒复制的效果.siRNA转染MDCK细胞并接毒后,病毒滴度测定、Real-time PCR和间接免疫荧光试验结果显示,所设计的siRNA(ps-PB1-777)具有明显的抑制病毒复制的效果,PB-1基因的拷贝数和病毒蛋白表达都下降.设计的siRNA可显著抑制高致病性禽流感病毒的复制.因此,本研究中PB-1基因的有效siRNA可为预防和治疗H5N1高致病性禽流感提供合理的技术支持和物质储备.  相似文献   

对高致病性禽流感病毒感染最为有效的治疗应采用抗病毒和抗炎症的联合治疗.本试验用流感病毒H5N1感染不同细胞株(A549细胞和MDCK细胞),采用不同浓度格尔德霉素对病毒感染细胞培养物作用不同时长,检测流感病毒滴度;ELISA检测格尔德霉素作用于流感病毒H5N1感染A549细胞12 h、24 h促炎性细胞因子IFN-α、TNF-α和IL-6水平.结果显示,流感病毒H5N1感染A549细胞和MDCK细胞,格尔德霉素极显著地抑制了流感病毒H5N1在细胞培养物的增殖(P < 0.01),而在病毒感染36 h和48 h,格尔德霉素并没有显著抑制流感病毒在MDCK细胞上的增殖(P > 0.05).促炎性细胞因子分析结果显示,格尔德霉素在流感病毒感染A549细胞12 h和24 h均显著降低了促炎性细胞因子IFN-α、TNF-α和IL-6的分泌(P < 0.05).上述实验结果显示,格尔德霉素具有抑制流感病毒H5N1增殖及其所介导的炎性反应的双重效应,为格尔德霉素成为应对流感病毒流行的备选药物提供基础科学依据.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) of subtype H5N1 not only cause a devastating disease in domestic chickens and turkeys but also pose a continuous threat to public health. In some countries, H5N1 viruses continue to circulate and evolve into new clades and subclades. The rapid evolution of these viruses represents a problem for virus diagnosis and control. In this work, recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vectors expressing HA of subtype H5 were generated. To comply with biosafety issues the G gene was deleted from the VSV genome. The resulting vaccine vector VSV*ΔG(HA) was propagated on helper cells providing the VSV G protein in trans. Vaccination of chickens with a single intramuscular dose of 2×108 infectious replicon particles without adjuvant conferred complete protection from lethal H5N1 infection. Subsequent application of the same vaccine strongly boosted the humoral immune response and completely prevented shedding of challenge virus and transmission to sentinel birds. The vaccine allowed serological differentiation of infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA) by employing a commercially available ELISA. Immunized chickens produced antibodies with neutralizing activity against multiple H5 viruses representing clades 1, 2.2, 2.5, and low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses (classical clade). Studies using chimeric H1/H5 hemagglutinins showed that the neutralizing activity was predominantly directed against the globular head domain. In summary, these results suggest that VSV replicon particles are safe and potent DIVA vaccines that may help to control avian influenza viruses in domestic poultry.  相似文献   

H5N1 influenza viruses pose a pandemic threat but have not acquired the ability to support sustained transmission between mammals in nature. The restrictions to transmissibility of avian influenza viruses in mammals are multigenic, and overcoming them requires adaptations in hemagglutinin (HA) and PB2 genes. Here we propose that a further restriction to mammalian transmission of the majority of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses may be the short stalk length of the neuraminidase (NA) protein. This genetic feature is selected for when influenza viruses adapt to chickens. In our study, a recombinant virus with seven gene segments from a human isolate of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic combined with the NA gene from a typical chicken-adapted H5N1 virus with a short stalk did not support transmission by respiratory droplet between ferrets. This virus was also compromised in multicycle replication in cultures of human airway epithelial cells at 32°C. These defects correlated with a reduction in the ability of virus with a short-stalk NA to penetrate mucus and deaggregate virions. The deficiency in transmission and in cleavage of tethered substrates was overcome by increasing the stalk length of the NA protein. These observations suggest that H5N1 viruses that acquire a long-stalk NA through reassortment might be more likely to support transmission between humans. Phylogenetic analysis showed that reassortment with long-stalk NA occurred sporadically and as recently as 2011. However, all identified H5N1 viruses with a long-stalk NA lacked other mammalian adapting features and were thus several genetic steps away from becoming transmissible between humans.  相似文献   



Highly-pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) are the two most important poultry viruses in the world. Natural low-virulence NDV strains have been used as vaccines over the past 70 years with proven track records. We have previously developed a reverse genetics system to produce low-virulent NDV vaccine strain LaSota from cloned cDNA. This system allows us to use NDV as a vaccine vector for other avian pathogens.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Here, we constructed two recombinant NDVs (rNDVs) each of which expresses the hemagglutinin (HA) gene of HPAIV H5N1strain A/Vietnam/1203/2004 from an added gene. In one, rNDV (rNDV-HA), the open reading frame (ORF) of HA gene was expressed without modification. In the second, rNDV (rNDV-HAF), the ORF was modified so that the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the encoded HA gene were replaced with those of the NDV F protein. The insertion of either version of the HA ORF did not increase the virulence of the rNDV vector. The HA protein was found to be incorporated into the envelopes of both rNDV-HA and rNDV-HAF. However, there was an enhanced incorporation of the HA protein in rNDV-HAF. Chickens immunized with a single dose of either rNDV-HA or rNDV-HAF induced a high titer of HPAIV H5-specific antibodies and were completely protected against challenge with NDV as well as lethal challenges of both homologous and heterologous HPAIV H5N1.

Conclusion and Significance

Our results suggest that these chimeric viruses have potential as safe and effective bivalent vaccines against NDV and. HPAIV. These vaccines will be convenient and affordable, which will be highly beneficial to the poultry industry. Furthermore, immunization with these vaccines will permit serological differentiation of vaccinated and avian influenza field virus infected animals.  相似文献   

Evaluating the potential involvement of wild avifauna in the emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 (hereafter H5N1) requires detailed analyses of temporal and spatial relationships between wild bird movements and disease emergence. The death of wild swans (Cygnus spp.) has been the first indicator of the presence of H5N1 in various Asian and European countries; however their role in the geographic spread of the disease remains poorly understood. We marked 10 whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) with GPS transmitters in northeastern Mongolia during autumn 2006 and tracked their migratory movements in relation to H5N1 outbreaks. The prevalence of H5N1 outbreaks among poultry in eastern Asia during 2003–2007 peaked during winter, concurrent with whooper swan movements into regions of high poultry density. However outbreaks involving poultry were detected year round, indicating disease perpetuation independent of migratory waterbird presence. In contrast, H5N1 outbreaks involving whooper swans, as well as other migratory waterbirds that succumbed to the disease in eastern Asia, tended to occur during seasons (late spring and summer) and in habitats (areas of natural vegetation) where their potential for contact with poultry is very low to nonexistent. Given what is known about the susceptibility of swans to H5N1, and on the basis of the chronology and rates of whooper swan migration movements, we conclude that although there is broad spatial overlap between whooper swan distributions and H5N1 outbreak locations in eastern Asia, the likelihood of direct transmission between these groups is extremely low. Thus, our data support the hypothesis that swans are best viewed as sentinel species, and moreover, that in eastern Asia, it is most likely that their infections occurred through contact with asymptomatic migratory hosts (e.g., wild ducks) at or near their breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) in wild birds is logistically demanding due to the very low rates of virus detection. Serological approaches may be more cost effective as they require smaller sample sizes to identify exposed populations. We hypothesized that antigenic differences between classical Eurasian H5 subtype viruses (which have low pathogenicity in chickens) and H5N1 viruses of the Goose/Guangdong/96 H5 lineage (which are HPAIV) may be used to differentiate populations where HPAIVs have been circulating, from those where they have not. To test this we performed hemagglutination inhibition assays to compare the reactivity of serum samples from wild birds in Mongolia (where HPAIV has been circulating, n = 1,832) and Europe (where HPAIV has been rare or absent, n = 497) to a panel of reference viruses including classical Eurasian H5 (of low pathogenicity), and five HPAIV H5N1 antigens of the Asian lineage A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96. Antibody titres were detected against at least one of the test antigens for 182 Mongolian serum samples (total seroprevalence of 0.10, n = 1,832, 95% adjusted Wald confidence limits of 0.09–0.11) and 25 of the European sera tested (total seroprevalence of 0.05, n = 497, 95% adjusted Wald confidence limits of 0.03–0.07). A bias in antibody titres to HPAIV antigens was found in the Mongolian sample set (22/182) that was absent in the European sera (0/25). Although the interpretation of serological data from wild birds is complicated by the possibility of exposure to multiple strains, and variability in the timing of exposure, these findings suggest that a proportion of the Mongolian population had survived exposure to HPAIV, and that serological assays may enhance the targeting of traditional HPAIV surveillance toward populations where isolation of HPAIV is more likely.  相似文献   

高致病性禽流感(HPAI)H5N1病毒亚型已对人类健康、养殖业发展、野生鸟类及生态环境带来极大危害,引起国内外广泛关注。研究发现,禽流感病毒通过发生重组或者突变,可产生感染人类或其他生物的新病毒亚型,或产生更高的致病性,而人类亦具有丰富的与H5N1结合的受体。对候鸟迁徙停歇地禽流感调查表明,湿地、湖泊可能是HPAI病毒存活、散播的疫源地,病毒可随着鸟类的迁徙到处传播。因此,野生鸟类及其赖以生存的主要湿地环境处于感染HPAI的风险之中。  相似文献   

In this study, we show that the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus (AIV) (A/crow/Kyoto/53/04 and A/chicken/Egypt/CL6/07) induced apoptosis in duck embryonic fibroblasts (DEF). In contrast, apoptosis was reduced among cells infected with low-pathogenic AIVs (A/duck/HK/342/78 [H5N2], A/duck/HK/820/80 [H5N3], A/wigeon/Osaka/1/01 [H7N7], and A/turkey/Wisconsin/1/66 [H9N2]). Thus, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induced by H5N1-AIV infection. Caspase-dependent and -independent pathways contributed to the cytopathic effects. We further showed that, in the induction of apoptosis, the hemagglutinin of H5N1-AIV played a major role and its cleavage sequence was not critical. We also observed outer membrane permeabilization and loss of the transmembrane potential of the mitochondria of infected DEF, indicating that mitochondrial dysfunction was caused by the H5N1-AIV infection. We then analyzed Ca2+ dynamics in the infected cells and demonstrated an increase in the concentration of Ca2+ in the cytosol ([Ca2+]i) and mitochondria ([Ca2+]m) after H5N1-AIV infection. Regardless, gene expression important for regulating Ca2+ efflux from the endoplasmic reticulum did not significantly change after H5N1-AIV infection. These results suggest that extracellular Ca2+ may enter H5N1-AIV-infected cells. Indeed, EGTA, which chelates extracellular free Ca2+, significantly reduced the [Ca2+]i, [Ca2+]m, and apoptosis induced by H5N1-AIV infection. In conclusion, we identified a novel mechanism for influenza A virus-mediated cell death, which involved the acceleration of extracellular Ca2+ influx, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. These findings may be useful for understanding the pathogenesis of H5N1-AIV in avian species as well as the impact of Ca2+ homeostasis on influenza A virus infection.Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) are classified as highly or low-pathogenic AIVs (HPAIVs or LPAIVs, respectively) based on their pathogenicity in chickens (1). HPAIVs cause systemic infections and high mortality in chickens (28), whereas poultry are asymptomatic or develop mild respiratory problems and/or intestinal illness after LPAIV infection (49). Hemagglutinin (HA) cleavability is a critical determinant of AIV pathogenicity in avian species (61). Other determinants, such as nonstructural (NS) protein and neuraminidase (NA) protein, reportedly regulate the virulence of AIVs (9, 29, 44). However, waterfowl, known as the natural host for AIVs, do not usually have any symptoms during an HPAIV infection (21), whereas they show neurologic symptoms and death after infection with some of the recently emerged HPAIVs, such as the Asian H5N1 virus (11, 46, 62). Thus, the entire mechanism responsible for the pathogenicity of the AIVs is not yet known. Unknown cellular and viral factors probably underlie the pathogenesis of HPAIVs in avian species, especially waterfowl.The alveolar epithelial cells (66) or vascular endothelial cells (32) of human patients and chickens infected by H5N1-AIV show apoptosis. Other reports suggest that apoptosis of these cells is essential for the development of acute lung injury in mice and acute respiratory distress syndrome in humans (39), which is often observed in H5N1-AIV-infected patients. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether apoptosis is critical for the pathogenesis of H5N1-AIV in vivo and to understand the molecular mechanisms of the apoptotic cell death induced by H5N1-AIV infection.Ca2+ is a key regulator of cell survival, and the breakdown of Ca2+ homeostasis, due to sustained elevations in Ca2+ inside cells, triggers programmed cell death involving apoptosis (24). Indeed, disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis plays a key role in apoptosis during the pathogenic process of several types of viral infections, including those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus, and human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (3, 4, 31, 57). In addition, the HIV gp120 envelope protein induces neuronal cell death through Ca2+ dysregulation, even in the absence of viral particles (25).In this study, we used duck embryonic fibroblasts (DEF) to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the apoptotic cell death induced by H5N1-AIV. We show here that H5N1-AIV infection triggered extracellular Ca2+ influx and that this alteration in the concentration of Ca2+ inside the cells subsequently induced mitochondrial dysfunction and led to apoptotic cell death. In addition, we demonstrate that H5N1-HA was a critical viral factor for inducing apoptosis.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) continues to threaten human health. Non-human primate infection models of human influenza are desired. To establish an animal infection model with more natural transmission and to determine the pathogenicity of HPAIV isolated from a wild water bird in primates, we administered a Japanese isolate of HPAIV (A/whooper swan/Hokkaido/1/2008, H5N1 clade to rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys, in droplet form, via the intratracheal route. Infection of the lower and upper respiratory tracts and viral shedding were observed in both macaques. Inoculation of rhesus monkeys with higher doses of the isolate resulted in stronger clinical symptoms of influenza. Our results demonstrate that HPAIV isolated from a water bird in Japan is pathogenic in monkeys by experimental inoculation, and provide a new method for HPAIV infection of non-human primate hosts, a good animal model for investigation of HPAIV pathogenicity.  相似文献   

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