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Using a fluorescent probe for superoxide, hydroethidine, we have demonstrated that glucose deprivation (GD) activates production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cultured cerebellar granule neurons. ROS production was insensitive to the blockade of ionotropic glutamate channels by MK-801 (10 microM) and NBQX (10 microM). Inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transport, i.e. rotenone (complex I), antimycin A (complex III), or sodium azide (complex IV), an inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthase--oligomycin, an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation--CCCP, a chelator of intracellular Ca2+--BAPTA, an inhibitor of electrogenic mitochondrial Ca2+ transport--ruthenium red, as well as pyruvate significantly decreased neuronal ROS production induced by GD. GD was accompanied by a progressive decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential and an increase in free cytosolic calcium ions, [Ca2+](i). Pyruvate, BAPTA, and ruthenium red lowered the GD-induced calcium overload, while pyruvate and ruthenium red also prevented mitochondrial membrane potential changes induced by GD. We conclude that GD-induced ROS production in neurons is related to potential-dependent mitochondrial Ca2+ overload. GD-induced mitochondrial Ca2+ overload in neurons in combination with depletion of energy substrates may result in the decrease of the membrane potential in these organelles.  相似文献   

Neuronal death pathways following hypoxia–ischaemia are sexually dimorphic, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. We examined cell death mechanisms during OGD (oxygen-glucose deprivation) followed by Reox (reoxygenation) in segregated male (XY) and female (XX) mouse primary CGNs (cerebellar granule neurons) that are WT (wild-type) or Parp-1 [poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1] KO (knockout). Exposure of CGNs to OGD (1.5 h)/Reox (7 h) caused cell death in XY and XX neurons, but cell death during Reox was greater in XX neurons. ATP levels were significantly lower after OGD/Reox in WT-XX neurons than in XY neurons; this difference was eliminated in Parp-1 KO-XX neurons. AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor) was released from mitochondria and translocated to the nucleus by 1 h exclusively in WT-XY neurons. In contrast, there was a release of Cyt C (cytochrome C) from mitochondria in WT-XX and Parp-1 KO neurons of both sexes; delayed activation of caspase 3 was observed in the same three groups. Thus deletion of Parp-1 shunted cell death towards caspase 3-dependent apoptosis. Delayed activation of caspase 8 was also observed in all groups after OGD/Reox, but was much greater in XX neurons, and caspase 8 translocated to the nucleus in XX neurons only. Caspase 8 activation may contribute to increased XX neuronal death during Reox, via caspase 3 activation. Thus, OGD/Reox induces death of XY neurons via a PARP-1-AIF-dependent mechanism, but blockade of PARP-1-AIF pathway shifts neuronal death towards a caspase-dependent mechanism. In XX neurons, OGD/Reox caused prolonged depletion of ATP and delayed activation of caspase 8 and caspase 3, culminating in greater cell death during Reox.  相似文献   

Different VGF peptides derived from Vgf, originally identified as a nerve growth factor responsive gene, have been detected in neurons within the central and peripheral nervous system and in various endocrine cells. In the current study, we have evaluated the ability of TLQP-21, a VGF-derived peptide, to protect, in a dose- and time-dependent manner, primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) from serum and potassium deprivation-induced cell death. We demonstrated that TLQP-21 increased survival of CGCs by decreasing the degree of apoptosis as assessed by cell viability and DNA fragmentation. Moreover, TLQP-21 significantly activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, serine/threonine protein kinase, and c- jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation, while decreased the extent of protein kinase C phosphorylation, as demonstrated by western blot analysis. In addition, TLQP-21 induced significant increase in intracellular calcium (as measured by fura-2AM) in about 60% of the recorded neurons. Taken together, the present results demonstrate that TLQP-21 promotes the survival of CGCs via pathways involving, within few minutes, modulation of kinases associated with CGCs survival, and by increasing intracellular calcium which can contribute to the neuroprotective effect of the peptide.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) reduces the infarct volume following focal cerebral ischemia in rats; however, its mechanism of action has not been reported. After cerebral ischemia and/or reperfusion, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species may be generated by inflammatory cells through several cellular pathways, which can lead to intracellular calcium influx and cell damage. Therefore, we investigated the mechanisms of action of nicotinamide in neuroprotection under conditions of hypoxia/reoxygenation. Results showed that nicotinamide significantly protected rat primary cortical cells from hypoxia by reducing lactate dehydrogenase release with 1 h of oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) stress. ROS production and calcium influx in neuronal cells during OGD were dose-dependently diminished by up to 10 mM nicotinamide (p<0.01). This effect was further examined with OGD/reoxygenation (H/R). Cells were stained with the fluorescent dye 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) or antibodies against anti-microtubule-associated protein-2 and cleaved caspase-3. Apoptotic cells were studied using Western blotting of cytochrome c and cleaved caspase-3. Results showed that vitamin B3 reduced cell injury, caspase-3 cleavage and nuclear condensation (DAPI staining) in neuronal cells under H/R. In addition, nicotinamide diminished c-fos andzif268 immediate-early gene expressions following OGD. Taken together, these results indicate that the neuroprotective effect of nicotinamide might occur through these mechanisms in this in vitro ischemia/reperfusion model.  相似文献   

In this work we investigate cell survival after glucose deprivation and/or chemical hypoxia and we analyse the neuroprotective properties of selected antagonists of P2 ATP receptors. We find that in rat cerebellar granule neurones, the antagonist basilen blue prevents neuronal death under hypoglycaemia. Basilen blue acts through a wide temporal range and it retains its efficacy under chemically induced hypoxic conditions, in the presence of the respiratory inhibitors of mitochondria electron transport chain complexes II (3-nitropropionic acid) and III (antimycin A). In spite of the presence of these compounds, basilen blue maintains normal intracellular ATP levels. It furthermore prevents neuronal death caused by agents blocking the mitochondrial calcium uptake (ruthenium red) or discharging the mitochondrial membrane potential (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone). Inhibition of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, modulation of the enzyme GAPDH and mitochondrial transport of mono-carboxylic acids are not conceivable targets for the action of basilen blue. Survival is sustained by basilen blue also in CNS primary cultures from hippocampus and in PNS sympathetic-like neurones. Partial neuroprotection is furthermore provided by three additional P2 receptor antagonists: suramin, pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid 4-sodium and 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'disulphonic acid. Our data suggest the exploitation of selected P2 receptor antagonists as potential neuroprotective agents.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule cells (CGC) cultured under 5mM KCl (K5) undergo apoptosis after 5 days in vitro (DIV). CGC death is reduced by chronic treatment with 25 mM KCl (K25) or NMDA. Also, when CGC cultured for 6-8 DIV in K25 are transferred to a K5 medium, cells die apoptotically. Moreover, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL protect neurons from apoptosis, while Bax and Bcl-xS may act as proapototic proteins. It is suggested that these members of the Bcl-2 family may be involved in the cytochrome-c (cyt-c) release to the cytosol. Cytochrome-c is able to form a complex with other proteins to activate a cascade of proteases. In this work, we found that Bcl-2 levels in K5 cells did not show any change during 2-7 days in vitro (DIV); but cells grown with NMDA and K25 displayed an increase (55% approximately) of Bcl-2 from 4 DIV, as compared to control. Under these conditions, Bax levels showed a tendency to decrease with age under control cells and NMDA/K25 induced a reduction of approximately 10% in Bax levels from 4 DIV. On the other hand, in cells maintained in K25 during 7 DIV and then switched to a K5 medium, the levels of Bax showed a consistent decrease (30% after 8h). Under these conditions, the Bcl-2 levels did not show any significant change after 24h. Cytochrome-c levels were unaffected under K5, NMDA and K25 and only a marginal increase of cytochrome-c in the cytosol was detected at 6h after switching. We also found that caspase-9 was only activated under K25-deprivation meanwhile caspase-3 was involved in both protocols. These results suggest that the Bcl-2 family members, caspases activation and cytochrome-c release are involved in CGC death induced by K5 and their participation in this process could be different depending on neuronal maturation in culture.  相似文献   

D Acosta  C P Li 《In vitro》1979,15(11):929-934
Primary cultures of rat heart endothelial cells were subjected to simulated conditions of ischemia: hyposia and glucose deprivation for 4 and 24 hr. Cellular injury was evaluated by measuring changes in viability, total protein, cellular morphology, and leakage of cytoplasmic enzymes from the cells into the culture medium. Deprivation of oxygen and glucose for 4 or 24 hr did not lethally injure the cells as noted by no change in cell viability, morphology, and total protein when compared to controls. However, reversible or non-lethal cellular injury was produced as reflected by a significant release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from the cells into the medium after treatment with hypoxia and glucose deprivation for 4 or 24 hr. When the cultures were deprived of glucose, but were oxygenated, cellular injury was not evident after 24 hr. Deprivation of oxygen but not glucose resulted in significant loss of LDH after 4 or 24 hr. When the cultures were allowed to recover after oxygen and glucose deprivation in complete medium containing 1000 mg glucose per 1 and a normal atmosphere of 20% O2, they had levels of LDH leakage comparable to those of control cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of rat heart endothelial cells were subjected to simulated conditions of ischemia: hypoxia and glucose deprivation for 4 and 24 hr. Cellular injury was evaluated by measuring changes in viability, total protein, cellular morphology, and leakage of cytoplasmic enzymes from the cells into the culture medium. Deprivation of oxygen and glucose for 4 or 24 hr did not lethally injure the cells as noted by no change in cell viability, morphology, and total protein when compared to controls. However, reversible or nonlethal cellular injury was produced as reflected by a significant release of lactate dehydro-genase (LDH) from the cells into the medium after treatment with hypoxia and glucose deprivation for 4 or 24 hr. When the cultures were deprived of glucose, but were oxygenated, cellular injury was not evident after 24 hr. Deprivation of oxygen but not glucose resulted in significant loss of LDH after 4 or 24 hr. When the cultures were allowed to recover after oxygen and glucose deprivation in complete medium containing 1000 mg glucose per l and a normal atmosphere of 20% O2, they had levels of LDH leakage comparable to those of control cultures. This study was supported by Research Grant HL 18647 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and by a National Chicano Council on Higher Education Post-Doctoral Fellowship awarded to D. Acosta from the Ford Foundation. Additional support was provided to D. Acosta by a Faculty Research Assignment Award from the University of Texas Research Institute.  相似文献   

Using confocal microscopy, we investigated mechanisms underlying loss of plasma membrane integrity during necrotic death of cultured hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells exposed to 2.5 mM potassium cyanide (chemical hypoxia). After 2-3 h, the anionic fluorophore calcein abruptly began to enter the cytosol, and nuclei labeled with cationic propidium after another 2-5 min. As calcein permeated, growth of blebs on the plasma membrane accelerated. Lucifer yellow, another anionic fluorophore, entered identically to calcein, whereas high molecular weight dextrans (40-2000 kDa) entered like propidium. Glycine slowed, but did not prevent calcein entry, whereas permeation of propidium and high molecular weight dextrans was blocked completely by glycine. These findings suggest that opening of a glycine-sensitive organic anion channel, or death channel, precipitates a metastable state characterized by rapid cell swelling and bleb growth. This metastable state culminates in non-specific breakdown of the plasma membrane permeability barrier and irreversible cell death.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of glucose on hypoxic death of rat cardiomyocyte-derived H9c2 cells and found that there is an optimal glucose concentration for protection against hypoxic cell death. Hypoxic cell death in the absence of glucose is accompanied by rapid ATP depletion, release of apoptosis-inducing factor from mitochondria, and nuclear chromatin condensation, all of which are inhibited by glucose in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, excessive glucose also induces hypoxic cell death that is not accompanied by these events, suggesting a change in the mode of cell death between hypoxic cells with and without glucose supplementation.  相似文献   

Physical association of proteins that underlies cytotoxic signal induction and transduction suggests a possibility of regulating cell response by modifying protein–protein interactions. For protein complexing, chemical cross-linking agents have been traditionally used. However, the ability of various cross-linkers to induce and modify cell responses, cell death in particular, is still obscure. We have undertaken the investigation to test the apoptosis-inducing and modifying properties of the homobifunctional cross-linkers-dimethyl suberimidate (DMS) and 1,5-bis(succinimido-oxycarbonyloxy)pentane (BSOCOP). The functional groups of these cross-linkers are different but both are able to interact with available amino groups. It was shown that bifunctional cross-linkers, unlike their monofunctional analogues, are capable of inducing cell death in transformed cells, thus indicating the crucial role of cross-linking in cell killing. DMS- and BSOCOP-treated cells were shown to undergo cell death by apoptosis, though the signaling pathways were distinct. DMS inhibited bcl-XL and bak but not bax gene expression, while BSOCOP potentiated bax mRNA synthesis immediately after application. Cell pre-incubation with DMS, but not with BSOCOP, resulted in an increasing sensitivity to TNF, although activities of anti-Fas cytotoxic antibodies were then inhibited. Thus, this study has demonstrated for the first time that chemical cross-linkers are capable of inducing apoptosis by themselves and modifying the TNF-dependent and Fas-mediated cell death that may have potential therapeutic significance.  相似文献   

Trophic deprivation contributes to astrocyte damage that occurs in acute and chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Unraveling the underlying mechanisms may pave way to novel cytoprotective strategies. Cultured mouse astrocytes responded to trophic deprivation with a large and transient increase in the expression of p21ras, which was secondary to an enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) detected by cytofluorimetric analysis after preloading with 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate. The increase in p21ras levels was largely attenuated by the reducing agent, N -acetylcysteine, which was proven to reduce ROS formation in astrocytes subjected to serum deprivation. We extended the analysis to the Ha-Ras isoform, which has been implicated in mechanisms of cytotoxicity. We found that serum deprivation enhanced the expression and activity of Ha-Ras without changing Ha-Ras mRNA levels. The increase in Ha-Ras levels was sensitive to the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, suggesting that serum deprivation increases translation of preformed Ha-Ras mRNA. The late decline in Ha-Ras levels observed after 60 min was prevented by the proteasome inhibitor, MG132, as well as by the selective mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor, PD98059. Serum deprivation led to the activation of the MAPK pathway in cultured astrocytes, as shown by an increase in phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 levels after 5 and 30 min. Finally, using the siRNA technology, we found that an acute knock-down of Ha-Ras was protective against astrocyte damage induced by serum deprivation. We conclude that cultured astrocytes respond to trophic deprivation with an increased expression in Ha-Ras, which is limited by the concomitant activation of the MAPK pathway, but is nevertheless involved in the pathophysiology of cell damage.  相似文献   

It is well known that sleep disorders are harmful to people's health and performance, and growing evidence suggests that sleep deprivation (SD ) can trigger neuroinflammation in the brain. The nucleotide‐binding domain and leucine‐rich repeat protein‐3 (NLRP 3) inflammasome is reported to be relevant to the neuroinflammation induced by SD , but the regulatory signaling that governs the NLRP 3 inflammasome in SD is still unknown. Meanwhile, whether the regulatory action of antidepressants in astrocytes could affect the neuroinflammation induced by SD also remains obscure. In this study, we were the first to discover that the antidepressant fluoxetine, a type of specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor widely used in clinical practice, could suppress the neuroinflammation and neuronal apoptosis induced by SD . The main findings from this study are as follows: (i) SD stimulated the expression of activated NLRP 3 inflammasomes and the maturation of IL ‐1β/18 via suppressing the phosphorylation of STAT 3 in astrocytes; (ii) SD decreased the activation of AKT and stimulated the phosphorylation of GSK ‐3β, which inhibited the phosphorylation of STAT 3; (iii) the NLRP 3 inflammasome expression stimulated by SD was partly mediated by the P2X7 receptor; (iv) an agonist of STAT 3 could significantly abolish the expression of NLRP 3 inflammasomes induced by an agonist of the P2X7 receptor in primary cultured astrocytes; (v) the administration of fluoxetine could reverse the stimulation of NLRP 3 inflammasome expression and function by SD through elevating the activation of STAT 3. In conclusion, our present research suggests the promising possibility that fluoxetine could ameliorate the neuronal impairment induced by SD .


The model of "chemical hypoxia" with KCN plus iodoacetic acid mimics the ATP depletion and reductive stress of hypoxia. Here, we examined the effects of chemical hypoxia on cytosolic free Na+ and Ca2+ in single cultured rat hepatocytes by multiparameter digitized video microscopy and ratio imaging of sodium-binding furan indicator (SBFI) and Fura-2. Intracellular Na+ increased from about 10 mM to more than 100 mM after 20 min of chemical hypoxia, whereas cytosolic free Ca2+ remained virtually unchanged. In normoxic hepatocytes, phenylephrine (50 microM) and Arg-vasopressin (20-40 nM) induced Ca2+ oscillations in 70 and 40% of cells, respectively. These Ca2+ oscillations were suppressed after one spike following the onset of chemical hypoxia. Phenylephrine and vasopressin also increased inositol phosphate formation by 22 and 147%, respectively. This effect was suppressed by KCN plus iodoacetate. Intracellular acidosis is characteristic of chemical hypoxia. Intracellular acidosis induced by 40 mM Na-acetate suppressed Ca2+ oscillations but did not inhibit hormone-induced inositol phosphate formation. Cytosolic alkalinization also suppressed Ca2+ oscillations. However, prevention of intracellular acidosis with monensin (10 microM) did not prevent suppression of Ca2+ oscillations during chemical hypoxia. Mitochondrial depolarization with uncoupler did not change free Ca2+ levels during chemical hypoxia, indicating that mitochondria do not regulate free Ca2+ during chemical hypoxia. From these results, we conclude: 1) chemical hypoxia does not block Na+ influx across the plasma membrane; 2) Chemical hypoxia inhibits hormone-stimulated Ca2+ flux pathways across cellular membranes by two different mechanisms: (a) by ATP depletion, which disrupts hormone-myo-inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate coupling, and (b) by intracellular acidosis, which inhibits myo-inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate-stimulated Ca2+ release from intracellular stores; 3) during ATP depletion by chemical hypoxia, mitochondria do not take up Ca2+ to maintain cytosolic free Ca2+ at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP and P2 receptors may play a crucial role in the neurodegeneration of the CNS. Here, we investigated in neuronal cerebellar granule cultures the biological effect of the quite stable P2 receptor agonist ATPgammaS and compare it to the cytotoxic action of ATP. Time-course experiments showed that 500 microM ATPgammaS causes 50-100% cell death in 15-24 h. As proved by pharmacological means, ATPgammaS toxicity apparently involves neither indirect activation of NMDA receptors, nor ectonucleotidase activities, nor nucleoside transport and intracellular purine metabolism. Moreover, ATPgammaS induces detrimental effects without modifying the expression of several P2X and P2Y receptor proteins. Cell death instead occurs after extracellular release of the cytosolic enzyme lactic dehydrogenase and inhibition of the overall activity of the intracellular dehydrogenases. Moreover, ATPgammaS causes transient outflow of cytochrome c from mitochondria (maximal 2.5-fold stimulation in 4 h), it raises the intracellular reactive oxygen species (about four-fold in 1 h) and cAMP levels (about 40% in 15 min-4 h). Among several P2 receptor antagonists, only pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid 4-sodium promotes 80-100% neuroprotection.  相似文献   

The precise assembly of neuronal circuits requires that the correct number of pre- and postsynaptic neurons form synaptic connections. Neuronal cell number is thus tightly controlled by cell death during development. Investigating the regulation of cell number in the retina we found an ATP gated mechanism of neuronal death control. By degrading endogenous extracellular ATP or blocking the P2X(7) ATP receptors we found that endogenous extracellular ATP triggers the death of retinal cholinergic neurons during normal development. ATP-induced death eliminates cholinergic cells too close to one another, thereby controlling the total number, the local density and the regular spacing of these neurons.  相似文献   

During the postnatal development of cerebellum, lack of excitatory innervation from the mossy fibers results in cerebellar granule cell (CGC) apoptosis during the migration of the cells toward the internal granule cell layer. Accordingly, CGCs die by apoptosis when cultured in physiological KCl concentrations (5 mm; K5), and they survive in the presence of depolarizing conditions such as high KCl concentration (25 mm; K25) or N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). We have recently shown that NMDA is able to exert a long lasting neuroprotective effect when added to immature (2 days in vitro) CGC cultures by inhibition of caspase-3 activity. Here we show that NMDA- and K25-mediated neuroprotection is associated with an increase in the levels of Bcl-2, an inhibition of K5-mediated increase in Bax, and the inhibition of the release of apoptogenic factors from mitochondria such as Smac/DIABLO and cytochrome c. Moreover, we have shown that similar effects are observed when c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are inhibited and that treatment of CGC cultures with NMDA blocks K5-mediated JNK activation. These results allow us to postulate that the inhibition of JNK-mediated release of apoptogenic factors from mitochondria is involved in the NMDA protection from K5-mediated apoptosis of CGCs.  相似文献   

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