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A new method is proposed for docking ligands into proteins in cases where an NMR-determined solution structure of a related complex is available. The method uses a set of experimentally determined values for protein–ligand, ligand–ligand, and protein–protein restraints for residues in or near to the binding site, combined with a set of protein–protein restraints involving all the other residues which is taken from the list of restraints previously used to generate the reference structure of a related complex. This approach differs from ordinary docking methods where the calculation uses fixed atomic coordinates from the reference structure rather than the restraints used to determine the reference structure. The binding site residues influenced by replacing the reference ligand by the new ligand were determined by monitoring differences in 1H chemical shifts. The method has been validated by showing the excellent agreement between structures of L. casei dihydrofolate reductase.trimetrexate calculated by conventional methods using a full experimentally determined set of restraints and those using this new restraint docking method based on an L. casei dihydrofolate reductase.methotrexate reference structure.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans are long linear and complex polysaccharides that are fundamental components of the mammalian extracellular matrix. Therefore, it is crucial to appropriately characterize molecular structure, dynamics, and interactions of protein-glycosaminoglycans complexes for improving understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying GAG biological function. Nevertheless, this proved challenging experimentally, and theoretical techniques are beneficial to construct new hypotheses and aid the interpretation of experimental data. The scope of this mini-review is to summarize four specific aspects of the current theoretical approaches for investigating noncovalent protein-glycosaminoglycan complexes such as molecular docking, free binding energy calculations, modeling ion impact, and addressing the phenomena of multipose binding of glycosaminoglycans to proteins.  相似文献   

We discuss the question of constructing three-dimensional models of DNA in complex with proteins using computer modeling and indirect methods of studying the conformation of macromolecules. We consider the methods of interpreting the experimental data obtained by indirect methods of studying the three-dimensional structure of biomolecules. We discuss some aspects of integrating such data into the process of constructing the molecular models of DNA–protein complexes based on the geometric characteristics of DNA. We propose an algorithm for estimating conformations of such complexes based on the information about the local flexibility of DNA and on the experimental data obtained by Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and hydroxyl footprinting. Finally, we use this algorithm to predict the hypothetical configuration of DNA in a nucleosome bound with histone H1.  相似文献   

To fully understand how pathogens infect their host and hijack key biological processes, systematic mapping of intra-pathogenic and pathogen–host protein–protein interactions (PPIs) is crucial. Due to the relatively small size of viral genomes (usually around 10–100 proteins), generation of comprehensive host–virus PPI maps using different experimental platforms, including affinity tag purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS) and yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) approaches, can be achieved. Global maps such as these provide unbiased insight into the molecular mechanisms of viral entry, replication and assembly. However, to date, only two-hybrid methodology has been used in a systematic fashion to characterize viral–host protein–protein interactions, although a deluge of data exists in databases that manually curate from the literature individual host–pathogen PPIs. We will summarize this work and also describe an AP-MS platform that can be used to characterize viral-human protein complexes and discuss its application for the HIV genome.  相似文献   

Conformation switching in protein–protein complexes is considered important for the molecular recognition process. Overall analysis of 123 protein–protein complexes in a benchmark data-set showed that 6.8% of residues switched over their secondary structure conformation upon complex formation. Amino acid residue-wise preference for conformation change has been analyzed in binding and non-binding site residues separately. In this analysis, residues such as Ser, Leu, Glu, and Lys had higher frequency of secondary structural conformation change. The change of helix to coil and sheet to coil conformation and vice versa has been observed frequently, whereas the conformation change of helix to extended sheet occurred rarely in the studied complexes. Influence of conformation change toward the N and C terminal on either side of the binding site residues has been analyzed. Further, analysis on φ and ψ angle variation, conservation, stability, and solvent accessibility have been performed on binding site residues. Knowledge obtained from the present study could be effectively employed in the protein–protein modeling and docking studies.  相似文献   

Molecular simulations are often used to analyse the stability of protein–ligand complexes. The stability can be characterised by exit rates or using the exit time approach, i.e. by computing the expected holding time of the complex before its dissociation. However determining exit rates by straightforward molecular dynamics methods can be challenging for stochastic processes in which the exit event occurs very rarely. Finding a low variance procedure for collecting rare event statistics is still an open problem. In this work we discuss a novel method for computing exit rates which uses results of Robust Perron Cluster Analysis (PCCA+). This clustering method gives the possibility to define a fuzzy set by a membership function, which provides additional information of the kind ‘the process is being about to leave the set’. Thus, the derived approach is not based on the exit event occurrence and, therefore, is also applicable in case of rare events. The novel method can be used to analyse the temperature effect of protein–ligand systems through the differences in exit rates, and, thus, open up new drug design strategies and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   


Transient protein–protein complexes are of great importance for organizing multiple enzymatic reactions into productive reaction pathways. Base excision repair (BER), a process of critical importance for maintaining genome stability against a plethora of DNA-damaging factors, involves several enzymes, including DNA glycosylases, AP endonucleases, DNA polymerases, DNA ligases and accessory proteins acting sequentially on the same damaged site in DNA. Rather than being assembled into one stable multisubunit complex, these enzymes pass the repair intermediates between them in a highly coordinated manner. In this review, we discuss the nature and the role of transient complexes arising during BER as deduced from structural and kinetic data. Almost all of the transient complexes are DNA-mediated, although some may also exist in solution and strengthen under specific conditions. The best-studied example, the interactions between DNA glycosylases and AP endonucleases, is discussed in more detail to provide a framework for distinguishing between stable and transient complexes based on the kinetic data.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Peridinin–chlorophyll a protein (PCP) is a unique water soluble antenna complex that employs the carotenoid peridinin as the main light-harvesting pigment. In the present study the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectrum of PCP was recorded at the carbon K-edge. Additionally, the NEXAFS spectra of the constituent pigments, chlorophyll a and peridinin, were measured. The energies of the lowest unoccupied molecular levels of these pigments appearing in the carbon NEXAFS spectrum were resolved. Individual contributions of the pigments and the protein to the measured NEXAFS spectrum of PCP were determined using a “building block” approach combining NEXAFS spectra of the pigments and the amino acids constituting the PCP apoprotein. The results suggest that absorption changes of the pigments in the carbon near K-edge region can be resolved following excitation using a suitable visible pump laser pulse. Consequently, it may be possible to study excitation energy transfer processes involving “optically dark” states of carotenoids in pigment–protein complexes by soft X-ray probe optical pump double resonance spectroscopy (XODR).  相似文献   

We have systematically analyzed the variation of protein binding cavity volume of 200 protein–ligand complexes belonging to eight protein families. Wide variation in protein binding cavity volume for the same protein is observed on binding different ligands. Analysis of individual protein families shows high correlation between atom–atom interactions in binding site and ligand volume. This study implies the significance of protein flexibility in docking small molecule inhibitors on the basis of protein binding cavity volume with respect to ligand volume.  相似文献   

Several methods have been developed to protect feed protein from rumen microbial degradation. The current study aimed to evaluate the potential use of an industrial lignin, namely hydrolytic lignin, to protect protein from rumen microbial degradation. The hydrolytic lignins assessed in this study were extracted from wheat straw previously subjected to various steam treatment conditions (pressure: 15, 17 and 19 bar; reaction time: 0, 5 and 10 min; use of acidic catalyst: without and with 2% H2SO4 on DM basis). Results indicated that hydrolytic lignin can precipitate protein when measured by a standard bovine serum albumin assay. It was also observed that protein-precipitating capacity of lignin increased with increasing harshness of steam treatment until a point from which no further effect was observed. The effect of lignin upon protein degradation in vitro was clearly detected. Both ammonia nitrogen and iso-acid concentration in vitro were significantly decreased (P<0.01) when lignin was added to fermentation flask containing casein. Unlike tannins, hydrolytic lignins do not inhibit rumen microbial activity. Additionally, it was observed that lignin’s ability to bind and protect protein is a pH-dependent reaction. Protein binding to lignin is markedly reduced at pH<3.0.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions occur with a wide range of affinities from tight complexes characterized by femtomolar dissociation constants to weak, and more transient, complexes of millimolar affinity. Many of the weak and transiently formed protein–protein complexes have escaped characterization due to the difficulties in obtaining experimental parameters that report on the complexes alone without contributions from the unbound, free proteins. Here, we review recent developments for characterizing the structures of weak protein–protein complexes using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with special emphasis on the utility of residual dipolar couplings.  相似文献   

By means of circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, we have characterized the organization of the photosynthetic complexes of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum at different levels of structural complexity: in intact cells, isolated thylakoid membranes and purified fucoxanthin chlorophyll protein (FCP) complexes. We found that the CD spectrum of whole cells was dominated by a large band at (+)698 nm, accompanied by a long tail from differential scattering, features typical for psi-type (polymerization or salt-induced) CD. The CD spectrum additionally contained intense (−)679 nm, (+)445 nm and (−)470 nm bands, which were also present in isolated thylakoid membranes and FCPs. While the latter two bands were evidently produced by excitonic interactions, the nature of the (−)679 nm band remained unclear. Electrochromic absorbance changes also revealed the existence of a CD-silent long-wavelength (∼545 nm) absorbing fucoxanthin molecule with very high sensitivity to the transmembrane electrical field. In intact cells the main CD band at (+)698 nm appeared to be associated with the multilamellar organization of the thylakoid membranes. It was sensitive to the osmotic pressure and was selectively diminished at elevated temperatures and was capable of undergoing light-induced reversible changes. In isolated thylakoid membranes, the psi-type CD band, which was lost during the isolation procedure, could be partially restored by addition of Mg-ions, along with the maximum quantum yield and the non-photochemical quenching of singlet excited chlorophyll a, measured by fluorescence transients.  相似文献   

Pseudo contact shifts (PCSs) induced by paramagnetic lanthanide ions fixed in a protein frame provide long-range distance and angular information, and are valuable for the structure determination of protein-protein and protein-ligand complexes. We have been developing a lanthanide-binding peptide tag (hereafter LBT) anchored at two points via a peptide bond and a disulfide bond to the target proteins. However, the magnetic susceptibility tensor displays symmetry, which can cause multiple degenerated solutions in a structure calculation based solely on PCSs. Here we show a convenient method for resolving this degeneracy by changing the spacer length between the LBT and target protein. We applied this approach to PCS-based rigid body docking between the FKBP12-rapamycin complex and the mTOR FRB domain, and demonstrated that degeneracy could be resolved using the PCS restraints obtained from two-point anchored LBT with two different spacer lengths. The present strategy will markedly increase the usefulness of two-point anchored LBT for protein complex structure determination.  相似文献   

Lu L  Gao X  Zhu M  Wang S  Wu Q  Xing S  Fu X  Liu Z  Guo M 《Biometals》2012,25(3):599-610
The inhibitory effects of three biguanido-oxovanadium complexes ([VO(L(1-3))(2)]·nH(2)O: HL(1) = metformin, HL(2) = phenformin, HL(3) = moroxydine) against four protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) and an alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were investigated. The complexes display strong inhibition against PTP1B and TCPTP (IC(50), 80-160 nM), a bit weaker inhibition against HePTP (IC(50), 190-410 nM) and SHP-1(IC(50), 0.8-3.3 μM) and much weaker inhibition against ALP (IC(50), 17-35 μM). Complex 3 is about twofold less potent against PTP1B, TCPTP and HePTP than complexes 1 and 2, while complex 2 inhibits SHP-1 more strongly (about three to fourfold) than the other two complexes. These results suggest that the structures of the ligands slightly influence the potency and selectivity against PTPs. The complexes inhibit PTP1B and ALP with a typical competitive type.  相似文献   

Peak-picking Of Noe Data Enabled by Restriction Of Shift Assignments-Client Server (PONDEROSA-C/S) builds on the original PONDEROSA software (Lee et al. in Bioinformatics 27:1727–1728. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr200, 2011) and includes improved features for structure calculation and refinement. PONDEROSA-C/S consists of three programs: Ponderosa Server, Ponderosa Client, and Ponderosa Analyzer. PONDEROSA-C/S takes as input the protein sequence, a list of assigned chemical shifts, and nuclear Overhauser data sets (13C- and/or 15N-NOESY). The output is a set of assigned NOEs and 3D structural models for the protein. Ponderosa Analyzer supports the visualization, validation, and refinement of the results from Ponderosa Server. These tools enable semi-automated NMR-based structure determination of proteins in a rapid and robust fashion. We present examples showing the use of PONDEROSA-C/S in solving structures of four proteins: two that enable comparison with the original PONDEROSA package, and two from the Critical Assessment of automated Structure Determination by NMR (Rosato et al. in Nat Methods 6:625–626. doi:10.1038/nmeth0909-625, 2009) competition. The software package can be downloaded freely in binary format from http://pine.nmrfam.wisc.edu/download_packages.html. Registered users of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison can submit jobs to the PONDEROSA-C/S server at http://ponderosa.nmrfam.wisc.edu, where instructions, tutorials, and instructions can be found. Structures are normally returned within 1–2 days.  相似文献   

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