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All functional RNAs are generated from precursor molecules by a plethora of processing steps. The generation of mature RNA molecules by processing is an important layer of gene expression regulation catalysed by ribonucleases. Here, we analysed 5S rRNA processing in the halophilic Archaeon Haloferax volcanii. Earlier experiments showed that the 5S rRNA is cleaved at its 5' end by the endonuclease tRNase Z. Interestingly, a tRNA-like structure was identified upstream of the 5S rRNA that might be used as a processing signal. Here, we show that this tRNA-like element is indeed recognised as a processing signal by tRNase Z. Substrates containing mutations in the tRNA-like sequence are no longer processed, whereas a substrate containing a deletion in the 5S rRNA sequence is still cleaved. Therefore, an intact 5S rRNA structure is not required for processing. Further, we used bioinformatics analyses to identify additional sequences in Haloferax containing tRNA-like structures. This search resulted in the identification of all tRNAs, the tRNA-like structure upstream of the 5S RNA and 47 new tRNA-like structural elements. However, the in vitro processing of selected examples showed no cleavage of these newly identified elements. Thus, tRNA-like elements are not a general processing signal in Haloferax.  相似文献   

Through hybridization of available probes, we have added nine genes to the macrorestriction map of the Haloferax mediterranei chromosome and five genes to the contig map of Haloferax volcanii. Additionally, we hybridized 17 of the mapped cosmid clones from H. volcanii to the H. mediterranei genome. The resulting 35-point chromosomal comparison revealed only two inversions and a few translocations. Forces known to promote rearrangement, common in the haloarchaea, have been ineffective in changing global gene order throughout the nearly 10(7) years of these species' divergent evolution.  相似文献   

The halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii has a multireplicon genome, consisting of a main chromosome, three secondary chromosomes, and a plasmid. Genes for the initiator protein Cdc6/Orc1, which are commonly located adjacent to archaeal origins of DNA replication, are found on all replicons except plasmid pHV2. However, prediction of DNA replication origins in H. volcanii is complicated by the fact that this species has no less than 14 cdc6/orc1 genes. We have used a combination of genetic, biochemical, and bioinformatic approaches to map DNA replication origins in H. volcanii. Five autonomously replicating sequences were found adjacent to cdc6/orc1 genes and replication initiation point mapping was used to confirm that these sequences function as bidirectional DNA replication origins in vivo. Pulsed field gel analyses revealed that cdc6/orc1-associated replication origins are distributed not only on the main chromosome (2.9 Mb) but also on pHV1 (86 kb), pHV3 (442 kb), and pHV4 (690 kb) replicons. Gene inactivation studies indicate that linkage of the initiator gene to the origin is not required for replication initiation, and genetic tests with autonomously replicating plasmids suggest that the origin located on pHV1 and pHV4 may be dominant to the principal chromosomal origin. The replication origins we have identified appear to show a functional hierarchy or differential usage, which might reflect the different replication requirements of their respective chromosomes. We propose that duplication of H. volcanii replication origins was a prerequisite for the multireplicon structure of this genome, and that this might provide a means for chromosome-specific replication control under certain growth conditions. Our observations also suggest that H. volcanii is an ideal organism for studying how replication of four replicons is regulated in the context of the archaeal cell cycle.  相似文献   

The Hsp60 or chaperonin class of molecular chaperones is divided into two phylogenetic groups: group I, found in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts, and group II, found in eukaryotic cytosol and archaea. Group I chaperonins are generally essential in bacteria, although when multiple copies are found one or more of these are dispensable. Eukaryotes contain eight genes for group II chaperonins, all of which are essential, and it has been shown that these proteins assemble into double-ring complexes with eightfold symmetry where all proteins occupy specific positions in the ring. In archaea, there are one, two or three genes for the group II chaperonins, but whether they are essential for growth is unknown. Here we describe a detailed genetic, structural and biochemical analysis of these proteins in the halophilic archaeon, Haloferax volcanii. This organism contains three genes for group II chaperonins, and we show that all are individually dispensable but at least one must be present for growth. Two of the three possible double mutants can be constructed, but only one of the three genes is capable of fully complementing the stress-dependent phenotypes that these double mutants show. The chaperonin complexes are made up of hetero-oligomers with eightfold symmetry, and the properties of the different combinations of subunits derived from the mutants are distinct. We conclude that, although they are more homologous to eukaryotic than prokaryotic chaperonins, archaeal chaperonins have some redundancy of function.  相似文献   

Halophilic enzymes function optimally at high salt concentrations and are active at low water availability. Such conditions are encountered at elevated concentrations of solutes such as salts and sugars, and at high concentrations of organic solvents. However, expression in heterologous hosts such as Escherichia coli can cause problems, since halophilic proteins typically misfold and aggregate in conditions of low ionic strength. We have harnessed the sophisticated genetic tools available for the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii, to develop a system for the overexpression and purification of halophilic proteins under native conditions.  相似文献   

DNA ligases join the ends of DNA molecules during replication, repair and recombination. ATP-dependent ligases are found predominantly in the eukarya and archaea whereas NAD+-dependent DNA ligases are found only in the eubacteria and in entomopoxviruses. Using the genetically tractable halophile Haloferax volcanii as a model system, we describe the first genetic analysis of archaeal DNA ligase function. We show that the Hfx. volcanii ATP-dependent DNA ligase family member, LigA, is non-essential for cell viability, raising the question of how DNA strands are joined in its absence. We show that Hfx. volcanii also encodes an NAD+-dependent DNA ligase family member, LigN, the first such enzyme to be identified in the archaea, and present phylogenetic analysis indicating that the gene encoding this protein has been acquired by lateral gene transfer (LGT) from eubacteria. As with LigA, we show that LigN is also non-essential for cell viability. Simultaneous inactivation of both proteins is lethal, however, indicating that they now share an essential function. Thus the LigN protein acquired by LGT appears to have been co-opted as a back-up for LigA function, perhaps to provide additional ligase activity under conditions of high genotoxic stress.  相似文献   

Across evolution, the signal recognition particle pathway targets extra-cytoplasmic proteins to membranous translocation sites. Whereas the pathway has been extensively studied in Eukarya and Bacteria, little is known of this system in Archaea. In the following, membrane association of FtsY, the prokaryal signal recognition particle receptor, and SRP54, a central component of the signal recognition particle, was addressed in the halophilic archaea Haloferax volcanii. Purified H. volcanii FtsY, the FtsY C-terminal GTP-binding domain (NG domain) or SRP54, were combined separately or in different combinations with H. volcanii inverted membrane vesicles and examined by gradient floatation to differentiate between soluble and membrane-bound protein. Such studies revealed that both FtsY and the FtsY NG domain bound to H. volcanii vesicles in a manner unaffected by proteolytic pretreatment of the membranes, implying that in Archaea, FtsY association is mediated through the membrane lipids. Indeed, membrane association of FtsY was also detected in intact H. volcanii cells. The contribution of the NG domain to FtsY binding in halophilic archaea may be considerable, given the low number of basic charges found at the start of the N-terminal acidic domain of haloarchaeal FtsY proteins (the region of the protein thought to mediate FtsY-membrane association in Bacteria). Moreover, FtsY, but not the NG domain, was shown to mediate membrane association of H. volcanii SRP54, a protein that did not otherwise interact with the membrane.  相似文献   

M Sumper  E Berg  R Mengele    I Strobel 《Journal of bacteriology》1990,172(12):7111-7118
The outer surface of the archaebacterium Haloferax volcanii (formerly named Halobacterium volcanii) is covered with a hexagonally packed surface (S) layer. The gene coding for the S-layer protein was cloned and sequenced. The mature polypeptide is composed of 794 amino acids and is preceded by a typical signal sequence of 34 amino acid residues. A highly hydrophobic stretch of 20 amino acids at the C-terminal end probably serves as a transmembrane domain. Clusters of threonine residues are located adjacent to this membrane anchor. The S-layer protein is a glycoprotein containing both N- and O-glycosidic bonds. Glucosyl-(1----2)-galactose disaccharides are linked to threonine residues. The primary structure and the glycosylation pattern of the S-layer glycoproteins from Haloferax volcanii and from Halobacterium halobium were compared and found to exhibit distinct differences, despite the fact that three-dimensional reconstructions from electron micrographs revealed no structural differences at least to the 2.5-nm level attained so far (M. Kessel, I. Wildhaber, S. Cohe, and W. Baumeister, EMBO J. 7:1549-1554, 1988).  相似文献   

Abstract The chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) inoculated chick embryo model was used to study the effect of host lineage on the virulence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli . LD50 values were used to compare the susceptibilities of chick embryos from eight inbred chicken lines to infection by four strains of C. jejuni and one strain of C. coli . Differences in susceptibility were found between inbred chicken lines. These were shown not to be due to maternal antibody status, not transfer of antibody to the developing embryo. Susceptibility to infection was also found to vary according to the Campylobacter strain used. These results indicate that both the bacterial strain and host lineage of the chicken line used affect resistance to infection in the CAM inoculated chick embryo model.  相似文献   

Tryptophan auxotrophs of the archaebacterium Haloferax volcanii define a cluster of overlapping genes homologous to eubacterial-eukaryotic trpD, -F, -E, and -G, linked in that order and each preceded by a possible ribosome binding site. Residues involved in feedback inhibition of eubacterial anthranilate synthetases are conserved.  相似文献   

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