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Fourteen pregnant sows were examined to determine if transplacental migration of fetal lymphocytes had occurred. Giemsa-stained and C-banded karyotypes were examined. Male metaphases constituted 1% to 4% of all metaphases of peripheral blood leukocytes of pregnant sows. Regardless of the experimental method or stage of gestation, no essential differences were found in the number of male cells.  相似文献   

A representative haploid R-banded karyotype of the domestic pig, and a diagrammatic representation of the banding patterns at the 550 band level are presented.  相似文献   



The domestic pig (Sus scrofa) is both an important livestock species and a model for biomedical research. Exome sequencing has accelerated identification of protein-coding variants underlying phenotypic traits in human and mouse. We aimed to develop and validate a similar resource for the pig.


We developed probe sets to capture pig exonic sequences based upon the current Ensembl pig gene annotation supplemented with mapped expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and demonstrated proof-of-principle capture and sequencing of the pig exome in 96 pigs, encompassing 24 capture experiments. For most of the samples at least 10x sequence coverage was achieved for more than 90% of the target bases. Bioinformatic analysis of the data revealed over 236,000 high confidence predicted SNPs and over 28,000 predicted indels.


We have achieved coverage statistics similar to those seen with commercially available human and mouse exome kits. Exome capture in pigs provides a tool to identify coding region variation associated with production traits, including loss of function mutations which may explain embryonic and neonatal losses, and to improve genomic assemblies in the vicinity of protein coding genes in the pig.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-550) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

These studies were conducted to identify the point during the 4-cell stage at which the porcine embryo begins to control development. Reproductive tracts of gilts were flushed 48 h after the onset of estrus to obtain 1- and 2-cell embryos. To determine the duration of the 4-cell stage in vitro, development of 29 embryos was timed from cleavage to the 4-cell stage and from cleavage to the 8-cell stage. The average duration of the 4-cell stage was 50.5 h. The duration of the 4-cell stage was positively correlated (p < 0.01) with culture time in vitro before cleavage to the 4-cell stage. DNA content was determined by using the Feulgen's reaction and quantified with micro-densitometry. Staining units (SU; density x area) were calculated at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, and 36 h post-cleavage to the 4-cell stage (P4C). Results revealed a possible G1 phase (< 2 h) with DNA synthesis starting within 2 h P4C. DNA synthesis was completed by 16 h P4C, and was followed by an extended G2 phase. Embryos were evaluated for uptake and incorporation of [35S]methionine and for qualitative changes in protein profiles specific to time points during the 4-cell stage (2, 10, 14, 16, 18, 24, 30, and 40 h P4C). Methionine uptake and incorporation into protein followed similar patterns, both decreasing until 16-18 h P4C, followed by a steady increase through the 4-cell stage. Protein profiles revealed qualitative changes beginning at 14 and 16 h P4C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. An acid-stable IGF binding protein was isolated and purified from porcine serum. 2. The protein comprised two major species with Mrs of 45 and 41 kDa determined using SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. 3. The IGFBP preparation specifically bound both IGF-I and II. 4. Four distinct protein bands (Mrs of 23, 45, 50 and 75 kDa) in the porcine IGFBP preparation specifically bound radiolabelled IGF-I. 5. The porcine IGFBP exhibited sequence homology with IGFBPs from human plasma and rat serum. 6. This is the first report of the purification and characterization of the acid-stable IGFBP from porcine serum.  相似文献   

Whole nerve, as well as single fiber, responses in the chorda tympani proper (CT) and glossopharyngeal (NG) nerves of 1- to 7-week-old pigs were recorded during taste stimulation. In the CT acids and in the NG bitter compounds gave the largest responses. Both nerves exhibited large responses to monosodium glutamate (MSG), MSG with guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP) and MSG with inositine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) as well as to glycine, xylitol, sucrose, fructose and glucose. Alitame, aspartame, betaine, neohesperedin dihydrochalcone (NHDHC), super-aspartame, saccharin and thaumatin elicited no or little response. Hierarchical cluster analysis of 49 CT fibers separated four major clusters. The M cluster, comprising 28.5% of all fibers, is characterized by strong responses to MSG, KCl, LiCl and NaCl. The responses to NaCl and LiCl were unaffected by amiloride. The H cluster (24.5%) includes units responding principally to acids. The Q cluster (18.5%) responds to quinine hydrochloride (QHCl), sucrose octaacetate (SOA) and salts with amiloride. The S cluster (28.5%) exhibits strong responses to xylitol, glycine and the carbohydrates as well as to MSG alone and to MSG with GMP or IMP. In 31 NG fibers, hierarchical cluster analysis revealed four clusters: the M cluster (10%), responding to MSG and MSG with GMP or IMP; the H cluster (13%), responding to acids; the Q cluster (29%), responding strongly to QHCl, SOA and tilmicosinR; and the S cluster (48%), responding best to xylitol, carbohydrates and glycine but also to the umami compounds. Multidimensional scaling analysis across fiber responses to all stimuli showed the best separation between compounds with different taste qualities when information from both nerves was utilized.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix is thought to be responsible for DNA organization, DNA replication, RNA synthesis, and RNA processing. We have looked for the presence of nuclear matrix antigens during early mouse embryogenesis. Antibodies to peripheral and interior antigens (P1, Pl1, Pl2, and lamin B) were used to immunolocalize nuclear matrix antigens in germinal vesicle oocytes, metaphase II oocytes, zygotes, two-cell-stage embryos, and eight-cell stage embryos. All antibodies reacted with the nuclei of germinal vesicle oocytes, and two- and eight-cell-stage embryos; however, only P1 and lamin B were present at the pronuclear stage. In eggs collected at the pronuclear stage and cultured to the late two-cell stage in the presence of alpha-amanitin, the matrix morphology was altered for Pl1 and Pl2. alpha-Amanitin had no affect on the distribution of P1 or lamin B antigens. If alpha-amanitin was added 2 hr after cleavage to the two-cell stage, the normal staining pattern of Pl2 was retained. These results suggest that the presence of specific components of an internal matrix is correlated with normal genomic activity.  相似文献   

Pig--mouse somatic cell hybrids were obtained from fusion of HPRT--mouse cells (RAG) and pig lymphocytes. The pig-mouse hybrids examined apparently retained on the average only 9 to 15 pig chromosomes. Seven of the hybrid clones were karyotyped to determine the pig chromosome constitution, and the same hybrid clones were tested electrophoretically for the expression of pig hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), and alpha-galactosidase (alpha-GAL) phenotypes. All five of the hybrid clones which had retained the pig X-chromosome exhibited concordant expression of pig HPRT, G6PD, and alpha-GAL enzymes. These data indicate that the genes HPRT, G6PD, and alpha-GAL are located on the X-chromosome of the domestic pig.  相似文献   

The DNA content of nuclei during the 2-cell stage as well as in presumptive tetraploid embryos was investigated. In vivo produced pig zygotes were cultured to the 2-cell stage and either monitored for cleavage to the 4-cell stage or mounted at various times postcleavage and DNA content determined. The length of the 2-cell stage was 14.8 ± 3.0 hr. There was a significant increase in the length of the 2-cell stage due to the time in vitro as a zygote (P < 0.001: R2 = 0.866). The DNA content increased (P < 0.05) each 2 hr postcleavage until 10 hr postcleavage. This suggested that there is a short G1 and G2 phase and a relatively long phase of DNA synthesis. Next, 2-cell stage embryos were pulsed with electricity to induce cell-to-cell fusion. Whereas only about half fused within 30 min (55%), most (96%) developed to the blastocyst stage. The DNA content of the nuclei of the embryos was consistent with them being tetraploid. A final experiment was designed to evaluate the ability of the tetraploid embryo to form a chimera with isolated inner cell mass (ICM) cells. Inner cell masses were isolated from d 6 embryos, cut into thirds, labeled with DiO (a membrane die) and injected into the perivitelline space of 4-cell-stage tetraploid embryos. Twelve of 17 formed blastocysts. In most 8/12), the ICM of the resulting blastocyst was labeled, whereas in one the only fluorescence was in the trophectoderm, and in two fluorescence was evenly distributed between the ICM and trophectoderm. These results suggest that it may be possible to create a fetus derived from ICM cells, or potentially stem cells, that has a tetraploid trophoblast. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In pigs (Sus scrofa) exposed to hyperthermic conditions, when the rectal temperature rose from 38.9–42.3°C. plasma antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increased from 0.8 μU/ml to 11.4 μU/ml; arterial pressure, blood oxygen saturation and haematocrit increased and Pco, fell.
  • 2.2. On three occasions out of six attempts, a large infusion of saline or dextran into the superior vena Cava during the rise of body temperature suppressed the expected rise of plasma ADH.
  • 3.3. Forced ventilation of anaesthetized normothermic pigs elicited a similar rise in circulating ADH.

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