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真菌等临床病原体的诊断、基因分型和耐药性检测对于临床诊治十分重要。多重连接探针扩增是一个可以同时定量检测多个基因序列的,简单、有效、快速的方法。其步骤包括待测DNA变性、半探针与待测DNA杂交,半探针的连接、PCR法扩增、凝胶电泳或者毛细管电泳鉴定扩增产物。MLPA已经在临床微生物诊断和研究中有了一定的应用,虽然尚处于起步阶段,但因其操作简便,反应快速,高通量,高敏感性和特异性的特点,拥有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

假肥大性肌营养不良(Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy, DMD/BMD)是一种由于DMD基因突变导致的X连锁隐性致死性遗传病。目前没有有效的治疗方法。为建立一种既可以对携带者进行检测又可以进行产前基因诊断的方法, 文章联合应用多重连接探针扩增技术(Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, MLPA)和短串联重复序列(Short tandem repeats , STR)为遗传标记连锁分析的方法对26例有高风险再生育患儿的假肥大性肌营养不良家系的孕妇通过羊水穿刺进行产前基因诊断。26例进行产前基因诊断的羊水标本中有7例诊断为男性患儿, 4例诊断为女性携带者。MLPA可以作为筛查DMD基因缺失和重复突变的首选方法。联合应用MLPA和STR连锁分析, 可以提高假肥大性肌营养不良的产前基因诊断率。  相似文献   

一种基于寡核苷酸微阵列芯片的多重可扩增探针杂交技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多重可扩增探针杂交技术(multiplex amplifiable probe hybridization,MAPH)是近年来发展起来的一种用于基因组中DNA拷贝数检测的新技术。并发展了一种基于寡核苷酸微阵列芯片的MAPH技术。该方法根据所检测的DNA序列,制备若干具有通用引物的FCR产物作为可扩增探针组,与固定在尼龙膜上待测的基因组DNA杂交。用磁珠回收特异性杂交的探针,经生物素标记的通用引物扩增后,与相应的寡核苷酸微阵列芯片杂交。该特异性的寡核苷酸微阵列芯片包括10个抗肌营养不良基因的外显子探针和阴性、阳性探针。杂交清冼后,链霉亲和素-Cy3染色用芯片扫描仪得到杂交的荧光图像。分析荧光信号的强度差异给出特定基因片段拷贝数的变化。该方法用微阵列技术代替MAPH中的电泳检测技术,可大幅度增加检测的通量。选择了一个正常男性、一个正常女性和一个肌营养不良症患者的基因组DNA来进行验证。结果表明,该方法能够同时给出抗肌营养不良基因多个外显子中的基因片段拷贝数差异信息。  相似文献   

扩增基因的侧翼序列在分子生物学研究中具有重要作用。到目前为止,克隆基因侧翼序列的方法主要可以分为3类:反向PCR、外源接头介导PCR、半随机引物PCR。对这些技术的原理以及近期的应用情况进行了较为系统的综述,旨在为研究者选择更可靠、更合理的方法提供依据。  相似文献   

周大文  管翌华  许淼  颜景斌  黄英  张敬之  任兆瑞 《遗传》2008,30(12):1629-1634
摘要: 为了探讨MLPA-微阵列技术用于检测性染色体异常的可行性和精确性, 针对Y染色体上的3个基因TSPY(p11.2)、PRY(q11)和RBMY(q11.2)设计MLPA探针, 应用MLPA-微阵列技术对15例已知染色体核型的样品进行检测, 将检测结果与各样品核型分析和PCR的检测结果进行对照和比较。结果表明, MLPA-微阵列技术对上述各基因位点的检测结果与样品染色体核型基本吻合, 特别是对二例核型分析没有获得染色体结构异常信息的样品, MLPA-微阵列技术检测出Y染色体微小的缺失或指示某些未知染色体片段的信息, 并与PCR检测结果完全相符。表明文章报道的MLPA-微阵列技术能够检测核型分析无法分辨的微小变化和异常, 显示MLPA-微阵列技术在染色体异常分析中具有很高的检测效率和准确性, 相对于染色体核型分析具有明显的优势, 在临床染色体病诊断中具有较大的应用前景。  相似文献   

多重环介导等温扩增技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林文慧  邹秉杰  宋沁馨  周国华 《遗传》2015,37(9):899-910
环介导等温扩增技术(Loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP)因其扩增速度快、灵敏度和特异性高、仪器要求低等优点而被广泛应用于核酸诊断领域。为充分利用LAMP技术优势、提高诊断检测的效率与可靠性、扩展其应用范围,同时节约试剂成本,近年来多重LAMP技术的研究成为一大热点。常规的LAMP扩增产物检测方法多数以聚合反应的双链DNA产物或其副产物为基础,只能判断有无扩增反应发生,而难以识别多重扩增产物的靶标来源及其特异性。为实现多重扩增产物的高特异检测,各国学者通过对该技术巧妙的改进或与其他技术相偶联,发展了一系列多重LAMP扩增检测技术。然而上述狭义的多重LAMP技术依然存在因引物间相互干扰、扩增效率存在差异而引发歧视性扩增的局限,限制了多重扩增的重数。近年研究活跃的微型扩增技术以其实现多个平行、互不干扰的小体积单重扩增的技术优势打破了这一局限,由此产生了新型的广义多重LAMP扩增技术。这些技术还具有试剂消耗少、自动化程度较高、交叉污染风险更小以及更适合对较多靶标进行现场快速检测等优势。本文分别从狭义多重LAMP的方法原理及其扩增反应体系优化、广义多重LAMP的方法原理以及多重LAMP技术在诊断检测中的应用等方面对近年来多重LAMP技术的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

环介导等温扩增技术的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环介导等温扩增(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP)是一种新式核酸扩增技术,它依靠一种具有链置换活性的DNA聚合酶与2对特殊设计的引物,在等温条件下即可高效快速地完成扩增反应。相较于传统扩增检测方法,LAMP技术具有特异性强、灵敏度高、操作简单快速等优点,更能在现场快速检测和基层应用中广泛推广,目前LAMP技术已广泛应用于植物病害检测、动物病害检测、食品安全检测等领域。基于此,简要介绍了LAMP技术的基本原理、反应产物的检测方法,重点阐述了LAMP技术的改进与发展,综述了近年来其在科研生产中的应用进展,并对其发展前景进行了展望,以期为LAMP技术的进一步发展提供合理的研究方向。  相似文献   

环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)是一种新型的核酸放大扩增技术。但是,当前的LAMP技术多是在同一个体系中对单一目标物进行检测,限制了其工作效率的发挥。多重LAMP技术就是在同一反应体系中加入多组针对不同靶基因的特异性引物,从而实现对多种目标基因同时进行扩增。我们针对多重LAMP的优缺点,对其在病毒、细菌、寄生虫以及性别筛选等领域的应用做简要综述。  相似文献   

汪维鹏  倪坤仪  周国华 《遗传》2006,28(2):219-225


cDNA末端快速扩增技术及其应用*   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王少丽  盛承发  乔传令 《遗传》2004,26(3):419-423
摘要:cDNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术是一种快速获得cDNA的3′和5'端的方法。本文从RACE的原理出发,指出其技术本身存在的优缺点,阐述了RACE操作中须注意和不容忽视的技术要点,并对前人对RACE技术所做的改进加以总结,最后对RACE技术的应用前景给予了展望。Abstract: Rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE) technique is a method of which the 3’ and 5’ fragments of cDNA can be rapidly obtained. In this review, the advantages and shortcomings RACE manipulation were pointed out and some important technical points in RACE protocols in the previous literatures were summarized.  相似文献   

Annotated DNA samples that had been previously analyzed were tested using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assays containing probes targeting BRCA1, BRCA2, and MMR (MLH1/MSH2 genes) and the 9p21 chromosomal region. MLPA polymerase chain reaction products were separated on a capillary electrophoresis platform, and the data were analyzed using GeneMapper v4.0 software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). After signal normalization, loci regions that had undergone deletions or duplications were identified using the GeneMapper Report Manager and verified using the DyeScale functionality. The results highlight an easy-to-use, optimal sample preparation and analysis workflow that can be used for both small- and large-scale studies.  相似文献   



HER-2 is a prognostic and predictive marker, but as yet no technique is perfectly able to identify patients likely to benefit from HER-2 targeted therapies. We aimed to prospectively assess the added value of first-line co-testing by IHC, and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) and chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH).


As local validation, HER-2 MLPA and CISH were compared in 99 breast cancers. Next, we reviewed 937 invasive breast cancers, from 4 Dutch pathology laboratories, that were prospectively assessed for HER-2 by IHC and MLPA (and CISH in selected cases).


The validation study demonstrated 100% concordance between CISH and MLPA, if both methods were assessable and conclusive (81.8% of cases). Significant variation regarding percentages IHC 0/1+ and 2+ cases was observed between the laboratories (p<0.0001). Overall concordance between IHC and MLPA/CISH was 98.1% (575/586) (Kappa = 0.94). Of the IHC 3+ cases, 6.7% failed to reveal gene amplification, whereas 0.8% of the IHC 0/1+ cases demonstrated gene amplification. Results remained discordant after retrospective review in 3/11 discordant cases. In the remaining 8 cases the original IHC score was incorrect or adapted after repeated IHC staining.


MLPA is a low-cost and quantitative high-throughput technique with near perfect concordance with CISH. The use of MLPA in routinely co-testing all breast cancers may reduce HER-2 testing variation between laboratories, may serve as quality control for IHC, will reveal IHC 0/1+ patients with gene amplification, likely responsive to trastuzumab, and identify IHC 3+ cases without gene amplification that may respond less well.  相似文献   

Copy number variants (CNVs) are pervasive in the human genome and are responsible for many Mendelian diseases and genomic disorders. The detection of CNVs is an essential element of a complete mutation screening strategy. Many techniques have been developed for gene dosage testing. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is a robust, easy and flexible technique that can detect both deletions and duplications for more than 40 loci in one assay. It has been widely used in research and diagnostic laboratories. We routinely develop our own MLPA assays for quick validation of array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) findings. Here we discuss the general principles and critical aspects of MLPA assay development and validation using all synthetic MLPA probes. We believe that MLPA will play important roles in the rapid detection of genomic disorders associated with genomic imbalances, the confirmation of pathogenic mutations involving exonic deletions/duplications, CNV genotyping and population frequency analysis of CNVs.  相似文献   



Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) is an application that can be used for the detection of multiple chromosomal aberrations in a single experiment. In one reaction, up to 50 different genomic sequences can be analysed. For a reliable work-flow, tools are needed for administrative support, data management, normalisation, visualisation, reporting and interpretation.  相似文献   

The multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assay is the most powerful tool in screening for deletions and duplications in the dystrophin gene in patients with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD). The efficacy of the assay was validated by testing 20 unrelated male patients with DMD/BMD who had already been screened by multiplex PCR (mPCR). We detected two duplications that had been missed by mPCR. In one DMD patient showing an ambiguous MLPA result, a novel mutation (c.3808_3809insG) was identified. MLPA improved the mutation detection rate of mPCR by 15 %. The results of our study (1) confirmed MLPA to be the method of choice for detecting DMD gene rearrangements in DMD/BMD patients, (2) showed that ambiguous MLPA amplification products should be verified by other methods, and (3) indicated that the MLPA method could be used in screening even for small mutations located in the probe-binding regions.  相似文献   

3个X-STR基因座荧光标记复合扩增   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究DXS6803、DXS981和DXS68093个基因座多态性及其在法医学中的应用,建立X染色体基因座(DXS6803、DXS981和DXS6809)的荧光复合扩增体系。用荧光标记引物PCR技术复合扩增3个基因座,并用ABI PRISM 3100毛细管电泳及其软件进行基因分型。结果在中国汉族340名无关男性个体及195名无关女性个体中,DXS6803、DXS981和DXS6809三个基因座分别发现了13、12、11个等位基因,男性个体共检出183种单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.9926。结果表明这3个基因座有较高的多态性信息,在个体识别和亲权鉴定(特别是在缺失双亲的特殊检案)中有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the value of three X-STR loci (DXS6803, DXS981and DXS6809) in forensic application and thereby investigate their polymorphism. The primer for each locus was labeled with fluorochrome 6-FAM. A fluorescent multiplex PCR for simultaneously amplifying three X-STR loci was set up. The PCR products that were obtained were analyzed using capillary electrophoresis and ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic Analyzer, with GENESCAN Analysis Software. When 340 male and 195 female individuals of Han population in China were tested, 13, 12, and 11 alleles were observed for DXS6803, DXS981 and DXS6809, respectively. One hundred and eighty three haplotypes were detected in the male individuals. The haplotype diversity reached 0.9926. The results show that the three loci of the multiplex system provide significant information on polymorphism for forensic identification and paternity testing, particularly for complicated paternity deficient cases.  相似文献   

It is suspected that apart from tick-borne encephalitis virus several additional European Arboviruses such as the sandfly borne Toscana virus, sandfly fever Sicilian virus and sandfly fever Naples virus, mosquito-borne Tahyna virus, Inkoo virus, Batai virus and tick-borne Uukuniemi virus cause aseptic meningo-encephalitis or febrile disease in Europe. Currently, the microarray technology is developing rapidly and there are many efforts to apply it to infectious diseases diagnostics. In order to arrive at an assay system useful for high throughput analysis of samples from aseptic meningo-encephalitis cases the authors developed a combined multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and flow-through microarray assay for the detection of European Bunyaviruses. These results show that this combined assay indeed is highly sensitive, and specific for the accurate detection of multiple viruses.  相似文献   

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