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The present contribution deals with the exoskeleton of Notiothauma reedi MacLachlan. A special attention has been paid to the external male genital apparatus with particular reference to the sperm-pump. Finally the structures, which have a bearing on the phylogeny of the order Mecoptera have been duly discussed.
Abkürzungen a Analis - apx Höcker am Analkomplex - at vordere Tentorialgrube - Atf antennifer - au Auxilium - Ax Axillare - Ba Basalare - BaSp Basalarspalt - bbsch mediales Borstenbüschel an der Lacinien-Basis - bc Basicostalsklerit - bcb Basicostalborsten - bsk Basalsklerit der Maxille - bt Basituberculus des Gonostylus - c Costa - Cd Cardo - Cer Cercus - Clp Clypeus - cu Cubitus - Cx Coxa - DCv Dorsocervicale - Dej Ductus ejaculatorius - ec vorderes Mandibelgelenk - Epm Epimerum - Eps Episternum - es Epistomalsutur - fb Frenularborsten - fl laterobasaler Membranflügel des Labrum - Fl Flagellum - flg Flügel des Pumpenkörpersklerites - For Foramen occipitale - Fr Frons - fs Fortsatz der Subgena - fspmk Fortsätze des Pumpenkörpersklerites - Ga Galea - gb Gonobasis - Ge Gena - gel Gelenk zwischen Pumpenkörpersklerit und Pistillträger - gesp nicht verschlossener Teil der Genitalspalte - glfl Gleitfläche des Pumpenkörpersklerites - GP Gelenkfortsatz - gst Gonostylus - h Humeralader - ha Hypandrium - hc hinteres Mandibelgelenk - hdr mediale Hakendornen der Lacinia - hsk Halshautsklerit - HP Humeralplatte - jb Jugumborsten - Ju Jugum - l Leiste auf dem Clypeolabrum - la lappiger Fortsatz am Hinterende der Genitalfalten - lblc laterale Borstenreihe der Lacinia - lblr lateraler Borstensaum des labrum - Lc Lacinia - LCv Laterocervicale - lepi lateraler Fortsatz des Epiandrium - lm mediale Lamelle des Pumpenkörpersklerites - loc Lateralocellus - Lr Labrum - lsplc laterale Spange der Lacinia - lth laterales Tergalhorn des TVI und TVII - m Media - Md Mandibel - mepi medianer Fortsatz des Epiandrium - Mer Meron - mld Mulde des Pumpenkörpersklerites - mOc Medianocellus - MP Mittelplatte - mt Mediotuberculus des Gonostylus - mth medianes Tergalhorn des TV - N Notum - Ng Nygma - no Notalorgan - ns Sulcus auf dem Pronotum - Occ Occiput - ocs Occipitalnaht - pcs Praecoxalsutur - Pd Pedicellus - pf pfannenartiger Anhang des Pumpenkörpersklerites - Pge Postgena - PgeL Postgenallobus - Plb Palpus labialis - plFlG pleurales Flügelgelenk - plHG pleurales Hüftgelenk - PlS Pleuralsutur - pmk Pumpenkörpersklerit - Pmt Postmentum - Pmx Palpus maxillaris - PN Postnotum - po Postnotalorgan - PrEps Praeepisternum - Prm Praementum - PrSct Praescutum - ps Pistill - PSge Processus subgenalis - Pst Pterostigma - pstr Pistillträger - pt hintere Tentorialgrube - qua terminale Borstenquaste - qua terminale Borstenquaste der Maxille - r Radius - rbga rückwärtige Borstenreihe der Galea - rs Sector radii - rsplc rückwärtige Spange der Lacinia - sa Furcalgrube - Sa Subalare - sc Subcosta - Sc Scapus - Scl Scutellum - Sct Scutum - Sge Subgena - sgs Subgenalnaht - sl terminaler Seitenlappen des Labrum - SL sternaler Gelenkfortsatz für die Coxa - spga laterale Spange der Galea - sprn Spermarinne des Pumpenkörpersklerites - St Sternum - Stg Stigma - STg Subtegula - Sti Stipes - sto Stylarorgan - T Tergum - TB Tentorialbrücke - TG Tegula - Thy Thyridium - Tn Trochantinus - Tr Trochanter - trs Transversalsutur des N1 - ts Sulcus temporalis - u membranbekleidete Medialseite des Pumpenkörpersklerites - ub Unguitractorborsten - Un Unguis - Utr Unguitractor - Vx Vertex - w wulstartige Verdickung am Hinterende des Flügels des Pumpenkörpersklerites - wnkgr Winkelgruben - wnkz Winkelzähne - x Anhang am Hinterende der linken Genitalfalte - y caudales Ende der Genitalspalte - z l. Aufgabelung der Media - zi zipfelförmiger Anhang des Flügels des Pumpenkörpersklerites  相似文献   

Skeleton, muscles, and functioning of the egg-laying systems of 38 species out of 16 subfamilies are studied. A development sequence toward a soil chamber to coat the eggs (b, c) can be characterized by the sternite 8: a) its inward position (Geroninae), b) its erection (9 subfamilies), c) its shell-shaped cavity (Exoprosopinae). Systropodinae and Heterotropinae cannot be fitted into this system.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen VI–X 6.–10. Tergit - 6–8 6.–8. Sternit - A Analöffnung - Ac Acanthophorit 8. Sternits - Ac IX vom 9. Tergit abgetrenntes Acanthophorit - adr 1 schlauchförmige Geschlechtsanhangsdrüse - adr 2 wurstförmige Geschlechts-anhangsdrüse - Af After - AG Apikaler Gangabschnitt des R. sem. - Ak Analkegel - B IX Ausbuchtung am 9. Tergit - BG Basaler Gangabschnitt des R. sem. - Bo Borsten - Br präformierte Bruchstelle am Eideckel - Bu Bursatasche - Ch Chorion - Cö Coecum - D Darm - De Eideckel - Do Dornen - Do VIII Dornen am 8. Tergit - dR-S8 dorsaler Rand von Sternit 8 - Ed Enddarm - EmMG Einmündung der MalpighiGefäße - Er Eierrinne - Ggl 6, 7 Ganglion des 6. bzw. 7. Ab dominalsegments - Gö Geschlechtsöffnung - gOd gemeinsamer Eiergang - HaEr Haarflur entlang der Eierrinne - Ha-S8 Haare am 8. Sternit - Ha-Tv8 Haare an der Unterkante des 8. Tergits - hM häutiges Mittelfeld auf dem 8. Sternit - HPi Haarpinsel am 8. Tergit - Krs Kropfsack - Krst Kropfstiel - Ku Kufen am 8. Tergit - Lö häutige Löffelbildung - IZ lappenartige Zipfel des - M 1,2 Muskel Nr. 1, 2, etc. - MA Muskelapparat im Ductus receptaculi - Md Mitteldarm - Müadr 2 Mündung der Anhangsdrüsen-2 - MüRs Mündung der R. sem. - Od Ovidukt - Ov Ovar - PGP Postgenitalplatte - Pl Pleura - Po verdaute Pollenkörner im Enddarm - R VIII Rostrum am 8. Tergit - Rbl Rectalblase - rEi reifes Ei - Rp Rectalpapille - R. sem. Receptaculum seminis - S Sternit - Sbl Samenkapsel des R. sem. - SGP Subgenitalplatte - Sk Sandkammerbucht - Skl IX Sklerit im Dach der Sandkammerbucht - Spb Spatelborsten - Spdr Speicheldrüsen - Stg Stigma - T Tergit - Tv ventromedial verälangertes Tergit 8 - U IX, U X Zungenfortsatze des 9. bzw. 10. Tergits im Dach der Sandkammerbucht - U Ac Zungenfortsätze des Acan thophorits im Dach der Sandkammerbucht - Vag Vagina - Vag. Ap. Vaginalapodem - Vag-Es Vagina-Einsenkung in die Sternit 8-Schale - Vh Ventralhaut des Analkegels  相似文献   

Armin Pross 《Zoomorphology》1977,86(2):183-196
Zusammenfassung Die kritischen Untersuchungen von Weygoldt's Untersuchungen über die Kopf-Entwicklung bei Amblypygi erbringen die gleichen Resultate wie die beiPardosa hortensis (Pross, 1966). Es gibt keine neuen Gesichtspunkte, die zu einer besseren Kenntnis des Kopf-Problems führen würden.Auf der Basis zahlreicher Querschnitte wird das Coelom und seine Korrelationen zum Gehirn der Arachnida diskutiert.
Contribution to the discussion of head-segmentation of chelicerta
Summary The critical aspects of Weygoldt's researches about the head development of Amblypygi show the same results like those ofPardosa hortensis (Pross, 1966). There are no new viewpoints, which lead to better knowledge about the headproblems.On the basis of numerous cross-sections the coelomic mesoderme and its connections to the brain of Arachnida is discussed.

Abkürzungen Ch Chelicere - ChC Cheliceren-Coelom - ChG Cheliceren-Ganglion - Chmes Cheliceren-Mesoderm - CLA Cerebral-Lobus-Anlage - CpA Corpora-pedunculata-Anlage - DcC deutocephales Coelom - Dcmes deutocephales Mesoderm - Lab Labrum - Lbmes labrales Mesoderm - 1LV lateraler Teil des Lateral-Vesikels - LV Lateral-Vesikel - LVA Lateral-Vesikel-Anlage - hlfGr halbmondförmige Grube - Mes Mesoderm - mLV medianer Teil des Lateral-Vesikels - Oes Oesophagus - OLiA Überlippen-Anlage - PcC prosocephales Coelom - PcClb labraler Teil des prosocephalen Coeloms - Pcmes prosocephales Mesoderm - Pd Pedipalpen - PdC Pedipalpen-Coelom - PdG Pedipalpen-Ganglion - Pdmes Pedipalpen-Mesoderm - SMA Sehmassen-Anlage - Stom Stomodaeum - ZK Zentralkörper - ZKA Zentralkörper-Anlage  相似文献   

Certain temperatures and H-Ion concentrations are necessary for the development of male and female reproductive organs. The differentiation of the reproductive system from undifferentiated cells conforms precisely with data on other species of Stenostomum.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen b Bindegewebszelle - c Cilien - cy Cytoplasma - d Darm - de Ductus ejaculatorius - dl Darmlumen - do Dotter - dr Drüsenzellen - lr Lÿckenraum - m Mundöffnung - n Nucleolus - np Nephroporus - o Ovar - p männlicher Genitalporus - pa parenchymatischer Raum - pf periembryonale Flüssigkeit - dse dorsale Epidermis - e dorsolaterale Epidermis - ed extraembryonaler Dotter - ee Epidermiseinstülpung - eh Epidermis +Hautmuskelschlauch - em Embryo - ex Exkretvakuole - f Freßzelle - g Gehirn - ga Gehirnanlagen - gr Granula - h Hautmuskelschlauch - hz Hüzllzelle - kl Versehlußkegel/Klebkegel - in indifferente Zelle - k Kern - kdr Klebdrüsenzelle(n) - kk kollabierter Kanal - Körnerkolbenzelle - kp Kopulationsorgan - ku Kufen - kw Körperwand - l Lichtsinnesorgan - li Linsenkörper - lk lichtbrechende Konkremente im Darmgewebe - ph Pharynx - phr Pharynxregion - pr Zentralkanal des Protonephridialsystems - ps Präspermatide - pu Punktfeld - q Zellquartett - r Riechgruben - rh Rhombuszellenband - rhb Rhabditen - rm Radiärmuskelzelle - rhs Rhabditenschleim - rs resorbierende Darmzelle(n) - s Schale - sc Spermatocyten - se Sekretgang - t Tastborste - ta Auflösungsprodukte des Hodens - te Hoden - to Terminalorgane(e) - tz Teilungszone - v Vakuole - w vermutliches Rudiment des weiblichen Genitalporus  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the genera Hesionides and Microphthalmus have produced a lot of results to anatomy, ecology, life history, locomotion and systematics (3 new species) of polychaetes. The small shape of the body, adhesive anal lobes, neuropods working like legs, aberrant complicated sexual organs, shape of the sperms, formation of spermatophores, development in cocoons, seasonal migrations etc. are considered as adaptations to the extreme environmental factors of sandy biotopes.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen a Auge - ac Acicula - al Anallappen - äö äußere Öffnung - aws apikaler Wimperschopf - bm Bauchmark - bl Blastoporus - bs Borstensack - d Darm - dam Darmmuskulatur - do Dorsalcirrus - ddz Darmdrüsenzelle - de Ductus ejaculatorius - dez drüsige Epidermiszelle - dg dorsales Blutgefäß - dgl Ductus glandularis - dlm dorsale Längsmuskulatur - dm Ductus muscularis - dme dorsales Mesenterium - drm dorsale Ringmuskulatur - drs Drüsensekrete - dt dorsaler Tentakel - dvm Dorsoventralmuskulatur - dz Drüsenzellen - ef Epidermisfalte - ei Ei - eko Endstück des Kopulationsorgans (Penis) - eog eosinophiles Gewebe ep Epidermis - ev Epidermisvakuolen - gd Gonodukt - gdga großer Drüsengang - gre Gregarine - gso Genitalsinnesorgan - gsp gespeicherte Spermien - h Haken - heb heterogomphe Borste - hm Hautmuskelschlauch - hph hinterer Pharynxabschnitt - la Lakune - lm Längsmuskulatur - lvm latero-ventrale Langsmuskulatur - lw Längsam schlagende Wimper - lz lamellenförmige Zunge - m Muskel - mb Muskelband - mbl Muskelblase - mes Mesoderm - mfz mittlere Faltungszone - mm Muskelmantel - mnop Muskulatur des Notopodiums - ms Mittelstück - mt medianer Tentakel - mu Mundoffnung - mvm medio-ventrale L:angsmuskulatur - k Kopf - kdga kleiner Drüsengang - ke Kern - ko Kopulationsorgan - ku Kutikula - n Nephridium - nei nicht zur Ablage gelangendes Ei - nep Neuropodium - ng Netzgewebe im Coelom - nop Notopodium - npg Neuropilemmasse des Gehirns - oe Oesophagus - öm männliche Geschlechtsöffnung - örcg Öffnung des receptaculären Gewebes (Vaginalporus) - öw weibliche Geschlechtsöffnung - p Penis - pam Parapodienmuskulatur - ph Pharynx - pha Pharynxauskleidung - phk Pharynxkappe - php Pharynxpapille - plm Plasmamantel - pH Penisnerv - pp Penispapille - prm Penisretraktormuskel - pro Protraktor - ps Parapodiensegment - py Pygidium - ra rudimentäres Auge - ram Radiärmuskulatur - ramz radiäre Muskelzelle - rcg receptaculäres Gewebe - rcs Receptaculum seminis - ret Retraktor - rim Ringmuskulatur - rpf roter Pigmentfleck - s Schwanz - sb Sägeborsten - sh Sinneshärchen - sho Schlundhöhle - sk Schlundkommissur - sn Saugnapf - sp Spermien - spgs Spermiogenesestadien - sph Sphinkter - stp Spermatophore - ssw schnell schlagende Wimper - sw Schlundwandung - ur Uriten - vc Ventralcirrus - ver Verdauungstrakt - vs Vesicula seminalis - wb Wimperbuschel - we Wimperepithel - wk Wimperkranz - wt Wimpertrichter - zy Zytophore  相似文献   

August Dorn 《Zoomorphology》1972,71(1):52-104
The differentiation of the endocrine glands in the embryo of Oncopeltus fasciatus is described. The function of these glands can be correlated with the embryonic moults. The nuclei of some tissues already become polyploid in the embryo. It is discussed whether the endomitotic growth is dependent upon the function of the endocrine glands.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen A Ca Anlage des Corpus allatum - A Cc Anlage des Corpus cardiacum - A Maxd Anlage der Maxillendrüse - A Meth Anhang des Mesothorax - A Mth Anhang des Metathorax - A Pl Anlage des-Pleuropodiums - A Prd Anlage der Prothoraxdriise - A Pth Anhang des Prothorax - A Spd Anlage der Speicheldrüse - Am Amnion - Ant Antenne - Ao Aorta - Blz Blutzelle - Ca Corpus allatum - Cc Corpus cardiacum - Cul Cuticulinschicht - Cut Cuticula - Des Desmosom - dl denselayer - Do Dotter - Ent Entoderm - Ep Epidermis - Epk Epidermiskern - Fk Fettkörper - fl Do verflüssigter Dotter - Hyp Hypocerebralganglion - Hz Herzschlauch - Kl Kopflappen - La Labrum - Lab Labium - M Mitteldarm mit verschiedenen Abschnitten (I, II, III und IV) - Mal Malpighisches GefäB - Max Maxille - Md Mandibel - Mes Mesoderm - Mik Mikrovilli - Ms Muskel - Mst Mittelstrang - Nbl Neuroblast - NZ Neurosekretorische Zellen - Oen Oenocyt - Oes Oesophagus - Ogl Oberschlundganglion - p Cut Procuticula - Pcz Pericardialzelle - Pi Pleuropodium - Prd Prothoraxdrüse - Pyl Pylorus - Re Rectum - Rk Riesenkern - S Schlüpfakt - Sal Salivarium - Ser Serosa - Sg Segmentgrenze - Spd Speicholdrüse (I = vorderer Lappen, II = scitlicher Lappen, III = hinterer Lappen, IV = akzessorische Drüse und V = Hylus) - Spdg Speicheldrüsengang - St Stechborste - Std Stinkdrüse - Sti Stigma - Stom Stomodaeum - Stt Stechborstentasche - tb E tubuläre Einstülpung des Prothorax - Ugl Unterschlundganglion - V Vakuole Mit Unterstutzung der Deutschen Forschüngsgemcinschaft.  相似文献   

The seed of Virola sebifera contains besides the polyketide 1 - (2′,6′ - dihydroxyphenyl) - 11 - henylundecan - 1 - one, four neolignans: (2S, 3S, 4R) - 4 - hydroxy - 2,3 - dimethyl - 5,6 - methylenedioxy - 4 - piperonyl - 1 - tetralone and its 2-epimer, as well as (2R, 3R, 4S) - 4 - hydroxy - 6,7 - dimethoxy - 2,3 - dimethyl 4 - piperonyl - 1 - tetralone and its (2R, 3S, 4R) - dehydroxy analogue.  相似文献   

First internode growth of green Vigna sinensis L. can be widely modified by light or dark treatments. In all the treatments used there is a good correlation between the internode growth and the rate of C18-1 accumulation. None of the other fatty acids show such a correlation.Abbreviations C16-0 palmitoic acid - C17 heptadecanoic acid - C18-0 stearic acid - C18-1 octadecenoic acid - C18-2 linoleic acid - C18-3 linolenic acid - D darkness - DW dry weight - FR far-red light - FW fresh weight - PFR phytochrome in the FR absorbing form - R red light - W white light  相似文献   

The structures of the peracetylated derivatives of the following alditols obtained from oligosaccharides of human milk have been established by two-dimensional, J-resolved and J-correlated, 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy at 360 MHz: β- d-Galp-(1→3)-β- d-GlcpNAc-(1→3)-β- d-Galp-(1→4)- d-Glc-ol, α- l-Fucp-(1→2)-β- d-Galp-(1→3)-β- d-GlcpNAc-(1→3)-β- d-Galp-(1→4)- d-Glc-ol, and β- d-Galp-(1→3)-β- d-GlcpNAc-(1→3)-[β- d-Galp-(1→4)-β- d-GlcpNAc-(1→6)]-β- d-Galp-(1→4)- d-Glc-ol.  相似文献   

A novel acylated cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucoside was isolated from the purple-violet flowers of Matthiola longipetala subsp. bicornis (Sm) P. W. Ball. (family: Brassicaceae), and determined to be cyanidin 3-O-[2-O-(2-O-(trans-feruloyl)-β-xylopyranosyl)-6-O-(trans-feruloyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-[6-O-(malonyl)-β-glucopyranoside] by chemical and spectroscopic methods. In addition, two known acylated cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides, cyanidin 3-O-[2-O-(2-O-(trans-sinapoyl)-β-xylopyranosyl)-6-O-(trans-feruloyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-[6-O-(malonyl)-β-glucopyranoside] and cyanidin 3-O-[2-O-(β-xylopyranosyl)-6-O-(trans-feruloyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-[6-O-(malonyl)-β-glucopyranoside] were identified in the flowers.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study, we have demonstrated, by means of the biotin-avidin method, the widespread distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive structures throughout the whole brain of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The prosencephalic region contained the highest concentration of both NPY-containing fibres and perikarya. Immunoreactive fibres were observed throughout, particularly within the paraolfactory lobe, the lateral septum, the nucleus taeniae, the preoptic area, the periventricular hypothalamic regions, the tuberal complex, and the ventrolateral thalamus. NPY-immunoreactive cells were represented by: a) small scattered perikarya in the telencephalic portion (i.e. archistriatal, neostriatal and hyperstriatal regions, hippocampus, piriform cortex); b) medium-sized cell bodies located around the nucleus rotundus, ventrolateral, and lateral anterior thalamic nuclei; c) small clustered cells within the periventricular and medial preoptic nuclei. The brainstem showed a less diffuse innervation, although a dense network of immunopositive fibres was observed within the optic tectum, the periaqueductal region, and the Edinger-Westphal, linearis caudalis and raphes nuclei. Two populations of large NPY-containing perikarya were detected: one located in the isthmic region, the other at the boundaries of the pons with the medulla. The wide distribution of NPY-immunoreactive structures within regions that have been demonstrated to play a role in the control of vegetative, endocrine and sensory activities suggests that, in birds, this neuropeptide is involved in the regulation of several aspects of cerebral functions.Abbreviations AA archistriatum anterius - AC nucleus accumbens - AM nucleus anterior medialis - APP avian pancreatic polypeptide - CNS centrai nervous system - CO chiasma opticum - CP commissura posterior - CPi cortex piriformis - DIC differential interferential contrast - DLAl nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars lateralis - DLAm nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars medialis - E ectostriatum - EW nucleus of Edinger-Westphal - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - GCt substantia grisea centralis - GLv nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis - HA hyperstriatum accessorium - Hp hippocampus - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - HV hyperstriatum ventrale - IF nucleus infundibularis - IO nucleus isthmo-opticus - IP nucleus interpeduncularis - IR immunoreactive - LA nucleus lateralis anterior thalami - LC nucleus linearis caudalis - LFS lamina frontalis superior - LH lamina hyperstriatica - LHRH luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone - LoC locus coeruleus - LPO lobus paraolfactorius - ME eminentia mediana - N neostriatum - NC neostriatum caudale - NPY neuropeptide Y - NIII nervus oculomotorius - NV nervus trigeminus - NVI nervus facialis - NVIIIc nervus octavus, pars cochlearis - nIV nucleus nervi oculomotorii - nIX nucleus nervi glossopharyngei - nBOR nucleus opticus basalis (ectomamilaris) - nCPa nucleus commissurae pallii - nST nucleus striae terminalis - OM tractus occipitomesencephalicus - OS nucleus olivaris superior - PA palaeostriatum augmentatum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - POA nucleus praeopticus anterior - POM nucleus praeopticus medialis - POP nucleus praeopticus periventricularis - PP pancreatic polypeptide - PYY polypeptide YY - PVN nucleus paraventricularis magnocellularis - PVO organum paraventriculare - R nucleus raphes - ROT nucleus rotundus - RP nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis - Rpc nucleus reticularis parvocellularis - RPgc nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, pars gigantocellularis - RPO nucleus reticularis pontis oralis - SCd nucleus subcoeruleus dorsalis - SCv nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis - SCNm nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars medialis - SCNl nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars lateralis - SL nucleus septalis lateralis - SM nucleus septalis medialis - Ta nucleus tangentialis - TeO tectum opticum - Tn nucleus taeniae - TPc nucleus tegmenti pedunculo-pontinus, pars compacta - TSM tractus septo-mesencephalicus - TV nueleus tegmenti ventralis - VeL nucleus vestibularis lateralis - VLT nucleus ventrolateralis thalami - VMN nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami A preliminary report of this study was presented at the 15th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Leuven, Belgium, September 1990  相似文献   

Four anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-O-(2″-(5?-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-apiofuranosyl)-β-xylopyranoside)-5-O-β-glucopyranoside, cyanidin 3-O-(2″-(5?-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-apiofuranosyl)-β-xylopyranoside), cyanidin 3-O-(2″-(5?-(E-caffeoyl)-β-apiofuranosyl)-β-xylopyranoside) and cyanidin 3-O-(2″-(5?-(E-feroyl)-β-apiofuranosyl)-β-xylopyranoside) were isolated from leaves of African milk bush, (Synadeniumgrantii Hook, Euphorbiaceae) together with the known cyanidin 3-O-β-xylopyranoside-5-O-β-glucopyranoside and cyanidin 3-O-β-xyloside. The four former pigments are the first reported anthocyanins containing the monosaccharide apiose, and the three 5?-cinnamoyl derivative-2″-(β-apiosyl)-β-xyloside subunits have previously not been reported for any compound.  相似文献   

B. G. Chitwood 《Zoomorphology》1931,23(1-2):237-284
Summary A histological and anatomical study has been made of the digestive tract, excretory system, and somatic musculature of examples of the following families: Oncholaimidae, Rhabdiasidae, Strongylidae, Heterakidae, Oxyuridae, and Dorylaimidae. The excretory systems of these groups presents one of the most varied pictures of nemic anatomy. While as yet it is too early to draw conclusions, this system will probably furnish one of the best clews to the relationships of the various groups. The evolution of the musculature from the platymyarian to the coelomyarian form has probably occurred several times in the course of nemic development. It is interesting chiefly from the fact that those nematodes with the more simple platymyarian type of musculature could not have arisen from a more specialized type, thus acting as a check on relationship arrived at by other means. Despite the large number of articles dealing with the anatomy of nematodes, we have but skimmed the surface, and we must obtain information regarding the internal structure of every family of nematodes before conclusions will bear much weight.Abbreviations ac accessory organ - amp ampulla - amph amphid - amph gl amphidial gland - an anus - bas m basal membrane - blb? pseudobulb - blb bulb - bm basal membrane - b cl cell body - cl? cell whose function is unknown - cl b cell body - ch dsl dorsal chord - cl int intestinal chord - cl lat lateral chord - cl ren renette cell - cl nrv nerve cell - ch vnt ventral chord - carp body of gland - crd cardia - dct duct - dct ej ejaculatory duct - det ex excretory duct - det en connective duct - dct gl cdl duct of caudal gland - ct subv duct of subventral gland - dct gl dsl duct of dorsal galnd oviduet - dct gl subn duct of subventral gland - dct ov oviduct - dsl gl rct dorsal rectal gland - dsl on dorsal tooth - ej ovejector - el elevation - emb embryo in uterus - ex cr external leaf crown - ex lat longitudinal excretory gland - fbr amph amphidial nerve fibril - gl dsl oe dorsal gland - gl dsl ncl nucleus of dorsal gland - gl dsl dorsal gland - gl ex excretory gland - gl marg marginal gland - gl oe esophageal gland - gl ej ejaculatory gland - gl subv oe subventral esophageal gland - gl subd subdorsal gland - gl subv subventral gland - gl subv rct subventral rectal gland - gnd gonad - gng cl ganglion cell - gr granule - gl rct rectal gland - int intestine - int cr internal leaf crown - lat longitudinal duct - lb lip - lob gl lobe of gland - lob gl ds lobe of dorsal gland - lob gl subv lobe of subventral gland - l subv on right subventral tooth - marg fbr marginal fibers - msc fibular part of muscle - msc oe esophageal muscle - msc pl sarcoplasm - msc sph sphincter muscle - ncl nucleus - ncl brg cl nucleus bridge cell - ncl brg oe nucleus esophagus muscle - ncl gl dsl nucleus of dorsal gland - ncl gl subv. nucleus of subventral gland - ncl marg marginal nucleus - ncl p peripheral nucleus - ncl msc cl nucleus of muscle fibers - ncl oe esophageal nucleus - ncl b cl nucleus in cell body - ncl cl ren nucleus of renette cell - ncl gl dsl nucleus of dorsal gland - ncl o msc nucleus of ordinary muscle fibers - nvr r nerve ring - oe esophagus - or orifice - org? organ of unknown function - or amph opening of amphid - or dsl gl orifice of dorsal gland - or subv gl opening of subventral gland - oe msc n esophageal muscle nucleus - ov oviduct - p. ex excretory pore - ph pharynx - ppl papilla - pre ppl preanal papilla - pre rct pre rectum - ren renette - ret d retractor dorsalis - ret reticulum - rct rectum - r subv on right Subventral tooth - s, rv reservoir - rv? possible reservoir - set seta - sp spicule - st Stabehensaum - subd msc subdorsal muscle - trm termination of duct - trm ov blind end of ovary - t p tunica propria - ut uterus - valv valve - valv int intestinal valve - valve ret valve reticulum - vlv vulva  相似文献   

G. Purschke 《Zoomorphology》1985,105(4):223-239
Summary A comparative anatomical and ultrastructural study of ventral pharyngeal organs (pharyngeal bulbs) was carried out in two species of the Dinophilidae: Dinophilus gyrociliatus and Trilobodrilus axi. Special attention was paid to the fine structure of the stomodeal epithelium, cuticle, glands, muscles, and myoepithelial junctions. The differences between the species are very slight. The pharyngeal organ of the Dinophilidae is characterized by the following features: solid muscle bulbus made up of muscle cells only, bulbus muscle cells with two myofilament systems crossing at an angle of about 90°, gap junctions between these muscle cells, bulbus projects into a pharyngeal sac and bears rostrally a specific epithelium and cuticle, no bulbus glands, no investing (= sagittal) muscles, specific cuticle ultrastructure, cilia of ascending oesophagus with asymmetric tips, specific structure and position of salivary gland openings. The phylogenetic importance of these structures is discussed. Some of these characters are clearly autapomorphic features of the Dinophilidae and no common derived structures to other families with a ventral pharyngeal organ are present. Therefore, it is most likely that the dinophilid pharyngeal organ evolved independently. These findings do not agree with the hypothesis of the unity of the archiannelid families (Polygordiidae, Protodrilidae, Saccocirridae, Nerillidae, Dinophilidae, and Diurodrilidae) established on the basis of an assumed structural similarity of their ventral pharyngeal organs.Abbreviations bb basal body - bep bulbus epithelium - bl basal lamina - bm bulbus muscle - c cilium - cc coelenchyme cell - cm circular muscle - cr caudal rootlet - cu cuticle - dblm dorsal bulbus longitudinal muscle - dlm dorsal longitudinal muscle - dsn dorsal stomatogastric nerve - dy dyad - el electron-dense layer - fl fibrous layer - fi filaments - g Golgi apparatus - gl gland cell - hv homogeneous vesicle - l lipid droplet - la external lamina - lal lamellar layer - ll lower lip - lm longitudinal muscle - ly lysosome - m mitochondrion - mo mouth opening - mt microtubule - mv microvillus - mvp microvillar process - n nucleus - nu nucleolus - oes oesophagus - pcom preoral commissure - phf pharyngeal fold - phl pharyngeal lumen - phs pharyngeal sac - pms peripheral myofilament system - r rootletlike structure - rer rough endoplasmic reticulum - rr rostral rootlet - s sarcoplasmic reticulum - sc salivary canal - scom suboesophageal commissure - sd septate desmosome - ser smooth endoplasmic reticulum - sg secretory granule - sgl salivary gland - sn stomatogastric nerve - st stomach - step stomodeal epithelium - tep transitional epithelium - tf tonofilaments - va vacuole - vlm ventral longitudinal muscle - vsn ventral stomatogastric nerve - z z-element - za zonula adherens  相似文献   

The family Otoplanidae is represented by 8 species in the San Juan Archipel of the North American Pacific Coast. 6 new species and 1 new subspecies are described; 3 new genera are nominated. The female genital systems of Americanaplana nov. gen. and Pluribursaeplana nov. gen. deliver new elements for the morphology of the Turbellaria.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen ag Atrium genitale bs Bursa - bsb Bursablase bss Bursasack - c Gehirn - co Kopulationsorgan - dqi Ductus genito-intestinalis - do dorsale Nadelgruppe - dsp Ductus spermaticus - eg extrakapsuläre Ganglien - fs feinkörniges Sekret - fsp Fremdsperma - ge Germar - Geschlechtsöffnung - gvc unpaarer Endabschnitt der Germo vitellodukte - gvd Germovitellodukt - hd Hautdrüse - hf Haftfeld - hn Hakennadeln - hp Haftpapille - hs homogenes Sekret - i Darm - is Kopfdarm - iv Darmvakuolen - kd Kittdrüsen - kr Kriechsohle - ks Kornsekret - ksd Kornsekretdrüsen - l Längsmuskeln - mb Muskelband - mfo Mündungsgrube des Frontalorgans - mgk männlicher Geschlechtskanal - mh Matrixgewebe für Hakennadeln - nv Ventralnerv - pap Parenchympolster - ph Pharynx - pht Pharynxtasche - qlm quergestreifte Längsmuskeln - rag rostrale Atrialausstülpung - rh Rhabditen - rm Ringmuskeln - sch schulpförmiger Zentralteil der Stilettapparatur - sd Schalendrüsen - sk Sehkolben - sm Sarkoplasma - sp Spermium - st Stilettapparatur - sta Statocyste - to Hoden - tr Trichterrohr - va Vagina - vd Vas deferens - vg Vesicula granulorum - vhp ventrale Haftpapillenreihe - vi Vitellar - vn ventrale Nadelgruppe - vp Vaginalporus - vs Vesicula seminalis - vva Vereinigung der paarigen Vaginen  相似文献   

The distribution of noradrenaline and adrenaline in the brain of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltlii has been studied with antibodies raised against noradrenaline and the enzymes dopamine--hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase. Noradrenaline-containing cell bodies were found in the anterior preoptic area, the hypothalamic nucleus of the periventricular organ, the locus coeruleus and in the solitary tract/area postrema complex at the level of the obex. Noradrenergic fibers are widely distributed throughout the brain innervating particularly the ventrolateral forebrain, the medial amygdala, the lateral part of the posterior tubercle, the parabrachial region and the ventrolateral rhombencephalic tegmentum. Putative adrenergic cell bodies were found immediately rostral to the obex, ventral to the solitary tract. Whereas the cell bodies and their dendrites were Golgi-like stained, axons were more difficult to trace. Nevertheless, some weakly immunoreactive fibers could be traced to the basal forebrain. A comparison of these results with data previously obtained in anurans reveals not only several general features, but also some remarkable species differences.Abbreviations Acc Nucleus accumbens - AP area postrema - Apl amygdala, pars lateralis - Apm amygdala, pars medialis - ca commissura anterior - Cb cerebellum - cc central canal - Dp dorsal pallium - epl external plexiform layer - gl glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb - H ganglion habenulae - igl internal granular layer - Ip nucleus interpeduncularis - Lc locus coeruleus - Ll lateral line lobe - Lp lateral pallium - Ls lateral septum - ml mitral cell layer - Mp medial pallium - Ms medial septum - nPT nucleus pretectalis - NPv nucleus of the periventricular organ - nV nervus trigeminus - oc optic chiasm - Poa preoptic area - Ri nucleus reticularis inferior - SC nucleus suprachiasmaticus - sol solitary tract - Str striatum - thd thalamus dorsalis - thv thalamus ventralis - To tectum opticum - TP tuberculum posterius - V ventricle - VH ventral hypothalamic nucleus - III nucleus nervi oculomotorii - IXm nucleus motorius nervi glossopharyngei - Xm nucleus motorius nervi vagi  相似文献   

The teeth of sea-urchins are not to be compared with the other skeletal-structures of echinoderms. The tooth is constructed of two rows of calcitelements, which are connected by secondary calcareous deposits forming the functional tooth. The surface of the tooth is covered by a crust of calcit. This fundamental construction is described from Stylocidaris affinis, which belongs to the archaic Cidaridae.
Verzeichnis der benutzten Signaturen aO apikaler Odontoblastenherd - BG Basalgeflecht - F Flügel - H Haftrinde - HF Hauptfalte - HP Haftpunkt - K Kante - KA Kauabschnitt - KK Kaukante - L Lamellen - LB Lithoblasten - lP laterale Prismen - M Medianebene - MR Medianrinne - N Nadeln - NF Nebenfalte - P Prismen - PB prismenbildende Zellen - Pl Plumula - PP Primärplatte - PZ Plattenzähne - QF Querfalte - R Rinde - Ri Kalkrippen - Sch Schaft - sO subapikale Odontoblasten - SP Sekundärplatte - ST Steinteil - U Umbo - ZB Zellblätter - zP zentrale Prismen Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (Beihilfe an den erstgenannten Autor).  相似文献   

A new monoclonal antibody (TU-1) directed against the Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glc residue of the Gb3Cer/CD77 antigen was prepared by the hybridoma technique following immunization of mice with an emulsion composed of monophosphoryl lipid A, trehalose dimycolate, and Gb3Cer isolated from porcine erythrocytes. TU-1 showed reactivity towards Gb3Cer and lyso-Gb3Cer (Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Sph), although the reactivity towards lyso-Gb3Cer was about 10-fold lower than that to Gb3Cer. But it did not react with other structurally-related glycolipids, such as LacCer (Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer), Gg3Cer, Gg4Cer, Gb4Cer (GalNAcβ1-3Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer), galactosylparagloboside (Galα1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer), sulfatide (HSO3-3Galβ1-1′Cer), other gangliosides (GM3, GM2, GM1a, GD1a and GT1b), or P1 antigen (Galα1-4Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer) among neutral glycolipids prepared from P1 phenotype red blood cells. Furthermore, TU-1 reacted with viable lymphoma cells, such as human Burkitt lymphoma cell line, Daudi, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B cells by the immunofluorescence method, and also with germinal centre B cells in human tonsil and vessel endothelial cells in human thymus histochemically. These results indicate that TU-1 is a monoclonal antibody directed against Gb3Cer/CD77 antigen and can be utilized as a diagnostic reagent for Burkitt's lymphoma and also for detection of the blood group Pk antigen in glycolipid extracts of erythrocytes. Abbreviations: ATL, adult T-cell leukaemia; BSA, bovine serum albumin; Cer, ceramide; DPPC, L-α-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; FCS, fetal calf serum; GalCer, Galβ1-1′Cer; GlcCer, Glcβ1-1′Cer; LacCer, Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; Gb3Cer, Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; Iyso-Gb3Cer, Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glc1-1′Sph; Gb4Cer, GalNAcβ1-3Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glc1-1′Cer; galactosylparagloboside, Galα1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; Gg3Cer, GalNAcβ1-4Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; Gg4Cer, Galβ1-3GalNAcβ1-4Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; GM3, Neu5Acα2-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; GM2, GalNAcβ1-4(Neu5Acα2-3) Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; GM1a, Galβ1-3GalNAcβ1-4(Neu5Acα2-3)Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; GD1a, Neu5Acα2-3Galβ1-3GalNAcβ1-4(Neu5Acα2-3)Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; GD1b, Galβ1-3GalNAcβ1-4(Neu5Acα2-8Neu5Acα2-3)Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; GT1b, Neu5Acα2-3Galβ1-3GalNAcβ1-4(Neu5Acα2-8Neu5Acα2-3) Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MAb, monoclonal antibody; MPL, monophosphoryl lipid A; P1 antigen, Galα1-4Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-1′Cer; PVP, polyvinylpyrolidone; Sph, sphingosine; sulfatide, HSO3-Galβ1-1′Cer; TDM, trehalose dimycolate; TLC, thin-layer chromatography This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Five anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-caffeoyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, cyanidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-E-sinapoyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, cyanidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-feroyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, pelargonidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-E-sinapoyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, and pelargonidin 3-(2′′-(6′′′-E-p-coumaroyl-β-glucopyranosyl)-6′′-(E-p-coumaroyl)-β-glucopyranoside)-5-β-glucopyranoside, together with five known anthocyanins have been identified in flowers of Cleome hassleriana Queen line. One monoacylated and four diacylated cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucosides were identified as the main anthocyanins in flowers with mauve colouration, while a homologous glycosidic pattern based on pelargonidin was found in the five main anthocyanins from flowers with pink colouration. The anthocyanins identified in C. hassleriana share the same glycosidic pattern as anthocyanins isolated from the genera Raphanus, Brassica and Iberis in the sister family Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

The concentration of flavonol glycosides in leaves of Armoracia rusticana harvested at various times during the growing season has been determined. Quantitatively dominating were 3 - O - [2 - O - (β - D - xylopyranosyl) - β - D - galactopyranosyl] - quercetin and 3 - O - [2 - O - (β - D - xylopyranosyl) - β - D -galactopyranosyl] - kaempferol. The latter was present in highest concentration in leaves throughout the growing season, the highest concentration being found in spring. This compound had the highest feeding stimulatory effect towards the flea beetle Phyllotreta armoraciae. The glycosides are new natural products which have been identified by use of enzymatic and spectroscopic methods, including 13C NMR.  相似文献   

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