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Several loci on theParacoccus denitrificans chromosome are involved in the synthesis of cytochromec oxidase. So far three genetic loci have been isolated. One of them contains the structural genes of subunits II and III, as well as two regulatory genes which probably code for oxidase-specific assembly factors. In addition, two distinct genes for subunit I have been cloned, one of which is located adjacent to the cytochromec 550 gene. An alignment of six promoter regions reveals only short common sequences.  相似文献   

The presence of additional subunits in cytochrome oxidase distinguish the multicellular eukaryotic enzyme from that of a simple unicellular bacterial enzyme. The number of these additional subunits increases with increasing evolutionary stage of the organism. Subunits I–III of the eukaryotic enzyme are related to the three bacterial subunits, and they are encoded on mito-chondrial DNA. The additional subunits are nuclear encoded. Experimental evidences are presented here to indicate that the lower enzymatic activity of the mammalian enzyme is due to the presence of nuclear-coded subunits. Dissociation of some of the nuclear-coded subunits (e.g., VIa) by laurylmaltoside and anions increased the activity of the rat liver enzyme to a value similar to that of the bacterial enzyme. Further, it is shown that the intraliposomal nucleotides influence the kinetics of ferrocytochromec oxidation by the reconstituted enzyme from bovine heart but not fromP. denitrificans. The regulatory function attributed to the nuclear-coded subunits of mammalian cytochromec oxidase is also demonstrated by the tissue-specific response of the reconstituted enzyme from bovine heart but not from bovine liver to intraliposomal ADP. These enzymes from bovine heart and liver differ in the amino acid sequences of subunits VIa, VIIa, and VIII. The results presented here are taken to indicate a regulation of cytochromec oxidase activity by nuclear-coded subunits which act like receptors for allosteric effectors and influence the catalytic activity of the core enzyme via conformational changes.  相似文献   

The four extant members of the family Tapiridae have a disjunct, relictual distribution, with three species being Neotropical (Tapirus bairdii, T. terrestris, andT. pinchaque) and one found in Southeast Asia (T. indicus). Little recent work on tapir systematics have appeared, and no molecular studies of this group have been published. A phylogenetic analysis was undertaken using sequences of the mitochondrial cytochromec oxidase subunit II gene (COII) from representatives of the four species of tapirs, as well as a representative outgroup,Equus caballus. Analyses of the COII sequences indicate a close relationship between the two South American species of tapirs,T. terrestris andT. pinchaque, and estimates of divergence dates using rates of COII evolution are compatible with migration of a single tapir lineage into South America following the emergence of the isthmus of Panama, about 3 million years bp. Various methods of analysis, including maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining, provided poorer resolution of other tapir relationship. The COII data suggest that three distinct tapir mitochondrial lineages, a South American (represented byT. terrestris andT. pinchaque), a Central American (represented byT. bairdii), and an Asian (represented byT. indicus) diverged relatively rapidly, 20–30 million years bp. Another goal of this study was to calibrate the rate of COII evolution in a eutherian mammal group which has a good fossil record, such as perissodactyls, to estimate accurately the rate of COII evolution in a nonprimate mammalian group. The rate of COII evolution in equids and tapirs has been relatively constant and, using corrected distances, calibrated to be approximately 0.22% lineage/million years. This rate is three-to fourfold lower than that of hominoid primates.  相似文献   

On the role of subunit III in proton translocation in cytochromec oxidase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mammalian mitochondrial cytochromec oxidase catalyzes the transfer of electrons from ferrocytochromec to molecular oxygen in the respiratory chain, while conserving the energy released during its electron transfer reactions by the vectorial movement of protons across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The protein domain that translocates the protons across the membrane is currently unknown. Recent research efforts have investigated the role of one of the transmembrane subunits of the enzyme (III,M r 29,884) in the vectorial proton translocation reaction. The data that favor subunit III as integral in vectorial proton translocation as well as the data that support a more peripheral role for subunit III in proton translocation are reviewed. Possible experimental approaches to clarify this issue are presented and a general model discussed.  相似文献   

Absorbance changes at 446 nm in purified cytochrome oxidase following flash photolysis of carboxy-oxidase poised in the mixed valence state at +220 mV show biphasic kinetics. One phase corresponds to CO recombination to ferrous cytochromea 3 with an energy of activation of 9 kcal/mol; the second phase is 3–5 times faster with an energy of activation of 9.15 kcal/mol. Following flash photolysis at approximately –60°C, cytochromesa andc and the 840-nm CuA species are observed to undergo reduction as electrons from ferrous unliganded cytochromea 3 equilibrate with the equipotential redox centers of the oxidase; as CO recombines with ferrous cyochromea 3, these centers are oxidized and the mixed valence carboxy-oxidase is regenerated. Electron redistribution between centers of the oxidase in the forward and reverse directions occurs faster than does the binding of CO.  相似文献   

We studied the photosynthetic electron transfer system of membrane-bound and soluble cytochromec inChlorobium tepidum, a thermophilic green sulfur bacterium, using whole cells and membrane preparations. Sulfide and thiosulfate, physiological electron donors, enhanced flash-induced photo-oxidation ofc-type cytochromes in whole cells. In membranes,c-553 cytochromes with two (or three) heme groups served as immediate electron donors for photo-oxidized bacteriochlorophyll (P840) in the reaction center, and appeared to be closely associated with the reaction center complex. The membrane-bound cytochromec-553 had anE m-value of 180 mV. When isolated soluble cytochromec-553, which has an apparent molecular weight of 10 kDa and seems to correspond to the cytochromec-555 inChlorobium limicola andChlorobium vibrioforme, was added to a membrane suspension, rapid photo-oxidation of both soluble and membrane-bound cytochromesc-553 was observed. The oxidation of soluble cytochromec-553 was inhibited by high salt concentrations. In whole cells, photo-oxidation was observed in the absence of exogenous electron donors and re-reduction was inhibited by stigmatellin, an inhibitor of the cytochromebc complex. These results suggest that the role of membrane-bound and soluble cytochromec inC. tepidum is similar to the role of cytochromec in the photosynthetic electron transfer system of purple bacteria.  相似文献   

Yeast and mammalian cytochromec oxidase activity is inhibited by thiophosphate. This inhibition was observed when using either whole mitochondria or the isolated or reconstituted enzyme. The kinetics of the reduction reaction enabled us to demonstrate that thiophosphate acted on th electrons transfer between hemesa anda 3. With whole mitochondria, phosphate alone stimulated respiration. The inhibition induced by thiophosphate was suppressed by phosphate only in mitochondria, but not when the isolated enzyme was used. The possibility of a kinetic regulation is discussed.Abbreviations CCCP p-carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethylp-phenylenediamine - SPi thiophosphate  相似文献   

Data are presented on three components of the quinol oxidation branch of theParacoccus respiratory chain: cytochromec reductase, cytochromec 552, and thea-type terminal oxidase. Deletion mutants in thebc 1 and theaa 3 complex give insight into electron pathways, assembly processes, and stability of both redox complexes, and, moreover, are an important prerequisite for future site-directed mutagenesis experiments. In addition, evidence for a role of cytochromec 552 in electron transport between complex III and IV is presented.  相似文献   

A modified procedure is described that was used to solubilize and purify the TMPD-dependent cytochromec 4:o oxidase fromAzotobacter vinelandii. Two functional components (Fractions I and V) were obtained after DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Fraction V contained both cytochromec 4 (3.6 nmol/mg protein) and cytochromeo (1.6 nmol/mg protein). This cytochrome oxidase complex oxidized TMPD at moderate rates. Fraction I, a clear greenish-yellow fraction, contained primarily phosphatidylethanolamine with some phosphatidylglycerol. Fraction I itself could not oxidize TMPD, but when it was preincubated with Fraction V, a 2–4-fold stimulation in TMPD oxidase activity occurred. Other authentic micellar phospholipids also readily activited TMPD oxidase activity in Fraction V. Themaximum activation effect obtained with Fraction I was in essence duplicated with purified phosphatidylethanolamine.Dedicated to the memory of David E. Green, a fine gentleman, an excellent scientist, and a true scholar. He will be missed by many of his former colleagues.  相似文献   

In the yeastCandida parapsilosis, the proteins encoded by mitochondrial DNA are different in number and size from those ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Nevertheless, the purified cytochromec oxidase fromCandida parapsilosis shows kinetic properties similar to those ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The kinetics of ferrocytochromec oxidation by reconstituted cytochromec oxidase (COX) from bovine heart was followed by a spectrophotometric method, using on-line data collection and subsequent calculation of reaction rates from a function fitted to the progress curve. When reaction rates were calculated at increasing reaction times, the multiphasic kinetics of ferrocytochromec oxidation gradually changed into monophasic Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The same phenomenon was observed when ferrocytochromec oxidation was followed in the presence of increasing amounts of ferricytochromec. From these results we conclude that ferricytochromec shifts the multiphasic kinetics of ferrocytochromec oxidation by COX into monophasic kinetics, comparable to high ionic strength conditions. Furthermore, we show that ferricytochromec inhibits the high affinity phase of ferrocytochromec oxidation in an apparently competitive way, while inhibition of the low affinity phase is noncompetitive. These findings are consistent with a regulatory site model where both the catalytic and the regulatory site bind ferro- as well as ferricytochromec.  相似文献   

The reaction of cytochromeb 5 with cytochromec has become a very prominent system for investigating fundamental questions regarding interprotein electron transfer. One of the first computer modeling studies of electron transfer and protein/protein interaction was reported using this system. Subsequently, numerous studies focused on the experimental determination of the features which control protein/protein interactions. Kinetic measurements of the intracomplex electron transfer reaction have only appeared in the last 10 years. The current review will provide a summary of the kinetic measurements and a critical assessment of the interpretation of these experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of ATP and other anions on the kinetics of cytochromec oxidation by reconstituted bovine heart cytochromec oxidase was investigated. The following results were obtained: (1) ATP and other polyvalent anions increase theK m for cytochromec and theV max (if assayed by the photometric method). The magnitude of the effect is proportional to the charge of the anion as follows from the series of increasing effectiveness: Piii. (2) The kinetic effects are obtained in the millimolar physiological concentration range. (3) The kinetic changes are not saturated at high concentrations. (4) A specific interaction site for ATP at the cytosolic domain of the enzyme is concluded from the increase ofK m for cytochromec after photolabelling of proteoliposomes with 8-azido-[-32P]-ATP, which is protected by ATP but not by ADP. (5) No specific binding site for ATP could be identified by photolabelling with 8-azido-[-32P]-ATP. The labelling is only partly protected by ATP or ADP.Abbreviations CCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride - 8-N3-ATP 8-azido-adenosine-5-triphosphate Dedicated to Professor Dr. Friedhelm Schneider on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of human heart cytochromec oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytochromec oxidase was isolated from human hearts and separated by SDS gel electrophoresis. The identity of polypeptide bands with known subunits was demonstrated by immunoblotting with monospecific antisera to rat liver cytochromec oxidase subunits. The polarographically determined kinetics of cytochromec oxidation were similar to those reported for the bovine heart enzyme.  相似文献   

In this work, the actions of bovine heart cardiolipin, synthetic tetraoleyl cardiolipin, and a nonspecific anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on cytochrome c (Cyt c) peroxidase activity recorded by chemiluminescence in the presence of luminol and on the Fe...S(Met80) bond whose presence was estimated by a weak absorption band amplitude with peak at 695-700 nm (A(695)) were compared. A strict concurrency between Fe...S(Met80) breaking (A(695)) and cytochrome peroxidase activity enhancement was shown to exist at cardiolipin/Cyt c and SDS/Cyt c molar ratios of 0 : 1 to 50 : 1 (by chemiluminescence). Nevertheless, when A(695) completely disappeared, Cyt c peroxidase activity under the action of cardiolipin was 20 times more than that under the action of SDS, and at low ligand/protein molar ratios (=4), SDS failed to activate peroxidase activity while cardiolipin enhanced Cyt c peroxidase activity 16-20-fold. A(695) did not change on Cyt c binding with liposomes consisting of tetraoleyl cardiolipin and phosphatidylcholine (1 : 10 : 10), while peroxidase activity was enhanced by a factor of 8. Breaking of 70% of the Fe...S(Met80) bonds resulted in only threefold enhancement of peroxidase activity. Cardiolipin-activated Cyt c peroxidase activity was reduced by high ionic strength solution (1 M KCl). The aggregated data suggest that cardiolipin activating action is caused, first, by a nonspecific effect of Fe...S(Met80) breaking as the result of conformational changes in the protein globule caused by the protein surface electrostatic recharging by an anionic amphiphilic molecule, and second, by a specific acceleration of the peroxidation reaction which is most likely due to enhanced heme accessibility for H(2)O(2) as a result of the hydrophobic interaction between cardiolipin and cytochrome.  相似文献   

Electron transport in theParacoccus denitrificans respiratory chain system is considerably more rapid when it includes the membrane-bound cytochromec 552 than with either solubleParacoccus c 550 or bovine cytochromec; a pool function for cytochromec is not necessary. Low concentrations ofParacoccus or bovine cytochromec stimulate the oxidase activity. This observation could explain the multiphasic Scatchard plots which are obtained. A negatively charged area on the back side ofParacoccus c which is not present in mitochondrialc could be a control mechanism forParacoccus reactions.Paracoccus oxidase and reductase reactions with bovinec show the same properties as mammalian systems; and this is true ofParacoccus oxidase reactions with its own soluble cytochromec if added polycation masks the negatively charged area. Evidence for different oxidase and reductase reaction sites on cytochromec include: (1) stimulation of the oxidase but not reductase by a polycation; (2) differences in the inhibition of the oxidase and reductases by monoclonal antibodies toParacoccus cytochromec; and (3) reaction of another bacterial cytochromec withParacoccus reductases but not oxidase. Rapid electron transport occurs in cytochromec-less mutants ofParacoccus, suggesting that the reactions result from collision of diffusing complexes.  相似文献   

The structural features of cytochrome oxidases are reviewed in light of their evolution. The substrate specificity (quinol vs. cytochromec) is reflected in the presence of a unique copper centre (Cu A ) in cytochromec oxidases. In several lines of evolution, quinol oxidases have independently lost this copper. Also, the most primitive cytochromec oxidases do not contain this copper, and electron entry takes place viac-type haems. These enzymes, exemplified by the rhizobial FixN complex, probably remind the first oxidases. They are related to the denitrification enzyme nitric oxide reductase.  相似文献   

Isolated beef heart cytochromec oxidase was reconstituted in liposomes by the cholate dialysis method with 85% of the binding site for cytochromec oriented to the outside. Trypsin cleaved specifically subunit VIa and half of subunit IV from the reconstituted enzyme. The kinetic properties of the reconstituted enzyme were changed by trypsin treatment if measured by the spectrophotometric assay but not by the polarographic assay. It is concluded that subunit VIa and/or subunit IV participate in the electron transport activity of cytochromec oxidase.  相似文献   

Beef heart cytochromec oxidase was reconstituted in asolectin liposomes containing the pH indicator fluorescein-phosphatidylethanolamine (FPE) by the cholate-dialysis procedure. The influence of PFE on the asolectin liposome size and of the removal of subunit III from the complex on its incorporation into liposomes was analyzed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Samples were frozen without the addition of cryoprotectants. The vesicle size distribution of native enzyme reconstituted into asolectin liposomes was homogenous, 84% of the population having a diameter of 14–37 ± 7.5 mm. The preparation containing FPE had a similar vesicle size distribution, but with bigger diameter range (20–50 nm). In all three different types of proteoliposome preparations the majority of particles containing vesicles was found to have 1 particle (42–81%). The absence of subunit III did not influence the incorporation of the enzyme into the liposomes and was as good as the preparation with native enzyme (>99%). Therefore we conclude that the suppression of the proton pump activity was due to the intrinsic properties of subunit III and not to defective incorporation into artificial membrane systems.Dedicated to the memory of Dr. R. P. Casey.  相似文献   

IR spectra directly probe specific vibrators in bovine heart cytochromec oxidase, yielding quantitative as well as qualitative information on structures and reactions at these vibrators. C-O IR spectra reveal that CO binds to as two conformers each in isolated immobile environments sensitive to Fe a and/or CuA oxidation state but remarkably insensitive to pH, medium, anesthetics, and other factors that affect activity. C-N IR spectra reveal that the one CN that binds to fully and partially oxidized enzyme can be in three different structures. These structures vary in relative amounts with redox level, thereby reflecting dynamic electron exchange among Fe a , CuA, and CuB with associated changes in protein conformation of likely significance in O2 reduction and H+-pumping. Azide IR spectra also reflect redox-dependent long-range effects. The amide I IR bands, due to C-O vibrators of peptide linkages and composed of multiple bands derived from different secondary structures, reveal high levels of -helix (60%) and subtle changes with redox level and exposure to anesthetics. N2O IR spectra reveal that these anesthetic molecules at clinically relevant levels occupy three sites of different polarity within the enzyme as the enzyme is reversibly, but only partially, inhibited.  相似文献   

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