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Hughes D 《Genome biology》2000,1(6):reviews0006.1-reviews00068
Inversions and translocations distinguish the genomes of closely related bacterial species, but most of these rearrangements preserve the relationship between the rearranged fragments and the axis of chromosome replication. Within species, such rearrangements are found less frequently, except in the case of clinical isolates of human pathogens, where rearrangements are very frequent  相似文献   

An analysis of published nucleotide sequences of the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of 7 cardioviruses and 3 aphthoviruses has allowed us to derive a consensus secondary structure model that differs from that previously proposed for the 5'-UTR of entero- and rhinoviruses, though all these viruses belong to the same family, Picornaviridae. The theoretical model derived here was experimentally supported by investigating the accessibility of encephalomyocarditis virus RNA to modifications with dimethyl sulfate and its susceptibility to S1 and cobra venom nucleases. The possible involvement of the 5"-UTR secondary structure domains in the translational control is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A triple tandem repeat (TTR) consisting of 90 nucleotides exists immediately upstream of the ATG initiator codon in human thymidylate synthase (TS) cDNA (pcHTS-1). To investigate the role of the TTR in the expression of the TS cDNA, we used pcHTS-1 to construct mutant cDNA clones in which part of the TTR was deleted or an additional element was inserted. The mutant cDNA plasmid was introduced into murine TS-negative mutant cells and the relative translation efficiencies of the mutant cDNAs were determined by measuring the transient expression of TS activity and the amount of TS mRNA transcribed. The translation efficiency in transient expression of the mutants was increased by deletions covering all the first two repeated elements, and the part of the third closest to the ATG initiator codon, but was not affected by deletions of only parts of the first two repeated elements at the 5' end. The translation efficiency was also not affected by insertion of an additional repeated element into the TTR. These results suggest that the first two repeated elements at the 5' end both have inhibitory effects on translation of the TS mRNA, probably due to the unique structural feature of this element.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that deviations from the typical vertebrate mitochondrial gene order are more frequent than initially thought. Such deviations, however, are minor, with inversions and/or translocations of a few genes being involved and tandem duplication of the gene regions followed by deletions of genes having been invoked as mechanisms originating in such novel gene order. During the course of molecular phylogenetic studies on the Elopomorpha (eels and their allies), we found that mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) from the two deep-sea gulper eels, Eurypharynx pelecanoides (Eurypharyngidae) and Saccopharynx lavenbergi (Saccopharyngidae), exhibit an identical gene order which greatly differs from that of any other vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis using the mitogenomic data from 59 species of fish not only confirmed a single origin of such a gene order with confidence but also indicated that it had been derived from the typical vertebrate gene order. Detailed comparisons of the gulper eel gene order with that of typical vertebrates suggested that occurrence of a single step, large-scale duplication of gene region extending >12 kb, followed by deletions of genes in a common ancestor of the two species, most parsimoniously accounts for this unusual gene arrangement.  相似文献   

S Wang  K S Browning    W A Miller 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(13):4107-4116
For recognition by the translational machinery, most eukaryotic cellular mRNAs have a 5' cap structure [e.g. m7G(5')ppp(5')N]. We describe a translation enhancer sequence (3'TE) located in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of the genome of the PAV barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV) which stimulates translation from uncapped mRNA by 30- to 100-fold in vitro and in vivo to a level equal to that of efficient capped mRNAs. A four base duplication within the 3'TE destroyed the stimulatory activity. Efficient translation was recovered by addition of a 5' cap to this mRNA. Translation of both uncapped mRNA containing the 3'TE in cis and capped mRNA lacking any BYDV-PAV sequence was inhibited specifically by added 3'TE RNA in trans. This inhibition was reversed by adding initiation factor 4F (eIF4F), suggesting that the 3'TE, like the 5' cap, mediates eIF4F-dependent translation initiation. The BYDV-PAV 5'UTR was necessary for the 3'TE to function, except when the 3'TE itself was moved to the 5'UTR. Thus, the 3'TE is sufficient for recruiting the translation factors and ribosomes, while the viral 5'UTR may serve only for the long distance 3'-5' communication. Models are proposed to explain this novel mechanism of cap-independent translation initiation facilitated by the 3'UTR.  相似文献   

We examined intragenomic variation of paralogous 5S rRNA genes to evaluate the concept of ribosomal constraints. In a dataset containing 1161 genomes from 779 unique species, 96 species exhibited >?3% diversity. Twenty-seven species with >?10% diversity contained a total of 421 mismatches between all pairs of the most dissimilar copies of 5S rRNA genes. The large majority (401 of 421) of the diversified positions were conserved at the secondary structure level. The high diversity was associated with partial rRNA operon, split operon, or spacer length-related divergence. In total, these findings indicated that there are tight ribosomal constraints on paralogous 5S rRNA genes in a genome despite of the high degree of diversity at the primary structure level.  相似文献   

Analysis of evolution of paralogous genes in a genome is central to our understanding of genome evolution. Comparison of closely related bacterial genomes, which has provided clues as to how genome sequences evolve under natural conditions, would help in such an analysis. With species Staphylococcus aureus, whole-genome sequences have been decoded for seven strains. We compared their DNA sequences to detect large genome polymorphisms and to deduce mechanisms of genome rearrangements that have formed each of them. We first compared strains N315 and Mu50, which make one of the most closely related strain pairs, at the single-nucleotide resolution to catalogue all the middle-sized (more than 10 bp) to large genome polymorphisms such as indels and substitutions. These polymorphisms include two paralogous gene sets, one in a tandem paralogue gene cluster for toxins in a genomic island and the other in a ribosomal RNA operon. We also focused on two other tandem paralogue gene clusters and type I restriction-modification (RM) genes on the genomic islands. Then we reconstructed rearrangement events responsible for these polymorphisms, in the paralogous genes and the others, with reference to the other five genomes. For the tandem paralogue gene clusters, we were able to infer sequences for homologous recombination generating the change in the repeat number. These sequences were conserved among the repeated paralogous units likely because of their functional importance. The sequence specificity (S) subunit of type I RM systems showed recombination, likely at the homology of a conserved region, between the two variable regions for sequence specificity. We also noticed novel alleles in the ribosomal RNA operons and suggested a role for illegitimate recombination in their formation. These results revealed importance of recombination involving long conserved sequence in the evolution of paralogous genes in the genome.  相似文献   

Markov AV  Zakharov IA 《Genetika》2006,42(11):1547-1557
Relative frequencies of large and small genome rearrangements (inversions and transpositions) in the evolution of prokaryotic genomes can be evaluated using the ratio between the index S (the ratio of the number of identical pairs of neighboring genes in two genomes to the total number of genes in the sample of interest) and 1 - 6 x L/n, where L is the mean difference in intergenic distances and n is the number of genes in the sample. The S value uniformly decreases with the fixation of genome rearrangements, while the decrease rate of I - 6 x L/n is determined by the rearrangement size. Specifically, large inversions and transpositions lead to a dramatic decrease in the index value, while small rearrangements result in an insignificant decrease. The ratio between these indices was computed for twenty pairs of closely related species belonging to different groups of bacteria and archaea. The pairs examined strongly differed in the relative frequency of large and small rearrangements. However, computer simulation showed that the total variation can be reproduced with the same input parameters of the model. This means that the differences observed can be stochastic and can be interpreted without assuming different mechanisms and factors of genome rearrangements for different groups of prokaryotes. Relative frequencies of large and small rearrangements displayed no noticeable correlations with taxonomic position, total rate of rearrangement fixation, habitation conditions, and the abundance of transposons and repetitive sequences. It is suggested that, in some cases, phage activity increases the frequency of large genome rearrangements.  相似文献   

Relative frequencies of large and small genome rearrangements (inversions and transpositions) in the evolution of prokaryotic genomes can be evaluated using the ratio between the index S (the ratio of the number of identical pairs of neighboring genes in two genomes to the total number of genes in the sample of interest) and 1–6L/n, where L is the mean difference in intergenic distances and n is the number of genes in the sample. The S value uniformly decreases with the fixation of genome rearrangements, while the decrease rate of 1–6L/n is determined by the rearrangement size. Specifically, large inversions and transpositions lead to a dramatic decrease in the index value, while small rearrangements result in an insignificant decrease. The ratio between these indices was computed for twenty pairs of closely related species belonging to different groups of bacteria and archaea. The pairs examined strongly differed in the relative frequency of large and small rearrangements. However, computer simulation showed that the total variation can be reproduced with the same input parameters of the model. This means that the differences observed can be stochastic and can be interpreted without assuming different mechanisms and factors of genome rearrangements for different groups of prokaryotes. Relative frequencies of large and small rearrangements displayed no noticeable correlations with taxonomic position, total rate of rearrangement fixation, habitation conditions, and the abundance of transposons and repetitive sequences. It is suggested that, in some cases, phage activity increases the frequency of large genome rearrangements.  相似文献   

Using a gel mobility shift assay we show that a 40 kd protein (p40), present in extracts of yeast mitochondria, binds specifically to the 5'-untranslated leader of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II mRNA. Binding of p40 to coxII RNA protects an 8-10 nucleotide segment from diethylpyocarbonate modification, indicating that the protein interacts with only a restricted region of the 5'-leader. This segment is located at position -12 with respect to the initiation AUG. Deletion of 10 nucleotides encompassing this site completely abolishes protein binding. Nevertheless, Bal31 deletion analysis within the coxII leader shows that a major part of the leader is essential for p40 binding, suggesting that binding of the protein is also dependent on secondary structural features. p40 binds to other mitochondrial leader mRNAs including those for coxI, coxIII and cyt b. p40 is present in a cytoplasmic (rho0) petite mutant lacking mitochondrial protein synthesis. It is therefore presumably nuclear encoded. The possible biological function of the protein is discussed.  相似文献   

We constructed insertion mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 that contained a duplication of DNA sequences from the BamHI-L fragment (map units 0.706 to 0.744), which is located in the unique region of the L component (UL) of the herpes simplex virus type 1 genome. The second copy of the BamHI-L sequence was inserted in inverted orientation into the viral thymidine kinase gene (map units 0.30 to 0.32), also located within UL. A significant fraction of the progeny produced by these insertion mutants had genomes with rearranged DNA sequences, presumably resulting from intramolecular or intermolecular recombination between the BamHI-L sequences at the two different genomic locations. The rearranged genomes either had an inversion of the DNA sequence flanked by the duplication or were recombinant molecules in which different regions of the genome had been duplicated and deleted. Genomic rearrangements similar to those described here have been reported previously but only for herpes simplex virus insertion mutants containing an extra copy of the repetitive a sequence. Such rearrangements have not been reported for insertion mutants that contain duplications of herpes simplex virus DNA sequences from largely unique regions of the genome. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

We mapped at high resolution and as a function of development the hypersensitive domain in the 5'-flanking region of the chicken alpha D-globin gene and determined the specific protein-binding sites within the domain. The domain extends from -130 to +80 nucleotides (nt) relative to the cap site. DNase I footprinting within intact embryonic erythrocyte nuclei revealed a strongly protected area from -71 to -52 nt. The same area was weakly protected in adult nuclei. A factor was present in extracts of erythrocyte nuclei from both embryos and adults that protected the sequence AAGATAAGG (-63 to -55 nt) in DNase I footprinting experiments; at higher concentrations of extract, sequences immediately adjacent (-73 to -64 and -53 to -38) were also protected. The same pattern of binding was revealed by gel mobility shift assays. The identical AAGATAAGG sequence is found in the 5'-flanking region of the beta rho gene; it competed for binding of the alpha D-specific factor, suggesting that regulatory elements are shared.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the evolutionary dynamics and phylogenetic implications of gene order rearrangements in five newly sequenced mitochondrial (mt) genomes and four published mt genomes of isopod crustaceans. The sequence coverage is nearly complete for four of the five newly sequenced species, with only the control region and some tRNA genes missing, while in Janira maculosa only two thirds of the genome could be determined. Mitochondrial gene order in isopods seems to be more plastic than that in other crustacean lineages, making all nine known mt gene orders different. Especially the asellote Janira is characterized by many autapomorphies. The following inferred ancestral isopod mt gene order exists slightly modified in modern isopods: nad1, tnrL1, rrnS, control region, trnS1, cob, trnT, nad5, trnF. We consider the inferred gene translocation events leading to gene rearrangements as valuable characters in phylogenetic analyses. In this first study covering major isopod lineages, potential apomorphies were identified, e.g., a shared relative position of trnR in Valvifera. We also report one of the first findings of homoplasy in mitochondrial gene order, namely a shared relative position of trnV in unrelated isopod lineages. In addition to increased taxon sampling secondary structure, modification in tRNAs and GC-skew inversion may be potentially fruitful subjects for future mt genome studies in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   



Next generation sequencing technology has allowed efficient production of draft genomes for many organisms of interest. However, most draft genomes are just collections of independent contigs, whose relative positions and orientations along the genome being sequenced are unknown. Although several tools have been developed to order and orient the contigs of draft genomes, more accurate tools are still needed.


In this study, we present a novel reference-based contig assembly (or scaffolding) tool, named as CAR, that can efficiently and more accurately order and orient the contigs of a prokaryotic draft genome based on a reference genome of a related organism. Given a set of contigs in multi-FASTA format and a reference genome in FASTA format, CAR can output a list of scaffolds, each of which is a set of ordered and oriented contigs. For validation, we have tested CAR on a real dataset composed of several prokaryotic genomes and also compared its performance with several other reference-based contig assembly tools. Consequently, our experimental results have shown that CAR indeed performs better than all these other reference-based contig assembly tools in terms of sensitivity, precision and genome coverage.


CAR serves as an efficient tool that can more accurately order and orient the contigs of a prokaryotic draft genome based on a reference genome. The web server of CAR is freely available at http://genome.cs.nthu.edu.tw/CAR/ and its stand-alone program can also be downloaded from the same website.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0381-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



The rpoB-psbZ (BZ) region of some fern plastid genomes (plastomes) has been noted to go through considerable genomic changes. Unraveling its evolutionary dynamics across all fern lineages will lead to clarify the fundamental process shaping fern plastome structure and organization.  相似文献   

Genetic screens in zebrafish have provided mutations in hundreds of genes with essential functions in the developing embryo. To investigate the possible uses of chromosomal rearrangements in the analysis of these mutations, we genetically characterized three gamma-ray induced alleles of cyclops (cyc), a gene required for development of midline structures. We show that cyc maps near one end of Linkage Group 12 (LG 12) and that this region is involved in a reciprocal translocation with LG 2 in one gamma-ray induced mutation, cyc(b213). The translocated segments together cover approximately 5% of the genetic map, and we show that this rearrangement is useful for mapping cloned genes that reside in the affected chromosomal regions. The other two alleles, cyc(b16) and cyc(b229), have deletions in the distal region of LG 12. Interestingly, both of these mutations suppress recombination between genetic markers in LG 12, including markers at a distance from the deletion. This observation raises the possibility that these deletions affect a site required for meiotic recombination on the LG 12 chromosome. The cyc(b16) and cyc(b229) mutations may be useful for balancing other lethal mutations located in the distal region of LG 12. These results show that chromosomal rearrangements can provide useful resources for mapping and genetic analyses in zebrafish.  相似文献   

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