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We characterized the biochemical functions of the small nonessential (C101-C104) and the large essential (C173-C209) disulfides in bovine pancreatic (bp) DNase using alanine mutants [brDNase(C101A)] and [brDNase(C173A) and brDNase(C209A)], respectively. We also characterized the effects of an additional third disulfide [brDNase(F192C/A217C)]. Without the Ca(2+) protection, bpDNase and brDNase(C101A) were readily inactivated by trypsin, whereas brDNase(F192C/A217C) remained active. With Ca(2+), all forms of DNase, except for brDNase(C101A), were protected against trypsin. All forms of DNase, after being dissolved in 6 M guanidine-HCl, were fully reactivated by diluting into a Ca(2+)-containing buffer. However, when diluted into a Ca(2+)-free buffer, bpDNase and brDNase(C101A) remained inactive, but 60% of the bpDNase activity was restored with brDNase(F192C/A217C). When heated, bpDNase was inactivated at a transition temperature of 65 degrees C, brDNase(C101A) at 60 degrees C, and brDNase(F192C/A217C) at 73 degrees C, indicating that the small disulfide, albeit not essential for activity, is important for the structural integrity, and that the introduction of a third disulfide can further stabilize the enzyme. When pellets of brDNase(C173A) and brDNase(C209A) in inclusion bodies were dissolved in 6 M guanidine-HCl and then diluted into a Ca(2+)-containing buffer, 10%-18% of the bpDNase activity was restored, suggesting that the "essential" disulfide is not absolutely crucial for enzymatic catalysis. Owing to the structure-based sequence alignment revealing homology between the "nonessential" disulfide of bpDNase and the active-site motif of thioredoxin, we measured 39% of the thioredoxin-like activity for bpDNase based on the rate of insulin precipitation (DeltaA650nm/min). Thus, the disulfides in bpDNase not only play the role of stabilizing the protein molecule but also may engage in biological functions such as the disulfide/dithiol exchange reaction.  相似文献   

GP-2 is the major secretory granule membrane glycoprotein of the exocrine pancreas and appears in the pancreatic juice in a modified sedimentable form. We have localized GP-2 in the rat pancreas at the electron microscopic level using affinity-purified antibodies and found it to be concentrated in the zymogen granules and in the acinar lumen. Label was also present on the apical and basolateral plasma membranes but prior treatment of the sections with periodate to eliminate the contribution of highly antigenic oligosaccharide moieties reduced substantially the staining of the basolateral surface. Approximately 45% of the GP-2 in the granules was not membrane-associated but appeared instead in the granule lumen. Parallel biochemical characterization of GP-2 in isolated secretory granules demonstrated that 60% fractionated with the membranes after granule lysis while 40% remained in the content fraction. Unlike the membrane-associated form of the protein, which is linked to the membrane via glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI), GP-2 in the content did not enter the detergent phase upon Triton X-114 extraction; nor was it sedimentable at 200,000g, as is characteristic of the form collected in the pancreatic juice. In addition, GP-2 in the pancreatic juice was recovered in the aqueous phase during Triton X-114 extraction and yet remained sedimentable after detergent extraction, demonstrating that its ability to remain in large aggregates was independent of lipid. These results are consistent with a life cycle for the protein that begins with synthesis of a membrane-associated precursor that can be converted by lipolytic or proteolytic cleavage to a soluble form within the zymogen granule. Further modification to a sedimentable form may then occur in the pancreatic juice.  相似文献   

Structural insights into the mechanism of intramolecular proteolysis.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Q Xu  D Buckley  C Guan  H C Guo 《Cell》1999,98(5):651-661
A variety of proteins, including glycosylasparaginase, have recently been found to activate functions by self-catalyzed peptide bond rearrangements from single-chain precursors. Here we present the 1.9 A crystal structures of glycosylasparaginase precursors that are able to autoproteolyze via an N --> O acyl shift. Several conserved residues are aligned around the scissile peptide bond that is in a highly strained trans peptide bond configuration. The structure illustrates how a nucleophilic side chain may attack the scissile peptide bond at the immediate upstream backbone carbonyl and provides an understanding of the structural basis for peptide bond cleavage via an N --> O or N --> S acyl shift that is used by various groups of intramolecular autoprocessing proteins.  相似文献   

Patterns of resistance to 2-deoxy-D-glucose in pig kidney cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variants resistant to 2-deoxy-D-glucose have been isolated from a clonal line of pig kidney cells by serial cultivation in the presence of inhibitor. Hexokinase activity may be affected directly in this system, since the oxidation of glucose to 6-phosphogluconate by extracts from sensitive and resistant cells is blocked by the addition of 2-deoxy-glucose to the reaction mixture. This blockage was removed by the addition of glucose-6-phosphate to the system, but not by ATP. Resistant cells were found to accumulate significantly less 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate than sensitive cells. The rate of phosphorylation of 2-deoxyglucose, however, was higher in extracts from the resistant line. Alkaline phosphatase does not account for the reduced level of 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate since this enzyme is not detectable in sensitive or resistant pig kidney cells. Increased acid phosphatase activity was observed in resistant cells, but extracts with high acid phosphatase activity proved incapable of hydrolyzing either 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate or glucose-6-phosphate. In comparative growth studies, cells resistant to 2-deoxyglucose proliferated more extensively than sensitive cells in a low glucose nutrient. They removed glucose more effectively from this medium, and were less stimulated by the addition of intermediates from the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The evidence suggests that resistance to 2-deoxyglucose in the cells under study may be based on the ability of the resistant cells to proliferate at concentrations of glucose too low to support the growth of sensitive cells.  相似文献   

Abstract Mycobacteria show a high degree of intrinsic resistance to most antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents. The low permeability of the mycobacterial cell wall, with its unusual structure, is now known to be a major factor in this resistance. Thus hydrophilic agents cross the cell wall slowly because the myobacterial porin is inefficient in allowing the permeation of solutes and exists in low concentration. Lipophilic agents are presumably slowed down by the lipid bilayer which is of unusually low fluidity and abnormal thickness. Nevertheless, the cell wall barrier alone cannot produce significant levels of drug resistance, which requires synergistic contribution from a second factor, such as the enzymatic inactivation of drugs.  相似文献   

The importance of intramolecular disulfides in a noncovalent dimeric protein interleukin-8 (IL-8) has been studied by replacing cysteines in each of the two disulfide pairs with alpha-aminobutyric acid (CH(2)-SH --> CH(2)-CH(3)). Both disulfide mutants are less stable and exist as molten globules in the monomeric state. Interestingly, both mutants dimerize, though with slightly lower affinities compared to the native protein. NMR studies suggest a molten globule-like structure also in the dimeric state. Structures, sequence analysis, and mutagenesis studies have shown that the conserved hydrophobic residues are packed against each other in the protein core and that H bonding and van der Waals interactions stabilize the dimer interface. Deleting either disulfide in IL-8 results in substantial loss in receptor activity, indicating that both disulfides are critical for function in the folded protein. These data together suggest that the packing interactions of the hydrophobic core determine IL-8 monomer fold, that disulfides play only a marginal role in dimer formation, and that the stability imparted by the disulfides is intimately coupled to fold and function.  相似文献   

GP-2, the major integral protein characteristic of the pancreatic zymogen granule membrane can be released from the membrane by the action of a phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). In a hydrophobic/hydrophilic phase separation system using the non-ionic detergent Triton X-114, the membrane-bound form of the protein went from the detergent phase into the hydrophilic phase upon action of the phospholipase. PI-PLC solubilization of GP-2 unmasked an antigenic determinant similar to the cross-reacting determinant of the trypanosome variant surface glycoproteins. This determinant being a distinctive feature of the glycan moiety of phosphatidyl-inositol anchored membrane proteins, it established the glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol nature of the GP-2 membrane anchor. Since soluble GP-2 is also found in the contents of the granule and is secreted intact into the pancreatic juice, it is likely that one of the mechanisms responsible for its release could be a specific phospholipase. GP-2 is the first glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-anchored protein that is integral to the membrane of an organelle and not located at the surface of the cell.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), also known as intrinsically unstructured proteins (IUPs), lack a well-defined 3D structure in vitro and, in some cases, also in vivo. Here, we discuss the question of proteolytic sensitivity of IDPs, with a view to better explaining their in vivo characteristics. After an initial assessment of the status of IDPs in vivo, we briefly survey the intracellular proteolytic systems. Subsequently, we discuss the evidence for IDPs being inherently sensitive to proteolysis. Such sensitivity would not, however, result in enhanced degradation if the protease-sensitive sites were sequestered. Accordingly, IDP access to and degradation by the proteasome, the major proteolytic complex within eukaryotic cells, are discussed in detail. The emerging picture appears to be that IDPs are inherently sensitive to proteasomal degradation along the lines of the "degradation by default" model. However, available data sets of intracellular protein half-lives suggest that intrinsic disorder does not imply a significantly shorter half-life. We assess the power of available systemic half-life measurements, but also discuss possible mechanisms that could protect IDPs from intracellular degradation. Finally, we discuss the relevance of the proteolytic sensitivity of IDPs to their function and evolution.  相似文献   

The effect of water deficit on the ATP-dependent proteolysis and total protein degradation was estimated in the leaves of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) acclimated and non-acclimated to drought. The rate of ATP-dependent proteolysis, quantified as a difference between degradation of 125I-lysozyme under ATP-regenerating and ATP-depleting systems, accounted for about 55 % of total 125I-lysozyme degradation in fully turgid wheat leaves. In the non-acclimated leaves dehydration decreased sharply ATP-dependent proteolysis catalyzed by proteasome down to about 5% while in the leaves acclimated to drought water deficit raised ATP-dependent proteolysis to 87 % of total 125I-lysozyme hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Binding of pig pancreatic phospholipase A2 to ternary codispersions of diacylphosphatidylcholine/lysophosphatidylcholine/fatty acid (100:22:22, mole ratio) is monitored by the increase in intrinsic fluorescence intensity of the single tryptophan residue. The fluorescence is quenched by the brominated fatty acid components in the ternary codispersions. The quenching efficiency is in the order: 11,12-dibromo- greater than 9,10-dibromo- greater than 6,7-dibromo- greater than 2-bromo fatty acid. The quenching efficiency of the 9,10-brominated derivatives of the three components in the ternary codispersions is in the order diacylphosphatidylcholine greater than fatty acid greater than lysophosphatidylcholine. Two isomers of diacylphosphatidylcholine with 9,10-dibromo substituents on chain 1 or 2 are equally efficient quenchers. While succinimide also quenches the fluorescence of the free and the membrane bound enzyme, the tryptophan residue in both systems is not accessible to 1-methylnicotinamide. These results are rationalized by a hypothesis that the acyl chains of the substrate interacts with the tryptophan residue of pig pancreatic phospholipase A2, which is readily accessible to water soluble neutral quenchers both in the free and the bound state.  相似文献   

V F Bezrukov 《Genetika》1987,23(7):1290-1298
The term "pseudopolymorphism" refers to a situation, where there is no simple correspondence between genotype and phenotype: a single genotype may be moulded into several phenotypes. It is known that broad substrate specificity of enzymes may be one of the causes for pseudopolymorphism. This article deals with the other cause for this phenomenon--a consequence of post-translation modifications, such as limited proteolysis. Variability of some enzymes of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Val. (Pisces, Cyprinidae) was studied by gel electrophoresis. It was found that variability of isozyme patterns of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH), malic enzyme (ME) and esterase (EST) is connected with the differences in protease activity of grass carp liver homogenates. The fish isozyme patterns of high (and, partially, intermediate) proteinase activity had some anomalies: displacement of fractions, one or several additional fractions, decreased activity of single fractions or the whole spectrum. In some cases, this variability looked like a classical polymorphic system specified by two alleles of one locus. The effect of enzymes' and proteins' modifications on electrophoretical pseudopolymorphism is discussed.  相似文献   

TraR is a LuxR-type quorum-sensing protein encoded by the tumour-inducing plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens . TraR requires the pheromone N-3-oxooctanoyl- l -homoserine lactone (OOHL) for biological activity, and is dimeric both in solution and when bound to DNA. Dimerization is mediated primarily by two α-helices, one in the N-terminal OOHL binding domain, and the other in the C-terminal DNA binding domain. Each of these helices forms a parallel coiled coil with the identical helix of the opposite subunit. We have previously shown that OOHL is essential for resistance to proteolysis, and here we asked whether dimerization is also required for protease resistance. We constructed a series of site-directed mutations at the dimer interface, and tested these mutants for activity in vivo . Alteration of residues A149, A150, A153, A222 and I229 completely abolished activity, while alteration of three other residues also caused significant defects. All mutants were tested for dimerization as well as for specific DNA binding. The cellular abundance of these proteins in A. tumefaciens was measured using Western immunoblots and OOHL sequestration, while the half-life was measured by pulse-chase radiolabelling. We found a correlation between defects in in vivo activity, in vitro dimerization, DNA binding and protein half-life. We conclude that dimerization of TraR enhances resistance to cellular proteases.  相似文献   

The bifunctional enzyme CoA synthase can be nicked by trypsin without loss of its activities. The original dimer of subunit Mr approx. 61 000 yields fragments of Mr 41 000 and 22 000 as seen on gel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS, but the nicked enzyme retains the native Mr of 118 000. Further proteolysis occurs rapidly in the absence of protecting substrates. The N-terminal of native CoA synthase is proline, and proteolysis exposes glycine as a second N-terminal. This evidence strongly suggests that the subunits are identical.  相似文献   

In a search for undiscovered mechanisms of resistance to adriamycin, we screened a genomic library derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for genes related to adriamycin resistance. To our surprise, we found that overexpression of BSD2 rendered yeast cells resistant to adriamycin. Downregulation of the metal transporters Smf1 and Smf2 is the only activity of Bsd2 reported to date, and Bsd2 deficiency increases intracellular levels of Smf1 and Smf2. SMF2-disrupted cells exhibited significantly greater resistance to adriamycin, whereas the resistance of SMF1-disrupted cells was only slightly improved. The sensitivity of the SMF1- and SMF2-disrupted yeast cell line overexpressing BSD2 was almost the same as that of the BSD2-overexpressing parental yeast cell. Thus the overexpression of BSD2 and the disruption of SMF1 and SMF2 might be involved in the same mechanism that confers resistance to adriamycin. Although both SMF1- and SMF2-disrupted cells were very sensitive to EGTA, overexpression of BSD2 had little or no effect on sensitivity to EGTA. However, a partial decrease in the intracellular level of FLAG-Smf2 was observed by overexpression of BSD2. Thus, the resistance to adriamycin acquired by overexpression of BSD2 might be partially explained by down-regulation of Smf2, but in addition to Smf2, other as of yet unidentified targets of Bsd2 must also be responsible for the resistance.  相似文献   

Two strains of mice which share identical H-2 genes but differ in their genetic backgrounds were compared for their ability to resist infection with Trichinella spiralis. The two strains of mice, C3HeB/FeJ and AKR/J, share the H-2k haplotype which is associated with susceptibility to primary infection with T. spiralis in H-2 congenic strains of mice. AKR/J mice, infected with 150 infective muscle larvae, harbored significantly fewer muscle larvae 30 days postinfection than did mice of the strain C3HeB/FeJ. Approximately equal numbers of worms establish in the small intestine of AKR and C3H mice, but the AKR mice expelled adult worms from the gut more rapidly than did mice of the C3H strain. By Day 9 postinfection, 50% of the worms had been expelled by the AKR mice whereas expulsion of worms from C3H mice was delayed beyond Day 9 and occurred primarily between Days 10 and 12. Over this same experimental period (Days 6-12), fecundity of female worms from AKR mice, measured as the mean newborn larvae/female/hour, was approximately one-half that of worms taken from C3H mice. These results support the conclusion that genes outside of the mouse H-2 complex regulate expulsion of adult worms from the gut. These background genes also markedly influence the fecundity of female worms.  相似文献   

Recombination experiments using radioactive mitochondria and mitoplasts, and nonradioactive lysosomes or digitonin-soluble fraction of mitochondria, show equal rates of proteolysis and of inactivation of carbamyl phosphate synthetase; the amount of lysosomal protein was equal in both cases on the basis of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase activity. Therefore, lysosomes seem to be responsible for all the proteolytic activity exhibited by the digitonin soluble fraction of mitochondrial preparations. Since this fraction contains ca. 90% of the proteolytic activity present in mitochondrial preparations, most of the proteolysis can be attributed to lysosomal contamination. These findings and stability characteristics "in vitro" and "in vivo" of some matrix enzymes are presented and discussed in relation to protein turnover.  相似文献   

Potential role of proteolysis in the control of UvrABC incision   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
UvrB is specifically proteolyzed in Escherichia coli cell extracts to UvrB*. UvrB* is capable of interacting with UvrA in an aparently similar manner to the UvrB, however UvrB* is defective in the DNA strand displacement activity normally displayed by UvrAB. Whereas the binding of UvrC to a UvrAB-DNA complex leads to DNA incision and persistence of a stable post-incision protein-DNA complex, the binding of UvrC to UvrAB* leads to dissociation of the protein complex and no DNA incision is seen. The factor which stimulates this proteolysis has been partially purified and its substrate specificity has been examined. The protease factor is induced by “stress” and is under control of the htpR gene. The potential role of this proteolysis in the regulation of levels of active repair enzymes in the cell is discussed.  相似文献   

L-cysteine, D-penicillamine, and L-glutathione were oxidized to symmetrical disulfides in the presence of Cu(II)(3,5-DIPS)2 and air-oxygen at physiologic pH, 7.3. Air-oxygen caused the oxidation of thiol reduced copper, Cu(I), to Cu(II), as evidenced by expected spectrophotometric changes in these reaction mixtures. L-cysteine, D-penicillamine, and L-glutathione formed mixed disulfides and TNB with the addition of DTNB to solutions of these thiols. The observed order of reactivity for these thiols with DTNB was: L-cysteine greater than D-penicillamine greater than L-glutathione. Surprisingly, Cu(II)(3,5-DIPS)2 converted these mixed disulfides to their symmetrical disulfides and DTNB, and although the initial conversion rate was rapid, complete conversion required more than two hours. These observations suggest caution with regard to the spectrophotometric determination of thiols immediately after the addition of Ellman's reagent. These results also clarify an earlier report concerning the oxidation of thiols by Cu(II)(o-phenanthroline)2 and offer caution with regard to the determination of thiols using DTNB in the presence of copper complexes. Spectrophotometric data are provided in support of the suggestion that analysis of plasma or cellular samples for thiols be done in the absence of copper(II) complexes to avoid false negative results.  相似文献   

On the role of uncoupling protein-2 in pancreatic beta cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin when blood glucose levels are high. Dysfunction of this glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) is partly responsible for the manifestation of type 2 diabetes, a metabolic disorder that is rapidly becoming a global pandemic. Mitochondria play a central role in GSIS by coupling glucose oxidation to production of ATP, a signal that triggers a series of events that ultimately leads to insulin release. Beta cells express a mitochondrial uncoupling protein, UCP2, which is rather surprising as activity of such a protein is anticipated to lower the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation, and hence to impair GSIS. The mounting evidence demonstrating that insulin secretion is indeed blunted by UCP2 agrees with this prediction, and has provoked the idea that UCP2 activity contributes to beta cell pathogenesis and development of type 2 diabetes. Although this notion may be correct, the evolved function of UCP2 remains unclear. With this paper we aim to provide a brief account of the present state of affairs in this field, suggest a physiological role for UCP2, and highlight some of our own recent results.  相似文献   

Elimination of Myeloid Leukemia Cell 1 (Mcl-1) is an early event in the onset of cell death following DNA damage and in many settings plays a critical role in dictating the success of chemotherapeutic agents. Following DNA damage, Mcl-1 is rapidly and efficiently targeted to the 26S proteasome through the action of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Tumors having acquired lesions that lead to stabilization of Mcl-1 are highly aggressive and have a poorer prognosis. Herein, we further characterize an additional mechanism of Mcl-1 proteolysis that is proteasome-independent but mitochondrial-dependent. A mitochondrial targeting signal located in the N-terminus of Mcl-1 is essential for targeting Mcl-1 to this alternative degradative avenue. We demonstrate that the Akt/mTORC1 survival pathway protects Mcl-1 from mitochondrial-dependent proteolysis. Disrupting Mcl-1 mitochondrial targeting improves the pro-survival capacity of Mcl-1 both ex vivo and in vivo in the well characterized mouse Eμ-Myc lymphoma model. Our data uncover an important relationship between the mitochondria and the Mcl-1 N-terminus in dictating cell fate following DNA damage.  相似文献   

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