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在筛选拟南芥(ArabidopsisthalianaL.)叶突变体的过程中获得拟南芥uprightrosette(uro)突变体。uro为半显性突变体,因突变体在幼苗生长期莲座叶竖直生长而得名。对uro突变体的表型进行了详细的分析,结果表明uro突变不仅造成叶生长模式的改变,还出现多种其他异常表型。uro杂合和纯合突变体都表现出植物顶端优势的丧失,纯合突变体表现得更为严重。uro纯合突变体的一些二级分枝会被叶取代,这种叶的叶柄与叶片远轴面连接。突变体的花发育也有多种异常表型,主要表现为花瓣及雄蕊数目的改变、花器官的同源异型转化和不同花器官的融合。uro突变体茎软,细胞学水平分析表明突变体的内皮层组织发生增生,束间纤维发育及维管束分化受阻。顶端优势的丧失及维管组织的异常发育表明,URO基因可能参与生长素对植物发育的调节。pin1uro双突变体表型的分析表明,虽然双突变茎表型出现了两亲本表型的叠加,但双突变体的花却出现了新的表型,说明URO与PIN1基因在调节植物发育过程中具有部分遗传上的相互作用,这一结果进一步证明URO基因参与了生长素调节的植物发育过程。  相似文献   

在筛选拟南芥(Arabidopsisthaliana L.)叶突变体的过程中获得拟南芥upright rosette(uro)突变体.uro为半显性突变体,因突变体在幼苗生长期莲座叶竖直生长而得名.对uro突变体的表型进行了详细的分析,结果表明:uro突变不仅造成叶生长模式的改变,还出现多种其他异常表型.uro杂合和纯合突变体都表现出植物顶端优势的丧失,纯合突变体表现得更为严重.uro纯合突变体的一些二级分枝会被叶取代,这种叶的叶柄与叶片远轴面连接.突变体的花发育也有多种异常表型,主要表现为花瓣及雄蕊数目的改变、花器官的同源异型转化和不同花器官的融合.uro突变体茎软,细胞学水平分析表明突变体的内皮层组织发生增生,束间纤维发育及维管束分化受阻.顶端优势的丧失及维管组织的异常发育表明,URO基因可能参与生长素对植物发育的调节.pin1 uro双突变体表型的分析表明,虽然双突变茎表型出现了两亲本表型的叠加,但双突变体的花却出现了新的表型,说明URO-与PIN1基因在调节植物发育过程中具有部分遗传上的相互作用,这一结果进一步证明URO基因参与了生长素调节的植物发育过程.  相似文献   

近年来,在植物激素的信号传导研究上已取得突破性进展.生长素的信号传导通路研究除了在生长素结合蛋白(ABP)上有所进展外,在生长素应答基因(Aux IAA),生长素调节因子(ARF)以及感应突变体的研究上也取得较大进展.对生长素运输通路及PIN1蛋白的功能和其抑制剂的研究也使对生长素信号传导的认识更清楚.生长素应答基因(Aux IAA)是生长素处理后快速诱导的基因.Aux IAA蛋白具有组织特异性(例如SAU蛋白)可以用来研究外源激素对植物生长发育的影响.生长素调节因子(ARF)与生长素应答基因的启动子序列具有特异性结合,Aux IAA蛋白与生长素调节因子(ARF)相互作用,并引发一系列蛋白质降解.使用转基因的拟南芥突变体,能有效地研究生长素在植物体内的特异性分布.借助运输载体抑制剂,可以对生长素的极性运输有更深入的了解.已经证明PIN蛋白参与生长素运输并与肌动蛋白有关.而且生长素参与了赤霉素介导的植物伸长反应.  相似文献   

为了揭示乙烯在植物与环境相互作用过程中的生物学功能,以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的ein2-5、ein3-1、EIN3ox、EIL1ox 4种乙烯突变体与Col-0野生型为材料,对比研究它们在干旱胁迫条件下的生长和形态学变化。研究发现,干旱胁迫导致莲座叶直径、叶片面积、花序、水势等指标发生显著变化,同时不同突变体的形态适应特点呈现显著差异。这些结果表明,乙烯积极参与了植物形态塑造过程,与植物的抗旱性具有紧密相关性。  相似文献   

拟南芥矮小丛生突变体的分离与分子鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顶端优势是指侧生分生组织的生长被主茎或主花序所抑制。最近的研究通过分离和鉴定顶端优势发生改变的突变体开始揭示顶端优势的分子机制。通过T-DNA标签法分离了拟南芥矮小丛生(bushy and dwarf l,budl)突变体。突变体植株的表型包括顶端优势丧失、株型矮小,表明budl突变体存在生长素代谢、运输或信号传导的缺陷。一个对生长素特异反应的启动子驱动的报告基因在budl中表达模式改变。生长素敏感性和运输能力的测定表明这两个过程在budl中均正常。以上结果显示budl表型是生长素代谢缺陷的结果。遗传分析表明BUDI为半显性突变且与一个T-DNA插入共分离,可通过iPCR方法分离。  相似文献   

研究生长素、乙烯和一氧化氮(NO)对拟南芥下胚轴插条形成不定根的调节,以及生长素和乙烯信号转导成员在IAA促进不定根形成中的作用的结果表明:拟南芥切条以IAA和硝普钠(N0供体)单独处理7d后的不定根形成均受到促进,其中以50μmol·L^-1 IAAμmol·L^-1 SNP的促进作用为最强,乙烯的促进作用不明显;生长素运输和信号转导以及乙烯信号转导相关突变体对IAA促进生根作用的敏感性比野生型有所下降,特别是IAA14功能获得型的突变体。IAA和NO在促进不定根形成中有协同效应。  相似文献   

以哥伦比亚(Columbia)野生型拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)为实验材料,用含有激活标记双元质粒pCB260的农杆菌浸花进行转化,构建拟南芥T-DNA插入突变体库.通过突变体的筛选和表型分析,获得了两株光形态突变体,子叶下胚轴伸长的光抑制效应减弱.通过TAIL-PCR(thermal asymmetric interlaced-PCR)技术,成功扩增出突变植株T-DNA插入位点侧翼序列,经NCBI序列比对,T-DNA分别插在CRY1第一和第三外显子部位.突变体的表型分析及PCR鉴定结果表明,T-DNA插入CRY1并影响到突变植株的光形态建成.  相似文献   

叶的极性建立直接决定叶的平展性发育,极性改变导致叶形态异常,影响植物体的各种正常生理活动。利用反向遗传学方法,从拟南芥基因激活标签突变体库中分离到一个叶片边缘锯齿状表型的突变体(命名为pCB1294),该突变体同时表现出叶表皮腺毛形态发育异常。通过TailPCR方法成功定位突变基因为At5g41663,该基因编码miR319b基因。Real time PCR显示,pCB1294突变体植株中miR319b基因的表达量是野生型(col)植株的11倍多。所得结果为进一步研究miRNA调控叶极性的分子机制和进一步分析miR319b与叶形态发生的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

赵琼  何文容  张新岩  郭红卫 《生命科学》2010,(11):1167-1172
乙烯信号途径的建立得益于一系列的突变体研究,EIN3是乙烯信号转导通路的核心转录因子,EIN3的蛋白质含量严格受F-BOX蛋白EBF1/EBF2的降解调控。为了进一步挖掘乙烯信号途径的新组分和深入研究EIN3及其下游的信号组分,作者筛选了四个不同来源的T-DNA库,并利用转基因植物EIN3ox作为遗传背景,进行了EIN3下游的抑制子筛选工作,还利用化学遗传学的方法筛选了四个小分子库。  相似文献   

拟南芥抗盐突变体的RAPD分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以筛选得到可以稳定遗传的抗盐单基因突变体2^#和15^#以及野生型拟南芥为材料进行RAPD分析,150条引物中有3条引物在突变体之间扩增出多态性,不仅证明了DNA水平突变的发生,而且表明它们之间遗传背景相似,是一系列抗盐性不同的近似等位基因系。1条引物在突变体的扩增产物比在野生型的扩增产物多出一个大小约为1200bp的片段,初步认为该片段与抗盐的主效基因有关。  相似文献   

Plant secondary growth is of tremendous importance, not only for plant growth and development but also for economic usefulness. Secondary tissues such as xylem and phloem are the conducting tissues in plant vascular systems, essentially for water and nutrient transport, respectively. On the other hand, products of plant secondary growth are important raw materials and renewable sources of energy. Although advances have been recently made towards describing molecular mechanisms that regulate secondary growth, the genetic control for this process is not yet fully understood. Secondary cell wall formation in plants shares some common mechanisms with other plant secondary growth processes. Thus, studies on the secondary cell wall formation using Arabidopsis may help to understand the regulatory mechanisms for plant secondary growth. We previously reported phenotypic characterizations of an Arabidopsis semi-dominant mutant, upright rosette (uro), which is defective in secondary cell wall growth and has an unusually soft stem. Here, we show that lignification in the secondary cell wall in uro is aberrant by analyzing hypocotyl and stem. We also show genome-wide expression profiles of uro seedlings, using the Affymetrix GeneChip that contains approximately 24 000 Arabidopsis genes. Genes identified with altered expression levels include those that function in plant hormone biosynthesis and signaling, cell division and plant secondary tissue growth. These results provide useful information for further characterizations of the regulatory network in plant secondary cell wall formation.  相似文献   

拟南芥乙烯信号传递途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物激素乙烯早在一百多年前就已经被确认,相关的研究使得乙烯广泛地被应用于农业上.一直到十年前第一个植物激素乙烯受体拟南芥ETR1基因被发现之后,人们对于乙烯信号传递的研究并才真正开始有所突破.以遗传学为基础对乙烯反应突变体所做的分析,使得乙烯信号传递已经成为目前植物信号传递领域中被研究得最清楚的信号传递途径之一.该文着重于回顾乙烯信号传递途径上各个元件的发现和确认,以及如何利用遗传学的方法将现有的突变体相关基因构建出目前广为接受的信号传递的遗传模式.最后,该文就目前所知的乙烯信号传递理论及相关研究,做了总结和深入的讨论.  相似文献   

The hexavalent form of chromium [Cr(VI)] causes a major reduction in yield and quality of crops worldwide. The root is the first plant organ that interacts with Cr(VI) toxicity, which inhibits primary root elongation, but the underlying mechanisms of this inhibition remain elusive. In this study, we investigate the possibility that Cr(VI) reduces primary root growth of Arabidopsis by modulating the cell cycle‐related genes and that ethylene signalling contributes to this process. We show that Cr(VI)‐mediated inhibition of primary root elongation was alleviated by the ethylene perception and biosynthesis antagonists silver and cobalt, respectively. Furthermore, the ethylene signalling defective mutants (ein2‐1 and etr1‐3) were insensitive, whereas the overproducer mutant (eto1‐1) was hypersensitive to Cr(VI). We also report that high levels of Cr(VI) significantly induce the distribution and accumulation of auxin in the primary root tips, but this increase was significantly suppressed in seedlings exposed to silver or cobalt. In addition, genetic and physiological investigations show that AUXIN‐RESISTANT1 (AUX1) participates in Cr(VI)‐induced inhibition of primary root growth. Taken together, our results indicate that ethylene mediates Cr(VI)‐induced inhibition of primary root elongation by increasing auxin accumulation and polar transport by stimulating the expression of AUX1.  相似文献   

Lateral root branching is a genetically defined and environmentally regulated process. Auxin is required for lateral root formation, and mutants that are altered in auxin synthesis, transport or signaling often have lateral root defects. Crosstalk between auxin and ethylene in root elongation has been demonstrated, but interactions between these hormones in the regulation of Arabidopsis lateral root formation are not well characterized. This study utilized Arabidopsis mutants altered in ethylene signaling and synthesis to explore the role of ethylene in lateral root formation. We find that enhanced ethylene synthesis or signaling, through the eto1-1 and ctr1-1 mutations, or through the application of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), negatively impacts lateral root formation, and is reversible by treatment with the ethylene antagonist, silver nitrate. In contrast, mutations that block ethylene responses, etr1-3 and ein2-5 , enhance root formation and render it insensitive to the effect of ACC, even though these mutants have reduced root elongation at high ACC doses. ACC treatments or the eto1-1 mutation significantly enhance radiolabeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport in both the acropetal and the basipetal directions. ein2-5 and etr1-3 have less acropetal IAA transport, and transport is no longer regulated by ACC. DR5-GUS reporter expression is also altered by ACC treatment, which is consistent with transport differences. The aux1-7 mutant, which has a defect in an IAA influx protein, is insensitive to the ethylene inhibition of root formation. aux1-7 also has ACC-insensitive acropetal and basipetal IAA transport, as well as altered DR5-GUS expression, which is consistent with ethylene altering AUX1-mediated IAA uptake, and thereby blocking lateral root formation.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of cytokinin benzyladenine (BA) and ethylene on the senescence in the dark of detached leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh wild-type plants and theeti-5mutant, which was described in the literature as the ethylene-insensitive one. Leaf senescence was assessed from a decrease in the chlorophyll content. The content of endogenous cytokinins (zeatin and zeatin riboside) was estimated by the ELISA technique. We demonstrated that the content of endogenous cytokinins in the leaves of the three-week-old eti-5mutants exceeded that of the wild-type leaves by an order of magnitude; in the five-week-old mutants, by several times; and in the seven-week-old plants, the difference became insignificant. Due to the excess of endogenous cytokinins in the three–five-week-old mutant leaves, their senescence in the dark was retarded and exogenous cytokinin affected these leaves to a lesser extent. The seven-week-old mutant and the wild-type leaves, which contained practically similar amounts of endogenous cytokinins, did not differ in these indices. Thus, the level of endogenous cytokinins determined the rate of senescence and the leaf response to cytokinin treatment. Ethylene accelerated the senescence of detached wild-type leaves. Ethylene action increased with increasing its concentration from 0.1 to 100 l/l. BA (10–6M) suppressed ethylene action. Similar data were obtained for the eti-5mutant leaves. We therefore suggest that the mutant leaves comprised the pathways of the ethylene signal reception and transduction, which provided for the acceleration of their senescence.  相似文献   

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