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Studies were made on bambarranut seeds (Voandzeia subterraneaThouars) after 0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of storage in gunnybags under laboratory conditions (25–35 °C). Seeddeterioration during storage was indicated by delayed germination,reduced germinability, reduced growth of seedlings and increasednumber of stunted seedlings culminating in a total failure ofgermination after two years. Slight depletion of food reserves occurred during seed storage.The loss in fat was higher than starch or protein. Total solublesugars decreased while the content of total fatty acids andamino acids and soluble protein increased. Total nitrogen (N)remained unaffected while soluble-N and amino-N increased. Allthese components showed a rapid change (increase or decrease)from 12 months to 18 months of storage which was associatedwith commencement of rapid decline in germinability of the seedsand growth of the seedlings. Initial rapid imbibition of water was observed in viable aswell as non-viable seeds, though at a higher rate in the latterand followed by a lag period in both. At the end of 24 h ofimbibition, water content in non-viable seeds was less thanthat in viable ones. Key words: Voandzeia subterranea, Seed germination, Seed storage  相似文献   

Summary To improve biological nitrogen fixation in bambara groundut (Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars), the relative effectiveness of 24 cultivars was studied in the field at two experimental stations selected for their different ecological conditions. Thirty oneRhizobium strains were isolated and 12 cultivars were screened during this study. Both indigenous and introduced NiftalRhizobium strains were used during a second study on host cultivars xRhizobium strains interactions. Nodulation index and shoot dry weight were used to assess the efficiency. The widest effectiveness spectrum was observed with the indigenous strain MAO 113 and the introduced strain TAL 22.
Resumen Afín de mejorar la fijación biológica de nitrógeno en el cacahuete de Bambara (Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars), se realizó un estudio de su efectividad relativa en campo en dos estaciones experimentales seleccionadas por sus distintas condiciones ecológicas. Durante este estudio se aislaron treintaiuna cepas deRhizobium y se probaron doce cultivares del huésped. En un segundo ensayo se estudiaron las interacciones huésped xcepa deRhizobium para lo cual se utilizaron cepas deRhizobium Niftal tanto indígenas como introducidas. La eficiencia se valoró determinado el índice de nodulación y el peso seco de la parte aerea. El espectro más amplio de eficacia se observó con la cepa indígena MAO 113 y la introducida TAL 22.

Résumé Dans le but d'améliorer la fixation biologique d'azote dans la noix de Bambara (Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars), l'efficacité relative de 24 cultivars a été étudiée sur le terrain dans deux stations expérimentales choisies pour leurs conditions écologiques différentes. Trente-etune souches deRhizobium ont été isolées et 12 cultivars ont été testés au cours de cette étude. Tant les souches indigènes deRhizobium que celles Niftal introduites ont été utilisées au cours d'une deuxième étude sur les interractions entre les souches deRhizobium et les cultivarshôtes. L'indice de nodulation et le poids sec de la pousse ont été utilisés pour l'établissement de l'efficience. Le spectre d'efficience le plus large a été observé avec la souche indigène MAO 113 et la souche introduite TAL 22.

Flowers of Voandzeia subterranea are positively geotropic andthis helps their entry into the ground. The ovary develops onlywhen it is on the surface of, or inside, the soil. The transformationinto fruit occurs in two stages: (a) definite development of pod, followed by (b) development of seed. The first stage occurs during the first 30 days after fertilizationand the second stage lasts for about 10 days. Maturity is characterizedby dryness and browning of the interior of the shell and appearanceof brown patches on it. The part of the pod on which the pedicelsubsists is the upper part and the lower part is the portionwhere the style is attached.  相似文献   

小麦种子在不同保存条件下的生活力丧失特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来种子在低温种质库和室温保存条件下的生活力丧失特性研究日益受到关注,但是与其重要性相比,目前很少见有文献报道此方面进展。本文中我们监测了在中期库、室温和人工加速老化条件下小麦种子的生活力变化,以了解种子在这些保存条件下的生活力变化特性。结果表明,三种条件下所有种子的存活曲线均呈反S形,这种特点不受保存条件的影响。随着保存温度的降低,种子生活力丧失速度降低,反S形曲线的平台期和种子寿命延长。我们采用T检验来判断平台期和种子生活力快速下降期之间的转折点(Pt),发现小麦种子在不同条件下保存时,其Pt均十分接近,在82.2%到83.6%之间。本文讨论了将Pt以及其他生理指标作为种子保存过程中生活力快速下降的预警指标的可能性。  相似文献   

小麦种质贮藏过程中生活力丧失特性及田间出苗率表现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对贮藏2~20年的378份中期库小麦种质进行生活力测定(每一贮藏年份测定种质份数为10~30),结果表明贮藏年限为2~12年的种质平均发芽率都高于83%,而贮藏年限为15年的种质平均发芽率已降至20%,这表明小麦种质在中期库贮藏过程中,生活力丧失存在着骤降特性。同时对同一品种分别来自中期库低活力和长期库高活力种质进行田间出苗率和农艺性状调查,发现中期库种质的室内发芽率与田间出苗率相关极显,其相关显性高于长期库种质,且不论是来自中期库低活力种质还是长期库高活力种质,总体上田间出苗率都比室内发芽率低20%以上,在子一代种子的农艺性状上两之间无显差异。  相似文献   

Loss of seed viability in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) duringstorage is associated with an increase in the frequency of cellsin the surviving seeds showing chromosome damage during firstmitoses. The relation is linear when probit of the frequencyof aberrant cells is plotted as a function of probit percentagenormal germination. The slope of the relation, however, variesaccording to moisture content so that the proportion of aberrantcells for any given loss of germination increases with decreasein moisture content over the range 13.0–5.5 per cent.At 3.3 per cent moisture content, however, the proportion ofaberrations was no greater than at 5.5 per cent moisture content;and at 18.1 per cent moisture content the proportion was noless than at 13.0 per cent moisture content. Despite these differences,the increase in chromosomal aberrations per unit time for agiven temperature was always less the lower the moisture content.Diplontic selection markedly reduced the frequency of chromosomalaberrations and eliminated the differences in these frequenciesbetween the different storage treatments. But even after fiveweeks' growth, root tips from aged seed still contained abouttwice as many aberrant cells as compared with similar root tipsderived from the original seed stock. Studies on the frequencyof recessive mutations indicated that excessive amounts of heritablemutations were not present in the progenies of aged seed, evenwhen stored at moisture contents as low as 5.5 per cent. Allthis and other evidence reinforces the view that orthodox seedsfor genetic conservation should be stored at not more than about5 per cent moisture content, and that even lower moisture contentsare worth considering. The results also emphasise the need formaintaining a high regeneration standard, i.e. the percentageto which seed viability is allowed to fall during storage beforethe seed stock is regenerated. Lactuca sativa, lettuce, seed storage, seed viability, chromosomal aberrations, phenotypic mutations  相似文献   

The infection of Vigna subterranea (formerly Voandzeia subterranea) by Bradyrhizobium strain MAO 113 (isolated from V. subterranea) was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Bacteria accumulated on the epidermis close to root hairs, and subsequently entered the latter via infection threads. Most of the steps involved in nodule formation were generally characteristic of determinate nodules, such as those which form on the closely related V. radiata. For example, nodule meristems were induced beneath the root epidermis adjacent to infected root hairs, but prior to infection of the meristem by rhizobia. Moreover, after the infection of some of the meristematic cells by the infection threads, and the release of the rhizobia into membrane-bound vesicles, the infection process ceased and dissemination of the rhizobia was by division of already-infected host cells. However, there were some aspects of this process in V. subterranea which have been more commonly described in indeterminate nodules. These include long infection threads entering a number of cells within the meristems simultaneously and a matrix within infection threads which was strongly labelled with immunogold monoclonal antibodies, MAC236 and MAC265, which recognize epitopes on an intercellular glycoprotein. The MAC236 and MAC265 antibodies also recognized material in the unwalled infection droplets surrounding bacteria which were newly-released from the infection threads. The amount of labelling shown was more characteristic of the long infection threads seen in indeterminate nodules such as pea (Pisum sativum) and Neptunia plena. The structure of mature V. subterranea nodules was similar to that described for other determinate nodules such as Glycine max, Vigna unguiculata and V.radiata, i.e. they were spherical and the infected zone consisted of both infected and uninfected cells. Surrounding the infected tissue was an inner cortex of uninfected cell layers containing the putative components of an oxygen diffusion barrier (including glycoprotein-occluded intercellular spaces), and an outer cortex with cells containing calcium oxalate crystals.  相似文献   

The infection of Vigna subterranea (formerly Voandzeia subterranea) by Bradyrhizobium strain MAO 113 (isolated from V. subterranea) was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Bacteria accumulated on the epidermis close to root hairs, and subsequently entered the latter via infection threads. Most of the steps involved in nodule formation were generally characteristic of determinate nodules, such as those which form on the closely related V. radiata. For example, nodule meristems were induced beneath the root epidermis adjacent to infected root hairs, but prior to infection of the meristem by rhizobia. Moreover, after the infection of some of the meristematic cells by the infection threads, and the release of the rhizobia into membrane-bound vesicles, the infection process ceased and dissemination of the rhizobia was by division of already-infected host cells. However, there were some aspects of this process in V. subterranea which have been more commonly described in indeterminate nodules. These include long infection threads entering a number of cells within the meristems simultaneously and a matrix within infection threads which was strongly labelled with immunogold monoclonal antibodies, MAC236 and MAC265, which recognize epitopes on an intercellular glycoprotein. The MAC236 and MAC265 antibodies also recognized material in the unwalled infection droplets surrounding bacteria which were newly-released from the infection threads. The amount of labelling shown was more characteristic of the long infection threads seen in indeterminate nodules such as pea (Pisum sativum) and Neptunia plena. The structure of mature V. subterranea nodules was similar to that described for other determinate nodules such as Glycine max, Vigna unguiculata and V.radiata, i.e. they were spherical and the infected zone consisted of both infected and uninfected cells. Surrounding the infected tissue was an inner cortex of uninfected cell layers containing the putative components of an oxygen diffusion barrier (including glycoprotein-occluded intercellular spaces), and an outer cortex with cells containing calcium oxalate crystals.  相似文献   

During the germination of the seeds of Voandzeia subterraneaL. Thouars, the content of starch in the cotyledons fell progressively.There was a substantial increase in amylase activity duringthe first 4 d. The activity of starch phosphorylase increasedafter 6 d when there was a rapid decline in amylase activity.The activities of hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase increased, suggesting thepresence of an active phosphogluconate pathway in the cotyledons.  相似文献   

研究白木香种子发育进程中种子性状、萌发能力和脱水耐性的变化,以及不同光温条件对种子萌发的影响和种子的贮藏特性。结果表明:白木香种子在花后78d获得最大干重,进入生理成熟期,此时萌发率接近最大值;胚在花后57~85d,脱水耐性逐渐增强,并在花后85d获得最大脱水耐性。种子萌发的适宜温度范围为25℃-35℃,光照对种子萌发有一定的抑制作用。新鲜自木香种子(含水量27.45%)在4℃低温条件下贮藏1个月后萌发率仅为30%左右,而含水量7.38%的干燥种子在4℃低温条件下贮藏120d,萌发率仍有53.33%,因此,4℃低温和适度脱水有利于种子短期贮藏。白木香种子能忍耐一定程度的脱水,但干燥至含水量7.50%以下时种子会发生损伤,因此推测白木香种子是一种中间性种子。  相似文献   

NICHOLS  R. 《Annals of botany》1965,29(2):181-196
The auxins of cacao seeds were examined in relation to seeddevelopment by the wheat straight growth and the first internodeassays after separation by filter paper chromatography. Therewere four consistent growth-active zones on the chromatograms:two acid growth promoters, one acid inhibitor, and a neutralgrowth promoter. An acid promoter (cacao auxin I) was shownby two-way chromatography and its activity in the oat curvaturetest to be similar to indole-3-acetic acid. Cacao auxin 1 occurredin roughly equal amounts in seeds of different ages throughoutthe wilting phase. The other growth substances detected on thechromatograms were unlikely to be associated with wilting phenomena. Three stages can be recognized in the growth of the perispermand endosperm. The only measurable differences between wiltingand healthy seeds was in the perisperm, which was smaller inthe wilting seeds during the second stage, 50 to 80 days fromfertilization. No differences could be found in the dimensionsof the wilting and healthy seeds. The observations on seed developmentare discussed in relation to growth of the fruit and cacao auxin1. A summary of the major steps in the development of the healthyand wilting seeded fruit and the hypothetical pathway by whichseedless and partially seeded fruits arise is presented.  相似文献   

Voandzeia subterranea (L.)Thouars (Bambara groundnut) is a drought and poor soil cultivated legume. The seeds vary both in colour and in size. The seed colour ranges from white, cream, ivory to dark brown red or black. The seed weight varies fromabout 0.15 g to 1.20 g. The effect of seed size on the development and yield of the cream coloured cultivar ofV. subterranea was investigated. The three size class of seeds used in the study are small (seeds weighing less than 0.40 g) medium (seeds weighing from 0.40–0.60g) and large (seeds weighing above 0.60g). The results of the investigation show that the number of leaves, pods and seeds, the leaf area, dry weight of plants and the seeds produced increased significantly with increase in the seed size.  相似文献   

Previous work on chlorophyll-deficiency mutations in pea andbarley has shown that a significant increase in mutations isinduced by storing seeds under various conditions which leadto losses of viability to about 50 per cent. The work here showsthat a detectable increase in mutation frequency is also associatedwith much smaller losses of viability. Pea seeds were storedat 35 °C and 16.5 per cent moisture content for 40 and 57d when viability fell from 99 to 93 and 82 per cent, respectively.At the same time mutation frequency (percentage of seeds containingrecessive point mutations) increased from 1.62 per cent in thecontrol treatment to about 3 to 4 per cent. Barley seeds at15.5 per cent moisture content were stored at 50 °C for42 and 54 h, and at 35 °C for 28 and 39 d. During theseageing treatments viability fell from 98 to 75, 26, 93 and 48per cent respectively and the mutation frequency increased fromzero to between about 0.3 to 0.9 per cent. In both species theinduction of mutation by ageing treatments was significant butthe differences between the various ageing treatments were not.It is concluded that there is probably no safe threshold lossof viability which completely avoids mutation, and these resultssupport the view that for genetic conservation seeds shouldbe stored under conditions which minimise loss of viability. Pisum sativum L., pea, Hordeum distichum L., barley, mutation frequency, seed storage, seed viability  相似文献   

The peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds harvested at the last stage of maturation were divided into five grades by size. The content of total protein, salt-soluble protein, arachin, conarachin I and 2s globulin in these seeds were measured. No obvious differences in germination percentage and the length of radicle and hypocotyl within 3d germination in dark were observed among the five grades of seeds. But there were significant differences in the seedling growth after two weeks of germination in light. There was a very close correlation between the storage protein in cotyledons and the seedling growth. When seeds germinated in light, the efficiency of mobilization of the salt-soluble protein in the cotyledons was higher than that in the cotyledons of the seeds germinating in dark. All of the salt-soluble protein in cotyledons was used up after 14d seedling growth in light. SDS-PAGE of salt-soluble protein showed that 23.5, 38.5 and 41 kD subunits of arachin were first mobilized during germination. The 18 kD subunits of arachin were not mobilized until the above-mentioned subunits were used up. The 60.5 kD subunit of conarachin I and 2s globulin were degradated within 2 to 3 days during germination.  相似文献   


The nut and shell of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) were evaluated for insecticidal efficacy at concentrations of 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5% per 150 g bambarra groundnut (Voandzeia subterranea L.) Verde seeds against Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic.) (Bruchidae). Cashew nut shell was highly toxic to C. subinnotatus and achieved 100% insect mortality within 48 hours at 7.5% and 100% mortality within 72% hours at 2.5 and 5.0% concentrations. Oviposition and progeny development of the insect were severely suppressed while seeds were protected from damage by the bruchid. Seed germination was, however, impaired at all concentrations, suggesting that seed treated with cashew products may be suitable for consumption but not be suitable as planting stock.  相似文献   

采后果蔬贮藏时冷害与多胺的关系   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
就采后果蔬受冷时的内源多胺含量变化及其对减轻冷害的处理的反应,多胺减轻果蔬冷害的可能机制作了介绍。  相似文献   

The relation between oxidative damage and viability loss of excised embryonic axes of Antiaris toxicaria subjected to rapid drying with silica gel at 15 °C was studied.Changes of survival rate,accumulation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs),activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),catalase (CAT),ascorbate peroxidase (APX),glutathione reductase (GR) and the permeability of cell membrane that was determined as relative electrolyte leakage (REL) were measured.The half-life moisture content (MCL50) was 0.41 g H2O/g DW (dry weight basis).During drying,the activities of SOD,CAT and APX increased until MCL50,and declined thereafter.The generation speed of ·O2-,and content of H2O2 and TBARs remained steadily or even decreased at MC levels higher than MCL50,demonstrating a low oxidative level in these axes.There was no significant correlation between viability loss and accumulation of reactive oxygen species or lipid peroxidation within the dehydration process until MCL50.Whereas the increase in REL from the beginning of the drying process indicated that the cell membrane was damaged.In conclusion,under rapid drying with silica gel the viability loss of excised recalcitrant A.toxicaria axes seemed to be triggered by mechanical or physical damage,rather than metabolic damage.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry was used to study the relationships among drying rate, desiccation sensitivity, and the properties of water in homeohydrous (recalcitrant) seeds of Landolphia kirkii. Slow drying of intact seeds to axis moisture contents of approximately 0.9 to 0.7 gram/gram caused lethal damage, whereas very rapid (flash) drying of excised embryonic axes permitted removal of water to approximately 0.3 gram/gram. The amount of nonfreezable water in embryonic axes (0.28 gram H2O/gram dry mass) did not change with drying rate and was similar to that of desiccation-tolerant seeds. These results suggest that the amount of nonfreezable water per se is not an important factor in desiccation sensitivity. However, flash drying that removed all freezable water damaged embryonic axes. Differences between desiccation-sensitive and -tolerant seeds occur at two levels: (a) tolerant seeds naturally lose freezable water, and sensitive seeds can lose this water without obvious damage only if it is removed very rapidly; (b) tolerant seeds can withstand the loss of a substantial proportion of nonfreezable water, whereas sensitive seeds are damaged if nonfreezable water is removed.  相似文献   

Germination of Archontophoenix alexandrae seeds and embryos were studied under gradient water content treatments throughout the seed development phases of maturation in 2005 to investigate seed desiccation tolerance and storage characteristics. During the maturation process, seed water content decreased gradually from55 DAF (days after flowering) to 70 DAF, and seeds reached the maximum dry-weight at 90 DAF. Seed germinability appeared after 60 DAF. Seeds germinated with a temperature range from15℃- 40℃ under alternating photoperiod (14 h light, 10 h dark, 12μmol m- 2s - 1 ), while the best germination percentage was obtained between 30℃- 35℃. A maximum germination capacity reached at 70 DAF. However, seed germination was greatly inhibited by light. Desiccation tolerance of seeds and embryos increasedgradually from 55 DAF to 90 DAF and reached the maximum at 90 DAF with a semilethal water content of 0.18 g/g ( seed) and 0.3 g/g ( embryo) respectively. Rapid dehydration maintained higher seed germination percentage than thatof slow dehydration when drying to the same water content. Seeds with without water content treatments failed to germinate after 1 month storage under - 18℃, whereas appropriate desiccation treatment prolonged seed longevity under 4℃, 10℃ and 15℃ storage temperatures. It revealed obviously the recalcitrant characteristics of Archontophoenix alexandrae seeds torage behaviour which are tolerant toward neither deep desiccation nor low temperatures.  相似文献   

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