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The thermal denaturation of Klenow DNA polymerase has been characterized over a wide variety of solution conditions to obtain a relative stability landscape for the protein. Measurements were conducted utilizing a miniaturized fluorescence assay that measures Tm based on the increase in the fluorescence of 1,8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) when the protein denatures. The melting temperature (Tm) for Klenow increases as the salt concentration is increased and as the pH is decreased. Klenow's Tm spans a range of over 20 degrees C, from 40 to 62 degrees C, depending upon the solution conditions. The landscape reconciles and extends previously measured Tm values for Klenow. Salt effects on the stability of Klenow show strong cation dependence overlaid onto a more typical Hofmeister anion type dependence. Cationic stabilization of proteins has been far less frequently documented than anionic stabilization. The monovalent cations tested stabilize Klenow with the following hierarchy: NH4+>Na+>Li+>K+. Of the divalent cations tested: Mg+2 and Mn+2 significantly stabilize the protein, while Ni+2 dramatically destabilizes the protein. Stability measurements performed in combined Mg+2 plus Na+ salts suggest that the stabilizing effects of these monovalent and divalent cations are synergistic. The cationic stabilization of Klenow can be well explained by a model postulating dampening of repulsion within surface anionic patches on the protein.  相似文献   

We have used DNA footprinting techniques to analyze the interactions of five DNA replication proteins at a primer-template junction: the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase (the gene 43 protein), its three accessory proteins (the gene 44/62 and 45 proteins), and the gene 32 protein, which is the T4 helix-destabilizing (or single-stranded DNA-binding) protein. The 177-nucleotide-long DNA substrate consisted of a perfect 52-base pair hairpin helix with a protruding single-stranded 5' tail. As expected, the DNA polymerase binds near the 3' end of this molecule (at the primer-template junction) and protects the adjacent double-stranded region from cleavage. When the gene 32 protein binds to the single-stranded tail, it reduces the concentration of the DNA polymerase required to observe the polymerase footprint by 10-30-fold. Periodic ATP hydrolysis by the 44/62 protein is required to maintain the activity of the DNA polymerase holoenzyme (a complex of the 43, 44/62, and 45 proteins). Footprinting experiments demonstrate the formation of a weak complex between the DNA polymerase and the gene 45 protein, but there is no effect of the 44/62 protein or ATP on this enlarged footprint. We propose a model for holoenzyme function in which the complex of the three accessory proteins uses ATP hydrolysis to keep a moving polymerase tightly bound to the growing 3' end, providing a "clock" to measure polymerase stalling.  相似文献   

A structure-activity relationship study was carried out with a sequence of 5-(1-alkynyl)-dUTPs in Klenow DNA polymerase enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Ability of modified dUTPs examined (up to the octynyl derivative) to serve as a substrate depended on both the length of substituent and the structure of DNA primer-template used.  相似文献   

8-chloro-2'-deoxyadenosine (8-Cl-dAdo) was incorporated into synthetic DNA oligonucleotides to determine its effects on DNA synthesis by the 3'-5' exonuclease-free Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA Polymerase I (KF-). Single nucleotide insertion experiments were used to determine the coding potential of 8-Cl-dAdo in a DNA template. KF- inserted TTP opposite 8-Cl-dAdo in the template, but with decreased efficiency relative to natural deoxyadenosine. Running-start primer extensions with KF- resulted in polymerase pausing at 8-Cl-dAdo template sites during DNA synthesis. The 2'-deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate analogue, 8-Cl-dATP, was incorporated opposite thymidine (T) approximately two-fold less efficiently than dATP.  相似文献   

Kinetic mechanism of DNA polymerase I (Klenow)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The minimal kinetic scheme for DNA polymerization catalyzed by the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I (KF) from Escherichia coli has been determined with short DNA oligomers of defined sequence. A key feature of this scheme is a minimal two-step sequence that interconverts the ternary KF.DNAn.dNTP and KF.DNAn+1.PPi complexes. The rate is not limited by the actual polymerization but by a separate step, possibly important in ensuring fidelity [Mizrahi, V., Henrie, R. N., Marlier, J. F., Johnson, K. A., & Benkovic, S. J. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 4010-4018]. Evidence for this sequence is supplied by the observation of biphasic kinetics in single-turnover pyrophosphorolysis experiments (the microscopic reverse of polymerization). Data analysis then provides an estimate of the internal equilibrium constant. The dissociations of DNA, dNTP, and PPi from the various binary and ternary complexes were measured by partitioning (isotope-trapping) experiments. The rate constant for DNA dissociation from KF is sequence dependent and is rate limiting during nonprocessive DNA synthesis. The combination of single-turnover (both directions) and isotope-trapping experiments provides sufficient information to permit a quantitative evaluation of the kinetic scheme for specific DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The interaction of a fluorescent duplex DNA oligomer with the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli has been studied in solution by using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. An aminonaphthalenesulfonate (dansyl) fluorescent probe was linked by a propyl chain to a C5-modified uridine base located at a specific site in the primer strand of the DNA oligomer. The fluorescent oligomer bound tightly to the Klenow fragment (KD = 7.9 nM), and the probe's position within the DNA-protein complex was varied by stepwise elongation of the primer strand upon addition of the appropriate deoxynucleoside triphosphates. The decay of the total fluorescence intensity and the polarization anisotropy were measured with a picosecond laser and a time-correlated single photon counting system. The fluorescence lifetimes, the correlation time for internal rotation, and the angular range of internal rotation varied according to the probe's position within the DNA-protein complex. These results showed that five or six bases of the primer strand upstream of the 3' terminus were in contact with the protein and that within this contact region there were differences in the degree of solvent accessibility and the closeness of contact. Further, a minor binding mode of the DNA-protein complex was identified, on the basis of heterogeneity of the probe environment observed when the probe was positioned seven bases upstream from the primer 3' terminus, which resulted in a distinctive "dip and rise" in the anisotropy decay. Experiments with an epoxy-terminated DNA oligomer and a site-directed mutant protein established that the labeled DNA was binding at the polymerase active site (major form) and at the spatially distinct 3'----5' exonuclease active site (minor form). The abundance of each of these distinct binding modes of the DNA-protein complex was estimated under solution conditions by analyzing the anisotropy decay of the dansyl probe. About 12% of the labeled DNA was bound at the 3'----5' exonuclease site. This method should be useful for investigating the editing mechanism of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

In order to further understand how DNA polymerases discriminate against incorrect dNTPs, we synthesized two sets of dNTP analogues and tested them as substrates for DNA polymerase α (pol α) and Klenow fragment (exo) of DNA polymerase I (Escherichia coli). One set of analogues was designed to test the importance of the electronic nature of the base. The bases consisted of a benzimidazole ring with one or two exocyclic substituent(s) that are either electron-donating (methyl and methoxy) or electron-withdrawing (trifluoromethyl and dinitro). Both pol α and Klenow fragment exhibit a remarkable inability to discriminate against these analogues as compared to their ability to discriminate against incorrect natural dNTPs. Neither polymerase shows any distinct electronic or steric preferences for analogue incorporation. The other set of analogues, designed to examine the importance of hydrophobicity in dNTP incorporation, consists of a set of four regioisomers of trifluoromethyl benzimidazole. Whereas pol α and Klenow fragment exhibited minimal discrimination against the 5- and 6-regioisomers, they discriminated much more effectively against the 4- and 7-regioisomers. Since all four of these analogues will have similar hydrophobicity and stacking ability, these data indicate that hydrophobicity and stacking ability alone cannot account for the inability of pol α and Klenow fragment to discriminate against unnatural bases. After incorporation, however, both sets of analogues were not efficiently elongated. These results suggest that factors other than hydrophobicity, sterics and electronics govern the incorporation of dNTPs into DNA by pol α and Klenow fragment.  相似文献   

DNA binding of Klenow polymerase has been characterized with respect to temperature to delineate the thermodynamic driving forces involved in the interaction of this polymerase with primed-template DNA. The temperature dependence of the binding affinity exhibits distinct curvature, with tightest binding at 25-30 degrees C. Nonlinear temperature dependence indicates Klenow binds different primed-template constructs with large heat capacity (DeltaCp) values (-870 to -1220 cal/mole K) and thus exhibits large temperature dependent changes in enthalpy and entropy. Binding is entropy driven at lower temperatures and enthalpy driven at physiological temperatures. Large negative DeltaCp values have been proposed to be a 'signature' of site-specific DNA binding, but type I DNA polymerases do not exhibit significant DNA sequence specificity. We suggest that the binding of Klenow to a specific DNA structure, the primed-template junction, results in a correlated thermodynamic profile that mirrors what is commonly seen for DNA sequence-specific binding proteins. Klenow joins a small number of other DNA-sequence independent DNA binding proteins which exhibit unexpectedly large negative DeltaCp values. Spectroscopic measurements show small conformational rearrangements of both the DNA and Klenow upon binding, and small angle x-ray scattering shows a global induced fit conformational compaction of the protein upon binding. Calculations from both crystal structure and solution structural data indicate that Klenow DNA binding is an exception to the often observed correlation between DeltaCp and changes in accessible surface area. In the case of Klenow, surface area burial can account for only about half of the DeltaCp of binding.  相似文献   

Aminoglycosides are known to bind and perturb the function of catalytic RNA. Here we show that they also are potent inhibitors of protein-based catalysis using Escherichia coli Klenow polymerase (pol) and mammalian poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) as model enzymes. The inhibition was pH dependent and released in a competitive manner by Mg2+. Kinetic analysis showed that neomycin B behaved as a mixed noncompetitive inhibitor. Iron-mediated hydroxyl radical cleavage was used to show that neomycin B interfered with metal-ion binding in the active sites of both enzymes. Our analysis suggests a mechanism of inhibition where the aminoglycoside binds in the active site of the enzyme and thereby displaces catalytically important divalent metal ions. The potential causes of aminoglycoside toxicity and the usage of aminoglycosides to probe, characterize, and perturb metalloenzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (B[a]PDE) adducts are strong blocks of DNA replication in vitro, allowing the rare incorporation of a nucleotide across from the lesion and negligibly small extent of further bypass. To study the mechanistic details of this process, a gel-retardation assay was used to measure the dissociation constants for the binding of DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) (KF) to the primer-templates containing a (+)-trans- or (+)-cis-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adduct. When the primer was terminated one nucleotide before the adduct, the presence of a (+)-trans-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adduct did not affect the binding while a (+)-cis-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adduct caused a slight decrease in affinity. The presence of any dNTP decreased the affinity of KF to the modified primer-templates. (In contrast, a strong increase of the affinity to unmodified primer-templates was observed in the presence of the next correct dNTP.) Limited protease digestion experiments indicated that a closed ternary complex of KF with the modified primer-templates was not detectable in the presence of any dNTP, whereas it was clearly observed with unmodified template in the presence of the next correct nucleotide. These findings suggest that these adducts may interfere with the conformational change to the catalytically active closed ternary complex and/or cause significant destabilization of this complex. When the primers extended to the position across from the adduct, the affinity of KF was significantly decreased irrespective of the identity of the base across from the adduct, possibly explaining the low bypass of the lesion. Interestingly, the stability of these DNA-polymerase complexes correlated with nucleotide insertion kinetics for the unmodified and (+)-trans-B[a]PDE-modified templates.  相似文献   

The Km and Vmax values for d(pT)8 and its derivatives containing various 5'-end groups were estimated in the reaction of polymerization catalyzed with AMV-RT and FK. The change in affinity of modified primers was more pronounced in the case of AMV-RT than in the case of FK. Introducing in d(pT)8 of intercalators such as phenazinium, ethidium and daunomycin residues results in 2.7-, 8.7- and 11-fold increases in the primer affinity to AMV-RT, respectively. However, in the case of hemin and cholesterol derivatives the Km values were 3 and 5 times higher than those for d(pT)8. Compared to d(pT)8, the affinity of FK to all the above analogs was 2.3-3.6 times higher with the exception of cholesterol derivative to which it was 2.4-fold lower. The effect of the 5'-end residues on the Vmax values of d(pT)8 was small and ranged from 44% to 120% of that for d(pT)8. Therefore such reactive derivatives of oligonucleotides can be used as effective primers of AMV-RT and FK. Possible reasons for various effects of the 5'-end residues of the primer on its interaction with FK or AMV-RT in the presence of poly(A) are discussed.  相似文献   

B T Eger  S J Benkovic 《Biochemistry》1992,31(38):9227-9236
The minimal kinetic mechanism for misincorporation of a single nucleotide (dATP) into a short DNA primer/template (9/20-mer) by the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I [KF(exo+)] has been previously published [Kuchta, R. D., Benkovic, P., & Benkovic, S.J. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 6716-6725]. In this paper are presented refinements to this mechanism. Pre-steady-state measurements of correct nucleotide incorporation (dTTP) in the presence of a single incorrect nucleotide (dATP) with excess KF-(exo+) demonstrated that dATP binds to the KF(exo+)-9/20-mer complex in two steps preceding chemistry. Substitution of (alpha S)dATP for dATP yielded identical two-step binding kinetics, removing nucleotide binding as a cause of the elemental effect on the rate of misincorporation. Pyrophosphate release from the ternary species [KF'(exo+)-9A/20-mer-PPi] was found to occur following a rate-limiting conformational change, with this species partitioning equally to either nucleotide via internal pyrophosphorolysis or to misincorporated product. The rate of 9A/20-mer dissociation from the central ternary complex (KF'-9A/20-mer-PPi) was shown to be negligible relative to exonucleolytic editing. Pyrophosphorolysis of the misincorporated DNA product (9A/20-mer), in conjunction with measurement of the rate of dATP misincorporation, permitted determination of the overall equilibrium constant for dATP misincorporation and provided a value similar to that measured for correct incorporation. A step by step comparison of the polymerization catalyzed by the Klenow fragment for correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporation emphasizes that the major source of the enzyme's replicative fidelity arises from discrimination in the actual chemical step and from increased exonuclease activity on the ternary misincorporated product complex owing to its slower passage through the turnover sequence.  相似文献   

The polymerase and 3'-5'-exonuclease activities of the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I are located on separate structural domains of the protein, separated by about 30 A. To determine whether a DNA primer terminus can move from one active site to the other without dissociation of the enzyme-DNA complex, we carried out reactions on a labeled DNA substrate in the presence of a large excess of unlabeled DNA, to limit observations to a single enzyme-DNA encounter. The results indicated that while Klenow fragment is capable of intramolecular shuttling of a DNA substrate between the two catalytic sites, the intermolecular pathway involving enzyme-DNA dissociation can also be used. Thus, there is nothing in the protein structure or the reaction mechanism that dictates a particular means of moving the DNA substrate. Instead, the use of the intermolecular or the intramolecular pathway is determined by the competition between the polymerase or exonuclease reaction and DNA dissociation. When the substrate has a mispaired primer terminus, DNA dissociation seems generally more rapid than exonucleolytic digestion. Thus, Klenow fragment edits its own polymerase errors by a predominantly intermolecular process, involving dissociation of the enzyme-DNA complex and reassociation of the DNA with the exonuclease site of a second molecule of Klenow fragment.  相似文献   

The Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I catalyzes template-directed synthesis of DNA and uses a separate 3'-5' exonuclease activity to edit misincorporated bases. The polymerase and exonuclease activities are contained in separate structural domains. In this study, nine Klenow fragment derivatives containing mutations within the polymerase domain were examined for their interaction with model primer-template duplexes. The partitioning of the DNA primer terminus between the polymerase and 3'-5' exonuclease active sites of the mutant proteins was assessed by time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy, utilizing a dansyl fluorophore attached to the DNA. Mutation of N845 or R668 disrupted favorable interactions between the Klenow fragment and a duplex containing a matched terminal base pair but had little effect when the terminus was mismatched. Thus, N845 and R668 are required for recognition of correct terminal base pairs in the DNA substrate. Mutation of N675, R835, R836, or R841 resulted in tighter polymerase site binding of DNA, suggesting that the side chains of these residues induce strain in the DNA and/or protein backbone. A double mutant (N675A/R841A) showed an even greater polymerase site partitioning than was displayed by either single mutation, indicating that such strain is additive. In both groups of mutant proteins, the ability to discriminate between duplexes containing matched or mismatched base pairs was impaired. In contrast, mutation of K758 or Q849 had no effect on partitioning relative to wild type, regardless of DNA mismatch character. These results demonstrate that DNA mismatch recognition is dependent on specific amino acid residues within the polymerase domain and is not governed solely by thermodynamic differences between correct and mismatched base pairs. Moreover, this study suggests a mechanism whereby the Klenow fragment is able to recognize polymerase errors following a misincorporation event, leading to their eventual removal by the 3'-5' exonuclease activity.  相似文献   

Interactions between human DNA polymerase beta and the template-primer, as well as gapped DNA substrates, have been studied using quantitative fluorescence titration and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques. In solution, human pol beta binds template-primer DNA substrates with a stoichiometry much higher than predicted on the basis of the crystallographic structure of the polymerase-DNA complex. The obtained stoichiometries can be understood in the context of the polymerase affinity for the dsDNA and the two ssDNA binding modes, the (pol beta)(16) and (pol beta)(5) binding modes, which differ by the number of nucleotide residues occluded by the protein in the complex. The analysis of polymerase binding to different template-primer substrates has been performed using the statistical thermodynamic model which accounts for the existence of different ssDNA binding modes and has allowed us to extract intrinsic spectroscopic and binding parameters. The data reveal that the small 8 kDa domain of the enzyme can engage the dsDNA in interactions, downstream from the primer, in both (pol beta)(16) and (pol beta)(5) binding modes. The affinity, as well as the stoichiometry of human pol beta binding to the gapped DNAs is not affected by the decreasing size of the ssDNA gap, indicating that the enzyme recognizes the ssDNA gaps of different sizes with very similar efficiency. On the basis of the obtained results we propose a plausible model for the gapped DNA recognition by human pol beta. The enzyme binds the ss/dsDNA junction of the gap, using its 31 kDa domain, with slight preference over the dsDNA. Binding only to the junction, but not to the dsDNA, induces an allosteric conformational transition of the enzyme and the entire enzyme-DNA complex which results in binding of the 8 kDa domain with the dsDNA. This, in turn, leads to the significant amplification of the enzyme affinity for the gap over the surrounding dsDNA, independent of the gap size. The presence of the 5'-terminal phosphate, downstream from the primer, has little effect on the affinity, but profoundly affects the ssDNA conformation in the complex. The significance of these results for the mechanistic model of the functioning of human pol beta is discussed.  相似文献   

G T Williams  M S Neuberger 《Gene》1986,43(3):319-324
Myeloma DNA expression systems can be used for the synthesis and secretion of antibody/enzyme recombinant molecules. Here we describe the construction of a myeloma cell-line that secretes a hapten-specific antibody/enzyme hybrid molecule, in which the antibody Fc portion has been replaced by the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (PolIk). This Fab-PolIk hybrid molecule is secreted in good yield from the myeloma transfectants, can be purified to homogeneity in a single step on hapten-Sepharose columns, and exhibits PolIk activity as judged by its use in dideoxy nucleotide sequencing. Thus Fab-PolIk can be used for the same purposes as conventional PolIk but has the advantage that it is easily purified to homogeneity in a one-step purification from culture medium.  相似文献   

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