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Marker-gene-free transgenic soybean plants were produced by isolating a developmentally regulated embryo-specific gene promoter, app1, from Arabidopsis and developing a self-activating gene excision system using the P1 bacteriophage Cre/loxP recombination system. To accomplish this, the Cre recombinase gene was placed under control of the app1 promoter and, together with a selectable marker gene (hygromycin phosphotransferase), were cloned between two loxP recombination sites. This entire sequence was then placed between a constitutive promoter and a coding region for either β-glucuronidase (Gus) or glyphosate acetyltransferase (Gat). Gene excision would remove the entire sequence between the two loxP sites and bring the coding region to the constitutive promoter for expression. Using this system marker gene excision occurred in over 30% of the stable transgenic events as indicated by the activation of the gus reporter gene or the gat gene in separate experiments. Transgenic plants with 1 or 2 copies of a functional excision-activated gat transgene and without any marker gene were obtained in T0 or T1 generation. This demonstrates the feasibility of using developmentally controlled promoters to mediate marker excision in soybean.  相似文献   

The concept of gene identification and cloning using insertional mutagenesis is well established. Many genes have been isolated using T-DNA transformation or transposable elements. Maize transposable elements have been introduced into heterologous plant species for tagging experiments. The behaviour of these elements in heterologous hosts shows many similarities with transposon behaviour in Zea mays. Site-specific recombination systems from lower organisms have also been shown to function efficiently in plant cells. Combining transposon and site-specific recombination systems in plants would create the possibility to induce chromosomal deletions. This transposition-deletion system could allow the screening of large segments of the genome for interesting genes and may also permit the cloning of the DNA corresponding to the deleted material by the same site-specific recombination reaction in vitro. This methodology may provide a unique means to construct libraries of large DNA clones derived from defined parts of the genome, the phenotypic contribution of which is displayed by the mutant carrying the deletion.  相似文献   

A binary expression vector was constructed containing the insecticidal gene Allium sativum leaf agglutinin (ASAL), and a selectable nptII marker gene cassette, flanked by lox sites. Similarly, another binary vector was developed with the chimeric cre gene construct. Transformed tobacco plants were generated with these two independent vectors. Each of the T(0) lox plants was crossed with T(0) Cre plants. PCR analyses followed by the sequencing of the target T-DNA part of the hybrid T(1) plants demonstrated the excision of the nptII gene in highly precised manner in certain percentage of the T(1) hybrid lines. The frequency of such marker gene excision was calculated to be 19.2% in the hybrids. Marker free plants were able to express ASAL efficiently and reduce the survivability of Myzus persiceae, the deadly pest of tobacco significantly, compared to the control tobacco plants. Results of PCR and Southern blot analyses of some of the T(2) plants detected the absence of cre as well as nptII genes. Thus, the crossing strategy involving Cre/lox system for the excision of marker genes appears to be very effective and easy to execute. Documentation of such marker excision phenomenon in the transgenic plants expressing the important insecticidal protein for the first time has a great significance from agricultural and biotechnological points of view.  相似文献   

马三梅  王永飞 《广西植物》2004,24(3):270-274,247
得到转基因植物以后 ,标记基因就失去了筛选的作用。但它的存在引起公众对转基因植物的安全性以及环境效应的担心 ,所以在目的基因转入后 ,要去除标记基因。该文主要就利用共转化、转座子、同源重组、位点特异重组酶等去除标记基因的方法进行了总结 ,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了比较 ,对该技术未来的发展趋势也进行了展望。  相似文献   

Agroinfiltration was used to express transiently cre recombinase from bacteriophage P1 in planta. Activation of gfp expression after cre-mediated excision of a bar intervening sequence served as a marker to monitor site-specific recombination events in lox-target N. benthamiana plants. Gfp expressing regenerants from A. tumefaciens infiltrated leaves were obtained with an efficiency of about 34%. In 20% of the regenerants bar gene excision was due to the expression of stably integrated cre gene, whereas in 14% of plants site-specific recombination was a consequence of transient cre expression. Phenotypic and molecular data indicated that the recombined state has been transferred to the T1 generation. These results demonstrate the suitability of agroinfiltration for the expression of cre recombinase in vivo.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants were produced that contained single-copy pART54 T-DNA, with a 35S-uidA gene linked to loxP-flanked kanamycin resistance (nptII) and cytosine deaminase (codA) genes. Retransformation of these plants with pCre1 (containing 35S transcribed cre recombinase and hygromycin (hpt) resistance genes) resulted in excision of the loxP-flanked genes from the genome. Phenotypes of progeny from selfed-retransformed plants confirmed nptII and codA excision and integration of the cre-linked hpt gene. To avoid integration of the hpt gene, and thereby generate plants totally free of marker genes, we attempted to transiently express the cre recombinase. Agrobacterium tumefaciens (pCre1) was cocultivated with leaf discs of two pART54-transformed lines and shoots were regenerated in the absence of hygromycin selection. Nineteen of 773 (0.25%) shoots showed tolerance to 5-fluorocytosine (5-fc) which is converted to the toxic 5-fluorouracil by cytosine deaminase. 5-fc tolerance in six shoots was found to be due to excision of the loxP-flanked region of the pART54 T-DNA. In four of these shoots excision could be attributed to cre expression from integrated pCre1 T-DNA, whereas in two shoots excision appeared to be a consequence of transient cre expression from pCre1 T-DNA molecules which had been transferred to the plant cells but not integrated into the genome. The absence of selectable marker genes was confirmed by the phenotype of the T1 progeny. Therefore, through transient cre expression, marker-free transgenic plants were produced without sexual crossing. This approach could be applicable to the elimination of marker genes from transgenic crops which must be vegetatively propagated to maintain their elite genotype.  相似文献   

Jia H  Pang Y  Chen X  Fang R 《Transgenic research》2006,15(3):375-384
Selection markers are often indispensable during the process of plant transformation, but dispensable once transgenic plants have been established. The Cre/lox site-specific recombination system has been employed to eliminate selectable marker genes from transgenic plants. Here we describe the use of a movement function-improved Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) vector, m30B, to express Cre recombinase for elimination of the selectable marker gene nptII from transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic tobacco plants were produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with a specially designed binary vector pGNG which contained in its T-DNA region a sequence complex of 35S promoter-lox-the gfp coding sequence-rbcS terminator-Nos promoter-nptII-Nos terminator-lox-the gus coding region-Nos terminator. The expression of the recombinant viral vector m30B:Cre in plant cells was achieved by placing the viral vector under the control of the 35S promoter and through agroinoculation. After co-cultivating the pGNG-leaf discs with agro35S-m30B:Cre followed by shoot regeneration without any selection, plants devoid of the lox-flanked sequences including nptII were obtained with an efficiency of about 34% as revealed by histochemical GUS assay of the regenerants. Three of 11 GUS expressing regenerants, derived from two independent transgenic lines containing single copy of the pGNG T-DNA, proved to be free of the lox-flanked sequences by Southern blot analysis. Excision of the lox-flanked sequences in the three plants could be attributed to transient expression of Cre from the viral vector at the early stage of co-cultivation, since the cre sequence could not be detected in the viral RNA molecules accumulated in the plants, nor in their genomic DNA. The parental marker-free genotype was inherited in their selfed progeny, and all of the progeny were virus-free, apparently because TMV is not seed-transmissible. Therefore, expression of Cre from a TMV-based vector could be used to eliminate selectable marker genes from transgenic tobacco plants without sexual crossing and segregation, and this strategy could be extended to other TMV-infected plant species and applicable to other compatible virus–host plant systems.  相似文献   

Previously, we described a Cre-lox based strategy to convert a complex multi-copy integration pattern to a single-copy transgene (Srivastava et al., 1999). When a lox-containing transgenic line of wheat was crossed with a cre-expressing line, extra copies of the transgene were deleted by site-specific recombination. This process included the removal of a lox-flanked selection marker gene, bar. Three out of six F1 plants were chimeric for the resolved and the complex loci because both completely resolved and incompletely resolved patterns were found in the F2 population. From one F1 plant, 4 out of 20 F2 progeny showed not only incomplete resolution of the complex integration pattern, but also the presence of a circular loxP-bar-nos3 fragment, which we refer to as the bar circle. This bar circle was detected in subsequent generations, and was associated with the presence of both the lox transgene and the cre locus. We hypothesize that the cre gene in these bar circle plants must have undergone a genetic or epigenetic change that altered the spatial and/or temporal pattern of cre expression. Late expression might excise the DNA incompletely, and late in development. What is surprising is that the DNA is not degraded, but remains in the cells as an extra-chromosomal circular molecule.  相似文献   

We have applied a simple method for evaluation of gfp gene expression in plants using a CCD camera and computerized processing of images. Transgenic tobacco plants were obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transfer of plasmid T-DNA bearing a m-gfp5-ER sequence governed by the 35S promoter together with the nptII selectable marker gene. Presence of the gfp gene in plants was confirmed by a polymerase chain reaction method. Mean brightness values measured using image analysis software showed differences between transgenic and control plants and suggest the possibility of rapid selection of transgenic individuals among regenerants and their progenies.  相似文献   

Despite the advances in transgenesis, transformation technologies still rely on the introduction of a selectable marker gene to identify cells and tissues that have integrated the gene of interest in their genome. The continuous presence of the marker genes in the transgenics is often controversial as it can potentially have multiple undesirable impacts. The present study employed the self-excising Cre-loxP system to generate marker-free Arabidopsis thaliana expressing the agronomically important glyoxalase I (glyI) gene from Brassica juncea to confer salt stress tolerance. A binary vector was constructed wherein the salt-inducible rd29A promoter was used to drive the expression of the glyI gene and the transformants of A. thaliana were recovered using kanamycin resistance as the selectable marker. The neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) gene was flanked by the loxP sites followed by the introduction of a heat-inducible Cre-recombinase in between the loxP sites. The kanamycin-resistant transgenic lines of A. thaliana using this vector showed an ability to withstand stress imposed by 150 mM NaCl. The exposure of the T2 transgenic lines to a mild heat shock (37°C) resulted in the recovery of salt-tolerant, kanamycin-sensitive T3 progeny. Molecular analyses of the T3 transgenic lines following the heat shock treatment confirmed the excision of the nptII gene and the completion of their life cycle in the presence of 150 mM NaCl-induced stress.  相似文献   

Public concerns about the issue of the environmental safety of genetically modified plants have led to a demand for technologies allowing the production of transgenic plants without selectable (antibiotic resistance) markers. We describe the development of an effective transformation system for generating such marker-free transgenic plants, without the need for repeated transformation or sexual crossing. This system combines an inducible site-specific recombinase for the precise elimination of undesired, introduced DNA sequences with a bifunctional selectable marker gene used for the initial positive selection of transgenic tissue and subsequent negative selection for fully marker-free plants. The described system can be generally applied to existing transformation protocols, and was tested in strawberry using a model vector in which site-specific recombination leads to a functional combination of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and a GUS encoding sequence, thereby enabling the histochemical monitoring of recombination events. Fully marker-free transgenic strawberry plants were obtained following two different selection/regeneration strategies.  相似文献   

A plant transformation vector, pCLKSCLA25 (EU327498), was developed to contain eight cloning sites and the inducible self-excision system which provided an effective approach to eliminate the selectable marker gene(s) from transgenic plants. Upon induction by salicylic acid, the cre gene produced a recombinase that eliminated sequences encoding the selectable marker neomycin phosphotransferase and cre itself. The excision efficiency was 41% in transgenic tomato regenarants. The stilbene synthase gene (vst1) from Vitis vinifera L. was cloned into pCLKSCLA25. The expression of vst1 gene contributed to the accumulation of trans-reveratrol from 3.4 to 8.7 μg/g fresh wt in different marker-free transgenic tomato lines. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Removal of a selectable marker gene from genetically modified (GM) crops alleviates the risk of its release into the environment and hastens the public acceptance of GM crops. Here we report the production of marker-free transgenic rice by using a chemically regulated, Cre/loxP-mediated site-specific DNA recombination in a single transformation. Among 86 independent transgenic lines, ten were found to be marker-free in the T0 generation and an additional 17 lines segregated marker-free transgenic plants in the T1 generation. Molecular and genetic analyses indicated that the DNA recombination and excision in transgenic rice were precise and the marker-free recombinant T-DNA was stable and heritable.The first two authors contributed equally to the work  相似文献   

The expression of a bacterial cytokinin biosynthesis gene (PI-II-ipt) in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viviani plants has been correlated with enhanced resistance to Manduca sexta and Myzus persicae. We expressed the PI-II-ipt gene in N. tabacum and Lycopersicon esculentum and observed similar antifeedent effects with the transgenic tobacco but not tomato. A 30 to 50 % reduction in larval weight gain was observed with some of the tomato plants but these results could not be repeated consistently. Leaf surface extracts from transgenic N. plumbaginifolia leaves killed 100 % of M. sexta second instars at concentrations of 0.05 % (w/v) whereas the N. tabacum extracts were at least 20 times less active. Extract suspensions were stable for up to 2 days at ambient temperatures below 42 °C and for at least 3 months at 4 °C when stored in the dark. HPLC analysis of the N. plumbaginifolia extracts yielded an active fraction that reduced hatching of M. sexta eggs by 30 % and killed first, second and third instars within 24, 48 and 72 hours of exposure, respectively. The activity appears to be associated with oxygen-containing aliphatic compounds, possibly diterpenes, as analyzed by TLC, UV absorption and fragmentation with EIMS. Based on the partial characterization of this activity, the production, secretion or accumulation of secondary metabolites in leaves of cytokinin producing PI-II-ipt N. plumbagini-folia plants appears to be responsible for the observed insect resistance.  相似文献   

Cre recombinase expression can result in phenotypic aberrations in plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The cre recombinase gene was stably introduced and expressed in tomato, petunia and Nicotiana tabacum. Some plants expressing the cre gene driven by a CaMV 35S promoter displayed growth retardation and a distinct pattern of chlorosis in their leaves. Although no direct relation can be proven between the phenotype and cre expression, aberrant phenotypes always co-segregate with the transgene, which strongly suggests a correlation. The severity of the phenotype does not correlate with the level of steady-state mRNA in mature leaves, but with the timing of cre expression during organogenesis. The early onset of cre expression in tomato is correlated with a more severe phenotype and with higher germinal transmission frequencies of site-specific deletions. No aberrant phenotype was observed when a tissue-specific phaseolin promoter was used to drive the cre gene. The data suggest that for the application of recombinases in plants, expression is best limited to specific tissues and a short time frame.[12pt] Abbreviations: bar, the phosphinotricin acetyltransferase gene; CAM, chloramphenicol resistance gene; Ds 5 & Ds 3, borders of the Ds transposable element from maize forming a functional transposable element that embodies the interjacent DNA; gus, the -glucoronidase gene; gus-int, the gus gene interrupted by a plant intron; hpt, the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene; nptII, the neomycin phosphotransferase gene; ORI, bacterial origin for plasmid replication in Escherichia coli of plasmid p15A  相似文献   

We have developed a new construct to generate transgenic mice with one plasmid that offers: (1) Cre/loxP-mediated spatial and temporally-controlled tissue-specific transgene expression; (2) A color-switching mechanism that uses spectrum-complementary genetically-encoded red (mRFP) and green (eGFP) fluorescent markers to label the transgene-expressing cells; (3) A bioluminescent marker that turns-on in the transgene-expressing cells; (4) eGFP as a cell surface marker in the transgene-expressing cells that facilitates the isolation and targeting of these cells. This vector was tested in vitro by co-transfection of the transgenic plasmid and a plasmid containing Cre recombinase into cultured cells and by establishing a transgenic mouse line. We show that this method allows versatile transgene expression targeting and color-switching to facilitate fluorescent and bioluminescent imaging both in cultured cells and in vivo. Our strategy provides time-saving features in tissue-specific transgene expression, bioimaging and primary cell isolation and can be used for generation of gene-specific transgenic mice.  相似文献   

We describe a variation of the method to generate single-copy transgenic plants by recombinase-mediated resolution of multiple insertions. In this study, a transgene construct flanked by oppositely oriented lox sites was co-bombarded into maize cells along with a cre-expressing construct. From analysis of the regenerated plants, a high percentage of the primary transformants harbored a single copy of the introduced transgene, and among these, a majority also lacked the cre construct. We deduce that the expression of cre must have contributed to resolving concatemeric molecules either prior to or after DNA integration into the maize genome.  相似文献   

A recombinase-mediated transcriptional induction system in transgenic plants   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We constructed and tested a Cre-loxP recombination-mediated vector system termed pCrox for use in transgenic plants. In this system, treatment of Arabidopsis under inducing conditions mediates an excision event that removes an intervening piece of DNA between a promoter and the gene to be expressed. The system developed here uses a heat-shock-inducible Cre to excise a DNA fragment flanked by lox sites, thereby generating a constitutive GUS reporter gene under control of the CaMV 35S promoter. Heat-shock-mediated excision of several, independent lines resulted in varying degrees of recombination-mediated GUS activation. Induction was shown to be possible at essentially any stage of plant growth. This single vector system circumvents the need for genetic crosses required by other, dual recombinase vector systems. The pCrox system may prove particularly useful in instances where transgene over-expression, or under-expression by antisense, would otherwise affect embryo, seed or seedling viability.  相似文献   

To study the impact of different DNA configurations on the stability of transgene expression, a variant of the cre gene was developed. This variant allows for the highly efficient in planta removal of its own loxP-flanked coding sequence as well as other DNAs flanked by ectopic heterospecific lox sites, either lox511 or lox2272 or both, in trans. The plant intron-containing cre gene, cre INT , was configured in such a way that self-excision generated an intact hygromycin resistance selectable marker gene. In this combination, all selected transformants showed highly efficient excision. Plants obtained showed no indication of any chimerism, indicating a cell autonomous nature of the hygromycin selection during transformation and regeneration. The highly efficient concomitant removal of wildtype and heterospecific lox site-flanked DNA demonstrated that upon retransformation with the self-excising cre INT , sufficient amounts of Cre enzyme were produced prior to its removal. Plants obtained with cre INT showed much less frequently the Cre-associated phenomenon of reduced fertility than plants obtained with a continuous presence of Cre recombinase. The cre INT system has therefore advantages over systems with a continuously present Cre. The cre INT system was successfully used for removal of two chromatin boundary elements from transgene cassettes in tobacco. Analysis of plants with and without boundary elements on the same chromosomal location will contribute to a better evaluation of the role of such elements in the regulation of transgene expression in plants.  相似文献   

Marker-free transgenic plants   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Selectable marker genes are widely used for the efficient transformation of crop plants. In most cases, selection is based on antibiotic or herbicide resistance. Due mainly to consumer concerns, a suite of strategies (site-specific recombination, homologous recombination, transposition and co-transformation) have been developed to eliminate the marker gene from the nuclear or chloroplast genome after selection. Current efforts concentrate on systems where marker genes are eliminated efficiently soon after transformation. Alternatively, transgenic plants are produced by the use of marker genes that do not rely on antibiotic or herbicide resistance but instead promote regeneration after transformation. Here, the merits and shortcomings of different approaches and possible directions for their future development are discussed.  相似文献   

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