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为了探究孟高棉语族未识别民族族群特征,研究组以412名(男性220人,女性192人)云南孟高棉语族未识别民族成人为例,运用人体测量学方法对该族群男女头面部与体部58项指标及20个指数进行测量和分析,并选取头长、头宽、面宽、形态面高、身高、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽8项指标与30个已研究族群进行比较。结果表明:1)男性各项体质指标除大腿围和6项皮褶厚度指标外,都大于女性各项指标,男女身高均以矮型为主;2)孟高棉语族未识别民族男性上眼睑皱褶率为88.2%,女性上眼睑皱褶率为94.3%。男性蒙古褶率为41.8%,女性蒙古褶率为36.5%。鼻根高度男性以中等型为主,女性以低平为主。耳垂类型男性以圆形率为主,女性以三角形率为主;3)依据指数分型出现率得出:孟高棉语族未识别民族男女均以圆头型、高头型、阔头型、狭鼻型、中腿型、中胸型、宽肩型率最高;4)聚类分析和主成分分析显示孟高棉语族未识别民族与布朗族、基诺族、布依族、侗族比较接近。遗传因素、环境条件与饮食习惯是这些民族体质特征接近的原因。  相似文献   

Clinical studies have shown that anxiolytic and antidepressant drug therapy benefits patients with ulcers. Many antidepressant drugs have been shown experimentally to produce antiulcer activity in various ulcer models. This study investigated the antiulcer activities of tianeptine, trazodone, and venlafaxine on indomethacin-induced ulcers in rats; and evaluated tianeptine's effects on oxidant and antioxidant parameters in rat stomach tissue. The results show that trazodone and venlafaxine did not prevent indomethacin-induced ulcers. Tianeptine, however, decreased indomethacin-induced ulcers significantly at all doses used (6, 12, and 25 mg/kg). Famotidine, an H2 receptor blocker, showed the highest antiulcer activity. Tianeptine significantly prevented the decrease in glutathione (GSH) content that occurred in the indomethacin-only group's damaged stomach tissues. All doses of tianeptine, but especially the 25 mg/kg dose, significantly decreased catalase (CAT) activity in stomach tissue, compared to the control. All doses of tianeptine eliminated the decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the stomach tissue of rats given indomethacin. Although all doses of tianeptine significantly decreased the malondialdehyde (MDA) content, all doses of tianeptine, except 6 mg/kg, decreased myeloperoxidase (MPO) activities significantly compared to the control. Our results indicate that activating enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant mechanisms and inhibiting some toxic oxidant mechanisms play a role in tianeptine's antiulcer effect mechanism.  相似文献   

This PCR-based analysis is the first molecular epidemiological study in Brazil testing Helicobacter pylori cagA and vacA distribution in adults with gastric complaints, that includes a large number of carcinoma patients. Multiple-strain infection was identified in 11/13.4% patients. vacA s1-m1 and cagA(+) genotypes were the most common in patients with a non-mixed infection. All vacA s1 strains were s1b, so subtyping s1 strains was not useful. vacA s1b-m1 and cagA(+) strains were associated with higher prevalence of peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma than vacA s2-m2 and cagA(-) ones. In conclusion, cagA and vacA genotyping may have clinical relevance in Brazil.  相似文献   

The neotropical Gran Sabana region of Venezuela is dominated by apparently anomalous vegetation types, treeless savannas and savanna-forest mosaics, considering the present-day warm and wet bioclimatic conditions. Past climatic changes and fire have been proposed as the more probable causes. Recent palynological studies show that savanna vegetation has been present since the beginning of the Holocene, but the earliest fires recorded so far only go back to 3,800 cal years b.p. This paper uses pollen and charcoal analyses to show the existence of early Holocene regional fires in the Gran Sabana, and to show the intimate connection between the proxies for fire (charcoal) and savanna vegetation (pollen) throughout the Holocene. Although the cause of such fires is not yet known, the possibility of early Holocene human occupation of the Gran Sabana is suggested.  相似文献   

The gastric cytoprotective effects of vitamin A, De-Nol and sucralfate were compared with the effectiveness of pirenzepine in healing ulcer in patients with chronic gastric ulcer. A total of 100 patients was randomized into different groups: the patients were treated with antacids, vitamin A (3 X 50.000 IU), De-Nol liquid (4 X 5 ml), sucralfate (4 X 1 g) or pirenzepine (3 X 50 mg). The treatment was continued for 4 weeks. At the beginning, 2 and 4 weeks after starting treatment the patients were subjected to endoscopy and the size of the ulcer was measured planimetrically. The ulcer-healing effect of De-Nol liquid was significantly better than that of the antacids (p less than 0.01). Ulcer size was reduced significantly in all groups (p less than 0.01), however, at the end of the study the gastric ulcers were smallest in the De-Nol treated group (p less than 0.001). The dynamics of ulcer healing in the second week was most favourable in the patients receiving vitamin A (p less than 0.01). The present data point to the cytoprotective effects of De-Nol liquid, vitamin A and sucralfate and to their ability of healing chronic gastric ulcers.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata is the main intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni in America and one of the most intensely studied species of freshwater snails, yet very little is known about its population biology. Here, we used seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci to analyse genetic diversity in the Valencia lake basin, which represents the core of the endemic area for schistosomiasis in Venezuela. Populations were sampled at short spatial scale (a few kilometres), both inside the lake and in ponds or rivers near the lake. Our results indicate that B. glabrata essentially cross-fertilizes, with little variation in selfing rates among populations. Our markers detected considerable genetic variation, with an average heterozygosity of 0.60. More diversity per population was found within than outside the lake, suggesting an influence of connectivity among populations on the levels of genetic diversity. A marked population structure was detected and lake populations were less structured than other populations. Most individuals were assigned to their population of origin using an assignment test. No strong demographic signal (e.g. bottleneck) was detected, though lake populations are likely to experience bottlenecks more frequently than the other populations analysed. Differences in gene flow therefore seem to play an important role in population differentiation and in the restoring of genetic diversity in demographically unstable populations.  相似文献   

Data for the distribution of alleles controlling two blood group systems and secretor status, for hemoglobin types, five serum protein groups and 15 red cell enzyme systems has been obtained. Eleven of the systems showed polymorphic variation and these systems have been used to calculate genetic distances using Morton's Kinship measure. No systematic relationship between genetic distance and geographic location of linguistic affiliation is apparent. There is, however, an apparent cline of decreasing frequency of PGDc from east to west and also significant differences in the frequency of G6PD deficiency corresponding to variation in the ecology of the region. Genetic distance comparisons with other selected populations reveal that the Turkic and Turkoman speaking peoples in the Caspian area cluster with the Kurds, Greeks and Iranis. The Persian speakers are genetically remote from these populations; they are, however, close to the Parsis who migrated from Iran to India at the end of the Seventh Century A.D. Several unusual genetic variants were detected, including a novel MDH pheno-type, a superoxide dismutase phenotype identical with the Scandinavian type, and rare forms of LDH, PGM locus 2, ceruloplasmin, diaphorase, peptidases and PHI.  相似文献   

In a randomized, open clinical trial we compared the efficiency of selected Polish antacids Alugastrin, Gastrin and Wikalina with ranitidine and placebo in the healing of duodenal ulcer, pain relief and drug toleration. One hundred and ten outpatients completed the study. The trial showed that antacids and ranitidine had similar rates of duodenal ulcer healing which were significantly better than placebo. After 4 weeks of treatment with Alugastrin, Gastrin, Wikalina and ranitidine the healing rates were 70%, 76%, 71% and 81%, respectively, compared to placebo 44%. Efficiency of antacids in pain relief was similar to placebo and slightly lower than ranitidine. Antacids were well tolerated, except for hypermagnezemia and urine alkalization caused by Gastrin and Wikalina. We conclude that studied antacids are as effective as ranitidine in promoting healing of duodenal ulcer, but because of side effects they are not recommended for maintenance therapy.  相似文献   

The results of ABO typing in Chilean mummies, a review of published South American paleoserological studies and a systematic discrepancy of admixture estimates based on ABO and Gm genes support the hypothesis that Andean pre-Columbian populations possessed the A (and perhaps the B) gene in small frequencies.  相似文献   

热带雨林三种榕树隐头果昆虫群落结构与功能群生态特性   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
鸡嗉果榕Ficus semicordata、苹果榕Ficus oligodon、对叶榕Ficus hispida是西双版纳热带雨林和次生林中最常见的树种,它们是热带雨林生态系统中的一类先锋种。在每一种榕树隐头果内外,形成了给榕树传粉功能群、寄生子房制造瘿花功能群、复寄生其它昆虫功能群、蛀食和取食隐头果功能群、捕食性天敌功能群、刺吸隐头果汁液功能群、取食熟果加速果实腐烂分解功能群等昆虫组成的群体。本工作在西双版纳勐仑国家自然保护区、植物园沟谷雨林、植物园榕树园等样地内对鸡嗉果榕、苹果榕、对叶榕3种榕树隐头果内外的昆虫种群结构和功能群生态学特性开展了研究。结果表明:样地内采集到141037号昆虫标本,隶属6个目,18个科,42属,61种。从种类上比较,捕食功能群、蛀食及取食功能群最丰富,占榕树隐头果昆虫总种数的57.4%。从个体数量上来看,传粉类群的数量最大,占总数的68.6%。每一种榕树与传粉功能群(榕小蜂)之间构成了种内专一的互惠共生关系,这种关系是由于榕树必须依赖榕小蜂的传粉而获得有性繁殖,而榕小蜂也必须依赖榕树隐头果内部分小花子房作为繁殖与生存场所才能正常繁衍后代形成的,它们相互之间在生物界中形成了最密切的协同进化关系。传粉昆虫功能群、捕食昆虫功能群对榕树隐头果的生长发育起着促进的作用,而其它功能群或多或少均对榕树隐头果的生长发育起着损害性作用,特别是制造瘿花的非传粉小蜂功能群破坏性最大,次之是蛀食和取食功能群、刺吸果汁功能群、分解功能群对隐头果也起到危害作用,而复寄生昆虫功能群则对传粉功能群造成种群下降,从而致使传粉功能降低,对榕树隐头果起着间接的负作用。  相似文献   

毛枝藻属Stigeoclonium植物是异丝性藻类, 由直立系统和匍匐系统共同组成; 直立系统的形态高度变化, 虽然匍匐系统的形态比直立系统的形态稳定, 但野外采来的标本匍匐系统不全, 影响鉴定的效果。将采自野外的10号毛枝藻属样的标本通过实验室培养, 观察到它们从孢子萌发至匍匐系统和直立系统发育全过程的细节, 确定其中3种毛枝藻的种名为夏毛枝藻S. aestivale (Haz.) Coll.、偏生毛枝藻S. subsecundum Kütz.和丰满毛枝藻S. farctum Berthold。夏毛枝藻和偏生毛枝藻孢子萌发大致为匍匐式, 夏毛枝藻匍匐系统是分枝的丝状体, 不产生假根, 细胞圆球形或短圆柱形, 内具叶绿体; 偏生毛枝藻的匍匐系统是假二叉分枝的假根, 假根由单列长圆柱形细胞组成, 最后叶绿体消失变为无色; 丰满毛枝藻的孢子萌发是严格的匍匐式, 匍匐系统由主枝和分枝构成假薄壁组织的盘状结构。这3种毛枝藻的匍匐系统都各具其独特而持久的形态特征。它们的直立系统都是分枝的丝状体, 夏毛枝藻和偏生毛枝藻分枝较多, 一侧生或互生, 无对生, 枝顶尖细或为毛状, 前者细胞宽7-9 μm, 长17-30 μm, 长为宽的3-4倍; 后者宽10-14 μm, 长18-36 μm, 长为宽的2-3倍, 细胞外胶质层厚。丰满毛枝藻分枝稀少或不发育, 细胞宽8-10 μm, 长9-32 μm, 长为宽的2-4倍。但此3种毛枝藻直立系统的形态特点是不稳定而可变的, 故毛枝藻的分类应主要参考它们的匍匐系统而定。首次报道了中国产毛枝藻的培养研究。  相似文献   

This paper reviews progress in the COST 647 rocky littoral programme involving three patellids, two trochids and two cirripedes on European Atlantic coasts. Northern geographical limits are set primarily by repopulation failure, and northern populations are characterised by short, mid-summer breeding periods, high frequency of failed or poor recruitments and low density of large, long-lived individuals. Towards the south molluscan breeding periods lengthen and become later, extending in some cases throughout much of the year but with least or no activity in mid-summer. There are probably fewer recruitment failures and thus higher densities, but individuals are of smaller maximum size and shorter life-span.The cirripedes show similar latitudinal trends in recruitment timing but Semibalanus is restricted to a single annual brood throughout its range.The two species reaching their southern limits show progressive restriction to the lowest tidal levels.Recruitment failures do not result from inadequate gonad activity. They arise in cirripedes during the planktonic phase and in the molluscs during settlement and early shore life. The temperature sensitivity of molluscan spat is primarily responsible for the north/south gradient in recruitment times from summer towards winter.Formerly University of Leeds, England  相似文献   

高寒草原植物功能群组成对退化程度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高寒草原作为青藏高原区主要的草地类型,在全球碳、氮循环、生物多样性维护、水土保持、畜牧业发展等方面发挥着重要的作用。在青海省果洛州玛多县高寒草原选取5块不同退化程度的样地,调查植物功能群组成和土壤理化性质,并采用多元排序法分析不同退化程度下植物功能群组成与土壤因子的关系,以期明确高寒草原功能群组成对草原退化的响应。结果表明:(1)禾本科功能群丰富度和重要值均随退化程度增加呈先增后降趋势,盖度表现为降低趋势;杂类草功能群的丰富度、盖度和重要值均随退化程度增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。而杂类草功能群的相对重要值随退化程度增加而增加。(2)土壤有机质含量随土层深度的增加而降低;随退化程度加剧,土壤有机质和全氮呈降低的趋势。(3)随退化程度加剧,0—30 cm各土层深度的容重均增加,土壤通气孔隙度降低。(4)各功能群重要值与土壤通气孔隙度呈正相关关系,与土壤容重呈负相关关系;通过冗余分析,草地退化首先影响土壤物理属性进而影响草地功能群组成。  相似文献   

A method for estimating the general rate of nonpaternity in a population was validated using phenotype data on seven blood groups (A1A2BO, MNSs, Rh, Duffy, Lutheran, Kidd, and P) on 396 mother, child, and legal father trios from Nuevo León, Mexico. In all, 32 legal fathers were excluded as the possible father based on genetic exclusions at one or more loci (combined average exclusion probability of 0.694 for specific mother-child phenotype pairs). The maximum likelihood estimate of the general nonpaternity rate in the population was 0.118 ± 0.020. The nonpaternity rates in Nuevo León were also seen to be inversely related with the socioeconomic status of the families, i.e., the highest in the low and the lowest in the high socioeconomic class. We further argue that with the moderately low (69.4%) power of exclusion for these seven blood group systems, the traditional critical values of paternity index (PI ≥ 19) were not good indicators of true paternity, since a considerable fraction (307/364) of nonexcluded legal fathers had a paternity index below 19 based on the seven markers. Implications of these results in the context of genetic-epidemiological studies as well as for detection of true fathers for child-support adjudications are discussed, implying the need to employ a battery of genetic markers (possibly DNA-based tests) that yield a higher power of exclusion. We conclude that even though DNA markers are more informative, the probabilistic approach developed here would still be needed to estimate the true rate of nonpaternity in a population or to evaluate the precision of detecting true fathers. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:281–293, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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