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观察蜗牛实验的改进采集来的蜗牛往往将身体缩进壳内长时间不活动,给观察蜗牛实验带来困难,为此持作如下改进:实验观察时,先把玻璃板用鲜瓜(果)块涂擦上瓜(果)汁,然后用镊子夹住蜗牛贝壳,将贝壳口的后端浸入约70℃左右的热水(水位最多浸没到蜗牛螺旋贝壳的中...  相似文献   

软体动物的腹足纲有肺类中的蜗牛,在我国各地都有的,它可以作为实验室的教学材料,现在中学校动物学课本中,在软体动物的腹足类中也用蜗牛作为代表,蜗牛在气候很干燥的时候,它就分泌粘液,造成薄膜,把壳口封闭,这一层薄膜,叫做壳口膜,这层壳口膜把壳口封闭之后,蜗牛就可以在壳内休眠,壳口膜可以防止水分的蒸发,防御寒冷以及防止微生物的侵入等作用,它的休眠时期是相当长的。我们在7月间所采到的蜗牛都很潮湿而且活泼  相似文献   

软体动物贝壳表型是适应性进化的结果,为探究贝壳形态特性与软体动物随水流扩散功能的相关性,实验选取9种具代表性的腹足纲和双壳纲贝类作为研究对象,研究了其成体的壳-体质量比与静水沉降特性及二者的相关性。结果表明:体质量的变异系数(C.V.=1.11)大于壳长(C.V.=0.67)、壳宽(C.V.=0.54)的变异系数;壳-体质量比具较强的种属特异性,种内变异系数小(C.V.=0.20),而种间差异极显著(P < 0.01)。受试贝类的平均壳-体质量比为0.32±0.13,陆生贝类的壳-体质量比显著小于水生贝类(P < 0.01),壳-体质量比最大的河蚬(0.54±0.06)是最小的非洲大蜗牛(0.17±0.04)的3倍,福寿螺的壳-体质量比为0.50±0.06。双壳类和螺类的沉降行为差异明显,只有中华园田螺、铜锈环棱螺和河蚬不能在静水中漂浮;沉降速度最大的河蚬((24.99±4.22)cm/s)是最小的椭圆萝卜螺((4.13±0.96)cm/s)的6倍,入侵种非洲大蜗牛((18.30±3.64)cm/s)和福寿螺((21.77±5.23)cm/s)与土著种铜锈环棱螺((19.48±3.14)cm/s)和中华园田螺((21.44±3.92)cm/s)在沉降速度上无显著差异(P < 0.01)。成体贝类的壳-体质量比与沉降速度(R2=0.28)、沉降加速度(R2=0.39)之间存在一定的相关性。在此基础上,贝类沉降特性随生活史变化的研究将进一步揭示贝类进化与种群扩散中的生态水力学作用。  相似文献   

介绍我国广州管圆线虫的几种主要中间宿主   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广州管圆线虫(Angiostrongylus cantonensis)是一种自然疫源性(人兽共患)疾病的病源,也是引起人类嗜酸性脑膜脑炎的病原体。1945年首次在台湾报道此病例,至1979年已报告近300例。据不完全统计已知可作为中间宿主的坎体动物约有56种之多。现将该虫在我国已知几种主要中间宿主的形态特征、生活习性和分布简介于后,以供有关调查研究参考。一、同型巴蜗牛Bradybaena similaris(Ferussac)(图1)形态特征:贝壳呈扁球形、有5—6个螺层。壳面有细的生长线,螺旋部低矮。贝壳呈黄褐色、红褐色或梨色。在体螺层周缘和缝合线上,常有一条暗褐色色带,但有…  相似文献   

中国近海前鳃亚纲玉螺科种类丰富,作者就中国科学院海洋研究所历年采到的标本进行了研究,共整理出6属58种;其中有19种为中国海新纪录,8种为新种。新种的模式标本均保存在中国科学院海洋研究所。 1.海南玉螺(新种)Natica hainanensis sp.nov.(图版Ⅰ∶4;图版Ⅱ∶9) 贝壳中等大小,壳较厚、质坚实,亚球形。壳表有细密的生长线和螺线,有的标本有裂痕。壳表被有一层蜡黄色的外皮。在体螺层上弥散有若干褐色斑点;此斑点在有的标本排列成三条螺带,但较模糊。若除去蜡黄色外皮,贝壳呈灰白色。螺旋部较高而尖,褶皱  相似文献   

蜗牛和蛞蝓是生活在陆地上的软体动物。在动物分类学上属于软体动物门(Mollusca)、腹足纲(Gastropoda)、前鳃亚纲(Prosobrancha)及肺螺亚纲(Pulmonata)、柄眼目(Stylommatophora)。全世界已知的蜗牛和蛞蝓约有25,000种。这类动物除了具有腹足类的一般形态特征外,栉鳃均已退化,外套膜上有发达的血管网,即“肺”,可在陆地上直接与空气进行气体交换。  相似文献   

正海边拾贝的情趣无限,除了亲情友情之外,更在于人们对贝类生物的喜爱。贝类是一种软体动物,身体由头、足、内脏囊、外套膜和壳五个部分组成。很多贝类生物都有美丽的外壳,由碳酸钙构建的外壳色彩缤纷,形态万千,每一种类都使人惊叹不已。从远古时代直至现代,贝壳制作的各种首饰都被人们视为时尚的象征。贝壳也曾作为货币被人们视为财富的等价物,奇妙的贝壳在人类的智慧中形成了一种千古流传的贝壳文化。漂亮的贝壳吸引了无数的贝类收藏者,也吸引了无数专家学者对贝壳的科  相似文献   

笔者最近在整理吉林省陆生贝类标本中,发现有大蜗牛科Helicidac一个种为国内首次记录,兹报道于下: 锈色锐蜗牛Zenobiella rubiginosa (A. Schmidt, 1853) 采集地点:吉林省长春中医学院院内、长白山二道河。 形态特征:贝壳小型,壳质薄,半透明,呈扁圆锥形,有4×(1/2)—5个螺层,螺旋部低矮,各螺层膨胀。  相似文献   

淡水贝类贝壳多层构造形成研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘小明 《动物学报》1994,40(3):221-225
对几种淡水贝(包括蚌、螺)进行形态及组织学观察,并通过实验方法重现贝壳三种物质,即:角质、棱柱质、珍珠质的生成过程,结果表明:外套膜外表皮细胞是由相同类型细胞组成,这些相同细胞在不同的作用条件下形成贝壳多层构造。  相似文献   

软体动物门约有11万5千多种,仅次于节肢动物门,是动物界的第二大门。而腹足纲是软体动物中种类最多的一个纲,世界上已发现有9万多种。现在国内外养殖的食用蜗牛均属于肺螺亚纲,柄眼目。它们是雌雄同体的种类。褐云玛瑙螺(Achatinafulica),又称非洲大蜗牛,是陆生贝类中个体最大的蜗牛之一,白玉蜗牛是祸云玛瑙螺的变种。白玉蜗牛肉质鲜美,营养价值高,是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、少胆固醇的上等美味食品。据分析,Ikg鲜蜗牛肉含蛋白质139.5~1809,比同等重量的鸡蛋多含359左右,1kg干蜗牛肉含蛋白质604.2g,含脂肪仅38.5g,而胆固醇…  相似文献   

【背景】福寿螺因其食性杂、抗逆性和繁殖力强以及自然天敌少等不断扩散,侵害农作物,被列为我国首批外来入侵物种。国内外学者一直致力于研究对其的防治与监控。自然界中福寿螺存在2种壳色——黄色和黑色,壳色受遗传因素和环境因素的双重影响。广东省福寿螺多以黑色为主,福寿螺倾向于与不同壳色的螺交配。壳色在一定程度上影响其交配的选择性,但2种壳色的福寿螺繁殖力指标差异不显著。而关于这2种壳色的螺在形态学上的差异鲜有报道。【方法】利用生物统计软件和分析方法进行相关性分析、通径分析及多元回归分析,计算相关系数、通径系数和决定系数,研究2种壳色福寿螺形态性状与体质量的关系。【结果】2种壳色福寿螺的体质量、层高的变异系数较大,且黄色比黑色变异系数大。对黄色福寿螺体质量影响较大的依次为壳高、口宽;对黑色福寿螺体质量影响较大的依次为口宽、层高。【结论与意义】2种壳色福寿螺在形态性状方面差异显著,可以将壳色作为特征标记,为福寿螺的监测与灾害评估提供参考。  相似文献   

Some living organisms produce visible light (bioluminescence) for intra- or interspecific visual communication. Here, we describe a remarkable bioluminescent adaptation in the marine snail Hinea brasiliana. This species produces a luminous display in response to mechanical stimulation caused by encounters with other motile organisms. The light is produced from discrete areas on the snail's body beneath the snail's shell, and must thus overcome this structural barrier to be viewed by an external receiver. The diffusion and transmission efficiency of the shell is greater than a commercial diffuser reference material. Most strikingly, the shell, although opaque and pigmented, selectively diffuses the blue-green wavelength of the species bioluminescence. This diffusion generates a luminous display that is enlarged relative to the original light source. This unusual shell thus allows spatially amplified outward transmission of light communication signals from the snail, while allowing the animal to remain safely inside its hard protective shell.  相似文献   

Hutchinson's ('89) road-holding model states that spiral ornaments of the snail shell (keels and low-curvature areas) dictate the growth path of the subsequent whorl, which in turn gives the signal for attachment of the next whorl. Experiments were performed with two species of the terrestrial snail Sphincterochila in order to test the role of the external keel in determining the correct coiling of successive turns. Experiments substituted a ridge made of silicone for the keel. This ridge ran either (1) abapical or (2) adapical of the original keel. In mode (1), subsequent growth continued by taking the false keel as the adapical limit of the whorl. In only very few instances of mode (2) did the whorls extend incipiently slightly adapical of the path of the original keel. Our results confirm that the keel is an important reference for the coiling strategy of the snail, although the keel itself probably does not constitute the reference, but rather the two flat ramps into which the keel divides the outer lip of the aperture. J. Morphol. 235:249–257, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The genetic and environmental factors affecting shell shapein the freshwater snail Semisulcospira reiniana at Takahashiin Kyoto, central Japan, were studied by means of a rearingexperiment and field observations. Shell shape was characterizedby three parameters; W (whorl expansion rate), T (whorl translationrate), and S (roundness of generating curve). Estimated heritabilitieswere low in all three parameters and the largest component ofthe great shell variation in the Takahashi population was environmentalvariance, suggesting that the main source of shell variationwas phenotypic modulation, in response to the external environment.In the field, snails that were active in fast currents had largerW and smaller T, that is, a larger body whorl and a lower spire,than snails in slow currents. Substratum conditions relatedto T in resting periods although its cause was unclear. Mechanismsare suggested which in the absence of selection of genetic variationcould cause and maintain shell variation in S. reiniana in differentmicrohabitats. (Received 8 March 1996; accepted 3 November 1997)  相似文献   

Molluscan shells, including those of Gastropoda, are formed by accretionary growth at the mantle edge. The mantle is a thin membrane of skirt-like shape, which extends minutely beyond the aperture, and its edge adds a shell increment to the aperture margin so that each increment copies a configuration of the mantle edge at that time. Thus, regulation of shell morphogeny is almost equivalent to the factors which control the mantle form at the moment of shell growth. Form of the mantle skirt is considered to be kept in a state of balance between the force of its internal stress and forces acting on it such as fluid pressure or muscle contraction. The expansion behavior of the mantle skirt has been numerically analyzed by using an elastic model (DMS-tube), which represents the fundamental structure of the mantle tissue as a double membrane structure with internal springs (DMS). Four characteristic expansion patterns of the DMS-tube have been detected: (1) general outward expansion; (2) developing a ridge-like fold on an initial longitudinal protrusion of the tube edge; (3) drastic shift of the expanded state from a uniformly curved to an elliptical shape in outline, owing to the existence of a fixed boundary condition on the tube wall; and (4) constricted protrusion on the open region of the shell wall surrounding the DMS-tube. These results have the potential for answering the following questions relating to the morphogenesis of gastropod shells. How does the mantle skirt usually make contact with the inner surface of the shell wall so as to ensure continuous accretion of shell materials to the aperture margin? What is the cause of spiral ridges? Why do open coiling or minimally overlapping shells have generally circular apertures, while shells with apertures overlapped by whorls have non-uniformly curved apertural lips? What is the cause of long closed spines and why do they always appear on spiral ridges?  相似文献   

During embryogenesis of the fresh water snail Biomphalaria glabrata (Say) (Pulmonata, Basommatophora) shell formation has been studied by light and electron microscopical techniques. The shell field invagination (SFI), the secretion of the first shell layers, the development of the shell-forming mantle edge gland and spindle formation have been investigated. During embryonic development at 28 degrees C environmental temperature, the shell field invaginates after 35 h. After 40 h the SFI is closed apically by cellular protrusions and scale-like precursors of the periostracum. The first electron translucent layer of the periostracum stems from electron dense vesicles of the cells which lie at the opening of the SFI. A second electron dense layer appears some hours afterwards. When the shell appears birefringent in the polarizing microscope (45 h of development) calcium can be detected in it using energy dispersive x-ray analysis. As calcification occurs the intercrystalline matrix appears under the periostracum and the SFI begins to open. In embryos of 60 h the mantle cavity appears at the left caudal side. When the mantle edge groove develops (65 h of development) lamellate units are added to the outer layer of the periostracum, but no distinct lamellar layer is formed in B. glabrata. In addition to the lamellar cell and the periostracum cell, a secretory cell can be observed in the developing groove. After 65 h of development, spindle formation starts and the shell begins to coil in a left hand spiral. After 5 days of development the embryos are ready to leave the egg capsules.  相似文献   

Gastropod apertures reflect expanded states of their mantle edge under variable boundary conditions. The apertures are divided into two groups: apertures without distinct overlap zones (e.g., whorl overlap) and those with overlap zones. Each group follows a unique morphological rule. Apertures without overlap zones are generally circular in outline. Apertures with overlap zones are either elongated perpendicularly to the overlap zone or inflated abapically. Moreover, the latter abapically inflated apertures are generally accompanied by a straight section anterior to the overlap zone along the columellar axis (columellar part). Numerical analysis of an elastic double membrane tube whose main frame simulates the gastropod mantle indicates that these morphological rules are the products of mantle edge expansion under the condition that the head-foot mass presses against the mantle edge in both the overlap zone and the columellar part. The mantle edge in these two zones is thus in a completely or partly fixed boundary condition at the moment of shell growth. The rest of the mantle edge is free to expand either symmetrically or asymmetrically. It is hypothesized that the head-foot mass is a driving force for regulating the pattern of shell coiling and apertural shape.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in shell-bearing snails expressed by characteristic traits of their respective shells would offer the possibility for a lot of studies about gender distribution in populations, species, etc. In this study, the seven main shell characters of the snail Cochlostoma septemspirale were measured in both sexes: (1) height and (2) width of the shell, (3) height and (4) width of the aperture, (5) width of the last whorl, (6) rib density on the last whorl, and (7) intensity of the reddish or brown pigments forming three bands over the shell. The variation of size and shape was explored with statistical methods adapted to principal components analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In particular, we applied some multivariate morphometric tools for the analysis of ratios that have been developed only recently, that is, the PCA ratio spectrum, allometry ratio spectrum, and LDA ratio extractor. The overall separation of the two sexes was tested with LDA cross validation.The results show that there is a sexual dimorphism in the size and shape of shells. Females are more slender than males and are characterised by larger size, a slightly reduced aperture height but larger shell height and whorl width. Therefore they have a considerable larger shell volume (about one fifth) in the part above the aperture. Furthermore, the last whorl of females is slightly less strongly pigmented and mean rib density slightly higher. All characters overlap quite considerably between sexes. However, by using cross validation based on the 5 continuous shell characters more than 90% of the shells can be correctly assigned to each sex.  相似文献   

The role of intracellular calcium in changes in excitability and responses of defense behavior command neurons LP11 and PP11 of Helix lucorum to sensory stimulation was investigated in semi-intact preparation of a snail during nociceptive sensitization. It was found that application of sensitizing stimuli onto the snail's head initiated membrane depolarization, increase in its excitability as well as depression of neural responses evoked by sensory stimuli in short-term period of sensitization and significant facilitation of neural responses in long-term period of sensitization. To elucidate the contribution of LP11 and PP11 neurons in plasticity rearrangements involved in the mechanisms of sensitization, we applied sensitizing stimuli during strong hyperpolarization of the neurons or after intracellular injection of calcium chelators. Application of sensitizing stimuli during hyperpolarization of the neurons suppressed the increase in membrane excitability and depressed the neural responses evoked by chemical stimulation of snail's head i.m. short- and long-term periods of sensitization. At the same time, synaptic facilitation of neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail's head and foot was observed, which was similar to synaptic facilitation in the control sensitized snail. Intracellular injection of EGTA or BARTA (calcium chelators) before sensitization suppressed synaptic facilitation in neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation. Under these conditions, the increase in excitability was more pronounced then in the control snail neurons. The experimental results suggest the changes in neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation in sensitized snails involve postsynaptic calcium-dependent mechanisms of plasticity in LP11 and PP11 neurons.  相似文献   

记述采自云南省石林县陆生贝类1新种,大叠水真管螺Euphaedusa dadieshuiensis sp.nov.,文中对新种形态特征、栖息环境进行了描述,并对其相似种进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

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