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Exposure to Epicoccum purpurascens is implicated in respiratory allergies and asthma. Several allergens of clinical importance were identified in Epicoccum extract (EE), but only one allergen has been isolated and characterized. In the present study, a 12-kDa allergen was isolated from an Epicoccum spore-mycelial extract by concanavalin-A sepharose, reverse-phase hydrophobic and gel filtration chromatography. The purified protein was recognized as a single 12-kDa allergen on immunoblot with a serum pool of Epicoccum- sensitive patients. Of the 94 respiratory allergy patients tested intradermally, 17 showed marked positive skin reactions to EE and 12 of them reacted with the 12-kDa protein, indicating a diagnostic sensitivity of 70%. More than 80% patients' sera showed immunoglobulin E (IgE) reactivity to the purified protein in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot, identifying it as a major allergen. Preincubation of pooled serum with the protein led to inhibition of IgE binding to solid-phase-bound EE (effective concentration 50%=180 ng). Twelve of the 17 serum samples showed significant basophil histamine release upon stimulation with purified protein. The protein induced significant proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 13 patients. A high level of interleukin-4 in the culture supernatant of these cells indicated induction of a T-helper type 2 response. The purified 12-kDa protein is a clinically relevant allergen and has potential for the diagnosis and therapy of Epicoccum allergies.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activities of seven Epicoccum purpurascens strains isolated either from evergreen oak leaves (Quercus ilex) collected over a period of one year, or from the atmosphere were compared in vitro. Two strains sporulated and conspicuously inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Thin-layer chromatographic studies showed the existence of some compounds, such as flavipin, which were common to all the strains. Epicorazine B was present in the extracts of only the two most active strains.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1144-1152
In insects, proteolytic cascades medicated by serine proteases (SPs), serine protease homologs (SPHs) and prophenoloxidases (PPOs) control several physiological processes, notably the innate immunity. However, no attempts have been made to identify and characterize these genes in Spodoptera frugiperda, one of the most destructive agricultural pests. In this study, 83 SPs, 26 SPHs and four PPOs were respectively identified in S. frugiperda genome based on homology blast against those of other insects. We then analyzed the domain organization of these proteins and assigned them into different groups by phylogenetic reconstruction. Furthermore, the mRNA levels of clip-domain SPs/SPHs (cSPs/cSPHs) and PPOs were quantified in response to a mixed infection of Micrococcus luteus and Escherichia coli, and obvious accumulations were recorded in immune tissues, including hemocytes and fat body. In the latter study, we profiled the expression patterns of highly expressed cSPs and PPOs in different developmental stages, including egg, larva, pupa, female and male adults. It was shown that most cSPs were abundantly expressed in adults, while PPOs were detected at high levels in both egg and larval stages. These current findings substantially add to our understanding of the roles of S. frugiperda SPs, SPHs and PPOs in immune regulation and further lay a solid foundation for uncovering the interaction mechanisms between insects and pathogens.  相似文献   

Hybridization of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis total DNA against the pathogenicity gene pat-1 indicated the presence of pat-1 homologous nucleotide sequences on the chromosome and on plasmid pCM2. Isolation of the corresponding DNA fragments and nucleotide sequence determination showed that there are three pat-1 homologous genes: chpA (chromosome) and phpA and phpB (plasmid pCM2). The gene products share common characteristics, i.e. a signal sequence for Sec-dependent secretion, a serine protease motif, and six cysteine residues at conserved positions. Gene chpA located on the chromosome is a pseudogene since it contains a translational stop codon after 97 of 280 amino acids. In contrast to pat-1, cloning of the plasmid encoded homologs phpA and phpB into the avirulent plasmid free Cmm strain CMM100 did not result in a virulent phenotype. So far no proteolytic activity could be demonstrated for Pat-1, however, site specific mutagenesis of pat-1 showed that the serine residue in the motif GDSGG is required for the virulent phenotype of pat-1 and thus Pat-1 could be a functional protease.  相似文献   

Although mite major group 1 allergens, Der p 1 and Der f 1, were first isolated as cysteine proteases, some studies reported that natural Der p 1 exhibits mixed cysteine and serine protease activity. Clarifying whether the serine protease activity originates from Der p 1 or is due to contamination is important for distinguishing between the pathogenic proteolytic activities of group 1 allergens and mite-derived serine proteases. Recombinant mite group 1 allergens would be useful tool for addressing this issue, because they are completely free from contamination by mite serine proteases. Recombinant Der p 1 and Der f 1, and highly purified natural forms exhibited only cysteine protease activity. However, commercially available natural forms exhibited both activities, but the two activities were eluted into different fractions in size-exclusion column chromatography. The substrate specificity associated with the serine protease activity was similar to that of Der f 3. These results indicate that the serine protease activity does not originate from group 1 allergens.  相似文献   

Aeromonas virulence is thought to depend on multigenic functions. The gene for an extracellular protease from Aeromonas hydrophila SO2/2 was cloned in Escherichia coli C600-1 by using pIJ860, bifunctional plasmid, as a vector. The gene encodes for a temperature-labile serine protease (P2) with a molecular mass of approx. 68 kDa which is highly inhibited by PMSF. The gene was expressed in Streptomyces lividans 1326 by transforming protoplasts with the original clone pPA2. We were also able to transfer and express the prt P2 gene in Pseudomonas putida by mating experiments. The protein P2 was secreted into the periplasms of both P. putida and E. coli C600-1 being identical in properties to one of the proteases secreted into the culture supernatant by A. hydrophila SO2/2.  相似文献   

A partial amino acid sequence of a serine protease from Dermatophilus congolensis allowed the design of oligonucleotide primers that were complemented with additional ones from previously published partial sequences of the gene encoding the enzyme. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using combinations of specific and degenerate oligonucleotide primers, allowed the amplification of a 1738-bp internal fragment of the gene, which was finally characterised by inverse PCR as the first full-length sequenced serine protease gene (nasp) from Dermatophilus congolensis. The deduced amino acid sequence of this enzyme, probably involved in the pathogenesis of dermatophilosis, links it to the subtilisin family of proteases.  相似文献   

The larvae of Schistosoma mansoni invade their mammalian host by utilizing a serine protease, cercarial elastase (SmCE), to degrade macromolecular proteins in host skin. The catalytic activity of serine and cysteine proteases can be regulated after activation by serpins. SmSrpQ, one of two S. mansoni serpins found in larval secretions, is only expressed during larval development and in the early stages of mammalian infection. In vitro, (35)S-SmSrpQ was able to form an SDS-stable complex with a component of the larval lysate, but no complex was detected when (35)S-SmSrpQ was incubated with several mammalian host proteases. Formation of a complex was sensitive to the protease active site inhibitors PMSF, Z-AAPF-CMK, and Z-AAPL-CMK. Western blot analysis of parasite lysates from different life stages detected a complex of comparable size to SmCE bound to SmSrpQ using anti-SmSrpQ or anti-SmCE antibodies. SmSrpQ and SmCE are located in adjacent but discrete compartments in the secretion glands of the parasite. Fluorescence immunohistochemical analysis of simulated infection showed co-localization of SmCE and SmSrpQ in host tissue suggesting a post release regulation of parasite protease activity during skin transversal. The results of this study suggest that cercarial elastase degradation of skin tissue is carefully regulated by SmSrpQ.  相似文献   

A previously undiscovered intracellular serine protease activity, which we have called intracellular serine protease-4, was identified in extracts of stationary Bacillus subtilis cells, purified 260 fold from the cytoplasmic fraction, and characterized. The new protease was stable and active in the absence of Ca2+ ions and hydrolyzed azocasein and the chromogenic substrate carbobenzoxy-carbonyl-alanyl-alanyl-leucyl-p-nitroanilide, but not azocollagen or a variety of other chromogenic substrates. The protease was strongly inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, chymostatin and antipain, but not by chelators, sulfhydryl-reactive agents or trypsin inhibitors. Its activity was stimulated by Ca2+ ions and gramicidin S; its pH and temperature optima were 9.0 and 37°C, respectively. Although intracellular serine protease-4 was immunochemically distinct from intracellular serine protease-1, it was absent from a mutant in which the gene encoding the latter was disrupted.  相似文献   

A serine protease named euphorbain p has been isolated in a homogeneous state from the latex of Euphorbia pulcherrima. This multi-chain enzyme, MW 74000, is similar in composition to one in E. lathyris, but is larger in size and has a more restricted activity. It has a pI of 4.7, and displays maximum activity at pH 7.0.  相似文献   

Pathogenic intestinal spirochetes cause damage to the intestinal mucosa of humans and animals by an unknown mechanism. The purpose of this study was to assess the pathogenic intestinal spirochetes Serpulina hyodysenteriae, Serpulina pilosicoli, and Brachyspira aalborgi and the non-pathogenic commensal intestinal spirochetes Serpulina innocens and Treponema succinifaciens for protease activity. A partially heat stable, subtilisin-like, serine protease was identified in the outer membrane of all spirochetes and thus may be essential for survival in the intestinal environment. The outer membrane protease may indirectly contribute to intestinal damage caused by pathogenic spirochetes during association with the mucosal surface of the host.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana genome has over 550 protease sequences representing all five catalytic types: serine, cysteine, aspartic acid, metallo and threonine (MEROPS peptidase database, http://merops.sanger.ac.uk/), which probably reflect a wide variety of as yet unidentified functions performed by plant proteases. Recent indications that the 26S proteasome, a T1 family-threonine protease, is a regulator of light and hormone responsive signal transduction highlight the potential of proteases to participate in many aspects of plant growth and development. Recent discoveries that proteases are required for stomatal distribution, embryo development and disease resistance point to wider roles for four additional multigene families that include some of the most frequently studied (yet poorly understood) plant proteases: the subtilisin-like, serine proteases (family S8), the papain-like, cysteine proteases (family C1A), the pepsin-like, aspartic proteases (family A1) and the plant matrixin, metalloproteases (family M10A). In this report, 54 subtilisin-like, 30 papain-like and 59 pepsin-like proteases from Arabidopsis, are compared with S8, C1A and A1 proteases known from other plant species at the functional, phylogenetic and gene structure levels. Examples of structural conservation between S8, C1A and A1 genes from rice, barley, tomato and soybean and those from Arabidopsis are noted, indicating that some common, essential plant protease roles were established before the divergence of monocots and eudicots. Numerous examples of tandem duplications of protease genes and evidence for a variety of restricted expression patterns suggest that a high degree of specialization exists among proteases within each family. We propose that comprehensive analysis of the functions of these genes in Arabidopsis will firmly establish serine, cysteine and aspartic proteases as regulators and effectors of a wide range of plant processes.  相似文献   

Asif-Ullah M  Kim KS  Yu YG 《Phytochemistry》2006,67(9):870-875
Kachri fruit, Cucumis trigonus Roxburghi, contains high protease activity and has been used as meat tenderizer in the Indian subcontinent. A 67 kDa serine protease from Kachri fruit was purified by DEAE-Sepharose and CM-Sepharose chromatography, whose optimum activity was at pH 11 and 70 degrees C. Its activity was strongly inhibited by PMSF, but not by EDTA, pepstatin, or cysteine protease inhibitors. The substrate specificity of the purified protease towards synthetic peptides was comparable to cucumisin, the first characterized subtilisin class plant protease from the sarcocarp of melon fruit (Cucumis melo). These characteristics, along with the N-terminal amino acid sequence, indicated that the isolated protease from Cucumis trigonus Roxburghi is a cucumisin homologue, which belongs to the serine protease family.  相似文献   

A keratinolytic serine protease secreted by Purpureocillium lilacinum (formerly Paecilomyces lilacinus) upon culture in a basal medium containing 1% (w/v) hair waste as carbon and nitrogen source was purified and characterized. After purification the keratinase was resolved by SDS-PAGE as a homogeneus protein band of molecular mass 37.0 kDa. The extracellular keratinase of P. lilacinum was characterized by its appreciable stability over a broad pH range (from 4.0 to 9.0), and up to 65 °C, along with its strong inhibition by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride among the protease inhibitors tested (98.2% of inhibition), thus suggesting its nature as a serine protease. The enzyme was active and stable in the presence of organic solvents such as dimethylsulfoxide, methanol, and isopropanol; certain surfactants such as Triton X-100, sodium dodecylsulfate, and Tween 85; and bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide. These biochemical characteristics suggest the potential use of this enzyme in numerous industrial applications.  相似文献   

The design, synthesis and catalytic properties of acyclic branched peptide carrier that possesses thecatalytic triad residues of the serine proteases isreported. The synthesis of the peptide model wastotally completed on solid support using threedifferent orthogonal amino protecting groups.Hydrolytic activity measurements againstSuc-Ala-Ala-Ala-pNA substrate showed that it ishydrolysed by the peptide model to a small extent.Despite this small hydrolytic activity, it is thefirst time, to our knowledge, that hydrolysis of such a substrate is reported by an enzyme model compound.Contrary, this enzyme model peptide showedconsiderable activity against the Boc-Ala-pNPsubstrate (kcat = 0.414 min–1 and Km = 0.228 mm). These results suggest that thedesigned carrier brings in appropriate contact thecatalytic triad residues (Ser, His, Asp) resulting inthe obtained hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   

Summary The design, synthesis and catalytic properties of a cyclic branched peptide carrier that possesses the catalytic triad residues of the serine proteases is reported. The synthesis of the peptide model was totally completed on solid support using three different orthogonal amino protecting groups. Hydrolytic activity measurements against Suc-Ala-Ala-Ala-pNA substrate showed that it is hydrolysed by the peptide model to a small extent. Despite this small hydrolytic activity, it is the first time, to our knowledge, that hydrolysis of such a substrate is reported by an enzyme model compound. Contrary, this enzyme model peptide showed considerable activity against the Boc-Ala-pNP substrate (k cat =0.414 min−1 andK m =0.228 mm). These results suggest that the designed carrier brings in appropriate contact the catalytic triad residues (Ser, His, Asp) resulting in the obtained hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   

Three series of cyclic ketone inhibitors were synthesized and evaluated against the serine protease plasmin. Peptide inhibitors that incorporated 3-oxotetrahydrofuran and 3-oxotetrahydrothiophene 1,1-dioxide groups had the highest activities. Alkylamino substituents, which were designed to bind in the S1 subsite of plasmin, were attached to the inhibitors. Compounds 5c and 5g, which incorporated 6-aminohexyl substituents, were found to be optimal and demonstrated IC50 values in the low micromolar range. Incorporating conformationally constrained peptide segments into the inhibitors did not improve their activities.  相似文献   

We have previously reported novel serine proteases isolated from cDNA libraries of the human and mouse central nervous system (CNS) by PCR using degenerate oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers designed on the basis of the serine protease motifs, AAHC and DSGGP. Here we report a newly isolated serine protease from the mouse CNS. This protease is homologous (77.9% identical) to human spinesin type II transmembrane serine protease 5. Mouse spinesin (m-spinesin) is also composed of (from the N-terminus) a short cytoplasmic domain, a transmembrane domain, a stem region containing a scavenger-receptor-like domain, and a serine protease domain, as is h-spinesin. We also isolated type 1, type 2, and type 3 variant cDNAs of m-spinesin. Full-length spinesin (type 4) and type 3 contain all the domains, whereas type 1 and type 2 variants lack the cytoplasmic, transmembrane, and scavenger-receptor-like domains. Subcellular localization of the variant forms was analyzed using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fusion proteins. EGFP-type 4 fusion protein was predominantly localized to the ER, Golgi apparatus, and plasma membrane, whereas EGFP-type 1 was localized to the cytoplasm, reflecting differential classification of m-spinesin variants into transmembrane and cytoplasmic types. We analyzed the distribution of m-spinesin variants in mouse tissues, using RT-PCR with variant-specific primer sets. Interestingly, transmembrane-type spinesin, types 3 and 4, was specifically expressed in the spinal cord, whereas cytoplasmic type, type 1, was expressed in multiple tissues, including the cerebrum and cerebellum. Therefore, m-spinesin variants may have distinct biological functions arising from organ-specific variant expression.  相似文献   

The function of protease during male meiosis has not been well studied. We previously cloned and characterized four testis-specific serine proteases in the mouse testis. One of the proteases, Prss41/Tessp-1, was expressed in the germ and Sertoli cell. This time, to examine the involvement of Prss41/Tessp-1 in spermatogenesis, we conducted the organ culture of testis fragments in the presence of the anti-Prss41/Tessp-1 antibody. Because in the Sertoli cell, the Prss41/Tessp-1 protein was mostly associated with the membrane of intracellular organelles by glycosylphosphatidylinositol, the antibody was expected to affect Prss41/Tessp-1 at the plasma membrane of spermatogonia. By adding the antibody, the number of germ cells was decreased in some seminiferous tubules. The marker genes expression strongly suggested that meiosis was arrested at spermatogonia, and the number of apoptotic germ cells increased by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay. These data indicated that Prss41/Tessp-1 was necessary for the progression of meiosis at the stage of spermatogonia during in vitro spermatogenesis. Together with our previous study, the current results suggest that the Prss/Tessp proteases are important for the progression of meiosis at each stage.  相似文献   

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