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Primary Schistosoma mansoni single-sex infections in mice, i.e., either male only or female only, did not stimulate any detectable level of heterologous resistance to challenge with Fasciola hepatica after 22 to 76 days, while statistically significant resistance to a challenge with F. hepatica was demonstrated in the presence of patent mixed-sex S. mansoni infections. Simultaneous infections with S. mansoni and F. hepatica induced a statistically significant reduction in the number of schisto-some worms established, i.e., the burden being reduced by 40.1 and 43.9%, respectively. There was no reduction of the F. hepatica worm burden. Similar features could be observed with a time interval of 48 hr between the S. mansoni infection and the F. hepatica challenge, i.e., the schistosome burden being reduced by 34.2 and 45.6%, respectively. Furthermore, simultaneous infections with S. mansoni and F. hepatica induced a statistically significant reduction of the egg production capacity per paired female schistosome worm as compared with that of the S. mansoni control group. Tissue egg counts of the various intestinal sections were reduced by 92.8–99.6%.  相似文献   

Eggs of Schistosoma mansoni trapped in human liver can lead to fibrosis. Since liver fibrosis requires activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) from a quiescent to a myofibroblastic phenotype, we investigated the effects of S. mansoni eggs on this process using in vitro co-cultures with human HSC and evaluated established biomarkers for activation and fibrosis. HSC demonstrate significantly reduced expression of α-smooth muscle actin (< 0.001), connective tissue growth factor (< 0.01) and type I collagen (< 0.001) but significantly increased expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (< 0.01). Morphologically, HSC exhibited elongated fine cellular processes and reduced size, increased accumulation of lipid droplets and reduced expression and organization of α-smooth muscle actin and F-actin stress fibres. Additionally, schistosome eggs prevented the HSC fibrogenic response to exogenous transforming growth factor-β. In summary, schistosome eggs blocked fibrogenesis in HSC, a finding which may have implications for our understanding of the fibrotic pathology in S. mansoni infections.  相似文献   

Using transmission and scanning electron microscopy, the early migration of juvenile Fasciola hepatica was examined in naive and resistant rats. In naive rats, the migration of flukes to the peritoneal cavity was uneventful. In resistant rats, flukes were rapidly coated with antibody whilst still in the gut lumen and a proportion of the flukes were unable to penetrate the intestinal wall. Those that did penetrate were unharmed as they crossed the gut wall, but on entering the peritoneal cavity they were coated with antibody and host cells including eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, and mast cells. Eosinophils were seen degranulating onto the fluke surface, and this appeared to result in the erosion of the tegumental syncytium.  相似文献   

Growth and maturation of the Puerto Rico strain of Schistosoma mansoni in mice and the Ghana strain of Schistosoma haematobium in hamsters were compared beginning 19 days after infection. In S. mansoni, optimum development was determined, with copulation first observed on Day 25, egg shell protein formation observed on Day 28, and oviposition occurring on Day 30. In infections of S. haematobium, copulation first occurred on Day 29. Egg shell proteins were first formed on Day 45, and egg production occurred on Day 60. Examination of unisexual and bisexual infections showed that maturation of the vitellaria can be more easily assessed by autofluorescence of the protein globules than by the traditional diazonium salt stains. Autofluorescence of living worms with mature vitellaria allows subsequent examination by electron microscopy, and therefore permits evaluation at a subcellular level.  相似文献   

Irradiated and nonirradiated in vitro derived schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni were injected intraperitoneally into mice. Sixteen percent of nonirradiated schistosomula, 8% of those irradiated with 1000 R, and virtually none of those irradiated with 3000 R and above survived in mice for 5 weeks. However, those irradiated with 3000 R survived in small numbers for shorter periods of time. Schistosomula irradiated with 3000 or 6000 R were used to immunize mice against subsequent infection with cercariae. Prior ip injections of schistosomula irradiated with 3000 R resulted in reductions in worm burden after challenge from 5 to 91%; the observed protection was related to the number of inoculations. The subcutaneous route appeared to be less effective. Schistosomula irradiated with 6000 R produced less protection than those irradiated with 3000 R.  相似文献   

The mature vitelline cell in Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium contains inclusions identified as calcareous corpuscles. They originate in the dilated cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and are eventually released when the vitelline cell starts to disintegrate in the fully formed egg capsule. X-ray microprobe analysis of single-fixed but conventionally prepared specimens, as well as of material quenched in liquid nitrogen slush and cryosectioned, indicated that the corpuscles contained phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. The debris surrounding the developing embryo within the egg capsule also contained the elements phosphorus and calcium. Dosage of infected mice with Astiban produced an increase in total calcium content.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata and Bulinus globosus were infected with Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium, respectively, and the effect of different illumination conditions at 25 C on cercarial output was observed for 4 days. In both species, a dark period of 10–14 hr on Day 2 of the observation period resulted in an emergence pattern on Day 3 similar to the regular pattern recorded for Day 1. Total cercarial output on Day 3 was within 30% of the control (Day 1) output. A dark period of between 0 and 8 hr resulted in suppression of cercarial emergence and in abolishment of the regular hourly emergence pattern on Day 3. A dark period of 16–20 hr resulted in an emergence pattern with two peaks, the first occurred at Hour 1, and the other at Hour 5 of the subsequent light period. Interjection of a 1-hr dark period during the light period of Day 3, following short (2–8 hr) exposure to dark on the preceding day, produced an increase in cercarial shedding of S. mansoni immediately after restitution of the light conditions. On the other hand, in S. haematobium, cercarial output was stimulated during the interposed dark period itself.  相似文献   

Haseeb M. A., Eveland L. K. and Fried B. 1984. Histochemical lipid studies on Schistosoma mansoni adults maintained in situ and in vitro. International Journal for Parasitology14: 83–88. Schistosoma mansoni male and female adults were incubated at 37°C for 0.5 and 1.0 h in Earle's balanced salt solution containing 0.1% glucose and 0.5% lactalbumin hydrolysate, then examined by histochemistry and scanning electron microscopy. Histochemical analysis of cryostat sections stained with Oil Red O showed that males contain neutral lipid mainly in the parenchyma and tubercles, while females contain neutral lipid in the vitellaria. Neutral lipids are released from the tubercles of both paired and unpaired males maintained in vitro. There is evidence of in situ lipid transfer from males to blood vessel walls. Neutral lipid was not seen in females from unisexual infections. Sudan Black B staining fo total lipids is positive in tubercles, parenchyma, and vitellaria. Nile Blue Sulphate stains acidic lipids in male caecal walls. Scanning electron microscopy reveals no tegumental damage.  相似文献   

Gas chromatographic determination of biliary glucose in the rat showed only low levels were present. Although flukes took up glucose from the bile in vivo, biliary glucose could not be a major energy source as occurs in Hédon Fleig solution in vitro. Alanine, arginine, glutamate, histidine, phenylalanine, and serine were not metabolised in vitro to volatile fatty acids, and mixtures of peptides or amino acids failed to spare glycogen breakdown in the absence of glucose. Although glycerol was metabolised in vitro, the main energy source of the fluke in vivo has not been identified. Labelling studies confirmed that glucose taken up in vitro is degraded via glycolysis rather than the pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

Murine schistosomosis is a widely used experimental model of the human disease. Different methods have been employed to infect mice with Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, such as subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injections, the tail immersion technique, and the use of a metal ring placed on the abdominal skin of anaesthetized animals. An alternative method of infection that requires no anaesthesia and no restraint is to place suckling mice (10 days old) on a Petri dish with a small volume of water containing cercariae. In this study, we compared the penetration and maturation of S. mansoni in mice infected by this alternative method with those noted in mice infected at an older age (45 days) by the tail immersion technique. Besides evaluating the effects of age and method of infection, we also compared the susceptibility of two strains of mice (Swiss Webster (SW) and DBA/2). Mice were exposed to 100 cercariae and worms (by portal-hepatic perfusion) as well as eggs were recovered in the liver and intestines on postinfection (PI) days 35, 55 and 90. Skin penetration was very efficient (about 100%) irrespective of the mouse strain, sex, age and method of infection. Worm and egg recoveries were higher in SW mice at any PI interval, but strain differences tended to be less pronounced on PI day 90. In both strains, recoveries of worms and eggs were clearly higher in mice infected at a younger age (10 days old). This study thus suggests that infection of free-moving suckling mice is a suitable alternative to other methods of infection with S. mansoni.  相似文献   

A proteolytic enzyme in the gut exudate of the common liver fluke has been purified. The enzyme is specific for globin with a pH optimum of 3.9–4.0 and breaks the protein down to peptides and a small percentage of free amino acids. Collagenase activity at pH 7.5 copurifies with the main globinolytic enzyme. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 12,000 and does not appear to be antigenic in fluke-infected animals.  相似文献   

Bile and serum samples were collected from calves with an implanted cannula throughout a 20-week period of infection with Fasciola hepatica. Using indirect fluorescent antibody labelling and plastic-embedded sections of juvenile and adult flukes as antigens, estimates were made of the relative concentrations of IgG and IgA specific for fluke tegumental and gut antigens in the samples of serum and bile. In serum, antibodies against juvenile (t1) tegument and gut antigens reached peak concentrations 4–6 weeks postinfection and declined slowly thereafter as flukes became established in the bile ducts. IgG against adult tegument (t2) antigens appeared in the serum 6 weeks after infection, but no IgA against t2 was detected. In the bile, both IgG and IgA titres against t1 and gut antigens rose to peak values at 4–6 weeks after infection, but there was no activity against t2 antigen. The Ig levels in bile were considerably lower than in serum. Much more IgA relative to IgG occurred in bile as compared to serum (IgG/IgA ratio in serum was 16–32, in bile 1–2) suggesting a role for IgA in defence at mucosal surfaces. Comparison of the antibody profiles in bile and serum suggested that IgG in the bile was derived from circulating IgG whereas IgA may have been preferentially concentrated in the bile.  相似文献   

Glycogen (or exogenous glucose) was the only energy source utilized by adult Fasciola hepatica under a number of different incubation conditions. When exogenous glucose was present in the incubation medium, significant amounts of lactate were excreted. Anaerobically, in the presence of glucose, lactate accounted for 20% of the total end products measured. In the absence of glucose, organic acid production accounted for approximately 60% of glycogen carbon utilized; this value was reduced to 40% in the presence of exogenous glucose. There was no appreciable Pasteur effect.  相似文献   

Inbred C57B16 and CBA mice were immunized with 60Co-irradiated (50 kR) Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. Based on the percentage reduction from controls in the numbers of adult parasites developing from a challenge cercarial exposure, the level of protection among immunized C57B16 mice ranged from 56 to 74%, and among immunized CBA mice from 10 to 27%. In a longitudinal study, parallel in vitro comparisons of mitogen- and antigen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferative responses were performed with spleen cells from immunized and control mice of both strains. In contrast to decreased mitogen reactivity during a chronic, patent infection, immunization with irradiated cercariae resulted in no alteration in PHA and LPS responses in the reactivity of either strain. A vigorous antigen-specific reactivity was noted in the responses of immunized CBA mice. Additionally, a biphasic pattern of responsiveness characterized the CBA responses to antigens of cercarial, adult worm, or schistosomal egg origin. In comparison, there was a greatly diminished reactivity in immunized C57B16 mice to the same antigens. Therefore, no obvious correlation existed in this model between the relative magnitude of antigen-specific responses between the two strains and the level of anti-schistosome immunity induced.  相似文献   

Cytomorphosis of vitelline cells in Fasciola hepatica has been studied quantitatively by means of a Kontron Videoplan computerized image analyser. The process of vitelline cell development was subdivided into four characteristic phases: the stem cell, the intermediate type 1 cell, the intermediate type 2 cell, and the mature cell. The whole cell and the following constituent organelles, the nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER), secretory granules, glycogen, heterophagosomes, and lipid, were analysed at each phase. Results indicated that there was a significant increase in nuclear size between the two intermediate cell stages, and a significant increase in nucleolar size between the stem cell and intermediate type 1 cell; the changes were related to possible gene activation, ribosome production, and cell synthesis required for both cell growth and secretory production. Mitochondria increased in number and showed changes in volume and surface area of whole organelles and their cristae such that these correlated with the energy demands of growth and synthesis. The GER increased its average total volume some 16 times and its average total surface area some 25 times between the stem cell and mature cell stages. Even this increase masked the true extent of membrane production by this system, since membrane was transferred to secretory granules; in reality the GER or GER-derived membranes increased more than 42 times between the stem cell and mature cell stages. Shell globules and glycogen eventually contributed 21 and 20%, respectively, to cytoplasmic volume, while heterophagosomes contributed 14% and lipid only 3%. Residual cytoplasm was shown to be an important component in cytomorphosis, comprising never less than 40% of the total cytoplasmic volume and it was shown to increase prior to or parallel with the development and expansion of other systems.  相似文献   

Vaccination against schistosomiasis with highly X-irradiated Schistosoma mansoni cercariae was studied in mice. The optimum dose of X radiation for the attenuation of cercariae was in the range of 24–48 krad. In selecting the optimum dose, lesions caused by migrating schistosomula in the lungs of the immunized host were considered. Cercariae exposed to 48 krad caused fewer lesions than those exposed to 24 krad but still effected a comparable worm reduction. The percentages of worm reduction in mice immunized with 48-krad X-irradiated cercariae increased with the number of immunizations up to the fifth immunization and then fluctuated in the sixth, seventh, and eighth days without increase. The optimum dose of immunizing cercariae was 500, and the optimum time interval for successive immunizations was 4 weeks. There was no significant difference in susceptibility to infection in the adult mice 161 to 694 days of age. The duration of acquired immunity in immunized mice is long, still evident 545 days from the last immunization. The present studies clearly showed that with the bioengineering method, the worm reduction in the immunized mice reached 91.1%, the effect of immunization was stronger in mice immunized with the highly X-irradiated cercariae than with the low X-irradiated cercariae, and X-irradiated cercariae were demonstrated to be a strong inducing agent for immunity in mice.  相似文献   

Strains of mice (CFW, C57B1/10Sn, B10.D2/nSn, and B10.D2/oSn) were infected with Trypanosoma musculi (Trypanosoma duttoni). The complement-deficient B10.D2/oSn mice showed typical parasitemias similar to those presented by the strains possessing hemolytic complement activity. Peak parasitemias occurred 12 days postinoculation. The highest parasitemias were measured in CFW mice (657 ± 82 T. musculi/30 hi-power fields), while infections in C56BL/10Sn (528 ±44 T. musculi/30 h.p.f.), B10.D2/oSn (502 ± 20 T. musculi/30 h.p.f.) and B10.D2/nSn (512 ± 35 T. musculi/30 h.p.f.) were less severe and quantitatively comparable. The percentages of dividing forms were similar during infections in each of the strains. While parasites were detected in peripheral blood until Day 22 of infection in three of 10 C57BL/10Sn mice, none could be found at this time in blood films of CFW, B10.D2/nSn or B10.D2/oSn mice. Giemsa stained kidney imprints indicated the presence of parasites in animals of each of the strains after 33 days, when trypanosomes could no longer be detected in the peripheral blood of the mice. The minor variations in the parasitemias appeared related to the mouse strain. Complement dependent, antibody mediated immune cytolysis was not indicated as a mechanism for the elimination of T. musculi by the infected mouse.  相似文献   

A membrane-associated component found in Schistosoma mansoni agglutinates untreated mouse and rat erythrocytes and seems to be a host-independent worm membrane receptor. Its possible role in the host-parasite adaptation mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The development of schistosomula during the first 4 days after transformation from cercariae has been examined in parasites isolated from the lungs of mice and in organisms cultured in lactalbumin and rabbit serum or in the defined serum-free medium, RPMI 1640. The development of organisms grown under all three conditions was the same. Schistosomula increased in length from 67 to 110 μm and decreased in width from 24 to 18 μm, so that the volume remained constant at approximately 2.7 × 104 μm3. The increase in length occurred mainly in the torso or posterior three-quarters of the worm which increased from 49 to 88 μm or 80%, whereas the head increased from 18 to 22 μm or 22%. The spines were lost from the surface that was most rapidly lengthening by gradual resorption into the tegument and were replaced by pits mainly during the first 3 days. These changes resulted in a 325% increase in the surface area of the schistosomula, from 1.2 × 104 to 3.9 × 104 μm2. In addition, the openings of the acetabular ducts, the ventral sucker, and the tail socket all became smaller and flatter over the four-day period. Internally, the major changes were the loss of the acetabular ducts in the pre- and post-acetabular glands and an increase in size of the caecum. In summary, these experiments show that the surface of the schistosomulum is extensively remodeled before intravascular migration occurs and demonstrate the efficacy of RPMI 1640 as a culture medium for schistosomula in the first 4 days after transformation.  相似文献   

We here describe the cloning and characterization of the Schistosoma mansoni Annexin 2, previously identified in the tegument by proteomic studies, and as an up-regulated gene in schistosomulum stage by microarray data. In silico analysis predicts a conserved core containing four repeat domains of Annexin (ANX) and a variable N-terminal region similar to that described for mammalian isoforms. Real-time RT-PCR and Western blot analysis determined that S. mansoni Annexin 2 is significantly up-regulated in the transition from free-living cercaria to schistosomulum and adult worm parasitic stages. Immunolocalization experiments and tegument membrane preparations confirmed Annexin 2 as a protein mainly localized in the tegument of schistosomula and adult worms. Furthermore, it binds to the tegument surface membranes in a calcium-dependent manner. These results suggest that S. mansoni Annexin 2 is closely associated to the tegument arrangement, being a potential target for immune intervention.  相似文献   

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