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This paper describes the effects of a number of growth-regulating substances on the development of disease in tomato plants caused by Verticillium albo-atrum. Indole-acetic acid usually reduced disease and also reduced the number of hyphae in the stem but it increased tylosis; low concentrations slightly stimulated disease development. Some control of disease was obtained by removing apical buds, and axillary shoots as they developed. When the apical bud alone was removed, developing axillary shoots sometimes wilted; this did not occur in plants with intact buds. Gibberellic acid increased disease in susceptible plants and also induced symptoms in resistant plants. Maleic hydrazide greatly reduced growth of plants, made them more diseased and stimulated growth of the parasite in the vessels. Of other growth-regulating substances tested, 2,4,6-trichlorophenoxy-acetic acid, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid increased disease at some concentrations and reduced it at others. Cycocel (2-chloroethyl) trimethyl ammonium chloride and naphthaleneacetamide, gave good control of disease over a range of concentrations when applied to the soil in which plants were growing. Treatments which reduced disease also reduced the growth of the parasite in the shoot and stimulated the formation of tyloses. Indole and 2,4-dichloroanisole had some effect on disease development but this was much less than that induced by the other substances.  相似文献   

继代对棉花黄萎病落叶型菌系致病力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在棉花黄萎病菌致病力分化的研究中,我们发现落叶型菌系T9的致病力有日渐减弱的倾向,不少单位也遇到此类问题,为明确落叶型菌系是否会在继代过程中致病力发生变化,如何变化等问题,我们采用国内外典型的3个落叶型菌系T9和V991、V76,以及2个非落叶型菌系V146和V250为研究对象,采用连续转接的方法,利用3个不同抗病性品种对它们的致病力进行测定,以明确经过连续转接后这些菌系的致病力是如何变化的.结果表明,经过14代的转接,落叶型菌系T9的致病力发生了显著\降,甚至已失去其致使棉花落叶的能力,即连续转接后,落叶型菌系T9已变成非落叶型菌系,且其致病力有成为弱致病力菌系倾向;但我国落叶型菌系代表V991则仍然保持其强致病力的落叶菌系特性.  相似文献   

增加降水对荒漠短命植物当年牧草生长及群落结构的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
孙羽  张涛  田长彦  李晓林  冯固 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1859-1868
通过模拟降水增加试验研究了古尔班通古特荒漠常见短命植物盖度、密度及产量对水分输入量增加的响应.结果表明:尖喙牻牛儿苗、弯果胡卢巴、角果藜、琉苞菊、条叶庭芥及囊果苔草6种牧草生物量总和占总生物量的60%以上,是荒漠草原的优势牧草植物;供水量增加显著促进了角果藜、尖喙牻牛儿苗、弯果胡卢巴、条叶庭芥和琉苞菊5种牧草植物的个体生长;在自然降水的基础上,增加40mm和80mm供水使这5种植物生物产量比对照增加86%~230%.供水增加后,6种重要牧草对整个群落的生物贡献比例发生很大变化,只有角果藜和尖喙牻牛儿苗的贡献比例规律性增加,分别比对照增加了58%和11%,表明2种植物对供水增加的环境变化适应能力强;供水量增加促进了弯果胡芦巴、尖喙牻牛儿苗和角果藜3种植物N、P和K养分的吸收量;与此同时,供水量增加也显著提高了荒漠短命植物的密度和盖度.在降水增加的背景下,古尔班通古特沙漠南缘荒漠短命植物群落结构发生改变,植被盖度和群落净初级生产力提高,这对于防风固沙、稳定沙面,增加荒漠草原载畜能力有着积极的意义.  相似文献   

Microalgae are a promising alternative source of oil for biodiesel production. Identification of a species with desirable characteristics is a key component towards achieving economic feasibility for the process. This has been compromised by a lack of data allowing effective interspecies comparison. Eleven species of microalgae, selected on the basis of available literature data, were tested for lipid productivity, gravity sedimentation and the suitability of their fatty acid profiles for biodiesel production. The response to nitrogen limitation was species-specific. Lipid yields and productivity were higher at 150?mg?L?1 nitrate than at 1,500?mg?L?1 for all species tested except Spirulina platensis. The Chlorophyta, particularly Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus, had the highest growth rates and showed the greatest increase in lipid content in response to nitrogen limitation. Cylindrotheca fusiformis, S. platensis, Scenedesmus and Tetraselmis suecica had the fastest settling rates and highest biomass recoveries after 24?h of gravity sedimentation. For most species, the fuel would need to be blended or culture conditions to be optimised to achieve the correct lipid profile in order for microalgal fuel to meet the European standards for biodiesel production (EN 14214). The most promising species overall were the freshwater algae Scenedesmus and C. vulgaris and the marine algae C. fusiformis and Nannochloropsis.  相似文献   

The effects of relative humidity, temperature, pH and vapor-phase toluene concentration on Tyrophagus putrescentiae growth on Cladophialophora sp. were tested in controlled environmental chambers. It was observed that the mites were able to reproduce readily at relative humidities between 90% and 97% as well as on porous perlite support material pre-soaked in nutrient media of pH 2.5, 4 and 7. Also, the presence of toluene at gas-phase concentrations of 500 to 2000 mg m−3 was found to be non-toxic to the mites. The mites, however, were unable to maintain a large population when the temperature was maintained at 14 °C, and overpopulation of the living space led to declines in mite population over time. Overall, it was found to be relatively simple to cultivate mites that may be used for fungal biomass control measures in biofilter applications. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

王晓燕  彭礼琼  金则新 《生态学报》2016,36(16):5204-5214
全球变暖已对植物尤其是珍稀濒危植物产生重要影响。AMF对植物应对气候变化具有重要意义,但是在濒危植物应对气候变暖过程中发挥的作用并不清楚。以濒危植物夏蜡梅(Sinocalycanthus chinensis)一年生幼苗为对象,研究人工模拟增温条件下接种AMF对其生长、形态建成、光合生理、抗氧化酶活性和膜脂过氧化程度、营养物质积累和叶绿素相对含量的影响。实验共4个处理:模拟增温条件下添加AMF(AMF+SW)、添加AMF(AMF)、模拟增温(SW)和对照(CK)。结果表明:(1)接种AMF对幼苗株高、叶宽长比、总根长、根平均直径、根尖总数、比根长和比根表面积有显著影响。(2)AMF+SW条件下幼苗光合日进程呈现出明显"双峰"曲线,AMF显著提高叶片日均净光合速率(P_n);光合有效辐射大于50μmol m~(-2)s~(-1)时,AMF+SW和AMF处理的P_n、最大净光合速率P_(nmax)和呼吸速率R_d显著高于CK;胞间CO_2浓度大于100μmol CO_2/mol时,AMF+SW与AMF处理的P_n、AMF+SW处理的初始羧化效率(α)及AMF处理的光合能力(A_(max))显著高于CK,而AMF+SW和AMF处理的CO_2补偿点均低于CK。(3)AMF处理的叶可溶性糖显著高于其它处理,AMF+SW和AMF处理的叶可溶性蛋白显著高于CK。因此,AMF能显著促进夏蜡梅幼苗的形态建成和光合作用;在模拟增温条件下,接种AMF对夏蜡梅光合生理具有显著影响。  相似文献   

B. K. Dutta 《Plant and Soil》1981,63(2):217-225
Summary In vitro study showed thatVerticillium dahliae Kleb. grew well in a wide range of acid and alkaline media (viz. pH 3.5 to 10.5). The best growth of the fungus was observed in pH 5.5. Soil pH 3.5 was toxic for growing antirrhinum seedlings. Development of Verticillium wilt of antirrhinum was affected by soil pH. The severity of the disease was greater in alkaline soil conditions compared with acid conditions. Soil of pH 3.5 gave very good control of the symptom expression by the infected plants. Rhizosphere analysis results showed that fungal population with the exception ofPenicillium spp., was drastically reduced in the rhizosphere of the plants grown in acid soil. Although the overall population of fungi was reduced in theV. dahliae infected antirrhinum rhizosphere in acid soil, the population ofPenicillium spp. markedly increased. The antagonistic activity of thePenicillium spp. in the rhizosphere might also have reduced the disease severity. Since the seedlings did not grow properly in very dry and very wet soil, rhizosphere analysis of these soils was not possible. Disease severity was much less in wet soil compared with plants grown in medium moisture level and dry soil, but the plant growth was very poor. Dedicated to the memory of the late Prof. H. K. Baruah from whom I had the inspiration for research  相似文献   

Studies performed on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var.lutescens), cv. Kaspar and Kolibri revealed differences between cultivars in leaf dehydration tolerance. The differences were found to be responsible for the changes in plant growth and productivity observed under drought conditions. Thus, determination of leaf dehydration tolerance may allow the prediction of the plant response to the water stress in terms of plant growth and grain yield. Differentiated drought responses of both cultivars are described. This work was supported by Project No. 9.1.1. coordinated by the Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions to evaluate the seedling growth capacities of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties Pusa 209 and H208 at constant temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 28°C (±0.5°C) and of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) variety Prabhat at 20 and 28°C (±0.5°C). Seedling growth at any given time was found to depend on ‘a’, the growth at no impedance, and ‘b’, the impedance growth factori.e., decrease in growth with increase in impedance, and on temperature. The optimum temperature for chickpea was found to be in the range of 20 to 24°C for better seedling growth characteristics, whereas for pigeonpea, 28°C was found to be more congenial than 20°C. Chickpea varieties differed in their response to temperature. Part of the M. Sc. thesis of first author submitted to the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, India.  相似文献   

发酵条件对短梗霉多糖产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对短梗霉发酵培养基的初始pH,初始蔗糖浓度,酵母膏浓度,NH4^ 浓度,接种量和装液量等发酵条件对短梗霉多糖发酵影响进行了研究。结果表明,发酵条件对多糖发酵有显著的影响,当初始pH,初始蔗糖浓度,NH4^ 浓度,酵母膏浓度和装液量分别为6.5,5.0%,0.5g/L,0.2%和25ml时多糖的产量达到最大值;但接种量在2.0%-7.0%之间对多糖的产量影响不大,可见,通过对培养条件的调整,有助于短梗霉多糖的产量的提高。  相似文献   

Abstract. The relative growth rates and leaf area were graphed against leaf area, normalized with respect to final leaf area, to assess the applicability of the Lockhart cell wall expansion equation to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., leaf development under field conditions. For leaves that had completed more than 20% of their growth, relative growth rates decreased linearly with an increase in the normalized leaf area, indicating that these leaves were undergoing strictly expansive growth. Drought stress significantly decreased the relative growth rate of these larger leaves. Small leaves which had completed less than 20% of their growth, were found to have highly variable relative growth rates. The large variability in relative growth rates indicated that the Lockhart cell wall expansion equation was inadequate to evaluate the growth of these young leaves. Drought stress had virtually no influence on the relative growth rates observed in the small leaves.  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae but not V. albo-atrum Berth was isolated from eight out of twenty-one stone fruit orchards surveyed for Verticillium wilt disease in western New York. Wilt incidence was related to the cultivation of tomato or legumes as previous or inter-crop with stone fruit trees. A limited cross species inoculation using isolates of V. albo-atrum and V. dahliae from woody and herbaceous plants showed that peach and cherry were susceptible to both species. The effect of V. dahliae on growth of cherry seedlings in the presence of Tylenchorynchus claytoni, Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla was compared. P. penetrans and M. hapla produced more severe growth reduction than T. claytoni. The adverse effect of Verticillium on the growth of cherry seedlings was greater acting together with any one of the three nematodes than acting alone. V. dahliae was shown to be capable of passage through earthworms without loss of infectivity.  相似文献   

The response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender grown under controlled environment at either ambient or elevated (360 and 700 μmol mol-1, respectively) CO2 concentrations ([CO2]), was monitored from 10 days after germination (DAG) until the onset of senescence. Elevated CO2 had a pronounced effect on total plant height (TPH), leaf area (LA), leaf dry weight (LD), total plant biomass (TB) accumulation and specific leaf area (SLA). All of these were significantly increased under elevated carbon dioxide with the exception of SLA which was significantly reduced. Other than high initial growth rates in CO2-enriched plants, relative growth rates remained relatively unchanged throughout the growth period. While the trends in growth parameters were clearly different between [CO2], some physiological processes were largely transient, in particular, net assimilation rate (NAR) and foliar nutrient concentrations of N, Mg and Cu. CO2 enrichment significantly increased NAR, but from 20 DAG, a steady decline to almost similar levels to those measured in plants grown under ambient CO2 occurred. A similar trend was observed for leaf N content where the loss of leaf nitrogen in CO2-enriched plants after 20 DAG, was significantly greater than that observed for ambient-CO2 plants. Under enhanced CO2, the foliar concentrations of K and Mn were increased significantly whilst P, Ca, Fe and Zn were reduced significantly. Changes in Mg and Cu concentrations were insignificant. In addition. high CO2 grown plants exhibited a pronounced leaf discoloration or chlorosis, coupled with a significant reduction in leaf longevity.  相似文献   

Summary 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2-D3) is known to decrease the proliferation and increase the differentiation of different cell types including human keratinocytes. The growth and differentiation of keratinocytes in the presence of 1,25-(OH)2-D3 using serum-free media formulations has been described previously. This investigation extends these studies to describe various culture conditions with human foreskin keratinocytes to determine the optimal antiproliferative activity of 1,25-(OH)2-D3. Keratinocytes were plated onto tissue culture dishes using one of three basic serum-free media protocols; a) with no feeder layer in keratinocyte growth medium (KGM); b) onto mitomycin C-treated 3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts; or c) onto mitomycin C-treated dermal human fibroblasts. The last two protocols utilized Dulbecco's modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) supplemented with growth factors. Keratinocyte cell growth was greatest in the KGM medium. Although the growth of keratinocytes on either feeder layer was similar, there were differences in the ability of the cells to form envelopes in the presence of 1,25-(OH)2-D3. The addition of hydrocortisone and cholera toxin to the medium also affected the response of the keratinocytes to 1,25-(OH)2-D3. The antiproliferative effect of 1,25-(OH)2-D3 was not altered by varying the extracellular calcium levels from 0.25 to 3 mM. The antiproliferative activity of 1,25-(OH)2-D3 is attenuated in cells at low density. Our results suggest that an optimal condition to investigate the ability of 1,25-(OH)2-D3 to inhibit keratinocyte proliferation is at preconfluent cell density in the presence of KGM supplemented with 1.5 mM calcium without a feeder layer. These conditions are not appropriate for investigating the enhancement of differentiation by 1,25-(OH)2-D3, but can be used to assay other agents that modulate keratinocyte proliferation. Portions of this work were presented and abstracted at the April 1988 meeting of the Society of Investigative Dermatology (J. Inv. Derm. 90(4): 586; 1988) and the February 1988 meeting of New York Academy of Sciences (Ann NY Acad. Sci. 548: 341–342; 1988).  相似文献   

Summary Mn and Zn salt amendments in soil, presoaking of seeds in Mn and Zn salt solutions, foliar application of Mn and Zn salt sprays has been tried in order to control the lentil wilt pathogen. Best disease control was obtained at 80 ppm of Mn and Zn salt amendments. Presoaking the seeds also considerably reduced the disease. Foliar sprays of Zn and Mn salts were also equally effective in controlling the disease. From the point of view of practical agriculture it can be suggested that presoaking the seeds of lentil with Zn and Mn salts at 80 ppm concentration can form a very good and effective  相似文献   

The harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriae has been cultivated in the Helgoland laboratory for more than 20 years. The effects of density on the larval development and the female productivity were studied by comparing two culture systems: (1) enclosed system, and (2) running-water system. In both systems, a nutritious mixed diet ofDunaliella tertiolecta, Skeletonema costatum, and granulatedMytilus edulis was offered. Larval mortality, larval development and female productivity are found to be significantly dependent on both the population density and specificity of the culture system. Increasing density causes higher larval mortality, longer larval development time, and a reduction in female productivity. In comparison with the enclosed system, the running-water system shows decisive advantages: larval mortality is about 20% lower, the rate of larval development is about two days shorter, and there is a very high rate of nauplii production. The sex ratio exhibits high variations, but in general, there is no clear relationship between sex ratio and population density. Nevertheless, when reared in the running-water system, a relatively high percentage of females (>45%) was found at lower densities.  相似文献   

H Ng 《Applied microbiology》1982,43(5):1016-1019
The effects of various growth conditions on the heat resistance of Arizona bacteria grown in a continuous-culture device (chemostat) were studied. Using either glucose, NH4Cl, NaH2PO4, or MgCl2 as the rate-limiting nutrient, it was found that the heat resistance, in all cases depended on the dilution rate and, hence, growth rate of the culture. Cells grown at high dilution rates were less heat resistant than those grown at low dilution rates. If, however, the dilution rate was maintained at a constant rate, the higher the growth temperature, the more heat resistant were the cells. Also at any given dilution rate, the cells were most heat resistant when grown at a near neutral pH. Most survival curves were biphasic in shape, indicating the presence in the population of two fractions of cells, one fraction being more resistant than the other. The size of the more heat-resistant fraction varied from almost 100% in very slow-growing cultures to practically 0% in cultures grown at a dilution rate of 0.67 h-1.  相似文献   

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