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Our previous study identified the appearance of autophagy in developing tooth germs, and suggested its possible association with apoptosis in odontogenesis. Beclin1 was recently indicated to play a central role in bridging autophagy and apoptosis, and occupied a key position in the process of development. This study hypothesized that Beclin1 may be involved, and act as the molecular basis of the connection between autophagy and apoptosis in odontogenesis. Immunohistochemical analysis showed the spatiotemporal expression pattern of Beclin1 in odontogenesis from embryonic (E) day 13.5 to postnatal (P) day 5.5. At E stages, Beclin1 was mainly immunolocalized in the cytoplasm of the cells in the enamel organ. Meanwhile, the nucleus localization of Beclin1 was detected in part of the stellate reticulum, outer and inner enamel epithelium, especially at E16.5 and E18.5. At P stages, Beclin1 was detected in the cytoplasm of the odontoblasts, besides the dental epithelium cells. Triple immunofluorescence analysis showed the partial colocalization of Beclin1, autophagic marker LC3, or activated caspase-3 in the E14.5 tooth germs, especially the Beclin1+LC3+Caspase-3+ cells in the PEK. Furthermore, western blot analysis revealed that the full-length (60 kDa) and/or cleaved (50, 37, and 35 kDa) Beclin1 in the developing tooth germs. Taken together, our findings indicate that Beclin1 is involved, and might be responsible for the crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis in mouse odontogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously performed cDNA subtraction between the mouse mandibles on embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) in the pre-initiation stage of the odontogenesis and E12.0 in the late initiation stage to identify genes expressed at its beginning. Adenosine triphosphate synthase subunit a (Atpase6) is one of the highly expressed genes in the E12.0 mandible including tooth germs. In situ hybridization was conducted using the mouse mandibular first molar from E10.5 to E18.0 to determine the precise expression patterns of Atpase6 mRNA in the developing tooth germ. Atpase6 mRNA was strongly expressed in the presumptive dental epithelium and the underlying mesenchyme at E10.5, and in the thickened dental epithelium at E12.0 and E13.0. Strong in situ signals were observed in the epithelium at E14.0, and in the enamel organ excluded the area of the primary enamel knot at E15.0. Atpase6 was strongly expressed in the inner enamel epithelium, the adjacent stratum intermedium, and the outer enamel epithelium in the cervical loops from E16.0 to E18.0. In addition, strong Atpase6 signals were coincidently demonstrated in various developing cranio-facial organs. These results suggest that Atpase6 participates in the high energy-utilizing functions of the cells related to the initiation and the development of the tooth germ as well as those of the other cranio-facial organs.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that supernumerary teeth were observed in the maxillary incisor area in several Pax6 homozygous mutant mouse and rat strains. To date, it remains unknown whether Pax6 is expressed during tooth development in any species. The study aimed to analyze the expression of Pax6 during mouse incisor and molar development. C57BL/6J mouse embryos on days E12.5, E13.5, E14.5, E16.5 and E18.5 were produced. Heads from these embryos, as well as from P1.5 mice, were processed for paraffin wax embedding (N ≥ 3 for each stage) and prepared for immunohistochemistry. Pax6 immunostaining was found in all tooth germs examined. At the E12.5 dental placode, E13.5 bud stage, E14.5 cap stage and E16.5 early bell stage, Pax6 was expressed in ectodermally derived tissues of tooth germs and oral epithelia adjacent to the tooth germs. Cells in the underlying dental ectomesenchyme that showed Pax9 expression were Pax6 negative. At E18.5 and P1.5, Pax6 was expressed in more differentiated ameloblasts and cells of the stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum that were derived from the oral epithelium, as well as in mesenchyme-derived differentiated odontoblasts. Pax6 expression was also observed in the submandibular gland, tongue filiform papilla and hair follicle at E16.5 and P1.5. The present study demonstrated that Pax6 was expressed in incisor and molar germs during mouse tooth development. The results provide a basis for exploring the function of Pax6 during tooth development.  相似文献   

BMP4 rescues a non-cell-autonomous function of Msx1 in tooth development   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The development of many organs depends on sequential epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, and the developing tooth germ provides a powerful model for elucidating the nature of these inductive tissue interactions. In Msx1-deficient mice, tooth development arrests at the bud stage when Msx1 is required for the expression of Bmp4 and Fgf3 in the dental mesenchyme (Bei, M. and Maas, R. (1998) Development 125, 4325-4333). To define the tissue requirements for Msx1 function, we performed tissue recombinations between wild-type and Msx1 mutant dental epithelium and mesenchyme. We show that through the E14.5 cap stage of tooth development, Msx1 is required in the dental mesenchyme for tooth formation. After the cap stage, however, tooth development becomes Msx1 independent, although our experiments identify a further late function of Msx1 in odontoblast and dental pulp survival. These results suggest that prior to the cap stage, the dental epithelium receives an Msx1-dependent signal from the dental mesenchyme that is necessary for tooth formation. To further test this hypothesis, Msx1 mutant tooth germs were first cultured with either BMP4 or with various FGFs for two days in vitro and then grown under the kidney capsule of syngeneic mice to permit completion of organogenesis and terminal differentiation. Previously, using an in vitro culture system, we showed that BMP4 stimulated the growth of Msx1 mutant dental epithelium (Chen, Y., Bei, M. Woo, I., Satokata, I. and Maas, R. (1996). Development 122, 3035-3044). Using the more powerful kidney capsule grafting procedure, we now show that when added to explanted Msx1-deficient tooth germs prior to grafting, BMP4 rescues Msx1 mutant tooth germs all the way to definitive stages of enamel and dentin formation. Collectively, these results establish a transient functional requirement for Msx1 in the dental mesenchyme that is almost fully supplied by BMP4 alone, and not by FGFs. In addition, they formally prove the postulated downstream relationship of BMP4 with respect to Msx1, establish the non-cell-autonomous nature of Msx1 during odontogenesis, and disclose an additional late survival function for Msx1 in odontoblasts and dental pulp.  相似文献   

Acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors (aFGF and bFGF), are both known to bind to extracellular matrix components, particularly proteoheparin sulfates, and to regulate in vitro proliferation, differentiation and morphology of cells of neuroectodermal and mesodermal origins. Their patterns of distribution were studied during mouse odontogenesis by means of indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase histochemistry on frozen fixed sections and after Bouin's fixative and paraffin embedding. Localization of aFGF on frozen fixed sections was observed in the oral epithelium, dental lamina and oral mesenchyme (day-12 of gestation), the stellate reticulum and oral epithelium (day-14), the stratum intermedium and at the basal and apical poles of preameloblasts at bell stage. After birth aFGF epitopes were localized within the predentin-dentin area, the stratum intermedium and at the secretory pole of ameloblasts. There was no staining with anti-aFGF antibodies after Bouin's fixative and paraffin embedding. In contrast, using this protocol, intense stainings were found with anti-bFGF antibodies predominantly within dental and peridental basement membranes and mesenchyme: staining of the dental basement membranes was transient (bud and cap stage) and discontinuous; a preferential concentration of bFGF epitopes in the condensed dental mesenchyme of incisors (cap stage) and the dental papillae mesenchymal cells of molars (bell stage) was observed in the posterior and the cervical part of tooth germs. An intense immunostaining of the stellate reticulum with anti-bFGF antibodies was also found on paraffin sections from bud to bell stage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We previously performed cDNA subtraction between the mouse mandibles at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) and E12.0 to make a profile of the regulator genes for odontogenesis. Fifteen kDa interferon alpha responsive gene (Ifrg15) is one of several highly-expressed genes in the E12.0 mandible. The current study examined the precise expression patterns of Ifrg15 mRNA in the mouse mandibular first molar by in situ hybridization to evaluate the possible functional roles of this gene in odontogenesis. Ifrg15 mRNA was expressed in the epithelial and mesenchymal tissues of the mandible at E10.5 and E12.0. The Ifrg15 in situ signal was detected in the epithelial bud and the surrounding mesenchyme at E14.0, and was present in the enamel organ including the primary enamel knot, and in the underlying mesenchyme at E15.0. The in situ signal was restricted in the inner and outer enamel epithelia and the stratum intermedium at E16.0. The signal of Ifrg15 mRNA was further restricted to the inner enamel epithelium and the adjacent stratum intermedium at E17.0 and E18.0. Consequently, the expression of Ifrg15 mRNA was localized in the ameloblasts and odontoblasts at postnatal days 1.0 to 3.0. However, the in situ signal was markedly weaker than at the embryonic period. The expression of Ifrg15 mRNA was coincidently observed in various craniofacial organs as well as in the tooth germ. These results suggest that Ifrg15 is closely related to odontogenesis, especially the differentiation of the ameloblasts and odontoblasts, and to the morphogenesis of the craniofacial organs.  相似文献   

The enamel knot (EK), which is located in the center of bud and cap stage tooth germs, is a transitory cluster of non-dividing epithelial cells. The EK acts as a signaling center that provides positional information for tooth morphogenesis and regulates the growth of tooth cusps by inducing secondary EKs. The morphological, cellular, and molecular events leading to the relationship between the primary and secondary EKs have not been described clearly. This study investigated the relationship between the primary and secondary EKs in the maxillary and mandibular first molars of mice. The location of the primary EK and secondary EKs was investigated by chasing Fgf4 expression patterns in tooth germ at some intervals of in vitro culture, and the relationship between the primary EK and secondary EK was examined by tracing the primary EK cells in the E13.5 tooth germs which were frontally half sliced to expose the primary EK. After 48 hr, the primary EK cells in the sliced tooth germs were located on the buccal secondary EKs, which correspond to the future paracone in maxilla and protoconid in mandible. The Bmp4 expression in buccal part of the dental mesenchyme might be related with the lower growth in buccal epithelium than in lingual epithelium, and the Msx2 expressing area in epithelium was overlapped with the enamel cord (or septum) and cell dense area. The enamel cord might connect the primary EK with enamel navel to fix the location of the primary EK in the buccal side during the cap to bell stages. Overall, these results suggest that primary EK cells strictly contribute to form the paracone or protoconid, which are the main cusps of the tooth in the maxilla or mandible.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh), a member of the mammalian Hedgehog (Hh) family, plays a key role during embryogenesis and organogenesis. Tooth development, odontogenesis, is governed by sequential and reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Genetic removal of Shh activity from the dental epithelium, the sole source of Shh during tooth development, alters tooth growth and cytological organization within both the dental epithelium and mesenchyme of the tooth. In this model it is not clear which aspects of the phenotype are the result of the direct action of Shh on a target tissue and which are indirect effects due to deficiencies in reciprocal signalings between the epithelial and mesenchymal components. To distinguish between these two alternatives and extend our understanding of Shh's actions in odontogenesis, we have used the Cre-loxP system to remove Smoothened (Smo) activity in the dental epithelium. Smo, a seven-pass membrane protein is essential for the transduction of all Hh signals. Hence, removal of Smo activity from the dental epithelium should block Shh signaling within dental epithelial derivatives while preserving normal mesenchymal signaling. Here we show that Shh-dependent interactions occur within the dental epithelium itself. The dental mesenchyme develops normally up until birth. In contrast, dental epithelial derivatives show altered proliferation, growth, differentiation and polarization. Our approach uncovers roles for Shh in controlling epithelial cell size, organelle development and polarization. Furthermore, we provide evidence that Shh signaling between ameloblasts and the overlying stratum intermedium may involve subcellular localization of Patched 2 and Gli1 mRNAs, both of which are targets of Shh signaling in these cells.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the possible inductive role of the dental papilla from polyphyodont lizard tooth germs. Flank skin sheets of quail ectoderm enzymatically separated from dermal tissue were recombined with lizard tooth papillae and placed on semisolid medium and cultured for 2 days. Subsequently, the recombinants were removed and placed on the chorioallantoic membrane of chick hosts and incubated for 6 days. After this period of 8 days in explant, control tissues differentiated according to their own phenotypes. Lizard dental papilla alone differentiated as fibroblasts. Quail flank skin ectoderm differentiated into epithelial sheets. Intact lizard tooth buds developed into teeth with dentine and incipient enamel. In the best experimental recombinants, advanced and relatively well-constructed teeth were observed, with clear indications of hard tissue deposition in association with quail epithelium. The results show that mesenchyme of the adult lizard dental papilla and embryonic quail ectoderm of heterotopic origin are capable of carrying out the complex sequence of morphogenetic interactions involved in normal odontogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of external enamel epithelium, stellate reticulum and stratum intermedium in primary tooth germs (bell stage) from four human foetuses was investigated.Characteristically, the cells of the differentiated external enamel epithelium, stellate reticulum and stratum intermedium exhibit many free ribosomes, few rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterns, well-developed Golgi complexes, many coated and smooth vesicles, often in relation to the cell membranes, and many bundles of tonofilaments. The cells are connected by numerous desmosomes and gap junctions.A parallel differentiation of stratum intermedium — external enamel epithelium, and the ameloblast layer is demonstrated.The morphology of the cells of the three layers indicates that these have secretory, transport and supporting functions.  相似文献   

We examined the detailed in situ expression pattern of thymosin beta 4 (Tβ4) in the developing mouse mandibular first molar. Tβ4 mRNA was expressed in the presumptive dental epithelium at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) and in the thickened dental epithelium at E12. An in situ signal was observed in the invaginated epithelial bud at E13, in the enamel organ at E14 and E14.5, and in the primary enamel knot (PEK) at E14.5. The signal was localized in the epithelial cells of the outer layer of the enamel organ at E15 and E15.5. No signal was found in the PEK at these stages. Tβ4 mRNA was expressed in the inner enamel epithelium, cervical loop and dental lamina at E16 and E17. The expression of Tβ4 mRNA was observed in the polarized inner epithelial cells at E18, newborn day 1 (N1) and N2. However, the signal intensity decreased markedly at N3. We herein report for the first time that Tβ4 is distinctly expressed in developing tooth germ, and it may also play functional roles in the initiation, growth and differentiation of tooth germ.  相似文献   

The enamel knot (EK), which is a transient signaling center in the tooth germ, regulates both the differential growth of the dental epithelium and the tooth shape. In this study, the regeneration of the EK was evaluated. The EK regions were removed from the E14 and E16 dental epithelia, and the remaining epithelia were recombined with their original dental mesenchymes. All these tooth germs could develop into calcified teeth after being transplanted into the kidney capsule for 3 weeks. One primary EK was regenerated earlier, and two or three secondary EKs were regenerated later in culture. When simply recombined without removing the EK, the tooth germ, which had four secondary EKs and four cuspal areas of the dental papilla, generated one primary EK first and subsequent secondary EKs. These results indicate that the patterning of the EK in all tooth germs always starts from a primary EK independent of the direct epithelial or mesenchymal control. This suggests that neither the dental epithelium nor the dental mesenchyme can dictate the pattern or number of the EK formation, but the interaction between the dental epithelium and the dental mesenchyme is essential for the regeneration and patterning of the EKs.  相似文献   

Expression of Wnt signalling pathway genes during tooth development.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We have carried out comparative in situ hybridisation analysis of six Wnt genes Wnts-3, -4, -5a, -6, -7b, and 10b together with Wnt receptor MFz6 and receptor agonist/antagonists MFrzb1 and Mfrp2 during murine odontogenesis from the earliest formation of the epithelial thickening to the early bell stage. Expression of Wnt-4, Wnt-6, and one Wnt receptor MFz6 was observed in the facial, oral and dental epithelium. Wnt10b was localised specifically to the presumptive dental epithelium. Wnts-3 and -7b were expressed in oral epithelium but showed no expression in the presumptive dental epithelium. Wnt-3 also showed no expression in the epithelial cells of the molar bud stage tooth germs, but showed restricted expression in the enamel knots which are signalling centres believed to be involved in regulating tooth shape. Wnts -6, -10b and MFz6 were also detected in the primary and secondary enamel knots. Wnt-5a and agonist/antagonists MFrzb1 and Mfrp2 were expressed in a graded proximo-distal (P-D) manner in mesenchymal cells during the early stages of tooth development with no overlying expression in the oral or dental epithelium. Wnt-5a and MFrzb1 show strong expression in the dental papilla mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Here, we report on the first attempt to bioengineer tooth using a spontaneously immortalized mesenchymal cell line. To assess the odontogenic potential of this cell line, odontoblast-lineage cells (OLC) were re-associated with competent dental epithelium isolated from E14.5 mice. A novel three-dimensional organ germ culture method was applied to nurture the constructs in vitro. Additionally, recombinants were transplanted under the kidney capsule in host animals for 2 weeks. Transplants developed into tooth tissues in one-third of the cases. OLC-derived GFP-positive cells could be identified in mineralizing tooth germs by immunohistochemistry. OLCs were capable of intercellular and cell-matrix communication, thus they eventually differentiated into functional odontoblasts. In summary, we managed to utilize OLCs for dental mesenchyme substitution in tooth regeneration experiments. Therefore, our spontaneously transformed cell line proved its potential for future complex, tooth developmental and bioengineering studies.  相似文献   

Intercellular signaling controls all steps of odontogenesis. The purpose of this work was to immunolocalize in the developing mouse molar four molecules that play major roles during odontogenesis: BMP-2, -4, FGF-4, and WNT10b. BMP-2 and BMP-4 were detected in the epithelium and mesenchyme at the bud stage. Staining for BMP-2 markedly increased at the cap stage. The relative amount of BMP-4 strongly increased from E14 to E15. At E15, BMP-4 was detected in the internal part of the enamel knot where apoptosis was intense. In contrast to TGFbeta1, BMP-2 and -4 did not show accumulation at the epithelial-mesenchymal junction where the odontoblast started differentiation. When odontoblasts became functional, BMP-2 and BMP-4 were detected at the apical and basal poles of preameloblasts. BMP-2, which induces ameloblast differentiation in vitro, may also be involved physiologically. The decrease in FGF-4 from E14 to E15 supports a possible role for the growth factor in the control of mesenchymal cell proliferation. The relative amount of FGF-4 was maximal at E17. The subsequent decrease at E19 showed correlation with the withdrawal of odontoblasts and ameloblasts from the cell cycle. WNT10b might also stimulate cell proliferation. At E14-15, WNT10b was present in the mesenchyme and epithelium except for the enamel knot, where the mitotic activity was very low. At E19 there was a decreasing gradient of staining from the cervical loop where cells divide to the tip of the cusp in the inner dental epithelium where cells become postmitotic. The target cells for FGF-4 and WNT10b appeared different.  相似文献   

LIM mineralization protein 1 (LMP-1) is an essential positive regulator of osteoblast differentiation, maturation and bone formation. Our previous investigations on the distribution of LMP-1 in mature human teeth indicated that LMP-1 might play a role in the odontoblast differentiation and dentin matrix mineralization. The aim of the present study was to use immunohistochemistry to determine the expression of LMP-1 during tooth development in mouse molars. In embryonic and postnatal Kunming mice, LMP-1 protein was expressed during molar development, but the expression levels and patterns differed at various developmental stages. At embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5), LMP-1 was found in the enamel organ. At E14.5, LMP-1 was detected in the entire enamel organ and in the underlying mesenchyme. At E16.5, LMP-1 was observed in the inner and outer enamel epithelium and the stratum intermedium. The expression also converged at the cusps in the dental papilla. At E18.5 and postnatal day 2.5 (P2.5), LMP-1 was restricted to the stratum intermedium, in differentiating dental papilla cells at cusps, while it disappeared in terminal differentiated ameloblasts and odontoblasts. At P13.5, no positive staining was detected in the odontoblasts or in the dental pulp cells. Therefore, LMP-1 showed spatiotemporal expression patterns during molar development and might participate in molar crown morphogenesis and odontoblast differentiation at late molar development.  相似文献   

Nel-like molecule-1 (Nell-1) is a recently discovered secreted protein that plays an important role in osteoblast differentiation, bone formation, and bone regeneration. However, its expression and distribution during tooth development are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression patterns of Nell-1 during murine molar development by immunohistochemistry. Nell-1 protein was expressed during molar development in embryonic and postnatal Kunming mice, but its expression levels and patterns at various developmental stages differed. At embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) and E14.5, Nell-1 was found in both the entire enamel organ and the underlying mesenchyme. At E16.5, it was detected in the inner and outer enamel epithelia, stratum intermedium, secondary enamel knot, and dental papilla. At E18.5, Nell-1 was expressed in the differentiating ameloblasts, differentiating odontoblasts, and stratum intermedium. Positive staining was also found in the outer enamel epithelium. At postnatal day 2.5 (P2.5), P5, and P7, Nell-1 appeared in the secretory and mature ameloblasts and odontoblasts (odontoblastic bodies and processes) as well as immature enamel. Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath also stained positively at P7. At P13.5, positive staining was restricted to the reduced dental epithelium and odontoblasts, whereas Nell-1 disappeared in the mature enamel. During tooth eruption, Nell-1 was observed only in the odontoblastic bodies, odontoblastic processes, and endothelial cells of blood vessels. The spatiotemporal expression patterns of Nell-1 during murine tooth development suggest that it might play an important role in ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation, secretion and mineralization of the extracellular enamel matrix, molar crown morphogenesis, as well as root formation.  相似文献   



Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease characterized by abnormal cellular responses to cigarette smoke, resulting in tissue destruction and airflow limitation. Autophagy is a degradative process involving lysosomal turnover of cellular components, though its role in human diseases remains unclear.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Increased autophagy was observed in lung tissue from COPD patients, as indicated by electron microscopic analysis, as well as by increased activation of autophagic proteins (microtubule-associated protein-1 light chain-3B, LC3B, Atg4, Atg5/12, Atg7). Cigarette smoke extract (CSE) is an established model for studying the effects of cigarette smoke exposure in vitro. In human pulmonary epithelial cells, exposure to CSE or histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor rapidly induced autophagy. CSE decreased HDAC activity, resulting in increased binding of early growth response-1 (Egr-1) and E2F factors to the autophagy gene LC3B promoter, and increased LC3B expression. Knockdown of E2F-4 or Egr-1 inhibited CSE-induced LC3B expression. Knockdown of Egr-1 also inhibited the expression of Atg4B, a critical factor for LC3B conversion. Inhibition of autophagy by LC3B-knockdown protected epithelial cells from CSE-induced apoptosis. Egr-1 −/− mice, which displayed basal airspace enlargement, resisted cigarette-smoke induced autophagy, apoptosis, and emphysema.


We demonstrate a critical role for Egr-1 in promoting autophagy and apoptosis in response to cigarette smoke exposure in vitro and in vivo. The induction of autophagy at early stages of COPD progression suggests novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of cigarette smoke induced lung injury.  相似文献   

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