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Electrochemotherapy and gene electrotransfer are novel promising treatments employing locally applied high electric pulses to introduce chemotherapeutic drugs into tumor cells or genes into target cells based on the cell membrane electroporation. The main focus of this paper was to calculate analytically and numerically local electric field distribution inside the treated tissue in two dimensional (2D) models for different plate and needle electrode configurations and to compare the local electric field distribution to parameter U/d, which is widely used in electrochemotherapy and gene electrotransfer studies. We demonstrate the importance of evaluating the local electric field distribution in electrochemotherapy and gene electrotransfer.  相似文献   

The distribution of potential in CNS neurones under the action of extracullular electric current was studied in snails. The voltage drop occurred mainly on the cellular membrane. The contribution of processes to the potential induced in the cell is evaluated.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of elevated-pressure diffuse discharge in a highly nonuniform electric field. It is shown that, in discharges in nitrogen and air, the characteristic radiation (the K-line of nitrogen) is generated at the positive polarity of the electrode with a small curvature radius. X-ray bremsstrahlung from the anode was detected in a discharge in atmospheric-pressure air at a 12-kV amplitude of the incident voltage pulse.  相似文献   

Roux B 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(9):4205-4216
A theoretical framework is elaborated to account for the effect of a transmembrane potential in computer simulations. It is shown that a simulation with a constant external electric field applied in the direction normal to the membrane is equivalent to the influence of surrounding infinite baths maintained to a voltage difference via ion-exchanging electrodes connected to an electromotive force. It is also shown that the linearly-weighted displacement charge within the simulation system tracks the net flow of charge through the external circuit comprising the electromotive force and the electrodes. Using a statistical mechanical reduction of the degrees of freedom of the external system, three distinct theoretical routes are formulated and examined for the purpose of characterizing the free energy of a protein embedded in a membrane that is submitted to a voltage difference. The W-route is constructed from the variations in the voltage-dependent potential of mean force along a reaction path connecting two conformations of the protein. The Q-route is based on the average displacement charge as a function of the conformation of the protein. Finally, the G-route considers the relative charging free energy of specific residues, with and without applied membrane potentials. The theoretical formulation is illustrated with a simple model of an ion crossing a vacuum slab surrounded by two aqueous bulk phases and with a fragment of the voltage-sensor of the KvAP potassium channel.  相似文献   

Studies of low electric fields (LEFs) effects on the permeability of the cell membrane are of great interest in molecular medicine. Electroendocytosis is a novel technique depends on using LEFs to incorporate macromolecules as anticancer drugs or genes into the cells. There are wide debates about the optimum electric conditions for electroendocytosis. In this article, Ehrlich tumor tissues were exposed to different LEFs voltages and frequencies in vitro. Dielectric properties before and after the exposure were determined. The results indicated that the exposed groups have significant high permittivity and conductivity compared to unexposed group, as well as having significant low impedance. The results indicated that dielectric measurements can be used to indicate the efficiency of electroendocytosis that as permittivity and conductivity of cell membranes increase, more molecules can passed into the cells. It was also indicated that, as the pulse amplitude increases, the LEFs influence increases, while changing pulse frequency has no obvious effect on dielectric properties of Ehrlich tumor.  相似文献   

Diffusion of DNA in a gel under an intermittent electric field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Fesjian  H L Frisch  T Jamil 《Biopolymers》1986,25(7):1179-1184

Preliminary experiments have been carried out which measure the variation in the intensity of the light scattered by DNA solutions under the influence of an electric field. Data have been collected on the length of DNA molecules, their electric polarizability, and their dispersion behavior.  相似文献   

Shinkarev VP  Crofts AR  Wraight CA 《Biochemistry》2001,40(42):12584-12590
The cytochrome bc(1) complex is the central enzyme of respiratory and photosynthetic electron-transfer chains. It couples the redox work of quinol oxidation and cytochrome reduction to the generation of a proton gradient needed for ATP synthesis. When the quinone processing Q(i)- and Q(o)-sites of the complex are inhibited by both antimycin and myxothiazol, the flash-induced kinetics of the b-heme chain, which transfers electrons between these sites, are also expected to be inhibited. However, we have observed in Rhodobacter sphaeroides chromatophores, that when a fraction of heme b(H) is reduced, flash excitation induces fast (half-time approximately 0.1 ms) oxidation of heme b(H), even in the presence of antimycin and myxothiazol. The sensitivity of this oxidation to ionophores and uncouplers, and the absence of any delay in the onset of this reaction, indicates that it is due to a reversal of electron transfer between b(L) and b(H) hemes, driven by the electrical field generated by the photosynthetic reaction center. In the presence of antimycin A, but absence of myxothiazol, the second and following flashes induce a similar ( approximately 0.1 ms) transient oxidation of approximately 10% of the cytochrome b(H) reduced on the first flash. From the observed amplitude of the field-induced oxidation of heme b(H), we estimate that the equilibrium constant for sharing one electron between hemes b(L) and b(H) is 10-15 at pH 7. The small value of this equilibrium constant modifies our understanding of the thermodynamics of the Q-cycle, especially in the context of a dimeric structure of bc(1) complex.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effectiveness of pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment as a new method for inactivation of micro-organisms in complex biomatrices and to assess this by quantifying the inactivation of Escherichia coli seeded in collagen gels. Methods and Results: PEF was applied to E. coli seeded collagen gels in static (nonflowing) chambers. The influence of electric field strength, pulse number and seeded cell densities were investigated. The highest level of inactivation was obtained at the maximum field strength of 45 kV cm−1. For low levels of E. coli contamination (103 CFU ml−1), PEF treatment resulted in no viable E. coli being recovered from the gels. However, PEF treatment of gels containing higher cell densities (≥104 CFU ml−1) did not achieve complete inactivation of E. coli. Conclusions: PEF treatment successfully inactivated E. coli seeded in collagen gels by 3 log10 CFU ml−1. Complete inactivation was hindered at high cell densities by the tailing effect observed. Significance and Impact of the Study: PEF shows potential as a novel, nondestructive method for decontamination of collagen-based matrices. Further investigation is required to ensure its compatibility with other proteins and therapeutic drugs for tissue engineering and drug delivery applications.  相似文献   

The results of the numerical simulation of the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) heating of plasma particles in the CERA-RX facility under a randomly pulsating electric field (the collective effects taken into account) are presented. Under these conditions, the electron energy spectrum was found to be depleted to the low energy region due to an increase in the number of particles in the high energy region. The obtained effect depends on the polarity of the pulsating electric field.  相似文献   

Among the many species of fishes endowed with electric organs Mormyriformes and Gymnotoidei are known to emit and receive electric signals for the purposes of intraspecific communication and recognition of objects. Models which have been proposed for this electro-sensory system generally assume steady-state conditions. On the other hand, the very character of the signals itself and the idea that the cerebellum might be working as a clock point to the importance of the signal dynamics. Therefore a new approach to the simulation of electric fields is described in the paper. The basic idea is to superpose the fields of point charges in a way that the sum is in accordance with the fish's electric field. The same technique could be used to simulate the influence of objects on the electric field. Following a suggestion of Dr. E. Kasper I used a simpler but equal effective approach for object simulation consisting in the use of a dipole instead of point charges. The model described is easily applied to diverse situations and allows one to estimate the influence of various parameters (size, shape, and position) on the “electric image” of an object. Furthermore, the well-known behaviour of tailbending and its consequences in object recognition can be simulated. The results underline the importance of signal dynamics for species with pulse-type discharges.  相似文献   

The parameters of the plasma of a microwave electrode discharge in hydrogen at pressures of 1–8 torr and incident powers of 20–80 W are measured by the so-called “relative intensity” method. The method allows one to determine the electron density and electric field in plasma by measuring the relative intensities of the Hα, Hβ, and 763.5-nm Ar line emission and calculating the electron-impact rate constants from the homogeneous Boltzmann equation. The measurements show that there are regions in the discharge where the electron density is higher (a bright electrode sheath) and lower (a spherical region) than the critical density for the frequency 2.45 GHz (ncr~7×1010 cm?3). Inside the spherical region, the electric field varies slightly over the radius and the electron density increases as the discharge boundary is approached. The observed discharge structure can be attributed to the presence of a self-sustained discharge zone (electrode sheath); a non-self-sustained discharge zone (spherical region); and a decaying plasma region, which is separated from the active discharge zone by an electric double layer.  相似文献   

Special features of changes in human electrical field in some diseases were studied. Methods for the correction of the disease-induced changes in the intrinsic human field using an external current generator were developed.  相似文献   

T Fujikado  R Hayakawa  Y Wada 《Biopolymers》1979,18(9):2303-2314
Two new techniques, amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) of an electric field, are developed for the light-scattering study of polymer solutions under ac electric fields. The AM technique makes it possible to observe accurately the frequency dependence of the intensity changes of scattered light due to the electric field. The FM one allows us to obtain directly the frequency derivative of the intensity change. The techniques are applied to DNA, poly(acrylic acid), and tobacco mosaic virus in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 100 kHz. A low-frequency relaxation is found for both DNA and poly(acrylic acid). The obsersved relaxation time of DNA agrees with that in the dielectric relaxation of DNA, which has been attributed to the rotation of the molecule with a quasipermanent dipole. In the case of poly(acrylic acid), the relaxation strength increases with increasing degree of neutralization. TMV at a concentration of 0.1% exhibits a negative relaxation at low frequencies, which indicates the rotation of TMV aggregate with a permanent dipole along its minor axis.  相似文献   

The dipole potential of lipid bilayer membrane controls the difference in permeability of the membrane to oppositely charged ions. We have combined molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and experimental studies to determine changes in electric field and electrostatic potential of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) lipid bilayer in response to applied membrane tension. MD simulations based on CHARMM36 force field showed that electrostatic potential of DOPC bilayer decreases by ~45mV in the physiologically relevant range of membrane tension values (0 to 15dyn/cm). The electrostatic field exhibits a peak (~0.8×10(9)V/m) near the water/lipid interface which shifts by 0.9? towards the bilayer center at 15dyn/cm. Maximum membrane tension of 15dyn/cm caused 6.4% increase in area per lipid, 4.7% decrease in bilayer thickness and 1.4% increase in the volume of the bilayer. Dipole-potential sensitive fluorescent probes were used to detect membrane tension induced changes in DOPC vesicles exposed to osmotic stress. Experiments confirmed that dipole potential of DOPC bilayer decreases at higher membrane tensions. These results are suggestive of a potentially new mechanosensing mechanism by which mechanically induced structural changes in the lipid bilayer membrane could modulate the function of membrane proteins by altering electrostatic interactions and energetics of protein conformational states.  相似文献   

Blood vessel dilation starts from activation of the Na/K pumps and inward rectifier K channels in the vessel smooth muscle cells, which hyperpolarizes the cell membrane potential and closes the Ca channels. As a result, the intracellular Ca concentration reduces, and the smooth muscle cells relax and the blood vessel dilates. Activation of the Na/K pumps and the membrane potential hyperpolarization plays a critical role in blood vessel functions. Previously, we developed a new technique, synchronization modulation, to control the pump functions by electrically entraining the pump molecules. We have applied the synchronization modulation electric field noninvasively to various intact cells and demonstrated the field-induced membrane potential hyperpolarization. We further applied the electric field to blood vessels and investigated the field induced functional changes of the vessels. In this paper, we report the results in a study of the membrane potential change in the smooth muscle cells of mesenteric blood vessels in response to the oscillating electric field. We found that the synchronization modulation electric field can effectively hyperpolarize the muscle membrane potential quickly in seconds under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

An analytic approach combining the effect of equilibrium diamagnetic flows and the finite ionsound gyroradius associated with electron?ion decoupling and kinetic Alfvén wave dispersion is derived to study resistive drift instabilities in a plasma slab. Linear numerical computations using the NIMROD code are performed with cold ions and hot electrons in a plasma slab with a doubly periodic box bounded by two perfectly conducting walls. A linearly unstable resistive drift mode is observed in computations with a growth rate that is consistent with the analytic dispersion relation. The resistive drift mode is expected to be suppressed by magnetic shear in unbounded domains, but the mode is observed in numerical computations with and without magnetic shear. In the slab model, the finite slab thickness and the perfectly conducting boundary conditions are likely to account for the lack of suppression.  相似文献   

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