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F. Dacheux 《Cell and tissue research》1978,191(2):219-232
Summary Using specific antibodies against subunits of porcine LH and FSH, the pituitary cells which produce these two gonadotrophins were identified in the porcine pituitary at the ultrastructural level using the immunoperoxidase technique. It was clearly shown that most of the gonadotrophic cells are responsible for the production of both FSH and LH. However, some cells, only positive for FSH or LH, indicate that the concentrations of FSH and LH vary from cell to cell. At the ultrastructural level, the FSH/LH cells contain one class of secretory granules strongly positive for both FSH and LH as well as large negatively stained dense bodies. These findings indicate that the one cell-one hormone concept may not apply to gonadotrophic hormones; a FSH/LH cell cannot be distinguished from a LH or a FSH cell without immunocytochemical identification of its hormonal content.Abbreviations p-LH
porcine luteinizing hormone
- p-LH
porcine LH subunit
- p-LH
porcine LH subunit
- p-FSH
porcine follicule stimulating hormone
- p-FSH
porcine FSH subunit
- b-TSH
bovine thyrotropic hormone 相似文献
Summary Using the immunoperoxidase technique and antisera to the specific beta () subunits of bovine and rat TSH1, selective immunocytochemical staining was localized in a specific cell population in the pars distalis of the dog pituitary gland. These TSH cells were found to be positive to aldehyde fuchsin, alcian blue, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and aniline blue. With the performic acidalcian blue (pH 0.2) -PAS-orange G procedure these cells stained blue-purple, demonstrating FSH/LH cells (blue or turquoise), ACTH/MSH cells (redpurple) and PRL cells (orange-red). The TSH cells were further differentiated from other functional cell types of the pars distalis on the basis of their typical cytological features, intraglandular distribution and by immunocytochemical double staining. In the pars distalis of adult male dogs the TSH cells were mostly shown to be smaller in size and less numerous than in bitches in the anestrous phase of the sexual cycle. Moreover, cytological alterations in the immunoreactive thyrotrophs in the pituitary of male and female dogs generally paralleled the spontaneous changes in thyroid function associated with thyroid atrophy and/or pituitary insufficiency, and thyroid hyperplasia or goiter. In conclusion, because of their specificity and high potency, the antisera to the -subunits of bovine and rat TSH represent an effective tool for the selective immunocytochemical localization of TSH in the dog pituitary. This allows the study of the morphology and function of TSH cells under different physiological, pathological and experimental conditions.Abbreviations for Hormones cited in this Paper
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Growth Hormone
Luteinizing Hormone
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
TSH Releasing Hormone
Chorionic Gonadotropin
The authors are grateful to Mrs. B. Schilk and Miss U. Tüshaus for their excellent technical assistance 相似文献
Françoise Dacheux 《Cell and tissue research》1984,236(1):153-160
Summary Pre- and post-embedding immunocytochemical methods based on the use of specific antibodies against -subunits of porcine LH and FSH were applied to determine the changes occurring in the anterior pituitary of the pig after gonadectomy. The results showed that (1) the total number of immunoreactive gonadotropes increased from 21–25% in control animals to 24–37% in castrated animals; (2) all gonadotropes contained both LH and FSH; (3) several types of immunoreactive LH/FSH cells were revealed; and (4) the two immunocytochemical methods used with dispersed cells localized the hormones in the same subcellular sites. However, the staining intensity in the different locations varied depending on the method applied. With the post-embedding method, a dense reaction product was found in the secretory granules but the cisternae of RER and the Golgi saccules were always slightly reactive. After the pre-embedding method, the staining intensity in the RER-cisternae and in the Golgi saccules was greatly increased. Thus, the two methodological approaches used in this study have permitted to visualize immunocytochemically the gonadotropic hormones not only at the sites of their storage but also along the intracellular pathway of the secretory material, i.e., at the site of its synthesis and during its passage via the Golgi zone. 相似文献
Dr. P. J. Sharp R. B. Chiasson M. M. El Tounsy H. Klandorf W. J. Radke 《Cell and tissue research》1979,198(1):53-63
Summary Cells binding anti-bovine TSH serum were found exclusively in the rostral lobe of the adenohypophysis of the drake using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex unlabelled antibody method. The specificity of the binding of the anti-serum to TSH cells was established by relating the morphology and relative abundance of immunochemically stained cells to the TSH content of the adenohypophysis after experimentally altering the activity of the pituitary-thyroid axis. The TSH activity of the adenohypophysis was assessed indirectly, by the weight of the thyroid glands, and directly, by bioassay. As determined by bioassay, the TSH content of the rostral lobe of the adenohypohysis was much greater than that of the caudal lobe. Compared with control drakes, immunochemically stained cells in birds fed a goitrogen, methimazole, seemed to be enlarged and were closer together, while the stained cells in drakes injected with thyroxine were shrunken and less intensely stained. The TSH content of the adenohypophysis was increased in drakes fed methimazole. Castration did not alter the TSH content of the adenohypophysis or change the morphology of immunochemically stained cells. These observations suggest that in the drake: 1) anti-bovine TSH serum binds specifically to TSH cells; 2) the TSH cells occur in the rostral and not in the caudal lobe of the adenohypophysis; and 3) the activity of TSH cells is not inhibited by the feedback effects of gonadal steroids.We thank Dr. L.E. Reichert Jr. and the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolic and Digestive Diseases for the gift of ovine TSH and Mr. R. Wilkie for technical assistance. We are grateful to Dr. M.F. El Etreby, Professor B.K. Follett, Dr. C.G. Scanes, Dr. J. Seth and Dr. J.G. Pierce for gifts of immunochemicals 相似文献
Dr. Damon C. Herbert Frank J. Weaker Peter J. Sheridan 《Cell and tissue research》1981,215(3):499-504
Summary The uptake and retention of radiolabelled dihydrotestosterone by the pituitary gland was examined in the rhesus monkey. Two animals were given an intravenous injection of 1.0g/kg 3H-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) alone while one monkey received both the labelled androgen and 100g/kg of unlabelled steroid. One and a half hours later, they were sacrificed. The pituitary glands were removed and processed for autoradiography and immunocytochemistry. Autoradiographic localization of DHT was discernible in the partes nervosa, intermedia and distalis, albeit the highest concentration of radiolabelled cells was noted in the pars distalis. Immunocytochemical staining with antibodies to rat PRL, human TSH and ovine LH revealed a population of steroid-concentrating cells that contained TSH and a second group that contained LH. None of the cells that reacted with the anti-PRL serum were radiolabelled. 相似文献
Ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of LH and FSH in the pituitary of the untreated male rat 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary Rapid freeze-substitution fixation was employed in immunocytochemical studies on the localization of LH and FSH in the typical gonadotrophs of the anterior pituitary in the untreated male rat; a modification of a recently described ferritin antibody method (Inoue et al. 1982) was used in these studies. It was shown that rapid freeze-substitution fixation provides good preservation not only of the ultrastructure but also of the antigenicity. Both LH and FSH were clearly demonstrated in the same gonadotrophic cells, but the subcellular localization of these gonadotrophins differed: (i) LH was mainly located in small secretory granules, 250–300 nm in diameter; (ii) FSH was mainly present in large secretory granules, up to 500 nm in diameter. In the pituitary gland of the adult male rat, all gonadotrophs that react to antibodies against gonadotrophins are characterized by small and large secretory granules. Other types of cells of the anterior pituitary containing either small secretory granules or resembling corticotrophs with secretory granules assembled at cell periphery did not react to either anti-LH beta or anti-FSH beta serum.For light microscopy, the peroxidase antibody method was used. All of the gonadotrophin-positive cells contain both LH and FSH. None of the pituitary cells reacted to antibody against only one gonadotrophin. However, some cells are LH-rich while other cells are FSH-rich. 相似文献
According to recent immunocytochemical studies of anterior pituitary cells, it is obvious that the one cell-one hormone theory must be modified. Many pituitary morphologists have demonstrated that there are some cells that contain two hormones. In this study, we demonstrate by means of immuno-electronmicroscopy the co-existence of gonadotrophins (FSH and LH) and thyrotrophin (TSH) in the same anterior pituitary cells of the musk shrew. These cells were remarkably altered in their ultrastructural features by either gonadectomy or thyroidectomy. Double labeling for gonadotrophins and thyrotrophin was present not only in the same cells but also in the same secretory granules. Our ability to demonstrate co-existence of gonadotrophins and thyrotrophin in the same cell may be due to our selection of fixative and embedding media for electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Our conclusion that gonadotrophins and thyrotrophin are produced in a single cell type of the anterior pituitary gland in the musk shrew, i.e., thyrogonadotrophs, suggests the need to consider a modification of the classic scheme for classification of anterior pituitary cells. 相似文献
Stefan Schlatt Gerhard F. Weinbauer Eberhard Nieschlag 《Cell and tissue research》1991,265(2):203-209
Summary Inhibin-like immunoreactivity was detected by immunocytochemistry in the pituitaries of untreated male crab-eating macaques (cynomolgus monkey) and rhesus monkeys, in rhesus monkeys actively immunized against FSH, and in one orchidectomized crab-cating macaque. Localizations were performed by the immunogold-silver staining with 5-nm colloidal gold-conjugated second or third antibodies and by the alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline-phosphatase technique. Two different inhibin-specific antisera, raised against the -subunit or the entire inhibin molecule, provided identical staining patterns. Positive label was confined to the pars distalis of the pituitary and occurred exclusively in the cytoplasm of morphologically different cell types throughout the pars distalis in all pituitaries. Staining was most prominent in clusters of chromophobic cells. The presence of inhibin-like activity in the pituitary of an orchidectomized monkey with undetectable serum inhibin levels suggests that inhibin is produced within the pituitary gland. Co-localization studies for the -subunits of the gonadotropic hormones revealed that on average 82% of the gonadotropes were bihormonal. Using the same protocol, co-localization of inhibin-like activity with gonadotropin-like immunoreactivity revealed only a small degree of common distribution (<15%). Inhibinpositive cells were frequently in close proximity to gonadotropic cells and, thus, paracrine effects of inhibin on gonadotropin-synthesizing cells are conceivable. 相似文献
Dr. M. Olivereau F. Ollevier F. Vandesande J. Olivereau 《Cell and tissue research》1984,238(2):289-296
Summary Immunocytochemical investigations show that somatostatin (SRIF)-like immunoreactive material is present in the brain and the pituitary of nine different species of teleosts. In the brain, immunoreactive perikarya and fibers are observed in the preoptic periventricular nucleus, the entopeduncular nucleus, the anterior periventricular nucleus, and the nucleus lateralis tuberis. In the pituitary, SRIF-like-immunoreactive fibers occur in the proximal pars distalis (PPD), which contains the growth hormone (GH)-secreting cells. Nerve fibers are scattered among GH cells (cyprinids), or end on the basal lamina at the neuroglandular interface of the PPD (eel, salmonids). In the eel, the proximal neurohypophysis does not penetrate deeply into the PPD that is very poorly vascularized. In some species, e.g. Myoxocephalus, SRIF-like immunoreactive fibers are also observed in the caudal neurohypophysis, and even among MSH cells of the pars intermedia.In long-term starved carps and eels, the amount of SRIF-like material in the pituitary is clearly reduced. A possible role of SRIF in the concomitant stimulation of GH cells is discussed. 相似文献
Comparative immunocytochemical demonstration of ACTH-, LH and FSH-containing cells in the pituitary of neonatal,immature and adult rats 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary By means of immunocytochemistry, the development of ACTH-, LH- and FSH cells was examined in the anterior pituitary of 5-day-old neonatal, 15-day-old immature and adult rats. ACTH-positive cells are angular and the periphery of these cells is strongly reactive with anti-ACTH serum. In contrast, LH- and FSH-immunopositive cells are ovoid elements, ranging in cell size and intensity of staining. Angular cells, in which only the cell periphery reacted with anti-LH serum, were observed in neonatal and immature rats; however, these cells were not stained with either anti-FSH serum or anti-ACTH serum. Observation of serial semithin sections revealed that ACTH-immunopositive cells do not react with either anti-LH or anti-FSH serum. Finally, it was observed that ACTH cells and LH cells are both functionally differentiated already in 5-day-old neonatal rats. 相似文献
Summary We investigated the effects of corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) on the percentage of anterior pituitary gland (APG) cells which are corticotrophs as well as the size and shape of corticotrophs. Pituitary glands were removed from 7-week-old male hamsters and placed beneath the renal capsules of hamsters that had been hypophysectomized and orchidectomized 3 weeks previously. Beginning 6 days after each host had received a single allograft, each was injected subcutaneously twice daily with 4 g CRH or vehicle for 16 days. Six hosts in each group were decapitated 16 h after the last injection. Sections of anterior pituitary tissue were stained for ACTH and with hematoxylin. The percentage of corticotrophs among APG cells was greater in allografts exposed to exogenous CRH (20%) than in allografts exposed to vehicle (15%). Exposure to exogenous CRH increased the cross-sectional area of corticotroph cells in allografts to values greater than those measured for corticotrophs in allografts exposed to vehicle, without altering the shape of cells. Results of subsequent studies suggested that hamsters with allografts injected with vehicle do not release ACTH and that exogenous CRH causes an abrupt release of ACTH from allografts. These results indicate that CRH releases ACTH from ectopic corticotrophs and that administration of CRH can increase corticotroph size and the percentage of APG cells that are corticotrophs. 相似文献
Summary In this communication we describe the immunocytochemical cross-reactivity between antisera to various human pituitary hormones and specific hormone producing cell types in the pituitary gland of sexually mature male platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus). Antisera to human pituitary hormones cross-reacted either with cells known to produce corresponding hormones (or hormone subunits) in the platyfish (e.g., ACTH, prolactin, TSH , LH , FSH , TSH ) or with no pituitary cells at all (e.g., LH , FSH ). The one exception was antiserum to human growth hormone which cross-reacted with MSH and ACTH producing cells. The platyfish pituitary is proposed as a test system for immunocytochemically screening antisera for purity and specificity in order to determine their applicability in particular studies. 相似文献
Pung Pung Hwang 《Cell and tissue research》1990,260(1):203-205
Summary Using an antiserum to highly purified chum salmon prolactin, prolactin cells were identified in the putative rostral pars distalis of newly hatched tilapia larvae (Oreochromis mossambicus) by the immunogold method for the electron microscope. In the putative rostral pars distalis, some cells had another kind of secretory granule which was much less numerous, much smaller in size, and without immunoreactivity to salmon prolactin antiserum. Controls incubated with salmon prolactin-preabsorbed antiserum or normal serum showed no immunoreactive cells, confirming the specificity of the antiserum. The possible role of prolactin in the osmoregulation of tilapia larvae is discussed. 相似文献
Summary The effects of short-term (8 weeks) treatment with different doses of cyproterone acetate (CPA), d-norgestrel (d-N) and progesterone (PRO) on the mammary gland were studied in cycle-synchronized beagle bitches (first anoestrus). Mammary glands from non-treated primiparous beagle bitches in the 6th and 9th weeks of pregnancy were also included. The results were evaluated using the whole-mount technique, histologic, histochemical and biochemical methods. CPA, d-N and PRO were shown to cause dose-dependent mammary growth accompanied by an increase in the mammary weight, DNA content and activity of several histochemically demonstrable dehydrogenases. These changes resembled in some aspects mammary development observed in the last third of pregnancy. A single human oral contraceptive dose (HCD) of CPA as well as a dose as low as 1.0mg/kg/day subcutaneously of PRO was capable of stimulating complete mammary development. A comparable effect was first observed as a result of treatment with as much as 100 times the HCD of d-N. However, d-N and CPA were shown to be more effective than PRO in stimulating ductal proliferative activity. These structural and biochemical responses indicate that quantitative and/or qualitative differences may exist between PRO, the synthetic progesterone derivative CPA and the synthetic nortestosterone progestagen d-N with regard to their growth-promoting effect on the canine mammary gland. This may be explained by possible differences in their potency and range of biological activity, pharmacodynamics and effects on pituitary hormone secretion.The authors are grateful to Dr. Christel Schöbel and Mrs. P. Kurth for carrying out the experimental work on animals, to Dr. Y. Nishino and Mr. M. Leidecker for biochemical determination of DNA, to Dr. J. Kaufmann for statistical analysis, to Miss E. Fallenbacher, Mrs. B. Schilk, Mrs. G. Soulioti and Miss. U. Tüshaus for their excellent technical assistance, and to Dr. P. Günzel for his advice and encouragement 相似文献
Ultrastructural localization of prolactin,growth hormone and luteinizing hormone by immunocytochemical techniques in the bovine pituitary 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Summary The technique of ultrastructural immunocytochemistry involving the unlabeled antibody and the soluble peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex was used to identify and describe the prolactin (P) cells, somatotropic (STH) cells and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells in the bovine anterior pituitary gland. This method was used to localize the three hormones at the electron microscopic level. Staining of varying intensity was found on the secretory granules and on the small granules and vesicles within the Golgi complex. No stain was found in nuclei, on mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum. 相似文献
Dr. Damon C. Herbert 《Cell and tissue research》1978,190(1):151-161
Summary Pituitary glands from juvenile (pre-pubertal) and adult male and female rhesus monkeys were examined following immunocytochemical staining with antisera to the beta subunits of ovine luteinizing hormone (LH) and of human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The LH antiserum reacts with a cell that is PAS-positive, occurs singly and is randomly distributed throughout the pars distalis. The diameter of these cells is approximately 11.5 m. They do not seem to vary in number in either juveniles (pre-pubertals) or adults, or in males or females. There appears to be fewer LH cells in the pituitary glands of pregnant and lactating females. In addition to staining cells in the pars distalis, the antiserum also reacts with a population of cells located in the pars tuberalis.The cells that stain with the anti-TSH serum are confined primarily to the pars distalis. They are approximately 15.8 m in diameter and are generally found in groups or clusters located in the anterior and medial regions of the gland. The TSH cells vary in number from one animal to another; however, this variability is unrelated to the age or the sex of the animals. No demonstrable changes occur in the number of TSH cells during pregnancy or lactation.Supported by NIH General Research Support Grant RR05654The author wishes to express appreciation to the Hormone Distribution Program of NIAMDD for the preparations of ovine FSH, TSH and human TSH, and to Drs. H. Papkoff for the ovine LH and LH, L. Reichert for the human FSH, J. Vaitukaitis for the anti-human TSH, and L.A. Sternberger for the PAP complex 相似文献
Zweers MC Schalkwijk J van Kuppevelt TH van Vlijmen-Willems IM Bergers M Lethias C Lamme EN 《Cell and tissue research》2005,319(2):279-287
Although Islet-1 expression in the pituitary gland of early mouse embryo has been previously described, there are no reports
concerning the correlation of Islet-1 expression with lineage restrictions in cell types at the later stages of pituitary
development. The role of Islet-1 in chickens is also unknown. The purpose of this study was to follow, by using immunohistochemistry,
the ontogeny of pituitary Islet-1 and the various cell types that contain Islet-1 throughout chick embryo development. A few
Islet-1-immunopositive (Islet-1+) cells were first detected in the pituitary primordium in two out of six embryos at embryonic day 5.5 (E5.5), most of the
Islet-1+ cells being ventrally located. As development progressed, many more Islet-1+ cells were observed throughout the pars distalis. The relative percentage of Islet-1+ cells amongst the total Rathke’s pouch cells was 4.4% at E6.5. This increased significantly, reaching 11.1% by E10.5, followed
by no significant change until hatching. Dual immunohistochemistry showed that adrenocorticotrophs, somatotrophs and lactotrophs
did not express Islet-1. The cellular types expressing Islet-1 included luteinizing-hormone-positive (LH+) gonadotrophs and thyroid-stimulating-hormone-positive (TSH+) thyrotrophs. The cells co-expressing LH and Islet-1 were initially detected at E6.5, the proportion of LH+ cells possessing Islet-1 being about 4%; this increased to 63% at E14.5, followed by no significant changes until hatching.
TSH and Islet-1 co-localized cells were first observed at E10.5, with about 37% TSH+ cell expressing Islet-1; this increased to about 50% by E16.5, after which there was no evident change until hatching. These
results suggest that Islet-1 is involved in determining the cell lineages, proliferation, differentiation and maintenance
of hormone-secreting functions of pituitary gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs of chick embryo.
J. Liu and Y. He contributed equally to this article.
This work was supported by grants from Beijing Natural Science Foundation (6042013) and the Natural Science Foundation of
China (30471264, 30325034). 相似文献
Dr. Nadine Hauser-Gunsbourg Jeanine Doerr-Schott Maurice P. Dubois 《Cell and tissue research》1978,194(3):497-501
Summary The indirect immunofluorescence procedure was used to identify prolactin (LTH)-and somatotropin (STH)-producing cells in the pituitary of the Mexican axolotl. Histological staining techniques were employed to corroborate immunocytological results. The LTH cells are large, orange-staining cells (acidophils 1) distributed in the posterior two-thirds of the pars distalis. The STH cells are small, erythrosinophilic elements (acidophils 2) principally concentrated in the dorsal part of the pars distalis. 相似文献
Summary An immunohistochemical study of the production of the intermediate filaments [vimentin, cytokeratin, and glial filament acidic protein (GFAP)] during development of the pituitary gland was made by use of fetal and adult human pituitary tissue. Among these intermediate filament proteins in the anterior and intermediate lobes of the pituitary, cytokeratin is the first to appear, followed by GFAP and vimentin. However, only cytokeratin is seen during the period of morphogenesis of the pituitary gland, with the type-II subfamily cytokeratin 8 being the earliest to appear. Among the simple-epithelial-type cytokeratins, cytokeratins 8 and 19 were observed within the pituitary primordium during morphogenesis. Cells immunoreactive for cytokeratins 8 and 19 showed a heterogeneous three-dimensional distribution pattern in Rathke's pouch. Both cytokeratins 8 and 19 tended to be strongly positive at sites in the pituitary primordium where cells had become more loosely arranged (i.e., areas far from the diencephalon) but were only weakly positive in areas in which the epithelial cells were densely packed (i.e., areas closely associated with the diencephalon). It is concluded that, during the period of morphogenesis, Rathke's pouch has the intermediate filaments characteristic of simple epithelium and shows different immunoreactivity for simple-epithelial-type cytokeratins from place to place according to the extent of cellular differentiation. 相似文献