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J A Haas  B G Fox 《Biochemistry》1999,38(39):12833-12840
Stearoyl acyl carrier protein Delta(9) desaturase (Delta9D) uses a diiron center to catalyze the NADPH- and O(2)-dependent desaturation of stearoyl acyl carrier protein (ACP) to form oleoyl-ACP. The reaction of recombinant Ricinus communis Delta9D with natural and nonnatural chain length acyl-ACPs was used to examine the coupling of the reconstituted enzyme complex, the specificity for position of double-bond insertion, the kinetic parameters for the desaturation reaction, and the selectivity for acyl chain length. The coupling of NADPH and O(2) consumption and olefin production was found to be maximal for 18:0-ACP, and the loss of coupling observed for the more slowly desaturated acyl-ACPs was attributed to autoxidation of the electron-transfer chain. Analysis of steady-state kinetic parameters for desaturation of acyl-ACPs having various acyl chain lengths revealed that the K(M) values were similar ( approximately 2.5-fold difference) for 15:0-18:0-ACP, while the k(cat) values increased by approximately 26-fold for the same range of acyl chain lengths. A linear increase in log (k(cat)/K(M)) was observed upon lengthening of the acyl chain from 15:0- to 18:0-ACP, while no further increase was observed for 19:0-ACP. The similarity of the k(cat)/K(M) values for 18:0- and 19:0-ACPs and the retained preference for double-bond insertion at the Delta(9) position with 19:0-ACP (>98% desaturation at the Delta(9) position) suggest that the active-site channel past the diiron center can accommodate at least one more methylene group than is found in the natural substrate. The DeltaDeltaG(binding) estimated from the change in k(cat)/K(M) for increasing substrate acyl-chain length was -3 kJ/mol per methylene group, similar to the value of -3.5 kJ/mol estimated for the hydrophobic partition of long-chain fatty acids (C-7 to C-21) from water to heptane [Smith, R. , and Tanford, C. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 70, 289-293]. Since the K(M) values are overall similar for all acyl-ACPs tested, the progressive increase in hydrophobic binding energy available from increased chain length is apparently utilized to enhance catalytic steps, which thus provides the underlying physical mechanism for acyl chain selectivity observed with Delta9D.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy has been used to structurally characterize the copper-binding site in CusF protein from Escherichia coli. The EPR spectra indicate a single type II copper center with parameters typical for nitrogen and oxygen ligands (A~200 G, g~2.186, g~2.051). The pulsed EPR data show that one of the ligands to Cu2+ is an imidazole ring of a histidine residue. The remote amino nitrogen of this imidazole ring is readily observed by electron spin-echo envelope modulation spectroscopy, while the imino nitrogen that is directly coordinated to the Cu2+ ion is observed by pulsed electron–nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). In addition, the ENDOR spectra reveal the presence of one more nitrogen ligand that was assigned to be a deprotonated peptide nitrogen. Apart from the two nitrogen ligands, it has been established that there are two nearby hydroxyl protons, although whether these belong to a single equatorial water ligand or two equatorial hydroxide ligands is not known.
Megan M. McEvoyEmail: Phone: +1-520-6213489Fax: +1-520-6211697

The molecular details that govern the specific interactions between acyl carrier protein (ACP) and the enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis are unknown. We investigated the mechanism of ACP-protein interactions using a computational analysis to dock the NMR structure of ACP with the crystal structure of beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (FabH) and experimentally tested the model by the biochemical analysis of FabH mutants. The activities of the mutants were assessed using both an ACP-dependent and an ACP-independent assay. The ACP interaction surface was defined by mutations that compromised FabH activity in the ACP-dependent assay but had no effect in the ACP-independent assay. ACP docked to a positively charged/hydrophobic patch adjacent to the active site tunnel on FabH, which included a conserved arginine (Arg-249) that was required for ACP docking. Kinetic analysis and direct binding studies between FabH and ACP confirmed the identification of Arg-249 as critical for FabH-ACP interaction. Our experiments reveal the significance of the positively charged/hydrophobic patch located adjacent to the active site cavities of the fatty acid biosynthesis enzymes and the high degree of sequence conservation in helix II of ACP across species.  相似文献   

Aminocarboxylate complexes of vanadium(III) are of interest as models for biologically and medicinally relevant forms of this interesting and somewhat neglected ion. The V(III) ion is paramagnetic, but not readily suited to conventional EPR, due to its integer-spin ground state (S = 1) and associated large zero-field splitting (zfs). High-frequency and -field EPR (HFEPR), however, has the ability to study such systems effectively. Three complexes, all previously structurally characterized: Na[V(trdta)] · 3H2O, Na[V(edta)(H2O)] · 3H2O, and [V(nta)(H2O)3] · 4H2O (where trdta stands for trimethylenediamine-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetate and nta stands for nitrilotriacetate) were studied by HFEPR. All the investigated complexes produced HFEPR responses both in the solid state, and in aqueous solution, but those of [V(nta)(H2O)3] · 4H2O were poorly interpretable. Analysis of multi-frequency HFEPR spectra yielded a set of spin Hamiltonian parameters (including axial and rhombic zfs parameters: D and E, respectively) for these first two complexes as solids: Na[V(trdta)] · 3H2O: D = 5.60 cm−1, E = 0.85 cm−1, g = 1.95; Na[V(edta)(H2O)] · 3H2O: D = 1.4 cm−1, E = 0.14 cm−1, g = 1.97. Spectra in frozen solution yielded similar parameters and showed multiple species in the case of the trdta complex, which are the consequence of the flexibility of this ligand. The EPR spectra obtained in frozen aqueous solution are the first, to our knowledge, of V(III) in solution in general and show the applicability of HFEPR to these systems. In combination with very insightful previous studies of the electronic absorption of these complexes which provided ligand-field parameters, it has been possible to describe the electronic structure of V(III) in [V(trdta)] and [V(edta)(H2O)]; the quality of data for [V(nta)(H2O)3] does not permit analysis. Qualitatively, six-coordinate V(III) complexes with O,N donor atoms show no electronic absorption band in the NIR region, and exhibit relatively large magnitude zfs (D ? 5 cm−1), while analogous seven-coordinate complexes do have a NIR absorption band and show relatively small magnitude zfs (D < 2 cm−1).  相似文献   

We have combined the information obtained from rapid-scan electronic absorption spectrophotometry and multifrequency (9-295 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to unequivocally determine the electronic nature of the intermediates in milk lactoperoxidase as a function of pH and to monitor their reactivity with organic substrates selected by their different accessibilities to the heme site. The aim was to address the question of the putative catalytic role of the protein-based radicals. This experimental approach allowed us to discriminate between the protein-based radical intermediates and [Fe(IV)=O] species, as well as to directly detect the oxidation products by EPR. The advantageous resolution of the g anisotropy of the Tyr (*) EPR spectrum at high fields showed that the tyrosine of the [Fe(IV)=O Tyr (*)] intermediate has an electropositive and pH-dependent microenvironment [g(x) value of 2.0077(0) at pH >or= 8.0 and 2.0066(2) at 4.0 相似文献   

The long-chain alpha-alkyl-beta-hydroxy fatty acids, termed mycolic acids, which are characteristic components of the mycobacterial cell wall are produced by successive rounds of elongation catalyzed by a multifunctional (type I) fatty acid synthase complex followed by a dissociated (type II) fatty acid synthase. In bacterial type II systems, the first initiation step in elongation is the condensation of acetyl-CoA with malonyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) catalyzed by beta-ketoacyl-ACP III (FabH). An open reading frame in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome (Rv0533c), now termed mtfabH, was 37.3% identical to Escherichia coli ecFabH and contained the Cys-His-Asn catalytic triad signature. However, the purified recombinant mtFabH clearly preferred long-chain acyl-CoA substrates rather than acyl-ACP primers and did not utilize acetyl-CoA as a primer in comparison to ecFabH. In addition, purified mtFabH was sensitive to thiolactomycin and resistant to cerulenin in an in vitro assay. However, mtFabH overexpression in Mycobacterium bovis BCG did not confer thiolactomycin resistance, suggesting that mtFabH may not be the primary target of thiolactomycin inhibition in vivo and led to several changes in the lipid composition of the bacilli. The data presented is consistent with a role for mtFabH as the pivotal link between the type I and type II fatty acid elongation systems in M. tuberculosis. This study opens up new avenues for the development of selective and novel anti-mycobacterial agents targeted against mtFabH.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is used to study the binding of MnII ions to a tertiary stabilized hammer-head ribozyme (tsHHRz) and to compare it with the binding to the minimal hammerhead ribozyme (mHHRz). Continuous wave EPR measurements show that the tsHHRz possesses a single high-affinity MnII binding site with a KD of < or =10 nM at an NaCl concentration of 0.1 M. This dissociation constant is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than the KD determined previously for the single high-affinity MnII site in the mHHRz. In addition, whereas the high-affinity MnII is displaced from the mHHRz upon binding of the aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin B, it is not from the tsHHRz. Despite these pronounced differences in binding, a comparison between the electron spin echo envelope modulation and hyperfine sublevel correlation spectra of the minimal and tertiary stabilized HHRz demonstrates that the structure of both binding sites is very similar. This suggests that the MnII is located in both ribozymes between the bases A9 and G10.1 of the sheared G . A tandem base pair, as shown previously and in detail for the mHHRz. Thus, the much stronger MnII binding in the tsHHRz is attributed to the interaction between the two external loops, which locks in the RNA fold, trapping the MnII in the tightly bound conformation, whereas the absence of long-range loop-loop interactions in the mHHRz leads to more dynamical and open conformations, decreasing MnII binding.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress, caused by free radicals within the body, has been associated with the process of aging and many human diseases. Because free radicals, in particular superoxide, are difficult to measure, an alternative indirect method for measuring oxidative stress levels has been used successfully in Escherichia coli and yeast. This method is based on a proposed connection between elevated superoxide levels and release of iron from solvent-exposed [4Fe-4S] enzyme clusters that eventually leads to an increase in hydroxyl radical production. In past studies using bacteria and yeast, a positive correlation was found between superoxide production or oxidative stress due to superoxide within the organism and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) detectable "free" iron levels. In the current study, we have developed a reliable and efficient method for measuring "free" iron levels in Caenorhabditis elegans using low-temperature Fe(III) EPR at g=4.3. This method uses synchronized worm cultures grown on plates that are homogenized and treated with desferrioxamine, an Fe(III) chelator, prior to packing the EPR tube. Homogenization was found not to alter "free" iron levels, whereas desferrioxamine treatment significantly raised these levels, indicating the presence of both Fe(II) and Fe(III) in the "free" iron pool. The correlation between free radical levels and the observed "free" iron levels was examined by using heat stress and paraquat treatment. The intensity of the Fe(III) EPR signal, and thus the concentration of the "free" iron pool, varied with the treatments that altered radical levels without changing the total iron levels. This study provides the groundwork needed to uncover the correlation among oxidative stress, "free" iron levels, and longevity in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Two major rhombic high-spin ferric heme signals are observed during the pH titration of bovine liver catalase. The less rhombic signal if dominant above pH 6.0 and the more rhombic signal below pH 6.0. Ethanol in high concentration enhances the relative intensity of the less rhombic signal. These data demonstrate the sensitivitiy of the ligand field to changes in catalase solvent and, furthermore, suggest that both rhombic configuration posses identical spectral and catalytic properties.  相似文献   

Synthetic carotenoid analogs, with increased utility for biological applications, are sparingly reported in the literature. Synthetic modification, which may increase the water solubility and/or water dispersibility of lipophilic carotenoids, allows their use in aqueous environments as potent antioxidants against potentially deleterious reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can be generated in vivo. Superoxide anion, produced by activated human neutrophils, can be a source of additional harmful ROS and nonradical species such as singlet oxygen in vivo. In the current study, direct scavenging of superoxide anion by a well-characterized C30 carotenoid phospholipid mixture was evaluated in a standard in vitro isolated human neutrophil assay by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, employing the spin-trap DEPMPO. The carotenoid phospholipid was tested in aqueous formulation (aqueous dispersibility >60 mg/mL), in which supramolecular assembly takes place, as well as in ethanolic formulation as a monomeric solution of the carotenoid phospholipids. The carotenoid phospholipid (a highly unsaturated zwitterionic surfactant) was compared with a previously characterized rigid, long-chain, highly unsaturated dianionic bolaamphiphile, which contains an additional three conjugated double bonds in its extended conjugated system. As previously reported, direct scavenging by the carotenoid phospholipid derivatives in monomeric ethanolic formulation was superior at each tested concentration to aqueous, aggregated formulations of the compounds. Additionally, the percent inhibition of superoxide signal was related to the apparent or effective length of the conjugated chromophore, consistent with previous reports of radical inhibition and singlet oxygen quenching by polyene carotenoids of differing length.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron-nuclear double resonance studies of the photosystem (PS) I quinone acceptor, A(1), in phylloquinone biosynthetic pathway mutants are described. Room temperature continuous wave EPR measurements at X-band of whole cells of menA and menB interruption mutants show a transient reduction and oxidation of an organic radical with a g-value and anisotropy characteristic of a quinone. In PS I complexes, the continuous wave EPR spectrum of the photoaccumulated Q(-) radical, measured at Q-band, and the electron spin-polarized transient EPR spectra of the radical pair P700(+) Q(-), measured at X-, Q-, and W-bands, show three prominent features: (i) Q(-) has a larger g-anisotropy than native phylloquinone, (ii) Q(-) does not display the prominent methyl hyperfine couplings attributed to the 2-methyl group of phylloquinone, and (iii) the orientation of Q(-) in the A(1) site as derived from the spin polarization is that of native phylloquinone in the wild type. Electron spin echo modulation experiments on P700(+) Q(-) show that the dipolar coupling in the radical pair is the same as in native PS I, i.e. the distance between P700(+) and Q(-) (25.3 +/- 0.3 A) is the same as between P700(+) and A(1)(-) in the wild type. Pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance studies show two sets of resolved spectral features with nearly axially symmetric hyperfine couplings. They are tentatively assigned to the two methyl groups of the recruited plastoquinone-9, and their difference indicates a strong inequivalence among the two groups when in the A(1) site. These results show that Q (i) functions in accepting an electron from A(0)(-) and in passing the electron forward to the iron-sulfur clusters, (ii) occupies the A(1) site with an orientation similar to that of phylloquinone in the wild type, and (iii) has spectroscopic properties consistent with its identity as plastoquinone-9.  相似文献   

M Drees  K Beyer 《Biochemistry》1988,27(23):8584-8591
The interaction of spin-labeled phospholipids with the detergent-solubilized ADP/ATP carrier protein from the inner mitochondrial membrane has been investigated by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The equilibrium binding of cardiolipin and phosphatidic acid was studied by titration of the protein with spin-labeled phospholipid analogues using a spectral subtraction protocol for the evaluation of the mobile and immobilized lipid portions. This analysis revealed the immobilization of two molecules of spin-labeled cardiolipin per protein dimer. Phosphatidic acid has a similar affinity for the protein surface as cardiolipin. The lipid-protein interaction was less pronounced with the neutral phospholipids and with phosphatidylglycerol. The importance of the electrostatic contribution to the phospholipid-protein interaction shows up with a strong dependence of the lipid binding on salt concentration. Cleavage by phospholipase A2 and spin reduction by ascorbate of the spin-labeled acidic phospholipids in contact with the protein surface suggest that these lipids are located on the outer perimeter of the protein. At reduced detergent concentration, the protein aggregated upon addition of small amounts of cardiolipin but remained solubilized when more cardiolipin was added. This result is discussed with respect to the aggregation state of the protein in the mitochondrial membrane. It is also tentatively concluded that binding of spin-labeled cardiolipin does not displace the tightly bound cardiolipin of mitochondrial origin, which was detected previously by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The binuclear Cu(A) site engineered into Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin has provided a Cu(A)-azurin with a well-defined crystal structure and a CuSSCu core having two equatorial histidine ligands, His120 and His46. The mutations His120Asn and His120Gly were made at the equatorial His120 ligand to understand the histidine-related modulation to Cu(A), notably to the valence delocalization over the CuSSCu core. For these His120 mutants Q-band electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) (X, C, and S-band), all carried out under comparable cryogenic conditions, have provided markedly different electronic measures of the mutation-induced change. Q-band ENDOR of cysteine C(beta) protons, of weakly dipolar-coupled protons, and of the remaining His46 nitrogen ligand provided hyperfine couplings that were like those of other binuclear mixed-valence Cu(A) systems and were essentially unperturbed by the mutation at His120. The ENDOR findings imply that the Cu(A) core electronic structure remains unchanged by the His120 mutation. On the other hand, multifrequency EPR indicated that the H120N and H120G mutations had changed the EPR hyperfine signature from a 7-line to a 4-line pattern, consistent with trapped-valence, Type 1 mononuclear copper. The multifrequency EPR data imply that the electron spin had become localized on one copper by the His120 mutation. To reconcile the EPR and ENDOR findings for the His120 mutants requires that either: if valence localization to one copper has occurred, the spin density on the cysteine sulfurs and the remaining histidine (His46) must remain as it was for a delocalized binuclear Cu(A) center, or if valence delocalization persists, the hyperfine coupling for one copper must markedly diminish while the overall spin distribution on the CuSSCu core is preserved.  相似文献   

Melanoma is the most aggressive skin tumour type. Although complete cure can be achieved when the whole tumour is resected, prognostic dramatically drops when melanoma cells reach deeper tissues and lymph nodes. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop accurate tools allowing (i) discriminating benign naevi from malignant tumours and (ii) being able to characterise melanoma infiltration. For that purpose, we exploited the paramagnetic properties of melanin by using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to measure the melanin content in pigmented (B16F10 cancer cells) and non-pigmented melanomas (WM2664 cancer cells) inoculated intradermally in nude mice. Specifically, we took advantage of a new clinical EPR device (1?GHz), which provides sensitive measurements of radical species in vivo. Results showed that the melanin-specific EPR signal increased with tumour growth in pigmented tumours, whereas no EPR signal could be detected in achromic melanomas. These data plead for the development of new EPR spectrometers/imagers with an improved in-depth resolution for the detection of invasive melanomas.  相似文献   

The reaction of phosgene with ni-trone spin traps was investigated using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)/spin trapping techniques. Evidence for the intermediacy of a carba-moyl monochloride intermediate was obtained. Isotopic substitution of 13C-phosgene was employed to verify the hyperfine coupling constant assignments. The implications of these observations on pulmonary damage caused by inhalation of phosgene are mentioned.  相似文献   

The nature of binding between manganese ions and morphine was studied using Fourier transform proton nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Proton relaxation times in the presence of Mn(II) ions were determined together with their temperature dependence. Slow exchange conditions were observed for the NCH3 group, while fast exchange conditions applied for all the other protons. The rotational correlation time of the complex was approximated by that of the free morphine molecule, as measured by selective and nonselective proton relaxation rate measurements. The distances between the metal ion and proton nuclei of morphine were evaluated on the basis of an association constant, measured from water proton spin-lattice relaxation rate binding studies. The results indicate that the metal binds directly to the two oxydryls with Kass = 9.7 × 10?3.The rate constant for the interaction of Mn(II) with the opiate is 2.25 × 104 sec?1 at 27°C, as determined from the temperature dependence of longitudinal relaxation rate of the NCH3 group.  相似文献   

In this paper we report a variable temperature EPR investigation on auto-assembling inclusion compounds of tris(o-phenylenedioxy)cyclotriphosphazene (TPP), the nitroxide radical methyl ester of the 16-doxyl-stearic acid (16-dox), and diamagnetic co-guests of various polarities. By playing with the nature of the co-guest and the concentration of the radical we obtained radicals isolated, or in 1D clusters. Local order, dynamics and orientation of the guests have been obtained by simulations of the spectra of spin-carrying guests envisaged as probes. For the simulations, intra-channel and inter-channel radical pairs and trimers magnetic interactions have been modellized. The interest of similar compounds for 1D magnetic materials is discussed.  相似文献   

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