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Due to the night observations during the gravidity of the Asian Elephant “Pang Pha” in 2005 it was possible to receive data on the sleeping behavior of 1.3 Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) at Berlin Zoological Garden. These elephants were the breeding bull “Victor” (born 22.10.1993 at Zoological Center Ramat Gan), “Pang Pha” (born 1987 in Thailand), “Drumbo” (born 1970) and “Iyoti” (born 1974 in India). Elephant “Pang Pha” slept only one and a half hour, whereas the two older cows lay nearly four hours. The bull lay longest.  相似文献   

The implosion of wire arrays is studied at the Angara-5-1 facility with the help of an X-ray pinhole camera. It is shown that the drift of the plasma toward the axis occurs in the form of a “plasma rainstorm.” The data constituting a part of the experimental database are presented. Based on these data, it is established that the spatial structure of an imploding plasma is highly inhomogeneous, so that it makes no sense to talk about a plasma shell that implodes as a single entity. In this case, plasma inhomogeneities arising due to a “cold start” and prolonged plasma production have a decisive impact on the final parameters of a hyper-terawatt Z-pinch.  相似文献   

Since the first decade of this century, public monuments to the memory of “comfort women” – women and girls forced into sexual service from the 1930s through 1945, by the Japanese Imperial Army – have been established in the United States by the Korean diaspora. This paper analyses recent memorials in the suburbs of New York that have experienced rapid immigration from Korea since the 1990s. The memorials met local resistance due to perceptions of unrelatedness to the American land. Such immigrant initiatives, however, have been supported by municipal governance. The project of inscribing a passage from East Asian history in the American context may be considered symptomatic of wider cognitive and social shifts in immigrant adaptation. Assimilation through the inclusion of immigrant heritage, along with an increasing sense of entitlement in being both “ethnic” and “American”, have been integral to this contest regarding collective memory.  相似文献   

In “Mind, matter and metabolism,” Godfrey-Smith’s objective is to “develop a picture” in which, first, the basis of living activity in physical processes “makes sense,” second, the basis of proto-cognitive activity in living activity “makes sense” and third, “the basis of subjective experience in metabolically situated cognitive processes also makes sense.” show that he fails to attain all three of these objectives, largely owing to the nature and modularization of metabolism.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes within UK South Asian populations has increasingly become the focus of health science discourse. Growing rates across the globe have been a public health concern for a number of decades. Diabetes discourse has focused on lifestyle and a generalized idea of “cultural” factors as contributory factors. These have become part of what I identify as a South Asian diabetes “risk-package.” This risk formulation is extended to an additional genetic discourse which generates new causal explanations for this heightened “risk.” South Asian groups are already the subject of discursive, racialized risk constructions, which positions them as active owners of “risky culture.” The mobilization of genetic arguments repositions them as additionally passive owners of “risky genes.” I argue that the use of racial categories in genetic diabetes science, despite the relative uncertainty and ambiguity of scientific knowledge claims, is problematic and requires critical re-situating.  相似文献   

The persistence conjecture is a long-standing open problem in chemical reaction network theory. It concerns the behavior of solutions to coupled ODE systems that arise from applying mass-action kinetics to a network of chemical reactions. The idea is that if all reactions are reversible in a weak sense, then no species can go extinct. A notion that has been found useful in thinking about persistence is that of “critical siphon.” We explore the combinatorics of critical siphons, with a view toward the persistence conjecture. We introduce the notions of “drainable” and “self-replicable” (or autocatalytic) siphons. We show that: Every minimal critical siphon is either drainable or self-replicable; reaction networks without drainable siphons are persistent; and nonautocatalytic weakly reversible networks are persistent. Our results clarify that the difficulties in proving the persistence conjecture are essentially due to competition between drainable and self-replicable siphons.  相似文献   

The paper provides a discussion on the concept of “double absence” and its legacy among participants originating from Calabria, Italy. It illustrates the impact of such an embodied affective state in light of race-ethnic relations perceived intergenerationally. While the first generation of participants manifest a condition of feeling “absent”, the second generation present a condition of “liminality”, as a result of a socialization process between “the world” of their immigrant parents and the Australian one. The third generation, due to a perceived positive evaluation about their ethnic background, manifests its ethnicity proudly. A pivotal role is played by the amount of cultural capital accumulated by the participants, dynamics of assimilation and the exogenous pressures the participants perceived from the “common sense” of the dominant society, as Gramsci terms it. Individuals’ ethnic identity appears to be shaped by their institutional positionality, which is their ethnic perception of “being in the world”.  相似文献   

The authors of various practitioner and scholarly documents suggest markedly contrasting understandings about the nature of “policy.” These divergent conceptions raise the question: What is at stake by understanding the nature of policy in one way as opposed to another? The purpose of this philosophical inquiry is to interrogate the nature of “policy” as it relates to music education and to question the values that do and might underlie and propagate through contrasting understandings of “policy.” Subsequently, I examine two aspects of policy, problem identification and meaning-making, that have gone largely unexplored in the arts education literature.

Using Foucault's writings, I argue that power-laden policy texts often have the greatest impact, not when they are mandated, but when they go misrecognized as common sense. I also advocate for the consistent use of the terms “policy texts” and “policy actions,” including as an alternative to the imbalanced designations of “soft policies” and “hard policies.” Drawing on Dewey arts educators might form “publics” around problems having consequences that they deem far-reaching, recurrent, and irreparable. Individual and collective political narratives, including what Ganz explains as “stories of self,” “stories of us,” and “stories of now,” can foster the meaningful connections necessary for forming “publics” who address pressing problems in arts education.  相似文献   

Much of the current genetic research into aggressive and violent behavior focuses on young people and might appear to offer the hope of targeted prediction and intervention. In the UK data are collected on children from various agencies and collated to produce “at risk of offending” identities used to justify intervention. Information from behavioral genetic tests could conceivably be included. Regulatory frameworks for collecting, storing and using information from DNA samples differ between the health service and the police particularly in the need for consent and the treatment of children. This paper draws on discussions with professionals involved with “problem” young people to consider their views on the utility of genetic research for tackling violent/aggressive behavior and the impact an identification of genetic susceptibility might have on their clients.  相似文献   

Elements of behavior under natural conditions, their duration, and frequency are described in three age groups of belugas calves: newborn, one-month-old, and two-month-old. The quantitative and qualitative indices of the recognized behavioral elements allowed us to evaluate the mother-infant contacts and to analyze their dynamics during calf growth. The most common calf positions relative to the mother during this period were “at the cow’s tail” and “at the cow’s side.” The importance of behavioral responses of calf for the development of social behavior in adult animals is emphasized.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of low-level lead exposure on children's behavior within a natural setting, we assessed the school performance of a sample of 141 elementary school children classified according to dentine lead level. Twenty-two children had “elevated” levels (≥20 parts per million), 71 had “midrange” levels (10.0–19.9 parts per million), and 48 had “low” levels (<10 parts per million). Four types of outcome data were collected: (1) scores on a standardized group intelligence test, (2) teachers' ratings, (3) incidence of academic failure (assignment to remedial aid, grade retention), and (4) observations of classroom behavior. In general, higher dentine lead levels were associated with less favorable school performance, with most covariance-adjustedp-values in the range of 0.05–0.15. The incidence of grade retention was the outcome most strongly related to lead level. The pattern of results suggests a consistent, though weak relationship between children's dentine lead levels and elementary school performance.  相似文献   

The tradition of felt-making today is closely associated with nomadic peoples. The archaeological remains of felt are sparse. Sizable fragments have been recovered from graves at Pazyryk and Noin Ula. Designs from felt occur in other arts, spanning a longer time frame that makes reconstructing a tentative history of felt-making possible. There is clear evidence from China expressed in ceramic designs and from felt designs on Turkish coins. Modern felts made in Hungary could be part of a very long tradition of felt-making by Central Asian nomads, or might be part of a historical “revival” of a transplanted historical tradition. There is certainly a perceived sense of identity with Central Asia that is supported by a long period of shared history.  相似文献   

Summary Cluster randomized trials in health care may involve three instead of two levels, for instance, in trials where different interventions to improve quality of care are compared. In such trials, the intervention is implemented in health care units (“clusters”) and aims at changing the behavior of health care professionals working in this unit (“subjects”), while the effects are measured at the patient level (“evaluations”). Within the generalized estimating equations approach, we derive a sample size formula that accounts for two levels of clustering: that of subjects within clusters and that of evaluations within subjects. The formula reveals that sample size is inflated, relative to a design with completely independent evaluations, by a multiplicative term that can be expressed as a product of two variance inflation factors, one that quantifies the impact of within‐subject correlation of evaluations on the variance of subject‐level means and the other that quantifies the impact of the correlation between subject‐level means on the variance of the cluster means. Power levels as predicted by the sample size formula agreed well with the simulated power for more than 10 clusters in total, when data were analyzed using bias‐corrected estimating equations for the correlation parameters in combination with the model‐based covariance estimator or the sandwich estimator with a finite sample correction.  相似文献   

Widespread omnivory in aquatic food webs has been recognized to compromise interpretation of Lindeman’s “pyramid of energy” wherein organism biomass is constrained into rigidly delineated trophic levels. A compilation of global, pre-1997 stable nitrogen isotope data for aquatic food webs produced vertical energy profiles that were ataxonomic and therefore similar to Elton’s “pyramid of numbers” which he believed to be based on size-structured feeding relationships. Further, the present secondary-analysis confirms findings from other recent data compilations in suggesting that aquatic animals in real food webs are rarely found above the fifth or sixth broadly based trophic category. Therefore, δ15N analysis of food webs permits a reconciliation between theoreticians and empiricists by assuming a middle position in estimates made of the vertical length of food webs.  相似文献   

The geochemical partitioning of trace metals in sediments is of great importance in risk assessment and remedial investigation. Selected factors that may control the partitioning behavior of Cu, Pb and Zn in non-sulfidic, estuarine sediments were examined with the use of combined sorption curve—sequential extraction analysis. This approach, which has not been previously used to examine estuarine sediments, allowed determination of sorption parameters for Cu, Pb and Zn partitioning to individual geochemical fractions. Partitioning behavior in sulfidic sediments was also determined by sequentially extracting Cu, Pb, and Zn from synthetic sulfide minerals and from natural sediment and pure quartz sand after spiking with acid-volatile sulfide (AVS). Trace metal sorption to the “carbonate” fraction (pH 5, NaOAc extraction) increased with metal loading due to saturation of sorption sites associated with the “Fe-oxide” (NH2OH·HCl extraction) and “organic” (H2O2 extraction) fractions in non-sulfidic sediments. Freundlich parameters describing sorption to the “Fe-oxide” and “organic” fractions were controlled by the sediment Fe-oxide and organic carbon content, respectively. Sequential extraction of Cu from pure CuS, AVS-spiked sediment and AVS-spiked quartz sand showed that AVS-bound Cu was quantitatively recovered in association with the “organic” fraction. However, some AVS-bound Pb and Zn were recovered by the NH2OH·HCl step (which has been previously interpreted as “Fe-oxide” bound metals) in the sequential extraction procedure used in this study. This indicates that the sequential extraction of Pb and Zn in sulfidic sediments may lead to AVS-bound metals being mistaken as Fe-oxide bound species. Caution should therefore be exercised when interpreting sequential extraction results for Pb and Zn in anoxic sediments.  相似文献   

The mathematical and statistical advances in fitting stock assessment models enabled the emergence of the paradigm of “integrated analysis”, which fits all available data to a single model of population dynamics that traditionally has total catch as the only forcing function of the system. This approach, however, allowed us to include, in a flexible way, the effect of hydrological regime as an additional forcing function. We tried to achieve this flexibility by making the annual recruitment rates and spawning biomass adjustable to the attributes of the hydrological cycle data. Our models showed that these attributes are influential in the population dynamics of Brycon hilarii of the Northern Pantanal, and their inclusion in the models allowed best partial fits (which considered fits only to the data components length- and age-compositions, CPUE of juveniles and adults) than the Base-case (without hydrological attributes). The best partial fits where obtained when the attributes “delay of floods” and “intensity of floods” were forcing the spawning biomass and the annual recruitment respectively, indicating that these characteristics of the population may be influenced by specific attributes of the water level. The use of integrated modeling contributed with the advancement of population ecology knowledge of rheophilic fish. It is recommended that freshwater fisheries management be integrated into the hydrology management.  相似文献   

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