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The laying of smaller replacement eggs has been described as a time-saving adaptation because chicks generally grow faster once hatched than inside the egg. However, chicks hatched from smaller eggs have, potentially, lower survival. Consequently, the smaller replacement egg represents a benefit to the female in terms of preserving its own condition at a cost to their offspring. We test these ideas by measuring adult mass changes and plasma lipid concentration changes in male and female Brünnich's guillemots Uria lomvia breeding on Coats Island, Nunavut. Though males lost more mass than females, these differences were not significant. Between laying the first and replacement egg, plasma fatty acid concentrations declined in females and increased in males, suggesting that females mobilise less lipid to preserve their condition after laying the replacement egg. In females, plasma lipid concentrations of the dominant fatty acids found in the eggs (16:0 and 18:1) declined between the laying of first and replacement eggs while plasma concentrations of 20:1 increased in both males and females. We compared the fatty acid signatures of first and replacement egg to look for evidence of differences between the lipid sources for their production. Principal component and discriminant function analyses showed that the fatty acid signatures of replacement eggs were closer to the signatures of the local prey than those of first eggs. We suggest that females rely on local sources of energy to a greater degree for the production of the replacement egg than the first egg, but that endogenous reserves of certain nutrients are important for the production of both eggs. 相似文献
We studied the behaviour of Ravens Corvus corax taking the eggs or chicks of Brunnich's Guillemots Uria lomvia at East Digges Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. We classified the characteristics of the breeding sites attacked by Ravens according to their location on the cliffs, the width of the breeding ledge, the number of adjacent rock faces and the density of nearby breeding guillemots. Ravens selectively attacked peripheral sites near the top of the occupied area, those on narrow ledges and those with few close neighbours. The risk of predation at the most vulnerable sites was more than seven times the average. For the most part, breeding success at 419 sites near the cliff top conformed to predictions based on the observations of Raven predation. However, losses observed over 3 years suggested that more eggs fall accidentally than are taken by avian predators. We concluded that the risks of predation and of accidental dislodgement both contribute to choice of nest sites by Brunnich's Guillemots. The effect of multiple close neighbours in deterring predation by Ravens may be important in determining the density of guillemot breeding sites within the colony. 相似文献
Although there is general consensus about the existence of senescence in vertebrates, empirical evidence of senescence in demographic parameters in wild populations is limited. Data on breeding success and survival of breeding common guillemots Uria aalge were collected over 20 years on the Isle of May (Scotland) using a pool of individuals marked as adults. Because the years of hatching of individuals were not known, we used the time (years) elapsed since first capture (TFC) as a measure of age. The use of this proxy did not create any bias in estimating senescence in the case of a linear decline, nor did it greatly decrease the power of a test for senescence. Breeding success declined significantly from 0.81 (95% CI: 0.77–0.84) to 0.62 (0.54–0.68) over the study period. It also varied in relation to age, initially increasing (from 0.62 (0.54–0.68) at TFC of 0 year to 0.76 (0.73–0.79) at TFC of 9 years) up to a plateau (from TFC of 9 years with 0.76 (0.73–0.79) until TFC of 13 years with 0.77 (0.74–0.79) before declining in later life to 0.70 (0.61–0.78) at TFC of 19 years). Survival was generally high and varied significantly from year to year. It also declined with TFC: survival of birds marked in 1982 decreased from 0.92 (0.85–0.96) at a TFC of 0 year to 0.88 (0.82–0.92) at a TFC of 19 years. Resighting probabilities also declined with TFC suggesting that the oldest birds do not come back to the colony to breed as regularly as younger individuals. These findings indicate that individual common guillemots on the Isle of May showed both actuarial and reproductive senescence. 相似文献
In 1991–1993 we studied the body mass change of adult Common Terns Sterna hirundo breeding on the German North Sea coast. In each year females' body mass increase prior to laying was very similar (about 5.4 g day -1). This mass increase resulted in an average body mass of about 175 g on the day of egg-laying. In 1992 and 1993 the females' body mass decreased significantly during incubation, while males' body mass was constant. In 1991, however, neither sex showed a decrease in body mass while incubating. In all years, incubating females and males were heavier than chick-rearing parents. This difference was not caused by higher mass in early incubation, because males and females were still significantly heavier in the last week of incubation than in the first week of chick-rearing. Decreasing mass during incubation and the low body masses during chick-rearing are considerd to be stress induced rather than an adaptive strategy to lower flight costs. The decrease in female body mass during incubation in 1992 and 1993 and the lower body mass of males in these years could be related to less favourable foraging conditions compared to 1991, when both males and females showed the highest average body mass values of the 3 years. 相似文献
Many seabirds exhibit high natal philopatry despite their extreme dispersal ability and delayed reproduction, and some exhibit phenotypic clustering in colonies and fostering or adoption of neighbouring chicks. Previous investigations of kinship in a small thick‐billed murre colony Uria lomvia (Alcidae) in Norway revealed high relatedness among breeders on cliff ledges. To investigate the presence of kin groups and within‐colony genetic sub‐structuring elsewhere, we investigated kinship within a larger murre colony on Coats Island, Nunavut, Canada. Morphological (five characters) and genetic data (five microsatellite loci and a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene) were analysed. Strong morphological differentiation was found among ledges. Genetic structuring was overall weak but significant at the coarse scale for males among ledges and on the east vs. the west side of the colony. Global spatial autocorrelation analyses did not detect consistent, widespread spatial patterns, although local 2D analyses provided some evidence of a tendency for larger neighbourhood sizes for females and a broad range of small to large neighbourhoods for males. Average within‐ledge relatedness was low overall, but ranged widely from slightly unrelated to greater than the level of cousins in both sexes. Kin‐level relationships occurred on ledges more frequently for same‐sex groups than expected by chance, suggesting that recruiting breeders (especially females) avoid or are unable to settle directly adjacent to relatives particularly of the opposite sex. Behavioural studies of natal dispersal of murres at Coats I. indicating that both sexes are highly philopatric, but that up to one‐fifth of females may disperse, are concordant with this study. Overall, structuring was weaker than in Norway, and may be explained in part by genetic marker and sampling artifacts, and by the lack of genetic equilibrium suspected in the much larger Canadian Arctic colony. Natal philopatry may be an important factor driving the diversification of seabirds and kin groups in other colonies and species and may be more widespread than is currently acknowledged. 相似文献
Some aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in noninfested thick-billed murres ( Uria lomvia) and those infested with the tapeworm Alcataenia armillaris (Cestoda: Dilepididae) are reported. The findings demonstrate that the intestinal invasion by A. armillaris causes a drop in the activity of digestive enzymes (glycosidases and sacharase) and decreases blood glucose levels and glycogen content in the liver. The main reasons underlying changes in avian carbohydrate metabolism in cestode invasion are suggested. 相似文献
We analysed female body mass change, corrected by tarsus length (body condition) in tawny pipits Anthus campestris during the nesting period in a population subject to high nest predation rates (between 70 and 85%), which leads to the need
for replacement clutches. Decrease in female body condition over the nesting stage (6.8 g, around 27% of the initial mass
during the whole nesting process) was related to laying date, clutch size and nesting period (incubation and nestling phases).
Data from recaptured females indicated a decrease during each of the three nesting phases considered (the last days of incubation
and first and last days of the nestling phase), with body mass always being higher in the first of the two measurements taken
in each of these phases. The observation of a continuous decrease in body condition during the last days of incubation and
first and last days of the nestling phase does not support the programmed anorexia hypothesis, but adjusts well to predictions
of the stress hypothesis. These results suggest that the costs accumulated during the entire nesting stage in ground passerines
subjected to high nest predation rates are linked to a superimposed effect of the cost of replacement clutches. 相似文献
Huddling is the key energy-saving mechanism for emperor penguins to endure their 4-mo incubation fast during the Antarctic winter, but the underlying physiological mechanisms of this energy saving have remained elusive. The question is whether their deep body (core) temperature may drop in association with energy sparing, taking into account that successful egg incubation requires a temperature of about 36 degrees C and that ambient temperatures of up to 37.5 degrees C may be reached within tight huddles. Using data loggers implanted into five unrestrained breeding males, we present here the first data on body temperature changes throughout the breeding cycle of emperor penguins, with particular emphasis on huddling bouts. During the pairing period, core temperature decreased progressively from 37.5 +/- 0.4 degrees C to 36.5 +/- 0.3 degrees C, associated with a significant temperature drop of 0.5 +/- 0.3 degrees C during huddling. In case of egg loss, body temperature continued to decrease to 35.5 +/- 0.4 degrees C, with a further 0.9 degrees C decrease during huddling. By contrast, a constant core temperature of 36.9 +/- 0.2 degrees C was maintained during successful incubation, even during huddling, suggesting a trade-off between the demands for successful egg incubation and energy saving. However, such a limited drop in body temperature cannot explain the observed energy savings of breeding emperor penguins. Furthermore, we never observed any signs of hyperthermia in huddling birds that were exposed to ambient temperatures as high as above 35 degrees C. We suggest that the energy savings of huddling birds is due to a metabolic depression, the extent of which depends on a reduction of body surface areas exposed to cold. 相似文献
Body mass (BM) was recorded regularly during pregnancy in four female Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus). Daily food intakes were recorded for each animal before and after parturition. BM increase occurred variably between 2 and 5 months of gestation, and at parturition mass increases averaged 41.2% of initial prepregnancy mass. Changes in mass can thus be used as an early indicator of pregnancy. During the 12 months of pregnancy, no significant changes occurred in the amount of food ingested compared with previous years. Daily food intake during lactation (X = 13.2 kg, 8% of BM) proved significantly higher ( P < 0.001) than during pregnancy (X = 8.7 kg, 5.2% of BM). 相似文献
The fate of all eggs laid by Guillemots Uria aalge in seven study areas on the Isle of May was recorded in 12 consecutive seasons. The average success at each site was related to its physical characteristics, bird density, position on the cliff and availability of suitable habitat for ticks. The numbers of neighbours and walls, type of site, slope where the egg was incubated and distance from the top of the cliff all had a significant effect on both hatching and breeding success. Potential tick habitat had no significant effect. Much variation in hatching and breeding success remained unexplained. Sites used when the colony was less than half its current size and most frequently in the period 1984–1995 were the most successful. Since an average Guillemot pair remains together at a site for only 3–4 years. the consistently high success of many sites over a period of 10–12 years suggests that the most used sites were occupied by a succession of high-quality birds. 相似文献
During the course of this 12 year field study body masses of 11 hatchling echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus multiaculeatus) and 25 pouch young between the ages of 5 and 60 days were recorded. Body mass increased from 0.3 to approximately 50 g in the first half of pouch life. It then quadrupled before young were placed in a burrow at 45 to 55 days of age. There was a positive correlation between the body mass of the female and that of her young at weaning. From 33 subadult echidnas located, tagged and radio tracked during this study, body masses of 10 were monitored to sexual maturity, i.e. when first encountered in a courtship train. Minimum age of sexual maturity ranged between 5 and 12 years. As subadults, there was no difference between mean body masses of males and females. At sexual maturity, mean body mass of females was significantly higher. No correlation was found between age at sexual maturity and body mass nor was there a significant difference in age of males and females at sexual maturity. 相似文献
The difference in the reproductive performance of males and females of the Bull-headed Shrike ( Lanius bucephalus) according to age class, i.e. yearling and adult, was studied, and the age-related difference was examined according to parental
feeding behavior. The clutch initiation date was not affected by the age class. Females that paired with an adult male laid
more eggs per clutch than those paired with a yearling male. The age class of males affected the mass of nestlings at 6 days
old, and the age class of females affected the mass of nestlings at 12 days old. The effects of the age of either parent independently
were observed at different breeding stages. A change in the degree of nestling feeding peformed by the male and female parents
occurred at some point between when the broods were 6 days and 12 days old. It is likely that this caused an effect of age
at different stages of the breeding cycle. The effects of the age of the male parent are consistent with accounts of age-related
reproduction in raptors where males provide resources to offspring. Individual improvements in foraging skills and/or courtship
feeding rate are suggested to be possible explanations.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Reproductive success increases with age in many species, however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear and several hypotheses have been proposed to explain age‐related improvements in reproductive output. In this contribution we investigated the effects of age, recruitment age, breeding experience and sex on reproductive performance during the early breeding career in the common tern Sterna hirundo using long‐term individual‐based data. We used measurements of performance, which spanned the entire breeding process: clutch size, hatching success, fledging success and fledglings per pair. Longitudinal analyses within individuals showed a clear increase with age in all performance measures. Furthermore, a significant change in reproductive performance was found between first time‐ and experienced breeders. Recruitment age had a strong influence on hatching and fledging success: two‐year‐old recruits had significantly lower reproductive success than birds which recruited at older ages, but the increase in breeding performance with experience was stronger in young recruits. Comparing age and experience effects, age effects were more pronounced during the first breeding attempts, whereas experience effects were also visible in subsequent breeding attempts. The degree of intra‐individual improvements in reproductive performance is due to a complex interplay of age at first breeding and experience. The results strongly support the constraint hypothesis. 相似文献
Feeding and fat storage entail both costs and benefits. Benefitsinclude minimizing the risk of starvation; costs include mass-dependentcosts of locomotion and predation risk. An understanding ofthese costs and benefits is relevant not only to explanationsof foraging patterns and fat storage, but to hoarding decisions,migration strategies, and population dynamics. Despite predictionsfrom theoretical models, empirical tests of the assumptionsand predictions of models have been tested only recently. However,published experiments on the effects of unpredictability haveoften confounded manipulations of mean, variability, and predictabilityof the food supply, all of which are predicted to affect foragingintensity and fat storage. In experiments on European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, we manipulated the predictability of thefood supply while holding the mean and average variabilityconstant. We did this in conjunction with manipulation of overnightenergy expenditure via simulated nocturnal wind exposure. Bothgreater unpredictability of food availability and higher overnightenergy expenditure increased daily mass gain and dusk (leanand fat) mass, but in a purely additive fashion. Dawn massonly changed in response to predictability, not overnight energyexpenditure. By introducing a probe day, with identical feedingexperience for all treatments, we ascertained that the responseto predictability was based on experience integrated over morethan a single day. 相似文献
IntroductionAn increased body mass index (BMI) (>25 kg/m2) is associated with a wide range of electrocardiographic changes. However, the association between electrocardiographic changes and BMI in healthy young individuals with a normal BMI (18.5–25 kg/m2) is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI and electrocardiographic parameters. MethodsData from 1,290 volunteers aged 18 to 30 years collected at our centre were analysed. Only subjects considered healthy by a physician after review of collected data with a normal BMI and in sinus rhythm were included in the analysis. Subjects with a normal BMI (18.5–25 kg/m2) were divided into BMI quartiles analysis and a backward multivariate regression analysis with a normal BMI as a continuous variable was performed. ResultsMean age was 22.7 ± 3.0 years, mean BMI was 22.0, and 73.4% were male. There were significant differences between the BMI quartiles in terms of maximum P-wave duration, P-wave balance, total P-wave area in lead V1, PR-interval duration, and heart axis. In the multivariate model maximum P-wave duration (standardised coefficient (SC) = +0.112, P < 0.001), P-wave balance in lead V1 (SC = +0.072, P < 0.001), heart axis (SC = −0.164, P < 0.001), and Sokolow-Lyon voltage (SC = −0.097, P < 0.001) were independently associated with BMI. ConclusionIncreased BMI was related with discrete electrocardiographic alterations including an increased P-wave duration, increased P-wave balance, a leftward shift of the heart axis, and decreased Sokolow-Lyon voltage on a standard twelve lead electrocardiogram in healthy young individuals with a normal BMI. 相似文献