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Rugose corals belonging to the orders Metriophyllina, Stereolasmatina and Plerophyllina have been identified in the upper member of the Picos de Europa Formation (Moscovian). Corals occur in crinoidal limestones containing common bryozoans. The coral assemblage shows a high diversity. Mode of preservation and spatial distribution of corals demonstrate close relationships with biogenic components such as crinoids, bryozoans, brachiopods and bivalves. The morphology of corals provides valuable data for identifying their life strategies, four of which have been identified: liberosessile with straight growth, liberosessile with curved growth, fixosessile with straight growth and fixosessile with curved growth. Most corals from the Picos de Europa Formation appear to have been fixosessile with straight growth; they attached themselves to bioclasts and subsequently developed radiciform processes (mainly talons) to remain straight.  相似文献   

Question: Is there a critical depth of burial by sand beyond which species and communities fail to recover, and does repeated incremental burial have a greater impact than a single large deposition? Location: The machair on the calcareous sand dunes on South Uist, in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, UK. Methods: Eight turves were collected from each of four machair sub‐community types. After acclimatization in an unheated polythene tunnel, they were buried with sterilized machair shell sand, either by one single burial to 5 cm or by five applications of 1 cm of sand at approximately seven‐week intervals. Species response was recorded on five occasions. Results: Within machair sub‐communities, burial by sand reduced the abundance (local rooted frequency) of plants more than it reduced species richness. Intermittent burial was more damaging than a single burial event. Those species with the highest pre‐burial frequencies tended to dominate recovery in the sub‐community as a whole. Species occurring across all four sub‐community types exhibited varying responses to community burial between the differing types. Samples from slack sub‐communities had distinctly different response characteristics from those of foredunes and unploughed and three‐year fallow dune grassland. Conclusions: The perennial life‐form of many machair species has been evolutionarily selected for and dominates throughout the machair habitat. Account needs to be taken of competitive interaction between species in relation to burial response. The results of the investigation show that the hypotheses of Gilbertson et al. and Kent et al. on ‘machair stratification’ require refinement in that frequency of shallow burial can be as important as overall burial depth.  相似文献   

Questions: Do ordination patterns differ when based on vegetation samples recorded in plots of different size? If so, how large is the effect of plot size relative to the effects of data set heterogeneity and of using presence/absence or cover‐abundance data? Can we combine plots of different size in a single ordination? Methods: Two homogeneous and two heterogeneous data sets were sampled in Czech forests and grasslands. Cover‐abundances of plant species were recorded in series of five or six nested quadrats of increasing size (forest 49‐961 m2; grassland 1‐49 m2). Separate ordinations were computed for plots of each size for each data set, using either species presences/absences or cover‐abundances recorded on an ordinal scale. Ordination patterns were compared with Procrustean analysis. Also, ordinations of data sets jointly containing plots of different size were calculated; effects of plot size were evaluated using a Monte Carlo test in constrained ordination. Results: The results were consistent between forest and grassland data sets. In homogeneous data sets, the effect of presence/absence vs. cover‐abundance was similar to, or larger than, the effect of plot size; for presence/absence data the differences between ordinations of differently sized plots were smaller than for cover‐abundance data. In heterogeneous data sets, the effect of plot size was larger than the effect of presence‐absence vs. cover‐abundance. The plots of smaller size (= 100 m2 in forests, = 4 m2 in grasslands) yielded the most deviating ordination patterns. Joint ordinations of differently sized plots mostly did not yield patterns that would be artifacts of different plot size, except for plots from the homogeneous data sets that differed in size by a factor of four or higher. Conclusions: Variation in plot size does influence ordination patterns. Smaller plots tend to produce less stable ordination patterns, especially in data sets with low ß‐diversity and species cover‐abundances. Data sets containing samples from plots of different sizes can be used for ordination if they represent vegetation with large ß‐diversity. However, if data sets are homogeneous, i.e. with low ß‐diversity, the differences in plot sizes should not be very large, in order to avoid the danger of plot size differences distorting the real vegetation differentiation in ordination patterns.  相似文献   

Question: Can spatial analytical techniques be used to extract quantitative measurements of vegetation communities from ground‐based permanent photo‐point images? Location: Mount Aspiring National Park, south‐western South Island, New Zealand. Methods: Sets of ground‐based photographs representing two contrasting vegetation types were selected to test two spatial analytical techniques. In the grid technique, a grid was superimposed onto the photographs and the frequency of species presence in each grid‐square was calculated to estimate species abundance/cover over the defined area. In the object‐oriented technique, the photographs were segmented into meaningful objects, based on the colour of the pixels and the textural patterns of the images, and the area occupied by an object in the image was used to derive species abundance/cover over the area. Results: Both techniques allow quick and easy classification of digital elements into ecologically relevant categories of vegetation components. The grid technique appeared more robust, being quick and efficient, accommodating all image types and providing presence/absence matrices for multivariate analysis. Fewer classes were identified using the object‐oriented technique, in particular for the forest interior site and for small individual plants such as Astelia spp. Conclusions: Both techniques showed potential for the objective quantitative analysis of long‐term vegetation monitoring of cover and changes of several component species, using repeat ground‐based photographs more specifically for grassland habitats. However, both rely to various degrees on manual classification. Corrective factors and strict protocols for taking the photographs are necessary to account for variation in view angles and to compute values more representative of absolute species abundance.  相似文献   

Thesium hispanicum is a newly described species, stenoendemic for the area of the mountains Picos de Europa in north Spain. It is the westernmost representative of the seriesMicrantha, distributed in several species from beyond Transcaucasian and Turkish Kurdistan over the whole northern portion of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

A recently erected species of Saxifraga (section Porphyrion ) endemic to the Picos de Europa (Cordillera Cantábrica) is described and illustrated. S. felineri P. Vargas resembles S. aretioides and S. ferdinandi-coburgi , although the habit and leaf shape are the main characters which support its identity. The taxonomic relationships of the three species are discussed, as well as aspects of the distribution and ecology of S. felineri.  相似文献   

The first Carboniferous conodonts studied from the Cares river section correspond to fifteen species and one subspecies from seven genera, some of them reported from the Picos de Europa Unit for the first time. The conodonts belong to several zones between the upper Tournaisian and the upper Serpukhovian-lower Bashkirian. Furthermore, the species Idiognathodus incurvus Dunn is reported for the first time in the Cantabrian Mountains and southern Europe, from upper Bashkirian or lower Moscovian beds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The butterfly assemblages of three vegetation types (pasture, heathland and rocky outcrop with Genista spp.) and two geographical orientations (a northern slope and a sheltered gorge) were studied along an altitudinal gradient in the Picos de Europa in northern Spain. In order to study the effects or historical climatic changes on current butterfly assemblages, it was examined if changes in richness and faunal composition of assemblages were joined with changes in their biogeographical composition. The three vegetation types showed characteristic butterfly assemblages, but no difference in species richness and biogeographical composition was found. Species richness in the sheltered gorge was higher than in the northern slope. Faunal composition also varied between orientations and there were more widespread and Mediterranean species in the sheltered gorge than in the northern slope. Species richness declined with increasing altitude, though a midaltitudinal peak was observed. There was a faunal segregation between high and low localities. Species richness of widespread and Mediterranean butterflies decreased as altitude increased, whereas the reverse was true for montane species. Moreover, biogeographical elements differed in their climatic tolerances measured as altitudinal ranges. Therefore, changes in richness and composition of butterfly assemblages between both slopes and along the altitudinal gradient were joined in part with variation in their biogeographical composition. These results suggest that current species richness and composition of butterfly assemblages in the Picos de Europa might be the consequence of differential colonization of refuges during the past climatic changes.  相似文献   

A key task for native grassland managers is to assess when biomass reduction is necessary to maintain plant and animal diversity. This requires managers to monitor grassland structure. Parks Victoria and La Trobe University developed a method for rapid assessment of grassland structure using golf balls. Baker‐Gabb et al. (Ecological Management & Restoration, 17, 2016, p235) provide an example of where the method has been used to manage grassland structure to favour an endangered bird, the Plains‐wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus). In this study, we provide further critical analysis of the method using three data sets collected across different parts of Victoria that relate golf ball scores to various habitat attributes. We demonstrate how the golf ball score provides a good surrogate for key aspects of grassland structure. We show that the method does not provide a reliable surrogate for above‐ground biomass or vegetation cover, although we discuss how biomass and cover are not particularly good indicators of grassland structure. We argue that elements of grassland structure may be better correlated with desired conservation outcomes (e.g. plant species diversity or the presence of a particular species) than biomass or cover alone. We discuss examples of how the golf ball method has been used, and how it can be improved. The method will be particularly useful where a link can be demonstrated between golf ball scores and desired conservation outcomes, such as in the case of the Plains‐wanderer.  相似文献   

Question: How do various plant functional groups and types are related to regeneration of limestone grasslands and to temporal changes in cover of trees and shrubs? Which mechanisms are responsible for changes in differently treated grasslands? Location: Southern Poland, 50° 01'N, 19° 50'E. Methods: A 12‐year restoration experiment after the clearing of a 35‐yr‐old secondary pine wood developed on limestone grassland, and a parallel observation of succession in neighbouring abandoned grassland were carried out. Changes in cover of species with different functional traits and established strategies in relation to time and cover of shrub layer were analysed using multiple linear regression. Results: Over 12 years the composition and cover of species changed in the studied grasslands, but significant differences still occurred between the old grassland and the grassland restored in former wood gaps and that developed in former closed wood. Despite the very close proximity of the old grassland, the composition of restored grasslands was still much determined by initial conditions. In these grasslands, the cover of Festuco‐Brometea species was significantly lower than in the old grassland. In all sites, the cover of species with large leaves and with leaves distributed regularly along the stem, and the cover of CS strategists increased. With increasing shrub cover in restored grasslands, the cover of annuals and biennials, tall species, and R and CS strategists decreased. Conclusions: Limited availability of seeds seems the principal reason for the weak regeneration of xerothermic limestone grasslands. Trees and shrubs inhibit the developed of both early successional species and perennials occurring in established communities. They significantly hinder regeneration of grasslands and should be cut every five or six years.  相似文献   

Question: Does increasing Festuca canopy cover reduce plant species richness and, therefore, alter plant community composition and the relationship of litter to species richness in old‐field grassland? Location: Southeastern Oklahoma, USA. Methods: Canopy cover by species, species richness, and litter mass were collected within an old‐field grassland site on 16, 40 m × 40 m plots. Our study was conducted during the first three years of a long‐term study that investigated the effects of low‐level nitrogen enrichment and small mammal herbivory manipulations. Results: Succession was altered by an increase in abundance of Festuca over the 3‐yr study period. Species richness did not decline with litter accumulation. Instead, Festuca increased most on species‐poor plots, and Festuca abundance remained low on species‐rich plots. Conclusions: Festuca may act as an invasive transformer‐species in warm‐season dominated old‐field grasslands, a phenomenon associated more with invasions of cool‐season grasses at higher latitudes in North America.  相似文献   

In agricultural landscapes, the longleaf pine initiative (LLPI) and the Bobwhite Quail Initiative (BQI) aim to restore longleaf pine forests and early successional habitats, respectively. The early stage of longleaf pine stands and grass and forb vegetation produced by a combination of both restoration programs (LLPI‐BQI) may form habitat conditions favorable to early successional bird species and other birds, increasing avian diversity. We investigated how the LLPI and BQI programs affected taxonomic and functional diversity of birds and abundance of early successional birds (grassland and scrub/shrub species), and what environmental characteristics were associated with the diversity and abundance of birds. Our study was performed at 41 fields in Georgia, United States, during 2001–2002 by considering environmental characteristics at two spatial scales: local‐scale vegetation features and restoration program type (LLPI or LLPI‐BQI) and landscape‐scale vegetation features and landscape heterogeneity. Functional evenness, species richness, and abundance of grassland and scrub/shrub species did not show a clear association with local‐ or landscape‐scale variables. Shannon‐Wiener diversity was slightly influenced by restoration program type (local‐scale variable) with higher value at LLPI‐BQI stands than at LLPI stands despite no significant differences in local vegetation features between those stands. Functional divergence was strongly positively associated with landscape‐scale variables. That is, niche differentiation increased with increasing shrub coverage within a landscape, reducing competition between abundant bird species and others. Our results suggest that although a combination of BQI and LLPI program may have a positive effect on avian taxonomic diversity, it is important to consider shrub vegetation cover within a landscape to improve functional diversity.  相似文献   

The diversity of marine macrophytes of small islands in the South Western Indian Ocean region has been poorly documented and little or no information is available for the Iles Eparses (or Scattered Islands) in the Mozambique Channel. We present the first species checklist for the three largest islands of the Iles Eparses: Europa, Juan de Nova and Glorioso. Overall, with a total of 321 marine macrophyte species recorded (incl. 56% Rhodophyta, 27% Chlorophyta, 15% Phaeophyceae and 2% Magnoliophyta; Europa: 134 spp., Juan de Nova: 157 spp. and Glorioso: 170 spp.) these islands harbour 23.5% of the total species recorded for the Mozambique Channel region. We report 36 new records for the Mozambique Channel including 29 undescribed new and cryptic species. Our results highlight a decrease in species richness southward in the Channel. Because of their longitudinal arrangement between the northern and the southern ends of the Channel and their central position, Europa, Juan de Nova and Glorioso Islands represent data points of particular biogeographical interest and could be critical ‘stepping stones’ for connectivity in the highly dynamic Mozambique Channel region.  相似文献   

New sedimentological and paleontological information on the uppermost Moscovian and Kasimovian strata of the Las Llacerias section, a succession exposed in the Picos de Europa region (Cantabrian Mountains) that is considered to bear interest for the global correlation of the Upper Pennsylvanian subsystem, are presented. Based on sedimentological studies, three stratigraphic intervals can be established which record three successive episodes in the evolution of the carbonate platform. The study of the environmental evolution and sea-level fluctuations, as well as biostratigraphic fusulinoidean information, allow the correlation of this section with the synorogenic deposits of the Gamonedo-Cabrales area (northern Picos de Europa region). It is recognized that in the Las Llacerias strata, 7 of the 11 depositional sequences of the latter area are represented. The taxonomy and distribution of smaller foraminifers, a fossil group never studied before in this section, have been analysed. Data obtained show the presence of, at least, 30 genera. In some cases (Syzrania aff. bulbosa, Tezaquina, Mesolasiodiscus, Pseudotaxis and Hemidiscus), their record in the Las Llacerias section significantly extends the stratigraphic genus or species range. The potential role of Protonodosaria and Nodosinelloides species, as well as the acme of Hemigordius schlumbergeri for the correlation of the Kasimovian deposits is reinforced within this study.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the litter layer of Pteridium aquilinum (bracken) act as a barrier to certain species in the seed bank? Does bracken control/restoration treatment affect seed transfer through the litter layer? Location: Five experiments at three sites across the UK covering two major vegetation types; acid‐grassland and heath‐land. Methods: At each experiment a range of bracken control and vegetation restoration treatments were applied for about ten years. The seed bank was sampled in both the bracken litter and the soil. The cover (%) of each species in the vegetation and the bracken litter abundance (cover and depth) was also estimated. Results: The bracken litter layer acts as an inert barrier as it contained a large proportion of seeds available in the litter‐soil profile (38%– 67% of the total). Bracken litter depth and cover also influenced significantly the seed bank composition in both the bracken litter and the soil. These effects were site‐specific, and species‐specific. The application of treatments changed significantly the balance between seed inputs and outputs in the bracken litter layer for some species. This was either a positive or negative response relative to the untreated control plots. Conclusion: For heathland and acid‐grassland restoration, the bracken litter layer may be an important seed source, but it must be disturbed particularly before seed addition.  相似文献   

Agriculture intensification has drastically altered farmland mosaics, while semi-natural grasslands have been considerably reduced and fragmented. Bird declines in northern temperate latitudes are attributed to habitat loss and degradation in farmed landscapes. Conversely, landscape-modification effects on grassland/farmland bird communities are less studied in the South American temperate grasslands. We investigated how bird communities were influenced by landscape characteristics in the Rolling Pampa (Argentina). We sampled bird communities in 356 landscapes of 1-km radius that varied in cover and configuration of pastureland, flooding grassland and cropland. Using generalized linear models, we explored the relationship between both bird species richness and abundance, and landscape structure. Analyses were carried out for all species, and open-habitat, grassland and aquatic species. Pasture area was far the most important factor, followed by landscape composition, in predicting species richness and abundance, irrespective of specific habitat preferences, followed by partially-flooded grassland cover and its mean shape index. Grassland fragmentation did not affect species richness or abundance. When comparing the effects of landscape variables on bird richness and abundance (using mean model coefficients), pasture and grassland area effects were on average more than four times greater than those of compositional heterogeneity, and about ten times greater than shape effects. To conserve species-rich bird communities persisting in Rolling Pampa farmland, we recommend the preservation of pasture and grassland habitats, irrespective of their fragmentation level, in intensively managed farmland mosaics.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the variability in abundance of lichens on grassland soil between and within fields after prescribed fire? Is post‐fire lichen abundance an effect of pre‐fire population size? Location: Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota, USA. Methods: Lichen abundance, estimated as ground cover and dominated by Cladonia spp., was mapped in plots in two fields before prescribed burning on 06.10.2003 and 15.10.2003 for the first time since abandonment in the 1950s. The plots were resurveyed one year post‐fire. Results: Post‐fire cover of Cladonia spp. varied strongly between the fields, most likely due to different weather conditions between the burn events, which resulted in different fire intensities, one of low and one of high intensity. In the field that experienced the low intensity fire, post‐fire cover of Cladonia spp. was still relatively high, and showed a positive relationship with pre‐fire cover, while no such relationship was found after the high intensity fire. In that field Cladonia spp. experienced high mortality rates irrespective of pre‐fire cover. Conclusions: This study provides an example of how species response to disturbance can be a function of population size, but that this relationship can be non‐linear; lichens in grassland can survive a low intensity fire proportionally to pre‐fire population size, but experience high mortality rates above a fire intensity threshold. The applications of these results are that fire intensity matters to species response to prescribed fire, and that the persistence of climax lichen communities and biodiversity in the study system needs a broad range of fire intervals.  相似文献   

Question: What are the effects of fire on the structure and the diversity of a Spartina ar gentinensis tall grassland in the short and medium run. S. argentinensis is the dominant species of tall grasslands on inland marshes of the Chaco‐Pampean region (Argentina), where spontaneous or man‐made fires are very frequent. Location: Federico Wildermuth Reserve (31°57′S; 61°23′W), Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, an area never ploughed that supported cattle until its exclusion in 1988. Methods: Vegetation was surveyed in randomly placed permanent plots using the Braun‐Blanquet cover‐abundance scale. The data were analysed by multivariate methods (PCA and MRPP) for synthesizing information and testing hypotheses. Results: Fire did not have a long‐lasting effect on the tall grassland. There was only a temporarily reduction of cover‐abundance of S. argentinensis which allowed an increase in the number of accompanying species such as Heliotropium curassavicum, Pluchea sagittalis, and Verbena litoralis and of some naturalised or weed species, such as Melilotus alba and Cirsium vulgare, respectively. Fire increased diversity, which remained relatively high for two to three years. Three years after the fire there were no significant differences on the amount of litter accumulated on burned and unburned plots. Conclusion: Fire should be considered an intrinsic part of the dynamics of S. argentinensis tall grassland.  相似文献   

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