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Many large marine vertebrates are today threatened by human activities and it is therefore crucial to obtain information on their distribution and behaviour at sea. In particular little is known about the time necessary for juveniles to acquire the foraging skills of adults. We tracked 13 juvenile wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans by satellite telemetry during their first year at sea. They covered an average distance of 184,000 km during the first year and restricted their dispersal to the unproductive waters of the subtropical Indian Ocean and Tasman Sea. This region of low wind velocities does not overlap with the foraging areas used by adults. After an innate phase of rapid dispersal with a fixed flight direction, young birds progressively increased their daily flight distances and attained adult flight efficiency within their first six months at sea. The complete overlap of the juveniles' foraging ranges with major long-line fisheries in the subtropical waters constitutes a major threat that could jeopardize the long term recovery ability of populations of the endangered wandering albatross in the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Early life is a critical phase of the life cycle of animals and is attracting increased attention because little information is available on the behaviour of young individuals during this period. Behaviour during early life is probably influenced by the environmental conditions encountered by young animals, but data on intraspecific variation between breeding sites during this crucial period of life are limited. Here we study variability in the foraging behaviour of juveniles and adults in three colonies of a pantropical seabird, the Red-footed Booby Sula sula. Both adults and juveniles were measured and fitted with GPS loggers in three remote islands: Genovesa (Galapagos, Eastern Pacific Ocean), Europa (Western Indian Ocean) and Surprise (New Caledonia, Western Pacific Ocean). Foraging behaviour was compared between age-classes, sex and colonies by examining trip characteristics, different behaviours at sea, potential associations between individuals and morphological characteristics. Compared with adults, juveniles conducted shorter trips that were restricted to around the colony, especially on Genovesa (max. range: 203.4 ± 125.1 km and 3.6 ± 3.1 km, respectively). Juveniles appeared more constrained by poor flight skills and experience rather than by their morphology. Adults travelled 45% of the time during at-sea trips, whereas juveniles spent a a lower proportion of time travelling but foraged more often using an area-restricted search’ behaviour, potentially training to catch prey. Associations between juveniles were commonly detected in the three colonies and occurred mostly during foraging, suggesting that social learning is an important strategy. Variability of morphometric measurements in both adults and juveniles was high between sites, with larger birds found on Genovesa. These results suggest that adaptations to local environmental conditions are already visible in their early life. Future studies should continue to investigate the behavioural flexibility of juvenile birds to better understand the effect of local environmental conditions during this critical stage of life.  相似文献   

Migratory behavior varies extensively between bird taxa, from long distance migration to purely sedentary behavior. Variability in migratory behavior also occurs within taxa, where individuals within some species, or even populations, show mixed strategies. The same variability occurs in seabird species. We examined the migratory behavior of distinct populations of great frigatebirds Fregata minor in three distant oceanographic basins. Great frigatebird populations showed extensive variation in post‐breeding migratory behavior. Birds from Europa Island (Mozambique Channel) made long‐distance migration to numerous distinct roosting sites in the Indian Ocean, New Caledonia birds made shorter distance migrations to roosting sites in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, and Galapagos birds were resident within the archipelago year round. Juvenile birds from Europa Is. and New Caledonia dispersed widely whereas Galapagos juveniles were resident year round. The migratory behavior of Europa Is. and New Caledonia resulted in complete separation of foraging grounds between breeding adults, non‐breeding adults, and juveniles, whereas in the Galapagos the overlap was complete. We suggest that population variability in migratory behavior may have arisen because of different environmental conditions at sea, and also depends on the availability of suitable roosting sites on oceanic islands. The results also highlight the capacity of frigatebirds to remain airborne most of the time even outside the breeding season when they have to molt.  相似文献   

Most studies concerning the foraging ecology of marine vertebrates are limited to breeding adults, although other life history stages might comprise half the total population. For penguins, little is known about juvenile dispersal, a period when individuals may be susceptible to increased mortality given their naïve foraging behaviour. Therefore, we used satellite telemetry to study king penguin fledglings (n = 18) from two sites in the Southwest Atlantic in December 2007. The two sites differed with respect to climate and proximity to the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), a key oceanographic feature generally thought to be important for king penguin foraging success. Accordingly, birds from both sites foraged predominantly in the vicinity of the APF. Eight king penguins were tracked for periods greater than 120 days; seven of these (three from the Falkland Islands and four from South Georgia) migrated into the Pacific. Only one bird from the Falkland Islands moved into the Indian Ocean, visiting the northern limit of the winter pack-ice. Three others from the Falkland Islands migrated to the eastern coast of Tierra del Fuego before travelling south. Derived tracking parameters describing their migratory behaviour showed no significant differences between sites. Nevertheless, generalized linear habitat modelling revealed that juveniles from the Falkland Islands spent more time in comparatively shallow waters with low sea surface temperature, sea surface height and chlorophyll variability. Birds from South Georgia spent more time in deeper waters with low sea surface temperature and sea surface height, but high concentrations of chlorophyll. Our results indicate that inexperienced king penguins, irrespective of the location of their natal site in relation to the position of the APF, develop their foraging skills progressively over time, including specific adaptations to the environment around their prospective breeding site.  相似文献   

Albatrosses are among the world's most endangered seabirds. Threats during the nonbreeding period have major impacts on their population dynamics, but for most species, detailed information on distribution and ecology remains essentially unknown. We used stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) in feathers to infer and compare the moulting (nonbreeding) habitats of 35 populations that include all the 20 species and subspecies (444 individuals) of albatrosses breeding within the Southern Ocean and in fringing subtropical waters. Isotopic values together with a review of available information show that the 20 albatrosses can be categorized into three groups depending on their favoured moulting grounds: 12 (60%) taxa forage primarily in warm neritic waters, six (30%) in northern oceanic waters and two (10%) in oceanic waters of the Southern Ocean. Stable isotopes indicate that habitat preferences during the nonbreeding period vary much less among different breeding populations in some species (wandering, Salvin's, grey‐headed and light‐mantled sooty albatrosses), than others (black‐browed, Indian yellow‐nosed and sooty albatrosses). The major finding of our isotopic investigation is that the great majority of albatrosses spend the nonbreeding period outside the Southern Ocean, with only three species (and in the sooty albatross, just one of the breeding populations) favouring oceanic subantarctic waters at that time. Hence, the study highlights the overwhelming importance of subtropical waters for albatrosses, where the birds are known to interact with human activities and are more likely to be negatively affected by the diverse range of fisheries operating in both neritic and oceanic waters.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclones are renowned for their destructive nature and are an important feature of marine and coastal tropical ecosystems. Over the last 40 years, their intensity, frequency and tracks have changed, partly in response to ocean warming, and future predictions indicate that these trends are likely to continue with potential consequences for human populations and coastal ecosystems. However, our understanding of how tropical cyclones currently affect marine biodiversity, and pelagic species in particular, is limited. For seabirds, the impacts of cyclones are known to be detrimental at breeding colonies, but impacts on the annual survival of pelagic adults and juveniles remain largely unexplored and no study has simultaneously explored the direct impacts of cyclones on different life‐history stages across the annual life cycle. We used a 20‐year data set on tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean, tracking data from 122 Round Island petrels and long‐term capture–mark–recapture data to explore the impacts of tropical cyclones on the survival of adult and juvenile (first year) petrels during both the breeding and migration periods. The tracking data showed that juvenile and adult Round Island petrels utilize the three cyclone regions of the Indian Ocean and were potentially exposed to cyclones for a substantial part of their annual cycle. However, only juvenile petrel survival was affected by cyclone activity; negatively by a strong cyclone in the vicinity of the breeding colony and positively by increasing cyclone activity in the Northern Indian Ocean where they spend the majority of their first year at sea. These contrasting effects raise the intriguing prospect that the projected changes in cyclones under current climate change scenarios may have positive as well as the more commonly perceived negative impacts on marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the top three global threats to seabirds, particularly species that visit polar regions. Arctic terns migrate between both polar regions annually and rely on productive marine areas to forage, on sea ice for rest and foraging, and prevailing winds during flight. Here, we report 21st-century trends in environmental variables affecting arctic terns at key locations along their Atlantic/Indian Ocean migratory flyway during the non-breeding seasons, identified through tracking data. End-of-century climate change projections were derived from Earth System Models and multi-model means calculated in two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: ‘middle-of-the-road’ and ‘fossil-fuelled development’ scenarios. Declines in North Atlantic primary production emerge as a major impact to arctic terns likely to affect their foraging during the 21st century under a ‘fossil-fuelled development’ scenario. Minimal changes are, however, projected at three other key regions visited by arctic terns (Benguela Upwelling, Subantarctic Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean). Southern Ocean sea ice extent is likely to decline, but the magnitude of change and potential impacts on tern survival are uncertain. Small changes (<1 m s−1) in winds are projected in both scenarios, but with minimal likely impacts on migration routes and duration. However, Southern Ocean westerlies are likely to strengthen and contract closer to the continent, which may require arctic terns to shift routes or flight strategies. Overall, we find minor effects of climate change on the migration of arctic terns, with the exception of poorer foraging in the North Atlantic. However, given that arctic terns travel over huge spatial scales and live for decades, they integrate minor changes in conditions along their migration routes such that the sum effect may be greater than the parts. Meeting carbon emission targets is vital to slow these end-of-century climatic changes and minimise extinction risk for a suite of polar species.  相似文献   

Development implies a change in allocation of resources from somatic growth to reproduction. In a highly variable environment, growth can vary from year to year thereby influencing the long‐term life history perspective. The Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) lives in a highly unpredictable marine environment in which food abundance varies not only seasonally, but also annually due to El Niño. Galapagos sea lions are restricted to a patch of cold upwelling waters surrounding the archipelago and are closely tied to land as nursing females alternate between foraging at sea and nursing ashore. Therefore, their offspring are especially vulnerable to ocean warming causing reduced food abundance. We found a significant correlation between sea surface temperature (SST) and early growth: Both mass at birth and linear growth within the first 2 mo of life correlated negatively with SST. Absolute mass gain was higher for males, but both sexes gained equally 1.9% of birth mass per day. Until the age of 3 yr male and female juveniles showed similar growth to an asymptotic mass of 40 and 35 kg, respectively. As a consequence of the highly variable environment, the plasticity in growth strategy of Galapagos sea lion juveniles appears wider than that of all other sea lions allowing them to cope with poor conditions.  相似文献   

This study tracked the movements of Australian sea lion ( Neophoca cinerea ) pups, juveniles, and adult females to identify home ranges and determine if young sea lions accompanied their mothers at sea. Satellite tags were deployed on nine 15-mo-old pups, nine 23-mo-old juveniles, and twenty-nine adult female Australian sea lions at Seal Bay Conservation Park, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Females did not travel with their offspring at sea, suggesting young Australian sea lions learn foraging behaviors independently. Although home ranges increased with age, 23-mo-old juveniles had not developed adult movement capacity and their range was only 40.6% of the adult range. Juveniles traveled shorter distances (34.8 ± 5.5 km) at slower speeds (2.0 ± 0.3 km/h) than adults (67.9 ± 3.5 km and 3.9 ± 0.3 km/h). Young sea lions also stayed in shallower waters; sea floor depths of mean locations were 48 ± 7 m for juveniles and 74 ± 2 m for females. Restricted to shallow coastal waters, pups and juveniles are more likely to be disproportionately impacted by human activities. With limited available foraging habitat, young Australian sea lions appear particularly vulnerable to environmental alterations resulting from fisheries or climate change.  相似文献   

Long‐term demographic studies have recently shown that global climate change together with increasing direct impacts of human activities, such as fisheries, are affecting the population dynamics of marine top predators. However, the effects of these factors on species distribution and abundance at sea are still poorly understood, particularly in marine ecosystems of the southern hemisphere. Using a unique long‐term data set of at‐sea observations, we tested for interdecadal (1980s vs. 2000s) changes in summer abundance and distribution of 12 species of Albatrosses and Petrels along a 30° latitudinal gradient between tropical and Antarctic waters of the southern Indian Ocean. There were contrasting effects of climate change on subantarctic seabird distribution and abundance at sea. While subtropical waters showed the highest rate of warming, the species that visited this water mass showed the greatest changes in distribution and abundance. The abundance of Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans), White‐chinned Petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) and Giant Petrels (Macronectes sp.) declined markedly, whereas the other species showed contrasting trends or did not change. With the exception of the White‐chinned Petrel, these decreases were at least partly related to regional increase in sea surface temperature. The southward shift of Wandering Albatross and Prions (Pachyptila spp.) distributions could be ascribed to species redistribution or decrease in abundance due to warming of the subtropical waters. Surprisingly, White‐chinned Petrel distribution shifted northward, suggesting more complex mechanisms. This study is the first to document a shift in species range in the Southern Ocean related to climate change and contrasting abundance changes. It suggests that some species might experience more severe impacts from climate change depending on the water masses they visit. As climate changes are predicted to continue in the next decades, understanding species responses to climate change is crucial for conservation management, especially when their conservation status is critical or unknown.  相似文献   

Foraging skills of young individuals are assumed to be inferior to those of adults. The reduced efficiency of naive individuals may be the primary cause of the high juvenile mortality and explain the deferment of maturity in long-lived species. However, the study of juvenile and immature foraging behaviour has been limited so far. We used satellite telemetry to compare the foraging movements of juveniles, immatures and breeding adult wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans, a species where foraging success is positively influenced by the distance covered daily. We showed that juveniles are able to use favourable winds as soon as the first month of independence, but cover shorter distances daily and spend more time sitting on water than adults during the first two months after fledging. These reduced movement capacities do not seem to be the cause of higher juvenile mortality. Moreover, juveniles almost never restrict their movement to specific areas, as adults and immatures frequently do over shelf edges or oceanic zones, which suggest that the location of appropriate areas is learned through experience. Immatures and adults have equivalent movement capacities, but when they are central place foragers, i.e. when adults breed or immatures come to the colony to display and pair, immatures make shorter trips than adults. The long duration of immaturity in this species seems to be related to a long period of learning to integrate the foraging constraints associated with reproduction and central place foraging. Our results indicate that foraging behaviour of young albatrosses is partly innate and partly learned progressively over immaturity. The first months of learning appear critical in terms of survival, whereas the long period of immaturity is necessary for young birds to attain the skills necessary for efficient breeding without fitness costs.  相似文献   

During the chick-rearing period, little auks Alle alle adopt a bimodal foraging strategy, alternating long trips with several short ones. It has been postulated that they reach more remote areas during long feeding trips than during short ones. However, the range of their foraging flights has never actually been measured. The aims of this study were to find the exact location of the little auk feeding grounds and to investigate whether they reach remote areas during long foraging trips using miniature GPS and temperature loggers. The study was conducted in 2009 in Magdalenefjorden (79°34′N, 11°04′E), one of the main breeding grounds of little auks on Spitsbergen. The temperature logger records indicated that during short trips, little auks visit warmer waters (situated close to the colony) than during long ones. The tracks of two GPS-equipped birds indicated that during long trips little auks foraged in the distant, food-abundant marginal sea ice zone, at least 100 km away from the colony. During long trips, birds make several stops at sea, perhaps sampling the foraging area with respect to prey distribution. Since food conditions near the studied colony are usually suboptimal, little auks may be exploiting distant feeding areas to compensate for the poorer-quality food available at nearby foraging grounds. The extended duration of long foraging trips may enable birds to collect food for chicks on food-abundant, remote foraging grounds as well as acquire, process and excrete food needed for self-maintenance, reducing the costs of flight to the colony.  相似文献   

The annual moult creates the highest physiological stress during a penguin's breeding‐cycle and is preceded by a period of hyperphagia at sea. Although crucial to individual survival, foraging strategies before moult have been little investigated in keystone marine consumers in the Southern Ocean. The Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus demonstrates how individuals may adjust their foraging strategies during this period in line with constraints such as potential intraspecific competition between localities, foraging ability between dimorphic sexes and timing at sea between breeding and non‐breeding population components. We recorded pre‐moult behaviour at sea for 22 Macaroni Penguins from Crozet and Kerguelen Islands (southern Indian Ocean) during 2009 and 2011, using light‐based geolocation and stable isotope analysis. Penguins were distributed in population‐specific oceanic areas with similar surface temperatures (3.5 °C) south of the archipelagos, where they foraged at comparable trophic levels based on stable isotopes of their blood. Bayesian ‘broken stick’ modelling with concurrent analysis of seawater temperature records from the animal‐borne devices showed that within each population, females remained 6 days longer than males in the colder waters before heading back towards their colonies. Finally, 17 other non‐breeding individuals that moulted earlier had a higher mean blood δ15N value than did post‐breeding birds, meaning that early moulters probably fed more on fish than did late moulters. Our findings of such adjustments in foraging strategies developed across locality, sex and breeding status help understanding of the species' contrasted pre‐moult biology across its range and its ecology in the non‐breeding period.  相似文献   

1. In order to study and predict population distribution, it is crucial to identify and understand factors affecting individual movement decisions at different scales. Movements of foraging animals should be adjusted to the hierarchical spatial distribution of resources in the environment and this scale-dependent response to environmental heterogeneity should differ according to the forager's characteristics and exploited habitats. 2. Using First-Passage Time analysis, we studied scales of search effort and habitat used by individuals of seven sympatric Indian Ocean Procellariiform species fitted with satellite transmitters. We characterized their search effort distribution and examined whether species differ in scale-dependent adjustments of their movements according to the marine environment exploited. 3. All species and almost all individuals (91% of 122 individuals) exhibited an Area-Restricted Search (ARS) during foraging. At a regional scale (1000s km), foraging ranges showed a large spatial overlap between species. At a smaller scale (100s km, at which an increase in search effort occurred), a segregation in environmental characteristics of ARS zones (where search effort is high) was found between species. 4. Spatial scales at which individuals increased their search effort differed between species and also between exploited habitats, indicating a similar movement adjustment for predators foraging in the same habitat. ARS zones of the two populations of wandering albatross Diomedea exulans (Crozet and Kerguelen) were similar in their adjustments (i.e. same ARS scale) as well as in their environmental characteristics. These two populations showed a weak spatial overlap in their foraging distribution, with males foraging in more southerly waters than females in both populations. 5. This study demonstrates that predators of several species adjust their foraging behaviour to the heterogeneous environment and these scale-dependent movement adjustments depend on both forager and environment characteristics.  相似文献   

Jaeger A  Cherel Y 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e16484
A temperature-defined regime shift occurred in the 1970s in the southern Indian Ocean, with simultaneous severe decreases in many predator populations. We tested a possible biological link between the regime shift and predator declines by measuring historic and contemporary feather isotopic signatures of seven penguin species with contrasted foraging strategies and inhabiting a large latitudinal range. We first showed that contemporary penguin isotopic variations and chlorophyll a concentration were positively correlated, suggesting the usefulness of predator δ13C values to track temporal changes in the ecosystem carrying capacity and its associated coupling to consumers. Having controlled for the Suess effect and for increase CO2 in seawater, δ13C values of Antarctic penguins and of king penguins did not change over time, while δ13C of other subantarctic and subtropical species were lower in the 1970s. The data therefore suggest a decrease in ecosystem carrying capacity of the southern Indian Ocean during the temperature regime-shift in subtropical and subantarctic waters but not in the vicinity of the Polar Front and in southward high-Antarctic waters. The resulting lower secondary productivity could be the main driving force explaining the decline of subtropical and subantarctic (but not Antarctic) penguins that occurred in the 1970s. Feather δ15N values did not show a consistent temporal trend among species, suggesting no major change in penguins’ diet. This study highlights the usefulness of developing long-term tissue sampling and data bases on isotopic signature of key marine organisms to track potential changes in their isotopic niches and in the carrying capacity of the environment.  相似文献   

The relationship between predator sizes and prey sizes is well documented for terrestrial but rarely for marine ecosystems. We show that wandering albatrosses, the biggest albatross species, feed on larger cephalopod prey than those consumed by smaller albatrosses (grey-headed and black-browed albatrosses). This reflects differences in timing of breeding, foraging ecology and their feeding methods. Wandering albatrosses breed later in the year, during the austral winter, than smaller albatrosses (therefore catching older squid) and forage most of the year in Antarctic open waters, sub-Antarctic, subtropical and tropical waters, overlapping minimally with the smaller albatrosses' foraging range while breeding. Also, wandering albatrosses mostly scavenge whereas smaller albatrosses feed more on live prey. Prey ecology may also play a key role because many squid species might experience post-spawning mortality during the austral winter, becoming easily available to wandering albatrosses. Spawning in winter can be linked to predator avoidance (i.e. reduction in mortality in winter by avoiding pelagic predators) and would allow squid larvae to develop and take advantage of the high productivity (i.e. Antarctic phytoplankton bloom) in spring and at the beginning of summer. Thus, aspects of prey and predator ecology may combine to generate observed differences in prey size.  相似文献   

In order to survive and later recruit into a population, juvenile animals need to acquire resources through the use of innate and/or learnt behaviors in an environment new to them. For far‐ranging marine species, such as the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans, this is particularly challenging as individuals need to be able to rapidly adapt and optimize their movement strategies in response to the highly dynamic and heterogeneous nature of their open‐ocean pelagic habitats. Critical to this is the development and flexibility of dispersal and exploratory behaviors. Here, we examine the movements of eight juvenile wandering albatrosses, tracked using GPS/Argos satellite transmitters for eight months following fledging, and compare these to the trajectories of 17 adults to assess differences and similarities in behavioral strategies through time. Behavioral clustering algorithms (Expectation Maximization binary Clustering) were combined with multinomial regression analyses to investigate changes in behavioral mode probabilities over time, and how these may be influenced by variations in day duration and in biophysical oceanographic conditions. We found that juveniles appeared to quickly acquire the same large‐scale behavioral strategies as those employed by adults, although generally more time was spent resting at night. Moreover, individuals were able to detect and exploit specific oceanographic features in a manner similar to that observed in adults. Together, the results of this study suggest that while shortly after fledging juvenile wandering albatrosses are able to employ similar foraging strategies to those observed in adults, additional skills need to be acquired during the immature period before the efficiency of these behaviors matches that of adults.  相似文献   

Organismal movement is an essential component of ecological processes and connectivity among ecosystems. However, estimating connectivity and identifying corridors of movement are challenging in oceanic organisms such as young turtles that disperse into the open sea and remain largely unobserved during a period known as ‘the lost years’. Using predictions of transport within an ocean circulation model and data from published genetic analysis, we present to our knowledge, the first basin-scale hypothesis of distribution and connectivity among major rookeries and foraging grounds (FGs) of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) during their ‘lost years’. Simulations indicate that transatlantic dispersal is likely to be common and that recurrent connectivity between the southwestern Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic is possible. The predicted distribution of pelagic juvenile turtles suggests that many ‘lost years hotspots’ are presently unstudied and located outside protected areas. These models, therefore, provide new information on possible dispersal pathways that link nesting beaches with FGs. These pathways may be of exceptional conservation concern owing to their importance for sea turtles during a critical developmental period.  相似文献   

Spatial modelling studies stress the importance of predicting future species distribution in changing environments, but it is also important to establish historical distribution ranges of species to provide baseline conditions for understanding distribution shifts. We focused on pelagic ecosystems, the largest ecosystem on Earth. Based on boosting algorithms, we reconstructed the foraging patterns of an oceanic predator, wandering albatross Diomedea exulans, in the highly dynamic Southern Ocean over the last half century. To access the unobserved past oceanographic conditions, we used simulations of the OPA‐PISCES oceanic model for the 1958–2001 period. Firstly, we validated the simulated oceanographic variables (sea surface temperature and height, wind speed and chlorophyll a) for the 1998–2001 period with remotely sensed oceanographic data, which were highly correlated, except chlorophyll a. Secondly, we developed two habitat models (based on simulated and observed oceanographic variables) describing the foraging probability of albatrosses. We detected no statistically significant differences between the two models and predictions of both models matched the observed distribution patterns reasonably. Finally, we projected the most likely historical key pelagic habitats of albatross for the 1958 to 2001 period and characterised recurrent, occasional and unfavourable foraging areas in a decadal basis based on average predictions and their standard deviations. Our findings 1) provided a historical baseline (1958–1968) of recurrent, occasional and unfavourable foraging habitats, 2) evidenced a progressive habitat shift the following decades driven by a propagation of sea surface height from SE South Africa towards Antarctica from 1958 to 2001 and 3) measured habitat change rates of wandering albatross over the last half century. To our knowledge, our study provides the first quantitative long‐term assessment of the spatial response of a marine top predator to changing pelagic habitats of the Southern Ocean and highlighted the oceanographic mechanisms involved, offering new insights on future effects of climate change on the pelagic realm.  相似文献   



Sooty (Puffinus griseus) and short-tailed (P. tenuirostris) shearwaters are abundant seabirds that range widely across global oceans. Understanding the foraging ecology of these species in the Southern Ocean is important for monitoring and ecosystem conservation and management.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Tracking data from sooty and short-tailed shearwaters from three regions of New Zealand and Australia were combined with at-sea observations of shearwaters in the Southern Ocean, physical oceanography, near-surface copepod distributions, pelagic trawl data, and synoptic near-surface winds. Shearwaters from all three regions foraged in the Polar Front zone, and showed particular overlap in the region around 140°E. Short-tailed shearwaters from South Australia also foraged in Antarctic waters south of the Polar Front. The spatial distribution of shearwater foraging effort in the Polar Front zone was matched by patterns in large-scale upwelling, primary production, and abundances of copepods and myctophid fish. Oceanic winds were found to be broad determinants of foraging distribution, and of the flight paths taken by the birds on long foraging trips to Antarctic waters.


The shearwaters displayed foraging site fidelity and overlap of foraging habitat between species and populations that may enhance their utility as indicators of Southern Ocean ecosystems. The results highlight the importance of upwellings due to interactions of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with large-scale bottom topography, and the corresponding localised increases in the productivity of the Polar Front ecosystem.  相似文献   

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