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Cooperation and group living are extremely rare in spiders and only few species are known to be permanently social. Inbreeding is a key characteristic of social spiders, resulting in high degrees of within‐colony relatedness that may foster kin‐selected benefits of cooperation. Accordingly, philopatry and regular inbreeding are suggested to play a major role in the repeated independent origins of sociality in spiders. We conducted field observations and laboratory experiments to investigate the mating system of the subsocial spider Stegodyphus tentoriicola. The species is suggested to resemble the ‘missing link’ in the transition from subsociality to permanent sociality in Stegodyphus spiders because its social period is prolonged in comparison to other subsocial species. Individuals in our two study populations were spatially clustered around maternal nests, indicating that clusters consist of family groups as found in the subsocial congener Stegodyphus lineatus. Male mating dispersal was limited and we found no obvious pre‐copulatory inbreeding avoidance, suggesting a high likelihood of mating with close kin. Rates of polygamy were low, a pattern ensuring high relatedness within broods. In combination with ecological constraints, such as high costs of dispersal, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the extended social period in S. tentoriicola is accompanied with adaptations that facilitate the transition towards permanent sociality. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 851–859.  相似文献   

Dispersal in most group‐living species ensures gene flow among groups, but in cooperative social spiders, juvenile dispersal is suppressed and colonies are highly inbred. It has been suggested that such inbred sociality is advantageous in the short term, but likely to lead to extinction or reduced speciation rates in the long run. In this situation, very low levels of dispersal and gene flow among colonies may have unusually important impacts on fitness and persistence of social spiders. We investigated sex‐specific differences in dispersal and gene flow among colonies, as reflected in the genetic structure within colonies and populations of the African social spider Stegodyphus dumicola Pocock, 1898 (Eresidae). We used DNA fingerprinting and mtDNA sequence data along with spatial mapping of colonies to compare male and female patterns of relatedness within and among colonies at three study sites. Samples were collected during and shortly after the mating season to detect sex‐specific dispersal. Distribution of mtDNA haplotypes was consistent with proliferation of social nests by budding and medium‐ to long‐distance dispersal by ballooning females. Analysis of molecular variance and spatial autocorrelation analyses of AFLPs showed high levels of genetic similarity within colonies, and STRUCTURE analyses revealed that the number of source populations contributing to colonies ranged from one to three. We also showed significant evidence of male dispersal among colonies at one site. These results support the hypothesis that in social spiders, genetic cohesion among populations is maintained by long‐distance dispersal of female colony founders. Genetic diversity within colonies is maintained by colony initiation by multiple dispersing females, and adult male dispersal over short distances. Male dispersal may be particularly important in maintaining gene flow among colonies in local populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive partitioning is a key component of social organization in groups of cooperative organisms. In colonies of permanently social spiders of the genus Stegodyphus less than half of the females reproduce, while all females, including nonreproducers, perform suicidal allo‐maternal care. Some theoretical models suggest that reproductive skew is a result of contest competition within colonies, leading to size hierarchies where only the largest females become reproducers. We investigated the effect of competition on within‐group body size variation over six months in S. dumicola, by manipulating food level and colony size. We found no evidence that competition leads to increased size asymmetry within colonies, suggesting that contest competition may not be the proximate explanation for reproductive skew. Within‐colony body size variation was high already in the juvenile stage, and did not increase over the course of the experiment, suggesting that body size variation is shaped at an early stage. This might facilitate task specialization within colonies and ensure colony‐level reproductive output by early allocation of reproductive roles. We suggest that reproductive skew in social spiders may be an adaptation to sociality selected through inclusive fitness benefits of allo‐maternal care as well as colony‐level benefits maximizing colony survival and production.  相似文献   

Cooperative social life originated independently at least 3 times in the eresid spider genus Stegodyphus. The ultimate and proximate factors for sociogenesis have been analyzed in two African social species, S. dumicola and S. mimosarum.
  • 1 More profitable hunting as the ultimate benefit of sociality can explain group sizes up to 30 individuals. Most groups are much larger, reducing average female fecundity. They benefit mainly from the shelter against predators provided by the compact silk nest as a heritable resource.
  • 2 Sociogenesis is not based on extended maternal care but on interattraction and tolerance of juvenile spiders, retained throughout life in females. Their neotenic sociality came to overlap with advanced (pedomorphic) sexual maturity. This evolutionary pathway towards sociality is called the “sibling-route”.
  • 3 Negative side effects, accumulating with group size, may make sociality in Stegodyphus evolutionarily unstable.

Movement among social groups interacts with the costs and benefits of group‐living in complex ways. Unlike most other social spiders, the social huntsman spider, Delena cancerides, appears to enter foreign colonies, discriminates kin from non‐kin, and has very limited dispersal options because their bark retreats are rare, making this species an interesting model organism with which to examine the role of inter‐colony movement on group‐living. We examined movement among field colonies of D. cancerides in three ways: (1) by tracking the dispersal and immigration of marked spiders into foreign colonies; (2) by recording resident spiders' behaviour toward introduced immigrants; and (3) by inferring intra‐colony relatedness and immigration patterns through allozyme electrophoresis. Of the marked spiders, only young juveniles moved into neighbouring colonies, whereas subadults and adults did not. Introduced juveniles were tolerated in foreign colonies, whereas introduced adult males and subadults were usually attacked by the resident adult female, unless she had similar sized subadult/adult offspring of her own. Allozyme profiles from unmanipulated field colonies showed that 47% of sampled colonies contained at least one immigrant and that average within colony relatedness was below 0.5. These data align with previous research on the costs and benefits of group‐living for D. cancerides, suggesting that spiders actively seek and regulate group membership based on interests of both the immigrant and the colony. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

The snare web is used as a medium for communication betweenindividuals within colonies of social spiders and has thereforebeen suggested as necessary for the evolution of sociality inthe Araneae. The social spider Diaea socialis (Thomisidae) isan exception because it does not build a snare web. Experimentsdemonstrate that silk attracts all spiders and that a chemicaldeposited onto the silk attracts adult female spiders, suggestingthat the group living of this species is mediated by a pheromone.The pheromone attracts spiders differentially: females are notattracted to juvenile silk, and it repels gravid females. Thepheromone appears to be stable but volatile, is ether-soluble,and retains its viability after dissolution. Molecular-ionicmasses for 7-8 different compounds were found in the range 220–281atomic units; the pheromone may be one or a combination of severalof these.  相似文献   

1. Correlated individual differences in behaviour across ecological contexts, or behavioural syndromes, can theoretically constrain individuals' ability to optimally adjust their behaviour for specific contexts. 2. Female Anelosimus studiosus exhibit a unique behavioural polymorphism: ‘social’ females are tolerant of conspecifics and aggregate in multi‐female colonies, while ‘solitary’ females aggressively defend their singleton webs from intrusion by adult female conspecifics. Previous work found that social females are also less aggressive toward prey and are more fearful of predators. 3. In this study we quantify potential fitness consequences of these correlated behaviours by examining the potential and realised fecundities of the two phenotypes in naturally occurring colonies, and by quantifying their ability to rear offspring as singleton individuals. 4. There were no differences in the fecundities of laboratory‐reared females between the phenotypes, nor were there differences in field‐collected brooding females from naturally occurring solitary and social nests. 5. Brooding females from solitary and social colonies that were isolated in new nests for the growing season were both capable of rearing their broods; however, females from solitary nests had significantly greater success. 6. These results suggest a fitness consequence to the reduced‐aggression syndrome of social females that may represent a general impediment to the evolution of sociality in spiders.  相似文献   

The consequences of population subdivision and inbreeding have been studied in many organisms, particularly in plants. However, most studies focus on the short‐term consequences, such as inbreeding depression. To investigate the consequences of both population fragmentation and inbreeding for genetic variability in the longer term, we here make use of a natural inbreeding experiment in spiders, where sociality and accompanying population subdivision and inbreeding have evolved repeatedly. We use mitochondrial and nuclear data to infer phylogenetic relationships among 170 individuals of Anelosimus spiders representing 23 species. We then compare relative mitochondrial and nuclear genetic variability of the inbred social species and their outbred relatives. We focus on four independently derived social species and four subsocial species, including two outbred–inbred sister species pairs. We find that social species have 50% reduced mitochondrial sequence divergence. As inbreeding is not expected to reduce genetic variability in the maternally inherited mitochondrial genome, this suggests the loss of variation due to strong population subdivision, founder effects, small effective population sizes (colonies as individuals) and lineage turnover. Social species have < 10% of the nuclear genetic variability of the outbred species, also suggesting the loss of genetic variability through founder effects and/or inbreeding. Inbred sociality hence may result in reduction in variability through various processes. Sociality in most Anelosimus species probably arose relatively recently (0.1–2 mya), with even the oldest social lineages having failed to diversify. This is consistent with the hypothesis that inbred spider sociality represents an evolutionary dead end. Heterosis underlies a species potential to respond to environmental change and/or disease. Inbreeding and loss of genetic variability may thus limit diversification in social Anelosimus lineages and similarly pose a threat to many wild populations subject to habitat fragmentation or reduced population sizes.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of sociality is best studied in taxa with rudimentary social development, like the stenogastrine wasp, Eustenogaster fraterna. Our study of colony structure and relatedness in this species found very small colonies aver-aging only 2.7 adult females, including a single mated, re-productive female. Microsatellite genotyping showed that adult females were related to each other but not generally as full sisters (r = 0.427 ± 0.131, 95% confidence interval). Microsatellite genotyping showed that sociality is not favored by the haplodiploid hypothesis, because relatedness of unmated females to female brood is low (r = 0.210 ± 0.171, 95% confidence interval), far lower than that among sisters in either haplodiploid or diploid species. Relatedness of unmated females to female brood is significantly lower than that of mated females to female brood (r = 0.374 ± 0.266). Mated females are also significantly more related to the male brood (r = 0.871 ± 0.168) than are unmated females (r = 0.588 ± 0.339), suggesting that unmated helpers do not generally produce sons. These results argue against an important role for exceptionally high relatedness in the origin of eusociality. One quarter of the brood could not have been the progeny of any collected female, suggesting high rates of queen turnover. In all, 7/17 nests had some brood that could not be assigned to existing adult females. These high adult mortality rates result in direct advantages to helpers in the form of colony inheritance, and indirect advantages via life insurance benefits.Received 23 October 2002; revised 13 March 2003; accepted 23 April 2003.  相似文献   

Two to eight females of a neotropical, primitively social wasp, Auplopus semialatus(Pompilidae), cooperatively build and maintain mud nests. Females capture non-web-building spiders as provisions for their offspring. Cohabiting females are usually tolerant of one another and defend the nest against natural enemies, including the cleptoparasitic wasp, Irenangelus eberhardi(Pompilidae). They often become intensely competitive, however, when a spider is brought to the nest. Auplopusfemales steal spiders from both uncapped and newly capped cells and eat the previous owner's egg. Many observations highlight the primitive level of sociality in this species, and the discussion relates these observations to those based on other primitively social wasps.  相似文献   

From the elongated neck of the giraffe to the elaborate train of the peacock, extreme traits can result from natural or sexual selection (or both). The extreme chelicerae of the long‐jawed spiders (Tetragnatha) present a puzzle: do these exaggerated chelicerae function as weapons or genitalia? Bristowe first proposed that Tetragnatha chelicerae function as a holdfast because these spiders embrace chelicerae during mating. This hypothesis has remained untested until now. Here, we use functional allometry to examine how extreme chelicerae develop and perform in the long‐jawed spider Tetragnatha elongata. Similar to other Tetragnatha species, chelicerae were longer in adult males than in adult females. Overall, we confirm Bristowe's hypothesis: elongation only occurred in the adult stage. However, we propose that chelicerae function as more than a holdfast in T. elongata. Male chelicerae exhibited positive allometry, which suggests scaling as weapons rather than genitalia. However, fieldwork revealed that the operational sex ratio is female‐biased and both adult male–male competition and sexual cannibalism were rarely observed. Consequently, we propose that the positive allometry of male chelicerae may result from sexual selection to mechanically mesh with larger and more fecund females. Evidence for mechanical mesh includes multiple traits ranging from apophyses and grooves to guide teeth on the basal portion of the chelicerae. In contrast, we propose that chelicerae of females are analogous to the female peacock's tail: shortened by natural selection limiting the exaggeration of sexually selected traits. Indeed, females had increased foraging efficiency compared to males and exhibited negative cheliceral allometry. We discuss the implications for the evolution of elongated chelicerae in Tetragnatha.  相似文献   

Frequency‐dependent selection is thought to be a major contributor to the maintenance of phenotypic variation. We tested for frequency‐dependent selection on contrasting behavioural strategies, termed here ‘personalities’, in three species of social spiders, each thought to represent an independent evolutionary origin of sociality. The evolution of sociality in the spider genus Anelosimus is consistently met with the emergence of two temporally stable discrete personality types: an ‘aggressive’ or ‘docile’ form. We assessed how the foraging success of each phenotype changes as a function of its representation within a colony. We did this by creating experimental colonies of various compositions (six aggressives, three aggressives and three dociles, one aggressive and five dociles, six dociles), maintaining them in a common garden for 3 weeks, and tracking the mass gained by individuals of either phenotype. We found that both the docile and aggressive phenotypes experienced their greatest mass gain in mixed colonies of mostly docile individuals. However, the performance of both phenotypes decreased as the frequency of the aggressive phenotype increased. Nearly identical patterns of phenotype‐specific frequency dependence were recovered in all three species. Naturally occurring colonies of these spiders exhibit mixtures dominated by the docile phenotype, suggesting that these spiders may have evolved mechanisms to maintain the compositions that maximize the success of the colony without compromising the expected reproductive output of either phenotype.  相似文献   

Rowell  D. M.  Avilés  L. 《Insectes Sociaux》1995,42(3):287-302
Summary Social behavior is reported for the first time in a member of the family Sparassidae (Araneae), the Australian huntsman spiderDelena cancerides Walckenaer. Unlike any previously known social spider, this is a bark dwelling species and, thus, its sociality cannot have its basis on an aerial web, the structure that has been considered central to the evolution of sociality in other spider species. Colonies ofD. cancerides may comprise up to 300 individuals living in close physical contact under the exfoliating bark of deadAcacia, Callitris andCasuarina species. Specimens maintained in the laboratory feed communally and capture prey jointly. Although this intranest tolerance and communal feeding behavior is reminiscent of other highly social spiders,D. cancerides notably differs from these other species in the extreme aggression shown towards members of foreign colonies, its outbred population structure, and lack of sex ratio bias. We suggest that sociality in this species may have been facilitated by the presence of extended maternal care in the ancestral phylogenetic lineage, as suggested by the occurrence of such behavior in related nonsocial species, and that colonial living may have arisen as a consequence of the reduction and fragmentation ofDelena's habitat associated with the rise to dominance of the eucalypts. The apparent colony recognition observed may have evolved becauseDelena's hunting habits may require mechanisms to locate one's own colony after foraging expeditions and to exclude wandering outsiders from entering one's nest, in contrast to web-bound species that do not need to leave their nest to forage. How the observed outbreeding is accomplished in the face ofDelena's extreme intolerance to members of other nests, as well as how new colonies are formed, are issues that have yet to be investigated.  相似文献   

Species that alternate periods of solitary and social living may provide clues to the conditions that favor sociality. Social spiders probably originated from subsocial‐like ancestors, species in which siblings remain together for part of their life cycle but disperse prior to mating. Exploring the factors that lead to dispersal in subsocial species, but allow the development of large multigenerational colonies in social species, may provide insight into this transition. We studied the natal dispersal patterns of a subsocial spider, Anelosimus cf. jucundus, in Southeastern Arizona. In this population, spiders disperse from their natal nests in their penultimate and antepenultimate instars over a 3‐mo period. We tracked the natal dispersal of marked spiders at sites with clustered vs. isolated nests. We found that most spiders initially dispersed less than 5 m from their natal nests. Males and females, and spiders in patches with different densities of nests, dispersed similar distances. The fact that both sexes in a group dispersed, the lack of a sex difference in dispersal distance, and the relatively short distances dispersed are consistent with the hypothesis that natal dispersal results from resource competition within the natal nest, rather than inbreeding avoidance in competition for mates. Additionally, an increase in the average distance dispersed with time and with the number of spiders leaving a nest suggests that competition for nest sites in the vicinity of the natal nest may affect dispersal distances. The similar distances dispersed in patches with isolated vs. clustered nests, in contrast, suggest that competition among dispersers from different nests may not affect dispersal distances.  相似文献   

Mating decisions can vary considerably depending on individual experience, mate availability and nutritional status. Here, we applied short‐term dietary restrictions to adult female spiders that were well fed during the juvenile stage in an effort to understand whether and how brief periods of food shortage can influence male and female mating decisions and mating behaviour. To assess whether responses vary between closely related species, we conducted the same experiment on the dwarf spiders Oedothorax retusus and O. apicatus. During courtship and mating, males of both species offer secretion to females from glandular tissue in their prosoma. Females were subject to food shortage over a period of 3 wks (‘low‐diet’ treatment, LD) or fed regularly (‘high‐diet’ treatment, HD). We compared courtship probability, mating probability/behaviour, and reproductive output between dietary groups and species. In both Oedothorax species, females in the LD treatment were less likely to mate and more aggressive towards males. Furthermore, LD females produced egg sacs that were significantly lighter than were those of the HD females. Effects of food deprivation on copulation duration, gustatory behaviour and oviposition latency differed between species. Our study shows that short periods of dietary restriction during the adult stage can strongly affect mating behaviour and reproductive output with differences between closely related species.  相似文献   

Allodapine bees (family Apidae, subfamily Xylocopinae) provide substantial material for investigating the evolution of sociality because of their wide variation in colony size, life history traits, and caste differentiation. Two recent studies have shown that the Australian allodapine genus Brevineura exhibits a strong increase in per capita brood production (PCBP) in social colonies compared to single-female nests. However both species previously examined, B. xanthoclypeata and B. froggatti, show relatively few multi-female nests, which is puzzling considering the apparently large advantages for group-living in these species. Here we show that in a third species, B. elongata, there are also substantial benefits for group living, involving increased PCBP and a greatly reduced likelihood of nests without brood. As expected from these observations, we also found strongly female biased sex allocation. Nevertheless only a small percentage of nests contained more than one adult female, similar to the other two Brevineura species, raising the question of why multifemale colonies are not more common in this genus. Solving this puzzle will throw light on conditions that constrain sociality when group living apparently provides major advantages.  相似文献   

Species are often classified in discrete categories, such as solitary, subsocial, social and eusocial based on broad qualitative features of their social systems. Often, however, species fall between categories or species within a category may differ from one another in ways that beg for a quantitative measure of their sociality level. Here, we propose such a quantitative measure in the form of an index that is based on three fundamental features of a social system: (1) the fraction of the life cycle that individuals remain in their social group, (2) the proportion of nests in a population that contain multiple vs. solitary individuals and (3) the proportion of adult members of a group that do not reproduce, but contribute to communal activities. These are measures that should be quantifiable in most social systems, with the first two reflecting the tendencies of individuals to live in groups as a result of philopatry, grouping tendencies and intraspecific tolerance, and the third potentially reflecting the tendencies of individuals to exhibit reproductive altruism. We argue that this index can serve not only as a way of ranking species along a sociality scale, but also as a means of determining how level of sociality correlates with other aspects of the biology of a group of organisms. We illustrate the calculation of this index for the cooperative social spiders and the African mole‐rats and use it to analyse how sex ratios and interfemale spacing correlate with level of sociality in spider species in the genus Anelosimus.  相似文献   

Although sociality is common in bats, few studies have investigated individual social behaviour in free-ranging colonies. This study quantifies social interactions among wild female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) belonging to one maternity colony. Our main goal was to analyse allogrooming and nose rubbing, which are both regularly displayed by adult females. Based on data of individually marked bats with known degrees of pairwise relatedness, we suggest that allogrooming has both a social and a hygienic function. Females groomed colony mates mainly on parts of the body that are difficult to reach by a bat itself. Thus, allogrooming may function to remove ectoparasites from inaccessible body parts. Allogrooming was rare compared to self-grooming (on average 0.7% vs 37.7% of a female's total observation time), and there was no significant correlation between the rate at which a bat groomed itself and the frequency with which it was groomed by conspecifics. Therefore, we assume that allogrooming also has a social purpose in addition to its assumed hygienic function. We suggest that allogrooming could strengthen social bonds among colony members that live together for many years. Mothers and adult daughters groomed each other preferentially. Thus, allogrooming may reflect special mother–daughter bonds. Nose rubbing occurred mainly within minutes (median: 80 s) after the arrival of a female in a night roost, and there was no correlation with relatedness. Therefore, it probably allows recognition of colony mates and may also be a greeting behaviour. Communicated by M.E. dos Santos  相似文献   

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