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Global environmental changes threaten biodiversity and the interactions between species, and food-web approaches are being used increasingly to measure their community-wide impacts. Here we review how parasitoid–host food webs affect biological control, and how their structure responds to environmental change. We find that land-use intensification tends to produce webs with low complexity and uneven interaction strengths. Dispersal, spatial arrangement of habitats, the species pool and community differences across habitats have all been found to determine how webs respond to landscape structure, though clear effects of landscape complexity on web structure remain elusive. The invasibility of web structures and response of food webs to invasion have been the subject of theoretical and empirical work respectively, and nutrient enrichment has been widely studied in the food-web literature, potentially driving dynamic instability and altering biomass ratios of different trophic levels. Combined with food-web changes observed under climate change, these responses of food webs could signal changes to biological control, though there have been surprisingly few studies linking food-web structure to pest control, and these have produced mixed results. However, there is strong potential for food-web approaches to add value to biological control research, as parasitoid–host webs have been used to predict indirect effects among hosts that share enemies, to study non-target effects of biological control agents and to quantify the use of alternative prey resources by enemies. Future work is needed to link food-web interactions with evolutionary responses to the environment and predator–prey interactions, while incorporating recent advances in predator biodiversity research. This holistic understanding of agroecosystem responses and functioning, made possible by food-web approaches, may hold the key to better management of biological control in changing environments.  相似文献   

Incomplete sampling is a major problem affecting data quality with respect to food webs. We described a host–parasitoid food web based on data from four years of sampling, evaluated the dataset robustness of the food web, and tested the hypothesis that different trophic levels require different sampling efforts. We sampled Senegalia tenuifolia fruits at eight sampling sites in three areas, during four years (2011–2014) in the Brazilian cerrado (savanna). We recorded 26 insect species in three trophic levels associated with S. tenuifolia. For species accumulation curves, all insect trophic levels, areas and years reached the asymptote, except for one area. The cumulative species richness in each trophic level suggested that the third level (primary parasitoid) should be sampled for a longer time than the second and fourth levels, supporting our hypothesis. In conclusion, the sampling effort employed was sufficient to assess most of the insect species richness, and provided a high-quality and well-represented host-parasitoid food web, even though trophic levels require different efforts.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of parasitoid phenology on host–parasitoid population cycles. Recent experimental research has shown that parasitized hosts can continue to interact with their unparasitized counterparts through competition. Parasitoid phenology, in particular the timing of emergence from the host, determines the duration of this competition. We construct a discrete-time host–parasitoid model in which within-generation dynamics associated with parasitoid timing is explicitly incorporated. We found that late-emerging parasitoids induce less severe, but more frequent, host outbreaks, independent of the choice of competition model. The competition experienced by the parasitized host reduces the parasitoids’ numerical response to changes in host numbers, preventing the ‘boom-bust’ dynamics associated with more efficient parasitoids. We tested our findings against experimental data for the forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria Hübner) system, where a large number of consecutive years at a high host density is synonymous with severe forest damage.  相似文献   

Body size is a major factor constraining the trophic structure and functioning of ecological communities. Food webs are known to respond to changes in basal resource abundance, and climate change can initiate compounding bottom-up effects on food-web structure through altered resource availability and quality. However, the effects of climate and co-occurring global changes, such as nitrogen deposition, on the density and size relationships between resources and consumers are unknown, particularly in host–parasitoid food webs, where size structuring is less apparent. We use a Bayesian modelling approach to explore the role of consumer and resource density and body size on host–parasitoid food webs assembled from a field experiment with factorial warming and nitrogen treatments. We show that the treatments increased resource (host) availability and quality (size), leading to measureable changes in parasitoid feeding behaviour. Parasitoids interacted less evenly within their host range and increasingly focused on abundant and high-quality (i.e. larger) hosts. In summary, we present evidence that climate-mediated bottom-up effects can significantly alter food-web structure through both density- and trait-mediated effects.  相似文献   

In experimental populations of the cowpea bean weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and a parasitic wasp Heterospilus prosopidis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), large changes in the abundances and the fluctuations of both species occurred after approximately 20 generations. In this paper, we examine the hypothesis that this observed change in the dynamics may have been caused by an evolutionary shift in the mode of competition among the bean weevils. A Nicholson-Bailey type model is developed using parameters measured from the experiments. The host larvae can differ in the type of competitive behaviour that they exhibit, which can be either of a contest type or of a scramble type. If a bean contains one or more larvae of the contest type, only one of these will survive and any scramble-type larvae in the bean will be killed. If no contest-type larvae are present within a bean, multiple individuals of the scramble type can emerge from a single bea n. The model assumes many genotypes, differing in the fraction of offspring of the two types. If a high per capita resource availability is maintained, then the scramble type is selected for, but if resources are limited, then the contest type is selected for. The host population at the start of the experiment, taken from a stock culture, was composed mostly of the scramble type. The model is successful in explaining the initial quick increase in the host's abundance, followed by the evolutionary increase in the fraction of the contest type among hosts, resulting in the more stable population dynamics of the host–parasitoid system, as observed in the experiments. However, it predicts a parasitoid abundance much higher than that observed. We discuss alternative hypotheses to explain the observed evolutionary shift in the population dynamics. We also examine the effect of the difference in size of the beans in the stock culture and those used in the experiments.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification has been shown to result in a decline in biodiversity across many taxa, but the changes in community structure and species interactions remain little understood. We have analysed and compared the structure of feeding interactions for cereal aphids and their primary and secondary parasitoids in organically and conventionally managed winter wheat fields using quantitative food web metrics (interaction evenness, generality, vulnerability, link density). Despite little variation in the richness of each trophic group, food web structures between the two farming systems differed remarkably. In contrast to common expectations, aphids and primary parasitoids were characterized by (1) a higher evenness of interaction frequencies (interaction evenness) in conventional fields, which cascaded to interactions at the next trophic level, with (2) a higher interaction evenness, (3) a higher ratio of primary parasitoid taxa per secondary parasitoid (generality) and (4) a higher link density. Aphid communities in the organically managed fields almost exclusively consisted of a single ear-colonizing species, Sitobion avenae, while highly fertilized conventional fields were mainly infested by leaf-colonizing aphids that benefit from the nutritional status of winter wheat. In conclusion, agricultural intensification appears to foster the complexity of aphid–parasitoid food webs, thereby not supporting the general expectation on the importance of organic farming practices for species richness and food web complexity.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions and the evolution of dispersal are both of interest when considering the potential impact of habitat fragmentation on community ecology, but the interaction between these processes is not well studied. We address this by considering the coevolution of dispersal strategies in a host–parasitoid system. An individual-based host–parasitoid metapopulation model was constructed for a patchy environment, allowing for evolution in dispersal rates of both species. Highly rarefied environments with few suitable patches selected against dispersal in both species, as did relatively static environments. Provided that parasitoids persist, all the variables studied led to stable equilibria in dispersal rates for both species. There was a tendency toward higher dispersal rates in parasitoids because of the asymmetric relationships of the two species to the patches: vacant patches are most valuable for hosts, but unsuitable for parasitoids, which require an established host population to reproduce. High host dispersal rate was favoured by high host population growth rate, and in the parasitoid by high growth rates in both species. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Communities of insect herbivores are thought to be structured mainly by indirect processes mediated by shared natural enemies, such as apparent competition. In host–parasitoid interaction networks, overlap in natural enemy communities between any pair of host species depends on the realized niches of parasitoids, which ultimately depend on the foraging decisions of individuals. Optimal foraging theory predicts that egg-limited parasitoid females should reject small hosts in favour of future opportunities to oviposit in larger hosts, while time-limited parasitoids are expected to optimize oviposition rate regardless of host size. The degree to which parasitoids are time- or egg-limited depends in part on weather conditions, as this determines the proportion of an individual''s lifespan that is available to foraging. Using a 10-year time series of monthly quantitative host–parasitoid webs, we present evidence for host-size-based electivity and sex allocation in the common secondary parasitoid Asaphes vulgaris. We argue that this electivity leads to body-size-dependent asymmetry in apparent competition among hosts and we discuss how changing weather patterns, as a result of climate change, may impact foraging behaviour and thereby the size-structure and dynamics of host–parasitoid indirect interaction networks.  相似文献   

Koinobiont parasitoid insects, which maintain intimate and long-term relationships with their arthropod hosts, constitute an association of ectothermic organisms that is particularly sensitive to temperature variations. Because temperature shows pronounced natural daily fluctuations, we examined if experiments based on a constant temperature range can mask the real effects of the thermal regime on host-parasitoid interactions. The effects of two fluctuating thermal regimes on several developmental parameters of the Drosophila larval parasitoid Leptopilina boulardi were analyzed in this study. Regime 1 included a range of 16–23–16 °C and regime 2 included a range of 16–21–26–21–16 °C (mean temperature 20.1 °C) compared to a 20.1 °C constant temperature. Under an average temperature of 20.1 °C, which corresponds to a cold condition of L. boulardi development, we showed that the success of parasitism is significantly higher under a fluctuating temperature regime than at constant temperature. A fluctuating regime also correlated with a reduced development time of the parasitoids. In contrast, the thermal regime did not affect the ability of Drosophila to resist parasitoid infestation. Finally, we demonstrated that daily temperature fluctuation prevented the entry into diapause for this species, which is normally observed at a constant temperature of 21 °C. Overall, the results reveal that constant temperature experiments can produce misleading results, highlighting the need to study the thermal biology of organisms under fluctuating regimes that reflect natural conditions as closely as possible. This is particularly a major issue in host-parasitoid associations, which constitute a good model to understand the effect of climate warming on interacting species.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of parasitism risk among host individuals is a key factor for stabilizing or sustaining host–parasitoid interactions. Host maturation variability, or the variation in the maturation times among host individuals, is the simplest source of such heterogeneity, but it has often been neglected in previous theoretical studies. We developed a configuration individual-based model (cIBM) of host–parasitoid interaction to investigate to what degree of host maturation variability promotes the persistence of host–parasitoid interactions. We ran simulations with various degrees of host maturation variability for different lengths of unsusceptible period. The result showed that low host maturation variability could sustain host–parasitoid dynamics when the host-unsusceptible period was short. Conversely, high levels of variability could sustain host–parasitoid dynamics when the host-unsusceptible period was about half of the total larval period. This suggests that the balance between variability and unsusceptible period is important for the persistence of host–parasitoid interaction. We conclude that maturation variability is a factor that can contribute to the sustainment of host–parasitoid interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Hassell andVarley described a negative relationship between the Nicholsonianarea of discovery and parasitoid density that permits coexistence of two or more parasitoid species and yields stability. They ascribed the relationship to “mutual interference” among searching parasitoid adults, leading to a “decreased efficiency”. This matter has recently been studied in more detail byHassell and coworkers. Negative relationships can occur for several reasons. In the present paper it is shown that the negative relation occurs under certain assumptions about the way parasitoid eggs are distributed among hosts. Several “contagious” (or “clustered”) distributions were studied. Those assuming variation in host susceptibility or accessibility (negative binomial and added zeros distributions) yielded negative relations. Those assuming variation in parasitoid aggressiveness and fecundity (Neyman Type A distributions) yielded variable results depending on how the distributions of parasitoids per host and of eggs per parasitoid were combined. It was found that, when analyzing actual data, sampling fluctuations can introduce strong negative relations either with or without “contagion”. In all instances, the relation betweenarea of discovery and parasitoid density is affected by host density and is, in general, not linear. The foregoing findings raise serious questions about thearea of discovery concept. An alternative approach is suggested. The initial phase of this study was supported by National Institute of Health Grant S-Rol-AI0611, under Prof.C. B. Huffaker, Division of Biological Control, Department of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley. The study was completed under National Science Foundation Grant GB38271X. Paper no. 4705 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Raleigh.  相似文献   

Habitat conservation for threatened temperate insect species is often guided by one of two paradigms: a metapopulation approach focusing on patch area, isolation and number; or a habitat approach focusing on maintaining high quality habitat for the focal species. Recent research has identified the additive and interacting importance of both approaches for maintaining populations of threatened butterflies. For specialised host-parasitoid interactions, understanding the consequences of habitat characteristics for the interacting species is important, because (1) specialised parasitoids are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of fragmentation, and (2) altered interaction frequencies resulting from changes to habitat management or the spatial configuration of habitat are likely to have consequences for host dynamics. The spatial ecology of Cotesia bignellii, a specialist parasitoid of the threatened butterfly Euphydryas aurinia, was investigated at two spatial scales: within habitat patches (at the scale of individual aggregations of larvae, or ‘webs’) and among habitat patches (the scale of local populations). Parasitism rates were investigated in relation to larval web size, vegetation sward height and host density. Within patches, the probability of a larval webs being parasitized increased significantly with increasing number of larvae in the web, and parasitism rates increased significantly with increasing web isolation. The proportion of webs parasitized was significantly and negatively correlated with cluster density. Among habitat patches the proportion of parasitized webs decreased as cluster density increased. Clusters with a high proportion of larval webs parasitized tended to have lower parasitism rates per larval web. These results support the call for relatively large and continuous habitat patches to maintain stable parasitoid and host populations. Conservation efforts directed towards maintenance of high host plant density could allow E. aurinia to reduce parasitism risk, while providing C. bignellii with sufficient larval webs to allow population persistence.  相似文献   


This study investigated how the physiological states of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) and Streptococcus mitis affect their intracellular invasion capabilities and the resulting host cell responses. The physiological states included two forms of planktonic states, floating or sedimented (by centrifugation) and the biofilm state (with centrifugation). Confluent epithelial Ca9-22 cells were challenged with floating or sedimented planktonic cultures, or with 24-h biofilms for 3?h. The results show that intracellular invasion efficiencies were clearly affected by the bacterial physiological states. For both bacterial species, the sedimented-cells displayed 2–10 times higher invasion efficiency than the floating-cells (p?<?0.05). The invasion efficiency of Aa biofilms was three fold lower than sedimented cells, whereas those of S. mitis biofilms were similar to sedimented cells. Unlike invasion, the metabolic activities of Ca9-22 were unaffected by different bacterial physiological states. However, Aa biofilms induced higher IL-1β expression than planktonic cultures. In conclusion, different bacterial physiological states can affect the outcomes of (in vitro) host–microbe interaction in different ways.  相似文献   

In many insect host–parasitoid systems, both the host and its parasitoids forage on shared floral resources. As a result of insect behaviour, morphology and physiology, flower species may act selectively at different levels of such systems, e.g., between the trophic levels of hosts and parasitoids, between species within a guild, between sexes or individuals within a species or between life history traits within an individual. We asked if effects of selectivity are consistent across levels in the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella, and its parasitoid complex. Insects were exposed singly in no-choice feeding trials to twelve common flower species and their survival and reproduction were recorded. Only one of twelve flower species (Ranunculus acris) tended to selectively favour the longevity of leafminers, but not of parasitoids. No flower species were found to favour parasitoids only. Both trophic levels profited from feeding on Anthriscus sylvestris, however, parasitoids benefited up to eight times more than their hosts. No differences were found among the species of the parasitoid guild, but females lived significantly longer than males, and single individuals within species were able to exploit generally unfavourable flower species. Out of the seven flower species that increased the longevity of leafminer females, only Chaerophyllum hirsutum significantly enhanced the number of eggs laid. Fecundity was generally positively correlated with longevity of leafminer females, but two flower species (C. hirsutum, Taraxacum officinale) had an additional positive effect on fecundity. In conclusion, we demonstrated that flowers act differently on life history traits in a host–parasitoid system at a multitude of biological levels and that these effects are not always consistent across levels. Selective plant-derived resources can therefore modify herbivore–natural enemy interactions in ways that are more complex than currently appreciated.  相似文献   

Trophic assimilation efficiency (conversion of resource biomass into consumer biomass) is thought to be a limiting factor for food chain length in natural communities. In host–parasitoid systems, which account for the majority of terrestrial consumer interactions, a high trophic assimilation efficiency may be expected at higher trophic levels because of the close match of resource composition of host tissue and the consumer''s resource requirements, which would allow for longer food chains. We measured efficiency of biomass transfer along an aphid-primary–secondary–tertiary parasitoid food chain and used stable isotope analysis to confirm trophic levels. We show high efficiency in biomass transfer along the food chain. From the third to the fourth trophic level, the proportion of host biomass transferred was 45%, 65% and 73%, respectively, for three secondary parasitoid species. For two parasitoid species that can act at the fourth and fifth trophic levels, we show markedly increased trophic assimilation efficiencies at the higher trophic level, which increased from 45 to 63% and 73 to 93%, respectively. In common with other food chains, δ15N increased with trophic level, with trophic discrimination factors (Δ15N) 1.34 and 1.49‰ from primary parasitoids to endoparasitic and ectoparasitic secondary parasitoids, respectively, and 0.78‰ from secondary to tertiary parasitoids. Owing to the extraordinarily high efficiency of hyperparasitoids, cryptic higher trophic levels may exist in host–parasitoid communities, which could alter our understanding of the dynamics and drivers of community structure of these important systems.  相似文献   

Gao  Lin  Liu  Xin-min  Du  Yong-mei  Zong  Hao  Shen  Guo-ming 《Annals of microbiology》2019,69(13):1531-1536
A reasonable cultivation pattern is beneficial to maintain soil microbial activity and optimize the structure of the soil microbial community. To determine the effect of tobacco−peanut (Nicotiana tabacum−Arachis hypogaea) relay intercropping on the microbial community structure in soil, we compared the effects of relay intercropping and continuous cropping on the soil bacteria community structure. We collected soil samples from three different cropping patterns and analyzed microbial community structure and diversity using high-throughput sequencing technology. The number of operational taxonomic units (OTU) for bacterial species in the soil was maximal under continuous peanut cropping. At the phylum level, the main bacteria identified in soil were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Acidobacteria, which accounted for approximately 70% of the total. The proportions of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes increased, whereas the proportion of Proteobacteria decreased in soil with tobacco–peanut relay intercropping. Moreover, the proportions of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria among the soil bacteria further shifted over time with tobacco–peanut relay intercropping. At the genus level, the proportions of Bacillus and Lactococcus increased in soil with tobacco–peanut relay intercropping. The community structure of soil bacteria differed considerably with tobacco–peanut relay intercropping from that detected under peanut continuous cropping, and the proportions of beneficial bacteria (the phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, and the genera Bacillus and Lactococcus) increased while the proportion of potentially pathogenic bacteria (the genera Variibacter and Burkholderia) decreased. These results provide a basis for adopting tobacco–peanut relay intercropping to improve soil ecology and microorganisms, while making better use of limited cultivable land.  相似文献   

Indirect effects such as apparent competition (in which two hosts that do not compete for resources interact via a shared natural enemy) are increasingly being shown to be prevalent in the structure and function of ecological assemblages. Here, we review the empirical and theoretical evidence for these enemy-mediated effects in host–parasitoid assemblages. We first address questions about the design of experiments to test for apparent competition. Second, we consider factors likely to affect the coexistence of host species that share a parasitoid and are involved in apparent competition. We show that parasitoid aggregation, and the switching effect that this can generate when hosts occur in separate patches, not only promotes persistence but is also strongly stabilizing. The broader consequences of these effects are discussed. Received: November 6, 1998 / Accepted: January 13, 1999  相似文献   

Myrmecophytes (ant–plants) have special hollow structures (domatia) in which obligate ant partners nest. As the ants live only on the plants and feed exclusively on plant food bodies, sap-sucking homopterans in the domatia, and/or the homopterans honeydew, they are suitable for the study of colony size regulation by food. We examined factors regulating ant colony size in four myrmecophytic Macaranga species, which have strictly species-specific association with Crematogaster symbiont ants. Intra- and interspecific comparison of the plants showed that the ant biomass per unit food biomass was constant irrespective of plant developmental stage and plant species, suggesting that the ant colony size is limited by food supply. The primary food offered by the plants to the ants was different among Macaranga species. Ants in Macaranga beccariana and Macaranga bancana relied on homopterans rather than food bodies, and appeared to regulate the homopteran biomass and, as a consequence, regulate the ants own biomass. In contrast, ants in Macaranga winkleri and Macaranga trachyphylla relied primarily on food bodies rather than homopterans, and the plants appeared to manipulate the ant colony size. Per capita plant investment in ants (ant dry weight plant dry weight–1) was different among the four Macaranga species. The homoptera-dependent M. beccariana and M. bancana harbored lower biomass of ants than the food-body dependent M. winkleri, suggesting that energy loss is involved in the homoptera-interposing symbiotic system which has one additional trophic level. The plants investment ratio to the ants generally decreased as plants grew. The evolution of the plant reward-offering system in ant–plant–homopteran symbioses is discussed with an emphasis on the role of homopterans.  相似文献   

We study the effects of freeze–thaw and irradiation on structure–property relations of trabecular bone. We measure the porosity, apparent density, mineral content, trabecular orientation, trabecular thickness, fractal dimension, surface area, and connectivity of trabecular bone using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and relate them to Young?s modulus and ultimate strength measured by uniaxial compression testing. The analysis is done on six-month porcine trabecular bone from femoral heads. The effects of freeze–thaw are studied by using bones from three different groups: fresh bone and bones frozen for one and five years. We find that the porosity and apparent density have most dominant influence on the elastic modulus and strength of fresh bone. Also, five years of freezing lowers both Young?s modulus and ultimate strength of trabecular bone. Additionally, the effects of radiation are investigated by comparing Young?s modulus before and after micro-CT exposure. We find that the micro-CT irradiation has a negligible effect on the Young?s modulus of trabecular bone. These findings provide insights on the effects of tissue preservation and imaging on properties of trabecular bone.  相似文献   

Studies evaluating agri‐environmental schemes (AES) usually focus on responses of single species or functional groups. Analyses are generally based on simple habitat measurements but ignore food availability and other important factors. This can limit our understanding of the ultimate causes determining the reactions of birds to AES. We investigated these issues in detail and throughout the main seasons of a bird's annual cycle (mating, postfledging and wintering) in a dry cereal farmland in a Special Protection Area for farmland birds in central Spain. First, we modeled four bird response parameters (abundance, species richness, diversity and “Species of European Conservation Concern” [SPEC]‐score), using detailed food availability and vegetation structure measurements (food models). Second, we fitted new models, built using only substrate composition variables (habitat models). Whereas habitat models revealed that both, fields included and not included in the AES benefited birds, food models went a step further and included seed and arthropod biomass as important predictors, respectively, in winter and during the postfledging season. The validation process showed that food models were on average 13% better (up to 20% in some variables) in predicting bird responses. However, the cost of obtaining data for food models was five times higher than for habitat models. This novel approach highlighted the importance of food availability‐related causal processes involved in bird responses to AES, which remained undetected when using conventional substrate composition assessment models. Despite their higher costs, measurements of food availability add important details to interpret the reactions of the bird community to AES interventions and thus facilitate evaluating the real efficiency of AES programs.  相似文献   

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