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N conjugative transfer system of plasmid pCU1.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The N-type oriT of plasmid pMUR274 was cloned on a 474-bp RsaI-SspI fragment, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. A comparison of the pMUR274 oriT sequence and the sequence of the oriTs of IncN plasmid pCU1 and IncW plasmid R388 demonstrated 57 and 28% identity, respectively. Intramolecular, site-specific recombination between the pCU1 oriT and the oriT of pMUR274 resulted in the formation of a hybrid oriT containing one half of each parental sequence. The junction point of the hybrid occurred within a 10-bp sequence, GCTATACACC, present in both parental sequences and represents the nic site of each oriT. Mutation of the first A or second T residue within the 10-bp junction sequence reduced transfer less than 20-fold, while mutation of either the second or third A residue reduced transfer over 1,000-fold. Site-specific recombination between a wild-type pCU1 oriT and these four mutant pCU1 oriTs demonstrated that nic lies between the second T and second A residues of the 10-bp junction sequence. Site-specific recombination between wild-type and mutant pCU1 oriTs also demonstrated that point mutations to the right of nic reduced both initiation and termination of transfer while point mutations to the left of nic reduced termination but had little or no effect on initiation. A 28-bp deletion within the AT-rich region 39 bases to the right of nic reduced both initiation and termination, while deletion of a 6-bp inverted repeat sequence at the right-most boundary of the minimal oriT region reduced initiation but not termination.  相似文献   

Bacteria expand their genetic diversity, spread antibiotic resistance genes, and obtain virulence factors through the highly coordinated process of conjugative plasmid transfer (CPT). A plasmid-encoded relaxase enzyme initiates and terminates CPT by nicking and religating the transferred plasmid in a sequence-specific manner. We solved the 2.3 Å crystal structure of the relaxase responsible for the spread of the resistance plasmid pCU1 and determined its DNA binding and nicking capabilities. The overall fold of the pCU1 relaxase is similar to that of the F plasmid and plasmid R388 relaxases. However, in the pCU1 structure, the conserved tyrosine residues (Y18,19,26,27) that are required for DNA nicking and religation were displaced up to 14 Å out of the relaxase active site, revealing a high degree of mobility in this region of the enzyme. In spite of this flexibility, the tyrosines still cleaved the nic site of the plasmid’s origin of transfer, and did so in a sequence-specific, metal-dependent manner. Unexpectedly, the pCU1 relaxase lacked the sequence-specific DNA binding previously reported for the homologous F and R388 relaxase enzymes, despite its high sequence and structural similarity with both proteins. In summary, our work outlines novel structural and functional aspects of the relaxase-mediated conjugative transfer of plasmid pCU1.  相似文献   

Plasmid genes or regions that are conditionally lethal to Escherichia coli have been called kil and those lethal to Klebsiella but not to E. coli have been called kik. Both classes of genes are found in or close to the N pilus region of the plasmid pCU1 and the closely related plasmid pKM101. Here we describe two new and overlapping lethal genes that are located between kikA and traA of the plasmid pCU1 and display host specificity. KilC is lethal in E. coli and Klebsiella while kikC is lethal only in Klebsiella. The previously identified korA gene is sufficient to override the lethality of kilC in trans or in cis but is insufficient to override kikC. kilC expression in E. coli leads to cell death accompanied by an increase in average cell length without affecting septum formation.  相似文献   

R1162 is efficiently comobilized during conjugative transfer of the self-transmissible plasmid R751. Bacteriophage M13 derivatives that contain two directly repeated copies of oriT, the site on R1162 DNA required in cis for mobilization, were constructed. Phage DNA molecules underwent recombination during infection of Escherichia coli, with the product retaining a single functional copy of oriT. Recombination was strand specific and depended on R1162 gene products involved in mobilization, but did not require the self-transmissible plasmid vector. Two genes were identified, one essential for recombination and the other affecting the frequency of recombination. Recombination of bacteriophage DNA could form the basis of a simple model for some of the events occurring during conjugation without the complexity of a true mating system.  相似文献   

The conjugative transfer (tra) genes of a 52-kilobase (kb) staphylococcal plasmid, pGO1, were localized by deletion analysis and transposon insertional inactivation. All transfer-defective (Tra-) deletions and Tn551 or Tn917 transposon insertions occurred within a 14.5-kb BglII fragment. Deletions and insertions outside this fragment all left the plasmid transfer proficient (Tra+). The tra region was found to be flanked by directly repeated DNA sequences, approximately 900 base pairs in length, at either end. Clones containing the 14.5-kb BglII fragment (pGO200) and subclones from this fragment were constructed in Escherichia coli on shuttle plasmids and introduced into Staphylococcus aureus protoplasts. Protoplasts could not be transformed with pGO200E (pGO200 on the staphylococcal replicon, pE194) or subclones containing DNA at one end of the tra fragment unless pGO1 or specific cloned tra DNA fragments were present in the recipient cell. However, once stabilized by sequences present on a second replicon, each tra fragment could be successfully introduced alone into other plasmid-free S. aureus recipients by conjugative mobilization or transduction. In this manner, two clones containing overlapping fragments comprising the entire 14.5-kb BglII fragment were shown to complement each other. The low-frequency transfer resulted in transconjugants containing one clone intact, deletions of that clone, and recombinants of the two clones. The resulting recombinant plasmid (pGO220), which regenerated the tra region intact on a single replicon, transferred at frequencies comparable to those of pGO1. Thus, all the genes necessary and sufficient for conjugative transfer of pGO1 are contained within a 14.5-kb region of DNA.  相似文献   

Boundaries of the nicking region for the F plasmid transfer origin, oriT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extent of the F plasmid oriT nicking region was determined from the properties of successive substitution mutations in the region from base pair 121 to base pair 174 and from KMnO4 probing of DNA structural distortions induced in vivo by tra gene products. Nicking and transfer assays indicated that the left margin of oriT Wes predominantly at the nick site, and that the nicking domain primarily lies within 17bp to the right of the nick. Some mutants that were proficient for nicking showed reduced frequencies of termination, indicating that oriT nicking does not guarantee efficient termination. DNA in the vicinity of the nick (G137, T138, G140, and T141 on the nicked strand) showed elevated sensitivity to KMnO4 when tra gene products were present in the donor. Bases C145, C146, C147, C149, and G150 on the un-nicked strand also became more sensitive to oxidation under tra+ conditions. The bases preferentially oxidized by KMnO4 lie within the nicking domain, as defined by the substitution mutants, and they include dinucleotides that can produce kinks in the DNA. Base pairs in the nicking region are calculated to be more thermodynamically stable than base pairs in the flanking regions.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the TraM protein of the conjugative plasmid F was cloned, overexpressed and the gene product was purified. The TraM protein was found in the cytoplasm of cells carrying the F plasmid with a smaller amount in the inner membrane. DNase I footprinting experiments showed that the purified protein protects three regions in the F oriT locus with different affinity for the upper and lower strands of DNA. A 15-nucleotide motif was identified within the protected regions that represented the DNA-binding site. The TraM protein was also found to bind to a sequence in the oriT region of the non-conjugative plasmid ColE1 that resembles the three binding sites in the F oriT region.  相似文献   

Cleavage at the F plasmid nic site within the origin of transfer (oriT) requires the F-encoded proteins TraY and TraI and the host-encoded protein integration host factor in vitro. We confirm that F TraY, but not F TraM, is required for cleavage at nic in vivo. Chimeric plasmids were constructed which contained either the entire F or R100-1 oriT regions or various combinations of nic, TraY, and TraM binding sites, in addition to the traM gene. The efficiency of cleavage at nic and the frequency of mobilization were assayed in the presence of F or R100-1 plasmids. The ability of these chimeric plasmids to complement an F traM mutant or affect F transfer via negative dominance was also measured using transfer efficiency assays. In cases where cleavage at nic was detected, R100-1 TraI was not sensitive to the two-base difference in sequence immediately downstream of nic, while F TraI was specific for the F sequence. Plasmid transfer was detected only when TraM was able to bind to its cognate sites within oriT. High-affinity binding of TraY in cis to oriT allowed detection of cleavage at nic but was not required for efficient mobilization. Taken together, our results suggest that stable relaxosomes, consisting of TraI, -M, and -Y bound to oriT are preferentially targeted to the transfer apparatus (transferosome).  相似文献   

Summary The origin of transfer (oriT) is the sequence within which conjugal transfer of plasmid DNA is initiated, and is absolutely required in cis for plasmid mobilization. We have cloned oriT from the 52 kb IncN plasmid R46 on a 600 bp fragment, and mapped the limits of the relevant sequence by deletion analysis and transposon mutagenesis. The nucleotide sequence of the oriT region contains 13 direct repeats of an 11 bp consensus sequence, 3 different pairs of 10 bp inverted repeats, and a segment that is extremely A-T rich. The direct repeats are within a region required for high frequency transfer and their sequence is such that their periodic alignment along the helix may induce curvature of the DNA. Analysis of Tn1725 insertions within the sequenced fragment of R46 revealed that, unlike most other transposons, transposition of Tn1725 can cause target sequence duplications of three different sizes.  相似文献   

The entire nucleotide sequence of the transfer region of IncI1 plasmid R64 was determined together with previously reported sequences. Twenty-two transfer genes, traE-Y and nuc, were newly identified in the present study. The protein products of 17 genes were detected by maxicell experiments or by the T7 RNA polymerase expression system. Mutagenesis experiments indicated that 16 genes were indispensable for R64 transfer both in liquid and on surfaces. In summary, the R64 transfer region located within an approximately 54 kb DNA segment was shown to encode the most complex transfer system so far studied. It contains at least 49 genes and may produce 58 different proteins as a result of shufflon DNA rearrangement and overlapping genes. Among the 49 genes, 23 tra, trb and nik genes have been shown to be indispensable for R64 conjugal transfer in liquid and on surfaces. Twelve additional pil genes are required only for liquid matings. The amino acid sequences of 10 R64 tra/trb products share similarity with those of the icm/dot products of Legionella pneumophila that are responsible for its virulence, suggesting that the R64 transfer and L. pneumophila icm/dot systems have evolved from a common ancestral genetic system.  相似文献   

We have characterized a previously unidentified gene, trbC, which is contained in the transfer region of the Escherichia coli K-12 fertility factor, F. Our data show that the trbC gene is located between the F plasmid genes traU and traN. The product of trbC was identified as a polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight (Ma) of 23,500 that is processed to an Ma-21,500 mature protein. When ethanol was present, the Ma-23,500 polypeptide accumulated; the removal of ethanol resulted in the appearance of the processed mature protein. Subcellular fractionation experiments demonstrated that the processed, Ma-21,500 mature protein was located in the periplasm. DNA sequence analysis showed that trbC encodes a 212-amino-acid Mr-23,432 polypeptide that could be processed to a 191-amino-acid Mr-21,225 mature protein through the removal of a typical amino-terminal signal sequence. We also constructed two different Kmr gene insertion mutations in trbC and crossed these onto the transmissible F plasmid derivative pOX38. We found that cells carrying pOX38 trbC mutant plasmids were transfer deficient and resistant to infection by F-pilus-specific phages. Transfer proficiency and bacteriophage sensitivity were restored by complementation when a trbC+ plasmid clone was introduced into these cells. These results showed that trbC function is essential to the F plasmid conjugative transfer system and suggested that the TrbC protein participates in F-pilus assembly.  相似文献   

The nick site at the origin of transfer, oriT, of IncI1 plasmid R64 was determined. A site-specific and strand-specific cleavage of the phosphodiester bond was introduced during relaxation of the oriT plasmid DNA. Cleavage occurred between 2'-deoxyguanosine and thymidine residues, within the 44-bp oriT core sequence. The nick site was located 8 bp from the 17-bp repeat. A protein appeared to be associated with the cleaved DNA strand at the oriT site following relaxation. This protein was observed to bind to the 5' end of the cleaved strand, since the 5'-phosphate of the cleaved strand was resistant to the phosphate exchange reaction by polynucleotide kinase. In contrast, the 3' end of the cleaved strand appeared free, since it was susceptible to primer extension by DNA polymerase I. The global similarity of the oriT structures of IncI1 and IncP plasmids is discussed.  相似文献   

A segment of R1162 DNA containing genes for conjugative mobilization (Mob) and the origin of transfer (oriT) was integrated into the Escherichia coli chromosome. Bacterial genes were transferred in a polar fashion during conjugative mobilization of the integrated segment by a self-transmissible plasmid vector. The direction of transfer, together with the properties of mutated derivatives of oriT, indicate that initial cleavage of oriT, and subsequent religation after transfer, entail different mechanisms that can be distinguished genetically.  相似文献   

Direction of conjugative transfer of IncI1 plasmid ColIb-P9.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The origin-of-transfer region of ColIb-P9 was inserted into a lambda prophage to give a bacterial chromosome mobilizable by the parental conjugative plasmid. The polarity of mobilization of chromosomal genes indicated that ColIb-P9 transfer is unidirectional, such that the transfer genes adjacent to oriT enter the recipient cell last.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence at the oriT region of the IncI1 plasmid R64 was determined. A recombinant plasmid carrying a 141-base-pair R64 sequence was mobilized with a normal frequency, while a plasmid carrying only 44 base pairs of this R64 sequence was mobilized with a frequency 1/10 that of the original plasmid. The oriT region of the R64 plasmid contains two inverted-repeat sequences.  相似文献   

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